Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2011
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Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2011
375 ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY 2011 Compilers: Ms D. Saunders and Ms E. Finn, Centre for Kentish Studies. Contributors: Prehistoric – K. Parfitt; Roman – Dr J. Weekes; Anglo-Saxon – Dr A. Richardson; Medieval – Dr C. Insley; Modern – Prof. D. Killingray. A bibliography of books, articles, reports, pamphlets and theses published in 2011 (unless otherwise stated). Abbreviations: BAR - British Archaeological Reports CAT - Canterbury Archaeological Trust KAR - Kent Archaeological Review KARU – Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit KAS - Kent Archaeological Society general and multi -period Andrews, P., Biddulph, E., Hardy, A., Brown, R. et al., Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley: High Speed 1 Excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent. The Late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and Medieval Landscape. (Oxford: Wessex Archaeology) 4 vols. Andrews, P. and Mason, S., ‘Britain’s biggest dig in 2010, Part 2’, KAS Newsletter 88, 2-4 [contains details of prehistoric and Roman discoveries made on the new East Kent Access Road]. Ballingall, J., A Kentish Tale of Men and Manors (Andover: Phillimore). [The Kentish Downs from the earliest times focussing on Eggarton manor near Godmersham]. Booth, P., Champion, T., Foreman, S., Garwood, P., Glass, H., Munby, J., and Reynolds, A., On Track: The Archaeology of High Speed 1 Section 1 in Kent. Wessex Archaeology Monograph 4. (Oxford: Wessex Archaeology). Bradford, H.T., ‘The Nunnery of Lower Higham and Lillechurch’, Kent, Magazine of the Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men 309, 6-7. Bright, D., The Pilgrim’s Way: Fact and Fiction of an Ancient Trackway (Stroud: The History Press). Brodie, A. and Higgott, G., Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent: the Inner Bailey 1200-1800, historic buildings report (Portsmouth: English Heritage). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 376 Brodie, A., Arthur’s Hall, Dover Castle, Kent: analysis of the building, historic buildings report (Portsmouth: English Heritage). Brookes, S., ‘The Lathes of Kent: a review of the evidence’, in S. Brookes, S. Harrington and A. Reynolds (eds), Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of Martin G. Welch, BAR British Series 527 (Oxford: Archaeopress), 156-170. Chalklin, C.W. (ed.), Some title deeds for Tonbridge town and parish 1476 – 1869. Kent Records. New series 5, pt 1, 1-35 (Maidstone: KAS, 2010). Charing & District Local History Society, A History of Charing: the parish from the earliest times to 1900 (Charing). Cheeseman, A., Chelsfield in from the Cold: A Guided Walk Around Chelsfield (or Something Like That). (Chelsfield: Chelsfield Press). Clarke, H., Walks through Historic Sandwich (Oxford: Oxbow Books). Dodge, A., Ditton – the story of a Kentish village (Ditton: Ditton Heritage Centre). Downer, G., The Geology of Reculver Country Park (Canterbury: GeoConservation Kent). Downer, G., The Stones of Reculver Country Park (Canterbury: GeoConservation Kent). Downer, G., The Stones of St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury (Canterbury: GeoConservation Kent). Galloway, J. (ed.), Tides and floods in London and the tidal Thames from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Centre for Metropolitan History Working Papers Series No. 4. (London: Institute of Historical Studies). [Includes reports on the tidal mills at Northfleet and Greenwich.] Feakes, L. and Jardin-Rose, P. (eds), Discovering Ancient Lenham 3 (Lenham: Lenham Archaeological Society). Lane, A., Front Line Harbour: A history of the Port of Dover (Stroud: Amberley Publishing). MacDougall, P., Chatham Through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2010). Parfitt, K., ‘An Iron Age and Romano-British site on Wood Hill, Kingsdown, near Deal, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 393-414. Sanders, A., ‘The “Priest’s House” at Sissinghurst Castle’, Cranbrook Journal 22, 10-13. Short, S., Pratts Bottom: A Journey through Life (Sevenoaks: PZ Publishing). Smith, L., ‘Farnborough Lodge and the development of Locksbottom’, Bromleag 2, 19, 7-10. Sparks, M., ‘The Storage of Canterbury Cathedral Archives and their Travels 1541-1967’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 345-52. Thirsk, J., ‘Alan Milner Everitt 1926-2008’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 166 (2010), 181-97. [Born in Sevenoaks, a distinguished historian of Kent.] Tucker, J., Ferries of the Lower Thames (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2010). [Kent Thames-side east of Greenwich.] prehistoric kent Allen, T., ‘Late Iron Age iron smelting works found near Stockbury’, KAS Newsletter 91, 4-5. KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 377 Baker C.A., Investigation of an Iron Age Pit and Roman Cave at Spratling Court Farm, Manston, Kent (Maidstone: KAS on www.kentarchaeology.ac). Catling, C. (ed.), ‘Ringing the changes on the North Downs’, Current Archaeology 261, 8-9. [New henge-like monument at Hollingbourne.] Helm, R. and Carruthers, W., ‘Early Roman evidence for intensive cultivation and malting of spelt wheat at Nonington’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 353-372. [Some features are of late Iron Age date.] Horner, G., ‘An Iron Age and Romano-British farmstead at Summer House Knoll, Lullingstone Park, Eynsford 1964-5’, KAR 183, 64-7. Keene, M., ‘A flaked and ground axe from Capel’, KAR 184, 97. KARU, The Iron Age farmstead, near Ham Hill at Snodland. Kent Minor Sites Series No. 22 (Dover). KARU, The Major Iron Age riverside fort at Woolwich. Kent Special Subject Series No. 19 (Dover). Mepham, L., Stevens, C.J., Barnett, C., Allen, P., Wyles, S.F. and Norcott, D., Excavation of a multi-period site at Foster Road, Ashford, 2006, Archive Report: Finds and Environmental (Maidstone: KAS on www.kentarchaeology. ac) Parfitt, K., ‘Was the Mill Hill Warrior a Druid?’, KAR 183, 68-71. Parfitt, K., ‘Folkestone, Roman villa or Iron Age oppidum?’, Current Archaeology 262, 22-9. Parfitt, K., Folkestone Roman villa’, KAS Newsletter 87, 14-15. [Contains summary of pre-Roman discoveries.] Philp, B. J., Woolwich Power Station Site: S.E. London (formerly Kent) The Major Iron Age Riverside Fort and Roman Settlement (Dover: KARU, 2010). Powell, A.B., Knight, S., Mepham, L., Stevens, C.J. and Wyles, S.F., A Middle- Late Iron Age field system and post-medieval garden features at Stedlyn Restreat, Lynsted (Maidstone: KAS on www.kentarchaeology.ac) Riccoboni, P. and Swift, D., ‘A Mesolithic site at Tong’s Meadow, West Street, Harrietsham’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 291-303. Richards, P., ‘Excavations at Mill Hill, Deal by W.P.D. Stebbing’, KAS Newsletter 87, 12-13. [Contains photos of digging the Late Bronze Age enclosure.] Simmonds, A., Wenban-Smith, F., Bates, M., Powell, K., Sykes, D., Devaney, R., Stansbie, D. and Score, D., Excavations in North-West Kent 2005–2007. Oxford Archaeology Monograph No. 11 (Oxford: Oxford Archaeology). roman kent Booth, P., ‘Kent’, in E.M. Chapman, et al., ‘Roman Britain in 2010’ Britannia 42, 393-398. Clewely, G.B., ‘The discovery of the lost Roman town of Mutuantonis in Kent’, KAR 185, 111-117. Diack, M., ‘Beaney Institute, High Street, Canterbury.’ in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 34th Annual Report of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust 2009- 2010. (Canterbury: CAT), 6-11. [Excavations adjacent to the forum area.] Helm, R. and Carruthers, W., ‘Early Roman evidence for intensive cultivation and malting of spelt wheat at Nonington’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 353- 372. KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 378 Herbert, A.N., ‘Excavations and discoveries at the Romano-British cemetery, East Hill, Dartford’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 85-110. Holman, J. and Wilson, T., ‘Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury’, in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 2009-2010. (Canterbury: CAT), 1-6. [A previously unknown Romano-British town house.] Horner, G., ‘An Iron Age and Romano-British Farmstead at Summer House Knoll, Lullingstone Park, Eynsford, 1964-5’, KAR 183, 64-67. Lyne, M., ‘The Roman Villa at Minster-in-Thanet. Part 8: the pottery’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 231-289. Maidstone Area Archaeological Group, ‘East Farleigh Excavation. Building 5 Update’, KAS Newsletter 88, 10. Morehead, S. and Walton, P., ‘Roman coins recorded with the Portable Antiquities Scheme: a summary’, in E.M. Chapman et al., ‘Roman Britain in 2010’, Britannia, 42, 432-437. Parfitt, K., ‘Honeywood Parkway, Whitfield’, in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 2009- 2010. (Canterbury: CAT), 15-16. [Notable Romano-British features and finds.] Parfitt, K., ‘Folkestone Roman villa’, KAS Newsletter 87, 14-15. Philp, B., ‘Another Roman site at Lenham’, KAR 186, 137-138. Simmonds, A., Wenban-Smith, F., Bates, M., Powell, K., Sykes, D., Devaney, R., Stansbie, D. and Score, D., Excavations in North-West Kent, 2005–2007. One hundred thousand years of human activity in and around the Darent Valley. Oxford Archaeology Monograph No. 11 (Oxford: Oxford Archaeology). [Notable Romano-British sites including a possible conquest period marching camp.] Tomlin, R.S.O., ‘Inscriptions’, in E.M. Chapman et al., ‘Roman Britain in 2010’ Britannia, Vol. 42, 439. [A monumental fragment from Richborough.] Ward, A., ‘The Great Gate and other confusing bits of archaeology in Rochester’, KAR 186, 142-154. Weekes, J., ‘A review of Canterbury’s Romano-British cemeteries’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 23-42. Worrell, S. and Pearce, J., ‘Finds Reported under the Portable Antiquities Scheme’, in E.M. Chapman et al., ‘Roman Britain in 2010’ Britannia 42, 400. anglo -sa xon kent Adams, N., ‘Earlier or later? The rectangular cloisonné buckle from Sutton Hoo Mound I in context’, in S. Brookes et al., 20-32. S. Brookes, S. Harrington and A. Reynolds (eds), Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of Martin G. Welch. BAR British Series 527 (Oxford: Archaeopress). Brookes, S., ‘Searching for the administrative origins of early medieval Kent’, in KAS Newsletter 89, 16. Burrows, V., ‘The Wolverton Anglo-Saxon burial display case’, KAS Newsletter 90, 14-15. Dickinson, T., Fern, C. and Richardson, A., ‘Early Anglo-Saxon Eastry: archaeological evidence for the beginnings of a district centre in the kingdom of Kent’, in H. Hamerow (ed.), Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 17 (Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology), 1-86. KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 379 Gardiner, M., ‘Boundaries of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: the example of the South Saxons’, in S. Brookes et al., 139-146. Geake, H., ‘Accidental losses, plough-damaged cemeteries and the occasional hoard: the Portable Antiquities Scheme and early Anglo-Saxon archaeology’, in S. Brookes et al., 33-39. Hills, C., ‘Work-boxes or Reliquaries? Small copper-alloy containers in seventh century Anglo-Saxon graves’, in S. Brookes et al., 14-19. Lewis, M., Richardson, A., and Williams, D., ‘Things of this World: Portable Antiquities and their Potential’, in M. Clegg-Hyer and G. Owen-Crocker (eds), The Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World (Exeter: University of Exeter Press), 231-257. Marzinzik, S., ‘Ringlemere in reference to early Cross-Channel relations’, in S. Brookes et al., 55-61. Owen-Crocker, G., ‘Seldom…does the deadly spear rest for long: weapons and armour’, in M. Clegg Hyer and G. Owen-Crocker (eds), The Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World (Exeter: University of Exeter Press), 201-230. Portable Antiquities and Treasure Annual Report 2008, 102-128 (London: British Museum, 2008). Kent entries include: No. 171. Lyminge: silver brooch fragment, 109. No. 176. Hollingbourne: silver sword pyramid, 112. No. 192. Hollingbourne: iron sword pommel, 118. No. 208. Old Romney: silver hooked tag, 123-4. No. 211. Newchurch: copper-alloy decorative mount, 125. Richardson, A., ‘The Third Way: thoughts on non-Saxon identity south of the Thames 450-600’, in S. Brookes et al., 72-81. Richardson, A., ‘CSI Sittingbourne: Community Science Investigation and Exhibition’, in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 2009-2010. (Canterbury: CAT), 45-46. Soulat, J., ‘Between Frankish and Merovingian influences in Early Anglo-Saxon Sussex (fifth-seventh centuries)’, in S. Brookes et al., 62-71. Thomas, G., ‘Bishopstone and Lyminge’, British Archaeology 119, 42-47. medieval kent Cassidy, R., ‘Rose of Dover (d.1261), Richard of Chilham and an inheritance in Kent’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 305-319. Chapman, D., ‘Dode Church – the known facts and reality’, Journal of Kent History 72, 12-14. Chizlett, C., ‘The hallowed King? Case reports of 27 miracles ascribed to King Henry VI across the counties of Kent and Sussex’, Journal of Kent History 72, 4-8. Clarke, H., Discover Medieval Sandwich: a guide to its history and buildings (Oxford: Oxbow Books). Connor, J., ‘Profession and death at Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, 1207-1534, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 277-289. Connor, M. (ed.), John Stone’s Chronicle: Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, 1417-1472. TEAMS – Documents of Practice Series. (Kalamazoo MI: Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 380 Dalton, P., Insley, C. and Wilkinson, L. (eds), Cathedrals, Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer). Driver, J.T., ‘The Kentish origins and connections of Sir George Brown (c.1438- 1483)’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 65-83. Feakes, L., ‘The Black Canons of Lenham’, Journal of Kent History 72, 16-17. Feakes, L., ‘Downs, deluges, and dwellings. And why are some Downland villages not in the exact position they were originally?’, Journal of Kent History 73, 6- 9. Harrington, D. (ed.), Feet of fines Henry IV, part 3. Kent Records. New series 5, pt 3, 97-144. (Maidstone: KAS). Harrington, D. (ed.), Feet of fines Henry IV, part 4. Kent Records. New series 5, pt 4, 145-192 (Maidstone: KAS). Hart, A., Excavations at Scadbury: a mediaeval and post-mediaeval moated manor house complex near Chislehurst, Kent in the London borough of Bromley, 5 parts (Orpington: Orpington and District Archaeological Society). Herbert, A.N., ‘Excavations and discoveries at the Romano-British cemetery, East Hill, Dartford’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 85-110. Holden, S., Draper, G., Jarrett, C. and Goodburn, D., ‘The Development of Tonbridge seen through the gate of its Castle: recent excavations at the former Bank Street stock and cattle market’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 197- 230. Hudd, N., ‘Finchden, Tenterden – a very short history’, Journal of Kent History 73, 17-19. KARU, The Norman fortified manor-house at Walmer. Kent Minor Sites Series No. 21 (Dover: KARU). Kowaleski, M., ‘The Medieval Cinque Port of Hythe’, Romney Marsh Irregular 38, 4-12. Margetts, A., Barber, L., Porteus, S. and Sweetinburgh, S., ‘The Medieval Hospital of St Mary the Blessed Virgin, Ospringe (Maison Dieu): further details of its original layout revealed by excavations at the Fairways’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 129-142. Martin, D., Martin, B. and Clubb, J., ‘An Archaeological Interpretive Survey of the Old Castle, Scotney, Lamberhurst. Part 1: the medieval period’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 321-343. Naismith, R., ‘The Origins of the Line of Egbert, King of the West Saxons, 802- 39’, English Historical Review 126, 1-17. Orme, N., ‘School exercises from Canterbury, c.1480’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 111-127. Pellett, I., ‘The medieval decorated tile pavement at St Mary’s Church, Brook: the finest survival of the Tyler Hill floor tile industry’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 43-64. Spencer, B., Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges Medieval Finds From Excavations in London: 7 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer in association with Museum of London, 2010). [Catalogue of medieval badges and souvenirs dating from the late 12th to the early 16th centuries. Canterbury pilgimage and souvenirs cited, 37-133.] Sweetinburgh, S. (ed.), Later Medieval Kent 1220-1540 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2010). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 381 Sweetinburgh, S., ‘The Social Structure of New Romney as revealed in the 1381 Poll Tax Returns’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 1-22. Sweetinburgh, S., ‘Hythe’s butcher-graziers: their role in town and country in late medieval Kent’, in C. Dyer, A. Hopper, E. Lord, and N. Tringham (eds), New Directions in Local History since Hoskins (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press), 98-113. Vanderputten, S., ‘Flemish Monasticism, Comital Power, and the Archbishops of Canterbury: a written Legacy from the Late Tenth Century’, in D. Rollason, C. Leyser and H. Williams (eds), England and the continent in the tenth century: studies in honour of Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947) (Belgium, Turnhout: Brepols), 67-86. Williams, A., ‘The Dangers of Invention: The Sack of Canterbury, 1011, and the ‘Theft’ of Dunstan’s Relics’, in P. Dalton, C. Insley and L. Wilkinson (eds), Cathedrals, Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer), 27-39. early modern kent Allison, T., ‘A Shadowy Character: Hugh Aprice, Vicar of Cranbrook 1533- 54(?)’, Cranbrook Journal 22, 1- 2. Bright, D., The Pilgrims’ Way: Fact and Fiction of an Ancient Trackway, The History Press. Charing and District Local History Society, A History of Charing: The parish from earliest times to 1900. Dodge, A., Ditton: The Story of a Kentish Village, Ditton Heritage Centre . Millstone, N, ‘Evil Counsel: The Propositions to Bridle the Impertinency of Parliament and the Critique of Caroline Government in the Late 1620s’, in Journal of British Studies, vol. 50, no. 4 (2011), pp. 813-839. [Significant references to Sir Robert Filmer.] Woodchurch Village Life Museum, Leaving Woodchurch: emigration from Woodchurch, near Ashford, Kent since the seventeenth century. Wyatt, G., ‘Early Modern Thanet: a Closed or Open Society? Evidence from a study of Marriage Making and Marriage Horizons c.1560- c.1620’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 373-392. modern kent Allinson, H. (ed.), The Journal of a Victorian Lady: Louisa Thomas of Hollingbourne (Borden: Synjon Books). Biddenden Local History Society, Biddenden in Pictures (Biddenden: 2010). Browning, T., ‘The Life of Thomas Munn Alias, The Gentleman Brick-maker, alias, Tom the Smuggler Publish’d from the Copy all wrote with his own hand…’, Cranbrook Journal 22, 3-6. Bundock, M., Victorian Herne Bay: an illustrated history, Herne Bay’s Past Series No. 6 (Herne Bay: Historical Records Society). Bushell, D., ‘Thomas Bayes (1702 – 1761)’, Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Newsletter Autumn, 16-19. KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 382 Butler, J., The Red Dean of Canterbury: the public and private faces of Hewlett Johnson (London: Scala Publishers). [Based on the Hewlett Johnson Papers at the University of Kent.] Camburn, M., ‘Memories of the Mary Sheafe School’, Cranbrook Journal 22, 19-20. Campbell-Johnston, R., Mysterious Wisdom: the life and work of Samuel Palmer (London: Bloomsbury). Coats, A. and MacDougall, P., The Naval Mutinies of 1797: unity and perseverance (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer). Cocroft, W. D., Fort Halstead, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent: a brief assessment of the role of Fort Halstead in Britain’s early rocket programmes and the atomic bomb project (Portsmouth: English Heritage Research Department, 2010). Connolley, M. and Donaldson, P., ‘South African War (1899-1902) Memorials in Britain: a case study of memorialization in London and Kent’, War & Society, 29, 1 (2010), 20-46. Copus, G., ‘Awakening the sleepy village of Orpington’ Bromleag 2, 19 18-20. [Development of Orpington, late 1800s, with special reference to architect George St Pierre Harris.] Cordle, C., Out of the Hay and into the Hops: Hop cultivation in Wealden Kent and hop marketing in Southwark, 1744-2000. (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press). Crampton, P., Canterbury Then & Now (Stroud: History Press). Donaldson, P., ‘In the Name of the Fallen: Legitimising the Great War in East Kent’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 143-58. Draper, P., ‘The Royal Society of Kentish Bowmen’, Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society Newsletter 48, 16-19. Dray, P., Folkestone’s Disappearing Heritage Through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing). Duncombe, W.G., The Gibson Family of Eynsford and Farningham: blacksmiths and ironfounders (Eynsford: Farningham & Eynsford Local History Soc., 2010). Dussek, V., Mill life in Victorian Plaxtol (Plaxtol: Plaxtol Local History Society). Elgar, P., ‘Hotel for the Pleasure’, Bygone Kent 32 5, 33-39. [Ship Inn at Dover.] Featherstone, D., ‘Counter-insurgency, Subalternity and Spatial Relations: interrogating court-martial narratives of the Nore mutiny of 1797’, South African Historical Journal, 61, 4 (2009), 766-87. Fleet, R. and Blaker, C., The Stained Glass of St Augustine’s Church, Ramsgate (Ramsgate: Potmetal Press). Finn, E. (ed.), Botany, Boats and Bathing Machines: Anna Maria Hussey’s holiday in Dover in 1836 (Maidstone: Kent Archives Service). [Transcription of Anna Maria Hussey’s manuscript journal held at the Centre for Kentish Studies.] Ebook at www.kent.lib.overdrive.com. Fryer, J., ‘150 years of trains to Sheppey’, Journal of Kent History 73, 13-14. Gilbert, E.J., ‘Francis Reginald Gilbert: a career in print’, Tunbridge Wells Family History Society Newsletter 51, 26-35. [Apprentice to Hepworths Printers.] Graham, C., ‘Mrs Austen and Mr Fenton: housekeeper and headmaster’, Jane Austen Society Report 2009, 53-65. KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 383 Hendy, J., Ferries of Dover: through five decades 1960-2011 (Ramsey: Lily, 2010). Hill, T.G., The Chilton Family of Buckinghamshire, Kent & Sussex 1730’s – 1900’s (Cressage: Trevor Hill). Holmes, G., ‘WW2 Crash Sites in the Cranbrook Area: 1’, Cranbrook Journal 22, 13-17. Hughes, G.P., The Centenary: Whitstable & Seasalter Golf Club... the first 100 years 1911-2011 (Whitstable: Irish Village Enterprises, 2010). Jones, C., ‘The Story of Wilfred Haughton Hodgkin’, Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Newsletter Spring, 14-17. [Involvement with Beechings bank.] Kassleer, M., ‘Earl Stanhope’s ‘letter-music’’ in M. Kassler (ed.), The Music Trade in Georgian England, Part IV New technologies (Farnham: Ashgate), 389-432. [An account of the efforts by Charles, 3rd Earl Stanhope, to transform the ways in which music was printed and recorded.] Kassleer , M., ‘Stanhope’s novel musical instruments’, in M. Kassler (ed.), The Music Trade in Georgian England, Part IV New technologies (Farnham: Ashgate), 433-450. Manners, D., Canterbury Stage by Stage: the city’s theatrical past (Herne Bay: David Manners). Milton, H. and Barnard, D. (eds), The end of the beginning of the Ashes : commemorating the re-dedication of the grave of the Honourable Ivo Bligh (8th Earl of Darnley) and Florence Morphy (Countess of Darnley), at the Church of St Mary Magdalene, Cobham on 18th May 2011 (Leighton Buzzard: The Cricket Society). Probert, L., Women of Thanet rally round the Flag 1914-1918 (Ramsgate: Millicent Press). Rees, J., ‘The Fair at Great Mongeham’, Journal of Kent History 72, 2-3. Shepherd, M., ‘St Margaret’s, a tale of a lost smuggler’, Journal of Kent History 72, 10-11. Simmons, M., ‘Felton’s Sandwich Sailing Barges’, Topsail 45, 38-75. [Barges built by William Matthew Horace Felton during 1890s-1950s.] Singleton, T., ‘How Many Bells’, Cranbrook Journal 22, 7-10. Smith, V.T.C., ‘Kent’s Twentieth-Century Military and Civil Defences. Part 2 – Medway’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxi, 159-95. Stevens, P. (ed.), Oare Lore – 20th century memories (Faversham: Faversham Society). Taylor, P., ‘Frederick Alexander Preston Pigou (1838-1905): Gunpowder maker and controversial landholder in Dartford’, Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society Newsletter 48, 10-14. Thomas, C., ‘Smuggling in Kent: Wrotham and a little local flavour’, Journal of Kent History 72, 9. Thompson, E. and Clucas, P., Sevenoaks Villages: the past in pictures (Otford: Hopgarden Press). Thompson, E. and Clucas, P., Sevenoaks: the past in pictures (Otford: Hopgarden Press, 2010). Tritton, P., Michael Powell’s Canterbury Tales: setting the scene for a classic wartime movie (Canterbury: Tritton Publications, 2010). Turcan, R., Dover through time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2010). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011 384 Turcan, R., Rochester through time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing). Vine, P.A.L., The Royal Military Canal: an historical account of the waterway and military road from Shorncliffe in Kent to Cliff End in Sussex (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2010). Wilson, J., ‘The Changing Face of Victorian Hayes’, Bromleag 2, 19, 9-15. Young, P., A History of Music at Sevenoaks School from 1877-2010 (Sevenoaks: Sevenoaks School). theses Ford, J.M.T., ‘John Gorham 1814-1899: Victorian Medicine in Tonbridge’. ph.d. Exeter and Plymouth, 2009. Green, M., ‘Hayle Mill: how a small papermaking company thrived in the nineteenth century using traditional techniques which were being superseded by new technology in the mainstream paper industry’. ph.d. London, 2011. Klevnäs, A., ‘Whodunnit? Grave robbery in early medieval northern and western Europe’, Cambridge ph.d., 2010. [Mainly on east Kent.] Pittman, S., ‘Elizabethan and Jacobean Deer Parks in Kent’, ph.d., Kent, 2011. recently catalogued archives During 2011 the staff of the Kent Archives Service have been preparing their collections for a move into the new Kent History and Library Centre. Only a very few new items have been catalogued and it has therefore been decided to omit the Archive section of the Bibliography this year. Next year’s section will include material catalogued in both 2011 and 2012.