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Annual Report of the Council for 2009
Front matter, Volume 129
General Index
general iNDEX
Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics
AS Anglo-Saxon
BA Bronze Age
EIA Early Iron Age
IA Iron Age
LBA Late Bronze Age
LIA Late Iron Age
MBA Middle Bronze Age
RB Romano-British
WWI World War I
WWII World War II
Ackolte, Thomas de 195
Acol, barrows 290, 307, 311
Addington Long Barrow 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347
Adisham, barrows 307
Adye, Peter 130
adze, Mesolithic 362
agriculture (farming)
Ash 381
Canterbury 355, 356
Downs 36
Kingsborough, LBA/EIA 93, 100
Monkton 358
Ramsgate, BA 336-7
Sevenoaks area 36-7, 42-3, 45, 47
aircraft debris, WWII 186
air defence, 20th-century 9-11, 13-14, 19, 20
air raid shelters 16-17, 17, 25-6
air raid warden posts 15, 16, 29
Albrincis, William de 195
Alchin, Thomas, miller 230
Aldridge, Neil, ‘Investigations at a pre-historic, Romano-British and early medieval site at Little New House Farm, Headcorn’ 173-90
Alford, Fanny (Frances) 248, 249
Alford, Henry, Dean of Canterbury 247-58
Allhallows, Shakespeare Pit 354
amber see beads
Amherst, Jeffrey 37, 46
Anderida 293
Anderson, Trevor see Moody, Gerald
Andrews, Dury and Herbert, map (1769) 231, 232
Andrus, Francis Sedley, obituary 436
Anglicus, Johannes 73
Anglo-Saxon/Saxon period
Ashford 377, 378
barrows and ring ditches 279, 283-4, 296, 303, 309
Canterbury, pit 356
Deptford area, inhumations 261
feasting utensil 356
Holmesdale, settlements 40
Minster, settlements 86
Monkton 358
Ringlemere, inhumations 363
settlement evidence 386-7
Shrubsoles Hill, settlement 85
see also Kingsborough Manor; pottery; sunken-featured buildings
animal bone
cattle horn cores 382
horse 355
sheep/goat 177, 336
Ashford 376, 378
Canterbury 69, 70, 356
Dover 198, 199, 203
Greenwich 366
Headcorn 176, 179
Kingsborough 88, 89
Medway megaliths 348
Ramsgate 164
Tonbridge 376
Appledore, on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392
aqueduct, Leybourne Stream watermill 225, 229, 236, 239-43, 244
Archaeology South-East 86, 382
archbishop’s palaces, on Gough map 392, 393, 394
Puma Power Plant 379-82
workhouse 381
Ashbee, Andrew, Snodland and District through Time, reviewed 419-20
Ashbee, Paul, obituary 433-6
Ashenbank Wood, Cobham 19, 29
cattle market 47
Foster Road 376-9
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392
Willesborough 372-3
Atlas Wharf, BA wooden structures 261
Aubry, Bruce, William Cuffay Medway’s Black Chartist, reviewed 410-12
Austin, Rupert, and Sheila Sweetinburgh, ‘“My painted chamber” and other rooms: Stephen Hulkes and the history of Calico House, Newnham’ 105-45
axes, BA 261, 271
Ayleswade 187
Bacchus, David, ‘The medieval origins of Phelip’s Lodge, Rochester, and its later development’ 207-24
Barber, M.J., A Man of Many Parts. Professor or Bishop? The Life of Edward Nares 1762-1841, reviewed 420
Barham, barrows 308
Barker-Benfield, B.C. (ed.), St August-ine’s Abbey, Canterbury, Corpus of British Medieval Library Cat-alogues 13, reviewed 401-2
barrow cemeteries 284-6, 287, 288, 291-2, 294, 297
super cemeteries 286, 289, 289
barrow groups 284-6, 287, 288, 291-2
Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 279, 283-4, 296, 309
disc- or saucer- 279
disposal of the dead 168-9
distribution patterns of round barrows 277-313
henge- (henge-type monuments) 281, 283, 297, 299-301
labour involved in cutting ring ditches 297-8
Monkton, Neolithic/BA 358
Neolithic 279, 283, 358
non-funerary mounds 281-2, 283, 303-5
pond- 279
population 294-6, 297
radiocarbon dating 283, 284, 298
Shrubsoles Hill 85
skeletal material 295
types of enclosures 281-3
Bayle, John 120
BA, amber spacer 90, 100
AS 363
Beaker period 293, 296, 358, 359; see also pottery
Bean 22
Bekesbourne, barrows 307, 312
Belgic tribes 187
Benenden 174
Berg, Mary, and Howard Jones, Norman Churches in the Canterbury Dio-cese, reviewed 403-4
Betsham 9, 10
Betteshanger, barrows 309
Beult river 174, 385-7, 389
Bewl river 385-7
Birchington, barrows 288, 306, 307, 310, 311, 312
bird bone 356
Bishopsbourne, barrows 308
Black Charles manor 41
Blackhall manor 41
blacksmithing waste 200, 203
Blue Bell Hill, megaliths 339, 340, 342, 347
Boclande, Robert de 196
Bodiam (Sussex) 174
Borstal 10
Bough Beech reservoir 57
Bourne, Henry 121
Bourne, John/James 122
Boys Hall, Sevington 378
Brad tributary 39, 40
Bradbourne 42, 51, 53, 56, 58
Brasted 53
Brasted Chart 45
Breeze, Andrew, note on the Celts and the River Beult 385-7
The Brent 9
brewing and breweries
Ash, brewery 381-2
Minster in Thanet 331
brewing and breweries (cont.)
Newnham, brew house 130, 137
Sevenoaks 47, 50, 52
brickearth 38
bricks and brickmaking
carved panels 124, 125
Greenwich 366
Rochester, inscribed 215, 217, 221
Roman 326, 330
Sevenoaks area 38-9, 42, 47, 48, 57
Bridge, cremation urns 161, 162, 303
Brigges, Christopher 131
Brindley, James 244, 245
Broadstairs, barrows 169, 280, 288, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306-7
Mid Kent College and Lower Lines 363
Sally port, Royal School of Military Engineering 364
Bronze Age (Early, Middle, Late)
Ash 380
Ashford 376, 377, 378
axes 261, 271
Brompton 364
Dartford 382
Deptford, Deals Gateway site 259-75
distribution patterns of round barrows 277-313
Dover 371
Greenwich Wharf, peat deposits 366
Lynsted, settlement 363
Minster 86
Monkton 358, 359
Otford, burial ground 40
palstaves, MBA 85, 183, 358
population 293-6, 297
Shrubsoles Hill 85
Sutton, single farmsteads 293
trackways 261, 337
Willesborough 372
see also barrows; burnt flint mound; cremation burials; Deptford; flint; Kingsborough Manor; pottery
brooches, AS 363
Brooke, Francis 231
Brooksend, barrows 290, 306
Bucklands, Dover, barrow 280, 303
building materials, Sevenoaks area 36, 37-9, 42, 45
beaker 281, 358
crouched 281, 283, 358
Roman 261, 355
AS/Saxon 261
Monkton 358
Ringlemere 363
Dartford, 7th-8th century 382
Maidstone 370
see also cemeteries; cremation burials
burnt flint mound, MBA 261, 263, 271-2
charcoal 269-71
radiocarbon dating 263, 265, 268-9, 272
struck flint 261, 263, 267, 271
Bushel, John 381
Bynnee 393
Caen stone, cresset lamps 197, 198, 200-1
Camden, Lord (Marquess) 43
prehistoric 355, 356
Roman 68-9
shrine/mausoleum 355
town wall 357
Anglo-Saxon 69, 356
medieval 69-71, 355, 356, 357
post-medieval 71-2, 356, 357
animal bone 69, 70, 356
Augustine House, Rhodaus Town 355-6
Barton Mill 230
Becket’s shrine 389
music 251-3
restoration 255-6
Christ Church Priory 355-6
Christ Church University Sports Centre 356
Church Lane 357
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393
Kings School, St Augustine’s Abbey 356-7
Longport conduit 356
Old Dover Road 355
quadrans novus 65-82
St Mary’s Church, Northgate 357
No.1 Westgate Grove 357
Wymer archive 354
Canterbury Archaeological Trust 105, 191, 225, 355-6
Castle Hill see Folkestone
castles, on Gough map 392-3
causewayed enclosures, Neolithic see Kingsborough Manor
BA burial ground 40
IA, inhumations 358
RB, cremations 337
Cliffs End 96
Minster 86
medieval, Maidstone 370
post-medieval, Canterbury 357
see also barrow cemeteries
Chadborne, William, vicar 119
Charing, on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392, 393
charters, Dover 194-5
Chartland 36, 40, 41, 42-3, 45
Chatham Dockyard 45, 363
Chaucer, Geoffrey 78
Cheney, Sir Thomas 121
Chestnuts chamber 339, 341, 342-3, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348
Chevening 36, 42
Chevening Park (Place) 43, 46
Chiddingstone, Stonewall Park 354
Chipstead 51, 53
bridge 39, 41
Chipstead Lake 56, 57
Christian, Ewan, architect 255-6
Church of England, Victorian 247-58
churches and chapels
Canterbury 356, 357
Maidstone, chapel 370
Sevenoaks area 40, 52
civil defences, Thameside 1-33
Claxfield Farm, Lynsted 363
clay tobacco pipes 197
Cliffe, decoy site 19
Cliffe Fort 6, 7, 10
Cliffs End Farm, nr Ramsgate 96
‘clunch’ 37, 362, 370
Coalhouse Fort (Essex) 6, 7, 11, 21
Ashenbank Wood 19, 29
20th-century defences 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29
Cobham Park, Cobham 368
Coffin Stone 339, 341, 342, 346, 346, 347
coin hoards, Roman 85
Roman 173, 175, 176, 178, 185, 186, 315, 329, 355
medieval 363
Coldrum Long Barrow 339, 341, 342, 343, 343, 346, 347, 348
Coldswood Farm, RB site 335, 337
Cold War, military and civil defences 3, 5, 26-8, 29
Connaught Barracks, Dover 371
corn driers (corn-drying ovens), Roman 330, 373
countermine galleries 363
Crampton, Thomas 50
Crayford 10, 20, 354
Cray river 25
cremation burials
Neolithic, Medway megaliths 343
Deptford, LBA 262, 263-4, 265, 267-71, 273
Kingsborough 85, 90, 92, 99, 100
Monkton 358
Ramsgate, LBA 147-72
ring ditches 281, 283
IA and RB
Deptford area 261
Headcorn cemeteries 175, 179, 180, 181
Kingsborough 85, 93, 96
Monkton 358
cresset lamps, Caen stone 197, 198, 200-1
Crow, Edward, Faversham, A New History. Historical gleanings relat-ive to the town of Faversham and parishes adjoining, reviewed 412-14
currency bar, LIA 85
Dane Valley, barrows 290
Darent river 24, 25, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 57
crossings 39, 40, 41, 389, 391
Darenth 15, 25
air-raid shelters 14
East and West Hills 7, 9, 17
Dartford (cont.)
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392
Holy Trinity School, excavation 382-3
Lowfield Street drill hall 8
military and civil defences 1-33
Overy Street 15
Vickers Factory 12, 19
Wymer’s notebook 354
Dartford Heath 12, 19, 20, 27, 29
Davington, church 118
Davington Priory, Benedictine nunnery 118, 119-20, 121, 122
decontamination facilities 15, 16, 29
deer park 42
Defence of Kent Project 1
Dekker, Elly see Linklater, Andrew
Delaune, Col. William 139
Denne, Walter de 196
Denton, gun batteries 13, 14, 20
Deptford, Deals Gateway, BA features 259-75
MBA burnt flint mound 261, 263, 271-2
charcoal 269-71
radiocarbon dating 263, 265, 268-9, 272
LBA cremation burial 262, 263-4, 271, 273
charcoal 269-71
human bone 267-8
radiocarbon dating 263-4, 265, 268-9
axes 261, 271
gravel islands 261, 263, 264, 273
peat-filled channel 262, 265-6, 268-9, 273
peat formation, Roman 269, 273
plant remains 262
pollen 262-3, 262, 269, 273
postholes 263, 267, 269, 270
pottery 266-7
radiocarbon dating 263-4, 265, 267, 268-9, 272, 273
Deptford Bridge 261
Deptford Creek, mills 261
Dickens, Charles 66, 385, 386
Leybourne mill 230
Ship Service 194
Douces Manor 231
Dour valley 293
Castle 191, 192, 193, 194, 202, 203
Castle Hill Road 193-4
charters 194-5
Connaught Barracks 371
20th-century defences 2
on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392
Laureston Place, Castle Hill 191-205
animal bone 198, 199, 203
blacksmithing waste 200, 203
boundary ditch (undated) 197, 202
Caen stone cresset lamps 197, 198, 200-1
clay pipes 197
fish bone 198, 203
iron key, medieval 198, 199, 200
iron slag 198, 200
marine shell 198, 199, 203
peg-tiles 197
pits 198-9, 202-3
plant remains 198
pottery 197, 198, 199, 202, 203
prehistoric flint 199
smoothing stone 201-2
terraces 199, 202
liberty 194-5
mill 195
Priory 195, 196
St James’s church 196, 202
St Martin’s church 196
Townwall Street 199, 201
Upmarket (and ward) 193, 194, 203
wards 194-5, 196, 197
see also Bucklands; Ringwould
Draper, Gillian, Rye: A History of a Sussex Cinque Port to 1660, reviewed 398-400
Draper, Gillian, and Frank Meddens, The Sea and the Marsh. The medieval Cinque Port of New Romney revealed through archaeo-logical excavations and historical research, reviewed 397-8
droveways 95, 188, 358, 376
the Chartland 40, 41
Dry Hill quarry 38
Dumpton Down, barrows 298
Dumpton Gap, Broadstairs, barrow 280, 304
‘Dunstrete’ 289
Dunton Green 55, 56, 56, 57, 58
eagle and the sun 78
East Kent (Thanet) Access Project 368-9
East Tilbury 7
Eastry, barrows 308, 312
Ebbsfleet stream 16
Elmeston, Erasmus 131
Elmley island 390, 391
Erith 354
Green Level Pumping Station 365
Express Wharf 261
Eynsford 40
Eythorne, barrows 312
farm buildings, Cobham 368
BA 293
Roman 373, 381
Farningham 7, 15, 354
Abbey (and abbot) 118, 120
on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392
Fawkham 354
feasting utensil, copper alloy, AS 356
Fellows, Revd Edward 252
fibula, bronze, Roman 187, 189
field systems
late prehistoric-RB 34, 85, 93, 337
Monkton, LBA 358
medieval, Ashford 378
Fiennes, Celia 41
Finglesham, barrows 308, 312
fire insurance wall mark 221, 223
fired clay 95, 176, 177, 178
fish bone 198, 203, 356
flax 99
flint (worked, struck)
Middle Palaeolithic 362
Mesolithic 183, 379
Neolithic 88, 89-90
Neolithic-BA 261, 263, 267, 271
Late Neolithic/EBA 334
BA 183, 379
LBA 334, 336
mining and preparation 379
prehistoric 183, 197, 199, 355, 356
Tonbridge 376
Willesborough 373
see also burnt flint mound
flint, as building material 37, 45
Foche, William 196
Folkestone, Castle Hill, barrows 280, 302
Fordwich 354
Foreness Point, barrows 290
Fort Halstead 54, 56, 57
four-post structures, IA 93, 95, 99
Frindsbury 354
Frittenden Church 187
BA 269
Roman 331
fuel ash slag 95
Fylkes, John 120
Gardner, William 381
gavelkind 42
GHQ Stop Line 21-4, 22, 29
Gillingham 354
glass, RB 96
Gough, Richard, map 387-95
Grain 7
island on Gough map 390, 391
granaries 95
gravel extraction 38, 57
air-raid shelters 14
airfield 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29
20th-century civil and military defence 8, 9, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29
control centres 27, 28
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392
Grange Road 12
Harmer Street 15
King’s Farm 16
Milton Barracks 8, 11, 12, 25, 27
Milton Road drill hall 8
Old Road West 17
Whitehall Place 11
Windmill Hill 9
Gravesham, military and civil defences 1-33
Greatness(e) 42
brickworks 39
council houses and cemetery 53, 55
mill and pond 40, 47, 53
road 46
Green Street Green 19, 20, 27, 29
20th-century defence 15, 22, 27
Knockhall 15
Stone Castle Pit 354
Greenwich, National Maritime Mus-eum 365-6
Greenwich Market, Greenwich Church Street 367
Greenwich Wharf 366-7
Grover, Daniel 47-8
Guzzlebrook 40
Hake, Robert 252, 256
Halfway House 85
Halstead 45
hammerscale 198, 200, 376
Hammond, Stephen, ‘Bronze Age features, including a burnt mound, at Deals Gateway (former Deptford Pumping Station), Deptford’ 259-75
Hann, Andrew, The Medway Valley: a Kent landscape transformed, reviewed 406-8
Hartley, searchlight 10
Hartsland 38, 39
church 118
island on Gough map 390, 391
Hasted, Edward (1798 map) 43, 44, 45, 116, 231
Hawley, James 231, 245
hazelnut shells 89, 98
Headcorn, Little New House Farm site 173-90
early prehistoric 173, 187
prehistoric, lithic material 183
MBA palstave 183
Iron Age
ditch 178, 187
pottery 178, 179, 181
round-house 175, 178, 181, 182, 187
Roman/RB 173, 174, 174, 176, 181, 186, 187
cremation cemetery 175, 179, 180, 181
human bone, cremated 176, 179, 181, 188-90
iron slag and ironworking 176, 181, 186, 187
military belt plate 178, 183-4, 183, 187
pottery 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 186-7, 188-9
structures 177-8, 179
stud 184-5, 185
weights 176, 186-7
medieval 175, 179
WWII aircraft debris 186
animal bone 176, 177, 179
burnt clay 178-9
fired clay (ovens/kilns?) 176, 177, 178
BA 376, 378
medieval 371, 373
hemp and hemp barns 195
henge monuments (henge-barrows) 281, 283, 297, 299-301
Herne Bay 354
Herries family 43, 45
Higham, 20th-century defences 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 24, 25
hill fort, IA 40
Hillingdon, Lord 53
Hitchings, Guy, Speldhurst Church: its story and its windows, reviewed 418-19
Hogben, Brian M., ‘Henry Alford, Dean of Canterbury (1857-71), and the Victorian Church of England’ 247-58
Holborough, barrows 280, 300
Hollins Bottom, barrows 290
Holmesdale, Vale of 36, 38, 40, 42-3, 45
Holocene landscape 369
Home Guard 21, 24-5, 27, 28
Honor Oak Park Sports Ground, Lewis-ham 367-8
Honywood, Fraser 231
hook, iron 177
hop growing 130
Horns Cross 13
Dartford, medieval leper 382
Maidstone 370
Sevenoaks 52-3
Hulkes, Elizabeth 135-6
Hulkes (Hulse) family 105, 135, 136, 139; see also Hulse
Hulkes, Johan, wife of Stephen 124, 131, 135
Hulkes, John 128, 131, 133, 135, 139
Hulkes, Stephen 105-6, 116, 122-31
Hulkes, Stephen (?son) 128
Hulkes, Thomas 128, 131, 135, 139
Hulse, Charles 136, 139
Hulse, Edward 139
Hulse, Elizabeth 137, 138
Hulse, John (d.1682) 133-4, 136-9
Hulse, John (d.1713; son of Nathaniel) 136, 138
Hulse, John (son of Charles) 136
Hulse, Nathaniel 136, 138, 139
Hulse, Strensham 139
human skeletal remains
Neolithic megaliths 342, 343, 348
BA barrows 295
LBA cremation, Ramsgate 147, 149, 153, 154-5, 157, 158, 160, 162-9
Roman, cremated 176, 179, 181, 188-90
Swanscombe skull 350, 351, 354
Hythe, on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392
Ightham 354
Iron Age
Ash 380
Ashford 376, 377, 378
Aylesford, cemetery 340
Brompton 364
currency bar 85
Dartford 382
Deptford area, pit 261
Monkton, settlement and cemetery 358
Otford hill fort 40
Shrubsoles Hill, settlement 85
West Cliff, Ramsgate 170
Willesborough 373
see also Headcorn; Kingsborough Manor; pottery
iron-pan concretion (iron deposits) 174-5, 187
iron slag
MIA 95
RB 176, 181, 187
medieval 198, 200
iron smelting 175, 181
MIA 95
RB/Roman, Headcorn 173, 174, 185, 186, 187
Roman, Swanscombe 373
Isidore of Seville 78
Jones, Thomas Evance, organist 252
Joyce Green, airfield 9, 10
Kemsing 36, 51
Kent Archaeological Society 105
Kettleswell, droveway 40
key, medieval, iron 198, 199, 200
Killick, Sian, note on the Neolithic landscape and experience: the Medway megaliths 339-49
Killingray, David, ‘Influences shaping the human landscape of the Seven-oaks area since c.1600’ 35-64
kiln, pottery 71-2; see also under Minster in Thanet, Abbey Farm Roman villa
Kimpton (Hants), BA vessel 161, 162
Kingsborough Manor, Isle of Sheppey 83-103
Neolithic causewayed enclosures 85, 86, 87, 88-90, 93, 96, 98, 100
plant remains 98
pottery 88, 89, 92, 98
radiocarbon dating 89
stone axe 89
Bronze Age 90-3, 91, 100
cremation cemeteries 90, 92, 99, 100
plant remains 99
pottery 90, 92, 93, 95, 100
radiocarbon dating 90, 92
Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age 93
Iron Age 93-5, 94
cremation/pyre deposit 93, 99
enclosures 93, 95
four-post structures 93, 95, 99
pottery 93, 95
radiocarbon dating 93
Middle Iron Age
droveway 95
ironworking and iron slag 95
nine-post structure 95
Romano-British 94, 95-6
cremations 96
Kingsborough Manor, Sheppey
Romano-British (cont.)
droveways 95
field system 95
glass bottle 96
plant remains 99
pottery 95, 96
Roman coin hoard 85
Anglo-Saxon 96, 97
pottery 95, 96
radiocarbon dating 96
shellfish dump 96
sunken-featured building 96, 100
medieval and later 97, 98, 100
field system 98
plant remains 99
pottery 98
animal bone 88, 89
charcoal 98, 99
plant remains and pollen 98-9
radiocarbon dating 89, 90, 92, 93, 96
Kingston, barrows 308
Kippington 42, 43, 51, 52, 55, 56
Kits Coty House 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347
Knockholt 46
great house 37, 42, 52
manor 41
Knole Paddock 57
Knole Park 42, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60
Lambard[e], Thomas 42, 46
lamps see cresset lamps
land drains, post-medieval 382
Langdon, barrows 309, 312
Lavender, Thomas, miller 231
Lawson, Terence, note on the details of Kent shown on the Gough map 387-95
Leeds castle/priory, on Gough map 388, 389, 391, 392
Len tributary 389
Lewisham, Honor Oak Park Sports Ground 367-8
Leybourne Grange 230
Leybourne Manor 230
Leybourne Stream watermill 225-46
aqueduct 225, 229, 236, 239-43, 244
leats and ditches 225, 235, 239, 243, 244, 245
mill pond 225, 230, 231, 233, 244, 245
wheel 233-5, 245
Leysdown, coin hoard 85
Lillechurch 24
lime works 37
Linklater, Andrew, and Elly Dekker, ‘The discovery of a quadrans novus at the House of Agnes, St Dunstan’s Street, Canterbury’ 65-82
linseed 99
Little Farningham 174
Little Kits Coty 339, 341, 342, 343, 345, 347
Littlebrook 5
Livesey, Gabriel 122, 128
Lodge Hill naval ammunition stores 9
Abbey of St Mary Graces 230
Quebec Chapel 250, 252
St Botolph’s without Bishopsgate 43
London Air Defence Area 9, 12
London Defence Positions 7
long house, Neolithic 347
Longfield 25
Longford, bridge 39, 41
Longford Mill 53
Longhurst, William, organist 252
loom weight, BA 363
Lord of the Manor, Ramsgate, barrows 280, 281, 297, 299-304, 310
Lovelace, William, lawyer 121
Lower Greensand 36
Luddesdown 14, 19
Lullingstone Roman Villa, Eynsford 40, 364
Lynsted, Claxfield Farm 363
MacDougall, Philip (ed.), Chatham Dockyard, 1815-1865. The indust-rial transformation, reviewed 414-15
Macpherson-Grant, Nigel see Moody, Gerald
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393
St Peter’s Church 370
St Peter’s Wharf 370
Manston, barrow 280, 298
Margate 291
barrows 288, 306, 307, 311
see also Northdown
Mari, John de 196
marine shells 69, 70, 198, 199, 203
shellfish dump, AS 96
Marley Tile Company 57
Martin, David and Barbara, Rye Rebuilt: Regeneration and decline within a Sussex Cinque Port Town, 1350-1660, reviewed 398-400
Maunsell, Guy 25
mausoleum, Roman 355
Maylam, Richard (ed.), Percy Maylam’s The Kent Hooden Horse, reviewed 417-18
medieval period
Ashford 378
Canterbury 69-71, 355, 356, 357
coins 363
Dartford 382
Deptford area 261
Greenwich Market 367
Greenwich Wharf tide mill 366
lead seal matrix 179
Lynsted 363
Maidstone 370
Monkton 358, 361, 362
Orpington Hospital 379
Rochester, Phelip’s Lodge 207-24
roof tile 337
Tonbridge 374
Weavering 371
Willesborough 373
see also Dover, Laureston Place; Headcorn; Newnham; pottery; quadrans novus
Medway megaliths, Neolithic 339-49
animal bone 348
human remains 342, 343, 348
intervisibility 339-40, 341, 347
on Gough map? 389
orientation and axis 346
restricted views 343-6
Medway river 2, 340, 342, 343, 346, 348-9
crossing points 389, 391, 392
locks 45
megaliths see Medway megaliths
Meopham 17
flint 183, 358, 379
Ringlemere 362
tools 261
Ashford, LBA 378
Tonbridge 376
Metaphysical Society 256
Miles, Alec, obituary 437
military belt plate, Roman 178, 183-4, 183, 187
military and civil defences, 20th-century 1-33
Mills, Thomas, vicar 135
Canterbury mill house 357
Deptford Creek 261
Dover 195
Greenwich 366
Leybourne Stream 225-46
Sevenoaks area 40, 47
millstone, Roman 321, 328
Milton Barracks, Gravesend 8, 11, 12, 25, 27
Milton Range 8, 8
Milton Rifle Range 13, 29
Minnis Bay, barrows 288, 289-90, 306
Abbey 86, 121
Anglo-Saxon period 86
barrows 289, 310, 311
coin hoard 85
LBA/EIA enclosure 86
MBA artefacts from foreshore 85
Minster in Thanet 86
Minster in Thanet, Abbey Farm Roman villa, Building 7 kiln or oven structure 315-32
brewing/breweries 331
brick or tile 326, 330
Building 6: 330
coins 315, 329
corn-drying ovens 330-1
fuel 331
gully features 324-6, 329
nails 324
plant remains 323
post-built structures (barn or shed) 326-9, 331
pottery 315, 324, 326, 329, 331
quern/millstone 321, 328
Minster in Thanet, Roman villa (cont.)
water supply 331
Neolithic 358, 359
BA 161, 162, 358, 359
barrow replica 297
round barrows 280, 289, 299, 310, 358
IA 358, 359
Roman 358, 360
AS 358
medieval 358, 361, 362
Thanet Earth 357-62
Montreal House 43
Montreal Park 37, 46, 55, 56
Moody, Gerald, ‘The Roman villa complex at Abbey Farm, Minster in Thanet. Part 7: Building 7, a late Roman kiln and post-built structures’ 315-32
Moody, Gerald, Nigel MacPherson-Grant and Trevor Anderson, ‘Later Bronze Age cremation at West Cliff, Ramsgate’ 147-72
Mortimer, Ian, The Dying and the Doctors: the medical revolution in seventeenth-century England, reviewed 405-6
Mudge’s map (1801) 231
Munich Crisis 14-15, 29
Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) 365-71, 372, 373, 374, 379
musketry training 7-8
Nailbourne valley 293
nails 177, 190, 198, 324
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 365-6
barrows 279, 283, 358
long house 347
Medway megaliths 339-49
Monkton 358
trackways 261
Willesborough 372
see also Kingsborough Manor
Netherhale Farm 161, 162
New Tavern Fort, Gravesend 6-7, 6, 11, 13, 28, 29
Newenham, Fulk de 118, 122
Newenham, Hugh de 118
Calico House, medieval origins 105-45
church 117-19, 122, 136
Newnham Court sand mines 371
Newnham Park, Weavering 371
nine-post structures
MIA 95
AS, Monkton 358
Northbourne, barrows 308
Northdown, Margate, barrows 280, 288, 301, 306, 311
North Downs 36, 45, 47, 54
megaliths 340, 343, 346, 347, 348-9
Northfleet 354
Bowater’s Paper Mill 13
20th-century defences 5, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29
minewatchers’ post 21, 23, 29
Red Lion Wharf 25
Northumberland Bottom 13, 14, 20, 27
Norwood Manor 85, 86, 100
Nouaille family 40, 47
nunnery see Davington Priory
Okingfold, Thomas 120-1
Orpington Hospital, Sevenoaks Road 379
Ospringe, on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394
Otford 36
archbishop’s palace 38, 40
BA burial ground 40
bridge 39
on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392, 393
housing development 51
IA hill fort 40
Otterden, parsonage 122
ovens/kilns 176, 178
ovens, medieval 261
Oxford Archaeology 86
Oxney, Isle of 391
Ozengell, Ramsgate, barrows 284, 290, 296, 310
Pack, Thomas 119
archaeology 350-4
flake 362
Palmer, Samuel 45
Palmerston, Lord 250-1
palstaves, MBA 85, 183, 358
Panthurst Park 42, 45
paper mills, paper making 40, 47, 52
Parfitt, Keith, ‘The medieval Upmarket ward of Dover: archaeological evidence from Laureston Place, Castle Hill’ 191-205
Park Place 46
peg-tiles 70, 71, 197, 215, 220, 371
Pegwell, barrows 290
Pegwell Bay 354
Perkins, Dave, ‘The distribution patterns of Bronze Age round barrows in north-east Kent’ 277-313
Peters Village, Wouldham 369-70
Pfyffers, Theodore 256
Phelips (Phillips), Walter 207
Philippa of Hainault 393
Pike, Geoffrey, and Michael Crux, History in a City Street: St Margaret’s, Canterbury, reviewed 419
Pilgrim’s Way 389, 394
pillboxes 21, 24, 29
Pipe Line Under the Ocean (PLUTO) 26
Beult and Bewl 385-7
the Chartland 36
Newnham 118
quarries 38
plant remains
Ashford 376, 378
Canterbury, AS 356
Deptford 262
Dover 198
Kingsborough Manor 98-9
Minster in Thanet, Roman 323
Tonbridge 376
West Cliff, Ramsgate 155
Pleistocene gravel 365
Polebrook Farm 43
Polhill 46
Deptford 262-3, 262, 269, 273
Kingsborough 98
prehistoric 169-70, 290, 356, 383
Neolithic 169, 267, 342, 343
Mildenhall or Decorated 89
BA 90, 92, 93, 95, 100, 169, 267, 376
Beaker 279, 281, 283
Bucket Urns 283
Deverel-Rimbury 151, 152-3, 152, 157, 161-2, 169-70, 283
flint tempered 266-7, 334, 336
Ramsgate, LBA cremation 147, 149, 152, 153-5, 154, 156, 157-62, 163, 164-70
IA/LIA 93, 95, 169, 170, 178, 179, 181, 324, 329
‘Belgic’ style/Early Roman 169, 170, 178, 179
RB/Roman 69, 95, 96, 169, 170, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 186-7, 188-9, 315, 324, 329, 331, 337, 355, 371, 376, 382-3
amphora 337
coarse greyware 337
‘East Sussex ware’ 176
Gallo Belgic Terra Nigra 170
Greyware 188
Late Roman Oxfordshire colour-coated ware 170
Patchgrove-type 186-7, 188, 189
Redware 189
samian 177, 178, 179, 186, 198
Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 69, 95, 96, 326, 355, 356, 378
Middle to Late Saxon sandy greyware 96
medieval 70, 71, 72, 98, 169, 170, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 382-3
Canterbury Tyler Hill sandy ware 170
Tyler Hill ware 337
post-medieval 169, 197
pottery wasters, post-medieval 71-2
Powell, Andrew B.
note on a late prehistoric enclosure and field system at Haine Road, Ramsgate 334-9
note on preserving the John Wymer archive 350-4
Pratt, Simon, Peter Seary and Sheila Sweetinburgh, ‘The mill on the Leybourne Stream and its water management in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries’ 225-46
Pre-Construct Archaeology 379
Canterbury 355, 356
Express Wharf 261
Greenwich Wharf 366-7
palaeolithic archaeology 350-4
Ramsgate, enclosure and field system 334-9
see also flint; Headcorn; pottery
Profatius Judeus 73, 74
Pugin, Augustus Welby 249, 255
Puma Power Plant, Ash 379-82
pyre debris, BA
Deptford 263, 268, 269, 273
Kingsborough 90, 93, 99
Ramsgate 165, 167-8
quadrans novus, medieval 70, 72-80
quarries 37, 38, 47, 98
Quarry Hill 38
Queenborough Castle 387, 391, 392, 393-4
Neolithic 88, 89
IA 261
RB/Roman 96, 179
radiocarbon dating
Ashford 378
barrows 283, 284, 298
Deptford 263, 265, 267, 268-9, 273
Kingsborough Manor 89, 90, 92, 93, 96
West Cliff, Ramsgate 155, 157, 162
ragstone, Kentish rag 36, 37-8, 42, 43
railways 3, 35, 36, 38-9, 46, 47, 48-50, 51, 54, 58
railway track 370
barrows 306, 307, 310, 311
Chalk Hill, Neolithic pottery 89
Haine Road 334-9
enclosure, late prehistoric 334-7
field system 337
flint, Late Neolithic/EBA 334
medieval 337
pottery vessel, BA 334, 336
RB 337
Manston Road, settlement 335, 336, 337
West Cliff LBA cremation 147-72
animal bone 164
human remains 147, 149, 153, 154-5, 157, 158, 160, 162-9
IA activity 170
mound or cairn 149, 168, 169
pit deposits 149, 153-7, 158-60, 162-4
plant remains 155
radiocarbon dating 155, 157, 162
ring ditch (gully) 147, 149-53, 157-8, 168, 169
Roman ditch (B) 149, 151, 158, 170
see also Lord of the Manor
Ravensbourne river 259, 261, 271, 389
Reculver 354
Red House Farm, late prehistoric site 335, 337
Richborough 354
ring ditches
BA 278-9, 281
labour involved in cutting 297-8
Saxon 283-4
types of enclosures 281-3
see also Ramsgate, West Cliff
Ringlemere, Woodnesborough 362-3
Ringwould, Dover 165, 280, 282, 283, 302, 308, 312
river defences, 20th-century 5-7, 11, 21-5
Riverhead 56, 57
rivers and streams 39-40
roads 45-6, 54, 58-60
Roman 174, 187-8, 368, 373
Robertsbridge (Sussex) 389
bridge 389
Cathedral 207, 214
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, 392
Phelip’s Lodge, medieval origins 207-24
St Andrew’s Priory 213-14, 221
Roman/Romano-British period
Ash 380-1
burials 261, 355
Canterbury 68-9, 355, 357
coin hoards 85
Deptford area 261
Express Wharf 261
ironworking 173, 185, 186, 187, 313
Lullingstone villa 364
Monkton 358, 360
peat formation 269, 273
Roman/Romano-British period (cont.)
Ramsgate area, settlement and farm-ing 337
Ringlemere, boundary ditches 363
Sevenoaks area 40
Swanscombe 373
temple 340
tile and brick dumps 364
West Cliff, Ramsgate 149, 151, 158, 170
see also coins; cremation burials; Headcorn; Minster in Thanet; pottery; roads; villas
Romney, on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392
Romney Marsh 391
hemp 195
roof structures, medieval and later 207, 209-13, 215, 220, 221
roof tiles
Roman 329, 330
medieval 337
roofing slates 39
Rother river 391
round barrows (BA), distribution patterns 277-313
BA 376
IA 175, 178, 181, 182, 187
Rowley, Chris, The Lost Powder Mills of Leigh, reviewed 408-10
Ruderman, Arthur, obituary 437-8
St Julian’s (gentry house) 43
St Margaret’s, barrows 308-9
St Nicholas at Wade, barrows 280, 290, 305
St Peter’s Wharf, Maidstone 370
saltworking mounds 86
sand pits 38
Sandwich, on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392
Sare, Ady 122, 128
Saxo-Norman, Dartford 382
Schuster, Jorn, ‘The Neolithic to post-medieval archaeology of Kingsbor-ough, Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey: from monuments to fields’ 83-103
Seal Hollow Road 41, 46
seal matrix, lead, medieval 179
Seary, Peter see Pratt, Simon
almshouses 37
Bat and Ball 49, 50, 55
Bligh’s, High Street 47
Bradbourne Farm 42
Bradbourne Park Road 51
building materials 37-9
Chantry 42
cinemas 53
Cramptons Road gas works 49
20th-century defences 11
Golding Road 48
High Street 43, 58, 60
Hitchen Hatch Lane 48, 57
hospitals 52-3
human landscape of area 35-64
‘le Vyne’ 41
Lime Tree Walk 48
market place 40-1
Mount Harry Road 51
Oak Lane pumping station 50
Otford Road brickworks 47, 48
parish 41-8
The Red House 42
Rockdale 56
St Julian’s 37-8
St Nicholas church 37, 41, 42, 60
schools 53-4, 57
Solefields 55, 56
Suffolk Terrace 47
Tub’s Hill 48, 49, 50, 52, 57
The Vine 52, 53, 60
Woodside Road 51
Sevenoaks Park 42
Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve 57
Shaftesbury, Lord 250-1
Sheerness 7
Shene, Robert, vicar 121
Sheppey 354
geology 85
on Gough map 390, 391, 393-4
see also Kingsborough Manor
Shoreham 40
bridge 39
memorial 54
mill 40, 47
railway 49
barrow 280, 303
20th-century defences 3, 17, 22, 25, 27, 29
Shorne (cont.)
Laughing Water 19
Shornemead Fort 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 20, 23, 26, 28, 29
Shottendane Valley, barrows 291
shrines, Roman 355, 373
Shrubsoles Hill 85, 92, 93
sickle, MBA 85
silk mill 40, 47
Silvertown, Neolithic trackway 261
Singlewell 9, 10
Sittingbourne, on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 392, 394
slag, metalworking 376; see also iron slag
Slough Fort, Allhallows 7
Smarden/Romden ironworking site 174
Smith, Victor T.C., ‘Kent’s twentieth-century military and civil defences: part 1 - Thameside’ 1-33
smoothing stone 201-2
South Shields (Tyne and Wear), Roman belt 184, 184
Southfleet 9, 22, 25
spearhead, MBA 85
Springhead, Ebbsfleet 354
Stanhope, Earl of 43, 46
steelyard weight, lead 176, 186
Stirrup, Thomas 231
Stone 25
Stonehenge 291, 292
Stonepitts quarry 38
Stour river 357, 389, 391
Stour valley 293
Strahan, Alexander 248, 253
Strood 15
stud, copper alloy, Roman 184-5, 185
Stukeley, William 279, 340, 342
Sturry 354
bridge 41
mill and pond 40, 47, 57
sunken-featured buildings, AS 96, 100
Ashford 378
Minster 86
Monkton 358, 362
Sutton, barrows 309, 312
Sutton at Hone 25
Sutton Barrow Landscape (Sutton Wedge) 285, 286-7, 291-4
civil defence 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 27
High School, RB 373
human skull 350, 351, 354
Sweetinburgh, Sheila see Austin, Rupert; Pratt, Simon
tegulae, Roman 177, 179, 187, 197
Teise river 389, 392
Temple, Frederick 247
Tenterden 386
Territorial Army 12, 13, 19, 27, 29
tesserae 364
Thames river (Thameside), 20th-century military and civil defences 1-33
Thames Valley Archaeological Services 259
Thanet 278
on Gough map 390, 391
Militia 296
‘Thanatos’ 296
Thanet Barrow Landscape 285, 287-93, 294-7
Thistle Hill 85
Thomas at Style 120
Tilbury (Essex) 5, 391
Tilbury Docks 5
Tilbury Fort 6, 7
dog paw print, RB 96
Roman 179, 187, 364
see also tegulae
Tilmanstone, barrows 308, 312
timber 43, 45
as building material 37, 42
timber-framing see Newnham, Calico House
Tivoli Brook 291
Tonbridge 45, 47
Capitol Cinema 374-6
on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 392
Toys Hill 36, 45, 52
Neolithic and BA 261
LBA 337
Trust for Thanet Archaeology 147
Tunbridge Wells 15, 45
turnpikes 45-6, 54
Tuson, Dan, The Kent Downs, reviewed 415-17
Tylmanstone, Luke de 196
Ulcombe 187, 188
Vasili, Phil, Walter Tull, 1888-1918: Officer, footballer. All the guns in France couldn’t wake me, reviewed 410-12
Victoria, Queen 147
Vigo, camp 25, 29
villas, RB/Roman 40, 315-32, 337
volunteer movement, 20th-century 7-8
votive offerings
Canterbury 355
Headcorn 178
wall paintings, Calico House 124, 127, 128
Walter, Hubert, archbishop 118
Wantsum Channel 287, 289, 290, 293, 369
Wantsum (west of) 278
Warden Point, Sheppey 354
Warham, Archbishop 38
Warren Farm chambered tomb 346, 347
watermills, Leybourne Stream 225-46
Watling Street 3, 24, 209, 355, 382, 388, 389, 391, 392, 394
Weald 37, 43
Wealden form of building 106, 116
Weavering, Newnham Park 371
weights, lead and bronze 185-6
wells, medieval 70, 71
Wessex Archaeology 86, 352-3, 376
Wessex barrows 292, 294, 297
Westerham 11
Westerham Hill 36
West Heath (W. Sussex), barrows 281-2
West Malling, mill house and mill 231, 244
West Malling Stream 230, 231, 235, 244
Westwood, RB site 335, 337
White Horse Stone 339, 341, 342, 345, 346, 347
Whitley Forest, mill 40
Whitworth, Charles 231
Whitworth, Charles (d.1742) 231
Whitworth, Francis 230-1
Wilderness[e] 43, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57
Willesborough, Ashford 372-3
Wilmington 22, 25
Windmill Hill, Gravesend 9
Wolnoth, John 195
woodland 43, 98, 99, 293, 378
activities 36
fuel from 269, 271
workhouse 52
World War I
agriculture 47
defences 2, 9-12, 28
hospital 379
World War II
agriculture 47
aircraft debris 186
airfield approach beacon 362
anti-glider ditches 338
military and civil defences 2, 15-26, 28, 29
Nore Command 363
barrow 280, 304
Peters Village 369-70
Wright, David, St Peter’s, Whitstable: a history of the church, parish and people, reviewed 418-19
Wrotham 11
Wye Bridge 230
Wye Downs 354
Wymer, John, archive of 350-4
Wymeswold (Leics) 249, 250, 252
Yalding, on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 392