General Index, Volume 133
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Bronze Boats and Kentish Seaboard in Prehistory The Role of Coastal Kent in a Major Trans-Continental Trade Route
General Index, Volume 133
general iNDEX
Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics
BA Bronze Age
EBA Early Bronze Age
ERB Early Romano-British
IA Iron Age
LIA Late Iron Age
MBA Middle Bronze Age
RB Romano-British
Aberystwyth (Ceredigion), gatehouse 275
Abingdon 98
Adams, William, painter 15, 17
Adisham, Bekesbourne Mill 277
Ælfric of Eynsham 98
Æthelberht (Ethelbert), King 74, 89, 90, 93, 94, 101, 227
Æthelred 90
Æthelstan the ætheling 97, 112n.140
Æthelwulf, King 91
Aird and Sons 135
Aldington, St Martin’s Church miser-icords 188, 190, 191, 193, 211
Allhallows 132, 150
Andrews, Colin, book review by 346-8
Brasted 308
Canterbury 35, 36, 40, 44, 281
Dover, and placenames 316, 320, 321, 323
Folkestone 222, 223, 229, 230
St Eanswythe minster 215, 225-6
lathes of East Kent, origins of 83-113
placename spellings in charters 329
sceattas 293
Wainscott Saxon settlement 291, 293
Wye 311
see also pottery
animal bone
cattle 62-3, 305, 314
chicken 314
dog 62
horse 62, 314
pig 62, 63, 314
sheep/goat 62-3, 305, 314
wild boar 62
Ashford, IA 299, 305
Brasted 311
Canterbury 36, 38, 62-3
Wainscott, MBA 291
Wye 313, 314
antiquarianism, and antiquarian views of Folkestone 215-34
anti-slavery movement, on the Isle of Thanet 1-32
Antonine Itinerary 220, 315
Archaeology South-East 235, 308, 311
arrowhead, Neolithic flint 294-5
Ashford, St Mary the Virgin Church misericords 188, 189, 193, 194, 199, 207, 210, 211
Ashford, Park Farm (excavations SE of) 295-307
BA 295, 297, 305
IA animal bone 299, 305
coin 299
crucibles (melting copper alloys) 301, 304, 306
four-post structure 301
metalworking furnace 301, 304, 306
plant remains 299, 303, 305
roundhouses ring gullies 295, 297-300, 301, 303, 305, 306
shrine 299
trackways 299-300
LIA-ERB landscape 303-5, 306
ditches 304-5, 306
fence-lines 305
four-post granaries 305
hearths 304, 306
pottery 303, 304, 305, 306
Roman/RB 295, 301, 305, 306
coins 303
Astell, Mary 72, 77-8
Astell, Ralph, curate 72
Atkinson, George 19
Audley, Sir Hugh de 236
Austen, Charles and Nathaniel 286
Austen, John 286
Aver, William, preacher 16
Avery, Elizabeth 72
bridge 119
lathe 83, 84, 85, 86, 94, 95-7, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103
Babington, Gervase, Bishop of Worc-ester 70
Bagborough 97
Balderstone, Samuel 46
Barham, mills 277
Barrow, Francis, minister 16, 18
Battely, John, archdeacon 230
Battle Abbey 92-3, 311
Baylay, Revd W.F. 13, 18, 19
Beard, Samuel, miller 287-8
Beckett, St Thomas 119, 196, 330
Bede, Venerable 87, 89, 221
belt mount 313
belt stiffener, copper-alloy 60
Benstede, Andrew, vicar 192, 197
Berkeley, Revd M. 16, 18
Bertha, queen of Kent 74, 93
Bestiary 195, 203, 204, 205, 208-9
Beyond the Horizon: Societies of the Channel and North Sea 3,500 Years Ago, reviewed 341-2
Black Death, and plague 118-19
Blaxland family 192, 204
Blean, mill 277
Bligh, E.V. 176-7
Bligh, L.E. 176
Boncey, Charles, hotel owner 16
bone objects, Canterbury 60-1
Boniface, archbishop 117, 118
Boxley 96
Abbey 119
Bradegare, Robert de 117
Brasted, The Millworks 308-11
animal bone 311
ditches (drainage and field bound-aries) 308-10
mill 308, 310
pottery 311
refuse pits/clay quarries 310
plant remains 308, 311
tile 311
well, 19th-century 310
wood 308, 311
Brennan, Mr 177
Bridge, mill 277
Brisley Farm 305
Bristowe, John Syer 170, 178
Bronze Age
Dover boat 322
flint 37
see also Ashford, Park Farm; pottery; Wainscott
brooches, Roman 39, 40, 59
Brooks, Miss 48
Brown, James, & Co. 8
Buck, engraving of Tonbridge 238
buckle and buckle plate, copper alloy 59
Burham 96
Roman, Canterbury 35, 280
7th century 90, 91, 93
Folkestone 222
see also Maidstone, St Peter’s Wharf
Burmarsh 109 n.66
Burrows, Vince, ‘An arrowhead from Pineham, near Dover’ 294-5
Bury, Elizabeth 68, 71
Cadby, Charles 16
Caerphilly Castle, gatehouse 235, 245, 258, 267, 269, 272, 273-5
Caesar, Julius 316
Calvel, William, reeve 45
Camden, William 217, 219, 220-1, 223, 224, 226, 228, 230
Abbott’s Mill 277
Barnacle Cross 45
Barton Mill 277
Black Mill, St Martin’s Hill 277-90
Anglo-Saxon 281
archaeological investigations 279-86
clay tobacco pipes 283, 284
coin, George III 283
documentary evidence 286-8
glass 283, 284
medieval timber buildings 281
post-medieval quarries and pottery 281, 283, 284
Roman 280, 281
Canterbury (cont.)
Blean New Mill 288
Burgate 278
Castle 34, 35, 44, 46, 331
Castle Street 34, 46, 47
Becket shrine 186
clergy 77
fire (1174) 186
Henry IV’s tomb 201
misericords 187
St Thomas Beckett 119
The Cedars 35, 47-8
Christ Church Priory 44, 45, 46, 97
Dane John mound post-mill 277, 278
Eastbridge Hospital 212, 278
Franciscan Gardens mill 277, 278
Gordon Road 35
Harbledown Black Mill 277, 278
Holy Cross Church 212
lathe 87, 88, 91, 93, 94, 99, 103
Little Foxmould mill 278
9 Littlebourne Road, burial 280
malthouse 286
Mill public house/Mill House Tavern 279, 288
St Augustine’s Abbey 188, 191, 280
St Augustine’s lathe 84, 86, 99
St Augustine’s survey 98, 112 n.163
St James’ leper hospital 44
St John’s Hospital 119
St Lawrence’s Hospital 278
St Lawrence Mill 277, 278
St Martin’s Church 280, 281
St Martin’s tower mill (Querns Mill) 277, 278, 286, 288
St Nicholas’ Hospital 119
St Sepulchre Church 278
St Thomas’ Hill mill 277, 278
St Thomas’ Hospital 119
see of 330
Sessions House, Longport 280
10 Wincheap, Roman and medieval development at land adjoining 33-65
documentary evidence 44-9
prehistoric, pits and soils 35, 36-7, 37
BA flint 37
IA pottery 37, 49
Roman 35, 36, 37-40, 38, 39
animal bone 38, 62-3
brooch 39, 40, 59
burial ground 35
finds 59, 60, 61
glass 61
pottery 38, 40, 49-52, 50, 53
structures? 40
Anglo-Saxon suburb 35, 36, 40, 44
medieval 35, 36, 40-2, 41, 42, 52
animal bone 63
boundary/fence line 40-1
finds 59
pottery 40, 41, 52-6, 55
post-medieval 42-4, 43
animal bone 63
building 16th-century 36, 42-4, 43
cess tank 43-4
finds 44, 59-60
glass 44, 62
pottery 44, 53, 56-8
Wincheap Gate 35, 46
Wincheap Green 34, 45, 46, 47
Wincheap Grove 46, 47
Wincheap Street 35, 36, 41, 42, 45, 46
6 Windmill Close, Lower Palaeolithic handaxe 280
Worthgate 35, 36, 44, 46
Wye-men’s gate 83
Canterbury Archaeological Trust 33, 279
Canterbury, archbishop of 330
Carthew, John, tavern owner 16, 19
Carthew, Thomas, boot maker 17, 20
Castell, William, boot maker 17
castles, in the Pipe Rolls 330-2; see also Tonbridge Castle gatehouse
Cawdell, William, silversmith 313
Ceolnoth, Archbishop 91
Chambers, Barlett 48
Folkestone, St Botolph’s 228, 234 n.44
Maidstone 115, 118, 121
Tonbridge Castle 244-5, 262
anti-slavery 3, 9
ring fortress 149, 159
Chauntler, Henry, minister 70
Chepstow Castle (Gwent) 269
Castle 331-2
lathe 87, 88, 91, 93
chintun 102
Chislet 89
churches see misericords; see also chapels
Civil War
destruction in churches 187
Folkestone 221, 227
Tonbridge 238, 243, 268
de Clare family 235, 236, 238
Clare, Gilbert de 236, 272, 275
Clare, Richard de, Earl of Gloucester 271, 272, 274
Clarke, Edward, barrister 171, 172, 179-80
clay tobacco pipes
Canterbury 283, 284
Wye 313
clerical families, 17th-century female literacy 67-81
clerical marriage 68-9
Cliffe at Hoo, St Helen’s Church misericords 188, 192-3, 200, 202, 203, 211
Cliffe Creek 132
Cliffe Fort 150, 161
Clynton, Lord 228
Coalhouse Fort 132, 150, 159, 161
Coast Brigade 147
Cobb family, of Margate 1-32
Cobb, Francis I 5, 6-8, 6
Cobb, Francis II 1, 5, 6, 6, 9, 13, 18-19, 21, 22, 23
Cobb, Francis William 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13-14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22-4, 25, 26
Cobb, Thomas Francis 5, 9, 11, 20, 21
Cobb, William Francis 5
Cobbett, William 3
Cobham, St Mary Magdalene Church misericords 187, 188, 189
de Cobham family 330
Cobham, John de 189
Coenwulf 85
IA, potin 299
Roman/RB 226, 229, 293, 303
Saxon sceattas 293
Charles V of Spain, 16th century 59
George III 283
Cold War 160
Coles Finch, William 277
Coode, Samuel 16, 17
Cooke, Nicholas, and Rachael Seager Smith, ‘Prehistoric and Romano-British activity and Saxon settle-ment at Hoo Road, Wainscott’ 291-3
copper-alloy melting 306
copper-alloy objects
Canterbury 59-60
Wye 313
Copt Point 230
Costigan, Thomas 16
counters, ceramic, Roman 40, 61
Coupere, John, woodmonger 45
Courtenay, Archbishop 119
de Courtney family 192
Courtney, William de, archbishop 189, 192, 210
Cowell, J. & G., of Camberwell 8
Cramp, Revd John 15, 16, 18
Cramp, Thomas 19
Crofts, John, corn chandler 17
Crow, Garton, ironmonger 17
crucibles, for copper alloy, IA 301, 304, 306
Curteys, John, priest 190, 192, 197
Dadds, James, builder 48
Dartford 103
Davis, Roger, carpenter 187
Deal, foying 3
Denge Marsh 87, 91
Denge Wood 87-8, 91, 102
Dengi 87
Denne, James, bookseller 16
Denne, William, printer 12, 13
denu-ge 87-8, 90, 91, 94, 102
Deptford 132
Dere, Thomas 46
Detling 96
die, bracteate 293
Dodd, C.T. 238-9, 268
Domesday Book
Brasted 308
dover 318, 323
lathes 83, 85-6, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, 98, 99
Domesday Book (cont.)
mills 277
Pipe Rolls 329
Domesday Monachorum 98
Domneva, Queen of Mercia 205
door furniture, iron 60
Dour river 323, 324
Dove, Lt Henry 15, 16, 18
Anglo-Saxon 316, 320, 321, 323
anti-slavery 9
BA boat 322
Castle 331, 332
Castle Street 324
foying 3
harbour 322-5
mill 323
monastery 103
placename 315-27
fort 323
jetty or mole 323
placename 315-16, 317, 322, 323, 324, 325
Townwall Street 323
Doverow Hill (Glos.) 319
Draper, Peter, book review by 356
Dungeness 87
Durham, Anthony, and Michael Goor-machtigh, ‘The meaning of the name Dover’ 315-27
Durovernum Cantiacorum 36
Dymchurch 98
Eales, Jacqueline, ‘Female literacy and the social identity of the clergy family in the seventeenth century’ 67-81
Eanswythe 225, 226
East Farleigh 118
Egberht’s court 205
lathe 83, 84, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90-1, 92, 93, 94, 99, 100, 101, 103
Eccles 96
Edward I 271, 272, 275
Edwards, Elizabeth, book review by 355-6
Egberht of Kent/Egbert I 90, 205
Elgar, Daniel, grocer 16
Elstob, Charles 67, 74, 75
Elstob, Elizabeth 67, 70, 71, 72, 73-8
Elstob, Matilda 74
Ethelbert (see Æthelberht)
evangelicalism 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 18, 21-6
Eyhorne hundred 96-7, 112 n.140
Fagg, John, clock-maker 17
Fairhegne, Wimarca and Gleduse 45
Fallon, David, and Dan Swift, ‘Excav-ations at The Millworks, Brasted’ 308-11
Faversham 85, 86, 103
Holy Saviour Abbey 191
St Mary of Charity Church miseri-cords 188, 191, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211
Felton, Susan, and Stephen Hipkin, ‘“Trenching the ground of medical men”: criminality, respectability and justice in the “West Malling poisoning case”, 1882-1883’ 167-84
Fill, Robert 48
Finch, Mabella (nee Fotherby) 68
finger ring, child’s, medieval 41, 59
Finglesham 90
First World War see World War I
Lower Palaeolithic handaxe, Canter-bury 280
Neolithic arrowhead, Pineham 294-5
Late Neolithic and BA, Wainscott 291
BA, Canterbury 37
Flint, Thomas R. and John B., iron-mongers 17, 20
Fogge, Sir John 189
antiquarian views 215-34
the Bayle 215, 225-6
Castle Hill, Norman 215, 222, 227, 228-9
chapel of St Botolph 227, 228
charter 89
East Cliff 223, 225, 227-9, 230
East Cliff Roman villa 215, 229
as ‘Lapis Tituli’ 223, 229-31
Norman Priory 215
Roman 217, 219-21, 222, 223, 225-6, 228-9, 230
Folkestone (cont.)
Roman coins 226, 229
St Eanswythe minster, Anglo-Saxon 215, 225-6
Fordwich 91
Foster Road 305
four-post structure, IA 301
foying 3
Frinsted, St Dunstan 211-12
Fulbert de Dover 331, 332
Galloway, James A. (ed.), Tides and Floods, new research on London and the Tidal Thames from the middle ages to the twentieth century, reviewed 348-50
Gaskell, George and William 16, 17, 18, 20
Geary, Col. 149
George, Abraham, pub landlord 288
Gervaise, monk 186
Gildas, monk 219, 221, 223, 228, 229
Giles, William 16, 17
glass 283, 284
Canterbury, Roman and post-medieval 40, 44, 61-2
Wainscott, Saxon 293
Wye, post-medieval 313
Gloucester, Earl of 246, 249; see also de Clare family
Glover, Thomas 288
Goacher, Deborah, ‘Kent and the earlier Pipe Rolls (1130 to c.1300): some introductory notes’ 327-35
Godden, Misses 48
Godfrey, engraving of Tonbridge 238
Godfrid, woodmonger 45
gold antiquities 228
Goormachtigh, Michael see Durham, Anthony
Gordon, Lt Col. Charles 134-5, 136, 147, 148, 159
Gouger, Daniel, miller 17, 18
Grain 158
New Tavern Fort 131-66
barracks 144, 159, 161, 162, 163
boom defence 147
covered way 155, 156
fire control position 155-7
Fort House 133, 148, 160
Gordon Promenade 148, 158
gun emplacements 138-40
guns 136-8, 145, 149-57, 159, 162, 163
hospital 144, 147
laboratory 143-4
magazines 136, 140, 141-3, 145, 153, 155, 160, 161, 162
Milton Barracks 143, 147, 157,
Milton Chantry, medieval 133, 144, 159, 160, 162, 163
mines 147
mortuary 144
other buildings 144-5
store rooms 155
war shelters 153
Whitehall Place 159
Windmill St drill hall 145
Gravesend/Tilbury river crossing (ferry) 132, 149
Green Man 201
guns see Gravesend, New Tavern Fort
hairpin, bone 60
Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich 70
hammerstone 299
Hammond, George, landowner 287
Black Mill 277, 278
St Nicholas’ Church misericords 188, 189, 192
Hardy, Lesley, ‘“Objects of loving attention”: antiquarian views of Folkestone. Part one’ 215-34
Hardy, Nathaniel, preacher 69
Harley, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford 73, 75
Harris, Dr John 223
Harris, Revd Richard 98
Harrison, Moses, boot maker 17, 20
Hartlip, St Michael and All Angels 212
Harwich (Essex), Dovercourt 318
Hasted, Edward 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 244, 278
Hays, John, grocer 16, 20
Henderson, Michael, and Heather Knight, ‘“Le Newerk of Maydeston” - excavation of a medieval hospital site at St Peter’s Wharf, Maidstone’ 115-29
Henry I 328
Henry II 331, 332
Henry III 272
Henry IV 201
Henry VIII 222
Henry the carpenter 45
Henry of Hereford, master-mason 275
Henry, Philip, minister 73
Hermitage, Steph., painter 17
Herne, St Martin’s Church misericords 188, 191, 192, 196, 197, 203, 205, 210, 211
Hickes, George, Dean of Worcester 73, 74
Hicks, Alison see Shand, Grant
Hinds and Richardson, millers 288
Hipkin, Stephen see Felton, Susan
Hodges, Thomas Law 13
Hollingbourne 85, 96-7
Holman Brothers of Canterbury, mill-wrights 288
Holman, Thomas 288
Honywood, William, politician 9
Hoo 85, 103
Hoo Peninsula 148-9, 157
Hopton, Susanna 73
horn working 63
Horton, Katherine 68
Gravesend, military 144, 147
leper 44, 126
medieval see Maidstone, St Peter’s Wharf
see also Canterbury
Hoyles, Martin, William Cuffay. The life and times of a Chartist leader, reviewed 354-5
human skeletal remains, Maidstone 125-8
Hunter, George Yeates, surgeon 15, 16, 19
Iron Age
Canterbury, pottery 37, 49
Wainscott, LIA/RB trackway 291
see also Ashford, Park Farm; coins; pottery
ironwork, objects
Canterbury 60
Wye 313
Ashford, IA furnace 301, 304, 306
Wainscott, slag 293
Wye, iron smelting tap slag 313
Isle of Wight
duver placenames 317, 318-19
Hamstead 318, 319
Ryde, Dover Street 318, 319, 324
St Helens 318, 319
Seaview 318, 319
Jenkins, J[ohn], maltster 17, 20
Jenkins, Mary, schoolmistress 47
Jenkins, Richard 16, 20
Jones, Chris, Tunbridge Wells in 1909. The year we became ‘Royal’. Events and attitudes in the town 100 years ago, reviewed 357-8
Jones, Major T.H. 48
Jones, Thomas, apothecary 15, 16
Judkin, Revd Thomas James 287, 287
Jullieberrie’s Grave 88
Kent Archaeological Society (KAS) website 329
Kent Artillery Volunteers 145
Kent Nursing Institution 168, 177
Kerver, Theilmann 195
key, iron 44, 60
Killingray, David, book reviews by 352-5
Killingray, David, and Elizabeth Purves (eds), Sevenoaks. An Historical Dictionary, reviewed 355-6
King, Edward, survey by 238, 239, 244, 256, 268, 271
Knatchbull, Sir Edward 9, 13, 14
knife handle, bone 313
Knight, Heather see Henderson, Michael
Knights Templar 330
Kyngtone 102
Lambarde, William 75, 100, 101, 219, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230
Langton, Stephen, archbishop 187
Larkfield hundred 96
de Lasaux (De Lesaux) family 47
lathes, of East Kent, origins of 83-113
Laurence, Ray, Roman Archaeology for Historians, reviewed 343-4
Lawrence of Ludlow 273
lead shot 293
Leeds Priory, prior of 118
Leland, John 220, 222-3, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228
Lenham, St Mary’s Church misericords 188, 191
leper hospitals 44, 126
Levey, E[manuel], jeweller 16
Lewis, Charles S., schoolmaster 15, 16, 20
Lewis, Samuel, clerk 15, 16, 19, 20
Leybourn, Roger de 272
Limen, lathe 83-4, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99
Limen river 83, 93, 94
Lincoln, Henry 45
literacy, women in 17th-century clerical families 67-81
Little Stour river 93
Llangynwyd Castle (Glam.) 272
Lloyd, James, ‘The origin of the lathes of East Kent’ 83-113
loomweights, Saxon 293
Loose, fulling mill 118
Lower Hope 152
Lunn, Geoff, Medway and Swale Ship-ping through Time, reviewed 358
Lushington, Sir John, From Gavel-kinders to Gentlemen: a History of the Lushington Family in East Kent from 1200-1700, reviewed 350-2
Lyle, Lawrence, book review by 343-4
Lyminge, lathe 87, 91, 92, 93-4, 102, 103
Lyminge Abbey 91
Lympne, lathe 84, 85, 91, 93, 94, 103
MacDougall, Philip, Chatham Dock-yard. The Rise and Fall of a Military Industrial Complex, reviewed 352-3
McNicol, A.J. 47
Maidstone 101
All Saints Church misericords 187, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201, 207, 210, 211
All Saints college 119
anti-slavery 3
bridge 118
pilgrims 119
St Mary’s Church 189, 192
St Michael’s Church misericords 188
St Peter’s Wharf, medieval hospital excavations 115-29
cemetery burials 115, 117, 122, 123-7, 124, 128
chapel 115, 118, 121
cloth shrouds 123
drain, masonry 117, 120, 121, 122
hospital buildings 121-2
hospital dedication 118
pilgrims 119
pottery 125
St Peter’s church 121, 122
World War I recruitment 335-40
Manston family 192
Manston, William 192
anti-slavery 3, 5-20
brewery 1, 5, 6-7, 8, 22
Holy Trinity 21
Marsh, Thomas, miller 286
Marshall, George 17
Martin, David and Barbara, ‘A reinter-pretation of the gatehouse at Tonbridge Castle’ 235-76
Mason, Martha, schoolmistress 47
Matthew le Wantier 45
Maw, Benjamin, grocer 15, 16
Medway river
bridging (crossing) 119, 236
19th-century defences and refort-ifications 131, 132
Wester near 101, 102
metalworking see copper-alloy melting; ironworking; slag
Military Service Conventions (1917) 335, 337, 338
Brasted 308, 310
Dover 323
see also Canterbury, Black Mill
millstones 293
Milton 83, 84, 86, 99, 103
Minster in Thanet
charter 89
St Mary’s Church misericords 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 199-200, 201, 204, 205, 207, 209, 211
misericords, medieval, in parish churches 185-213
Mono, Guido de, rector 192
Moody, Ges, book review by 348-50
Moreton, Archbishop 191
Morgan, David 49
Morgan, George 49
mount, openwork, medieval 42, 60
mount or tack, medieval 41, 59
Mundie, George 48
Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) 115
Mywelle, William de 117
nails, iron 60, 313
Nelson, Robert, philanthropist 73
Nennius 221, 223, 228, 229-30
flint, Wainscott 291
flint arrowhead, Pineham 294-5
long barrow 88
Neve, Thomas 189
Nevill family 168
Nevill, Lady Caroline 168, 177
Nevill, Lady Isabel 176
Nevill, Hon. Ralph 176
New Tavern Fort (see Gravesend)
Newby family, merchants 15, 20
Newby, Abraham, tailor 15, 17
Newby, Thomas, coal merchant 16
Notitia Dignitatum 220, 228, 315
Osborne, Robert C., bookseller 16
Oswin, King 91
Ovenden, Toby, ‘The Cobbs of Margate: evangelicalism and anti-slavery in the Isle of Thanet, 1787-1834’ 1-32
Owen Committee 157-8, 161, 162
Canterbury 39, 43
Wye 314
Paine, William, blacksmith 17, 19, 20
Palaeolithic (Lower) handaxe 280
Parfitt, Keith, and Trevor Anderson, Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. Dover: excavations 1994, reviewed 344-6
Parker, Matthew, archbishop 75
Parker, Thomas, minister 72
Pasley, Major C. 134
Peckham, Archbishop 189
Peirce, John 16
Pellett, Irene, ‘The medieval miseri-cords of Kent’s parish churches’ 185-213
Peters, Hugh, and daughter Elizabeth 69-70
Petrie, Susan, book review by 350-2
Philipot, John 223
Philipot, Thomas 217, 223, 226
Philp, Brian, The Discovery and Excavation of the Roman Shore-Fort at Dover, Kent, reviewed 346-8
Pickering, James, chemist 16
Pikere, Nicholas le 117
pilgrims 119, 188, 200
Pineham, Neolithic flint arrowhead 294-5
copper alloy 59, 60, 313
bone (or needle) 60-1
Pipe Rolls 327-35
Dover 315-27
Folkestone as ‘Lapis Tituli’ 223, 229-31
in Pipe Rolls 329
plague 46, 118-19
plant remains
Ashford, Park Farm 299, 303, 305
Brasted 308, 311
Wainscott, EBA 291
Wye 314
Plomer, John, carpenter 45
Plumptre, John Pemberton 13-14, 20
Pope, Dr Horatio 170, 171, 173
Porlock (Som.), Doverhay 318
Portland, Margaret, Duchess of 77
at Canterbury 38, 40, 49-52
‘Belgic’ grog-tempered ware 49, 51
BA, flint- and grog-tempered 295, 297
Beaker 291
Deverel-Rimbury 291
IA 37, 49, 299, 301, 303
LIA 301, 304, 305, 306
LIA/RB 291
pottery (cont.)
at Ashford 304, 305
at Canterbury 280
BB2 fabric 52
Central Gaulish 49
Central Gaulish Black Colour-coat fabric 51
ERB 303, 304, 306
handmade BB1 50
imitative Alice Holt greyware 52
late Roman grog-tempered 52
‘Native Coarse Ware’ 51
‘North Gaulish’ Canterbury ware 51
North Kent Fineware 50, 51
Oxfordshire Red Colour-coat 52
Samian 52
sandy grey Canterbury fabric 51
South Gaulish Samian 49-50
Stuppington Lane fabric BER1 49
Thameside greyware 52
white Rhenish fabric 52
white-slipped oxidised Hoo fabric 50
Saxon 293
organic-tempered 293
medieval 311
at Canterbury 40, 41, 52-6, 55
at Maidstone 125
Brittoncourt Farm type 54
Canterbury Sandy Ware 54
Canterbury Transitional Sandy 56
Canterbury-type Fine Earthenware 56
Flemish Highly Decorated Ware 54
Langerwehe 56
Late Tyler Hill ware 56
London ware 54
Martincamp flask 56
Raeren 56
Rhenish imports 56
sand and shell (EM3) tempered 54
sand-tempered 311
shelly (EM2) 54
Siegburg 56
Tudor Green 56
Tyler Hill 54, 56
Wealden origin 56
post-medieval 281, 283, 284, 313
at Canterbury 44, 53, 56-8
Border ware 58
Calcareous-peppered ware 58
creamware 58
Dutch slipware 58
early transfer-printed pearlware 58
Frechen 58
local earthenwares 58
London stoneware 58
redwares (PM1) 56, 58
salt-glazed English stoneware 281
Staffordshire-type combed slip-ware 58
tin-glazed ware 58
Wealden fine pink-buff earthen-wares 58
Westerwald 58
Pounds, Dr Thomas 172, 173
Powell, Andrew B., ‘Settlement and landscape reorganisation from the Middle Iron Age to the Early Roman period: excavations south-east of Park Farm, Ashford’ 295-307
Powle, John, vicar 70-1
prehistoric, track 90; see also Bronze Age; Canterbury, 10 Wincheap; flint; Iron Age; Neolithic; Palaeo-lithic (Lower); pottery
Pret, Orbert (widow of) 45
Ptolemy 220, 315
Purfleet, powder magazine 132
Pylere, Nicholas, son of Robert le 117
EBA saddle quern 291
Saxon 293
Rainham 85, 86, 103
Ramsgate, anti-slavery 9
Randolph, Mary 74
Ravenna Cosmography 315
Reculver, charter 89
Richards, John Inigo 239, 268
Richardson, Frank, miller 288
Richardson, Patricia, Addington: The Life Story of a Kentish Village, reviewed 357
Richborough 280
river names 319-22
roads, Roman 35, 36, 90, 280, 306
Robason, John, chandler 17
Robert the priest 45
Robinson, William, glass dealer 15, 16
anti-slavery 3, 9
bridge repair 328
Bridge work-list 85, 95-6, 97, 98, 100
Castle 330-1
Cathedral, manuscript 75
plague 119
prior 118
see 95
Rogers, Joseph, coroner 171, 173, 174-6, 177, 180
Canterbury 280, 281
Dover, and placenames 315-16, 317, 322, 323, 324, 325
spoon probe 40, 59
Wye 311
see also Ashford, Park Farm; Canter-bury, 10 Wincheap; coins; Folke-stone; glass; pottery; roads; Wainscott
Romney Marsh 85, 98
Roode of Boxley 119
roundhouses see Ashford, Park Farm
Rowe, Hills, boot maker 17
Rowe, Thomas S., painter 17, 18
Russell, James 48
Rybot, Robert, linen merchant 15, 17, 18
St Leger, Ralph 187, 189
St Nicholas (at Wade) family see Wade
Salter, Talfourd, QC 178, 179, 180, 178, 179, 180
Sandwich 98
St Clement’s Church misericords 188, 191, 192
White Mill 287
Savage, Sarah (nee Henry) 72-3
Saxon see Anglo-Saxon/Saxon
scabbard chape, medieval 42, 59
Scott, Gilbert 187
Scray 84, 86, 88, 94, 99
scutage 329, 330
Sele, William de 118
Seymour, Charles 224
Shand, Grant, and Alison Hicks, ‘Roman and medieval development of a Canterbury suburban area: excavations at land adjoining No.10 Wincheap’ 33-65
Share, Frederick 47
Sheerness 147, 158, 159
Shepway 84,
Shipway 86, 99
Shipway Cross 93
Shoeburyness 134, 138, 158
Shorne 330
Shornemead Fort 132, 136, 161
shrine, IA, Ashford 299
Singleton, William 8
skimmer, copper-alloy 59-60
Wainscott, ironworking 293
Wye, medieval iron smelting 313
slavery: anti-slavery movement on the Isle of Thanet 1-32
Slough Fort 157
Smith, Mary 69
Smith, Rachel Seager see Cooke, Nicholas
Smith, Victor, ‘New for old: the dev-elopment of New Tavern Fort at Gravesend in the industrial age’ 131-66, 131-66
smock mill see Canterbury, Black Mill
Snodland, charter 95, 97
Somner, John 223, 229, 230
Somner, William, antiquary 75
Southfleet, St Nicholas 212
Speght, Rachel 71-2, 73
spoon, silver 313
spoon probe, Roman 40, 59
Stafford family 236
Stafford, Ralph, Lord 236
Stanhope, George, dean 74, 78
Stanhope, Mary (dau.) 74
Stedman, Richard, chemist 170, 174, 179
Stelling Minnis, mills 284
Stoke 85
Stokesay Castle (Shropshire) 249, 259, 273
Stour, lathe 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
Stour river 91, 92, 94, 277
Stow, John 223
Strood, Temple Manor 330
Stukeley, William 223, 224, 225, 226, 230, 231
Sturry, lathe 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 103
sunken featured building, Wainscott 293
Sutton-at-Hone 83, 84, 86
Swift, Dan, ‘Archaeological excavation at the site of the former Taylor’s Garage, Bridge Street, Wye’ 311-14; see also Fallon, David
Swift, Ellen, book review by 344-6
Swinford, John, corn factor 17
Tabula Peutingeriana 315
Taunton (Som.), document 97
Textus Roffensis 75, 102
Thames river, 19th-century defences and refortifications 131, 132-4, 135, 158, 159
Thanet, Cobb family, evangelicalism and anti-slavery 1-32
Thompson, George 9, 11, 12, 15, 23
Thompson, Henry 16
Thoresby, Ralph, antiquarian 73, 74, 77
Throwley, St Michael and All Angels Church misericords 187, 188, 191, 195, 197, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209
Thunor, Thunor’s mound 90-1
Thurnham, castle 332
de Thurnham family 332
Thurnham, Robert de 332
Thurnham, Stephen de 331, 332
Tilbury, East 150, 152, 158
Tilbury Docks 150
Tilbury Fort 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 145, 147, 149, 150, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162
Roman 280
medieval 313
encaustic 246, 259
peg-tiles 41, 313
post-medieval 313
Timins, Revd John Henry 167-81
Civil War 238, 243, 268
town bridge 237, 244
Tonbridge Castle gatehouse 235-76
candle brackets 246, 262, 265
carved heads (corbels) 235, 246, 249, 262-3, 274
chapel 244-5, 262
constable’s chamber 241, 245, 249, 275
doorways 240, 245, 246, 251-3, 273, 274
drawbridge 239, 243, 245
encaustic tiles 246, 259
fireplaces and chimneys 243, 245, 246, 262-5, 273
floors 255-9
forework 239, 243
garderobes (and chutes) 237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 246, 247, 253, 261, 265-7, 274
Great Chamber 237-8, 243, 244, 246, 249, 250, 254, 259, 262-5, 268, 273, 274, 275
Great Hall 237-8
guard rooms 245, 256
inner bailey 236, 237, 241, 243, 244, 247, 253
mansion (1792) 241, 265
motte 236
parapets 241, 269-71
portcullises 238, 241, 243, 245-6, 247, 252, 253-4, 258, 259, 271, 273, 274
roofs 238, 267-9
Stafford Tower 237, 241, 244
stairs 237, 238, 245, 246, 256, 259-62, 273
Water Tower 237, 241, 244
well 241
winding room 243, 245, 246, 258
windows and shutters 244, 246-51, 269, 273, 274
toothbrush, bone 313
Tulloch, Alexander, The Little Book of Kent, reviewed 356
tuning pegs, bone 60
Turcan, Robert, Tunbridge Wells through Time, reviewed 358
Twine, John, antiquarian 223
Ulcombe, All Saints Church misericords 187, 189, 192, 206, 208
upholstery tacks 313
Upnor Castle, garrison 293
Vange 87
villa, Roman, Folkestone 215, 229
Vortimer, prince 223, 229, 231
Wade, Nicholas de 192
Wade, St Nicholas de (at Wade) family 192, 197
Wainscott, Hoo Road 291-3
Late Neolithic flint 291
Beaker pottery 291
flint 291
plant remains 291
saddle quern 291
MBA 291
LIA/RB trackway 291
RB enclosures 291
coins 293
Saxon settlement 291, 293
post-medieval, lead shot 293
Wanley, Humfrey, scholar 73, 74
Wantsum Channel 325
wara 83, 86, 91, 94, 99, 103
Ward, Anthony, book review by 341-2
Waterbrook Park 305
Watts, Martin, ‘Maidstone and the First World War. Friendly alien recruitment and the Military Service Convention’ 335-40
Wessex Archaeology 291
Wester 100-1, 102, 103
Wester Fort 102
Wester Hill 101, 102
Westhawk Farm 305, 306
West Malling, poisoning case 167-84
Westwell, St Mary’s Church miseri-cords 189
White, Edward, surveyor 17, 20
White, John, wine merchant 17
White, Thomas, shipwright 8
Wik, Alexander son of Ralph de 117
Wilberforce, William 9, 22
William I 92
Williamson, Stephen Horton and Stephen 47
Willis, Henry, linen draper 17
Wilson, Tania, ‘The history of Black Mill, St Martin’s Hill, Canterbury’ 277-90
windmills see Canterbury, Black Mill
window lead 313
Wingham, St Mary the Virgin Church misericords 189, 191, 192, 193, 199, 201, 202, 204, 211
women, literacy in 17th-century clerical families 67-81
Woodchurch, All Saints Church misericords 189, 191, 193, 211
Woodnesborough 90, 91
Woodruff, Charles, wheelwright 17
Woolwich 132
World War I
defences 149, 159
recruitment in Maidstone 335-40
World War II, defences 160
Wouldham 96, 102
Wright, Harriet 167, 171, 172, 179
Wright, James E., attorney 17
Wright, Mary 171
Wright, Sarah Ann, victim of poisoning 167-81
Wrothesby, Col. George 136
Wye, lathe 83-4, 84, 85, 91-3, 94, 103
Wye, Bridge Street (excavation) 311-14
bricks 313
medieval 311, 313
plant remains 314
post-medieval 311, 313
Roman 311
Saxon 311
silver spoon 313
Yalding 102
Yeoman family 48, 49
Young, Revd Tho. 17, 19