General Index
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Front matter, Volume 137
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations Adams, Sophia, 'The contents and context of the Boughton Malherbe Late Bronze Hoard' 37-64 JElfstan, Abbot 214-15 JEscingas 4-5 JEthelberht (I), king 4, 13, 14, 19, 78, 201, 206, 210, 211 JEthelberht II 207 JEthelburh, Queen 201-19 JEthelhun 3 Albert, co-Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg 5, 6, 7, 14 Alcotes, Richard 190, 193 Algood, John and Constance, ostclothmaker 192 altars, Roman 165, 168, 169 Arnet, Margaret 188 Andrew and Wren, map (1768) 84 Andrews, Phil et al., Digging at the Gateway. The Archaeology of the East Kent Access (Phase II), reviewed 309-11 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon period 4 church dedication and minster, Lyminge 201-26 dens 232 early Saxon settlement 237 horses (depiction of) 1-36 see also Canterbury, Barton Court Grammar School; pottery animal, bird and fish bone badger 67 bird 68, 73 cattle 67, 68, 73 dog 67, 71 dog skeleton 272 fish 68, 71, 73 horse 67, 71, 262, 272 horse skeleton 76 ox 262 pig 67, 71, 73 roe deer 67 sheep/goat 67, 68, 71, 73 whale 274 see also Canterbury, Barton Court Grammar School; Minnis Bay Appledore 235, 244 arrowhead, flint, Neolithic 275 Ashbee, Andrew, Zeal Unabated: The Life of Thomas Fletcher Waghorn (1800-1850), reviewed 319-21 Ashingdon 3 Atkyn, Beatrice, huckster 194 axes Neolithic, flint 276 Bronze Age see Boughton Malherbe Bachelere, Godelena and Robert 198 n.36 Baldwin, Robert, 'Antiquarians, Victorian parsons and re-writing the past: How Lyminge parish church acquired an invented dedication' 201-26 Baron, Michael, The Royal Heads Bells of England and Wales, reviewed 316-17 barrow mound(?) 137, 138, 146 barrows and barrow sites 129-30, 145, 146, 206, 223 n.25 Barton, Lester 265, 266 Basford, Hazel, book review by 316-17 beads, Roman glass 89, 100, 272 Beck, G.J.D' A (Jimmy) 260-2, 267, 277 Beckley (Sussex) 228 Bede 2, 4, 6, 7, 70, 201, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210,211,213,217,218,219 beetle remains 272 Belle, Johanna, brothel keeper 187 Benenden 228,230,237,238,239,240,242, 245 Berry, William 19 Bertelot, Isabel 192 Bertha, Frankish princess 206, 210 Berthona, Nicholas de 81 Bertyn, Constance and Robert 187, 198 n.33 Best, Robert 82 Bexley, Pulham garden 299 Bickley, Pulham garden 299 Bigge, John, brewer 188 bird bone see animal bone Blaeu, Joan 16 Blanning, Elizabeth, book review by 311-12 343 GENERAL INDEX Bodiam (Sussex) 228, 237, 239, 240, 242, 244,245,249 Bolney, Edward and Agnes 195 Borach, Katherine, brothel keeper 187 Borough, William, naval officer 153, 162 n.19 Boughton Malherbe, Bronze Age hoard 37-64 axes 41,43,44,45,46,53,57,58,60,61 bucket fragment (vessel) 40, 42 casting waste (copper alloy) and metalworking 40, 41, 42, 43, 53, 55, 59, 60 ingots 40, 41, 42, 53, 54, 58, 60 moulds (axe moulds) 41, 42, 44, 53, 55, 56, 57,58,61 personal ornament 40, 41, 42, 43, 49, 51, 53,61 plaques 42, 43, 49, 52, 57-8, 60 spearheads 41, 42, 49, 50, 53, 57, 58 swords 37,41,42,43,44,48,49,58,60 tools and knives 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 57, 60 Boughton Monchelsea, chest 121, 122 Bous, Juliana 186 bracelets, LBA hoard 42, 43, 49 bracteates, Frankish/North Sea styles 4 Brasenose College, Oxford, Bursar's Chest 121 brewers 188 brick kilns 291 briquetage (salt-making), Bronze Age 267 Broadley, Rose, 'The Roman villa at Minster in Thanet. Part 11: The glass' 89-103 Braid, Johanna 191 Bromley, Pulham garden 299 Bronze Age, hoard 37-64; see also Minnis Bay; pottery brooch/fibula, Late Iron Age 272 brooches, Frankish/North Sea styles 4 Brookland, tokens 18 bucket fragment, Bronze Age 40, 42 bucket hoop 264 bucket stave, Late Iron Age 272 Burford, Battle of 2-3 Burghley, Lord, William Cecil 160, 163 n.25 burials 70; see also Minnis Bay Camden, William 11, 12, 156, 160-1, 209 Camden Hill 238, 239 Candidus, Hugh, monk 210 Canterbury arms of 33 n.85 Augustine House, temple site 92 Barton Court Grammar School (Longport), excavations 65-88 Anglo-Saxon 65-70, 77 animal bone 67-8, 77 combs, bone 68, 69 pin 69 pits 65, 67, 77 plant remains 68 pottery 67, 68, 73 utensil, copper alloy 68-9, 69 early medieval period, ditch and pits 70-2 plant remains 71 pottery 71 late medieval 72-4, 81 building 71, 72-3 hollow-way (trackway) 71, 72, 73, 74 post-medieval/post Dissolution 74-6, 82 animal bone 67-8, 71, 73, 77, 81 documentary sources (Longport) 78-85 dovecote 81, 82 plant remains 68, 71, 73 pond (Court Sole) 81, 84 Christ Church Priory 183, 214, 217 home farm (barton) 78, 81 City War memorial 20 'Conduit Meadow' 70 Kent College 19 medieval chest in St John's Hospital 105, 107, 109, 110-11, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,117,118,120,122,123,124 Pulham garden 299 Queen Bertha's Chapel 70 Roman roads 237 StAugustine'sAbbey 69-70, 77, 78 Home Farm (barton) 65-88 relics 210,211, 214-15, 217 St Gregory's Priory 209,210,211, 214-15, 217,218 St Martin's Church 70, 206 St Martin's Hill 70 tileries 74 women, businesswomen and trades in the 15th-century economy 179-99 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 65 Carr, Roy 262, 264 cartography 149-63 Castel,A lice 198 n.3 3 casting waste (copper alloy), Boughton Malherbe, Bronze Age hoard 41, 42, 43, 53, 55,59,60 Ceolnoth, archbishop 216 Challock, mural in church 279, 280, 281 Cheney, Sir Thomas 82 Cheriton Hill, White Horse 22 Chesshyre, Catherine and William 85 Chester-Kadwell, Brendan, 'Changing patterns ofrouteways in the landscape of the eastern High Weald from the end of the Roman period to the building of the turnpikes' 227- 55 chests, medieval, 'Kentish Gothic' 105-28 Chislet 79 344 GENERAL INDEX Chyrche, Margaret, goldsmith's widow 187 Clare, Jolm, pelterer 192 Classis Britannica tiles 301-8 clay tobacco pipes, St Augustine's Abbey Home Farm 75, 76 Clerk, Emma and Leonard 193 Clerys, Alice, huckster 192 Cliffsend, Thanet 142 cliff top pits see Minnis Bay Clothilde, St 203, 206 Clynk, Edward, cook 193 Cnut, king 214 Cobham Golf Course, pottery 142 Coenwulf, king 215,216 coms horse motifs 1, 3 'Potin' 257 Roman 166, 203, 205 post-medieval, George II 74 combs, bone 68, 69 Compton, Idonea 198 n.33 Conway, Sir Martin 109 Cotton, Henry Perry 257 Cranbrook 228, 229, 238, 240, 244 Roman tiles 307 Croser, Isabel, upholder 192 Croser, William, corveser 192 Cukowe, Thomas and Johanna 198 n.36 Curran, Susan, The Wife of Cobham, reviewed 324 Cwoenthryth, abbess 216 Dartford 151, 152 Davies,G ordon 290 n.6 Davies, Malcolm, 'The findings of various archaeological investigations at the Roman naval fort, Stutfall Castle, Lympne, 2014- 16' 165-78 dendrochronology, medieval chests 116, 117, 120, 122 dens, Saxon 232 Dersingham (Norfolk), chest 118 Deve, Robert 110 Devey, George, architect 291, 293 Digges, Thomas 156, 160 Dingleden 239 Doidge, W. and H., map (1752) 84 Domesday Book 79 High Weald settlement 232 Lyminge churches 207 Newenden 231 Dover 161 Roman tiles 305, 307 Dover Archaeological Group 129 dragon (draco) symbol 2-4, 5 Drayton, Michael 14, 15 Eadbold 201, 209, 210 Eadburg (Eadburh), St 201, 208-19 Eanflaed 207 Eanswythe 208 Earconberht, king 4 earring, gold, Roman 272 East Wear Bay, Folkestone 301-8 Edward IV 183 Edwards, Elizabeth, books reviewed by 318- 19, 323-4 Edwin, king of Northumbria 201, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210 Elham, Annunciation mural in church 279- 90 Elliott, Simon, Sea Eagles of Empire: The Classis Britannica and the Battles for Britain, reviewed 311-12 Essele, Emma 191 Ethelburga, St 201, 208-19 Eves, Robert, rector 212,213,219 Ewhurst (Sussex), routeways 228, 229, 244, 245, 249-51 Eyden, Philip, Dover s Forgotten Commando Raid. Operation Abercrombie: The Raid on Hardelot, reviewed 324-5 Faunt, Will 195 Faversham Homestall Farm map 160 medieval chest in St Mary of Charity Church 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114,115,116,117,120,122,123,124 Feyset, Cecily, brewer 188 fish bone see animal bone flint knapping 136, 138, 144-5, 146, 147, 272 flints prehistoric 129, 132, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142-5, 147 Mesolithic 206 flint working, Neolithic, Minnis Bay 277 Florence, monk 210 Folkestone East Wear Bay 301-8 minster 208 Pulham garden 299 Roman villa 301-2, 307 footwear (leather), Iron Age and medieval 264,272,274,277 Fordwich 70 Fydhole, Jolm 191 garden, at Norrington 291-9 George I 17, 17, 18-19 George II 17 George, William and wife 190 Gerard, Laurence and Clemencia, corvesers 192 345 GENERAL INDEX Gibbons, Vera and Trevor, 'The remarkable multi-period finds at Minnis Bay, Birchington: the major contribution to intertidal zone archaeology made by Antoinette Powell-Cotton (1913-1997)' 257-78 Gibson, Edmund 16 glass, Roman polychrome mosaic bowl/cup 92-3, 94, 96, 101, 102 re-worked window glass (inlay?) 99-100, 101, 102 vessel 89-96, 100-2 window glass 89, 96-102 see also beads Gobelinus Person, historian 6, 7, 11, 14, 16 Goldbeter, Celia 191 'Goresend' port 259 Goscelin of St Bertin 209-11, 214, 217-18 Goudhurst Pulham garden 299 tradesmen's tokens 18, 18 Graveney, medieval chest 117 Gravesend, Pulham garden 299 Gryme, Margaret 187 Haddon, Petronella 194 Halewell, Thomas 195 Halke, Margaret, chandler 192 Halke, Sampson, chandler 192 Hammond family 291 Harold, king 3 Harrietsham, Pulham garden 299 Harris, Lord 24 Harris, Richard, map 16 Hasted, Edward 12, 19,209 Hastings 230, 237, 244 Hastings, Battle of 3 Hawkes, Christopher 257, 261-2, 268,277 Hawkhurst 238, 239, 240, 244, 249 tokens 18 hay rake 264 Helm, Richard, and Sheila Sweetinburgh, 'The Home Farm of St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, before and after the Dissolution' 65-88 Hemsted 237, 239 Hengest and Horsa 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11-14, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23 Henry of Huntingdon 30 n.23 Henry V 186, 190 Henry V III 151, 153, 156, 159 Herbert, Sir Edward 82 Hereford Cathedral Library, manuscript 201, 217,218 Hero wreck 257,258,261,262 Hexden Channel 228,230, 234, 235, 239, 243, 245,249,251 Hicks, Alison, et al., Medieval Town and Augustinian Friary: Settlement c. 13 25- 1700. Canterbury Whitefriars Excavations 1999-2004, reviewed 312-14 High Weald, routeways 227-55 Hobard, Johanna, vintner 192-3 Hobbs, Peter, 'A Pulham garden rediscovered at Norrington' 291-9 Hogyn, Felicia 190 horse-hoodening 3 horse symbols 1-36 Hoskins, Richard see Parfitt, Keith Hosteler, Henry 199 n.62 Hougham, Charles, Henry, and William 84-5 Hougham, Solomon 84 Hugh, Abbot 79 human bones, Minnis Bay 261,265,266,272 Ightham Mote 19 ingots, Boughton Malherbe, Bronze Age 40, 41,42,53,54,58,60 inhumation see Minnis Bay inter-tidal zone archaeology, Minnis Bay 257- 78 Iron Age see Minnis Bay; pottery Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society 276 Isle of Thanet Geographical Society 267 Jackson, Ian, and Keith Robinson (eds), Of the North Kent Marshes, reviewed 323-4 Jenkins, Robert, canon 212,213 John of Sturry 79 John of Tynemouth 211, 218 Joynes, Daphne, 'The ElhamAnnunciation by John Ward R.A.' 279-90 Jutes 4, 5 Kemp, Clement 82 Kensham 243 Kensham Green, Rolvenden 239,245,249 Kent Archaeological Society 89, 212 Kent Ditch 228, 229, 237 Kent Gardens Trust, Capability Brown in Kent, reviewed 318-19 Kent Insurance Company 19 Killingray, David, book reviewed by 322-3 'Kings of Britain roll' 7-10 Knelle Dam 235, 238, 243 ladder, LBA/EIA 272, 273, 277 Lambarde, William, antiquarian 10-11, 151, 154-5, 156, 159-60, 208,211,218 Lamberhurst, Pulham garden 299 Lanfranc, archbishop 210,214,215,218 Larkin, James, organist 281, 288 Lawrence, Margaret see Oldham, Paul leather, Late Iron Age and medieval (shoes) 264,272,274,277 346 GENERAL INDEX leather industry 185 Lee, John a, wife of, cook 193 Leland, John 153,156,209,211 Litcham (Norfolk), medieval chest in All Saints Church 105, 108, 109, 111, 113, 115,116,118, 124-5 Little Delce, estate map 151 Lloyd, James, 'The Saxon steed and the White Horse of Kent' 1-3 London, Chatham and Dover railway 85 insignia on Blackfriars Bridge 19, 20 Ludlow, misericord in church 189 Lyminge 68 Anglo-Saxon minster and settlement 201, 202-8,209,210,214,216,217 parish church's invented dedication and antiquarians 201-26 Roman material, coins and pottery 203, 205 Roman tiles 307 Sibton Park 212 Lympne Roman Saxon Shore fort (Portus Lemanis) 203, 204, 205 Roman tiles 307 see also Stutfall Castle Maidstone Museum, fireplace 20, 22 Oakwood Park Grammar School 19 Pulham garden 299 Sessions House 20, 21 maps, routeways 227-8, 232,245,251,252 Margate, arms 22 Markbeech 24 Martin, Constance and John 188 Martin (nr Dover), prehistoric ring-ditch 129- 48 barrow mound(?) 137, 138, 146 flints 129, 132, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142-5, 147 pit (grave?) 137, 146-7 pottery 136, 137, 138, 139-42, 145, 146, 147 Maytham, East and West 228, 230, 235, 243 medieval see Canterbury, Barton Court Grammar School; chests; pottery Melling, Elizabeth, obituary 337-8 Melseby, Richard 195 Mesolithic 206 metal workers, women 185, 190 Mildrith, St 210,211, 213-16, 218 Mill Hill, Deal, Late Bronze Age 49, 52, 60, 61 mills 81 millstone 259-60, 259 Minnis Bay, Birchington 257-78 Neolithic 258, 268, 275-6, 277 Bronze Age,b riquetage( salt-making) 267 Bronze Age hoard 258, 261-2, 261, 267, 277 Late Bronze Age 268 Late Bronze Age/early Iron Age, ladder 272, 273, 277 Early Iron Age, pits 258,268,272,277 Late Iron Age brooch/fibula and bucket stave 272 leather shoes 272 pits 258, 260, 262, 264, 267, 268 shaft base (Well 30) 268-72 Late Iron Age/early Roman cliff top pits 265-7, 268 inhumation 266, 277 Roman, gold earring and glass beads 272 Romano-British shaft 262-3, 263, 268 medieval 258, 277 leather and shoes 264, 274, 277 pits 268, 272-5 port 259, 277 pottery 274,274,275,277 well 264, 264 animal bone 261,272 coins 257 Hero wreck 257,258,261,262 human bones 261,265,266,272 millstone in well 259-60, 259 pottery 262, 274, 274, 275, 277 Valkyr wreck 274 whale bone 274 Minster-in-Thanet abbess 210,211,213,214-15,216,217,218 misericord in church 189 Roman villa 89-103 bead 89, 100 boundary ditch 93, 101 Building 1 Room 10: 94, 100, 101 Room 14, pit 98-9 Room 17: 98-9, 101 Building 3 bathhouse 99, 101 Building 4: 96, 101 Building 6: 96, 101 Building 6A bead 100 Room 35: 96 Room 36 hearth 101 Room 42: 100 Room 43: 96, 100 stoke pit fill 99 glass 89-103 pottery 93, 100 vessel glass 89-96, 100-2 window glass ('cast glass') 89, 96-102 window glass re-worked (inlay?) 99-100, 101, 102 347 GENERAL INDEX minsters 201, 202-3, 206,214,216,217 Moldson, Johanna 191 Morbere, Petronella 194-5 moulds see Boughton Malherbe Multon, Jane (m. Lambarde) 159 Nailbourne river 205, 206 Nashenden, estate map 151 naval fort, Roman see Stutfall Castle Needham, James, surveyor 151 needle, metal 264 Neolithic, flint axe 276; see also Minnis Bay Newenden 228, 229, 231-2, 232, 234, 235, 238,239,242,243,244,245,249 Newmill Channel 228, 229, 230, 232, 234, 235,238,243,245,251 Newport, Celia 191 Norrington, garden 291-9 Norden, John 157, 160-1 Northampton, Alice 191 Northiam (Sussex) 228, 238 Norton, medieval chest 117 Norton (Suffolk), misericord in church 189 Norwich (Norfolk), medieval chest from St Margaret's Church 105, 107, 111, 112, 113,114, 116, 118, 124, 125 Oldham, Paul, and Margaret Lawrence, 'Obituary: Elizabeth Melling' 331-2 Orpington, Katherine 191 Oswald, St 207 Oswiu, king of Northumbria 207 Oxford, St Mary Magdalen Church 118, 121-2 Oxney, Isle of 235, 243 Paddlesworth, church 204, 207, 217 Palmer, Sir Henry 153, 162 n.19 Parfitt, Keith, and Richard Hoskins, 'A prehistoric ring-ditch at Martin, near Dover' 129-48 Peasmarsh (Sussex) 228 pegs 264 peg tiles medieval 145 post-medieval 74 Pemberton, Eleanor 188 Pembury, Kent College 19 Pickvance, Christopher, "'Kentish Gothic" or imported? Understanding a group of tracery-carved medieval chests in Kent and Norfolk' 105-28 pin, early medieval 69, 71 placenames -hamme 255 n.23 Lemana 203, 205 Limenwara 205 Speed's maps 157 plague 181, 191 plants, garden at Norrington 295, 296-8; see also Canterbury, Barton Court Grammar School plaques, Bronze Age see Boughton Malherbe Pollen, Elizabeth 161 Potman, John 195 Potman's Hoath 243 pottery prehistoric 136, 137, 138, 139-42, 145 Early Neolithic 136, 137, 140, 145, 147 Bronze Age Collared Urn 136, 140-1, 145 Early Bronze Age, Beaker 136, 140, 145 Late Bronze Age, beaker 138, 141-2, 141, 146 Late Iron Age 269,272 New Forest type Scarborough ware 260 Roman 93, 100, 168, 175, 176, 177, 203, 205 Romano-British 262 early Roman 138, 142 Canterbury sandy ware 142 native grog-tempered 142 Anglo-Saxon 67, 68, 73, 205 Canterbury-type sandy ware (MLS2) 67, 71 flint-tempered (MLS6) 67 Ipswich-type (MLS7) 67, 68 'local' shell-tempered (MLS4, MLS4A, MLS4C) 67, 68, 71 early medieval Canterbury-type sandy ware (EM l ) 71 shelly sandy ware (EM3) 71 medieval/late medieval 73, 139, 274, 274, 275,277 Canterbury transitional sandy ware (LM l .2) 73 Tyler Hill sandy ware (Ml ) 73, 75 post-medieval 74-5, 76, 139 blue painted pearlware (LPM12B) 76 glazed earthenware (PM l ) 75, 76 late creamware (LPM l IA) 76 London stoneware (PM25) 76 Powell-Cotton, Antoinette 257-78 Powell-Cotton, Major Percy 257, 259-60, 261,262 Powell-Cotton Museum 257, 259 Preston, James M.,Malting andMalthouses in Kent, reviewed 3 17 -18 Pulham & Son, James 291-9 'Pulhamite' 291-2, 293 Quex Park, Birchington 257 Queyk, Johanna, Simon and John 193 Rainham, medieval chest in St Margaret's Church 105,106,109,109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 125 348 GENERAL INDEX Ralph, priest 215, 217, 218 Ramsey, Thomas 194 Ramsgate, Pulham garden 299 Rand, Henry, will 206 Ratford, Johanna 186 Reade, Thomas 110 Reculver, fort 170 Renshaw, Martin, organist 281 Richardson, T.L., The 1830 Farm Labourers' Riots in Kent, reviewed 322-3 Richborough, Roman tiles 305, 307 ring-ditch, prehistoric, at Martin 129-48 Roach Smith, Charles 165, 166, 168, 169, 172, 175, 176 roads, Roman 233-4, 236-7, 236,238,239 Robert, Agnes and John 193 Robertsbridge 229, 238, 239, 240, 249, 250, 250 Robinson, Keith see Jackson, Ian Rochester Bridge, Wardens Accounts Book 149, 151, 159, 160 Pulham garden 299 routeways 23 7 St Margaret's church 151 Rolvenden, routeways 228, 229, 230, 235, 239, 243, 245-9 Roman/Romano-British draco-standard 3 High Weald 236-7, 236 Lyminge and Kentish royal estates 203-5 naval fort see Stutfall Castle see also pottery; tiles; villas Roman us, priest 207, 217 Romney Marsh 157, 158 roof tiles, medieval 73, 7 4 rope, withy 272 Rother river 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 234, 235,238,239,242,243,244,249-50,251 Rounceby, Henry (Laurence) and Lora 194 routeways, High Weald 227-55 Russell, Colonel John 85 Russelyn, Henry, wife as shepster 194 Russhle, John 199 n.62 Rye (Sussex) 153, 161, 228, 229, 230, 232, 235,237,238,239,243,244 St Eadburg's Well 206 St Ethelburga's Well (spring) 205-6, 213 St Lawrence tithery 78, 84, 85 Salehurst (Sussex), routeways 228, 229, 239, 244,245 Sandhurst 228,237,238,239,240,245 Sandtun port 203, 204, 205 West Hythe 68 Sandwich, St Mary's church 84 Sargent, Andrew, Drinking in Deal: Beer, Pubs and Temperance in an East Kent Town 1830-1914, reviewed 321-2 Saxon (Saxony) Steed 5-23 Saxons see Anglo-Saxon/Saxon Saxon Shore forts 165, 166, 170, 177, 203, 204,205 Saxton, Christopher 156-7, 160 Seekford, Thomas 156 Sedlescombe 237 church, chest 109 Selden, John 14 Selethryth, abbess 215,216,217 Sergaunt, Alice 186, 192 shafts see Minnis Bay shoe making and repairing 185, 190; see also leather Shynglton, Mabil, brothel keeper 187 Sittingbourne,b rickfields 293 Slinere, Johanna and William 198 n.39 Sloane, Barney, book review by 312-14 Smith, Thomas, Robert, John and Ann (nee Raynye) 82, 84 Smyth, John 199 n.62 Speed, John 13-15, 13, 16, 19, 157, 159, 160-1 spoon, wooden 264 Squerryes (house),W esterham 159 Stafford, Isolde 191 Staplehurst Pulham garden 299 tokens 18 Stephen, Margaret 195 Stubbings, Richard (ed.), An Oral History of Horsmonden, reviewed 325 Sturry, mills 81 Stutfall Castle, Lympne, Roman naval fort 165-78 altar 168, 169 altar by Aufidius Pantera 165, 168, 169 bathhouse 165, 166,172,172, 175, 177 coins, Roman 166 pathway, Roman 177 pottery, Roman 168, 175, 176, 177 principia (headquarters), 3 rooms 165-6, 170, 171, 172, 177 temple to Neptune 169-70, 177 tiles, Roman 167,168,169, 175, 176, 177 Style, Thomas and wife 187 Sweetinburgh, Sheila 'Shepsters, hucksters and other businesswomen: female involvement in Canterbury's fifteenth-century economy' 179-99 Early Medieval Kent, reviewed 314-16 see also Helm, Richard swords see Boughton Malherbe Symonson, Philip, maps by 149-63, 238-9, 244 349 GENERAL INDEX Symonson, Thomas 151 Tann, Peter, books reviewed by 317-18, 319- 22 Tappestere, Isolde 191 Taylor, Linda, 'Philip Symonson's map, A New Description of Kent: "the finest speci-men of English cartography before 1600"' 149-63 temple to Neptune, Roman 169-70, 177 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 288 Tenterden 228, 229, 230, 231, 238, 244, 249 Thanet Archaeological Society 8 9 Thomas of Elmham 209 Thome, William 209,210 tiles Classis Britannica 301-8 Roman 167, 168, 169, 175, 176, 177 re-used 203 Tonbridge 237, 238, 239 Grammar School 19 tools, Bronze Age see Boughton Malherbe tradesmen's tokens 15, 18,1 8, 19 Trust for Thanet Archaeology 89 Tunbridge Wells, Pulham garden 299 turnpike trusts 231, 233, 234, 243-5, 246-7, 248,249,251 utensil, copper alloy 68-9, 69 Valkyr wreck 2 7 4 Verstegan,R ichard 11-13,1 2, 14, 16, 19 villas, Roman 301-2, 307; see also Minsterin- Thanet Vortigem, king 1 Wantsum Channel 205 Ward, Anthony, book review by 309-11 Ward, John, artist 279-90 Warren, Rebecca, book review by 314-16 Welf, House of 5-7, 14, 17 Westerham, Squerryes (house) 159 West Hythe 307 Weston, Adrian, 'More Classis Britannica tiles from East Wear Bay, Folkestone' 301-8 West Wickham,P ulham garden 299 whale bone 274 White Horse Inn 24 White Horse motif (heraldic) 1-36 Whitwell, Charles, engraver 161 Widukind of Corvey 2, 14 Wighton (Norfolk), medieval chest in All Saints Church 105,108, 110, 111, 124, 125 Wihtred, king 202, 207, 208 Winchelsea 229, 235, 237 Withiot, Robert 110 Wittersham Levels 229, 230, 235, 243 Wittersham, medieval chest 105, 109 women, 15th-century businesses and occupations in Canterbury 179-99 Woodchurch 257 Wormshill, medieval chest 117 Worsfold,F rederick Henry 261-2,2 67,277 Wylliam, Johanna 186 Yalding, Pulham garden 299 350