Kentish Bibliography

ANNUAL BIBLIOGR APHY OF KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY Compilers: D. Saunders, E. Finn, Kent History & Library Centre. Contributors: Prehistoric - K. Parfitt; Roman - Dr J. Weekes; Anglo-Saxon - Dr A. Richardson; Modern - Prof. D. Killingray. A bibliography of books, articles, reports, pamphlets published in the calendar year 2016 unless otherwise stated. (Various of the publications listed below are reviewed in this volume, pp. 309-325). GENERAL AND MULTI-PERIOD Betts, P., 'Frittenden Brook: evolution of a landscape', Cranbrook Journal, 27, 3-6. Draper, G., 'New life in towns, c.800-c.1220', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 66-102. Draper, G., 'Land and Marsh': settlement, colonisation, and consolidation, c.800-1220', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 43-65. Dyer, C. (ed.), Farmers, Consumers, Innovators: the world of Joan Thirsk (Hertford: Univ. of Hertford Press). Fleming, F., A Persistence of Place. A study of continuity and regionality in the Roman and early Medieval rural settlement patterns of Norfolk, Kent and Somerset (Oxford: BAR 262). Heath, D., 'Monastic culture in early medieval Canterbury, 597-1220', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 165-187. Parfitt, K. et al., 'Excavations and other Archaeological Investigations on the Thanet Way, 1990-95',Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 37-61. Ravilious, K., 'The many lives of an English manor house', Archaeology, 69, Jan/Feb 44- 49 [ restoration of Knole, Sevenoaks]. Sweetinburgh, S. (ed.), Early Medieval Kent 800-1220, Kent History Project Vol. 10 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and KCC). Tritton, P., 'Ledger stones yield clues to 'lost' family histories', Journal of Kent History, 84, 22-26. Umbers, M., About St Leonard's (Barking: Lulu.corn, 2015) [St Leonard's church, Hythe]. Wallace, L.M. et al., 'Archaeological Investigations of Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne, 2011- 14', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 251-279. Wright, D., Tracing Your Kent Ancestors: a guide for family and local historians (Barnsley: Pen & Sword). PREHISTORIC KENT Adams, S., 'Boughton Malherbe Bronze Age Hoard Project at Maidstone Museum', KAS Newsletter, 104, 14-16. 327 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Adolph, A., 'Ancient Kent in Archaeology and Myth', KAR, 200, 13-17. Anderson-Whymark, H. and Pope, M., Late Quaternary (Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Later Prehistoric) Human Activity in the Darent Valley at Lullingstone Country Park, Eynsford, Kent. Occas. Paper 5. (Portslade, East Sussex: SpoilHeap Publications). Beresford, F., 'Further Palaeolithic Material from Frindsbury', KAS Newsletter, 104, 4-7. Clewley, G., 'A Mesolithic tranchet axe from Folkestone', KAR, 201, 54-55. Daniels, A., 'The Allington Pots', KAS Newsletter, 104, 17. Holman, D., 'A New Classification System for the Flat Linear Potin Coinage', British Numismatic Journal, 86, 1-67. [More than half of this Iron Age coin type comes from Kent.] May, D., 'A Mesolithic site at Cuxton: Part 3', KAR, 200, 5-8. Webley, L. and Adams, S., 'Material Genealogies: Bronze Moulds and their Castings in Later Bronze Age Britain', PPS, 82, 323-40. [Includes Kent finds, e.g. Isle of Harty and Boughton Malherbe hoards.] ROMAN KENT Bird., D.G. (ed.), Agriculture and Industry in South-Eastern Roman Britain (Oxford: Oxbow Books). Boast, E. and L. Cunningham, 'The Roman Villa at Minster in Thanet. Part 10: the Bone Objects', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 1-15. Elliott, S., Sea Eagles of Empire: The Classis Britannica and the Battles for Britain (Stroud: The History Press). Lyne, M.A.B., Late Roman Handmade Grog-Tempered Ware Producing Industries in South-East Britain (Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology). Pearce, J. and Worrell, S., 'Finds Reported under the Portable Antiquities Scheme', Britannia, Vol. 47, 387-388. Ward, A., 'Roman Buildings in Rochester', KAR, 201, 41-48. ANGLO-SAXON KENT Bennett, P. and M. Berg., 'Canterbury in the Eleventh Century: a tale of the Viking incursions', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), Early Medieval Kent, 800-1220. Vol.10 Kent History Project (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and KCC), 203-225. Brookes, S., Viking Age Kent, 800-1042', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), Early Medieval Kent, 800-1220. Vol.10 Kent History Project (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and Kent County Council), 103-132. Brooks, N., 'The Early Charters of Canterbury Cathedral', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), Early Medieval Kent, 800-1220. Vol.10 Kent History Project (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and Kent County Council) 155-164. Clewley, G.B., 'Anglo-Saxon glass vessels from Dover', KAR, 200, 18-19. Philp, B. and Clewley, G.B., 'Discovery of Anglo-Saxon Burials at Horton Kirby. Part l ', KAR, 201, 49-53. Powell, H., 'Saints, Pilgrimage and Landscape in Early Medieval Kent, c. 800-1220', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 133-153. Richardson, A.F., 'What came before': the Kingdom of Kent to 800', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 21-41. Scull, C. and Naylor, J., 'Sceattas in Anglo-Saxon graves', Medieval Archaeology, 60, 205-241. S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), Early Medieval Kent, 800-1220, Vol.10 Kent History Project (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and KCC) 21-41. 328 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Thomas, G., McDonnell, G., Merkel, J. and P. Marshall, 'Technology, Ritual and AngloSaxon Agrarian Production: the biography of a seventh-century plough coulter from Lyminge, Kent',Antiquity, 90,351, 742-758. MEDIEVAL KENT Allen, M.J. and D. Rudling,A rchaeology and Land Use of South East England to 1066 (Oxford: Oxbow Books). Berg, M., 'The Impact of Anglo-Norman Architecture of Kent Churches', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.). Blagg, T.F.C., 'An Architectural Description of the Remnant of the Archbishop's Palace surviving in Court Lodge Farmhouse,A ldington',A rchaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn,2 88- 294. Connor,J .,' Confraternity and Commemoration at Christ Church Priory,C anterbury,1 290- 1527: the lay community',Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 281-288. Cotter,J .,' Pottery in Kent 800-1220: production use and significance',i n S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 245-253. Harwood, B., Fixer and Fighter: the life of Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, 1170-1243 (Barnsley: Pen & Sword). Hicks, A., Medieval Town and Augustinian Friary: Settlement c.1325-1700. Canterbury Whitefriars Excavations 1999-2004 (Canterbury: CAT). Johnson, M., Lived experience in the later Middle Ages: studies of Bodiam and other elite landscapes in South-Eastern England (York: Council for British Archaeology). Lane, R., 'The Medieval to Post-Medieval Vill of Sturry: excavations at the former Fordwich Garage, Water Lane and Franklyn House, High Street, Sturry ',A rchaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 209-235. Parfitt, K. and Clarke, H., 'Scouring the Conduit Head at Woodnesborough. Investigations into Convent Well,n ear Sandwich',A rchaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn,1 27-14 7. Shaw,R ., 'When did Augustine of Canterbury Die?',J ournal of Ecclesiastical History, 67, 3, 473-491. Sweetinburgh, S., 'Farming the Kentish Marshlands: continuity and change in the late Middle Ages', in Custom and Commercialisation in English Rural Society: revisiting Tawney and Postan (eds) J.P. Bowen and A.T. Brown (Studies in Regional and Local History Vol. 14), (Hatfield: Univ. Hertfordshire), 73-95. Sweetinburgh, S. (ed.), Early Medieval Kent, 800-1220, Vol.10 Kent History Project (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and Kent County Council). Swensson, E., 'The Virgin and the Archbishop: a comparative analysis of the cults of Mildred and Augustine at St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury', Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies, 4 (2015), 1-20. Weekes, J., 'Residues, Rentals and Social Topography in Angevin Canterbury', in S. Sweetingburgh (ed.), 227-244. EARLY MODERN KENT Bolton, M., 'The Experience of Plague in East Kent 163 6-163 8', Local Population Studies, 96, 9-27. Curran, S., The Wife of Cobham (Norwich: Lasse Press). [Account of the five-times married Lady Joan de Cobham.] Downton, P., The Dutch Raid (Rochester: City of Rochester Society). Harrington, D., 'Richard Harris, 'Fruiterer to King Henry V III': some further details gleaned from documentary sources',A rchaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn,2 95-300. 329 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Johnson, M., Lived Experience in the Later Middle Ages: Studies ofBodiam and other elite landscapes in South-Eastern England (York: CBA). Newill, P.L.A., 'The Heraldry of Godinton House. Part II: the Toke family', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 185-208. Orme, N., 'John Cole (c.1467-1536) and the Origins of Education in Faversham', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 107-126. Sparks, M., 'Wyke ( or Moat/Mote), near Canterbury, and the Finch family', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 237-249. Sweetinburgh, S., 'Looking to the Past: the St Thomas Pageant in Early Tudor Canterbury', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 163-183. Thomas, D., 'The Hercules Settlers in New England', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 300-302. Wyatt, G., 'Not as by Law established? Was there a Separatist Movement in Early Modem Thanet?', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 149-162. MODERN KENT Allen, P., 'Sir Victor Horsley, 1857 -1916', Cranbrook Journal, 27, 15-17. [Resident of Cranbrook and son of Cranbrook Colony artist John Horsley.] Ambrose, R., Vinters, Weavering and Grove Green: memories (Maidstone: Robin. Ambrose). Anstee, A.R., 'The Artillery of the Great War: anti-invasion defences of the Swale area of Kent', Journal of the Ordnance Society, 23, 55-79 (2015). Ardley, N., Swinging the lamp - Thames estuary tidal tales (Oxford: Fonthill Media). Ashbee, A., Zeal Unabated: The Life ofThomas Fletcher Waghorn (1800-1850) Snodland: Andrew Ashbee). Austin, D., 'Folkestone Harbour and its Swing Bridge', lnvicta, 87, 6-9. Baines, T., A Pub on every corner: Gravesend to Higham (Gravesend: Tom Baines). Baker, M.H.C., Trams, Buses & Trolleybuses Past and Present. No.3 Kent (Kettering: Silverlink Publishing Ltd). Ball, M., 'W W l Conscription and Exemption: Sevenoaks men at the West Kent Tribunal', North West Kent Family History Society Journal, 14, 4, 158-161. Bolton, M., St Laurence in Thanet: story of a parish (Ramsgate: Ariana Press). Bolton, M., 'Causes of Death in Ramsgate 1774-1812: the exceptional detail provided by the Rev. Richard Harvey in the Parish Registers of St Laurence', Archaeologia Cantiana, CXXXVII, 17-36. Boorman, D., Hythe Cricket Week 1894-1939 (Horsham: David Boorman). Boxall, M., Suffragette Seaside: the Women s Suffragette Movement in Herne Bay (Herne: Herne and Broomfield History Group). Bruce, S., Breezing down to Broadstairs: early 20th century Broadstairs (Ramsgate: Michaels Bookshop). Cairns, E. et al., Capability Brown in Kent (York: Kent Gardens Trust). CAT., 40 years: Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Canterbury s Archaeology 1976-2016 (Canterbury: CAT). Cole, D. and Phillips, S., Twenty Walks Around Sevenoaks and Tonbridge (Tonbridge: Hayesmoor Press). Collins, D. (ed.), When we went to Dover: skipper Charlie Hastes first-hand account of the Hastings fleets trip in May 1940 (Hastings: OHPS Publications 2015). Cross, M.D., The History of Paddlesworth Court Farm (Folkestone: St Ursin Press). [A history of the Cross family and the farm dairies 1866-1966.] Dalton, M. et al., From Ships to Sheep: the story of Smallhythe (Biddenden: YouByYou Books). 330 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Dennington, G., 'Bromley's struggle for Sunday Cinema', Bromleag, 2, 37, 26-29 Ford, J., 'Thomas Basden and the Royal Arms in St Dunstan's Church' [Cranbrook], Cranbrook Journal, 27, 7-12. Gill, A., The Kentish Coast from Whitstable to Hythe: a historical photo album (Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2015). Gunnill, M., 'Evelyn, genius of home front art', Bygone Kent, 37, 6, 24-31. [Early life of Evelyn Dunbar at Rochester, Snodland and Hastingleigh.] Gunnill, M., 'A reformer who changed the law? Guilty, M'Lud', Bygone Kent, 37, 6, 44-49 [William Garrow (1760-1840), attorney general who resided at Pegwell Bay and coined phrase 'innocent until proved guilty'.] Harding, P.A., The Hawkhurst Branch Line (Woking: Peter Harding). 3rd edn. Harris, P., Folkestone in 50 buildings (Stroud: Amberley Publishing). Hart, R., The Golden Age of Folkestone s Cinemas (Uckfield: Millgate Publishing). Harwood, B., Fixer and Fighter (Barnsley: Pen & Sword). [Account of Hubert de Burgh and the siege at Dover Castle]. Holden, C., Kent Britain s Frontline County (Stroud: Amberley Publishing). Hollingsworth, J.P., And then there was Beer: the story of Kentish breweries (Catrine: Stenlake Publishing). Jackson, I. and Robinson, K. (eds), Of the North Kent Marshes (London: L-13 Light Industrial Workshop, 2015). Joynes, A., Tracking the Major: sketches from the Powell-Cotton Museum (Canterbury: Mickle Print (Canterbury) Limited). Kelly, B. and Tripp, G., Ramsgate Jewish Cemetery 1872-2016: burial register & map monumental inscriptions and selected obituaries (Ramsgate: B. Kelly and G. Tripp) Kennett, C., 'Chicken Coop to Manor House; the homes created by inspired carpenter', Bygone Kent, 37, 6, 16-23. [William Gleischner, founder of W.H. Colt at Bethersden and inventor of prefabricated houses.] Lambert, I., Kent and its Cricketers: at odds with authority (Nottingham: Derby Books). LeGear, R., 'Nineteenth-Century Well Subsidence at St Peter's, Broadstairs', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 303-304. Llewellyn, S. and Liss, P. (eds), Evelyn Dunbar: the lost works (London: Liss Llewellyn Fine Art, 2015) [W W 2 official war artist who worked and lived in Kent; only female war artist to receive commissions.] Lyminge Historical Society., Lyminge: a history. Part 5: Lyminge Men Remembered (Lyminge LHSoc., 2014). Lyminge Historical Society., Lyminge: a history. Part 7 (Lyminge: LHSoc., 2015). McDougall, P., Secret Chatham (Stroud: Amberley Press). Mayfield, A., 'World War One Stopline Trench System revealed by LID AR in Whitehorse Wood, Birling', Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 304-306. Mills, M., Innovation, Enterprise and Change on the Greenwich Peninsula (London: Mary Mills). Minnis, K., "'The electric Melon": Experiments in electro-horticulture at Sherwood Park, Tunbridge Well's, Garden History, 43, 2 (2015), 256-72. Mirams, M.D., Old Ramsgate Pubs (Margate: SS & CC Publishing). 3rd rev. edn. Morieux, R., The Channel: England, France and the construction of a maritime border in the eighteenth century (Cambridge: CUP). Murray, D., A Childhood at Townsend Farm (Maidstone: D. Murray). Noble, G., A Richer Dust Concealed: the old boys of Kent College who died in conflict (Canterbury: Out of the Box Publishing Limited). Pittman, S., Crockenhill Heritage Trail (Swanley: Crockenhill Parish Council). Preston, J., Kents Industrial Heritage (Stroud: Amberley Press). 331 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Richardson, T., Sandwich-Gascon Wine Trade (Sandwich: Sandwich Local History Society, 2015). Richardson,T .L.,T he 183 0 Farm Labourer s Riots in Kent (Sandwich: Sandwich Historical Society). Rootes, A., 'Smashed: the spy ring that 'seduced' officers into betraying secrets', Bygone Kent, 37, 6, 8-15. [Spies in Kent leading up to WW l .] Salter,S .,A shford: a rare insight (Darlington: Destinworld Publishing Ltd). Sargent, A., Drinking in Deal: Beer, Pubs and Temperance in an East Kent Town 1830- 1914 (London: Bettany Press). Singleton,T ., 'Cranbrook's other Tanyard' Cranbrook Journal, 27, 1-3. Smith,M .,A Schoolgirls War (Maidstone: Maidstone Grammar School for Girls). Smith,V ,' If the Kaiser Should Come: defending Kent during the Great War' ,Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxxvn, 63-105. Stebbings, R., An Oral History of Horsmonden (Horsmonden: Horsmonden Historical Society). Stevens,P .,A Look Back at Stone Street, Faversham (Faversham: Faversham Society). Stilwell, R.,T he Defence ofThanet and East Kent (1939-1945) (Thanet: Thanet Military Publications). Taylor, I., 'Pressure, "subversion" and the politics of ridicule in Sevenoaks, Kent 1881- 1885', Christianity & History Forum Bulletin, 8, 39-53. Taylor, I., 'The whole of the proceedings were very orderly': Gunpowder Plot celebrations, civic culture and identity in some smaller Kent towns, 1860-1890', Urban History, 43, 4,517-38. Thornton, J., Praise and Applause Meyrick Road Hall Sunday School and Theatre: a history (Sheerness: Jeremy Thornton, 2015). Tritton, P., W hen Rolls Royce made history on Dover s W hite Cliffs (Dover: St Margaret's History Society). Turcan, R., Sittingbourne: the postcard collection (Stroud: Amberley Press). Wallace,R .,E ast Kent Road Car Company Ltd: a century of service, 1916-2016 (Ramsbury: The Crowood Press). Walsh,R ., 'Wills & Packham Bricks and Barges',T opsail, 50, 28-76. [Brick manufacture in Rainham from 1850 and the new-build barges constructed by Wills & Packham Company.] Wynn, S., Gravesend in the Great War (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military). Wynn,S .,T unbridge Wells in the Great War (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military). Young,L .,' The Navy's Top Secret: toast-rack trains painted battleship grey',B ygone Kent, 37, 6, 32-37. [Transportation of workers in wartime by Davington light railway.] RECENTLY CATALOGUED ARCHIVES The following is a selection of material in Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Kent History & Library Centre at Maidstone and Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre which was catalogued in 2016. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL ARCHIVES Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Library: agendas, 193 9-19 51; statistics registers, 1900-194 7; receipt book, 1900-1914; donation register, 1900-1918; correspondence, 1910-1918 (CC/A/J/13/7) 332 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Dean and Chapter Chapter Act Book, 1977-1984 (DCc-CA) Glass plate slides of photographs by George Washington Wilson of the Dane John, St Augustine's, Canterbury pilgrims and Canterbury Cathedral, late 19th century (DCcGPSN/ 33 and 35) Glass plate slide of Christ Church Gate, late 19th century (DCc-GPSN/36) Album of Fisk-Moore photographs of the Cathedral and city of Canterbury, late 19th century (DCc-Photo/B/1) Photographs, prints and postcards of Christ Church Gate, 19th century to 21st century (DCc-Photo/ A/30) Line engraved portrait of Geoffrey Chaucer by Jacobus Houbraken, 1742 (DCc- Prindraw/6/C/7) Coloured print of Penance of Henry II before Becket's Shrine, 1794 (DCc-Prindraw/7 /6) The Blue Girls of Canterbury by G.A. Storey, 1874 (DCc-Prindraw/2/0/12) Postcard commemorating the laying of the coping stone of the north-west pinnacle of Bell Harry Tower, c.1908 (DCc-Photo/A/32) Postcard of statue of St Thomas of Canterbury in Sens, mid-20th century (DCc-Photo/ A/31) Ospringe Rural Deanery: Parish magazines, 1915-1945 (DCd-OS) Parish and Diocese Ash, St Nicholas: Parish magazines, 2014-2015 (U3-274) Canterbury, Christ Church Cathedral: Primates Conference visitors book, 2016 (U3-100) Chartham, St Mary: Parish magazines, 2016 (U3-154) Cheriton, St Martin: Photographs of the church, 20th century; documents relating to restoration, 2001 (U3-148) Dunkirk, Christchurch: Parish magazines, 1915-1934 (U3-181) Faversham, St Mary of Charity: Register of baptisms, 1981-2008; Register of banns, 2001- 2008; PCC and APC minutes, 1994-2013; Papers relating to the church, the glebe and the Vicarage, 1873-1962; Papers relating to churchyard trusts and funds, 1873-1952; altered tithe apportionments, 1856-1907 (U3-146) Folkestone, St Saviour: Parish magazines, 1948-1994 (U3-124) Harbledown, St Michael: Mothers Union minute books, 1940-1990 (U3-194) Margate, St John: Parish magazines, 2016; Orders of service and memorial pamphlets, 2016 (U3-140) Minster-in-Thanet, St Mary: Mothers Union calendar, 1935 (U3-164) Northboume, St Augustine: Register of marriages, 2008-2015 (U3-74) Preston-next- Faversham, St Catherine of Alexandria: Register of baptisms, 1935-1981; Registers of marriages, 1972-2015; Register of burials, 1810-1812; Registers of services, 1983-2006; Service sheet, 1983; PCC Minutes, 1929-1974 (U3-249) Preston-next-Wingham, St Mildred: Deed of appointment of trustees for the charity of Robert Wybome, 1943 (U3-245) Sturry, St Nicholas: Parish magazines, 2015 (U3-48) Tilmanstone, St Andrew: Register of marriages, 1988-2014 (U3-101) Unofficial Eastbridge Hospital, Appointment of Trustees, 1937 (U24) Deeds relating to a property in Church Street St Paul's, Canterbury, 1620-1923 (U538/5) Canterbury Diocesan Mother's Union, membership cards, 1935-1960; scrapbook, 1970; photographs, 1930-1976 (Ul49) 333 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Sales particulars relating to Canterbury, Wickhambreaux, Stodmarsh and Whitstable, 1829-1938 (U538/6) Photo-postcards of the city of Canterbury and Canterbury Cathedral, early 20th century (U565) KENT HISTORY AND LIBRARY CENTRE Charities and Societies Bee Craft Magazine; The History of The Kent Beekeepers' Association, 1919-2011 (Ch l 84) Kent Automobile Association, 1970-2009 (Ch35) Addl NADFAS Survey of St Mary the Virgin, St Mary in the Marsh, Romney 2013-2016 (Ch l 29) NADFAS Survey of St Thomas Becket, Fairfield, 2006-2008 (Ch l 29) NADFAS Survey of St Augustine, Brookland, 2007-2008 (Ch l 29) NADFAS Survey of St Mary the Virgin, Great Chart, 2013 (Ch l 29) NADFAS survey of St Dunstan, Snargate, 2013 (Ch l 29) Guardians Blean Union: Overseers' receipt and payment book, 1848-1867 (G/Bl/O1) Dartford Union: Settlement and removal papers, 1881-1884 (G/Da) East Ashford Union: Register oflunatics, 1877-1930 (G/Ae) Local Government Maidstone Borough; census enumerator books, 1801, 1821 (MD/AZ3/l -3) Sevenoaks Rural District Council: Valuation lists, 1963-1973 (RD/SE/R/1) Parish Ashford, St Mary the Virgin: Incumbent registers, 19th-20th century (PIO) Addl South Ashford, Christ Church: PCC committee minutes, 1959-1965 (P lOB) Addl. Aylesford , SS Peter and Paul: Grave registers, 1858-1921, (Pl 2) Addl. Benenden, St George: Incumbent registers, 20th-2 l st century (P20) Addl. Bicknor, St James: Registers of services (P24) Addl Biddenden, All Saints: Incumbent registers, 19th-20th century (P26) Addl. Borden, SS Peter and Paul: Parish registers, 1859-1988 (P35) Addl. Chiddingstone, St Mary: Confirmation register, 1909-2005 (P89) Addl. East Malling, St James the Great: Parish registers, 1924-2013 (P242) Addl. East Peckham, St Michael: Register of services, 1923-1934, (P284) ADDL Egerton, St James: Register of services, 1982-2005 (P78B) Addl. Egerton, St James: School punishment book, 1933-1947 (P78B) Addl. Eynsford, St Martin: Incumbent registers, 19th-20th century (Pl 39) Addl. Frinsted, St Dunstan: PCC minutes and correspondence, 1983-1999 (Pl 5 l ) Addl. Headcorn, SS Peter and Paul: Parish magazines, 1996-1998 (P l 81) Addl. High Halden, St Mary the Virgin: Parish records, 1900-1989 (P l 64) Addl. Hildenborough,St John the Evangelist: Parish magazines, 2006-2009 (P371C) Addl. Kennington, St Mary: Burial records, 1921-1989 (P207) Addl. Knockholt, St Katherine: Register of burials, 1892-1952, (P214) Addl. Little Chart, St Mary: Incumbent registers, 19th-20th century (P82) Addl Maidstone, St Michael: Register of services, 2001-2007 (P241E) Addl. 334 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Minster, SS Mary and Sexburga: Parish records, 1881-1923 (P254) Addl. Penshurst, St John the Baptist: Parish registers, 19th-20th century (P287) Addl. Plaxtol Parish: PCC minutes, 1944-1995 (P406C) Addl. Sandhurst, St Nicholas: Marriage register, 1900-1988 (P321) Addl. Sevenoaks, St Nicholas: Highway assessments, 1839 (P330) Addl. Sevenoaks, St Nicholas: Parish registers, 1970-2006 (P330) Addl. Shadoxhurst, SS Peter and Paul: PCC accounts, 1979-1992 (P332) Addl. Speldhurst, St Mary the Virgin: Parish records, 1861-1900 (P344) Addl. Parish workhouse records, 1772-1803, (P344) Addl. Stansted, St Mary: Marriage registers 1994-2013 (P406B) Addl. Stockbury, St Mary: Registers of confirmation (P348) Addl. Tudeley, All Saints: Capel overseers' accounts, 1764-1793 (P374) Addl. Tunbridge Wells, Christ Church: Incumbent registers, 19th-20th century (P371H) Addl. Upchurch, St Mary the Virgin: Register of services, 1965-1972 (P377) Addl. Wateringbury, St John the Baptist: Incumbent registers, 1864-1945 (P385) Addl. Wateringbury, St John the Baptist: Parish magazines, 1896-2011 (P385) Addl. Wittersham, St John the Baptist: Parish records, 1826-2014 (P399) Addl. Parish Council East Farleigh: Parish Council, Minutes, 1984-1994 (PC290) Harrietsham: Parish Council, Minutes, 1984-1989 (PC292) Speldhurst: Parish Council, includes Ashurst parish meeting, 1894-1987 (PC313) Schools Dymchurch: School records, 1862-2005 (C/E/S/125) Addl. Sellindge: Council School, 1917-2003 (C/E/S/329) Addl. Tunstall: Church of England School, 1870-1963 (C/E/S/375) Tunbridge Wells: Sandown Court Secondary School, 1960-1996, Log Books (C/E/S/371E) Transcripts Chandeliers in Kent churches, including Egerton, St James, 20th century (TR/2202) Marriage indexes for Hollingboume district, (1754-1911) (TR/3578/8) Maidstone marriage register indexes, (17 54-1911) (TR/3 944) Unofficial Apprenticeship indenture, 1854 (U4071) Johnson Ellis and Family hop farm ledger, 1787-1844 (U4116) Kent Messenger centenary celebration records, 1959 (U4085) Abstract of Title, Beaver Place, Ashford, 1868 (U4097) Covenant for Waterside, Bexley, 1732 (U4066) Final concord relating to land in Bidborough and Tonbridge, c.1698 (U4070) Deeds and records relating to the Railway Tavern, Dunton Green, 1892-1973 (U4088) Mortgage of land and houses in Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells, 1899 (U4089) Title deed relating to land held in Acrise, Elham and Denton by the Lewknor family, 1662 (U4072) Title deeds for land and property in West Malling, and manorial records for Mounton Melfield, Doddington, 1720-1850 (U4073) 335 KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2016 Mereworth: Parish overseers' records, 1865-1893 (U4084) Woodchurch: Parish statement of account, 1853 (U4099) MEDWAY ARCHIVES AND LOCAL ST UDIES CENTRE Local Government and Parish Gillingham Borough Council: Public Health (series) 1894-1975 (GBC/H) Cobham: Highway rate assessments, 1855-1862; Poor rates, 1868/69 C l 9th (P96/20/2; P96/ l l/4) Gillingham: Highway Board, 1851-1856 (HO/Gi) Gillingham: Women's Adult school, 1908-1916 (DE1259) Unofficial Jezreels collection 1820- l 960s (N/JZ) Coles Finch Notebooks, 1930s (DE351) Charles Knight, historical notes 1890-c.1930s (DE217) Rochester Historic Pageant, 1931 (RCA/TC l/38/48-63) Letters relating to Fort Pitt, Chatham 1866 (DE248) Plan of Kingsnorth landing pier, 1931 (DE1260) Photo album of Rochester Cathedral Precincts, 1924-1926 (DE1262) Miscellaneous dwellings at Rochester Cathedral, n.d. c.1910 (DE1257) Alloys Ltd, Strood 1969 (DE1263) Brochure for British Twin Disc Ltd, Strood, n.d. c.1961 (DE1256) Solicitors papers, Lewis, Bell, Darley & Gambrill, 1720-c. l 970 (DE1248) Sales particulars, Main Road, Frindsbury (DE275) Sale agreement for land at St Nicholas parish (DE352) Deed for Upnor, 1822 (DE362) Deeds relating to Castle Road, Chatham 1895-1945 (DE1255) Deeds relating to Hammond Place, Chatham, 1814-1949 (DE147) Deeds relating to Chatham, 1806-1846 (DE61) Deeds relating to Gillingham, 1872-1972 (DE1254) Deeds for Gillingham, Scrayfries and outdoor pool 1844-1900 (DE1258) 336




Obituary - Elizabeth Melling