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Annual Report of the Council For 2011
Front matter, Volume 131
General Index
401 general iNDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics Adisham pillboxes 172 rectory 222 air raid shelters and sirens see defences airships 157, 158 Aldey, Edward 99 Aldington 334, 340 park 54, 62 Alexander, William 103 Allen, Tim, ‘Bronze, boats and the Kentish seaboard in prehistory: the role of coastal Kent in a major trans-Continental trade route’ 1-19 Allington, deer park 54, 63 American War of Independence 215, 216, 219, 224-5, 226-7, 229 Andrews, Colin, book review by 354-6 Andrews, Dury and Herbert map (1769) 336 Andrews, Phil et al., Kentish Sites and Sites of Kent. A miscellany of four archaeological excavations, reviewed 352-4 Anglo-Saxon Canterbury burials 294 SFBs 243, 295 structure(s) 294 Lyminge, minster foundation 334 Minster in Sheppey 299, 301 Minster in Thanet, SFB 43, 44, 48-50 loomweight 49, 50 plant remains 49 place names 328-9, 330, 332 St Nicholas at Wade, burials with textile 205 Sittingbourne, cemetery 299, 300 see also pottery animal bone cat 255 cattle 241, 255 dog 244, 255 fallow deer 255 horse 244, 255 pig 241, 255 rabbit 255 sheep 255 Canterbury 294 Canterbury Rose Lane 239, 240, 241, 243, 246, 249, 255 Minster in Thanet, Anglo-Saxon 45, 49 animal burial (undated) 308 Argalles, Thomas 104 Ashernden, Stephen, tailor 96, 103 Ashford 157 corn-driers (ovens), medieval 275-89 plant remains 279, 282, 284-6 pottery 277, 282-4, 288 deer park 54, 56 nodal point 172 St Mary’s Church 305 Ashour, deer park 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 68, 73 Atkins, Rob and Michael Webster, ‘Medieval corn-driers discovered on land probably once part of Repton Manor, Ashford’ 275-89 Aucher, Sir Anthony (d.1637), and Hester 341, 342 Aucher, Affra, Aphra (nee Cornwallis) 341 Aucher, Sir Anthony (1614-92) 341 Aucher, Sir Anthony (m. Affra) 340, 341 Aucher, Edward 341 Aucher, Hester 341 axes Armorican 2, 9, 10, 13 from Ireland, stone 2 moulds for socketed axes 4 Neolithic jadeite 2, 3, 3, 9 Backhouse, William, chaplain 223 Badcock, James 104 Badlesmere 224 Baker family 73 Baker, John 338, 339 Baker, Sir John, of Sissinghurst 59 Baker, William 104 Bamburgh (Bamberg), John 259 Barber, Michael 342 Barbour, John, forester 347 Barclay, Alistair J. see Martin, Jon Barfleur (France), esnecca 315, 316, 325 Bargrave, Isaac, dean 87 Barham Broome Park 167 defences 161, 169, 175, 176, 181 Barham Downs, defences 158 Barrett, Edward 104 barrow cemetery, Bronze Age 298 baths palaestra, Canterbury 239, 255 Beacham, Richard 103 Beachborough, Newington by Hythe 21, 27, 29, 40 n.13 GENERAL INDEX 402 Blean Woods 296-8 Blount, Richard, Jesuit priest 119-20, 123 Blount, Thomas, petition 90-1, 93, 94, 98 Blunt, John and Susanna 342 boats, Bronze Age 4, 7-8; see also esneccas Bocton (=Boughton) 259, 271 Bocton Old park 56, 57 Boleyn family 62, 73 bone objects 294 Borcher, Robert 339 Bore Place, park 58, 60, 68 Bossenden Wood 346 Boucher, Jonathan 227 Boughton 259, 271 Boughton Malherbe deer parks near 56, 57 Old park 58 rectory 222 South park 58 Wotton estate 259, 261, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 272 Boughton Monchelsea, park 61, 66 Boughton Place 261 Bourgchier, Thomas, archbishop 339 Bower, Jacqueline, ‘The Wotton Survey: the lands of a Kent gentry family in the sixteenth century’ 259-74 Boxley corn-drier 286 Lea park 63 parks 62, 63 potin hoard, Iron Age 309-11 Brabourne, vicarage 224 bracelets Roman, gold 294 post-Roman, copper-alloy 250, 254 Brasted, deer park 54, 63, 66 Brett, John and Nicholas 98, 104 Bridge defences 163, 169, 172, 175, 176, 177 St Peter’s Church 298-9 Bridge, Thomas, grocer 89, 94, 103 Bridge, Thomas (son of William) 94 Bridge, William, grocer 93, 94, 99, 100, 103 Bright, Derek, The Pilgrim’s Way: Fact and Fiction of an Ancient Trackway, reviewed 361-2 briquetage 329, 330 British Library, Brockman family papers 21 Brittany Neolithic stone axes 2, 9 Bronze Age trade 2-3, 7 Iron Age 15 Broad Oak 158 Broad Oak Lodge, Sturry 160 Brockman, Sir William and Lady Ann (nee Bunce), letters written during the Civil War 21-41 beads Roman 241, 256 Anglo-Saxon 299 Beaker burials 299 Beaufort, Henry, bishop 323 Beauvoir, Osmond, preacher 222 de Bec family 317, 319, 323, 324 Bec, Hugh de 315, 318, 319, 320, 325 Bec, Richard de (d. c.1260) 322-3 Bec, William de (b. 1235) 323 Bec, William de, junior 322 Bec, William de, senior (d. c.1227) 315, 319, 320-1, 325 Beck Hoard, Minnis Bay 5 Beckenham, Langley park 56 Bede 332 Bedgebury, park 54, 58, 73 beer brewing 347 Bekesbourne airfield 177, 179 church 320, 324 hangar 166 interceptors 158 and the king’s esnecca 315-27 pillboxes 172 Belgae 331 Belknap family 272 Belknap, Sir Henry 259 Bennett, Paul, I. Riddler and C. Sparey-Green, The Roman Watermills and Settlement at Ickham, Kent, reviewed 351-2 Bennetts, William 104 Berg, Mary, book review by 356-7 Berkeley, George, preacher 222 Best, Elizabeth 86-7 Best, Nicholas and Moses, coopers 98, 104 Best, Thomas 98, 103 Bexley John Newton Court 306 park 60, 62 Roman settlement 306 Bigbury Camp 296, 297, 298 Biggin Hill 161 Binke, Peter 338 Birchington, coin hoard 309 Birling, park 54, 58, 71, 73 Bishopsbourne, Bourne Place 341 Bishopsden Woods 346 Blean anti-aircraft guns 177 anti-glider defences 175 auxiliary hides 177 Honey Hill stop line 172 Rifle Range 160 warden post 181 see also Thornden Wood ‘Blean Earnes Hurst’ 348 GENERAL INDEX 403 Brockman, Zouch 21, 39, 41 n.17 Brodnax, Capt Thomas 29, 30 Bromley, park 57, 58, 62 Bromley, Richard 104 bronze prehistoric scrap and artifacts 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 Roman vessels 189-213 Bronze Age boats 4, 7-8 cross-Channel trade in bronze scrap and high-status artefacts 1, 2-11, 16-17 Deal Waterworks, flint 301 founder’ hoards 4, 5 gold artifacts 2 Minster in Thanet, EBA field system 43, 44, 45-8, 50-1 St Margaret’s at Cliffe, human burial 308 salterns 330 settlements 11, 12 Sittingbourne, ring-ditch and field system 299 situlae 5 Whitfield, flint 304 Wickhambreaux barrow cemetery 298 brooch, post-Roman 250, 254 Brooke family 55, 62, 73 Broome Park, Barham 167 Brougham, Roman cemetery 203 Broxham, deer park 54, 63, 69 bucket (wine-bucket), used for Roman cremation 189-213 bucket handle 255 buckles, post-Roman 250, 255 Bullocke, Richard and Thomas 98, 104 Bunce, James, alderman 27, 28, 29, 31, 40 n.11 Bunce, Simon 40 n.11 Burgeoist, Richard 271 Burges, Edmund 339 burials Beaker 299 Bronze Age(?) 308 Iron Age 13, 14 Roman neonate 293 Roman/Romano-British 296 Anglo-Saxon 294 see also cremation burials burial urn, Roman/Romano-British 344, 347 Burne, James 323 Burne, Nicholas de 322-3 de Burnes family 317, 323, 324 Burnes, Eustace de, junior 319, 320, 321, 322, 325 Burnes, Eustace de, senior 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 324 Burnes, Michael de 318, 319 Burnes, Robert de see Hastings, Robert de Burnes, Roger de 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321 Burnley, Matthew 104 Burscombe 265, 266, 267, 269 buttons, post-Roman 250, 255 Cage, deer park 54, 63 Calehill, deer park 54, 56, 59 Canterbury Charles I’s visit to 88 John Marston, clergy and the Civil War 83-109 ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 poll tax records 85 Walloon community 85 Canterbury, by period: prehistoric jadeite axe 2 Iron Age 235, 238-9, 255 enclosure ditches 238 gravel features 296 round houses 238 Roman/Romano-British 235, 239, 292, 293-4, 296 building (R26), Marlowe Arcade 237, 239, 241, 255, 256 buildings 293, 294, 295 cremation burial 296 industrial activity 296 inhumation burial 296 jeweller’s workshop 293 ovens 293-4 public baths palaestra 239, 255 road 296 street 293 town houses 292, 295 Anglo-Saxon burials 294 SFBs 243, 295 structure(s) and pits 243, 294 medieval 243-8, 292-3, 294, 295, 296 friary 293 hearth 295 industry 296 lost lane 293 riverside revetment 293 post-medieval buildings 293 kiln 296 and see below Canterbury, Rose Lane Canterbury: 20th-century defences, civil and military 153-88 AFS 167 air raid precautions 166, 179 air raid sirens 164, 167 anti-aircraft guns 177 billeting 167 bomb damage 178, 180 GENERAL INDEX 404 Canterbury: 20th-century defences (cont.) civil defence 161-6, 179, 183-4 civil defence control centres 163 Cold War 181-3, 184 gas attack cleansing 166-7, 184 ground observation post 181 hospitals, civil and military 156, 160, 164 interwar period 161, 162, 163 mortuaries 165 Munich Crisis 162 nodal points (‘Canterbury Fortress’) 155, 172-6, 173, 179, 184 PoW camps 160 V-weapon offensive 180 wardens’ posts 163-4, 181 WWII 155, 166-81 Canterbury: locations, streets, buildings etc. Abbots Barton, New Dover Road 160 All Saints Court, All Saints Lane 295 archbishop’s palace 220 Beaney Institute 293-4 Blore’s Piece 162, 165 Castle 165 Cathedral 92, 100 air raid precautions 166 Chapter House 160 human bone 294 south-west transept 294-5 Thornden acquired by 344, 345, 346, 347, 348 Cavalry barracks, Military Road 156, 173 Chaucer barracks 173, 174, 182 Christ Church Priory 324 Bekesbourne manor 323 decontamination laundry 179 Trenley park and Westwell park 62 Dane John Gardens 162, 163, 182 Dane John House 160 Eastbridge Hospital 226 Ersham House 160 Fountain Inn 220 The Friars, medieval friary 293 Green Court 162 House of Agnes, 71 St Dunstan’s Street 296 King’s School 176 Kingsbridge Villas 293 Lady Wootton’s Green 175 Langton School 176 Margate Road, infantry barracks 156 Marlowe Arcade 235, 236, 239, 255 Iron Age/Roman 255 Romano-British building (R26) 237, 239, 241, 255, 256 medieval 243-4, 248 hearth and pits 244 lane 244 Marlowe Theatre 291-3 Martin’s Hill 164 Northgate Street 156 Old Park, trenches 158 Nos 5-7 The Parade 295 Pillory Lane 248, 257 Poor Priests Hospital 167 Priory 345, 346 Public Assistance Institution 164 Rose Lane 248, 256, 257 Rose Tavern and Rose Tap 248, 257 Ryde Street 295-6 St Augustine’s Abbey (Old park) 62 St Augustine’s deer park (New or King’s park) 54, 56, 58 St Augustine’s Theological College 160 St Gregory’s Priory Bekesbourne church 320 Cartulary of 317, 318 St Laurence cricket ground 163 St Margaret’s Street 156, 160 St Mary Magdalen 84, 85-6, 91, 99 slaughterhouses 248, 257 Stodmarsh Road, hospital 160 Stour Street 167 Telephone House 173, 174, 175 Telephone Repeater Station 173, 174, 175 Trenley park 62 Trenley Park Woods, ammunition store 169, 175 Tyler Hill park 59, 60 West Gate 164 Westgate Towers 160 Westwell park 62 Williamson’s Tannery 173, 179 Canterbury, Rose Lane excavations 235-58 Iron Age 235, 238-9, 255 Roman/Romano-British 239-43, 255-6 animal bone 239, 240, 241, 243, 246, 249, 255 brick and tile 240 building, Rose Yard 237, 239-43, 255-6 ceramic building materials 240, 241, 243 coins 243, 250 ‘dark earth’ 243 glass 240, 241 iron nails 240 lane 239, 240-1, 244, 255, 256 opus signinum 239, 240, 241 painted wall plaster 240, 241, 243, 256 pipe clay figurine 243 pottery 240, 241, 243 2 rooms of building 241 slag 240 timber-framed building 241, 256 Anglo-Saxon 243 medieval 243-8, 256 GENERAL INDEX 405 Canterbury, Rose Lane excavations (cont.) medieval (cont.) animal and fish bone 244, 246, 247 buildings and structures 246-8 ceramic building materials 247 furnaces (?ironworking) 247, 256 glass 245, 246 hearths 244-5, 246 knife manufacture 247 pottery 244, 245-6, 247 slag 244, 245, 246, 247 structure [G58] 247 late medieval/post-medieval 248-54, 256 animal and fish bone 249, 250, 255, 256 brick building [G128] 252 cellar [G120] 252 clay pipes 251-2 finds 254-5, 256-7 herring processing 250, 256 pottery 250, 251-2, 254, 255, 257 structures 250-1 well [G60] 252-4 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 153, 235, 291-305 Capua (Italy), bronze vessels 200, 201, 205, 208 Carleton, Elizabeth 104 Carlton, George 103 Carter, Clive, mayor 91, 99 Carter, Matthew 36 Cassiterides 8 castles 66 cauldron rim, ceramic 247 Cecil, Sir William 111, 112 ceramic building materials, Roman 240, 241, 243, 296 chain fastener 255 Chain Home/Chain Home Low radar stations 161, 175, 177, 179, 181 chalk mines, agricultural 313 chalkwells 311-12, 313-14 Chandler, Margaret 104 Chapman, Thomas, vicar 220 Charing 266, 267 Charing and District Local History Society, A History of Charing: The parish from earliest times to 1900, reviewed 367-70 Charles I 85, 88-9, 92, 94, 99, 100 Chartham defences 158, 176, 177 Mystole House 167 Chartham Hatch 176 Chatham dockyard 313 ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 salt-makers 316 Chattenden, salt-makers 329 Cheeseman, John and Cicile 264 Cheriton, rectory 224 Cheyne, Sir Thomas 339 Chilham, park 58, 60, 69, 71 Chilton 265, 267, 268 manor house 268 Chislet 161 acres 266 Colliery, defences 159, 165, 172, 175, 178 ground observation posts 181 marsh 268 park 62 searchlight position 158 windmill 158 Church Wood 349 churches Ashford 305 Bridge 298-9 New Romney 303 Cinque Ports 315, 316, 317, 318, 322, 323, 324, 325 ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 Civil Defence Corps 181, 182 Civil Wars clergy and allegiance at the outbreak of war 83-109 Sir William and Lady Ann Brockman, letters 21-41 Clancy, John, Isle of Sheppey Through Time, reviewed 371 Clark, Bryan, A History of Murston, reviewed 373 Clarke, William 266 Clay Hill, ROC underground post 182, 184 clay tobacco pipes 251-2, 294 clergy, and allegiance at the outbreak of the English Civil Wars 83-109 Clerke, John 338, 339 Clifford, Richard de 334 climate, medieval 286-7, 288 Clout, William, map 140, 142 Clowes Wood 344, 346, 347, 348 Clubb, Jane see Martin, David coal trade 347 Coats, Ann Veronica and Philip MacDougall (eds), The Naval Mutinies of 1797: Unity and perseverance, reviewed 362-4 Cobham, park 54, 55, 58, 62, 73 Cobham family 323, 324 coins Iron Age 15, 16 gold staters 15 potin hoard 309-11 potins 15 Roman/Romano-British 243, 250 Colbredge manor 268 GENERAL INDEX 406 Cold War 181-3, 184 Collbrand, John, attorney 94, 103 comb, bone 49 Comford 73 Conant, John, rector 229 Cooke, John 339 Cooling castle 66 park 54, 57, 58, 62, 66 Coombe, Anglo-Saxon burial 205 copper alloy, prehistoric bronze-working 2, 4, 9 copper alloy objects Roman 241 late medieval/post-medieval 250, 254-5 Corby (Corbie) family 259 Corby, Robert 259, 264, 270 Cordle, Celia, Out of the Hay and into the Hops ‑ Hop cultivation in Wealden Kent and hop marketing in Southwark, 1744- 2000, reviewed 364-6 corn-driers (ovens), medieval 275-89 Cornwall, tin trade 4, 7-9, 11 Cornwallis, Caroline (nee Townshend) 216, 218, 219, 223 Cornwallis, Charles, fourth baron 218 Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis 218 Cornwallis, Edward, General 218, 219 Cornwallis, Frederick (1768-83), archbishop 215-34 Cornwallis, James 218, 222 Cornwallis, William 341 Cornwallis, William, vicar of Elham 222 Corrigan, Imogen, book review by 357-9 Cosh, Stephen R. see Neal, David S. cotels, coterells 329 Court of Augmentations 340 Court of Chancery 341 Courte, Simon 338 Cranmer, Archbishop 334, 339 Crawford’s Rough 349 cremation burials Roman, in bronze vessel 199 Romano-British 296, 304 cremation vessel see St Nicholas at Wade cresset lamps, medieval 294 Croft, John, churchwarden 93, 94, 96, 103 Cromer, William 63 cross-Channel ferry, king’s 322, 325 cross-Channel ships see esneccas Croydon, archbishop’s palace 220 crucible, medieval 246 Culpepper, Sir Edward 112 Curlswood, park 62 currency bars, iron 13 Custumal of Kent 264 Cutballs Farm, radio facility 175, 177 Cuthbert, archbishop 334 Cynewulf, king of Mercia 334 Dacre, Thomas, Lord 265 Dalton, Paul, Charles Insley and Louise J. Wilkinson (eds), Cathedrals, Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World, reviewed 357-9 Dance, Nathaniel, Portrait of Archbishop Cornwallis 216 Darell family 56, 111-12, 120, 126-8, 136, 140-1 Darell, Arthur (d.1720) 128, 140 Darell, Christopher, iron-master 112 Darell, Elizabeth (nee Appleton) 126 Darell, Elizabeth (nee Warren) 128 Darell, George 140 Darell, George, iron-master 112 Darell, Henry (d. after 1608) 112, 126 Darell, Henry (William’s brother) 126 Darell, Henry 128 Darell, John (d.1775) 140, 142 Darell, Margaret (nee Gage) 126 Darell, Mary (m. Googe) 111 Darell, Philipa and Frances 111 Darell, Thomas (d.1710) 128 Darell, Thomas II 111-12 Darell, William (d.1688) 126, 128, 139 Darell, William (d.1701) 128 ‘dark earth’ 243 Dartford ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 Princes Road, spelt wheat 51 Deal Waterworks, St Richard’s Road 301, 302 deer parks, Elizabethan and Jacobean 53-81 Defence of Kent Project 153 defences, military and civil, 20th-century 153-88 air attack defences 157, 158-60, 161, 162, 166, 177-9, 180, 181, 183, 184 air raid shelters 160, 162, 165, 166, 179, 183 air raid sirens 164, 167 ambulance service 167 anti-aircraft guns 159, 161, 177-9, 180, 184, 313 anti-glider 175-6 anti-invasion defences, WWI 157-8, WWII 168-70 Auxiliary Fire Service 163, 167 barrage balloons 177, 180 billeting 167 bombing decoys 177 civil defence 161-6, 179, 183-4 civil defence control centres 163 Civil Defence Corps 181, 182 GENERAL INDEX 407 defences, military & civil, 20th-cent (cont.) coastal crust 168, 169, 170-1, 172, 183, 184 covert forces 176-7 DIVER scheme 180, 184 First Aid and hospital services 163, 164-5 First US Army Group (fictitious) 179 fougasses 174 gas cleansing stations (decontamination) 163, 164, 166-7, 184 Home Service Force 182 interceptors, WWI 158 interwar period (1919-37) 161-2 Kent Community Volunteers 182-3 Kentish Gun Belt 180 Korean War period 181 military activity, WWII 167 mortuaries 165 nodal points 169, 172-6, 179, 184 pillboxes 165, 168, 171, 171, 172, 174, 176 pre-World War I 155-6 radar 161, 175, 181 removal 180-1 rescue, salvage and repair services 164 searchlights 158, 177 stop lines 157, 168, 169, 172, 174, 176, 183, 184 triumvirates 176 V-weapon offensive 180 wardens’ posts 163-4, 181, 184 World War I 155, 157-60, 184 World War II 159, 166-81, 183, 184 see also Canterbury; Herne Bay; Whitstable deneholes 312, 313 Denne, Bridget and Dorothy 94 Denne, John, curate 230 Denne, John (son of Thomas) 94, 103 Denne, Samuel 230 Denne, Thomas, lawyer 93, 94, 98, 99, 103 Denne, Thomas (junior) 94, 103 dens 65, 334, 346 Denstead Wood 298 Dering, Sir Edward 85, 89-91 Detling 161 Dieppe (France), esnecca 315, 316, 325 Dingleden 335 Dinwiddy, Kirsten Egging see Andrews, Phil Diodorus Siculus 8 Ditchfield, G.M., ‘A neglected archbishop of Canterbury? Frederick Cornwallis (1768-1783)’ 215-34 Dodge, Alan, Ditton: The Story of a Kentish Village, reviewed 367-70 Doget, Walter and John 323 Domesday Book 277, 317, 318 manor of Lyminge 334 salinae 329 Dover Bronze Age boat 4, 7 Castle 34, 35, 39, 66, 270 Cowgate Hill 303 20th-century defences 155, 156, 158, 161, 168, 170, 172, 181 London Tavern 222 Market Square 303 nodal point 174 Roman fort 303 Downer, Trustram 104 Drake-Brockman, Giles, ‘Sir William and Lady Ann Brockman of Beachborough, Newington by Hythe. A Royalist family’s experience of the Civil War’ 21-41 Dray, Pam, Folkestone’s Disappearing Heritage Through Time, reviewed 372 Droveway Farm 342 Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland 59, 63 Dunkyn, Mrs 86 Dunstan, St, archbishop 334 Durham, Anthony and Michael Goormachtigh, ‘Rutupiae and Red Hills’ 327-33 Durotriges 203 Dyke, Thomas 112 Dymming, William 266 Dyngden 338, 339 Dyngedown wood 340 Eadburga, abbess 334 eagles (sea eagles) 348 Eales, Jacqueline, ‘The clergy and allegiance at the outbreak of the English Civil Wars: the case of John Marston of Canterbury’ 83-109 earthworks, building of in Blean woods 346, 347 East Blean Wood 169, 176, 349 East Farleigh 35, 36, 36 Eastland, Philip and Edward 341, 342 Eastleigh 334 East Wear Bay, Folkestone 15 Eastwell, park 57, 58, 71 East Wickham, park 58, 60, 68 Eddy, Michael, book review by 352-4 Ediva, Queen 346 Edmonds, Abraham 98, 104 Edolphe, Sir Thomas 271 Edward I 317, 323, 325 Edwards, Elizabeth, books reviewed by 361-2, 367-70 Egerton 266, 267, 269, 270, 271 Eggingeth 324 Eggleston, Elizabeth 104 Elder, Jane, book review by 351-2 GENERAL INDEX 408 Elham, John 323 Elham Valley line 176 Elham/Lyminge park 58, 62 Elizabeth I 56, 59, 261, 272 Elizabethan deer parks 53-81 Ellenden Wood 346 Ellis, Chris see Andrews, Phil Eltham deer parks 54 Great park 58, 68, 69, 71 Horn/New park 58 Middle/Little park 58 Elviston, Robert 271 Erle Drax family 343 esneccas, king’s cross-Channel passenger ship 315-27 Ethelbert, King of Kent 334 Ethelstan 334 Eymes, Master, Emperor’s clerk 323 Fairfax, Sir Thomas 35-9 Fane, Henry 112 farmhouses 268-9 Fenn, Richard 104 ‘feoffment to use’ 264-5 Fergusson, Peter, Canterbury Cathedral Priory in the Age of Becket, reviewed 356-7 ferry, king’s cross-Channel 322, 325; see also Sarre figurine, pipe clay, Roman 243 fish bone, Canterbury 239, 240, 241, 246, 250, 256 Fitz Airard, Stephen 316 flint Palaeolithic handaxe 304 Mesolithic 47, 299, 304 Neolithic/Early Bronze Age 45, 47, 48, 304 see also axes Fogge family 305 Fogge, Sir Francis 277 Fogge, Sir John 277 Folkestone 170 deer park 54, 62 defences 158 nodal point 174 Ford, park 57, 58, 62 Ford Palace 57 Fordwich 177, 329 Foreness 177, 181 forges, for cavalry 157-8 Forstall, Richard 103 Fort Borstal, subsidence 312-14 Foster, widow 104 founders’ hoards, Bronze Age 4, 5 Fowler, Nicholas 104 Francklyn, John, draper 89-90, 94 Franklin, Frances 105 Frenesena, Godwinus 317 Fright Wood 298 Frindsbury, Upper Upnor 304 Fry, John 103 Fryarne, park 62 furnaces (?ironworking), medieval 247, 256 Gage, George 126, 128, 138 gavelkind 66, 261, 264, 265-6 Geffreye, John and Thomasine 264 geology, and deer parks 65 George I 216 George II 219, 220 George III 215, 216, 218, 219, 227, 228 Gibbe, John 267, 271 Gibbon, Edward 216 Gibson, Thomas, chandler 94, 103 Gillingham see Grange Gilmour, David, ‘Bekesbourne and the king’s esnecca 1110-1445’ 315-27 glass Roman 240, 241 Anglo-Saxon 49, 299 medieval 245, 246 Glassenbury, park 54, 58, 69, 71 Goar Wood 342 Godfrey, Lambert (Lambarde) 26, 28, 29, 32 Godmersham Park, auxiliary hide 177 Godwin Frenes (Freni) 317-18, 319 gold Bronze Age artifacts 2 Late Iron Age ornaments 14 Goldenham 272 Goldstone II , Prior 294 Googe, Barnaby 111, 112 Goomachtigh, Michael see Durham, Anthony Goudhurst, ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 Grafton, Duke of 219, 227, 228 Grain, defences 161, 171 Grange (Gillingham) 317, 318, 319, 324 Grant, John, innkeeper 94, 103 Graveney Marshes 172 Gravesend, chalkwells 311-12 Great Chart, park 61 Greenwich, park 54, 55, 58, 66, 69 Grimm, S H 134, 134, 142, 144, 145, 148 Groombridge, park 54, 56, 58, 73 Gukepott, John 339 Guldeford family 73 Guldeford, Sir Richard 265 Guldeford, Sir John 59 Hackington, defences 158, 177 Hadlow 268 Halden, park 54, 58, 59, 66 GENERAL INDEX 409 Halden, John 105 Hales, Irene, Old Maidstone’s Public Houses from Old Photographs, reviewed 372-3 Halstead, park 61, 68 hammerscale 241, 256 Hammond, Mainwaring 96, 98, 105 Hamsell park, Rotherfield (Sussex) 55, 61 Hamswell, deer park 54, 55, 60 Hancock, John, tiler 338 Harbledown defences 158 hospital 223 Harbledown Viaduct, defences 169, 172, 174 Hardres, Thomas 340 Hardress, John son of Peter 334 Harnby, Robart 104 Harnet, James 104 Harrietsham 267, 271 Holmyll 268 Harrington, Duncan, ‘Lyminge Park - a collection of documents towards a history’ 334-44 Harris, John 334, 339 Harrison, Richard, churchwarden 93, 94, 103 Hart family 73 Harty (Isle of) 4 Hasted, Edward 56, 141, 220-1, 230, 231, 334 Hastings castle 317, 324 esnecca 315, 316, 317, 318, 322, 323, 324-5 Holy Trinity Priory 324 priory 320 Hastings, Manasser 317 Hastings, Matthew 317, 324 Hastings, Robert (de Burnes) (d. c.1145) 317, 318, 319, 320 Hawkinge 161 Head, Simon 342 Headcorn 271, 272 hearth/oven, ?prehistoric 47-8 hearths medieval 244-5, 246, 295 salt-making 330, 331 Hempsted, John 335 Hemsted 335, 336 park 57, 58 Henden, deer park 54, 62, 69 Henry I, esneccas 316-17, 324 Henry II , esneccas 315, 318, 320, 321, 324, 325 Henry III 322 Henry VII 265 Henry VIII 56, 61, 62, 265-6, 271, 334, 339, 340 Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery 60 Herde, Thomas 340 Herdson, John 341 Herne 346 Herne Bay, 20th-century defences 153, 154, 156, 169 air raid shelters 165, 166 air raid sirens 164, 167 ambulance depots 167 billeting 167 camouflaging 166 Cold War 181 decontamination centre 167 evacuees 166 Hanover Square 164 interwar period 161, 163 Munich Crisis 162 nodal points 176 pier 171 Royal Army Service Corps camp 165 Sea Street fire station 167 VAD hospitals 160 warden post 181 WWI 157, 158, 159, 160, 162 WWII 166, 167, 170, 175, 176, 179, 180 Herodotus 8 herring processing 250, 256 Herring, Thomas, archbishop 220 Hersden 165 Hever, deer park 54, 62, 63, 73 Hever Castle 62 Heyman, Henry 341 Heyman, Sir Henry 30 Hildersonne, Thomas 104 Hills, George 342 Hinchliffe, John, chaplain 219 hobnails 241 Hod Hill (Dorset), Roman bucket escutcheon 200, 203, 210 Holewey, John 335 Holler, Wenceslaus, Tart Hall 126, 127 Holman, David, ‘The Boxley potin hoard reconsidered in the light of current research’ 309-11 Home Guard 175, 176, 180, 181 Home Guard auxiliaries 177 Honeywood, Sir John 24, 34 Honywood family 223 Honywood, Thomas 341 Horne, George, dean 227, 228 Horne, Thomas 340 horseshoes 255 hospitals and Archbishop Cornwallis 223-4 Voluntary Aid Detachment 160 see also under Canterbury Hotham, Sir John 92 GENERAL INDEX 410 human bone, Canterbury Cathedral 294 Hume, Sir Andrew 342 Hume, Robert 342 Humfreye, John and Dorothea 264 Hungershall park, Tunbridge Wells 54, 58, 73 Hunstead Wood 349 Hussey, Edward I (d.1816) 141 Hussey, Edward II (d.1817) 141 Hussey, Edward III 140, 149-50, 149 Hussey, Elizabeth-Sarah (nee Bridge) 141 Hussey family 132, 133, 141-2 Hutcheson, Andrew see Andrews, Phil Hythe, chapel 223 Ickham 172 rectory 222 Ickham, Thomas 270-1 Iffry, Edward 103 Ightham, deer park 54, 62, 68 Insley, Charles see Dalton, Paul intaglio, Roman 293 iron currency bars 13 objects 49, 250, 255 Iron Age Boxley potin hoard 309-11 Canterbury 235, 238, 255, 296 cross-Channel trade routes, LBA/EIA 1- 2, 7-16, 17 Deal Waterworks 301 enclosure ditches 238 four-post structures 301 oppidum 298 round houses 238 settlements 14, 17 see also coins; pottery iron industry, Darell family 111-12 ironworking(?) furnaces 247, 256 ironworking site, Blean 298 Isle of Wight, as Ictis (Victis) 4, 8, 9 Isley, Sir Henry 63 Iwade 268, 271 Jacobean deer parks 53-81 James I 60 jeweller’s workshop, Roman 293 jewellery settings, Roman 256 John of Cobham 323 Kemsing, park 62 Kennett, Robert 266 Kent Community Volunteers 182-3 Kent Historic Environment Record 153 Kent Underground Research Group 311, 312 ‘Kentish Petition’ 90 Killingray, David, book review by 362-4 kiln, post-medieval 296 Knatchbull family 69 knife manufacture, medieval 247 knives Anglo-Saxon SFB 49 iron 255 Knole 25 park 54, 55, 58, 62, 68, 69, 73 Lade, John, alderman 99 Lambard, John 98, 104 Lambarde, William, A Perambulation of Kent 53-61 Lambeth Palace 216, 217, 220, 225, 348 Library, Cornwallis archive 217, 223 lamp, ceramic 246 Lamport (Lampart), William 98, 104 Langdon Bay, cargo of scrap bronze 4, 8 Langham, park 62 Langley, deer park 54, 56, 63, 69 latch lifter 49 Laud, William, archbishop 87, 91, 99, 100, 220, 221, 227 lead, prehistoric bronze-working 2, 4, 9 Lea park, Boxley 63 Leaveland 224 Lee, park 58, 60 Leeds, park 54, 55, 58, 66 Leeds, Noah 104 LeGear, Rod ‘Subsidence at Fort Borstal’ 312-14 ‘Two chalkwells at Gravesend’ 311-12 Leigh park, Penshurst 54, 62, 73 Leigh, Sir Oyliffe 60 Leland, John 63 Lenham 264, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271 park 56 Lenham Heath, coin hoard 309 Lewisham, Honor Oak Park Sports Ground, Roman road 306-7 Lewknor, John 103 linen smoother, Roman 304 Littlebourne auxiliary hide 177 searchlight position 158 Livesey, Sir Michael 23, 40 n.5 London Abbey of St Mary Graces 62 Winchester House 23, 40 n.4 Long, Thomas, tailor 96, 103 loomweight, Anglo-Saxon 49, 50 Lort, Michael, chaplain 223 Lovelace, Leonard, woollen draper 96, 98, 104 Lullingstone, deer park 54, 55, 58, 66, 68, 73 Lun, John 104 Lydd, vicarage 223 GENERAL INDEX 411 Lyminge Abbey 334-5 camera of 335 church 340, 342 minster 334 park 57, 58, 62, 336 Canterbury Gate 338 documents 334-44 Lympne, park 62, 66 Lynsore Court 169, 172 Lynsted, park 57, 58 Lythall, William 93, 98, 99, 103, 104 MacDougall, Philip, Chatham Through Time, reviewed 371-2; see also Coats, Ann Veronica Maidstone Battle of (1648) 21, 35-9 ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 Langley park 56 nodal point 174 park 62 St Peter’s Wharf, brewery or gas works 307 malting ovens 287 manor houses 268 Manston 161 Mar[r]able, Anne and Richard 98, 104 Marden, Widehurst 268 Margaret of Anjou 324, 325 Margate 157, 158 marshes, marshland 268 Marston, John 83-109 Marston, John, poet (d.1634) 86, 100 Martin, David, Barbara Martin and Jane Clubb, ‘An archaeological interpretive survey of the Old Castle, Scotney: Part II ’ 111-51 Martin, Jon, Jorn Schuster and Alistair J. Barclay, ‘Evidence of an Early Bronze Age field system and spelt wheat growing, together with an Anglo-Saxon sunken featured building, at Monkton Road, Minster in Thanet’ 43-52 Mary I 56, 63, 111 Masterson, Daniel, alderman 99 Mayney, Sir John 35, 36 medieval climate 286-7, 288 industry 296 Maidstone 307 Minster in Sheppey 299, 301 New Romney 303, 304 salterns 330 Sandwich 301 see also Canterbury; Canterbury, Rose Lane; corn-driers; pottery Medway 1 marsh 268 naval forces and defences 155, 156, 181, 183 Meller, Hamo 335 Merewood (Mereworth), deer park 54, 63 Mersham Hatch, park 58, 60, 69 Mesolithic bladelet 47 flint tools 299 Whitfield, flint 304 metalworking waste, Roman 293 mills 277, 287, 338 Mincing Wood 349 Minnis Bay, Beck Hoard found in 5 Minnis (le Menes, Menes) 339, 340 minster, Lyminge 334 Minster in Sheppey, multi-phase occupation 299, 301 Minster in Thanet Anglo-Saxon sunken featured building and pottery 43, 44, 48-50 animal bone 45, 49 Early Neolithic 44, 48 EBA field system 43, 44, 45-8, 50-1 flint 45, 47, 48 plant remains 45-6, 50-1 radiocarbon dating 43, 46, 47, 50 ‘The Greate Close’ 267 hearth/oven, uncertain date 47-8 King George’s Field excavation 49 palaeochannel of the Wantsum 43-5 plant remains 45-6, 47, 49, 50-1 see also Sherivescourte Molash, William, prior 323 Monkenland 340 Monks Horton, rectory 224 Monkton see Sherivescourte Monkton Marshes 172 Moore, John, archbishop 220, 221, 223 Morley, Simon, parker 337, 337, 338 mounts, copper alloy 244, 255 Munich Crisis 162 Museum of London Archaeology 306-8 Mystole House, Chartham 167 nails Iron Age 239 Roman, iron 240, 241 Anglo-Saxon SFB 49 Neal, David S. and Stephen R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain Volume III: South- East Britain, reviewed 354-6 needles 255 Neolithic cross-Channel routes 1, 2, 3, 3, 9 Deal Waterworks, flint 301 GENERAL INDEX 412 Neolithic (cont.) Minster in Thanet 44, 48 Whitfield, flint 304 Nevill family 73, 75 New Romney Craythornes, Fairfield Road 303-4 Nos 60-76 High Street 303 Newington, vicarage 224 Newington by Hythe see Brockman, Sir William and Lady Ann Newynton, Thomas 335 Norden map (1605) 57, 58-9 Nore, naval forces 156 Norman period Ashford 305 Bridge church 298-9 Canterbury Cathedral 294 see also esneccas North, Brownlow 223 North Downs, imparkment 65 North Foreland coin hoard 309 Northfrith park see Tonbridge Northlands park see Penshurst Oacke, George 103 Odo, Bishop of Bayeux 317 Offa, King of Mercia 346 Ogan, Gregorie and Elizabeth 264 Orgarswick on the Marsh 334 Orlestone 266 Otford deer parks 54, 62, 68 Great park 58, 62, 68 Little park 62, 68 Otterden 341 ovens, Roman 293-4 Owen, John, The Shepherds and Shepherd Neame Brewery, Faversham, Kent, 1732-1875, reviewed 366-7 Oxenhoath, deer parks 54, 63 Oxford Archaeology East 275 Oxinden, Henry 89 oyster beds 328 Paddlesworth 259 Palaeolithic Acheulian handaxe 304 pannage 335, 337 Panthurst park, Sevenoaks 54, 62, 68, 69, 73 Parker, Matthew, archbishop 57, 111 Park Wood 335, 343 Parr, J., map by (1752) 348 Parry, Andrew, book review by 370-1 Partriche, William 271 Paske, Thomas, sub-dean 92 Patrixbourne, defences 158, 177 Peers, Gregorie and Agnes 264 peg tiles 249, 252 Pelham, Sir Edmund 112 ‘Penpool Stream’ 306 Penshurst Ashour park 58, 60, 62, 68, 73 deer parks 54, 56, 62, 66, 68, 69 Leigh park 54, 62, 73 Northlands park 58, 62, 73 Southpark 54, 56, 57, 62, 71, 73 Philcox, John 103 Philipott, Thomas 341 Phillpotts, Christopher see Andrews, Phil Philpott, Anthonye 271 Pilkington, Clement and Thomas 98, 104 pillboxes see defences pins bone, Roman 241, 256 post-Roman 250, 255 pitchfork 255 Pittman, Susan, ‘Elizabethan and Jacobean deer parks in Kent’ 53-81 place names Rutupiae 327-9, 330, 332 salt-making 329-30 Wotton Survey 271-2 plant remains Ashford, corn-drier 279, 282, 284-6 Minster in Thanet 45-6, 47, 48, 49, 50-1 platter, wooden 293 Pluckley, mill 338 Pole, Cardinal 56 Pollen, John 99 Postern, deer park 54, 63 Postling, park 54, 57, 58 pottery prehistoric 277 Beaker 48 Belgic 330, 331 Early Neolithic 48 flint-tempered 45, 48 grog-tempered 48 Bronze Age Biconical Urn 51 Late Bronze Age 46 Late Iron Age 14-15, 16 Roman/Romano-British 49, 240, 241, 243, 277, 294, 296, 304 samian 293, 304 Anglo-Saxon 49-50, 50, 294, 299 medieval 282-4, 288 Ashford Potter’s Corner Shelly/Sandy ware 277, 279, 282 Coarse Sandy ware (EM45) 282 Shell and flint-tempered coarse sandy ware (EM33) 282 post-medieval 294, 296 pottery manufacture, Thornden wood 346-7 PoW camps 160 GENERAL INDEX 413 Powcyns 265 Powell, Andrew B. see Andrews, Phil prehistoric cross-Channel trade 1-19 Dover, haven 303 Minster in Sheppey 301 salt 329 Thornden 344 Whitfield 304 Wickhambreaux 298 see also pottery Price, Ralph, vicar 342 purse fitting 255 Radfall Road 346; see also Swalecliffe highway, Rodfall radiocarbon dating Dover Bronze Age boat 4 EBA field system 43, 46, 47, 50 railways defences 155, 156, 157, 171, 172, 174, 176, 183 Upper Upnor 304 Ramsgate 158 Southwood, Roman bronze bucket 210- 12, 211 Rand, William 339 Randolph, Thomas 223 Rapentone 275, 277 Reculver Roman bronze vessels 199, 199, 202, 203 20th-century defences 153, 154, 156, 158, 161, 172 Red Hills, and Rutupiae 327-33 Reeve, William 94, 99, 103 Repton manor 275, 277, 288 Richard I 315, 320, 325 Richard II 323 Richards, John 141, 142 Richborough 329, 332 Roman 201, 203, 205 Riddler, Ian see Bennett, Paul Ringwould 266, 271 Ripton park 56 Rivers, George, JP 112, 120 roads see Roman/Romano-British period Robert of Turneham (Thurnham) 320 Roberts, Sir John 341, 342 Roberts, Walter 69 Robertsbridge, Abbey of 324 Rochester 35 bishop’s parks 62 bridge crossing 175 castle 66 ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 Rodfall (the Radfall) 348, 349 Rogers, Robert 341 Roman/Romano-British period Bexley settlement 306 bronze cremation bucket and dish used as lid 189-213 buildings 293, 294, 295, 298 burial urn 344, 347 Deal Waterworks 301 fort, Dover 303 haven, Dover 303 industrial activity, Canterbury 296 jeweller’s workshop 293 jewellery settings 256 Lewisham, road 306-7 marching pack 202, 202 Minster in Sheppey 301 roads 296, 306-7, 330 Rutupiae 327, 332 street, Canterbury 293 tile 240, 304 town houses 292, 295 trade routes 15-16 Whitfield 304 wooden threshold 292, 292 see also Canterbury, Rose Lane excavations; pottery Romney Marsh 65, 334 roof tile, medieval 244, 246 ‘root and branch’ petition 90-1 Roper, John 270-1 Rothman, John 339 Royal Navy, 20th century 156, 157 Royal Observer Corps 181-2, 182, 183, 184 Roydon, park 61 Royer-Hemet, Catherine (ed.), Canterbury: A Medieval City, reviewed 359-60 Rutupiae 327-33 fort 329, 332 St Augustine’s park see Canterbury St Cosmus, nodal points 176 St Damian, nodal points 176 St Margaret’s at Cliffe 307-8 St Mary Cray, Seynctling Okemere 270 St Nicholas at Wade, Thanet Roman bronze cremation bucket and dish used as lid 189-213 cremated bone 199 linen fragment 189, 197, 198, 205 nodal point 169 Salinas, Imbert de 323 salterns 328, 329, 330-1, 332 salt-making 329-30, 331, 332 salt marshes 268 Saltwood 335, 340 park 54, 58, 62, 66 rectory 223 Salvin, Anthony 150 GENERAL INDEX 414 Sandwich 157, 329 Cedar House 301 Sarre 169 ferry 199, 200 Sawbridge, Jacob 342 Sawbridge, John 343 Sawkins Farm alias Park Gate farm 342 Saxton map (1575) 57, 58-9, 66-7 Sceau, Nicholas de 316 Schuster, Jorn see Andrews, Phil; Martin, Jon Scotney, park 61, 66 Scotney Old Castle, (Part II ) 111-51 Ashburnham Tower 123, 136, 144, 145 brewhouse 144-5 ‘bridge’ 123 chapel 133 Chingley Farm 111, 112 garden front 126, 127, 128, 133-6 garderobe projection 114, 116-17, 124, 126 kitchen area 117-26 fireplace 117-18, 119 ‘library’ 132, 142 New House 150 South and West elevations 136-9 service rooms 132 smoking chamber and secret compartment 119, 122-3 staircase 139-40 West Range 112-18, 140 Scott, Sir Edward 23, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 40 n.7 Scott, Robert 32, 34 Scott, Sir Thomas, park owned by 56, 73 Scotte, Thomas 341 Scott’s (Scot’s) Hall, Smeeth 28, 32, 34, 40 n.7 park 56, 59, 73 sea-level rise 331-2 seal see Winchelsea seal Seary, Peter see Smith, Victor T.C. Seasalter anti-invasion scaffolding 170, 171 salterns 329 warden post 181 Secker, Thomas, archbishop 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 224, 226, 228 Sedger, Anne 104 Selethrytha, abbess 334 Sevenoaks, Panthurst park 73 Shadoxhurst 266, 269 Sheerness, defences 156, 158 shell (marine), Canterbury 238, 240, 241, 245, 246, 249 Shellness, Sheppey 171 Sheppey (Isle of) cotels or coterells 329 defences 161, 171 Warden Point 161, 177 ‘Sherifyscote’, Thanet 265 Sherivescourte (Sheryvescourte), Thanet 267, 268, 269 ship money 88, 99-100 Shoeburyness, defences 156, 161, 171 Short, Thomas 104 Shurland, deer park 54, 57, 59-60 Sibersnoth 335 Siberton 334, 336 Sidney family 56, 59, 60, 73 Sidney, Sir Henry 62 Simpson, Thomas, tailor 94, 96, 103 Sissinghurst, deer park 54, 59, 66, 69, 71, 73 Sittingbourne, The Meads 299, 300; see also Chilton situlae, Bronze Age 5 Skeete 335, 336 slag Iron Age 239 Roman 240, 256 slaughterhouses 248, 257 Sloden, John 339 Sloden, Robert 339 Smith, James, chaplain 226 Smith, Victor T.C. and Peter Seary, ‘Kent’s twentieth-century military and civil defences. Part 3 - Canterbury’ 153-88 Snave 266 Somerhill park see Tonbridge Somner, William, registrar 87 Sondes, Sir Michael 277 Sonyynglee, William 335 Southampton, king’s esnecca 315-16, 323, 324 Southfrith forest or park see Tonbridge Southpark (South Park) see Penshurst Southwood, Ramsgate, Roman bronze bucket 210-12, 211 Sparey-Green, Christopher see Bennett, Paul Speed map (1611) 57, 58-9, 66-7 Spice, John 343 Spicer, Henry 340 Spicer, John 339, 340 Spicer, William 34 Spratt, Robert 341 Stafford, Edward, Duke of Buckingham 62 Stanhope family 261 Staple, chapel 222 Starborough castle 55 park 61 Statute of Uses (1536) 265 Statute of Wills (1540) 265 Stelling Manes Common 342 Stephens, Laurence 104 Stevens, William 227 Stokes, Anthony 342 Stokes (Stokys), John, carpenter 339 Stokys, Roger 339 GENERAL INDEX 415 Stonehurst, park 54, 55, 60, 61 Stour river defences 172, 174 oyster beds 328 Stowting, deer park 54, 57, 59, 66 Sturry bombing 180 Broad Oak Lodge 160 Congregational Chapel 160 nodal points 175, 176 Sturton, John 32 Sundridge, park 63, 68 sunken featured buildings, Anglo-Saxon 43, 44, 48-50 Surrenden 60 Sutton, deer park 54 Sutton Valence park 63 Swale 161, 171 Swale river, prehistoric cross-Channel trade 1, 4, 16 Swalecliffe 161, 345, 346, 347 warden post 181 Swalecliffe highway 345-6, 348 Sweden, wine vessels 212 Sweetinburgh, Sheila, book review by 359-60 Symonson map (1596) 57, 58-9 Tann, Peter, books reviewed by 364-7 Tart Hall, London 126, 127, 138 Tatnall, Thomas 104 Taylor, John 342 Taylor, Myldred 271 Taylor, William 342 Taylor, William, signatory to petition 94, 103 Terry, John, curate 87, 99 tesserae 240, 241, 243, 256 textiles, linen on Roman bronze vessel 189, 197, 198, 205 Thames river defences 155, 157, 180 prehistoric cross-Channel trade 1 Thanet island, Roman 200, 203, 206 Thant, Westwood Cross 51 Thatcher, John 103 thimble 255 Thompson, Thomas, vicar 229 Thornden Meadow 349 Thornden Wood, the Blean infantry brigade 169, 176 records of 344-50 threshold, wooden, Roman 292, 292 Throwley defences 158 park 57, 59 Thurnham 267, 320 coin hoard 309 tile manufacture, Thornden wood 346-7 tin, in prehistoric bronze-working and trade 2, 4, 8-9, 11, 13, 14 Tonbridge nodal point 172 Northfrith park 54, 59, 63, 68, 69, 71 parks 63, 66, 68 Somerhill (house) 150 Somerhill park 59, 60, 68 Southfrith park 54, 59, 60, 63, 68, 69, 71 Townshend, Thomas, Viscount Sydney 218 Townshend, William 218 Treadcraft, Andrew 103 Trenchemer, Alan 316 Tucker, Chris, ‘Two Roman bronze vessels from St Nicholas at Wade, Isle of Thanet’ 189-213 Tucker, John, joiner 94, 103 Tufton family 277 Turcan, Robert, Gravesend Through Time, reviewed 372 Turle, John and Alice 264 tweezers 255 Twysden (Twisden), Sir Roger 24, 40 n.7 Tyler Hill park, Canterbury 59, 60 Tyler, John 339 Upchurch, marsh 268 Upper Upnor, Frindsbury 304 Urry, William 244 Valoigns family 277 Valoyns, Henry de 277 Valoyns, Waretius de 277 Ventris, Thomas, curate 99 Videan, Hamond, husbandman 341 Viking raids 334 Vyse, William, rector 223 Wake, William, archbishop 217, 221, 228 Wakelen, Daniel 104 Waller family 56, 73 wall plaster, Roman, painted 240, 241, 243, 256 Walpole, Horace 218, 219, 220, 226, 228 Wantsum Channel 199, 199, 202, 203 oyster beds 328 palaeochannel, tributary channel 43-5 place names 332 plant remains 45 prehistoric cross-Channel bronze trade 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 16 salinae 329 silting 332 Wantsum river, stop line 172 Warde, John 338 Warden Point, Sheppey 161, 177 Wardones, Egerton 266, 267, 269, 270 GENERAL INDEX 416 Warehorne 266 Warren, William 104 Watling Street, defences 175 Weald 334 parks 65 Webster, Michael see Atkins, Rob Wedderburne, Alexander 342 Weekes, Jake, ‘Additional evidence of Roman (and later) occupation adjacent to the Marlowe Arcade, Canterbury: excavations at Rose Lane, 2002-4’ 235-58 Well Hall, park 59 Wessex Archaeology 43 West Blean, defences 158 West Blean Wood 348 Westbrooke, Lucy 140 Westenhanger Castle corn-drier or waste pit 286 Sir Brockman’s prison 23, 25-6, 28-33 deer parks 54, 59, 66 manor and park 339 Westrowe, Thomas 30, 34, 40 n.13 Westwell park 56, 59 West Wickham, park 59, 60, 69 West Wood 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343-4 Wheaten, Alexander, ‘The records of Thornden Wood in the Blean since the eighth century’ 344-50 White, John 87, 101 White, Timothy 104 Whiteherste (manor house), Marden 268 Whitfield, Honeywood Parkway 304 Whiting, William, woollen draper 94, 98, 99, 100, 103 Whiting, William junior 94, 103 Whitstable, 20th-century defences 153, 154, 156, 169, 181, 184 AFS 167 air raid precautions 166 air raid shelters 165, 166 air raid sirens 164, 167 camouflaging 166 Chain Home Low station 175, 177, 179 Cold War 181 decontamination centre 167 evacuees 166 first aid points 164-5 gas cleansing stations 164 interwar period 161, 163 Munich Crisis 162 nodal points 176 pillboxes 171 Tankerton (Castle) 163, 164, 166, 171 training battery 156 warden post 181 WWI 157, 158, 159, 160 WWII 166, 167, 170, 171, 175, 176, 179, 180 Wickhambreaux 158, 329 barrow cemetery 298 Wihtred, King of Kent 334 Wilkes, John 215, 228 Wilkinson, Louise J. see Dalton, Paul William of Alding (Yalding), and Avicia 321 William I, esnecca 316 Wilsford, James 96, 97, 105 Wilson, Tristrim 105 Winchelsea seal 316, 316 Wodell, James 335 Wodell, John 338, 339 Woodchurch 266 ‘Kentish Petition’ 91 marsh 268 woodland 334, 335, 337-9 and parks 63, 65, 69 prehistoric clearance 11 Wotton Survey 267-8 see also Thornden Wood Woodland (Wood Land), Lyminge 335, 336 World War I, Fort Borstal 313; see also defences World War II Fort Borstal 313 St Margaret’s at Cliffe, gun emplacement 308 see also Canterbury; defences Wotton, Anne (nee Belknap) 259, 260 Wotton, Dorothea (nee Reed) 261 Wotton, Edward (1489-1551) 259-61, 264, 265, 271 Wotton, Elizabeth (nee Bamburgh) 259 Wotton, George (Robert’s son) 265 Wotton, Joan(n)e (nee Corby) 259, 270, 272 Wotton, Nicholas, draper (d.1448) 259, 260, 270, 272 Wotton, Nicholas jnr (d.1480) 259, 260, 264-5 Wotton, Nicholas, priest (Robert’s son) 261, 265 Wotton, Robert (d.1524) 259, 260, 264-5 Wotton, Thomas 55, 56 Wotton, Thomas (c.1521-87) 259, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271, 272 Wotton, Thomas (d.1630) 272 Wotton, William (d.1391) 259, 260 Wotton Survey 259-74 Wroth, Mabel, dau. of Sir Thomas 341 Wrotham 222 deer park 54, 62, 68 Wyat, Sir Henry 265 Wyatt, Sir Thomas 63 Yalding 321 Young, Peter, A History of Music at Sevenoaks School from 1877-2010, reviewed 370-1