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Obituary: James M. Gibson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Front matter, Volume 139
General Index
357 general iNDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics. The letter n following a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a note. The following abbreviations have been used in this index: Berks. – Berkshire; Capt. – Captain; Col. – Colonel; d. – died; G. London – Greater London; Hants. – Hampshire; Herts. – Hertfordshire; Lincs. – Lincolnshire; Lt. – Lieutenant; m. – married; Neths. – Netherlands; Northants. – Northamptonshire; Yorks. – Yorkshire. place name 31 port 204 wartime events 206–10 Westwood Cottage 204 Ash, merchant fleet 97 Ashford church of St Mary, connections with Fogge family painted glass 250, 252, 255–8, 256, 257 plan 251 rebuilding 255, 259, 259–60, 261, 263 tomb 258–60, 258 college and chantry 250, 254, 255, 258, 260, 262, 263 Repton manor 250, 254, 260, 261, 263 Ashton, Sir Ralph 255 Asser 157 Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men 155 Atkinson, Humphrey 93–4, 100 Aucher, Dr John 22 Aucher, Sophia 22 Augustine, St 155, 165 Austin, Henry 100 Austin, Lawrence 94 axes/axe fragments, Neolithic Broadstairs 289, 290 New Thanington 114 Woodnesborough 37, 43–4, 44, 50 see also handaxes Aylesford lathe 158, 180n133 merchant fleet 96 Babford manor 318 Bacon, Robert 59 Badanoth Beotting 158 bailiffs’s accounts 214–28, 218 Baker, Gary P. see Lambert, Craig L., & Baker, Gary P. Baker, John 57 Baker, Margery 127, 129 Baker, Stephen 127, 129, 135n58 abbeys/religious houses see Canterbury (Christ Church; Friars Preacher; St Augustine); Faversham; Pontigny; see also hospitals Abbott, Lewis 271, 276 Abergavenny, Lord 267n16 Acrise church 211 rector 200 Adam of Bishopsgate 229 Adam, John 127, 129 Adisham, rector 23 H.M.S. Aeolus 194–5 Æthelberht II 157 Æthelwold 176n31 Æthelwulf 157 air raid shelter 197 air raids WW1 306 WW2 207–8, 209–10 Alcock, Robert 57, 58 Aldhune 215 Aldington, church 260 Aldriche, Francis 15 almanacs 56 Alsop, John 58 Andrews family Lancelot 104 Robert 103 Thomas 103–4 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 157, 158, 165 animal bone, post-medieval 324 Anne (of Faversham) 109n74 Anne (of New Hythe) 101 Anne Galant 101 Appledore church 204, 211 Hallhouse Farm 204, 205, 206–7, 208, 209, 210–11 Horne family 257 Horne’s Place 208 Johnston, Dorothy 204–12 manor 204 GENERAL INDEX 358 Balcombe family 207, 208 Balden, John 56 Baldwin (Baledewin), Henry & Susanna 216 Banarett, Edward Poynings 267n13 Bargrave, John 18, 19 Bargrove, Richard 135n47 Bark Sara 102 Barke of Sandwich 101 Barrett Lennard, Thomas 138 Barton, Elizabeth 170 Batchelor, Hugh 71n31 Bates family 205 Battely, John 23 Battely, Nicholas 23–4 Battle (Sussex), curate 200 Beaufort family 254 Beck, Jimmy 74–6 Becku, Anthony 150, 151, 152, 153n14 Bede 162 Bekesbourne, vicar 23 Bel, Adam 229 Benett, Robert 108n57 Bennet, Eleanor, m. Henry Saker 318 Bennett, Robert 101, 102–3 Beotta 158 Beresford, Frank R., ‘A Re-examination of the Late Nineteenth-Century Palaeolithic Finds in the Upper Cray Area, Bromley’ 269–84 Berne, Richard 135n47 Berners, Lord 161 Bertrand, Baptiste 202 Bertrand, Felix 202 Biddulph, Edward, book review by 329–30 Birchington church 54 Minnis Bay, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age site background and location 71–4, 73, 74 hoard discovery and subsequent excavation 74–82, 75, 76, 77–9, 80 post-war excavation 82–7, 82, 83, 84, 85 oaths 66 parish records 66 school 53, 54, 59–60, 61, 62, 71n40 Bishops Court, battle of 194–5 Black Prince 255 Blake, Susannah 324 Blakier, Nicholas le 226 Blessinge of God 103, 104 Bluett, John 127 Bolton, Margaret, ‘Elizabethan and Early Stuart Thanet: The Expansion of Education Provision and its Impact on Literacy Levels 53–71 book ownership 69 Bordeaux (France) 101, 102–3 Boughton, players 124 Boughton, John 17 Boulogne (France) 101 Boxley, Somner family 13 Boys, John 29 Boys, William 89 Brenchelse family 253 Brent, Sir Nathaniel 18, 19 Brent, Thomas 58 Bretnor, Thomas 56 Breton, Nicholas 55–6 Brett, Thomas 163 Brewer, Revd Ebenezer 166 brick/tile Roman 311, 313, 314 post-medieval 320, 324 bridge, pontoon see under Gravesend Bright, John 60 Brinsley, John 62 briquetage 82, 86–7, 86 Broadstairs fishing 92 merchant fleet 97, 98, 101–2 New Haine Road, archaeological investigations background and location 285–7, 286 discussion 292–5, 294 evidence 287–91, 288 querns/millstones 8 St Peter, school 53 continuity 57 impact 68, 69 lessons 63, 64 motivation 55, 56 size 61, 62 teachers 59 Brome, James 31 Bromwell, James 69 Brookland 131 Brown, Alex, & Russell, John, ‘Mesolithic Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Outer Thames Estuary’ 309–11 Browne, Sir William 69 Brudenell Matthew see Clarke, Graeme, & Brudenell, Matthew Brussell, – 148 Brut 158–9 Buckholt (Hants.) 148 Buckland, manor 318 Buckland, Michael 95 buckles, post-medieval 320 Bukherst, William 127, 132 Bundel 95 Burghers, Michael 25 Burhware 158 Burre, Robert 217–18 Bursell, Thomas 127–8, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135n45, 136n87 Burston, Margaret 127, 129 Burston, Richard 129 Busher, John 57, 58, 64 Byrom, F.B. 75, 76 Cade, Jack 161–2, 180n142, 254, 257 Caesterware 158 Calais (France) 101 Camden, William 22, 31, 67, 162, 168 Canterbury bailiffs 228–9 GENERAL INDEX 359 Canterbury (cont.) accounts and fee farm 220–6 documents compared 226 fee farm accounts 217–20, 218 fee farm income compared 226–7 responsibilities 215–17 Castle Street, Sign of the Crown 15, 19 cathedral archives 18, 19, 27, 29 Civil War 19–20 consistory court 19 Fogge family 253, 267n9 font 21–2 graffiti 183 Somner on 21–2, 23, 29 war damage 208 Christ Church 22 church of St Margaret 15 Friars Preacher 216 grammar school 56, 64 king’s mill 226, 227 King’s School 16, 24, 69 Mint Yard 27 non-conformity 18 parish of St Margaret 19 parish of St Mary Magdalene 19 parish of St Mildred 19 place name 158 port function 105n3 prison 216 St Augustine 29 St Thomas Pageant 125 Sign of the Sun 13, 15 see also New Thanington Cantware 155–9, 162, 165, 168 Carr, Roy 75 Carré, Jean 139, 148, 150, 152 Carter, W. 196 Carter, William 324 Carwardine, Anne, Disgusted Ladies. The women of Tunbridge Wells who fought for the right to vote, reviewed 336–9 Casaubon, Meric 18, 20, 24, 27 Castelake, John 127, 129, 131, 135n45, 136n87 Castell of Comfort 107n39 castles see under Dover; Richborough; Rochester Cates, Margaret 58 Cates, Richard 70n19 Caxton, William 161 Cecil, Sir William 138, 139 Centingas 158, 165, 168 chantry 254, 255, 258, 260, 262, 263 charcoal Bronze Age 116 prehistoric 49, 50 Charles (King of the Franks) 159 Charles I 19, 26–7 Charles II 21, 27 Charles V 90 Chartham, Tonford manor 254 Chatham, merchant fleet 90, 96, 102 Cheetham, Samuel, Archdeacon 197 Cheriton manor 261 rector 31 Cheyney, Thomas 55 Chi-Rho 314 Chiche, Stephen 228 Chiche, Thomas 216, 217 Chichele, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury 253 Chiddingfold (Surrey) 139 Chifflet, Jean-Jacques 31 Child, Alexander 56 Childrey, Joshua 29 chisels, Bronze Age 76, 76 Christianity, Roman 314 Cinque Ports 89–90, 129, 130, 258, 261 Civil War 19–20, 26 Clarke, Graeme, & Brudenell, Matthew, ‘Later Prehistoric Settlement and Ceramics from the Downland Fringes at New Thanington, Canterbury’ 111–23 clay/daub, Iron Age 117 Clements, Capt – 194 Clements, John 74 Clerck, Humphrey 15 Clinch, George 270 Cluverius 31 Cobb, Edmund 58 Cobb, Richard 19 Cobbes, John 253, 255 Cobham, Lord 267n16 Cock, Dr Frederick William 204, 211, 212 Cocke, Robert 131 Coenwulf 157 coins, Roman 314 Cole, John 59, 70n21 Colet, John 21 Collier, Sarah 324, 326 Collier, Thomas 195 Colshill, Thomas 92–3 Committee for the Preservation of Rural Kent 206 Consuetudines Cancie 160–1, 163, 168 Cooke, William 102 Coppin, Thomas 56, 71n31 Corner, George 165 Cory & Son 299 Cottingham (Yorks.), lead vessel 240, 242, 243, 243, 244, 245 Cottingham, L.N. 196–7 Cotton, Sir Robert 26 Council for the Protection of Rural England 206, 211 Coupar, Thomas 127, 128, 129, 130 Cranewell, Edward 143, 145–7, 146 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury 55 Crawshay, de Barri 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276 Cray, River 277–81, 280 Creeksea (Essex), merchant fleet 93 Crispe, Henry (2) 54 Crixall manor see Staple Crodwell, Thomas 59 GENERAL INDEX 360 Cronk, H. 195 Cronk, M.C. 195–6 Croucke, Henry 147 Cudham, Palaeolithic finds background and location 269–70, 269, 270, 273 description 271–7, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279 discussion 282 geology and context 277–82, 280, 281 Culmer, Revd Richard 20, 69 Culmer, Valentine 56 Curling, John 71n42 Curling, William 60 Cuthred 157 Daniel le Draper 216, 217 Daniel son of Hubert 228 Danyel, Henry 229 Darell, Sir James 267n13 Dartford, merchant fleet 89, 96, 100, 102 Darwin, Charles 270, 271 Davis, Lewis 57, 58 Deptford, merchant fleet 90, 96 Dering, Sir Edward 18, 255, 256, 257 Dessauaudais, Capt – 194 Detling, Somner family 13 Dewey, Henry 270 Dixwell, Sir Basil 318 Dobyll, William 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 Dodekere, John 216–17, 228, 229 Dodsworth, Roger 29 Doeneware 158 Doferware 158 Doge, Hamon 216 Dover castle 226, 257–8 Crabble, burnt mound 50 drama 124 fishing 92 merchant fleet 89, 90 direction of trade 100 economy 91 shipmasters 102–3 size 94, 97, 98, 99, 108n57 trade 100, 101 Wootton Court 200 Doves, Germain 101 Drake, Francis 94–5 drama, 15th-century 124–33 Draper, Gillian, ‘A Key Figure Among Kent’s Fifteenth-Century Gentry: Sir John Fogge’s Career and his Motivations for Rebuilding St Mary’s Church, Ashford’ 250–68 Draper, Stephen, ‘The Hive of Activity at the ‘Glasshouse’ 1585–7 – a Window on the Development of Knole’ 137–54 Dressler, Pauline Louise 195 Duckett, John 70n20 Dugdale, William 21, 23, 28–9, 30 Dungeness 136n85 Dunkirk (France) 101 Dunkyn, Revd William 59 Duraunt, Peter 228 Dutch Raid, 1667 298 Duval, James 58 Eadberht 157 Eadgifu 157–8 Eadred 158 Eadric 156 Ealhere 157 Eanswythe’s, St, reliquary 246, 246, 247 East Malling, mariner 104 Eastling, place name 158 Eastriware 158 Edgworth, Revd Edward 56, 58, 69 Edmund of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury 241 Edney, A. 195, 197 education, Elizabethan–early Stuart, Thanet 53 book ownership 69 continuity 57 cost 60–1 impact 65–9 lessons 62–5 motivating factors 54–6 schools 53–4, 61–2 teachers 57–60 Edward 94 Edward the Elder 157 Edward III 255 Edward IV 254–5, 257, 259, 267n13 Edward V 255 Edward VI 138 Edwards, Elizabeth, book review by 332–3 Egbert 157 Elfrith, John 58 Elizabeth (of Dover) 101, 102, 108n57 Elizabeth (of Rochester) 101 Elizabeth I 55 Elizabeth Bonaventer 103 Elliott, John 194 Elliott, Simon, Ragstone to Riches: Imperial Estates, metalla and the Roman Military in the South East of Britain During the Occupation, reviewed 329–30 Ely, Brent 19 Ely, Elizabeth 15 Ely, Mary 19 enclosure, Bronze Age 114–15 eoliths 270, 272 Erasmus, Desiderius 21, 54, 63, 69 Erith, merchant fleet 90 shipmasters 103, 104 size 93, 95, 96, 99 trade 100, 101 Esla 158 Ethelred 31 Evans, John 203, 270 Eve, Robert 127, 129, 131 Everes, William 101 Evers, John 59 D’Ewes, Sir Simonds 27 GENERAL INDEX 361 Faversham abbey 29, 315, 316, 318 83 Abbey Street 318 church 317 Davington Priory site 324, 325 Ewell Creek 316 fishing 92 Fleur Heritage Centre 236, 236 grammar school 319n1 gunpowder explosion, 1781 324, 325 Homestall, estate map 315–20, 316 merchant fleet 89 shipmasters 104 size 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99 trade 100, 101, 102 Preston Street, Furlongs, excavation 320–6, 321, 325 Westwood manor 316 Feldiswell, Richard 127, 130 Fell, John, Bishop of Oxford 28 Fermour, John 134n20 Ferrers, Charity 103 Ferrers, Henry 103, 104 Ferrers, Joan 103 Ferrers, William 95, 100, 101, 103–4, 105 field system, Bronze Age 290–1, 292–3, 295 Finch family John 318 Margaret 318 Thomas 318 see also Fynche Finglesham, merchant fleet 97 fishing, 16th-century 92, 98 flints Palaeolithic, Cudham 270, 271–7, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 282 Palaeolithic–Bronze Age, Woodnesborough 37, 38, 43, 44–9, 50 Mesolithic, Broadstairs 287 Neolithic, Broadstairs 287, 289 Bronze Age, New Thanington 114 see also axes/axe fragments; handaxes Flixborough (Lincs.), lead vessel 240, 241, 243, 243 Florence of Worcester 31 Flushing (Neths.), trade 101 Fogge, Richard (of Dane Court) 29 Fogge family (of Ashford) 250–3 Anne 260, 261 Elisabeth 260, 261 Sir Francis 251, 252 Joan (née Valoins) 250–1, 252, 253 John (son of Thomas II) 252 Sir John (1417–90) 250, 252, 253–63, 257, 258 John (d.1501) 252, 253, 260, 261, 267n13 Margaret 260, 261 Richard 267n13 Sir Thomas I 252 Sir Thomas II (d.1407) 250–1, 252, 253, 263 Thomas (son of John) 252, 254, 260, 261 William (2) 252, 253, 254, 255 Folkestone air raids 208 church, reliquary 246, 246, 247 drama 131 East Wear Bay 5 fishing 92 merchant fleet 89, 91, 92, 97, 100 font see under Wychling Forde, John a 131, 134n20 Fordwich, merchant fleet 97, 105n3 Foxe, Book of Martyrs 63, 69 Frampton, George, Discordant Comicals. The Hooden Horse of East Kent, reviewed 339–40 Francis, Clement 63 Frederiksberg 305 Frende, Gabriel 56 Friends of Kent Churches 211 Frindsbury, merchant fleet 96 Froissart, Jean 161, 170 Fromings, Kevin, ‘Excavations at Church Field Roman Villa, Otford, Possibly a Site of Very Early Christian Worship’ 311–14 Fronsdorff, Michael see Reid, Patricia, Harrington, Duncan, & Fronsdorff, Michael Fryer, Alfred Cooper 235 Fuller, Richard 131, 134n19 Fuller, Revd Thomas 24, 163, 164, 165, 168 Furley, Robert 166 Fynche, Vincent 127, 129, 130; see also Finch Galion, Thomas 127, 128, 129, 130, 134n38 Gate, George a 131 gavelkind 160, 163, 165, 168 Gelenius 31 geoarchaeological investigations, outer Thames estuary 309–11, 310 Geoffrey of Monmouth 22 George 109n75 Gervase of Canterbury 28 Gibbons, Trevor & Vera, ‘Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Site on the Banks of Goresend Creek, Minnis Bay, Birchington’ 72–88 Gibson, Edmund 31 Gibson, James, & Sweetinburgh, Sheila, ‘Playing the Passion in Late Fifteenth-Century New Romney: The Playwardens’ Account Fragment’ 124–36 Gifford, Thomas 59 Giles, John 104 Gillingham fishing 92 merchant fleet 90, 96, 100, 102 Girde see Gurdishe glass vessels, post-medieval 320, 321–3, 323 glasshouses 138, 143–50, 149 Godwin, Earl 32 Godwin, F. 311 Goldfinch, William 71n53 Goodnestone, manor 318 Goodwin Sands 32 Goram, Richard 102 GENERAL INDEX 362 Goresend Creek see Birchington/Minnis bay Gostling, William 24 gouges, Bronze Age 76, 76 Grace, R. 75 graffiti see Rochester cathedral Graham, Dan, & Scott, Jacob H., ‘Alphanumeric Graffiti at Rochester Cathedral’ 181–99 Grant, George 56 Gravesend Clarendon Royal Hotel 300, 301 ferries 298, 299, 305, 306 merchant fleet 89, 90, 96 pontoon bridge discussion 305–6 dismantling 305 establishment 300–2, 301, 302 operation 302–5, 303, 304 origins 299–300 precursors 298–9 Royal Pier Road, Bridge Office 303, 303, 304 Green, Maureen P., The Green Family of Papermakers and Hayle Mill, reviewed 335–6 Greenhithe, querns/millstones 8 Greenstreet, James 318 Gregory le Paumer 217, 228 Gregory, William 127, 128, 129, 130, 135n45 Grose, Francis 164 Guildford, John 267n16 Gunning, Peter 16 Gurdishe (Girde; Gyrde), Richard 100 Gybson, Thomas 104, 105 Gyrde see Gurdishe Hæsta 158 Halden, – 17 Hall, Mark A., book review by 330–2 Hallet, George 95 Halley, Edmund 31 Halling, defences 300 Halsnoth, George 127, 134n38 hammerstones, prehistoric 45–6 Hamon, John 127 handaxes, Palaeolithic 269–70, 272–3, 274, 275, 277, 278, 282 Hannen, Henry 155, 163, 167 Hannington, Barbara 17 Harbledown leper hospital 221, 222, 224, 226 Tonford manor 254 Harding, Thomas 58 Harrington, Duncan, ‘A Map Drawn by Christopher Saxton of the Estate Owned by Henry Saker of Faversham’ 315–20; see also Reid, Patricia, Harrington, Duncan, & Fronsdorff, Michael Harrison, Benjamin 270 Harrison, Revd Philip 56, 69, 71n51 Hartley, William 60 Harty, merchant fleet 96, 102 Hasted, Edward 23, 24, 180n133, 204, 235, 251, 324 Hastingleigh, place name 158 Hastings, Lord 255 Haute family Alice, m. John Fogge 250, 252, 253, 254, 260–2 Sir William I 253, 257, 262, 263 Sir William II 254, 255, 256 Hawker, Silas 59 Hawkes, Christopher 75, 79, 81–2 Heath, Mr – 207 Henry III 219 Henry VI 254 Henry VIII 54, 90 Henry Scottius 27 Herne fishing 92 merchant fleet 97 Hero 72, 83 Heslop, Col. Richard 194 Hewitt, John 59 Hickes, George 28 Hicks, Alison, & Houliston, Mark, Within the Walls: The Developing Town c. AD 750–1325, Canterbury Whitefriars Excavations 1999– 2004, reviewed 330–2 Higden, Ralph 159, 161 Hilburn, G. 197 Hill, Peter 103, 104 Hlothhere 156 hoard, Bronze Age 74–6, 75, 76, 81 Hoath, benefice 18 Holborough, merchant fleet 96 Holding, E. 196 Holford, Benjamin 19 Holford, John 107n42 Holland, Philemon 162, 168 Hollar, Wenceslaus 29 Holle, John 127 Holme, battle of the 157, 159 Holt, John 228 Hooware 158 Hopkins family G. 195 George Frederick 195 John 195 John Brindley Parker 195 Horne family 256–7 Henry 256, 257 Joan, m. William Haute II 256 Margaret 257 Richard 156, 255 Robert 257, 258, 260 William of Appledore 256, 257 hospitals, medieval Harbledown 221, 222, 224, 226 New Romney 129 Houliston Mark see Hicks, Alison, & Houliston, Mark Howell, O.G. 167 Huda 157 Hull, Felix 168 Humfrey, John 131, 134n19 Hurel, Reginald 229 hypocaust 314 GENERAL INDEX 363 Hythe air raids 208 drama 131 fishing 92 merchant fleet 89, 91, 92 size 92, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99 trade 100, 101, 102 school 59 Ickham, mill 9 Ipswich (Suffolk), fee farm 220, 226, 227 Ivychurch, drama 131 Jackson, Nathaniel 58 Jacobus, Dominus 131, 134n20 Jacquetta de Luxembourg, Duchess of Bedford 254, 255 James 95, 101 Jardine-Rose, Paula, ‘The Lead Font at the Church of St Margaret, Wychling’ 233–49 Jenkinson, Robert 58 Jerrold, Walter 166 Jessop, Ronald 72, 74 Jesus 101 Jhesus 107n42 Joan of Kent 170 John (of Chatham) 102 John (of Dover) 102, 109n76 John (of Faversham) 109n74 John (of Sandwich) 92 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster 251 John of Salisbury 179n110 John de Sancto Andree 229 John le Usser 229 John de Vallibus 216 Johnson, – 29, 58 Johnson, Thomas 15 Johnston family Bertha Caroline 201, 202 Bertha Harriet (née Saward) 200, 201, 206 Dorothy Edith at Appledore 204–5, 205, 206–10 family background and early life 200–3, 201 post-war years 210–12 and Royal Military Canal 205–6 Mary Sophia 201, 202, 203, 210 Sophia 200, 201, 204 William Archibald 200–1 Jones, Maurice 101 Julian 102 Julius Caesar 30–1 Justus Lipsius 27 Jutes 155, 158, 160 Kathern 100 Kelett, Edmund 127, 134n35 Kennett, Richard 59 Kennett, White 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 31 Kent, kingdom of 155–8 Kent County Association for the Protection of Ancient Buildings 211 Kent County Playing Fields Association 211 The Kentish Fayre 162 Kentish Man see Man of Kent/Kentish Man keys, Roman 314 Kilburne, Richard 24, 162, 168 Killingray, David, book reviews by 336–9 kilns, Roman 6–8 Kitson, A.E. 203 Knatchbull, Richard 260 Knole see Sevenoaks Kyriell family Alice, m. John Fogge 252, 253, 255 John 261 Sir Thomas 251–3, 255, 257–8, 261, 263 La Kayce, Capt. – 194 La Rochelle (France) 101 ladder, Iron Age 87 Lambarde, William 22, 32, 89, 162, 168 Lambert, Craig L., & Baker, Gary P., ‘The Merchant Fleet and Ship-board Community of Kent, c.1565–c.1580’ 89–110 Lamplugh, G.W. 203 land measurements 318–19 Lane, G. 196 lathes 158 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 17–19, 21, 26, 29, 59 Layamon 158–9 Leicester, Earl of 138 Leigh, Joan, m. John Fogge 252 Leigh-on-Sea (Essex) 100 Leland, John 29, 91 Lennard, John 137, 138–9, 143, 145–7, 151 Letharby, W.R. 235 Lewkner, John 17 Leysdown, merchant fleet 96 Limenware 158 Lincoln (Lincs.), fee farm 220, 226, 227 literacy 65–9 Lloyd, James, ‘The Kentish Demonym – or, the Demonym of Kent’ 155–80 Logie, Capt. – 194 London, trade with 100, 101, 102, 104–5 London Defence Scheme 299, 300 Lord, John 229 Lovejoy, Elizabeth 57 Lovererd, John 229 Lower Halstow fishing 92 merchant fleet 96 Lower Hardres, vicar 59 Lubbock, John 270, 271 Ludd, John 16 Luke Evangelist 99, 101, 110n104 Lullingstone, Roman villa 311, 313, 314 Lunce, William 135n66 Lushington, Sir John, From Men of Kent to Men of the World: A History of the Lushington Family in the Eighteenth Century, reviewed 334–5 GENERAL INDEX 364 Luthery, Ognybene 148 Lydd drama 125, 131 fishing 92 merchant fleet 89, 97, 100 Lynsted, Wynstone family 14 Lyon, John 89 Mackenzie, Robert 164 Maidenhead (Berks.), school 60 Maidstone air raids 208 merchant fleet 89, 96, 98 Man of Kent/Kentish Man, meaning 155, 168–9 evidence Old English 155–8 Middle English 158–61 Modern English 161–7 Honourable Men of Kent 167–8 Maids of Kent 169–70 Manstone, Roger 255 Manwood, Sir Peter 69 Marche, Agnes, m. William Saker 318 Margaret 102 Margate church 54 fishing 92 merchant fleet 97, 108n61 St John’s parish school 53, 54, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68 Mari Thomas 101, 102 Marigolde 103 Marsham, Sir John 28, 29–30 Martindale, Bartholomew 56 Mary I 55 Mathew, Richard 65 May, Thomas 58 Mayew, Andrew 130–1 Melhale, John 127, 129 Melhale, William 127, 129 Mendfield, Thomas & Dorothy 318 merchant fleet, c.1565–c.1580 89–90, 104–5 direction of trade 99–101 Kentish economy in 16th century 91–2 overseas voyages 101–2 shipmasters 102–4 size and geographical distribution 92–9 Merscware 158 Millhall, merchant fleet 96 mills Canterbury 226, 227 Ickham 9 Minster in Thanet 8, 9 Monkton 8 Mills, – 57–8 millstones, Roman, Minster in Thanet 1–3 catalogue 9–11 context of recovery 6–8, 7 description 3, 4 discussion 8–9 lithology 5–6 Milton fishing 92 lathe 158 merchant fleet 96, 100, 101, 102, 108n62 Saker family 318 Minnis Bay see under Birchington Minster in Thanet Abbey Farm villa, querns and millstones 1–12, 4–5, charter 156 church 54, 69 school 53, 54, 57–8, 61–2, 64, 68 Mongeham, manor 261 Monkton, school 53, 59, 62, 68, 69 Montstephen, Henry, wife of 59 Moss, William 57, 58 Moundey, Robert 101 Mucking (Essex), ingots 247 Murray, D.C.L. 206 Mylefe, John 132 Nackington, Heppington manor 260 National Trust 206, 210, 211–12 New Hythe, merchant fleet 96, 101 New Romney church of St Lawrence 128 church of St Nicholas 128 guildhall 130 hospital 129 Passion play 125–33 port 89, 91 New Thanington, excavations background and location 111–14, 112 discussion 117–21, 120 excavation evidence 113, 114–17 Newcastle (Tyne & Wear), fee farm 220, 226, 227 Newcome Wright, E.H. 72–4 Newington church of St Mary, graffiti 183 vicar 31 Newman, George 69 Newnham, chapel 233 Norkyn, Laurence 127, 129 Norman, H.G. 269 Norris, Samuel 15–16 Northampton (Northants.), fee farm 220, 226, 227 Norton, Revd Thomas 234, 235, 241 Norwood family Alexander 69 Avice, m. Robert Webb 57 William senior 58 Oare, merchant fleet 97 Oddeker, John de 229 Offa 22, 159 Onoby, – 148, 150, 151 opus signinum 313, 314 Oram family James 195 S. 195 William 195 GENERAL INDEX 365 Ortelius 31 Osborne, Nicholas 58 Oswine 156–7 Otford Archbishop’s Palace 311, 314 Church Field Roman villa, excavations 311–14, 312 manor 145 Oxenden, Sir James 68 oyster shells Roman 313 post-medieval 324 Palmer, Gregory 217, 218 Panciroli 31 Paramor, Thomas 54, 60 Parfit, H.J. 196 Parfitt, Keith, ‘An Unusual Pit and Other Nearby Prehistoric Finds at Woodnesborough’ 37–52 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 25 Payable, John 229, 232n39 Payable, Simon 228 Peacock, William 104 Pearce, John, & Weekes, Jake (eds), Death as a Process: The Archaeology of the Roman Funeral, reviewed 327–8 Pearce, Richard 60 Pearman, A.J. 251, 258 Peche, Sir John 255 Peche, William 267n16 Pegge, Revd Samuel 163, 165, 167 Penenden Heath 164 Perot, Henry 228 Peter (of Faversham) 93–4, 95, 109n74 Peter (of Sandwich) 108n62 Petrie, Susan, book review by 334–5 Petworth, window glass 151, 152 Philipot, John 24, 255, 256, 257 Pising family Ann 17 Richard 17 Richard junior 17 William 17 plant remains Neolithic 287, 288, 289, 292 Bronze Age 290, 291, 293 Pluschow, Sub Lt. Gunther 302 Pole, Cardinal 54 Polre, Robert 228 Polychronicon 159, 161 Pontigny (France), abbey 221, 222, 224, 226 Porredge, Margaret, m. Henry Sakar 318 port books 93–9, 100 Port of London Authority 300, 304, 305 pottery Neolithic Broadstairs 287, 288, 289 New Thanington 114 Beaker Broadstairs 289–90, 292 New Thanington 114 Bronze Age Broadstairs 290, 291 Minnis Bay 74, 74, 81, 85 New Thanington 114, 115, 115, 116, 119 Iron Age Broadstairs 291 Minnis Bay 83, 84–5, 87 New Thanington 117, 118 post-medieval Faversham 320–1, 321, 322, 323, 326 Powell-Cotton, Antoinette 72, 74, 82–3, 87 Poynings family 268n27 Prescott, Lucy 200 Preston, Myra 207 Prestwich, Joseph 270, 272, 276, 281 Price, Richard 205; see also Pryce Prophet, Robert 226 Prowde, Thomas 90 Pryce, George 165–6; see also Price Puleston, Roger 143, 148 Queenborough fishing 92 merchant fleet 96, 99 querns, Roman, Minster in Thanet 1–3, 2 catalogue 9–11 context of recovery 6–8, 7 description and lithology 3–6, 4, 5 discussion 8–9 Quo Warranto 160 radiocarbon dates Broadstairs 288, 289, 290 New Thanington 114, 116, 117 outer Thames estuary 309 Woodnesborough 42, 49 Rage, Giles 104 Rage, William 104 Railton, Richard 57, 58 Rainham, merchant fleet 96, 102 Ralph, son of John le Turnur 216 Ramsgate church 54, 63, 71n34 fishing 92 merchant fleet 93, 97, 100 parish records 66 St Laurence parish, school 53, 54 lessons 63, 64, 71n40 motivating factors 55, 56 size 61, 62 teachers 59 Randislowe, Richard 127, 129, 134n38 Raverat, Gwen 201–2 Read, George 57, 58 Read, Richard 58 Reculver, merchant fleet 97 Reeve, Alice, m. David Somner 13 Reid, Patricia ‘An Exceptional Late Eighteenth-Century Assemblage from Faversham’ 320–6 Harrington, Duncan, & Fronsdorff, Michael, GENERAL INDEX 366 Faversham in the Making. The Early Years: The Ice Age until AD 1550, reviewed 332–3 Reynald, Thomas 228 Riby (Lincs.), lead vessel 240, 241 Ricardus, Dominus 127, 129, 134n20 Richard III 255 Richard the clerk 226 Richborough, castle 50 Ringlemere, axes 50 Robert of Gloucester 159 Robert de Scotho 219, 228 Robinson, Henry 69 Rochester castle 254 cathedral graffiti 181, 197–8 13th-century decorative scheme 181–3, 182, 183 dates and dating 183–7, 184, 185, 188–9 letters and initials 187–94, 190, 191, 193 names and events 194–7, 196 land granted to 157 fishing 92 lead vessel 247, 248 merchant fleet 89, 96, 99, 100, 101, 102 Rockin, Roger 56 Rogers, Lewis 59, 69 Rolf, Thomas 138, 153n7 Romney, port 91 Roper, John 262 Rouen (France) 101 Rowe, T., Archdeacon 197 Royal Engineers 299 Royal Military Canal 204, 205–6, 211, 212 Royal Navy 89–90, 91–2 Ruckinge, German pilot 208 Rud Hud Hudibras 22 Ruegg, Richard 169–70 Russel, William 226 Russell, John see Brown, Alex, & Russell, John Rye (Sussex) air raids 208 merchant fleet 100 Sacar, William 318 St Albans (Herts.), church 183 St Augustine, lathe 180n133 St Leger, Sir Anthony 163 St Mary’s Bay, merchant fleet 97 St Nicholas at Wade with Sarre, school 53, 54, 60, 62, 64, 68 Saker family 317 Christopher 318 Henry 315, 317–18 Margaret 318 William senior 317–18 William junior 318 Sall’ (Canterbury Jew) 216 Salmon, Alan 101 Salmon, Roger 71n31 Salt, A.E.W. 206 salt production 86–7 Sampson, Stephen 67 Samuel, Richard 228 Samuel, William 228 Sandwich church of St Clement, graffiti 183 drama 124, 131 fishing 92 grammar school 56, 64 merchant fleet 89, 90 economy 91, 92 shipmasters 102 size and trade 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 Sandys, Col. – 19 Sandys, Charles 165 Sarre, merchant fleet 97 Saward, Bertha see Johnston Saward, Edmund 201, 202 Saxons 155, 160 Saxton, Christopher, estate map by 315–20, 316 Saye and Sele, Lord 267n16 Scales, Lord 155 schools, Elizabethan–early Stuart see education Scissor, Humfrey 226 Scott, Jacob H. see Graham, Dan, & Scott, Jacob H. Scott, John 257, 258 Scott, William 267n13 Scray, lathe 180n133 Seckford, Thomas 317 Sedle, Thomas 132 Selden, John 29, 31 Selling, Oven manor 260 Septvan family 253 Sir William 253 serfdom 160, 161, 163, 168 Sevenoaks Bradbourne Hall 270 Kippington Road, Rosefield 270 Knole, development, 1585–7 137–9, 137 glass produced 150–2 glasshouses 143–8, 145, 148–50, 149 glassmen 148 Knole manor 145 Milrodde Woods 145–7 Whitley Forest 143, 145–7 Shaffrey, Ruth, ‘The Roman Villa at Minster in Thanet. Part 12: Quernstones and Millstones’ 1–12 Shakespeare, William 161–2 Sheil, Richard 164 Sheleford, Robert de 229 Sheppey, Isle of merchant fleet 96, 102 pontoon bridge 305 Sherwin, William 324 Shinton, Samuel 69 Shipway, lathe 180n133 Sidney, Henry, Viscount Sidney 31 Sigehelm 157 Sigered 157 Simson, James 166–7 GENERAL INDEX 367 Sittingbourne, merchant fleet 97 Skeat, Revd Walter 167 Sladden, Richard 58 Smart, Christopher 163–4 Smith, Richard 262 Smith, Victor, ‘The Military Pontoon Bridge Between Gravesend and Tilbury During the Great War’ 298–308 Smyth, Henry 148 Snodland, merchant fleet 96 Somner family Ann, m. Richard Pising 17 Barbara 22 David 13 Elizabeth (1639–1728), m.1 John Lewkner, m.2 John Boughton 17 Elizabeth (née Thurgar) 17 Francis 17 George 17, 19 John 17, 30 Mary (b.1641) 17 William senior 13–15, 16, 18, 19 notarial sign of 14 William junior (antiquary) 25 antiquarianism 24–6 Civil War 19–20 Commonwealth 26–30 early life 15–17 Laud, relationship with 17–19 publications 20–4, 30–2 Southampton (Hants.), fee farm 220, 226, 227 H.M.S. Sovereign of the Seas 162 Spanish Armada 90 Spelman, Sir Henry 30 Sprackling, Adam 59, 69 Sprackling, Thomas 56 Sprott, Thomas 161, 165, 166, 169 Stafford, Sir Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham 257, 267n16 Stafford, William 55 Stanford Ostenhanger manor 261 Westenhanger manor 261 Staple, Crixall manor 260–1 Stapleton, Thomas 162 Staundon (Staudone), John de 229, 232n39 Stephen 29 Stephen le Espicer 229 Stigand 165 Stimpson, Felicity, ‘Dorothy Johnston of Appledore: her Wartime Experiences and Gift of a Stretch of the Royal Military Canal to the National Trust’ 200–13 Stirk, Jean, book review by 335–6 Stoke (Hoo), merchant fleet 96 Stone, Fogge lands 261 Stone family Charles 59 Revd Simon 55, 59 Revd Simon, son of 69 William 58 Stoppesdon, William de 228 Storegga event 310 Storrs, Dean 197 Stow, John 22 Streatfeild, Revd Thomas & son 165 Strood, merchant fleet 96 Sturry, charter 156 Sutton-at-Hone, lathe 158, 180n133 Swæfheard 156–7 Swalecliffe, fishing 92 Swan, William 127, 129, 131 Swanscombe, legend 161, 162, 164–5, 165–6, 168, 169 Sweepstake 101 Sweetinburgh, Sheila see Gibson, James, & Sweetinburgh, Sheila Swingfield church 211 Johnston, Sophia 204 Taylor, Francis 29 Taylour, Thomas 132 Taylour, William 127, 128, 130 teachers 57–60 Temple, – 207 Tenetware 158 Tenterden, place name 176n41 Thames estuary, geoarchaeology 309–11, 310 Thanet education, Elizabethan–early Stuart 53 book ownership 69 continuity and cost 57, 60–1 impact 65–9 lessons 62–5 motivating factors 54–6 schools 53–4, 61–2 teachers 57–60 merchant fleet 97 Thanington, Tonford manor 254 Thomas (of Dover) 109n76 Thomas (of Ramsgate) 67 Thomas Becket, St 224 Thoms, W.J. 164–5, 168 Thurgar, Elizabeth, m. William Somner 17 Thurot, François 194 Ticknor, John 71n51 Tilbury (Essex) 298, 299, 300, 305, 306 tile see brick/tile Tilmanstone Dane manor 254, 261 Danes Court 267n13 trade, 16th century 91–2, 93, 99–105 trades, literacy 67–8 Trevisa, John 159, 161 Trinitie 100 Trinitie Richard 102 Trinity 103, 104 Tritton, Paul, Searching for Ebony. A long-lost village on an inland island, reviewed 339 Tunstall, Henry 58 Turner, Hammon 59 GENERAL INDEX 368 Twine, Thomas 32 Twyman, John 71n31 Twysden, Sir Roger 27, 28 Tye, William 59–60 Upchurch, fishing 92 Vaillant, Pierre 148 Valence see Valoins Valennes, William de 228 Valoins (Valence; Valoignes) family 252 Joan de, m. Francis Fogge 251, 252 Joan de, m. Thomas Fogge 250–1, 252, 253 Sir Stephen de 251 Warentius 251, 252 Valyan, – 148 villas Roman see/see under Lullingstone; Minster in Thanet; Otford Vitae duorum Offarum 159–60 Vsbarn, Thomas 131 wall plaster, painted, Roman 311, 313, 314 Walmer, manor 261 Walter de la Porte 217, 228 Wanley, Humphrey 26 Ward, Francis 57, 59 Warner, John 21 Warren, – 268n20 Warwick, Earl of 257 wattle panel, Bronze Age 80, 80, 82 Watts, William 60 Weaver, Lawrence 235 Webb, Robert 56, 57 Weekes, Jake see Pearce, John, & Weekes, Jake Weever, John 258 Wenham, William de 229 Wessex, kingdom of 157 West Hythe, Fogge lands 261 West Wickham, flint 277 Westerham, defences 300 Westwell Horne family 257 querns/millstones 8 White, Dr – 267n13 White, Donald 32 Whitstable fishing 92 merchant fleet 97, 102 Wichling see Wychling Wihtred 156 Wildbore, Edward 68 Wilkinson, Joan 207 William (of Milton) 108n62 William (of Sandwich) 101 William I 160–1, 162, 164–5, 165–6, 168, 169 Williams, Eleanor, book review by 327–8 Williams, John H., ‘Bailiffs and Canterbury’s Firma Burgi in the Thirteenth Century’ 214–32 wills 65–6 Wilson, Julian, Revolutionary Tunbridge Wells. The remarkable role of Tunbridge Wells in the development of revolutionary politics in Britain 1884–1919, reviewed 336–9 Wilson, Tania, ‘Archaeological Investigations at New Haine Road, Westwood, Broadstairs: Further Observations of a Prehistoric Agricultural Landscape on the Isle of Thanet’ 285–97 Winchelsea (Sussex), drama 131 Winchester (Hants.), fee farm 220, 226, 227 window glass, 16th-century 139–43, 140, 142; see also glasshouses wine trade 101 Wings for Victory committee 208 Winnifrith, Sir John 204, 205 Winstone see Wynstone Wittersham, curate 59 Wiware 158 Wodar, William 127, 129 women, literacy 67–8 Women’s Voluntary Service 208 Wood, William 59 Woodchurch, school 54 Woodnesborough lithics, prehistoric 43–9, 44 pit, prehistoric dating 49 discussion 50–1 excavation evidence 37–43, 38, 39, 40, 41 Woodville see Wydeville/Woodville Woolwich, merchant fleet 96 World War I defences 300, 306 Worsfold, F.H. 75, 76, 79, 81, 82 Wright, David, ‘‘Devotion to the Uncovering and Recording of a Nation’s Language and a City’s Antiquities’: The Life of William Somner of Canterbury (1606–1669) Part I’ 13–36 Wright, Gregory 101 Wrotham Position 299 Wychling font church location and history 233–4, 234 compared 240–3, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248 construction method 244 dating 245–6 description 236–40, 237, 238, 239, 240 discovery 234–5 discussion 247–8 metallurgical analysis 244–5 removal 235–6, 236 Roman lead 246–7 place name 248n2 Wydeville/Woodville Elizabeth 254 Joan 253, 262 Richard the elder 253 Richard, Earl Rivers 253–4, 255, 263 Wynstone (Winstone) Ann, m. William Somner 14–15 Giles 15 York (Yorks.), fee farm 220, 226, 227