Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2013
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Book Reviews
Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2013
Compilers: Ms D. Saunders and Ms E. Finn, Kent History & Library Centre.
Contributors: Prehistoric – K. Parfitt; Roman – Dr J. Weekes;
Anglo-Saxon – Dr A. Richardson; Modern – Prof. D. Killingray.
A bibliography of books, articles, reports, pamphlets and theses
published in the calendar year 2013 (unless otherwise stated).
general and multi-period
Allen, P., ‘Three Cranbrook Buildings’, The Cranbrook Journal, 24, 15-17. [Cranbrook School buildings in Waterloo Road].
Barclay, A., Cliffs End Farm Isle of Thanet, Kent: A mortuary and ritual site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon period with evidence for long-distance maritime mobility. Wessex Archaeology Reports Vol. 31 (Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology).
Bird, T., A History of Wateringbury to 1086 (Wateringbury: Wateringbury Local History Soc., 2012).
Bastide, J. and Rich, M., Follow These Writers....in KENT: a handbook for literary detectives (Milton Keynes: Author House UK Ltd).
Briggs, K., ‘The two Ebbsfleets in Kent’, Journal of the English Place Name Society, 44 (2012), 5-9.
Butler, M., Canterbury from 1600 to the present day (Canterbury: Canterbury Christ Church University, 2012).
Carpenter, E., Newsome, S., Small, F. and Hazell, Z., Hoo Peninsula, Kent: Historic landscape project, Research Report Series No. 21. (Swindon: English Heritage.)
Cole, D., Tonbridge Circular Walk (Hastings: Berforts Group Ltd).
Cooke, N. and Seager Smith, R., ‘Prehistoric and Romano-British activity and Saxon settlement at Hoo Road, Wainscott’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 291-4.
Coulson, I. (ed.), Folkestone to 1500: a Town Unearthed (Canterbury: CAT).
Draper, G., ‘Harry the glasyer of Rye: making and replacing stained glass in churches on the Kent and Sussex borders’, The Romney Marsh Irregular, 41 (Spring/Summer), 16-22.
Foyle, J., The Architecture of Canterbury Cathedral (London: Scala Arts and Heritage).
Frame, J.A., A Castle by the Sea: the Whitstable castle story (J.A. Frame & Lulu Publishing).
Hardy, L., ‘Objects of Loving Attention: antiquarian views of Folkestone. Part 1’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 215-234.
Harris, P., The White Cliffs of Dover: Britain’s heritage coast (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Lane, A., Isle of Thanet through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Lane, A., Thames-side Kent through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Mayhew, N.J., ‘Prices in England, 1170-1750’, Past and Present, 219, 1, 3-39.
Mercer, J., Sidcup and Foots Cray: a history (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Newman, J., The Buildings of England. Kent: West and the Weald (London: Yale University Press).
Newman, J., The Buildings of England. Kent: North East and East (London: Yale University Press).
Paine, R. and Wallis, C., Tunbridge Wells (Tunbridge Wells: Roddy Paine, 2012).
Pearson, S., History Revealed. The Faversham Society Houses (The Faversham Society, 2012).
Poulton-Smith, A., East Kent Place Names – the Homes of Men and Maids of Kent (Derby: DB Publishing).
Poulton-Smith, A., West Kent Place Names – the Homes of Kentish Men and Maids (Derby: DB Publishing).
Shand, G. and Hicks, A., ‘Roman and Medieval development of a Canterbury suburb: Excavations at land adjoining No. 10, Wincheap’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 33-65.
Singleton, T., ‘From Alehouse to Workhouse’, The Cranbrook Journal, 24, 8-10. [Church House at Hawkhurst.]
Stevenson, J., Living by the Sword. The Archaeology of Brisley Farm, Ashford, Kent (Norwich: Spoilheap Publications, Monograph 6). [Includes details of significant prehistoric discoveries including two late Iron Age warrior burials and Anglo-Saxon references].
Tankard, D., Houses of the Weald and Downland. People and houses of South-East England c.1300-1900 (Lancaster: Carnegie Publishing, 2012).
Tann, P., The Royal Charters of Faversham (Faversham: Faversham Society).
prehistoric kent
Allen, T., Donnelly, M., Hardy, A., Hayden, C. and Powell, K., A Road through the Past: archaeological discoveries on the A2 Pepperhill to Cobham road-scheme in Kent. Oxford Archaeology Monograph No. 16. (Oxford: OA, 2012).
Burrows, V., ‘An arrowhead from Pineham, near Dover’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 294-295.
Morris, F.M., ‘Cunobelinus’ Bronze Coinage’, Britannia 44, 27-83. [Contains details of Kentish issues and distribution.]
Needham, S., Parham, D. and Frieman, C.J., Claimed by the Sea: Salcombe, Langdon Bay and other marine finds of the Bronze Age (York: Council British Archaeology Research Report 173). [Definitive report on the Langdon Bay hoard found outside Dover Harbour.]
Powell, A.B., ‘Settlement and landscape reorganisation from the middle Iron Age to the early Roman period: excavations south-east of Park Farm, Ashford’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 295-308.
romano-british kent
Black, E.W., ‘Roman relief-patterned tiles at Dover and elsewhere in Kent. Part II’, KAR, 191, 40-43.
Booth, P., ‘Kent’ in ‘Roman Britain in 2012’, Britannia, Vol. 44, 342-343.
Clewley, G.B., ‘Face-pots from Dover, Kent, and Colchester’, KAR, 192, 85-88.
Gibbons, T., ‘The Roman road through Sissinghurst’, The Cranbrook Journal, 24, 1-2.
Holman, J., ‘St Lawrence Ground, Old Dover Road, Canterbury’, in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 36th Annual Report of the CAT 2011-2012 (Canterbury: CAT) 22-23.
Maidstone Area Archaeological Group, ‘East Farleigh Fieldwork Update’, KAS Newsletter, 96, 6-7.
O’Shea, L., ‘Church Street, Maidstone’, in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 36th Annual Report of the CAT 2011-2012 (Canterbury: CAT), 50-51.
Parfitt, K., ‘Folkestone Roman Villa’ in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 36th Annual Report of the CAT 2011-2012 (Canterbury: CAT), 46-48.
Philp, B., ‘The preservation of the Roman wall plaster in the Roman Painted House at Dover’, KAR, 193, 102-109.
Rady, J. and Boden, D., ‘28 St Dunstan’s Street, Canterbury’, in Canterbury’s Archaeology: 36th Annual Report of the CAT 2011-2012 (Canterbury: CAT), 1-9.
Richardson, A., ‘1st century BC helmet found near Canterbury’, KAS Newsletter, 95, 2-3.
Tomlin, R.S.O., ‘Inscriptions’ in ‘Roman Britain in 2012’ in Britannia, Vol. 44 (2013). See p. 388. [A2 Widening Scheme: graffito on flagon.]
Worrell, S., Pearce, J., ‘Finds reported under the Portable Antiquities Scheme’, in ‘Roman Britain in 2012’ in Britannia, Vol. 44 (2013). 345-347. [Overview includes Kent data, pp. 376-380 – Petham decorated balsamarium and Teston brooch].
anglo-saxon kent
Bayliss, A. et al., Anglo-Saxon graves and grave goods of the 6th and 7th centuries AD: A chronological framework, The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 33. (Leeds: Maney Publishing).
Brookes, S., ‘The Lathes of Kent: a review of the evidence’, in S. Brookes, S. Harrington and A. Reynolds (eds), Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of Martin G. Welch (Oxford: BAR, 2011), 156-170.
Brooks, N.P. and Kelly, S.E. (eds), Charters of Christ Church Canterbury, Parts 1 & 2. Anglo-Saxon Charters Vols. 17 and 18 (Oxford: OUP).
Chenery, M., ‘A Saxon site at Woodnesborough’, KAR, 191, 30-33.
Gittos, H., Liturgy, Architecture, and Sacred Places in Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, OUP). [References to Kent, especially Canterbury.]
Higham, N.J. and Ryan, M.J., The Anglo-Saxon World. (London: Yale University Press). [Frequent references to Kent.]
Insley, C., ‘The Murder of Archbishop Alphege 1000 years on’, Canterbury Cathedral Chronicle 2012, 3-36.
Lloyd, J., ‘The origin of the Lathes of East Kent’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 133, 83-113.
Philp, B., ‘The Staffordshire Saxon treasure! West Kent and Rochester’, KAR, 191, 33-34.
Philp, B., ‘Royal Saxon Palace Discovered at Eynsford!’, KAR, 191, 35-38.
Richardson, A., ‘The Third Way: thoughts on non-Saxon identity south of the Thames AD 450-600’ in S. Brookes, S. Harrington and A. Reynolds, (eds), Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of Martin G. Welch (Oxford: BAR, 2011) 6-15.
Thomas, G., ‘Life before the Minster: the social dynamics of monastic foundation at Anglo-Saxon Lyminge, Kent’, The Antiquaries Journal, 93, 109-145.
medieval kent
Eddison, J., Medieval Pirates 1204-1453: Privateers, raiders and piracy in the English Channel (Stroud: History Press).
Elam, M., ‘The value of imperfection in Anselm of Canterbury’s Marian prayer’, American Benedictine Review, 64, 252-66.
Frohnsdorff, M., ‘Does the Disfigured body of an English King lie in the waters off Faversham?’, Faversham Society Newsletter, 594, 10-11.
Gasper, G.E.M. and Logan, I. (eds), Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy (Durham: Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies Durham University, 2012).
Gasper, G.E.M. and Gullbekk, S.H.J., ‘Money and its use in the thought and experience of Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury (1093-1109)’, Journal of Medieval History, 38 (2012), 155-182.
Henderson, M. and Knight, H., ‘Le Newerk of Maydeston’ – Excavation of a medieval hospital site at St Peter’s wharf, Maidstone’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 115-129.
Johnson, D.P., ‘Bishops and Deans: London and the Province of Canterbury in the twelfth century’, Historical Research, 86, 234, 551-578.
Martin, D. & B., ‘A Reinterpretation of the Gatehouse at Tonbridge Castle’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 235-276.
Moody, G., St Augustine’s First Footfall (Birchington: Trust for Thanet Archaeology).
Pellett, I., ‘The Medieval Misericords of Kent’s Parish Churches’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 185-213.
Rees, J., ‘Where is Mongeham?’, Journal of Kent History, 76, 36-39.
Robidoux, Br. D. (ed.), A Man Born out of Due Time: new perspectives on St. Anselm of Canterbury (New York: Llantern Books). [From the Monks of St Anselm’s Abbey and other contributors.]
Sweetinburgh, S., ‘Mayors and monuments: the brasses and tombs of the Stuppeny family of Lydd and New Romney’, The Romney Marsh Irregular, 41 (Spring/Summer), 10-15.
Traux, J., Archbishops Ralph d’Escures, Williams of Corbeil and Theobald of Bec. Heirs of Anselm and ancestors of Becket (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012).
Vaughn, S.N., Archbishop Anselm (1093-1109): Bec missionary, Canterbury Primate, Pope of another world (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012).
Weaver, J. and Caviness, M.H., The Ancestors of Christ Windows at Canterbury Cathedral (Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum Publications).
early modern kent
Bartram, C. and Dixon, M., ‘“With the consent of the towne, and other skillfull marryners and gentlemen”: an Examination of Textual Negotiations in the Elizabethan Restoration of Dover Harbour 1582-1605’, in S. Sweetinburgh (ed.), Negotiating the Political in Northern European Urban Society c.1400-c.1600 (Tempe, Arizona, USA: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 119-137.
Bartram, C., “‘Honoured of posteryte by record of wrytinge’’: Memory, Reputation and the role of the book within commemorative practices in Late Elizabethan Kent’, in M. Penman (ed.), Monuments and Monumentality in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Proceedings of the 2011 Stirling Conference (Donington, Lincs: Shaun Tyas).
Brigden, S., Thomas Wyatt: the heart’s forest (London: Faber, 2012).
Eales, J., ‘Alan Everitt and the Community of Kent revisited’, in J. Eales, and A. Hooper (eds), The County Community in seventeenth-century England and Wales. Explorations in local and regional history (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire, 2012), 15-38.
Eales, J., ‘Female literacy and the social identity of the clergy family in the seventeenth century’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 67-81.
Hannam, J., ‘The Marian Martyrs of Staplehurst and Frittenden’, The Cranbrook Journal, 24, 4-7.
Hipkin, S. and Pittman, S., ‘“A grudge among the people”: commercial conflict, conspiracy, petitioning and poaching in Cranbrook 1594-1606’, Rural History, 24, 2, 101-125.
Lea, R., ‘Ranger’s House, Blackheath’, English Heritage Historical Review, 6 (2011), 50-79.
Pittman, S., ‘Disparkment. A case study for Elizabethan and Jacobean parks in Kent’, Southern History, 35, 44-76.
Kuin, R. (ed.), The Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney (Oxford: OUP, 2012), 2 vols.
Simpson, P., ‘The Skin of the Unjust Judge: ‘Negotiating the Political’ in Early Modern Canterbury’, in S. Sweetinburgh (ed.), Negotiating the Political in Northern European Urban Society c.1400-c.1600 (Tempe, Arizona, USA: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 99-117.
Singleton, T., ‘The Pest House and Smallpox’, The Cranbrook Journal, 24, 10-13.
Spicer, A., ‘Archbishop Tait, the Huguenots and the French Church at Canterbury’, in P.D. Clarke and C. Methuen (eds), Studies in Church History Volume 49: The Church on its Past (Woodbridge: Boydell).
Sweetinburgh. S., ‘Discord in the Public Arena: Processes and Meanings of the St Bartholomew’s Day Festivities in Early Sixteenth-Century Sandwich’, in S. Sweetinburgh (ed.), Negotiating the Political in Northern European Urban Society c.1400-c.1600 (Tempe, Arizona, USA: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 71- 97.
modern kent
Alexander, S., Christopher Alexander: drawings and oil sketches by a modern Kentish master (Wellington: Halstar).
Allinson, H., ‘Time Gentlemen Please!’, Bygone Kent, 34, 6, 22-25. [History of Hollingbourne’s village pubs.]
Bamford, J., A Detailed History of RAF Manston 1916-1930: the men who made Manston (Stroud: Fonthill Media).
Barber, A.F., Uncovering: The Beaney Backstory (Canterbury: Bene Books) [History of the Beaney Institute and Canterbury Library.]
Bates, P., ‘Roll of Honour: Names of Folkestone Fishermen with others from the Fishmarket who served in the Great War’, The Kentish Connection, 27, 2, 40-45.
Beer, B., ‘The Life and Times of Captain William Sharp of Dover 1834-1917’, Kent Family History Society Journal, 13, 10, 937- 952.
Bethersden Parish Council, Bethersden Parish Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 4th June 2012 (Bethersden Parish Council, 2012). [Pictorial record of the day.]
Bilbe, T., Kingsnorth Airship Station: in defence of the nation (Stroud: History Press).
Blackford, J., The Building of the New Almshouses in Faversham 1860-1863 (Faversham: Faversham Society).
Brooks, R., From Moths to Merlins: RAF West Malling Premier Night Fighter Station (Stroud: Fonthill Media).
Channing, S., Victorian Cyclist Rambling Through Kent in 1886 (Birchington: Ozaru Books). [Articles originally published in Keble’s Gazette.]
Chaplen, A.W., Headcorn and the Great War 1914-1919 (Headcorn: Headcorn Local History Society).
Clancy, J., Canterbury through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2012).
Clancy, J., Kent’s Seaside Resorts through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2012).
Clark, P., Charles Dickens in London & Kent (London: Armchair Traveller).
Cufley, D., ‘Dunton Green, Otford and Sevenoaks Brickfields’, North West Kent Family History Society Journal, 13, 2, 71-76.
Cunningham, J., 175 years of St Augustine’s Church, Tunbridge Wells 1838-2013 (Tunbridge Wells: Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society).
Curtis, B., Westerham in Living Memory 1919-1989 (Westerham: Past Times Press), 2 vols.
Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society, Dartford: a century of change 1910-2010 (Dartford: Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society). [200 photos depicting the changing face of Dartford.]
Dray, P., Folkestone & District through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2012).
Dunster, S., The Medway Towns: river, docks and urban life, VCH ‘England’s Past for Everyone’ (Andover: Phillimore).
Edgeworth, M., Grain Island Firing Point, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain, Medway Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (Swindon: English Heritage).
Fahy, M., Dartford Music (Sandy: Bright Pen, 2011).
Faversham Society, The History of Faversham in 50 Objects (Faversham: Faversham Society).
Felton, S. and Hipkin, S., ‘“Trenching the Ground of Medical Men”: criminality, respect-ability and justice in the ‘West Malling poisoning case’, 1882-1883’ Archaeologia Cant-iana, cxxxiii, 167-184.
Fishpool, J., Public Houses in the Herne Bay Area (Herne Bay: Herne Bay Historical Records Society, 2012).
Flynn, R.K., ‘The Morphetts from Kent: farmers and colonists’, Journal of Kent History, 76, 16-19. [19th-century migrants to South Australia.]
Foley, M., Martello Towers (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Fridman, I., ‘Textus Dickensis’, Journal of Kent History, 76, 2-5. [Resources on Dickens in the Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre.]
Friel, J., Chislehurst through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Gilbert, E. J., ‘The Cripps Nursery Pt. 1’, Tunbridge Wells Family History Journal, 57, 18-23. [Thomas Cripps, florist, seed and nursery man, born in Tunbridge Wells in 1809.]
Gillett, J. and Webb, P., Tenterden Then and Now (Biddenden: YouByYou Books).
Gladwell, A., By Steamer to the Kent Coast (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Green, D., ‘The Baddeley Twins – from Bromley to Wimbledon and beyond’, Bromleag, 2, 26, 21-25. [Tennis players who won Wimbledon in the 1890s.]
Halton, R., The Medway Queen (Southampton: Noodle Books in association with The Medway Queen Preservation & Restoration Society).
Harper, R., Sevenoaks through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing).
Haste, D.B., The Art Schools of Kent: a full illustrated history of all the art schools of Kent from inception (mid 19th century) to merger and closure (late 20th century) and final dissolve into the University for the Creative Arts (London: Werter Press).
Hein, D. and Chandler, A., Archbishop Fisher, 1945-1961: Church, State and World (Farnham: Ashgate).
Hellicar, P., ‘Thomas Dewey – Bromley’s Perfect Citizen’ Bromleag, 2, 25, 21-26. [Sir Thomas Dewey (1840-1926) pioneer of public health and education and prominent benefactor.]
Hey, D., ‘A personal memory of Alan Everitt’, in J. Eales, and A. Hooper, (eds), The County Community in Seventeenth-Century England and Wales. Explorations in Local and Regional History, Vol. 5 (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire, 2012), xv-xix.
Kane, J., The Architecture of Pleasure: British Amusement Parks 1900-1939 (Farnham: Ashgate).
Lambert, I., A History of Bearsted Football Club (Bearsted: Bearsted Football Club).
Lee, C., ‘Prostitution and Victorian Society revisited: the Contagious Diseases Acts in Kent’, Women’s History Review, 21, (2012), 301-316.
Lee, C., ‘Policing Prostitution, 1856-1886: Deviance, Surveillance and Morality’, Perspectives in Economic and Social History, No. 24. (London: Pickering & Chatto).
Lyle, L. and M., Canterbury and the Gothic Revival (Stroud: History Press).
McKean, S., Coronations and Coronets: a celebration of royal events in and around Herne & Broomfield (Canterbury: Herne & Broomfield Local History Group).
Maggs, M., East Coast Oysters and a Few Whelks: Photographs from West Mersea and Whitstable (Colchester: Jardine Press).
Marsh-Stefanovska, P.J., The Enigma of the Margate Shell Grotto: an examination of the theories on its origins (Canterbury: Martyrs Fields Publications, 2011).
Meopham Historical Society, Meopham Changing Places (Stroud: Fonthill Media).
Moor, A.J., Lympne Airfield: at war and peace (Stroud: Fonthill Media).
Moore, A.J., Detling Airfield: a History 1915-1959 (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2011).
Morrice, R., ‘The Grand Shaft at Dover and its antecedents’, English Heritage Historical Review, 6, 1 (2011), 134-161.
Moseling, M., Half-Forgotten Triumph: the Story of Kent’s County Championship Title of 1913 (Cheltenham: SportsBooks Ltd).
Nys, R. (ed.), David Chipperfield Architects (London: Thames & Hudson). [Features Turner Contemporary at Margate.]
Ovenden, T., ‘The Cobbs of Margate: evangelicalism and anti-slavery in the Isle of Thanet, 1787-1834’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 1-32.
Pereira, C., ‘Representing the East and West India links to the British country house: the London Borough of Bexley and the wider heritage picture’, in M. Dresser and A. Hann (eds), Slavery and the British Country House (Swindon: English Heritage), 132-141.
Preedy, B., Sandgate since the Swinging Sixties (Wetherby: R.E. Preedy, 2012).
Rayner, C., 50 Years of the Faversham Society 1962-2012 (Faversham: Faversham Society, 2012).
Renno, J., J. Rock to Caffyns Ltd – the diary of a Hastings and Tunbridge Wells Royal Carriage Builder 1822-1849 (Hastings: Hastings Local Books).
Russell, A., Outrageous Fortune: Growing up at Leeds Castle (London: Robson Press).
Salter, S.R., Ashford in the 1960s and 70s in Colour (Stroud: History Press).
Sanders, A., ‘A Love Match: 100 years ago’, The Cranbrook Journal, 24, 17-21. [Wedding of Harold Nicolson to Vita Sackville-West in October 1913.]
Scoble, C., Under Shrub Hill (Cheltenham: BMM, 2012). [Account of Chestfield, near Whitstable, in the 1940s.]
Scottow, C., ‘Tommy Martin 1916-1987: a South-East London Sporting Hero’, North West Kent Family History Society Journal, 13, 2, 77- 83.
Sherwood, M., The Life and Times of Albert Makaula-White: an African farmer in Kent 1904-1937 (Oare: Savannah Press, 2012).
Simmons, M., Felton’s Sandwich Sailing Barges (Ware: Chaffcutter Books, 2012).
Smith, V., ‘New for old: the development of New Tavern Fort at Gravesend in the industrial age’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 131-166.
Still, M., ‘The Sesquicentenary of the Dartford ‘Guy Fawkes’ Riots, November 1863’, Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society Newsletter, 50, 23-27.
Stockwell, A., Finding Sampson Penley (Smarden, Ashford: Vesper Hawk Publishing, 2012). [Tenterden Theatre and the Jonas & Penley theatrical troupe 1799-1817.]
Thompson, E. and Clucas, P., Sevenoaks, St John’s – the past in pictures including Bradbourne, Greatness, Hartland and Wildernesse (Otford: Hopgarden Press).
Thompson, H., Cycle Rides in East Kent (Ammanford: Sigma Press).
Tofts, M., ‘Swanley Horticultural’, Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society Newsletter, 50, 16-18.
Tritton, P., ‘Loose Threads No. 13’ (Loose: Loose Area History Society).
Turcan, R., Ashford through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2012).
Turcan, R., Cranbrook through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2012).
Turcan, R., Tunbridge Wells through Time (Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2012).
Waddington, N., A History of St Mary’s School, Deal: a family of learners (Deal: St Mary’s Catholic Primary School).
Walker, C. & M., Wellworths and Beyond: the history of a Dymchurch village shop back to 1748 (Dymchurch: Dymchurch & District Heritage Group, 2012).
Walker, I., Testimonies from the Great War’s Western Front (1914-1918) (Sevenoaks: privately printed). [Kent men at war.]
Walker, S., ‘Memories of the 1953 Floods’, Dartford Historical & Antiquarian Society Newsletter, 50, 18-20.
Wallace, V.R., ‘The Baltic Saw Mills’, Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Newsletter, Spring, 18-21. [Company based at Tunbridge Wells with branches at Rochester and Tonbridge.]
Walsh, D., A Duty to Serve: Tonbridge School and the 1939-45 War (London: Millennium Publishing Ltd, 2011).
Waterlow, C., The House of Waterlow: a printer’s tale (Kibworth Beauchamp: Troubador). [Family printing business founded in 1810.]
Watkins, D., Year of Meopham at Work (Stroud: Fonthill Media).
Welby, D., Invasion That Never Was: survival of the people of East Kent on the frontline 1914-1945 (Sandwich: Crabwell Publications, 2012).
Whyman, J., ‘Margate, 2013: a reason to celebrate’, Journal of Kent History, 76, 12-15. [18th-century leisure in Margate.]
Wilson, T., ‘The History of Black Mill, St Martin’s Hill, Canterbury’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxiii, 277- 290.
Wise, M., In Place of a Camera: childhood memories of World War II (Canterbury: Owler Press).
Foster, F., ‘Napoleon III in Chislehurst’, m.a., Birkbeck College, London, 2011.
Jones, C., ‘Ferndale. A different kind of suburb’ [Tunbridge Wells 1860s-70s], m.sc., Kellogg College, Oxford, 2011.
McNee, B.L., ‘The Potter’s Legacy: production, use and deposition of pottery in Kent, from the Middle Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age’, ph.d., Southampton, 2012.
Thomas, D., ‘Motivations for the “Great Migration” to New England 1628-1640: the Case of the Hercules, March 1634/1635’, m.a., Kent, 2012.
The following is a selection of material in Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Kent History and Library Centre and Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre which was catalogued in 2013.
canterbury cathedral archives
Adisham, Holy Innocents: Liturgical books, 1815-1840 (U3-155).
Acrise, St Martin: (U3-113) Service sheet, 2000; Certificates, 1928; Papers relating to registers and services, 1879-1918 & 1973-1984; Papers relating to patronage, 1938; Marriage licences, 1827-1878; Papers relating to the churchyard, c.1971-2000; Papers relating to the Rectory/vicarage, 1879-1945; Papers relating to the Glebe, 1916-1945; Papers relating to Stipendary income post 1836, 1910-1943; Papers relating to church fees, 1928 & 1943; Papers relating to augmentations of income, 1919; Personal papers of the incumbent,1998; Incumbent, property and income, other, 1943; Balance sheets, 1932-2001; Other papers relating to accounts, 1907-2001; Papers relating to the chancel, 1914 & 1943; Papers relating to the church, 1927-2001; Churchwardens/PCC, property, other, 1907-2001; Vestry/PCC minutes, 2000; Statistical returns of parochial work, 1939-2000; Vestry/PCC, other, 1914, 1950 & 1990-1995; Union of benefices, Order in Council, 1982; Union of benefices, correspondence, 2001; Union of benefices, other, 1943; Certificate of Capital Value, 1888; Tithe correspondence, 1891 & 1943-1945; Mis-cellaneous, 20th century.
Barham, St John the Baptist: Registers of marriages, 2006-2011 (U3-163).
Chislet, St Mary: Parish magazines, 1947; 1954; 1968; 1974; 1976-1977 (U3-55).
Deal, St George: Register of marriages, 1968-1982; Register of services, 1999-2007; Sextons’ registers 1809-1810; Appointment of curate, 1718; Papers relating to the churchyard, 1955; 1975-1980; Papers relating to the church, 1960-2001; Churchwardens’ miscellaneous, 1971-1974; 1986-1987; 1990; PCC minutes, 1934-1999; PCC corres-pondence, 1991; 1998-2000; Papers relating to the parish boundary, 1998; 2009; Parish magazines, 1913-1954 (U3-67).
Eastry, St Mary the Virgin: Registers of marriages, 1983-2013 (U3-275).
Godmersham, St Lawrence: Register of services, 1946-1964 (U3-117).
Kingsdown, St John the Evangelist: Registers of marriages, 1990-2013 (U3-270).
Littlebourne, St Vincent: Register of baptisms, 1922-1972; Registers of marriages, 1956-2008; Register of confirmations, 1943-2007; Register of services, 1985-2006; Papers relating to the churchyard, 1934-1936 & 1974; Papers relating to the Rectory/vicarage, 1968; Papers relating to glebe, 1928-1967; Balance sheet, 1899; Papers relating to the chancel, 1934; 1948’; Papers relating to the church, 1913-1980; PCC minute book, 1938-1964; Visitors book, 1934-1972 (U3-73).
Patrixbourne, St Mary: Register of baptisms, 1926-2011; Register of burials, 1813-2011 (U3-129).
Petham, All Saints: Parish magazines, 2011 (U3-84).
Reading Street, St Andrew’s [St Mary?]: Papers relating to the church, 1905-1910 (U3-291).
Reculver, St Mary the Virgin: Register of marriages, 2008-2012 (U3-99).
Ripple, St Mary the Virgin: Register of marriages, 1984-1996 (U3-132).
Sturry, St Nicholas: Parish magazines, 2011-2012 (U3-48).
Sutton by Dover, SS Peter & Paul: Register of marriages, 1989-2001 (U3-142).
Canterbury City Council
Canterbury Philosophical and Literary Institution: Subscription payments, 1825-1827; Account books, 1825-1847 (CC-F/H).
Canterbury Gaol: Misconduct Book, 1844-1867 (CC-J/Q/P).
Printed Books: Relating to the Poor Law, 1808 (CC-M/4/3).
Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; Diocesan
Godwine Charter (DCc-ChAnt/S/458), 1013 x 1018.
Photograph of the Cathedral from the North West, c.1940 (DCc-Photo).
Map of woodlands in Chartham and Godmersham parishes, 1717 (Map/218).
Canterbury Diocesan Mothers’ Union: Diocesan minute books, 1928-1994; Diocesan balance sheets, 1968-2005 (U149).
kent history and library centre
Folkestone Borough: plans of proposed alterations to Folkestone Town hall, 1859-1905 (Fo/PS5/17-18).
Faversham Cottage Hospital, 1958-1967 (MH/T15).
St Helier’s Maternity Hospital, Whitstable, 1971-1976 (MH/T14).
Whitstable and Tankerton Cottage Hospital, 1926-1990 (MH/T13).
Leybourne Grange Hospital, West Malling: daily reports etc, 1967-1984 (U4004).
Sevenoaks and Holmesdale Hospital: undated plan of proposed additions, 1928x1948 (U4019).
Bank Street Methodist Church, Ashford: marriage registers, 1904-2013 (M/2M/81/1/1/1-10).
Ashford Congregational Church: marriage registers, 1901-1971 (N35/1/1/1-10).
Parish council
Boxley Parish Council: minutes, 2002-2006 (PC221/A1/19-22).
Hildenborough Parish Council, 1894-2004 (PC264).
Shepherdswell and Coldred Parish Council, 1894-2010 (PC124).
Mascalls School, Paddock Wood: governors’ minutes and related papers, 2003-2009 (C/E/S/45/5).
St Philip Howard Roman Catholic School, Herne Bay: admission registers, 1977-1997 (C/E/S/182B/4/1-2).
Sevenoaks School Assembly Hall, Plans of, 1933 (U3897).
Swanley School: school scrapbooks, 1966-1983; school magazines, 1972-1982 (U4005).
Webb Collection: manorial records for the manors of Gore, Great Ripton alias Great Repton, and Siloam alias Syleham, 15th century-1715; title deeds for property and land in Biddenden, Brookland, Lydd, Mersham, New Romney, Sandhurst, Smarden, Stanford and Warehorne, 1680-1798 (U3977).
Kent Fire Insurance Institution and Kent Life Assurance and Annuity Company: minutes, correspondence and policies, 1803-1900 (U3979).
Tilmanstone, property in: deeds and associated documents, 1686-1916; summary of property and probate transactions, c.1966 (U3980).
Abstract of title to land in Broadstairs [later known as Stanley Place], c.1870 (U3984).
Land and property in Aldington and Lympne: lease, 1729 (U3985).
Messuage and land at South Street, Whitstable: release, 1839 (U3992).
National Union of Teachers (NUT) – Kent: minutes, etc., 1944-2008 (Ch178).
Basted Paper Mills, Wrotham: conveyance (subject to mortgages), 1886 (U3993).
Agreement and grant of a way of passage in Lamb Lane, Canterbury, 1791-1792 (U3994).
Land and property in Great Mongeham, Margate and Sandwich: leases and conveyance, 1713-1877 (U3995).
Stansted and Wrotham, unknown farmer’s record of agricultural work undertaken in, 1857-1883 (U3996).
Cranbrook District Water Company: Goudhurst Pumping Station: pumping returns, 1914-1956 (U4006).
Maidstone Water Scheme: printed public undertaking plans and sections, 1884-1885 (U3978).
Sevenoaks and Tonbridge Water Company: register of transfers, annual reports and balance sheets and minutes, etc., 1891-1968 (U3988).
Bishop of Rochester, 20th-century, papers of David Say (U3781).
Papers relating to John Thomas Adkin and Thomas Elgar Gedge, 1879-1888 (U4009).
medway archives and local history centre
Charities and Societies
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: membership records, 1866-1966 DE 1245.
Artificial collection: Medway Mariners’ Society and notebook of William Spink, 1718-1876 DE629.
Highway Board
Hoo: Highway Board, 1869-1895 HB/Ho.
Strood Zoar chapel, 1714-1935 N/I/150B
Parish/Rural District Council
Gravesend St James: PCC and vestry minutes, 1897-1970 P159B.
Apprenticeship indenture of E. Shillott: shipwright, 1799 DE575.
Apprenticeship papers (J. Buckley) ironmonger, 1875 DE579.
Hoo: Rural District Council, 1897-1935 HRDC.
Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, Rochester, additional (Governors’ minutes etc), 1858-1909 C/ES/306/4.
Deeds: Chatham, Cliffe, Frindsbury, Rochester, 1795-1936 DE 1221.
Deeds for Cooling, Frindsbury, Halstow relating to marriage settlement between Stable/Kidd, 1575-1888 DE 1234.
Lease: property near the Brook, Chatham, 1820 DE1209/4.
Deeds re: 7 Cheriton Rd, Rainham, 1937-1953 DE1242.
Survey of lands in North Kent, 1532 DE510.
Bond relating to conveyance at Strood, 1771 DE572.
Lewis Bell Darley Gambrill solicitors: various deeds re Rochester and Hoo. Also papers re Lt Col D.F. Kelaart [Naturalist], 1737-1900 DE965.
Artificial collection: includes note re meeting between Sir H. Blackwood and Mayor of London at Sheerness c.1829, 1822-1866 DE622.
Artificial collection: letters from Miss E Glover; Sir J. Henniker Heaton MP; William Herbert, 1821-1899, DE624.
Henry Smetham: letters and acquired papers, 1762-1936 DE626.
Letter from J. Goud, London (re charity donations), 1887 DE530.
Sir Ernest Lamb: letters patent, 1931 DE51.
Hon. Reverend E.V. Bligh: scrapbook, 1866-1892 DE1243.
Papers of Private C. Blackman of Hoo/Australian Imperial Force, 1916-1918 DE586.
Chatham Chest ‘smart ticket’: Emmanuel Jose, 1800 DE529.
Royal Flying Corp notebook (+ photo of pilot), 1918 DE577.
Clandestine marriage licence, 1751 DE593.
Report extract re Thames and Medway Canal, c.1820 DE594.
Extract re Parliamentary debate on Royal Marines, c.1822 DE518.
River Medway: misc notes [Admiralty Office?], 1910 DE1241.
W. S. Skilton (builder) work log, 1938 DE581.