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Obituaries and Contributors
Front matter, Volume 142
General Index
general iNDEX
Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics or by illus where figures are scattered
throughout the text. The letter n following a page number indicates that the reference will be
found in a note.
The following abbreviations have been used in this index: aka – also known as; C – century;
Cambs – Cambridgeshire; Capt – Captain; Ches – Cheshire; d. ‒ died; jnr – junior;
Leics – Leicestershire; Lincs – Lincolnshire; Notts – Nottinghamshire; Oxon – Oxfordshire;
SFB – sunken-featured building; snr – senior; Wilts – Wiltshire.
abbeys and religious houses see Bayham; Boxley; Brockley under Lewisham; Canterbury (cathedral priory; St Augustine; St Gregory; St Sepulchre); Faversham; Forest Hill under Lewisham; Limoges; Lyminge; Otham; Reculver
Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury 199
Adams, John 227n39
adze see axe/adze
Agelnoth, Archbishop of Canterbury 209
Ahmet, Jo, 50 Finds from Kent: Objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme, reviewed 339–40
Albright, Gerard 49n39
Aldey, Edward 207
Allen, Tim see Knowles, Pete, & Allen, Tim
Alman, John 37
Alphege, St, Archbishop of Canterbury 210
Amberton family 252
Ambrose family 252
amulet, Romano-British 149
anchorite 232, 237, 238, 239–41
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 51
animal bone
Bronze Age 311, 317
Iron Age 322, 325
Iron Age/Romano-British 324
Anglo-Saxon 64–5, 64, 71, 75
antler fragments, Romano-British 149
Appulby, Simon 238
Arlington, Lord see Bennet, Henry
armlets, mudstone, late prehistoric 307–8, 308, 313
arrowheads, Neolithic 65
Ash, Cop Street, Anglo-Saxon cemetery 98
Ashburnham family 262, 266
Roger 262
Thomas 262, 263
Aubrey, John 294
Augustine, St 188, 195
awls, late prehistoric 310, 311
axe/adze, Mesolithic 21, 26–7, 30
Burham, Margetts Pit 305
Ringlemere 4
Bronze Age
Burham, Margetts Pit 310–11
Ringlemere 28, 29
Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury 210
Banks, Revd John 256n4
John 253
Thomas 253
Barming, Romano-British villa 130, 147, 155
Barr, Mrs ‒ 158
barracks, C18 329
Frances 295
Grace 303n16
John 303n16
John 205
Revd Nicholas 192, 205–6
Bax, John and wife 234
Bayham Abbey
charter relating to 177
attribution to Limoges 160–3
background and description (illus) 158–9
discussion 174–5
early vermiculé enamels listed 176
iconographic study (illus) 164–71
proposed provenance 171–4, 174
trade with Limoges 163–4
Bronze Age
amber 307, 310
lead 311
beads (cont.)
amber 330
faience 330
glass 330
jet/shale 330
late prehistoric, mudstone 307
Romano-British 312
amethyst 102, 105, 110, 115, 116, 117
Faversham 65–6, 66
Updown 102, 105, 110, 111, 112–14, 115, 116
not specified 22, 108–9
Edmund, Duke of Somerset 229
Cardinal Henry, Bishop of Winchester 229, 231, 234
John, Duke of Bedford 234
Becher, Walter 265
Beckenham see under Bromley
Anne 89
Charles 89
Henry 89
Henry jnr 89
Rose 89
Bede 197
Bedford, Duke of see Beaufort, John
Bee, Cornelius 207
Bekesbourne-with-Patrixbourne, Bekesbourne
clergy 192
Lackenden chantry 210
Bele, John 273n31
belt fittings, Anglo-Saxon 102
benches, stone, Romano-British 143, 144
Bennet, Henry, Lord Arlington 81
Bennett, Benedict 253
Beowulf 51
John 221
Thomas 221
Betts, Phil, ‘An obscure and inconsiderable parish’: A History of Frittenden, reviewed 338–9
Bexley (London Borough), Burt’s Wharf, geo-archaeology 328
Biddenden, migration 37
Biddulph, Sir Theophilus 81–82
Bingham, John 210
Birchington, protestation oath, 1642
age 249
missing men 252, 253, 254, 255, 256
occupations 249
taking 247, 248
Black, Ernest Walker, obituary 356–9
Blackheath see under Lewisham
Blair, John 51
Blakbrok, John 50n52
Blanning, Elizabeth, book review by 332–5
Bligh, Stuart, Edwards, Elizabeth, & Sweetinburgh, Sheila (eds), Maritime Kent Through the Ages: Gateway to the Sea, reviewed 336–7
bloomery, Romano-British/Anglo-Saxon 58–61, 61, 67–8
Bokengham, Thomas 44
Bolle, William 242
Bolton, Margaret, ‘The Isle of Thanet and the 1642 Protestation Oath’ 247–57
Bonaunter, John 242
bookbinders 46
Bore, John 265
George 81
Sir William 81, 82
Bornem (Belgium), duck decoy 215
Borough Fen (Cambs), Williams family 218
Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury
acquisition of 125–7
deer park 268
indenture 258–61, 262
Knole estate 262–5, 263, 264, 270
quarries and ragstone 266, 267
tenants and properties 265–6
works at 266–7, 268
register 242
will 268, 269
boxes, cylindrical, Anglo-Saxon 102, 105
Boxley Abbey 231
bracelets, Romano-British 149; see also armlets
brasses, memorial, Faversham 228, 230, 232–9, 233, 235, 237, 243
Brasted, clergy 239
Bray, William 205
Brent, Sir Nathaniel 196, 205
Brereton, Sir William 218, 226n5
Bridge, Bridge Hill 192
Broadstairs and St Peter’s
Northwood 254
St Peter, protestation oath, 1642 247, 248, 249, 253, 254, 255
Broke, James 48n14
Bromley (London Borough), Beckenham, Langley Court, monitoring 327
Iron Age 31
Anglo-Saxon 22, 102, 110, 115
Brook, migration 37
Broomfield, Shiela, on Margaret Lawrence 354–5; see also Mortlock, Patricia, & Broomfield, Shiela
Bruncker, Lord 82
Brymston, John 272n30, 273n31
buckles, Anglo-Saxon 102, 105, 110, 111, 112, 114–15
Burgess, Samuel 253
Anne (née Martyn) 232
Thomas 232
Burham, Margetts Pit, excavations
background and location 305
discussion 312–13
excavation evidence 306
early prehistory 305
middle‒late Bronze Age 307
later prehistoric and stone working 307–11, 308, 309
late Iron Age‒early Roman 311–12
Anglo-Saxon 312
burials see cemeteries; cremations; inhumations; lamb burial
Cade, Jack, rebellion 121, 123–5, 126, 229
Cambridge (Cambs)
Trinity College 301
Trinity Hall 197
Camden, William 197
canal, Gravesend 328–9
Canney Marsh (Essex), duck decoys 217–18
cannon, C18 329
Archbishop’s Palace 195
Barton and Jesus hospital 194
Best Lane 292
Binnewith island 210
Bridewell 195
Burgate ward 41, 45, 46, 47, 195
Castle Street 195, 198
canon of 205
Somner on 190–1, 193, 195, 196–8, 199, 202–3, 208
cathedral priory
building programme 35–6
Green Court gateway sculpture 181–9, 182, 184
possessions 36, 44
Somner on 195, 198, 208, 209, 210
Charles II at 190, 203, 208
Cheker of Hope 44
All Saints 292
Holy Cross 210
St Alphege 210
St Dunstan 199, 210
St Margaret 209
St Martin 194
St Mary Northgate 210
St Paul 210
Somner on 202
city walls 199, 202
cloth industry, medieval 41–4
Cotton’s hospital 195
le Croune 50n55
Dane John 195
Eastbridge hospital 195
chantry 209
school 292
The Exchange 195
gaol 199
Gray family 292
Guildhall 195
High Street, conduit 199
House of the Black Prince’s chantry priests 195
House of the Templars 195
immigration, medieval 37, 46
inns, medieval 35, 44
The Jury 195
King’s School 209
leather industry, medieval 41
Long-port 194
The Lyon 49n23
market place (Bullstake) 45, 195
Marlowe car park, SFB 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Maynard’s Spittal 195
migration, medieval 35–41, 47
businesses, locating 44–6
households and families 46–7
trades and crafts 41–4
The Mint 195
The Mote 194
Newingate ward 36, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 195
Northgate ward 38, 41, 45, 47, 195
Oaten Hill 47
plague 38
Poor Priest’s hospital 195, 209
Queningate 194, 199
Rhodaus Town, boreholes 331
Ridingate 199
Ridingate ward 36, 45, 195
River Stour 202
St Augustine’s Abbey 197, 202, 203, 209, 210, 231
St Gregory’s Priory 194, 208
St James/Jacob’s hospital 194
St John’s hospital 194
St John’s Lane 195
St Lawrence’s hospital 194
St Nicholas at Herbaldown hospital 194
St Paul’s parish 299
St Sepulchre’s Nunnery 194
see of 268–9, 270
Stablegate 195
Westgate 195, 199
Westgate Street 194
Westgate ward 45, 46, 195
Worthgate 194
Worthgate ward 40, 41‒4, 45, 195
see also Somner, William, The Antiquities of Canterbury
Canterbury, archbishops of 195; see also Abbot, George; Agelnoth; Alphege; Augustine; Baldwin; Bourchier, Thomas; Chichele, Henry; Dunstan; Hubert, Walter; Langton, Stephen; Laud, William; Mellitus; Morton, John; Stafford, John; Tillotson, John; Warham, William; Wilfred; Winchelsey, Robert
Caper, John 252
Carpenter, John 44
carpenter’s marks 329
Carter (Cartier), John 259, 261, 266
Casaubon, Meric 197, 205, 207, 253
Cassini, Giovanni 297
Catton, Edmund 256n4
Bronze Age
Burham, Margetts Pit 307
Ringlemere 1, 3, 5–6, 6
Ash, Cop Street 98
Buckland 101, 112, 116
Deal, Mill Hill 101
Faversham, Kingsfield 52, 66
Finglesham 100, 117
Guilton 98
Ham 94, 98
Lyminge 70
Ringlemere 5, 22, 31, 98
Updown see Updown
ceramic building material, Romano-British
Burham, Margetts Pit 312
East Farleigh 140, 148, 155
Chalklin, Christopher W., obituary 353–4
Chambers, William snr and jnr 256n5
Bayham 173
Bekesbourne 210
Canterbury 195, 209
Harbledown 208
Roger 254
William 224
Neolithic 305
Iron Age 322, 325
Iron Age/Romano-British 322–4
Anglo-Saxon 62
Charles I 207, 208
Charles II
Greenwich 80–1
St James’s Park decoy 217, 218
Somner and 190, 203, 204, 208
fossils 295, 296
migration 37, 252
chatelaines, Anglo-Saxon 112–14, 117
Chatham, Kitchener Barracks, watching brief 329
Chaundler, John 239
Cheriton, clergy 239
Chester, Bishop of see Wilkins, John
Chichele, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury 238
Chiddingstone, Bourchier properties 266, 268
chisel, Anglo-Saxon 65
clergy 231, 241
Fowler’s Bridge 222
Fowler’s Drove 222
Gray’s Farm, duck decoy 222
migration 37
Christian symbolism, Anglo-Saxon 105
Christmas, John 197
Clay, Rotha Mary 243
cleat, Bronze Age 317–19, 318
Clerk, John 272n30
Mrs ‒ 82
Richard 41, 82
Cliffe, Lower Hope Point explosives works, monitoring 329
Clifton, Stephen, ‘The Complex of Roman Buildings Excavated by MAAG at East Farleigh, 2005‒17: an Interim Report’ 129–57
Clinch, Mike, obituary 355–6
cloth industry, medieval 41–4
Cock, Capt George 81, 82
coin hoard, Roman 140, 148, 149
Iron Age 131, 148
Roman 142, 146, 148
Collingbourne Valence (Wilts), manor 229
comb, Anglo-Saxon 65, 66, 67, 73
Cooch, John 217–18
Revd Josiah 253
William 256n4
corn-dryers, Romano-British 136, 136, 145, 151, 153
Cornbeck, John van 37
Cosh, Stephen R. see Stoodley, Nick, & Cosh, Stephen R.
Cotes, Roger 292, 301
Cottle, Mark 81
Couch, Nicholas 86
cowrie shells, Anglo-Saxon 104–5
Cox, William 221
Cranbrook, John 252
Bronze Age 307
prehistoric 330
late prehistoric 310
early Romano-British 131, 133
Crispe, Henry 222
Crowthorn manor 127n6
Culling, Thomas 256n4
George 256n4
Culmer (cont.)
Guildford 256n4
Henry 256n4
Richard 202–3, 207–8, 253
John 256n4, 256n5
William 256n4
curse, Romano-British 140, 149, 150
Curtis and Harvey Ltd 329
Dadd, Richard 254
Daniels, Albert, obituary 352–3
daub, Anglo-Saxon 62–3, 64
Davies, Jacqueline see Zell, Michael, & Davies, Jacqueline
Barbara 207
John 207
Deal, Mill Hill Anglo-Saxon cemetery 101
Dedrickisson, Walter 37
deer park, Knole 123, 125, 127n11, 268
defixio, Romano-British 140, 149, 150
Denne, Thomas 207
Deptford see under Lewisham
Desaguliers, John 301, 302
Dezmarez, J.P. 223
DNA analysis, Burham 307
Dodd, Ralph 329
Doucheman, John 37
Buckland Anglo-Saxon cemetery 101, 112, 116
Great Hall 75
migration 37
SFB 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Gillian, ‘Knole House, Jack Cade and the ‘Battle of Solefields’’ 121–8
Stephen, ‘What Archbishop Bourchier Acquired in his 1456 Knole Transaction’ 258–73
Drylond, Robert 273n37
Duchewoman, Jenetruda 37
duck decoys
discussion 225
gazetteer for Kent 218–24, 219, 220, 222
history and description 215–18, 216, 217
peak and decline of 224–5
Dugdale, Sir William 197, 207
Dunkin, Revd William 253
Dunstan, St, Archbishop of Canterbury 209
Duraunt, William 272n30
Durham, Bishop of see Langley, Thomas
East Farleigh, Romano-British ‘villa’, excavations
background and location 129–31, 130, 131
discussion 154, 155
building function 147–8
orientation and location 151
ovens and temples 151–3, 152
excavation evidence
Iron Age 131–3, 132
Roman (illus) 133–46
late Roman 146–7
finds 148–51, 150
Eastchurch, clergy 231
Anglo-Saxon evidence 94, 95, 98, 100
Eastry 1 94, 98
Eastry 2 (Thornton) 94
Eastry 3 (Updown) see Updown
Highborough Hill, cemetery 94, 98
Updown cemetery see Updown
see also Ham
Edmer 197
Edward IV 126
Edwards, Elizabeth, book review by 338–9; see also Bligh, Stuart, Edwards, Elizabeth, & Sweetinburgh, Sheila (eds)
Elmham, Thomas 197
Elsy, Roger 265
Daniel 256n4
Edward 256n4
John 256n4
enclosure, late Iron Age 312
L’Estrange, Roger 89
Ethelburh, St 70
Evelyn, John 80, 217
exedre, Romano-British 143, 144
Exeter (Devon), migration 35
Eythorne, clergy 231
Falowfelde, John 44
abbey 53, 221, 230
Abbey Street 53
Bull Inn 53
church, Anglo-Saxon 53
church of St Mary
anchorite? 239–43
bells 231
brass 228, 232–9, 233, 235, 237, 243
churchyard chapels 241–2
Thornbury, William, at 231–2
window, Thornbury arms 230, 230
clergy see Thornbury, William
Cooksditch 53
Cooksditch House 76
Gate Field 57
Gatefield Lane, finds 53, 54
Iron Wharf 53
Kingsfield, Anglo-Saxon finds 52, 66
Macknades manor 53
manor, royal 53, 75
Market Inn site 51
compared 68–74, 69, 70
discussion 67–8, 74–6
Faversham (cont.)
Market Inn site (cont.)
excavation evidence (illus) 57–61
finds 59, 61–6, 63, 64, 66
phasing 67
setting 53–7, 56, 57
market place, Anglo-Saxon 53
Middle Row 232
migration 37
Norton Court 302
Perry Court, SFB 68, 70, 71–2, 73, 74, 75
place-name 52
settlement evidence, Anglo-Saxon 52–3, 55; see also Market Inn site
Stonebridge 53
Tanners Street 53
Thornbury family 228–9
villa, Romano-British 53
West Street 53
Westbrook 53
Yeldhall 53
Faversham Society Archaeological Research Group 52–3
Fellere, John 37
Ferrers, Lady 239
field system, Bronze Age 308
James, Lord Say and Sele 121–3, 124, 125, 261, 264–5, 266, 270
William, Lord Say and Sele 125, 258, 259–61, 265, 270
figurine fragments, Romano-British 149
Finch see Fynche
finger rings, Romano-British 149
Finglesham, Anglo-Saxon cemetery 100, 117
‘fish route’ (Rye-London) 123
fish trap, Bronze Age 319
Baldwin 265
Thomas, drawing by 234, 235
Fiskney (Lincs), Skelton family 218
Flamsteed, John 296–7, 300, 301
Palaeolithic, Ringlemere 21, 26, 30
Faversham 65
assemblage 279–80
condition 280
description 282–8, 282, 283–4, 288
discussion 288–90
origin 281, 281
raw material 280
Ringlemere 21, 26–7, 30
Burham, Margetts Pit 305
Faversham 65
Ringlemere 4, 27
Bronze Age
Burham, Margetts Pit 308, 309–10
Ringlemere 27–8
prehistoric, Ringlemere 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 25–6
flint-knapping site see Ramsgate, Court Stairs
Sir John 239
Thomas 239
Fordwich, quay 209
Forest Hill see under Lewisham
fossils, East Farleigh 149
four-post structure, Iron Age 312
Franks, Mr ‒ 158
French, John 265
Frenche, Robert 265
John 46
Nicholas 46
William 46
Fynche, Thomas 45
Gardiner, Vince, Thomas, Karen, Francese, Cecilia Levratto, Rivoli, Annalisa, ‘Fieldwork in Kent Undertaken by MOLA 2019‒20: Summary Reports’ 326–31
Gascoyne, William 224, 225
Gaynesford, Nicholas 272n30, 273n31
Gerardsson, Isbrand 37
Gibbs, William 52
Giles, John 254
Gillham, Eric 221, 223
Grange, Liberty of 223
Grange manor 128n30
Nor Marsh, duck decoy 223–4
Gittins, Erica, ‘Excavations at Margetts Pit, Burham: Large-Scale Manufacture of Arte-facts in Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age’ 305–14
Glanvill, Benjamin 82
glass vessels, Anglo-Saxon 52; see also palm cup
Goacher, Deborah, on Albert Daniels 352–3
Godbid, William 206
Godfrey, John 302
Godfrey-Faussett, Thomas 239–41, 243
Golding, Reuben 86
Goldsmith, Hugh 45
Goldston, Thomas, Prior 209
Goldwell, Thomas, Prior 195
Langedon 231
Thornbury properties 229
Goodwin, John 254
Gostling, William 193
Goudhurst, migration 37
Gowere, Isabella 37
Kye Cottage 221
Nagden Marsh, duck decoy 221, 223
Gravesend, Canal Basin Floodgate, watching brief 328–9
John 292
John jnr 301
Matthias 292
Matthias jnr 292, 295
Stephen 292–302
Thomas 292
Greenborough island 223
Greenwich (London Borough)
Billingsgate 88
church of St Alphege 81
Church Wall 88
Coombe Farm 82, 87
Crane South 81, 82, 88
Crooms Hill 81, 87, 88
Dock and Tavern Row 82, 86, 88
East Lane 86, 87, 88
Fisher Lane 87–8
Great Plague, 1665‒6 78–90, 79, 83, 85, 86, 87
High Street 87, 88, 89
King’s Head 81
King’s palace 80–1, 90
London Street 87, 88
Millennium Village, geoarchaeology 328
Morden Wharf, watching brief 327–8
Navy office 81
pest house 85
Queen’s House 80
Royal Naval Hospital 80–1
Stable Street 88, 92n27
Westcombe manor 81
Woolwich, Pepys family at 81, 82
Gregory the Great, St 188
Gregory, William 37
Grew, Nehemiah 295
Gridier, John 254
Griffin, William 218, 220, 221
Grovehurst family 262
Groves, Robert 221
Edward 231
Sir John 230, 231
Philippa (née Thornbury, Pympe, & Tyrell) 230, 231
Guilton, Anglo-Saxon cemetery 98
gunpowder works, Cliffe 329
Hackington, parsonage 210
Christopher 209
John 208–9
Halley, Edmond 297
Anne (née Thorlegh) 229
Sir Hugh 229
Richard 229
Ham, Anglo-Saxon cemetery 94, 98
Hamkyn, Peter van 37
hammer stones, Mesolithic 281, 288
handle see hook/handle
chantry 208
Norman family 242
Hare, Robert 197
Edward 223, 265
Joseph 223
Headcorn Manor 325
Moat Road, excavations 320–6, 321, 323, 324
hearths, Neolithic 3
Helmesley, John 37
Hennell, Alexander 326
Henry VI 121, 124, 126
Henry, Prior of Canterbury 195
Henry of Huntingdon 197
Heth, Roger 273n31
Hever, manor 121
Heye, Jacob 37
High Halstow
Decoy Farm 222
Little Decoy House 221
Nordowne Farm, duck decoy 221–2, 222, 225
Hilkes (Hilcus)
Elizabeth 218
Sidrack 218
Francis 303n32
Jared 303n32
Mary 303n32
Thomas 296–301, 302
letter from 300
map by 299
observations by 298
hoard, Bronze Age 28–9, 30–1; see also coin hoard
hobnails, Romano-British 58
Hodlestone (Ches), duck decoys 218
Hogben, Thomas 223
Holinshed, Raphael 197
Hollar, Wenceslaus 197
Woodcut Farm, evaluation 330–1
workhouse 331
Hoo St Werburgh, Kingsnorth Quarry, finds 330
hook/handle, Anglo-Saxon 65, 66
Hooke, Robert 293–4, 295, 299, 301
Hooker, Alderman William 81, 82
horn cores, Romano-British 149
hospitals, medieval, Canterbury 194, 195, 209
Houton, George 273n37
Hubert, Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury 210
Hulme, Nicholas 262, 264
Elizabeth (née Janeway) 294
Hannah 303n11
Henry 292–4, 295–6, 302
drawings by 293
John 303n11
Huntebourne, Thomas 38, 49n43
Hunterian Psalter 186–7, 186
immigration, medieval 37, 46
ingots, copper-alloy, Bronze Age 28, 29
John 46
William 46
Bronze Age 17, 17, 30, 307
Romano-British 147
Anglo-Saxon 22, 31
iron working, Romano-British/Anglo-Saxon 58–61, 61, 67–8, 73–4, 75
Jacob, Edward 53
Jakelyn, Thomas 271n9
Benjamin 294
Elizabeth 294
Frances (née Bathon) 295
Jacob 292, 294–5, 299, 302
William snr and jnr 294
jetties, post-medieval, Cliffe 329
Joce, John 272n16
Johnson, Thomas 197
Jones, Inigo 80
Keates, Sir Jonathan 218
Keill, John 302
Kele, Cornelio 37
Richard 248
William 248
Richard 254
White 192, 206
Kenulf, King of Mercia 210
key, Romano-British 149
key/latch lifter, Anglo-Saxon 65, 66
Kilburne, Richard 207
Kipping see Kyppyng
Kirkham see Kyrkeham
knife, not dated 312
knitting 41
Knole see under Sevenoaks
Knowles, Pete, & Allen, Tim, ‘A Rare Kentish Example of a Very Early Post-Glacial Flint-Knapping Site at Court Stairs, Ramsgate’ 274–91
Margaret 47
Thomas 47
Kyrkeham, Robert 272n30
lace chapes, Anglo-Saxon 65
Lacey, Thomas 255
lamb burial, late prehistoric 311
Lambarde, William 193, 197
Lambert, Craig, book review by 336–7
Laming, John 256n4
Henry 262–4
Richard 256n4
Thomas, Bishop of Durham 262–4, 270
Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury 210
latch lifter see key/latch-lifter
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury
Dunkin, William, and 253
insignia of 198, 206
publication controls by 204‒5
Somner’s connection with 190, 192‒3, 195, 196, 207, 209
Lawrence, Margaret, obituary 354-5
Leach, Avril, ‘‘For the Honour of that Ancient Metropolis’: William Somner’s The Antiquities of Canterbury (1640)’ 190–214
lead working, late prehistoric 311
leather industry, medieval 41, 45
Lechour, Richard 41
Leek, Thomas, memorial 238–9, 238
Legate, John, snr and jnr 205
LeGear, Rod, on Mike Clinch 355–6
Leigh, Bourchier properties 266, 268
Leigh (Legh)
Elizabeth (née Langley) 264–5
Ralph 259, 264–5
Lepine, David, ‘William Thornbury (d.1481), Vicar of Faversham ‒ and Anchorite?’ 228–46
Levirs, Joan 238–9
Lewes (Sussex)
church of St Anne 238
church of St John sub Castro 245n64
Lewis, John 243
Lewisham (London Borough)
Blackheath, Cade’s rebellion 124, 125
Brockley Abbey 172
dockyard 80
Great Plague, 1665‒6 79–80, 80, 83–5, 83, 89–90
Old Tidemill School, survey 327
Forest Hill
convent 326, 327
Our Lady and St Philip Neri school, survey 326–7
Limoges (France)
Abbey of Saint-Martial 160–3, 165
Mazarine Bible 169–71, 169, 170, 171
Sacramentary of Saint-Etienne 166–9, 167, 168
Second Bible of Saint-Martial 165–6, 166
plaque from (illus) 158–9
attribution 160–3
discussion 174–5
early vermiculé enamels listed 176
iconographic study 164–71
proposed provenance 171–4
trade with England 163–4
Lincoln (Lincs), cathedral memorial 238, 239
Littlebourne, migration 252
Charterhouse 301, 302
church of All Hallows on the Wall 238
church of St Mary Le Bow 301
Crane Court 294
Great Plague, 1665‒6 78–92
Gresham College 293, 294
migration 37
St Giles parish 78
St James’s Park, duck decoy 217, 218
St Mary Woolchurch parish 78
Southwark, Vauxhall Manor 299
Trinity Lane 205
Walworth Manor 299
Long, George 254
longhouse, Neolithic 330
loom weight, Anglo-Saxon 312
Loose, Quarry Wood 133
Lucas, John 37
Ludd, John 207
Luddenham, duck decoys 224
Lydden Downs, Limoges appliqué head 163–4, 164
cemetery, Anglo-Saxon 70
Great Hall 75
monastery 68–70
SFB 68–70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Lynch, Ralph 257n6
Lyndwood, William 242
Lypel, Richard 37
Magnus 245n64
Kent Medical Campus, evaluation 330
Mount Romano-British villa 130–1
Museum, Cobb collection 94
Malpas, John 49n34
Marden, Queen Margaret’s estate 229
Margate, church of St John, protestation oath, 1642
age 248, 249
missing men 252, 253, 254‒5, 256
occupations 249
taking 247, 248
Margetts, Andrew, The Wandering Herd: The Medieval Cattle Economy of South-East England c.450‒1450, reviewed 335–6
Marlow, Valentine 256n4
Martin, Nathaniel 254
John 232
Richard 37
Mawdistley, John 221
Maxted family 252
Mellere, Thomas 265
Mellitus, St, Archbishop of Canterbury 188
late prehistoric 310, 313
Anglo-Saxon 52
see also iron working; lead working
Mighels, Cornelius 37
medieval, Canterbury 33–41, 47
businesses, locating 44–6
households and families 46–7
trades and crafts 41–4
1642, Thanet 250–2
Milfordhope island 223
Milton Regis
Birdshide, duck decoy 220–1, 220
church of the Holy Trinity 220
Grovehurst Farm, duck decoy 218–20, 220, 223, 224, 225
Kemsley Downes, duck decoy 221
Queen Margaret’s estate 229
Minnes, Sir J. 82
clergy 253
maritime customs 209
protestation oath, 1642
age 248, 249
missing men 252, 253, 255
mobility 252
occupations 249
taking 247, 248
moated site, Headcorn 325
molluscan analysis, Swalecliffe 316
Monkton, protestation oath, 1642 247, 248, 251
Montagu, Ralph 294
Moraunt, William 272n16
Mortlock, Patricia, & Broomfield, Shiela, on Christopher Chalklin 353–4
John, Bishop of Ely, later Archbishop of Canterbury 266, 268, 269
Ralph 271n9
mould fragments, late Bronze Age/Iron Age 310
Moyle, Sir Walter 229
mudstone see stone working, late prehistoric
Mychel, John 204
nails, Anglo-Saxon 65
Nettlestead, Pympe family 230
New Romney, medieval migration 34, 37
Newton, Isaac 296, 297, 299, 301
Nisell, John 265; see also Nysell
Noble, Robert 256n4
Norman, Reginald 242
Northfleet, SFB 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Norwood, Richard 255
Hannah (née Hunt) 303n11
Jonathan 294, 303n11
Nysell, Thomas 273n31, 273n37; see also Nisell
Black, Ernest Walker 356–9
Chalklin, Christopher W. 353–4
Clinch, Mike 355–6
Daniels, Albert 352–3
Lawrence, Margaret 354–5
Pout, Chris 350–2
Offa 208
Oldhall, Thomas 127n6
Omer, Richard 254
East Farleigh 133, 155
Quarry Wood 133
Orewell, Simon the younger 232
Osborne 210
Osemond, Richard 40
manor 228, 229
Syndon 243n8
Archbishop’s Palace 126, 268
Fiennes lands 121
Otham (Sussex), abbey 172, 177
ovens, Romano-British 134, 136, 140, 146, 147, 151–3, 152
Oxford (Oxon), All Souls College 223
palm cup, Anglo-Saxon 102, 105
Pamphlet, Daniel jnr 248
Pantere, Thomas 265
Parfitt, Keith, ‘Ringlemere: Investigation of Prehistoric Ring-Ditches, M2 and M3’ 1–32
Parker, Thomas 256n4
Paston, Margaret 268
Pearce, Job 254
pendant, Anglo-Saxon 105, 110, 115
Bourchier properties 266, 268
view of frontispiece
Peny, Robert 40–1
Pepys, Samuel 78, 80, 81–2, 85
Philipot, John 206, 207
Philpot, John 128n30
Picard, Revd John 256n4
Pickard, Nichola 47
Pigeon, Ingel, snr and jnr 46
pin beater, Anglo-Saxon 65, 66, 67, 73
late Bronze Age, copper alloy 310, 311
bone 65, 66, 67
silver 102, 105, 117
pit alignments, Neolithic 3
medieval, effect on migration 38
1625 199
1665‒6 78–92
plant remains
Neolithic 305
Iron Age 322, 325
Iron Age/Romano-British 322–4
plaque, enamel, medieval (illus) 158–9
attribution to Limoges 160–3
discussion 174–5
early Limoges vermiculé enamels listed 176
iconographic study (illus) 164–71
proposed provenance 171–4
trade with 163–4
plate fragment, copper-alloy, Bronze Age 29
Plomer, John 44
Pocklington, John 205
de la Pole, William, Duke of Suffolk 121, 124
pond, Romano-British 330–1
Poot, John 44
Burham, Margetts Pit 305
Ringlemere 4
Beaker, Ringlemere 4
Bronze Age
Burham, Margetts Pit 305, 308, 311
Hoo St Werburgh 330
Ringlemere 21, 23
Bronze Age/Iron Age
Burham, Margetts Pit 311
Ringlemere 11, 23
Iron Age
Burham, Margetts Pit 307
East Farleigh 131–3
Headcorn 322, 325
Hoo St Werburgh 330
Ramsgate 279
Ringlemere 21, 23–4
Iron Age/Romano-British, Headcorn 322, 324
Burham, Margetts Pit 312
East Farleigh 146, 147, 153
Faversham 58, 59, 62
Ringlemere 7, 13, 21, 22, 23–4
pottery (cont.)
Faversham 53, 54, 56, 61–2, 63, 67, 75
Ringlemere 13, 21, 23, 24–5
Updown 105
Saxo-Norman, Faversham 53
Margery 229
Thomas 229
Pout, Chris, obituary 350–2
Preston, Rafe 44
Price, Revd John 221
Prince family 256
Thomas 255
protestation oath, Isle of Thanet 247–57
Anne (née Thornbury) 230
John 230
Queenborough, duck decoy 218
querns, Romano-British
East Farleigh 146, 147, 153
Faversham 65
Quyntyn, William 272n30
radiocarbon dates
Burham 307
Greenwich 328
Ringlemere 3
Swalecliffe 315, 317, 319
ragstone 266
Court Stairs, excavation
background and location 274–5, 275
discussion 288–90
excavation evidence 276–9, 276, 277–8, 279
flint assemblage 279–80
condition 280
description 282–8, 282, 283–4, 288
origin 281, 281
raw material 280
St Laurence parish, protestation oath, 1642
age 249
missing men 253, 254, 255
mobility 252
occupations 249
taking 247, 248
churchyard chapel 241
clergy 242
monastery 209
Reid, Patricia, ‘Probable SFB at Market Inn Site Yields First Secure Evidence of Early Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Faversham; Some Comparisons with other Kentish SFBs’ 51–77
reliquary see plaque, enamel
Richardson, Robert 39–40
Rigden family 52
Ringlemere, excavations
background and location 1, 2, 3
discussion 29–31
excavation evidence (illus) 1‒19
finds 22–8
Updown 100–1, 105, 112, 114, 116
cemetery, Anglo-Saxon 5, 22, 31, 98
background and location 1, 2, 3
discussion 29–31
excavation evidence
cemetery 5–6
M1 1–5, 8
M2 6–7, 8, 9, 10
M3 (illus) 11–19
M3, features cutting or outside 19–22
M4 19, 30
finds 22–9
gold cup 1, 4
Riverhead, Rotherden 265, 268, 270
Roach Smith, C. 51, 52
roads, medieval, Knole 122, 123, 126–7; see also trackways
Robert de la Knole 262, 265
Robertsbridge (Sussex) 123
Robins, Thomas 256n4
Robinson, Keith, ‘Kentish Duck Decoys’ 215–27
Bishop of see Warner, John
migration 37
Rodman, John 273n31
Rolvenden, Guildford family 230
Romchede (Romchete), John 265
Romney Marsh
Fiennes lands 123
Midrips, duck decoy 222–3
Roper, John 50n55
Rottingdean (Sussex), Limoges plaque 163
round barrows, Ringlemere 3, 5–6; see also ring-ditches
Rowe, John 273n37
Rowles, John 89
Royal Society 292–8, 301–2
Rudling, David, on Ernest Walter Black 356–9
runic markings, Faversham 65
Russel, Chris, ‘Extended Continuity of Late Iron Age Landscape Features Revealed in Archaeological Investigations at Moat Road, Headcorn’ 320–6
Russell, John 254, 256n4
Rychere, John 39
Sackett, Robert 254
Sackville family 173
Thomas 125
St Cosmus and St Damien in the Blean, church of SS Cosmus and Damien 209
St Nicholas at Wade
clergy 253
protestation oath, 1642
age 249
missing men 253, 254, 255
mobility 251
occupations 249
taking 247, 248
salt working, Hoo St Werburgh 330
Henry 256n4
Nicholas 256n4
clergy 231
duck decoy 225
maritime customs 209
migration 37, 250
Sarre 37
Saunder, William 256n5
Scot, Agnes, memorial 239, 240
Scottisshwoman, Margaret 37
sculpture, medieval, Canterbury 181–9, 184
Fiennes/Bourchier properties 123, 260, 261, 265–6
market 123
quarries 259, 261, 266, 267, 267
seax, Anglo-Saxon 110, 111, 114, 115
Bourchier properties 259, 260, 260, 265–6, 268
Brabourne 272n16
Brittains 265, 268, 270, 272n17
church of St Nicholas 127
Hardinges 262
Holmesdale 265
Joces (Josez) 259, 260, 266, 270
Knole House/manor
Bourchier buys and rebuilds 125–7, 126
deer park 268
discussion 270
indenture 258–61, 262
Knole estate 262–5, 263, 264
quarries and ragstone 266, 267
tenants and properties 265–6
works at 266–7, 268–9
Fiennes acquires 123
location 122
market 262, 265, 270, 271
Panters 259, 260, 266, 267, 268, 270
Riverhill 266
road, medieval 123
routes through deer park 123, 127n11
St Julians 266
Skeles 259, 260
Solefields, battle 124, 125
Waterden 262
sheet fragments
copper, Romano-British 149
lead, Romano-British 149
Sheppey, Isle of
duck decoys 225
Harty 243n8
shield boss, Anglo-Saxon 102, 110, 115
Shipley (Sussex), Limoges plaque 163
Shortgrave, Richard 294
sickle, bronze 330
Sittingbourne, migration 37
Skelton family 218
Skinner, George 256n4
slag, Romano-British/Anglo-Saxon 62, 64, 67, 73
Slaughter, Peter, ‘Bronze Age River and Pastoral Life on the Foreshore at Swalecliffe’ 315–20
Slayhills island 223
slipknot rings, Anglo-Saxon 102, 105, 117
Sloane, Hans 295–6, 301
Slobbe manor 268
J. 129
John 256n4
John (aka Mill) 259, 260, 266, 270
Snusher, Abraham 221
Somerset, Duke of see Beaufort, Edmund
Barbara (née Dawson) 207
George 207
John 207, 295
John jnr 295
Robert 303n18
father of 195, 196
The Antiquities of Canterbury 190–3, 191, 200–1
appendices listed 208–10
first edition 204–8
illustration 299, 299
method 193–6
research and the city’s history 196–203
South Malling (Sussex), Fiennes lands 121
church of St Asaph 239
Hook Green 158
Southwell (Notts), church 239
Southwell, Thomas 226n5
Sparowe family 47
John and wife 47
Robert and wife 47
William and wife 47
spearheads, Anglo-Saxon 110, 111, 114–15
Speed, John 197, 198, 207
Groombridge Place 229
Thornbury family 229
Spelman, Henry 197, 205, 226n5
Spot (Sprot) 198
Sprackling, John 253, 255
Spratt, Robert 254
Springhead, SFB 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Sir Humphrey 125
Isolde 46
John, Archbishop of Canterbury 121–3, 124
Sir William 125
Stancombe, Revd George 256n4
Stegle, John 38–9
Stevens, Revd Thomas 256n4
Stokes, John 272n30, 273n37
stone working, late prehistoric 307–8, 308, 309, 310, 313
Stoodley, Nick, & Cosh, Stephen R., The Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Eccles, Kent: A summary of the excavations by Alec Detsicas with a consideration of the archaeological, historical and linguistic context, reviewed 332–5
Stour, River 202
Stow, John 193, 195, 197, 198
Stowe, John de 37
structured deposition
Bronze Age 311, 313
Iron Age 131–3
Romano-British 147, 149–51
Stukeley, William 301
Sturry, migration 252
stylus, Romano-British 149
Suffolk, Duke of see de la Pole, William
sunken-featured buildings
Canterbury 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
distribution 69, 74
Dover 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Market Inn 57–61, 58, 67–75
Perry Court 68, 70, 71–2, 73, 74, 75
Lyminge 68–70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Northfleet 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Ringlemere 5, 31
Springhead 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Thanet, Manston Road 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
West Stow 68, 70
Swalecliffe, foreshore fieldwork 315–19, 316, 318
Sweetinburgh, Sheila
‘Starting a New Life as Artisans and Traders in Ricardian and Henrician Canterbury (c.1400 and c.1500) 33–50
book review by 335–6
see also Bligh, Stuart, Edwards, Elizabeth, & Sweetinburgh, Sheila (eds)
Swithland (Leics), memorial 239, 240
sword pommel, crusader 172, 172
Tabbott, Samuel 252
Taddy, Edward 256n4
Taillour, Thomas 37
Talbot, William 239
tang fragment, copper-alloy, Bronze Age 29
Tappestere, Isolde 46
Tapstere, Agnes 37
Brook 302
Francis 204
John 248
Richard 254
temple, Romano-Celtic, East Farleigh (illus) 137–41, 146–55
tenter yards, Canterbury 44
Terry, Robert 248
Teynham, parsonage 210
Manston Road, SFB 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
protestation oath, 1642 247–57
Theophilus 158
Thomas, Prior of Canterbury 208
Thoralby, John 262
Anne 229
John 229
Agnes 228
Anne (née Thorlegh and Halsham) 229, 230
John snr 228
John 228‒30, 231, 232, 241, 243n8
Margery (née Poultney) 229
Philippa 230, 231
Richard 228‒9, 230, 241, 243n8
William, vicar of Faversham 228, 243
anchorite? 239–42
brass 232–9, 233, 235, 237
church career 230–2
family and origins 228–30, 230
Thorne, William 197, 210
Thrale, Richard 204, 205, 206
Throwley, Short wood 295
Nicholas 221
Norman 222
Tiffin, John 253
Tillotson, John, Dean, later Archbishop of Canter-bury 294–5, 297–9, 302
Tilman, Ann 292
Todd, Robert 254
Tomas, John 44
Bourchier properties 259, 260, 265–6, 268
Chandlers 266
Frenches 259, 260, 266, 270, 272n15
Tongeren, Tim van, ‘The Updown Anglo-Saxon Cemetery: a Revision of the Site’s Chronology using Correspondence Analysis’ 93–120
Bronze Age 308
prehistoric 330
Iron Age/Romano-British 322, 325
?post-Romano-British 312
Canterbury, medieval 41‒4, 45
takers of protestation oath, Thanet 249–50
Travers, Samuel 91n24
Troward, Edward 256n4
Tubney, John 239
Turnham, Robert de 172–4, 175, 177
Twyne, John 197, 198
Twysden, Roger 207
Tyece, John 50n55
Philippa (née Thornbury and Pympe) 230
Sir William 230, 273n31
Robert 253
Vincent 254
Horsham manor 223
Horsham Marsh, duck decoy 223
Slayhills Marsh, duck decoy 223
Updown, Anglo-Saxon cemetery, revision of chronology
artefact typologies and chronologies 101
background and location 93–4, 94, 95, 96, 98
correspondence analysis 106–11, 108, 109
discussion 116–17
earlier chronology 100–1
excavations 95–7, 97, 99
existing chronological framework 97–100
‘final phase’? 104–5
revised chronology 112–16, 113
Welch’s chronology 101–4, 103
Urry, William 190, 192
Vicleston, John of 272n16
villas, Romano-British see Barming; East Farleigh; Faversham; Maidstone (Mount)
Violet, Edward 253
Waerd see Ward
Walder, John snr 272n30
Walker, Robert 91n18
wall plaster, painted, Romano-British 139, 139, 141, 148, 155
Waller, Sir Richard 229, 231
Walmer, Cranbrook family 252
Ward (Waerd), John 218
Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 209
Warner, John, Bishop of Rochester 196, 205, 207
warren, medieval 5
Gabriel 256n4
Paul 254
Watling Street 123
Waxham (Norfolk), duck decoy 217
Weaver, John 197
Webb, George 223
weights, lead, undated 313
Wellingham (Norfolk), memorial 238, 238
West Stow (Suffolk), SFBs 68, 70
wheel ornament, lead alloy, late prehistoric 308–9, 309, 311
Whitaker, Joseph 224
Whitstable see Swalecliffe
Wibert, Prior of Canterbury 181, 182, 183
Wild, John 256n5
Wilfred, Archbishop of Canterbury 210
Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester 294–5
William of Malmesbury 193
Williams family 218; see also Willyams
Williamson, Stephen, ‘New Light on Stephen Gray, FRS (1666‒1736), Canterbury Freeman Dyer’ 292–304
Willis, Steven, on Chris Pout 350–2
Willyams, John 37
Wilson, Eleanor, ‘Iconography and Origin: a Twelfth-Century Limoges Enamel Plaque from Bayham Abbey in the British Museum’ 158–80
Winchelsey, Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury 209
Winchester, Bishop of see Beaufort, Henry
window glass
Romano-British 141
medieval 202, 208
Windsor, Thomas, 6th Baron Windsor 207
wire, gold, Bronze Age 28, 29
Witherden family 252
withy-tie, Bronze Age 315, 317
Wode, Alexander 272n30
Wodehouse, Sir William 217
women, migrants 46–7
Rita, ‘Sculpture at the Green Court Gateway of Canterbury Cathedral Priory’ 181–9
Thomas 209
Woodnesborough, migration 252; see also Ringle-mere
woodwork, Bronze Age 317–19, 318
Wraith, Henry 222
Wren, Sir Christopher 298, 301
Wright, Roger 252
Wykehirst, Thomas 265
Zell, Michael, & Davies, Jacqueline, ‘The ‘Great Plague of London’ in Greenwich and Deptford, 1665‒1666’ 78–92