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Front matter, Volume 138
General Index
343 general inDeX illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics or by illus where figures are scattered throughout the text. The letter n following a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a note. The following abbreviations have been used in this index: C – Century; Cambs. – Cambridgeshire; d. – died; e. Sussex – east Sussex; eds. – editors; Herts. – Hertfordshire; illus – illustrated; lt – lieutenant; m. – married; n – note; Oxon. – Oxfordshire; revd – reverend; St/SS – Saint/Saints; Wilts. – Wiltshire arrowheads Neolithic 248–52, 249 Bronze Age 248–52, 249 Arwald 242 Aschbonham (Asshebounhamme), Roger 235 n17 Ashbee, Andrew, ‘Snodland and ‘Cementopolis’ 1841–1881’ 316–18 ashford college and church of St Mary 75–85, 76, 80, 81 grammar school 78 asshebounhamme see Aschbonham Augustine, St 135 axes Mesolithic 252–8 Neolithic 263 see also handaxes Ayland, Rd 235n17 ayloffe Jane (née Sulyard) 312 William 312 Baigue, Anne le, & Leach, Avril, ‘‘Where streams of living water flow’: the Religious and Civic Significance of Archbishop Abbot’s Conduit in St Andrew’s, Canterbury, 1603–1625’ 111–34 Bank, Thomas 6 Barber, Katharine 188, 196 Barratt, Nikki 196 Batcheller, William 303–6, 308n4 beads, Anglo-Saxon 195, 195 Beaufort Edmund, 2nd Duke of Somerset 8 Margaret, m. Richard Darell 8, 9 Bede 241, 241–3 bee boles 178 Aaron (clerk) 227 abbeys/religious houses see Canterbury (Austin Friars; Cathedral Priory; St Augustine); Dover, Maison Dieu; Robertsbridge; St albans Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury 111–12, 114, 115–17, 120, 121, 122–9, 124 Aethelburh 241 Alcuin 240 Aldington, Manor Farm, Roman villa excavation context 274–7, 276 excavation evidence 269–73, 270, 271, 272 finds and dating evidence 273–4, 274, 275, 278–9 location 269 Allarde, Mary, m. Charles Tyler 314 Allot, Robert 122 Andrew (servant) 294, 297 animal bones Iron Age–Roman, Leybourne Grange 266 Roman, Canterbury 146 medieval, Canterbury 97 post-medieval, Canterbury 106 see also fish bones Anne of Cleves 102 Anthonisz, Cornelius 301 Anthony, Anthony 301 apotropaic symbols 63–4, 66, 67 architectural fragments, medieval 96, 102, 104 argall family arms of 2, 2, 10 Elizabeth, m. Edward Filmer 9 Joan (née Martin) 4 John 9 Margaret 9 Richard (d.1588) 4, 9, 11 Thomas 9 GENERAL INDEX 344 Bekenden, Sir William 295 bellringing 213–15 Benenden, Knoll 230 Beorwold, Abbot of Glastonbury 237–9 Beresford, Frank R., ‘A Re-examination of the Late Nineteenth-century Palaeolithic Finds in the Upper Ravensbourne Area, Bromley’ 17–45 Berhtwold, Archbishop of Canterbury, letter to Forthhere 237–43 Bethun Alice, m. William Marshall 230 Baldwin 230 Biddenden fireback 314 Tyler family 314 Biddulph, Edward, ‘A Late Iron Age and Early Roman Settlement at Leybourne Grange, near West Malling’ 262–8 Bigod Roger, 4th Earl of Norfolk 229 Roger, 5th Earl of Norfolk 229 Bishopsbourne Hawte (Haute) family 7 Peter of Dene 108 Blackie, Ernest 49 Boniface, Archbishop of Canterbury 228, 240 books, medieval 84 Boston, Katherine, m. Richard Hawte 293 Botiller, John 6 Boughton Aluph, Ayloffe family 312 Bourchier Henry, Earl of Essex 6 Thomas 233, 234 bracteate, Anglo-Saxon 181, 183 Bradfield, John de, tomb of 69, 72 Bradgar, Master Robert de 83 Brady, Kate see Simmonds, Andrew, & Brady, Kate Bredgar, college 75, 83–4 Brenchelse family 82 Brenzett, church of St Eanswith 80 brick see tile and brick Bridge, Henry 119 Broadstairs Dane Court school, investigations 258–61, 259 harbour 320 Bromley Naturalist Society 19, 41 brooches Iron Age, Leybourne Grange 263 roman Broadstairs 261 Canterbury 144 Anglo-Saxon, Lyminge 184–5, 185, 192–5, 192, 193, 194 Brookland, church of St Augustine 77 Broome, Thomas 119 Broomhill (E. Sussex) Broomhill Marsh 84 church 80 Brown, Sir William 296 Browne John 314 Thomas 117 Bruges Katherine 6 Richard 6 Burbache, James 82 Burgess, Jennifer, ‘St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks, and the Origins of the Manor at Knole’ 225–36 Burham, ‘Cementopolis’ 316, 317 burials see cremations Burkham, Joan 314 Burrows, Vince ‘Five Arrowheads from the North Downs near Dover’ 248–52 ‘A Mesolithic Tranchet Axe Find: Investigation at Wolverton Lane Quarry, Alkham Valley’ 252–8 ‘Two Palaeolithic Handaxes from Hawkinge, Near Folkestone’ 247–8 Burwash (E. Sussex) Poundsford Farm, fireback 313, 313, 314 Tyler family 314 Woodknowle manor 314 Buscall Fox, G.J. 20, 26, 35 Cædwalla 239, 240, 242 Calstone Elizabeth, m. William Darell 7, 8 Thomas 7 Cambridge, earl of see edmund of langley Cambridge (Cambs.), conduit 112 Canterbury archbishops of see Abbot, George; Berhtwold; Boniface; Chichele, Henry; Courtenay, William; Juxon, William; Kemp, John; Lanfranc; Laud, William; Morton, John; Parker, Matthew; Pecham, John; Theodore; Warham, William; Winchelsea, Robert Austin Friars 295 Cathedral chantry 143 font 115–16 graffiti 57, 71 sermons preached by Cleland 113, 121–9, 123, 124 tomb of Henry of Eastry 199, 200 York arms 5–6 Cathedral Priory Bredgar college, association with 84 GENERAL INDEX 345 Canterbury (cont.) Cathedral Priory (cont.) conduit 112 possessions 79, 83, 84 see also Henry of eastry churches St Andrew 111–12, 117, 120–1 St George 120 County Gaol 106 defences, Roman 141, 144–6 Kent and Canterbury Hospital 106 St Andrew’s parish, conduit 111–31, 113, 114, 115 St Augustine’s Abbey, archaeological investigations background and location 89–93, 90–2 excavation evidence (illus) early medieval 93 late medieval 94–102 post-medieval 102–7 St Augustine’s College 106 St George’s parish 117, 118, 120, 127 St James’s hospital 86n34 St Mary Northgate parish 120 shambles 112, 113, 117 Staplegate, archaeological investigations background and location (illus) 135–43 results 143–4 prehistoric 144 Roman 144–8, 145, 147 medieval 148–50, 149 post-medieval 150–1, 151 summary 151–2 water supply 112 Capella, Thomas de 232–3 Carier, Benjamin 125 Carr, Vanessa 184 Catholicism 125 Cave-Brown, Revd John 4 Cecil, Lord Sackville 28 ‘Cementopolis’ 316–18 cemetery, Anglo-Saxon, Lyminge 181 Chadd, John 117 Champion, Timothy, book review by 323–4 chantries Ashford 76, 79 Canterbury 143 collegiate churches 75, 83 educational role 78–80 Sevenoaks 228, 229, 231 Charles II 156, 158 Chartham, clergy 122 Chatham, dockyard 158 Chelsfield, market 229 Cheston, Robert 295, 296 Chichele, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury 82 Chilham, Shillingheld manor 11 Chillenden, Prior Thomas 83 Christmas Gerard 115–16 John 116 Matthias 116 Church, Jatt 303–5, 306 churches, collegiate 75–85, 75 churchwardens 117–19 Clark, John 115 Cleland, James 111–15, 120–9 Clerk, Sir John 301, 302, 303, 305 Clinch, George 18, 38–9 discoveries by 20, 21, 22, 24–8, 32, 35 pamphlet 19, 26 Clyf, John and wife 296 de la Cnolle family 229, 230 Alice 230 Robert 230–1, 235n13 William 230 Cobham almshouse 82 collegiate church of St Mary 75, 77, 82, 84, 85 Cobham, Sir John (d.1408) 82 Codyng, Walter 235n17 Coelred of Mercia 241 coins, Roman 146, 148, 273; see also token collegiate churches 75–85, 75 comb, Anglo-Saxon 184, 185 Coney, Simon 314 Cotton, John 295 Coulson, Charles, ‘Priory Henry (1285–1331): Rescuer of Eastry Church’ 199–223 Courtenay, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 83 Cowden fireback 314 Scarlets 314 Cox, Maureen 185 Cranbrook Bedgebury, fireback 314 Tyler family 314 Crawshay, Barri 20, 21–2, 29, 30 Crayford, flint collecting 20 cremations, Roman, Broadstairs 261 Cresswell, Alison see Waddington, Nicola, & Cresswell, Alison Cromwell, Oliver 156 crucible fragment, medieval 97 Cubitt, Thomas 317 Culmer, Richard 126 Cyneberht 242 Cynewulf 241 Daniel, Bishop of Winchester 241–3 Darell family Alexander 8 arms 11–12, 12 GENERAL INDEX 346 Darell family (cont.) edmund 7 Elizabeth (née Calstone) 7, 8 George 7–8, 11 John (d.1438) 6, 7 John (d.1509) 9 Margaret, m. James Tuchet 8, 9 Richard 7, 8–9, 11 William 6–7, 8, 11 Davies, Malcolm, ‘A Roman Villa at Marwood Farm, Falconhurst, Aldington’ 269–79 defences, C20 Thanet 318–21 Denton, William 297 Deptford, Le Strand manor 11 Devey, George 163, 165 Deyman, William 297 Doidge, W.& H. 106 Dover churches St James 303 St Martin 295 Maison Dieu 301, 303 Paradise harbour 299–306, 299, 300, 302, 304, 307 Round Tower Lane 300, 303–6 Round Tower Street 300, 303, 304–6 Downing, Sir George 157 Draper, Gillian, ‘Education, Ashford College and the other Late Medieval Collegiate Churches of Kent’ 75–87 Druell, John 86n27 Dryman, William 295, 296 Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick 229 Dutch Republic, wars with 155–61, 157, 160 Ealdberht 241 east Sutton church of SS Peter & Paul 1–15, 2, 3 East Sutton Park 4 East Sutton Place 10 Little Charlton 9 manor 4, 6–1 moated site 9–10 Eastry, church of St Mary (illus) 200–21 Ebony, land at 84 Edmund of Langley, Earl of Cambridge, Duke of York 5 education, role of collegiate churches 75–85 Edward I 232 Edward II 232 Edward of Norwich (d.1415), Earl of Rutland, Duke of York 5 Edwards, Elizabeth ‘The Dutch in the Medway 1667: Commemoration and Reflection’ 155–61 book review by 325–6 Egerton, church of St James 12, 12 eggshell, Roman 146 Elizabeth of Gaunt, m. John Hastings 6 The Embarkation of Henry VIII 300, 300, 301–2, 306 enclosures, Iron Age–Roman Broadstairs 259–61 Leybourne Grange 263–7, 265 Enderby, Thomas 6 eoliths 22 Eppa and sister 237, 238, 241, 243 Erith, manor 11 Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester 56, 226 Essex, earl of see Bourchier, Henry Ethelbert of Kent 135 Eton, Oliver 294, 295 Evelyn, John 159 Ewell Minnis, Wolverton Lane Quarry, investigations 252–8, 253, 255, 256 Eyres, Edney 181, 193 Falke Maurice le 235n13 William le 235n13 Farnborough, market 229 Faversham, James II captured 160 Feiamys, John 9 Field, John 126 field system, Iron Age–Roman 266 Filmer family Lady Anne 10 arms of 2–3, 2, 10 Edward 9 Sir Robert 9–10 Sir Robert Marcus 4 Fineux, Richard 301 firebacks 312–14, 313 fish bones Roman 146 medieval 97 Flekeney, – 295, 296 flint and stone tools Palaeolithic Hawkinge 247–8, 247 West Wickham (illus) 17–42 Mesolithic Ewell Minnis 252–8 Leybourne Grange 263 Mesolithic–Neolithic, Canterbury 144 Mesolithic–Bronze Age, Broadstairs 258 Neolithic Leybourne Grange 263 North Downs 248–52, 249 West Wickham 32 Bronze age Leybourne Grange 263 North Downs 248–52, 249 see also arrowheads; axes; handaxes GENERAL INDEX 347 floor tiles, medieval Canterbury St Augustine 104, 105 Staplegate 150 godmersham description of panel 280–3, 281, 282 designs 283–5, 286–7, 288, 289, 290, 291 discussion 285–92 Fogge family 80, 82 Sir John 76, 79, 83, 84 Ford, James 213 Foreness, battery 320 Forthhere, Bishop of Sherborne 237–43 four-post structures, Iron Age–Roman 261, 265, 267 Fraser, Paddy 184 Fraunceys, John 79 Frere, S.S. 140–1 gaming piece, Roman 146 Gant, Henry de 231 garden features, Canterbury 104–6 Gibbs, Dominic, ‘Berhtwold’s Letter to Forthhere and its Wider Context’ 237–45 glass vessels Roman 146 Anglo-Saxon 189, 190, 191 Godmersham, church of St Lawrence floor tiles (illus) 280–92 Goodchild, John 20, 26, 35, 37 Goodson family 310–11, 312 William 310 Gostling, William, illustration 112, 114 goudhurst Scotney Castle, fireback 313 Tyler family 314 Grace-de-Dieu (ship) 300, 300, 301 graffiti see Rochester, cathedral Grandison family 233 Otho de 229, 230, 231–2 Gray, William 131n9; see also grey Grays, flint collecting 20 Greatness, hospital and chapel of St John 228, 231, 234 Green, John and wife 296; see also grene Greenfield, William, Archbishop of York 108 Greenway, Thomas 294, 295, 296 grene Cicell 296 Thomas 296 see also green grey of ruthin family arms of 4 Reginald, 3rd Baron Grey 6, 10 Roger, 1st Baron Grey 6 see also grey Griffin, W.H. 20, 21–2, 36 Grocyn, William 82 Groffhurst (Grofherst) Hy 235n17 Richard of 235n13 Guildford (Surrey), hospital 116–17 Guildford, Sir Henry (d.1532), arms of 3–4, 3 Hales family 106 Sir Edward 106, 117 Hall Jackie 184 Thomas 295 Halling ‘Cementopolis’ 316, 317 ferry 318 Hallys, –, wife of 296 Hammond Lt – 105 edmund 177 handaxes Hawkinge 247–8, 247 West Wickham 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37 Harbledown, clergy 120 Harington, John 121 Harrison, Benjamin 25 Hart, Sir William 122 Hartley, manor 6 Hasted, Edward 79, 122, 131n9, 135 Hastings family, earls of Pembroke arms of 2, 2, 4, 10, 11 Elizabeth, m. Roger Grey 6 John, 2nd Baron Hastings 6, 13n8 John, 2nd Earl of Pembroke 6 John, 3rd Earl of Pembroke 6 Laurence, 3rd Baron Hastings, Earl of Pembroke 6, 11, 13n8 Haute see Hawte Hawkhurst church of St Laurence 13n7 firebacks 314 Frith 314 Tyler family 314 Hawkinge, handaxes 247–8, 247 Hawte (Haute) Alice (née Cawne) 293 Henry 294, 296 Jane m. George Darell 7–8 Dame Katherine (d.1493) (née Boston) 292–3, 294, 295–7 Marjory (Margaret) 293, 294, 296, 297 Sir Nicholas 293 Nicholas of Petham 293 Richard (d.1487) 293 Sir Richard (d.1492) 292–5 Master Thomas 295 William of Bishopsbourne 7, 293 GENERAL INDEX 348 Helm, Richard, ‘Archaeological Investigations at St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury, 2004–5’ 89–109; see also Wilson, Tania, & Helm, Richard Henham, Thomas 297 Henry VIII 300, 303 Henry of Eastry, Prior 199–221 Herbert, Marcus, ‘The Painted Glass at East Sutton Church and the Arms of a Duke of York’ 1–15 Herne Bay, Herne Bay school, investigations 260, 261 Heron, Roger 82 Heywood, Thomas 115–16 Higham, Richard 297 Hinxhill, church of St Mary 77 Hoath, Ford Palace 127 Hochon John the elder 84 John 83–4 Hodgkinson, Jeremy, ‘A Series of Kentish Firebacks and the Possible Identification of their Founder’ 312–15 Holland, Compton 123 Hollicondane, hamlet of 309, 310–12, 310 Hollingbourne, clergy 86n34 hone, Roman 146 Hook, Charles Townsend 318 Hope, W.S.J. 49, 62 Hopkins, David 9 Hopton, Sir Owen 118 Horsmonden, fireback 314 hospitals, medieval see Canterbury, St James; greatness; guildford; new romney Howe, Jeff, ‘‘Paradise Found’; Pinpointing the Embarkation Towers on the Modern Map of Dover’ 299–309 Hyllingham, John 294 Hythe, literacy 77 Hythe, Hamo de, tomb of 69, 72 Ickham, church of St John 79 Ightham, Oldbury Camp 25, 32 Ine, King of Wessex 238, 239, 241–2 Ingild 241 ironworking, Roman 148 Isabel of Cambridge 6 Ivychurch, church of St George 77, 79 Jacobs, Beverley 55 James I 121–2, 125, 128 James II 160 James, Master William 82 Jennings, Eileen 186 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster 6, 14n9 Johnson, Thomas 102 Joky (horse keeper) 296 Jones, Howard Austin, ‘Old St Alban’s Court, Nonington: an Architectural Survey’ 163– 79 Juxon, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 128 Keeble, Margaret 196 Kemp family 80 John, Bishop of Rochester, Archbishop of York and Canterbury 77, 80, 82 Kemsing, manor 229 Kennard, Arthur Santer 18–21, 22 discoveries by 25–6, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38–41 key, Roman 273 King, John, Bishop of London 121; see also Kynge Kirby, John 135 Knatchbull Sir John 160 Sir Norton 78 Knox, Alexandra see Thomas, Gabor, & Knox, alexandra Kynge, Thomas 296; see also King Lacaille, A.D. 20 lamp, medieval, stone 96 Lancaster, duke of see John of gaunt Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury 143 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 129 Laver, Hugh 296 Leach, Avril see Baigue, Anne le, & Leach, avril lee Richard 303 William 317, 318 Leeds Castle 10 Legen, Henry 297 Leget, –, wife of 296 Lehoërff, Anne, & Talon, Marc (eds.), Movement, identity and exchange in Europe in the 2nd and 1st millennia BC: beyond frontiers, reviewed 323–4 Lennox, duke of see Stuart, Lodovick Levett, John 314 Leybourne, Leybourne Grange, excavations 262–8, 262, 264–5 Linacre, Thomas 84 literacy, medieval 77–84 little Chart Calehill 6, 9 church of St Mary 12 Littlecote (Wilts.) 7 Livett, G.M. 49, 51 Lockley, Richard 119 Lollardy 76, 82 London, bishop of see King, John GENERAL INDEX 349 loom weights, Anglo-Saxon 187 Lubbock, John 20, 25, 37 Lydd, church of All Saints 77 Lyminge, archaeological investigations, volunteer contribution 181, 182, 196 Canterbury Road, field off (1953–1955) 181, 183 parish church and Tayne Field (2008–2015) 181–97 Lympne, Saxon Shore fort 275, 277 Lympne Deanery parishes 77–8, 78 Lyngham, John 295, 296 lynot Elias 79 John 79 Lytton, –, wife of 296 Madocke, John a 295 Maidstone All Saints College 75, 77, 82 conduits 112 The Mote 8 Manny Anne, m. John Hastings 6 Sir Walter 6 Manston, air base 321 March, earl of see Mortimer, Edmund Margate, harbour 320 Marow (Marowe), Thomas 297 wife of 296 Martin family arms 10 Joan, m. Richard Argall 4 robert 4 masons’ marks Canterbury, St Augustine 104 Rochester Cathedral 69, 70, 70 May, Cornet 10 Medway, River, Dutch raid 1667 155–61, 160 Mepersale, John 6 moated site, East Sutton 9–10 Mockett, John 311 Montagu, Thomas, Earl of Salisbury 7 Montague, Alice, m. Richard Nevill 7 Montfort, Simon de 4 Morer (More), Master John 84 Mortimer family Agnes, m. Laurence Hastings 6, 11 Anne, m. Richard of Conisburgh 6, 11 arms of 2, 2, 11 Edmund, 3rd Earl of March 6 Philippa, m. John Hastings 6 Roger 6 Morton, John, Bishop of Rochester, Archbishop of Canterbury 83 Mul 238, 239 Nevill, Richard, 5th Earl of Salisbury 7 Nevitone, Thomas 235n17 New Hythe, ferry 318 new romney churches 77 hospital of SS Stephen & Thomas 79, 83 Newington, church of St Mary 57, 58 Newington-next-Hythe, church of St Nicholas 80 Nicholson, Otho 115 nonington church of St Mary 222n21 Eswalt manor 163 Old St Alban’s Court, architectural survey site 163–5, 164–5 surviving fabric 166, 168–70, 172 interior 176–7 north-east elevation 173–6, 174, 175, 176 outbuildings 178 roof 177–8 south-east elevation 166–7, 171 south-west elevation 171–3 St Alban’s Court 163, 166 Norfolk, earls of see Bigod, Roger North Downs, arrowheads from 248–52, 249 North Foreland, battery 320 Northbourne, church of St Augustine 204 Northfleet, lime works 317 Northiam, Great Dixter, fireback 313 Northycote, Lawrence 294, 295 Norwich (Norfolk), conduit 112 oast house, Upton 311 Old Romney, clergy 121, 125 Olyffaint, Water 296 Orwell, Jane 296 Otford, manor 228, 233 Otterden, church of St Lawrence 15n25 Oxford (Oxon.), Carfax conduit 112, 115– 16 Oyler, Thomas Henry 1, 4 painted glass, East Sutton 1–15, 2, 3 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 10, 120 Passeus (van de Passe), Simon 122–3 Pearce J. & Weekes, J. (eds.), Death as a Process: The Archaeology of the Roman Funeral, reviewed 326 John 112, 119 Pecham, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 230 Peerson, Andrew 120 Pegwell Bay, defences 320 Pellett, Irene, ‘The Medieval Floor Tile Panel at St Lawrence Church, Godmersham’ 280–92 GENERAL INDEX 350 Pembroke, earls of see Hastings family; Valence, Aymer de Peter of Dene 94, 98, 108 Peter the merchant 235n13 Peters, William 317 Petham, Swarling Manor 292–3, 294, 297 Pett, Peter 158–9 Philipot, John 10 Piddock, John & Rosemary, ‘The Contribution made by Local Volunteers to Archaeological Investigations in Lyminge (1953–5 and 2008–2015)’ 181–97 Pilbrow, James 140 plant remains Iron Age, Leybourne Grange 263–5 Roman, Canterbury 144, 146 medieval, Canterbury St Augustine 97 Staplegate 148 Plantagenet Edward, Duke of York 5 Margaret, Countess of Pembroke, m. John Hastings 6 Richard (d.1460), Duke of York, arms of 1–3, 2, 3, 4–6, 7, 11 Richard (d.c.1483), Duke of York 5 pottery Neolithic, Broadstairs 258 Bronze Age, Leybourne Grange 263 Bronze Age–Iron Age, Herne Bay 261 iron age Canterbury 144 Leybourne Grange 263 iron age–roman Broadstairs 261 Herne Bay 261 Leybourne Grange 266 roman Aldington 273, 274, 274, 278–9 Canterbury 144, 146, 147, 148 Leybourne Grange 263 Anglo-Saxon, Lyminge 192, 192 Anglo-Saxon–medieval, Canterbury 148 medieval, Canterbury 97, 106 pottery manufacture, Iron Age–Roman 266 Poynder & Hobson 317 Promhelle, John 84 Purves, Elizabeth, & Tucker, Geraldine, Sevenoaks Forgotten Park Lodges and Coach Houses, reviewed 327 radiocarbon dates, Canterbury 144, 148 Ramsgate, harbour 320 Ravensbourne, River 37–8 Read, Hercules 20, 36 red ochre 55–6, 71 Remys, Thomas 235n17 Reynolds, – 303 Richard (child of chamber) 296 Richard (vicar) 296 Richard of Conisburgh 11 Richborough, port 320 Richmond, duke of see Stuart, Lodovick roads roman Canterbury 140, 141, 144 Thanet 311, 312 Roman–medieval, Sevenoaks area 226, 227 medieval, Canterbury 148–9 Robertsbridge Abbey (E. Sussex) 83 robotham – 20, 28 Edwin 28 Rochester bishops of see Ernulf; Kemp, John; Morton, John; Warner, John cathedral, graffiti 47–9 description arc, circle and multifoil 61–5, 63, 64 bordered inscriptions 67–9, 68 cult marks, letters and symbols 65–7, 65, 67 figurative decorative scheme (C13) 49–57, 50, 52–4, 55, 57 heraldic and pictorial 57–61, 59, 60, 61 names, text and masons’ marks 69–70, 70 discussion 70–2 church of St Nicholas 58–9 Rochester, Robert 297 Rochester Bridge Trust 4 Roger of Sevenoaks 235n13 Romney Marsh, draining of 199–200 roof tiles, medieval 104 Roos, Eleanor, m. Richard Hawte 293 Rutland, earl of see Edward of Norwich St Albans (Herts.), abbey church 57, 70 St Lawrence in Thanet, Goodson family 310 St leger family arms of 2, 2, 4, 11 Juliana 10 Ralph (d.1519) 11 Thomas (d.1408) 10 St Peter in Thanet, Goodson family 310 Salisbury, earls of see Montagu, Thomas; Nevill, Richard Salter, A.E. 21, 38 Sampson, Thomas 83 Sandwich, church of St Clement 57, 58 Schellinks, Willem 102, 159, 160 schools, medieval 78–80 Scott, Jacob H., ‘Pictorial and Symbolic Graffiti at Rochester Cathedral’ 47–74 GENERAL INDEX 351 Scott family arms of 2, 2 Mary, m. Richard Argall 9 Sir Reginald 9 Seal, manor 229, 232 Selman, Rosemary 184–5 Septvauntz family 82 Sevenoaks church of St Nicholas origins 225–6, 226–8, 231, 232–4 school 78 Knole manor 229–34 manor 225–6, 228, 229 market 225–6, 228–9, 231, 233 mill 231 New Inn 233 water supply 112 Shaw, David, ‘John Mower:Vicar of Tenterden in the Late Fifteenth Century: His Will, His Career and His Library’ in The Library, The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, reviewed 325–6 Shawe, John 297 Sheerness, dockyard 158 shellfish Roman 146 medieval 97 Sherborne, bishop of see Forthhere Sidders, Pam 196 Simmonds, Andrew, & Brady, Kate, ‘Prehistoric and Early Roman Remains at Dane Court Grammar School, Broadstairs, and Herne Bay High School’ 258–61 Sladden, Andrée 184 slag Roman 148 medieval 97 Smallwood, John 295 Smith, Victor, ‘Thanet’s Defences in the Twentieth Century’ 318–21 Snargate, church of St Dunstan 77 Snodland ‘Cementopolis’ 316–18 ferry 318 paper mill 318 Somerset, duke of see Beaufort, Edmund Somner John 128 William 112 spearheads, Anglo-Saxon 188, 189 Speldhurst, Barden, fireback 314 spindlewhorl, Roman 146 Sprot, George 122 Spurrell, Flaxman 18, 20, 25 Stafford, Humphrey 8 Stanborne, Margaret 296 Stansby, William 122 Staplehurst, Loddenden Manor 312 Statham, S.P.H. 308n4 Stephen, Master 295 Stiller, Charles 314 Stonestreet, Robert 79 Stourton John, 1st Baron Stourton 7 Margaret m. George Darell 7 Stuart, Lodovick, Duke of Lennox and Richmond 122 Stukeley, William, drawing by 102, 103 Sturge, William 20, 28, 32, 37 sundial 167 Sutton Valence, manor 6, 10–11 Swanscombe flint collecting 20 manor 11 Swanton, M.J. 49–55, 56 Swarder, – 296 Swift Thomas 120 William 120, 126 Talon, Marc see Lehoërff, Anne, & Talon, Marc Tanner, Ken 186, 186, 187 Taylor, D. Gordon, ‘Discovering and Recording Two Lost Hamlets in Thanet’ 309–12 Tenterden, heresy 76 tessera, Roman 146 Thanet, C20 defences 318–21 Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury 242 Thomas, Gabor, & Knox, Alexandra (eds.), Early Medieval Monasticism in the North Sea Zone. Proceedings of a conference to celebrate the conclusion of the Lyminge excavations 2008–15, reviewed 324–5 Thompson, Sir John 301, 302, 303 Thorne, William 108, 135 Thyrwall, Thomas 295 tile and brick, Roman 146, 274; see also floor tiles; roof tiles Tirelles, John, wife of 295 token, post-medieval 150 Tolputt, John 117 Tonbridge, castle 232 Tonge, manor 11 Tottenham, flint collecting 20 Tradescant, John the elder 104–5 Tuchet James 9 John 9 Tucker, Geraldine see Purves, Elizabeth, & Tucker, Geraldine Tudor, Henry, Duke of York 5 Tyler Charles 313–14 elias 313–14 GENERAL INDEX 352 Tyler (cont.) elizabeth 314 Mary 313 Tyrell, Sir Thomas 296, 297 Upton, hamlet of 309–11, 310, 312 Valence family arms of 2, 2, 4, 10 Aymer de, Earl of Pembroke 6, 10, 13n8 Isabel 6 villa, Roman see Aldington, Marwood Farm votive deposition, Roman 270, 273, 274 Waddington, Nicola, & Cresswell, Alison, ‘Notes on the Identity and Life of Sir Richard Hawte (d.1492) of Swarling Manor, Petham and Dame Katherine, his Wife (d.1493)’ 292–7 Walsingham, James 296, 297 Ward, Cliff, A Guided Walk around Otford Palace, reviewed 326–7 Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 82–3 Warner, John, Bishop of Rochester 115–16 Warren Hazledine 20–1, 33 William 80 Warwick, Earl of see Dudley, John Waryn, Thomas 9 Watson, John 112 Waychell, – 297 Weekes, J. see Pearce, J., & Weekes, J. weight, Roman 270, 273, 275 well, medieval 102 Wells, Edward J. 13n3 West Kingsdown, manor 11 West Wickham Hayes Pits 21 Nash Farm 19, 21–2, 30–1 Palaeolithic flint material background and location 17, 18 collectors and collections 18–22 discussion 41–2 geology and context 37–41 surviving material 22, 23 Chestnut Avenue Valley 23, 24, 32–3 Church Field Valley 22–32, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31 Church Field Valley or Chestnut Avenue Valley 23, 33, 34 Hayes Gravel Pits 23, 33–6, 35, 36 South of Nash 23, 37 Rowes (Rouse) Farm 18, 21, 28, 30 Westgate, air base 321 Westwell, dower lands 230 Wihtred, King of Kent 237–8, 239 Wilcox, Thomas 126 Wilfrid, St 242, 243 William the Englishman 221n5, 222n13 William Marshall 230 William of Perth, St 64, 71 William of Sens 221n5 Williams, John H., book review by 324–5 Wilson,Tania, & Helm Richard, ‘Archaeological Investigations in the Borough of Staplegate, Canterbury 2012–2015’ 135– 53 Wilson,Thomas 117, 120, 126 Winchelsea, Robert of, Archbishop of Canterbury 230 Winchester, bishop of see Daniel Wingham college 75, 82, 83 Knell 230 Wintra, Abbot 238–9 Witt, Johan de 157–8 Wood, John a 296 Woodville Anthony, Lord Scales 8 Joan, m. William Hawte (Haute) 7–8 Sir Richard 8 Wotton, Sir Edward 104 Wouldham, ‘Cementopolis’ 316, 317–18 Wrottesley Joan, m. Richard Darell 9 Sir Walter 9 Wrytall, Katherine (née Boston) see Hawte Wyclif, John 76 Wye church of SS Gregory and Martin 82 college 75, 77, 80–2, 83, 84, 85 York archbishops of see Greenfield, William, Kemp, John; Tudor, Henry dukes of see edmund of langley; edward of Norwich; Plantagenet, Edward; Plantagenet, Richard York, William 9 Zouch, Edward 128