Churchwardens' Accounts at Rainham, Kent in the Reigns of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, A.D. 1517-19, and 1565-69
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On Wall Paintings discovered in Findsbury Church
Roman Canterbury (Durovernum)
Churchwardens' Accounts at Rainham, Kent in the Reigns of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, A.D. 1517-19, and 1565-69
( 333 ) CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS AT RAINHAM, KENT, A.D. 1517-19, AND 1565-69. Eeceytts of Thorn' Blmeston Jr. own of the cburche wardens of Eeynam from the fest of seynt michell tharchangell in the ixth yere [of] kynge harry the viijt h untyll the seyd fest of seynt mychell in the xith yere of or seyd sovren lord. [Impr'] receyved of Will'm porters wyff xxxiij8 [It'm rejceyved of harry Stonard at one tyme xvs It'm] ra of Thorn' Darland iijs va I'tm] rd of harry Stonard an other tyme xvjs It'm ra of Will'm Whitloke for the ferme of iij yerds of lande liing at Calam yjd It' rd of Will'm G-emett xvjd It' ra of Thorn. Elmeston for churche lands lying emonge the lands of Seynt Katrine for ij yers iij quarters and di. of Barley, i.e ixs iiija It' ra of Thorn' Darland for an other yers ferme iij8 vd It' ra of John Eastland ... xviija It' rd of John Kemesley vjd It' ra of Eichard Sede for ij yers xvja It' ra of John mendam for ij yers j a It' ra of John Eastlande... xviija It' ra of John Kemesley for hys house at the churche soyle for ij yers xijd It'm rd of John Carter for ij yers ferme of the churche lande at Cutthorne ... ix" iiijd It'm receyved of Will'm Blower for all things in dowt byfore saving one yere Xs I t 'm ra of henry Stonard for xxj Ewys xxvj8 viija It' ra of the seyd henry Stonard an other tyme xiija iiija It' ra of Thorn' Elmeston for churche lands lying amonge the lands of Seynt Katrine for ij yers iij quarters of barley and a half, i.e ix8 iiija It'm ra of Will'm porter of Boxle vj9 viija It' rd of Thorn' Darlande in pp'te of payment vjs viijd It' rd of webbe of Cheth'm for the ferme of a Cowe & x moder She' for ij yers ... ixs It' rd of michell Wellys for olde shyngull .- ij9 S'm of all the receytts for the iiij (sic) yers last past ix" iij8 ijd ix11 ij8 ixd 334 RAINHAM CHURCH ACCOUNTS The paymentts of Thorn' Elmeston churche warden of Eeynam leyde owte in the seyd iiij (sic) yers above wryten. It'm payd to ffox for Strykyng of wex an other yere ... xxija It'm payd to John hurton for takyng down of the gret bell iij8 Imprimis payd to the sextens wyff f orweshing of the churche gere xija I t 'm payde to John Bungay for a key for the stepull dore v8 iiija I t ' payd to Jacobbe of maydston for a bell clapur xijs ixa It' payd to John hurton for hangyng of the gret bell and stokkyng iija It' for strykyng downe of the same bell iij8 It'm payd to John hurton for makyng of the stepull wyndowe and for trussyng of the iiij01 bell ijs It'm payd at iiij visitacons viij8 It'm payd to a Tyler and hys man xxa It'm payd to John harre for mending of the lede xiiija It'm payde for fyve C. ijd nayle xa It'm payd for mending of the baudryks xiiijd It'm payd to John hurton for mending of divers things in the churche xxd It'm payd to a Cheyngeler for ij m1 Shyngull caryage and leying xxiij8 viija It'm to John Tyler and to hys man for ij days xviija It'm payd to ffox for makyng of the churche lygth for one yere ijs iiija It'm payd to John harre for Shoting of xxv C. leede and a halff xxxiiij8 It'm payd to the same John for ij C. di. of hys owyn lede xijs viija It'm payd to John dode for brengyng home of the same lede. n i ] a It'm payd to Bungay for the lytyll bell clapur and other werks done in the churche vij8 iiija It'm payd for Skowering of the Candylstyks for iiij yers xvja It'm payd for iiij buschells of lyme viijd It'm payd for a Shovull ... iiija It'm payd to Sylke for makyng of bell ropys xija S'm vj1' xjs vija It'm payd for Sawyng of borde for the Stepull wyndowe vja It'm for tukkyng gyrdylls ... ijd It'm payd for borde that the lath was made of xija It'm payd for xxiiij li. wex... xva It'm payd for wex an other yere xj8 j d ob. It'm payd an other tyme for iij li. of wex xxjd It'm payd to John Tracy for makyng of the lygth the iijd e yere ij9 It'm payd for xxij li. of wex bougth the seyd iijd e yere xiiij8 viija [It'm] payd to John Cater iiij3 vija [It'm] for makyng of vj torchis to ffox viij8 [It'm] payd to a Tyler and hys man for one day xa [It'm] payd for a li. of candyll j"ob. [It'm p]ayd to John Alen and hys man for fyve days werkyng on the florys [of] the Stepull ij8xa [It'm] payd to harry Joyner for iiij days werkyng in the same werke xvja I t 'm payd for ther mete and drynke to boungay... iiij8 iiija It'm payd to John hurton for makyng of iij wyndowys to the Stepull vij8 A.D. 1617-19 AND 1565-66. 335 It'm payd to Coklett for repparacon of the bells xiij8 It'm for makyng of ij m1 Shyngull i vjsviija It'm payd to webbe for makyng of ij bell ropys xija It'm payd to bulmer and hys man for ij days and di. tyling on the churche xxijd It'm payd for ij bell ropys... ixa S'm iiij11 xviija vja It'm payd for ij bawdryks... xja It'm payd for xij li. of wex for the Eode lygth the iiijl h yere viij8 ixa It'm payd for makyng of xliij li. of wex to Eichard Chaundeler of Newyngton xxiijd It'm for mending of the ij grett bellysto CokkJett x8 | ffirst Eeceved of Will'm Wynkfeld in p't of payment of fyve pownds dewe unto the Churche xla It'm Eeceved of mother barker ffor her halfe yers fferme dewe at myghelmas ijs It'm ffor certen stofe that I bowght of the p'isshe xx8 S'm of the Eeceyts Chargys ffor that y ffirst payed to a Carpenter for hangynge of the bells ijs viijd It'm payed to the Somner at the vysytation at Eaynh'm... iiija I t 'm payed ffor a lode of lyme & f ettyng of yt xja I t 'm payd to a Smyth of london for a bell clapur xij8 ixa It'm payd to Bungay for vj Steroppys for iij wyndowys of the Stepull and for the lytyll bell clapur v3 It'm to Eauff Shynguller for x ml Shyngull and the leying ther of v1' It'm for iiij m1 nayle at xxa tbe m1 vj3 viij4 It'm for leying of ij m1 of ower owyn Shyngull v8 I t 'm for caryage of the same Shyngull from newheth to Eaynara vj8 viijd I t 'm to John Clerke for caryng of the seyd Shyngull to Eaynam churche S'm vij11 xix" viijd I t 'm Eeceved of Thorn's butt appoynted by the ordynary x8 I t 'm Eeceved of John Swetyng for the bequethe of Eobert balden appoynted by the ordynary iij11 vj8 viijd vj1' xviij3 viija e as ffollowythe:— I t 'm payed for a beeme for the Churche & ffettyng of yt x8 iiijd It'm payed to Thorn's hyxx ffor Eepayerying of the Churche xxxiij8 iiija S'm off all the paymentts leyde owte by the seyd Thorn' Elmeston in the iiij yers above wryten xix1' ixB ix'1 ma so the churche restyth in dete to me above all my receytts x11 vi" vijd Eeceyts of Will'm Henekar one of the Churche wardens of Eaynh'm ffrom the ffest of the Anuntiation of owre ladye in the Seventhe yere of the Eeyghne of Quene Elyzabethe unto the seid ffest the next yere ffollowynge. 336 RAINHAM CHURCH ACCOUNTS It'm ffor Caryenge home of the Shorys iiijd It'm Spentt when the Churche was Eepayred ixa It'm ffor aM. of Tyle x8 It'm ffor a hundrethe & di. of Corner tyle vj8 It'm ffor fettyng of a lode of Sande •. vjd It'm payed to Chapman a Tyler ffor iij dayes ffor hym & hys man & ffynd them selvys vj8 It'm payed ffor a hundrethe S'm of the Chargys . of hart latt [i.e. heart-lath] xija It'm layed out at the vysytation at myghelmas xviija It'm payed to Eaynold terenden ffor Stockyng of the bellys XXs I t 'm payed to Jemys Anderson for Iron worke [at] dyvers tyines xxvjs viija It'm payed to Amye the plommer for owld dett [for] mendyng of the Gutters vijs vj11 xvij8 The account made by Will'm heneker one of the churche wardens of Eaynh'm & yelded up unto the p'isshe the . . . ,th of Apryll a0 dni. MDLXVI and so he [is in the] churche dett xva. Eeceyts of Will'm henekar aforeseid ffrom the ffest of the anuntiation of or ladye in the Eyghthe yere of the Eeyghne of Queue Elyzabethe unto the seid fest in the Tenthe yere that ys to saye ffor ij yers [156&-8], ffyrst Eeceved of mother barkar ffor ij yers fferme of two acr. of land in her occupyeng dewe at or ladye daye viij8 S': I t 'm Eeceved of Thorn's Elmeston Jun' ffor the halfe fferme of ij acr3 of land lyeng in wastells ffor a yere & a halfe at o1' ladye daye iij3 m of the Eeceyts xj8 Chargys ffor the two yers as ffollowythe:— ffyrst payed at the vysytation at feversh'm the ixth of maye the ffyrst yere viija It'm ffor ij books of prayer vd It'm payed ffor a thowsond of Shyngle •. xs It'm payed to browne for ffettyng of iiij M. of Shyngle ffrom mellale iij3 iiija It'm for Caryage of ij M. of them ffrom the waf syde xija It'm ffor paper ffor the Eegester booke ijd It'm ffor Caryeng of the Shyngle into the Churche vjd It'm payed ffor ij M. of iija nayle iiijs vja It'm layed owt at the vysytation at Syttyngborne aftr myghelmas xija It'm payed to hysted ffor makyng of iij bawdryks & makyng of a newe Eope for the Second bell xija I t 'm payed at the vysytation ffeversh'm the ixth of Julij xviija It'm payed for a wyne botteil S'm of the Chargys ffor the ij yeres Comythe to ... xxiiij8 vija A.D. 1568-69. 337 Eeceyts of the seid will'm henekar ffrom the ffest of the anuntiation of ov ladye in the Tenthe yere of the Eayghne of Quene Elyzabethe unto the seid ffest in the eleventhe yere. I t 'm Eeceved more of the seid Thorn's Elmeston Jun' ffor halfe a yers ffarme of one acre of land dewe at or ladye & late in ye hands of thorn's Elmeston the elders xvd It'm Eeceved of John ffeld ffor the ffarme of two acres of land in hys occupyeng dewe at o1' ladye daye ffor one hole yere va It'm Eeceved of Thorn's Elmeston Jun, ffor the ffarme of one acre of land dewe at or ladye daye ijsvjd S'm of the Eeceyts viij8 ixa Chargys ffor that yere as ffollowythe:— ffyrst payed at the vysytation at ffeversh'm ffor myne one Chargys & vuttyng in of the byll xvjd It'm payed at the vysytation at Syttyngborne xa I t 'm payde to byrche a tyler ffor poyntyng of the north0 lie of the Churche & ffor mendynge of Certen decayed plasys in the Churche ffor vij dayes ffyndyng hym Selfe at xijd the daye vij8 S'm of the Chargys ix8 ija The xxixth daye of October a0 dni. MDIXIX. The accownt made by Will'm heneker one of the Churche wardens of the p'isshe of Eaynh'm & Q-even up unto the p'isshe afforeseid & So the Churche ys in hys dett xij8 ixd. Ma* dewe unto the Churche of Eaynh'm, in the hands of Thorn's butt & Thorn's Elmeston Sen'., xx mother ewys, & the ffarme ffor ffyve yers, dewe at myghelmas in the yere of or lord Q-od MDiiXix. at xj3 the yere, lv8. It'm of owld dett, in the hands of Will'm Wynkfeld, iij11. f l t 'm in the hands of John ffeld, halfe yer's ffarme at myghelmas, iij8 iiija. f l t 'm in the hands of Thorn's Elmeston Jun', halfe yers ffarme at myghelmas, iij8 iiija. ' J. W. * Written at the back of the Accounts, f These two entries have been crossed out. VOI;. XV, z