Kent Fines, 15-20 Edward II

KENT EINES, EDWARD II.* 726. At Westminster, Morrow of St. Martin A015—Betw. John de Esthalle and Matilda his wifeplts.,and Thomas Paulyn, of Codham, and Mabilla his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 12 acr. land, with appurts., in Codham. Eight of Thomas; for which admission Thomas and Mabilla grant to John and Matilda and to the heirs of Matilda. 727. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 15—Betw. William Eeynald', of Leuesham, junior, pit., and Agnes, who was the wife of William Person, of Bstgrenewych', deft., of 1 mess., and 8£ acr. land, with appurts., in Estgrenewych'. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to Agnes for her life, by service of a rose at Nativity of St. John Baptist. After her death to revert to William and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Agnes. 728. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 15—Betw. Thomas de Tonyford' and Isabella his wife pits., and William de Kemesyng' deft., of 1 mess., 2 gardens, 62£ acr. land, 22 acr. and 1 rood of wood, and 4s. 6d. rent, with appurts., in Tanynton', Chertham, and Herbaldoune. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to Thomas and Isabella and to the heirs of Thomas. 729. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A015—Betw. John, son of Eobert atte Ware, de Thornham, pit., and William Hunte deft., of 20 acr. land, with appurts., in Bocton' Monchensy. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to William for his life, by service of a rose at Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to John and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of William. 730. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 15—Betw. James, son of Simon de GKlyngham, pit., and John de Pykynham and Matilda his wife, and Thomas de Kynton' and Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 4 acr. and 1 rood of land, with appurts., in Maydenstan. The deforciants admit it to be the Eight of James ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Matilda and Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 731. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A015—Betw. Thomas, son of Geoffrey le Bakere, of Maydenstan, pit., and William Bullok' and Juliana his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Maydenstan. William and Juliana admit it to be the Eight of Thomas ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Juliana, grant to him 'and to his heirs, and receive 10?. for the concession. * Continued from Vol. XIV., p. 280. VOl. XV. T 274 KENT FINES, 15 EDWARD II. 732. A Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 15—Betw. Joan, who was the wife of William de Euerle, pit., and Thomas de Enebroke and Alianora his wife defts., of the Manor of Swynefeld', with appurts. Eight of Alianora, as that which Thomas and Alianora have of the gift of Joan, to hold to them and to the heirs of Alianora; for which admission Thomas and Alianora, for themselves and the heirs of Alianora, grant to Joan an annuity of 100s., with liberty to distrain should the same be at any time in arrear. After the death of Joan, Thomas and Alianora and the heirs of Alianora to be quit of the payment of said annuity. 733. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 15—Betw. Henry T&ronn pit., and John Andreu and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 7 acr. land, with appurts., in Edenebrigg'. John and Matilda admit it to be the Eight .of Henry; and, for themselves and the heirs of Matilda, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marlcs for the concession. 734. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Hilary A0 15—Betw. John Lengleys and John his son pits., and Humjjhrey de Northwode deft., of 16 acr. land, 3 acr. meadow, and 9 acr. marsh, with appurts., in Heghham, which Stephen de Hemenhale and Alice his wife hold for the life of Alice. Humphrey admits it to be the Eight of John son of John ; and, for himself and his heirs, grants that the aforesaid tenements which Stephen and Alice his wife hold for the life of Alice of the inheritance of Humphrey, and which after her death to him and to his heirs revert, shall after the death of Alice remain to aforesaid John Lengleys and John his son and to the heirs of said John son of John. Humphrey receives for the concession 20 marks. This agreement was made in the presence of Stephen and Alice, who thereupon acknowledged their fealty to John Lengleys and John his son. 735. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A015—Betw. John, son of Eobert Ohaumpeneys, junior, and Matilda, dau. of Thomas de Conton', pits., and John de G-uston' and Mabilla his wife defts., of 1 mess., 40 acr. land, 4 acr. pasture, 2 acr. wood, 2 acr. osier, 4s. 8f d. rent, and rent of 3 hens and 25 eggs, with appurts., in Westwell. Eight of John de Guston'; for which admission John and Mabilla grant to John, son of Eobert, and Matilda and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Matilda. 736. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A015—Betw. Eobert- Kanteys and Johanna his wife pits., and Salomon Stenethegh' and KENT FINES, 15 AND 16 EDWARD II. 275 Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., 14 acr. land, and 25d. rent, with appurts., in Menstre in the Isle of Thanet. And between the same Salomon Stenethegh' and Alice his wife pits., and the aforesaid Eobert Kanteys and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 24 acr. land, with appurts., in Wodenesbergh' and Staple next Wyngham. Salomon and Alice admit the property in Menstre to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to Eobert and Johanna and to the heirs of Eobert; for which concession Eobert and Johanna grant to Salomon and Alice the property in Wodenesbergh' and Staple, to hold to them and to the heirs of Salomon. 737. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 15—Betw. Eichard le Neweman pit., and John le Neweman, of La Sele, and Beatrix his wife defts., of 33 acr. land, 1 acr. meadow, and 5 acr. wood, with appurts., in La Sele and Tonebrigge. Eight of Eichard, who, for the admission, grants to John for his life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to Eichard and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of John and Beatrix. 738. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A015—Betw. William Weryn, of ffleccbyngge, pit., and John le Neweman, of La Sele, and Beatrix his wife defts., of 1 mess., 1 toft, 70| acr. land, 3 acr. mead., and 12 acr. wood, with appurts., in La Sele and Tonebrigge. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to John and Beatrix and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. 739. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A015—Betw. Thomas Chicche, of Canterbury, pit., and John de Eoteham and Alice, who was the wife of Thomas de Shaueeontewelle, defts., of 1 mess., 8 acr. land, 2 roods meadow, 3 roods osier, and 2s. rent, with appurts., in the suburbs of Canterbury. John and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Thomas, and render the same to him in Court to hold to him and his heirs. • Moreover Alice, for herself and her heirs, warrants it to him and his heirs. Eor which concession, etc., John and Alice receive 20 niar7cs. 740. At York, Morrow of Souls A0 16—Betw. William Edwy, of Hethe, pit., and Stephen, son of Stephen de Longehegge, and Johanna his wife defts., of 12 acr. land, 54 acr. pasture, 2 acr. wood, 2s. 2d. rent, rent of one hen, and a moiety of 1 mess., with appurts., in Lymmyng'. Stephen and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 201. for the concession. T 2 276 KENT FINES, 16 EDWARD II. 741. At York, Morrow of Souls A0 16—Betw. Hamo Colebrand' pit., and Gerard de Herst' and Johanna his wife defts., of 12 acr. land, with appurts., in Seintemaricherche next Eomene. Gerard and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Hamo; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 101. for the concession. 742. At York, Octave of St. Martin A016—Betw. Hamo Caluel, of Estgrenewych', and Leticia his daughter pits., and Gilbert le Eede, of London, Baker (" Pestour "), and Juliana his wife defts., of 1 mess., 14 acr. land, 1 acr. meadow, 4 acr. osier, and 3s. rent, with appurts., in Westgrenewych'. Gilbert and Juliana admit it to be the Eight of Hamo; and, for themselves and the heirs of Juliana, grant to Hamo and Leticia and to the heirs of Hamo, and receive 10 mar7cs for the concession. 743. At York, Quinzaine of St. Michael A016—Betw. Henry de Cotesbrok', Parson of the Church of Hertlegh' ,^. , and John de Shympling' and Alice his wife defts., of 5 acr. land, with appurts., in Hertlegh'. John and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Henry ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 101. for the concession. 744. At York, Octave of St. Hilary A0 16—Betw. Eichard, son of John de Kymberle, of Cambridge, pit., and Cecilia, who was the wife of Eobert atte Brigge, of Canterbury, deft., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Canterbury. Cecilia admits it to be the Eight of Eichard; and, for herself and her heirs, grants to him and to his heirs, and receives 100s. for the concession. Endorsed:—" Isabella, daughter of Eobert du Pount, of Canterbury, asserts her claim. Johanna, sister of the same Isabella, asserts her claim. Margeria, sister of Cecilia who was the wife of Eobert du Pount, of Canterbury, asserts her claim." 745. At York, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 16—Betw. Ealph de Lenham pit., and Thomas de Morston' and Juliana his wife defts., of a moiety of 1 mess., 22 acr. land, and 15i. rent, with appurts., in Menstre in the Isle of Thanet, which Johanna, who was the wife of James de Miryfeld', holds in dower. Thomas and Juliana admit it to be the Eight of Ealph; and, for themselves and the heirs of Juliana, grant that the aforesaid moiety which aforesaid Johanna holds in dower of the inheritance of Juliana, and which after the death of Johanna to Juliana and to her heirs reverts, shall after the death of Johanna remain to Ealph _and to his heirs. Thomas and Juliana receive for the concession 201. KENT FINES, 16 AND 17 EDWARD II. 277 746. At York, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A0 16—Betw. Simon de Sutton atte Hone and Alice his wife pits., and Eichard, son of James de Honybergh', and Isabella his wife defts., of 43 acr. land, and 1 acr. wood, with appurts., in Stone next Derteford'. Eichard and Isabella admit it to be the Eight of Alice; and, for themselves and the heirs of Eichard, remit and quit-claim to Simon and Alice and to the heirs of Alice, and receive 10 marks for the remission, etc. 747. At York, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 16—Betw. John Ithum and Alice his wife pits., and Nicholas de Haulay deft., of 2 mess., 4 tofts, 2 mills, 400 acr. land, 8 acr. meadow, 40 acr. wood, and 10s. rent, with appurts., in Pencestre, Chidyngston', Couden', and La Lye. Eight of Nicholas, who, for the admission, grants to John and Alice for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to Eobert son of Philip de Coleuill' and to the heirs of his body ; but if none, then after the death of Eobert to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid John. 748. At York, Octave of St. Michael A017—Betw. William de Insula and Alice his wife (by William de Eeculure in the place of said Alice) pits., and William de Wycombe deft., of 1 mess., 130 acr, land, 9 acr. meadow, and 8d. rent, with appurts., in Ikham and Littilbourn'. Eight of William de Wycombe, who, for the admission, grants to William de Insula and Alice for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to John son of said William de Insula, and to the heirs of his body ; but if none, then after his death to remain to the right heirs of William de Insula. 749. At York, Octave of St. Michael A° 17—Betw. Stephen de Cobeham, junior, pit., and Johanna, daughter of Stephen de Penecestre, deft., of the Manor of Eodmeregge, with appurts. Johanna admits it to be the Eight of Stephen; and, for herself and her heirs, grants to him and to his heirs. Eor which concession Stephen, for himself and his heirs, grants to Johanna an annuity of 201. for her life, with liberty to distrain should the same be at any time in arrear. After the death of Johanna, Stephen and his heirs to be quit of the payment of said annuity. 750. At York, Octave of St. Michael A017—Betw. Stephen de Cobeham, junior, and Margaret his wife pits., and Johanna, daughter of Stephen de PeDecestre, deft., of the Manor of Tunstalle, with appurts. Johanna admits it to be the Eight of Stephen; and, for herself and her heirs, grants to Stephen and Margaret and to the heirs of Stephen. Eor which concession Stephen and Margaret, for 278 KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. themselves and the heirs of Stephen, grant to Johanna an annuity of 801. for her life, with liberty to distrain should the same be at any time in arrear. After the death of Johanna, Stephen and Margaret and the heirs of Stephen to be quit of the payment of said annuity. 751. At York, Octave of St. Michael A0 17—Betw. Hugh le Despenser, Earl of Winchester, pit., and William de Brewosa deft., of 200 marks rent, issuing from the Manor of Wykham. William admits it to be the Eight of the Earl; and, for himself and his heirs, grants that the Earl and his heirs shall receive it yearly at the Eeast of Pentecost, with liberty to distrain should it at any time be in arrear. William gets for the concession 500Z. 752. At York, Octave of St. Michael A0 17—Betw. Eoger de Earkeby and Elizabeth his wife pits., and Master Henry de Grofhurst' deft., of the Manor of Horton' next Derteford', with appurts., and the advowson of the Church of said Manor. Eight of Master Henry, who, for the admission, grants to Eoger and Elizabeth and to the heirs of their bodies ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Eoger. 753. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A017—Betw. William de Cundyeshalle, of Whytstaple, and Johanna his wife pits., and Eobert de Plukele deft., of 1 mess., 250 acr. land, 10 acr. wood, 21s. rent, and rent of 17 hens, with appurts., in Whytstaple. Eight of Eobert, who, for the admission, grants to William and Johanna and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Johanna. 754. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 17—Betw. John de Ouene and Margeria his wife pits., and Eobert de Holebeam, Parson of the Church of Bourdefeld', deft., of 1 mess., and 46 acr. land, with appurts., in Sellyng' next Sheldewych'. Eight of Eobert, who, for the admission, grants to John and Margeria and to the heirs of John. 755. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 17—Betw. Margeria, who was the wife of William Louterich', pit., and John de Whetacre and Juliana his wife defts., of 1 mess., 21 acr. land, 12d. rent, and rent of 1 quarter of wheat, 6 quarters of barley, and 3 hens, with appurts., in Acryse, and Swynefeld'. John and Juliana admit it to be the Eight of Margeria; and, for themselves and the heirs of Juliana, grant to her and to her heirs, and receive 201. for the concession. 756. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 17—Betw. Stephen de Asshewy and Margaret his wife (by Henry le Skynnere KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. 27 9 in place of Margaret) pits., and John de Esthalle and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., 200 acr. land, 1 acr. and 3 roods of meadow, 40 acr. pasture, 20 acr. wood, and 16s. 6^. rent, with appurts., in Kestane, Doune, and Huse. John and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of Stephen; and John, for himself and his heirs, grants to Stephen and Margaret and to the heirs of Stephen, for which concession John and Matilda receive 100 marks. 757. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A017—Betw. John de Chageworth' and Alianora his wife pits., and William de Literyngton' and Isabella his wife defts. of 1 mesis., 1 mill, 66 acr. land, 1 acr. and 1 rood of meadow, 8 acr. pasture, 27 acr. wood, 12d. rent, and rent of 1 hen and 10 eggs, with appurts., in VIcombe. Eight of Isabella; for which admission William and Isabella grant to John and Alianora for their lives, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After their deaths to remain to Elizabeth daughter of said John, and to the heirs of her body; but if none, then after her death to revert to aforesaid William and Isabella and to the heirs of Isabella, quit of the heirs of John and Alianora and also of the other heirs of Elizabeth. 758. At Westminster, Easter in one month A017—Betw. Eoger Sterre pit., and William atte Welde and Johanna his wife defts., of 8 acr. land, and 7 acr. pasture, with appurts., in Plumstede. William and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Eoger; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 759. At Westminster, Morrow of the Ascension of the Lord A017—Betw. Hugh le Despenser, Earl of Winchester, pit., and William deBrewosa deft., of the Manor of Wykham, with appurts., and the advowson of the Church of said Manor. Eight of the Earl, who, for the admission, grants to William for his life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to the Earl and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of William. 760. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A017—Betw. Stephen de Bokelond' pit., and John Huntekyn, of Heryetesham, and Johanna his -wife defts., of the third part of 10 acr. land, with appurts., in Bokelond' next Osprynge. John and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Stephen; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 761. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 17—Betw. John, son of Thomas de Bakechilde, and Agnes his wife pits., and Margaret, who was the wife of John de ffogheleston', and Maurice de 280 KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. Bakechilde defts., of 1 mess., 1 mill, 156 acr. land, 24 acr. wood, 80 acr. marsh, 41. rent, and rent of 4 cocks, 100 hens, and 100 eggs, with appurts., in Bakechilde, Tonge, Sidyngbourne, Middelton? , Eenham, Wade, and Kyngeston'. Eight of Margaret; for which admission Margaret and Maurice grant to John and Agnes and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. 762. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 17—Betw. Adam Eomak', of Bilsyntone, and Godeleua his wife pits., and Godfrey de Markestoune and Auicia his wife defts., of 18 acr. land, with appurts., in luecherche and Newecherche. Godfrey and Auicia admit it to be the Eight of Godeleua; and, for themselves and the heirs of Auicia, grant to Adam and Godeleua and to the heirs of Godeleua, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 763. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 17—Betw. Godfrey de Markestoune and Auicia his wife pits., and William de Markestoune deft., of 23 acr. land, with appurts., in Newecherche. Godfrey and Auicia admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and the heirs of Auicia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 764. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 17—Betw. John de Eldershaghe pit., and Godfrey de Markestoune and Auicia his wife defts., of 11 acr. land, with appurts., in luecherche and Newecherche. Godfrey and Auicia admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Auicia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 765. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A017—Betw. Paganus, son of Peter de Plukele,^Z£., and John de Lenham and Beatrix his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 5 acr. land, with appurts., in Chertham. John and Beatrix admit it to be the Eight of Paganus ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Beatrix, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marTcs for the concession. 766. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 17—Betw. William le Hertpit., and John le Heyward' and Agnes his wife defts., of 6£ acr. land, with appurts., in Osprenge next ffauersham. John and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of William ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 mar7cs for the concession. 767. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 17—Betw. William, son of Walter Pipil, of Godmersham, pit., and Eoger de Stonolde and Arminia his wife defts., of 4 acr. land, and a moiety KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. 28 1 of 1 acr. of meadow, with appurts., in Crundale. Eoger and Arminia admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and the heirs of Arminia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 768. At Westminster, Octave of St. John Baptist A0 17—Betw. John Kenewy, junior, and Margeria his wife pits., and Bertinus Euffyn deft., of 36 acr. land, 3 acr. wood, 3 acr. osier, 8s. rent, rent of 6 hens, and a moiety of 1 mess., and a mill, with appurts., in Ighteham. Eight of Bertinus, who, for the admission, grants to John and Margeria and to the heirs of Margeria. 769. At Westminster, Octave of St. John Baptist A0 17—Betw. John, son of Thomas atte Molond', of Esse next Sandwich, pit., and John Ouppre and Cristina his wife defts., of 2 acr. land, with appurts., in Esse next Sandwich. John C. and Cristina admit it to be the Eight of John, son of Thomas ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Cristina, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 770. At Westminster, Octave of St. John Baptist A017—Betw. Elias Bayly, of Wyngeham, and Walter his son (by Alan atte Brok' in place of said Walter) pits., and John Eotyer, of Crundale, and Constancia his wife defts., of 1 mess., 3 acr. and 1 rood of land, 5s. rent, and a moiety of 1 mess., and 1 acr. of meadow, with appurts., in Wyngeham. John and Constancia admit it to be the Eight of Walter; and John, for himself and his heirs, grants to Elias and Walter and to the heirs of Walter. John and Constancia receive 201. for the concession. 771. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A017—Betw. Hugh atte Berton', of Bereham, pit., and William de Boywyk', of Chertham, and Margeria his wife defts., of 20 acr. land, 10 acr. pasture, 3 acr. wood, the sixth part of 3s. 8^. rent, and rent of 1 cock and 3 hens, with appurts., in Bereham. William and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Hugh; and William, for himself and his heirs, grants to Hugh and to his heirs; for which concession William and Margeria receive 40 marks. 772. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A017—Betw. John jfymyan and Isabella his wife^s. , and Stephen atte ffenne deft., of 1 mess., and 7\ acr. land, with appurts., in Hoo St. Wereburga. Eight of Stephen, who, for the admission, grants to John and Isabella and to the heirs of John. 773. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 17—Betw. Eobert le Hert and Elizabeth his wife (by William de Beculure in 282 KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. place of Elizabeth) pits., and Eichard de Leyham deft., of 1 mess., 146 acr. land, 6s. 9d. rent, and rent of 2 cocks, 16 hens, 100 eggs, 2 quarters of wheat, and 12 quarters and 4 bushels of barley, with appurts., in ffauersham, Ospringe, Sheldewych', and Stalesfeld'. Eight of Eichard, who, for the admission, grants to Eobert and Elizabeth and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Eobert. 774. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 17—Betw. Peter Barde and Constance his wife (by Henry de Sfcureye in place of Constance) pits., and John de Sowynton' and Agnes his wife defts., of 3J acr. and 5 perches of land in length and 1 perch of land in breadth, with appurts., in Preston' next Wengeham. John and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of Peter; and John, for himself and his heirs, grants to Peter and Constance and to the heirs of Peter; for which concession John and Agnes receive 20 marlcs. 775. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A0 17— Betw. Alexander de Boklonde^. , and Geoffrey de Boklonde deft., of 1 mess., 100 acr. land, 10 acr. pasture, 8 acr. wood, and 9s. rent, with appurts., in Maydenstan. Eight of Alexander, who, for the admission, grants to Geoffrey for his life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to Alexander and to his heirs, quit of tho heirs of Geoffrey. 776. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 17—Betw. Thomas Bounde, of Westgate, pit., and Stephen de Donecastre and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Westgate. Stephen and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of Thomas; and Stephen, for himself and his heirs, grants to Thomas and to his heirs ; for which concession Stephen and Matilda receive 40s. 777. At Westminster, Octave of St. John Baptist A0 17—Betw. John de Southwyk', chaplain, pit., and John, son of Semannus de Groue, and Matilda his wife defts., of 3J acr. land, with appurts., in Sturmouth' next Wengeham. John son of S. and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of John de Southwyk'; and, for themselves and the heirs of Matilda, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 778. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 17—Betw. Thomas Dagh' and Sibillahis wiiepits., and Master Martin Loterych' deft., of 21 acr. land, with appurts., in ffaueresham, Preston, and Sheldwych'. Eight of Master Martin, who, for the admission, grants to Thomas and Sibilla and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Sibilla. KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. 28 3 779. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A017—Betw. Thomas le Smyth' and John his brother pits., and John de Burgo and Amicia his wife defts., of 11 acr. laud, with appurts., in Mersham. John de B. and Amicia admit it to be the Eight of Thomas; and, for themselves and the heirs of Amicia, grant to Thomas and John his brother and to the heirs of Thomas, and receive 101. for the concession. 780. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A017—Betw. John Colyn, of luecherche,pit., and Martin Seriaunt, of Eomene, and Margeria his wife defts., of 29£ acr. land, with appurts., in Hope St. Peter and the Vill of St. Clement, Old Eomene. Martin and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of John; and Martin, for himself and his heirs, grants to John and to his heirs; for which concession Martin and Margeria receive 10Z. 781. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A017 —Betw. John de Mereworth' and Margeria his wife (by Hugh de Causton' in place of Margeria) pits., and Peter Peuerel deft., of the Manor of Mereworth', with appurts., and the advowson of the Church of said Manor. Eight of Peter, who, for the admission, grants to John and Margeria and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. 782. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A017—Betw. Hamo Courtehose^?^., and Martin Seriaunt, of Eomene, and Margeria his wife defts., of 29| acr. land, and 13s. 4id. rent, with appurts., in Newecherche, Old Eomene, and the Vills of St. Martin and St. Clement. Martin and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Hamo; and Martin, for himself and his heirs, grants to Hamo and to his heirs; for which concession Martin and Margeria receive 20 marks. 783. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 17— Betw. John de Standon' pit., and William atte fforde, of Canterbury, and Juliana his wife defts., of 4£ acr. land, with appurts., in the suburbs of Canterbury. William and Juliana admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Juliana, grant to him and to his heirs and receive 10 marks for the concession. 784. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A0 17— Betw. Eichard ffriland' pit., and Martin Seriaunt, of Eomene, and Margeria his wife defts., of 35 acr. land, and lis. Id. rent, with appurts., in Hope St. Peter and the Vill of St. Clement, Old Eomene. Martin and Margeria admit it be the Eight of Eichard; and Martin, for himself and his heirs, grants to Eichard and to his heirs; for which concession Martin and Margeria receive 201. 284 KENT FINES, 17 EDWARD II. 785. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A0 17— Betw. Thomas de Grubbyngdale pit., and Eoger Stace, of Eipple, and Margeria his wife defts., of the third part of 1 mess., and 10 acr. land, with appurts., in Sellyng' next ffaueresham. Eoger and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Thomas ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 40s. for the concession. 786. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity, A0 17— Betw. Matilda, daughter of Augustine Burrych', pit., and William Thurbarn, of Brociaunde, deft., of 1 mess., and 20 acr. land, with appurts., in Brociaunde and Brensete. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to Matilda for her life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After her death to revert to William and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Matilda. 787. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A0 17— Betw. ffelicia, who was the wife of Walter Cole, and Eobert, William, and Walter her sons (by Alan atte Brok in place of ffelicia and Walter) pits., and Bartholomew Marker and Cecilia his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 8 acr. land, with appurts., in Bradegare. Bartholomew and Cecilia admit it to be the Eight of ffelicia; and, for themselves and the heirs of Cecilia, grant to the plaintiffs and to the heirs of ffelicia, and receive 101. for the concession. 788. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 17— Betw. Eichard Warstan, junior, pit., and Eichard Warstan, of La Zele, senior, deft., of 2 mess., 18 acr. land, 1 acr. and 1 rood of meadow, and 4 acr. wood, with appurts., in Zele and Kemesingg'. Eight of Eichard W., junior, who, for the admission, grants to Eichard W., of La Zele, for his life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to Eichard W., junior, and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Eichard W., of La Zele. 789. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A0 17— Betw. John Michel pit., and Clement de Bredehamme and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 3 acr. land, with appurts., in Sellyngge next Sheldwych'. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Clement and Matilda for their lives, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After their deaths to revert to John and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Clement and Matilda. 790. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A0 17— Betw. Ealph de Cobeham (by John de Asshe in his stead) pit., and John de Candeure and Theophania his wife defts., of 6 | acr, meadow, KENT FINES, 17 AND 18 EDWARD II. 285 and 19s. 8d. rent, with appurts., in Derteford'. John and Theophania admit it to be the Eight of Ealph ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Theophania, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 101. for the concession. 791. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A0 17— Betw. Eobert le Mellere, of Bakechilde, and Agnes his wife^Ws., and William de Dungeshille and John atte Bailye defts., of 1 messuage, 52 acr. land, 25 acr. marsh, and 3s. rent, with appurts., in Ore next ffauersham. Eight of William ; for which admission William and John grant to Eobert and Agnes and to the heirs of their bodies ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to John son of the aforesaid Eobert and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of John to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Agnes. 792. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. Thomas But and Johanna his wife pits., and Thomas de Pattemelle and Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Maydenstan'. Thomas de P. and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Thomas B. ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to Thomas B. and Johanna and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 793. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. Henry le Granger and Matilda his wife pits., and Thomas But, of Meydenstan', senior, and Johanna his wife defts,, of a moiety of 1 mess., with appurts., in Meydenstan'. Thomas and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Henry; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to Henry and Matilda and to the heirs of Henry, and receive 40s. for the concession. 794. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. Guncelin Osbarn, of Clyue, pit., and Thomas Jouwel, of Horton', and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 4 acr. land, with appurts., in Clyue. Thomas and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Guncelin; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 101, for the concession. 795. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. Guncelin Osbarn, of Clyue, pit., and Walter de Croulond and Agnes his wife defts., of 1 mess., 20 acr. land, 8s. lOd. rent, and the third part of 1 mill and 15 acr. of marsh, with appurts., in Clyue and ffrendesbery. Walter and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of Guncelin; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20?. for the concession. 286 KENT FINES,. 1 8 EDWARD II. 796. At Westminster, Morrow of Souls A0 18—Betw. Eichard Wybert', of Sandwich, pit., and Eobert de Wynchestre and Martha his wife defts., of 4 acr. land, with appurts., in Eastry. Eobert and Maz'iba admit it to be the Eight of Eichard; and, for themselves and the heirs of Martha, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 797. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. Hugh de Lee and Leticia his wife pits:, and John de Dunolm' and Isabella his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 15 acr. land, with appurts., in Lee. John and Isabella admit it to be the Eight of Hugh; and, for themselves and the heirs of Isabella,-grant to Hugh and Leticia and to the heirs of Hugh, and receive 101. for the concession. 798. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. Eoger de Lenn' pit., and William de Canefeld', of Wrotham, and Margeria his wife defts., of 8 acr. land, with appurts., in Wrotham. William and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Eoger; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 799. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A018—Betw. John Quikeman pit., and Thomas Quikeman deft., of 1 mess., and 40 acr. land, with appurts., in the Vill of St. Margaret of Clyue. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Thomas for his life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to John and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Thomas. 800. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Martin A0 18—Betw. Eoesia, who was the wife of John de Bureford' (by Sampson de Kereseye in her stead), pit., and Eobert de Wythenhale and Johanna his wife defts., of 2 acr. and 1 rood of land, with appurts., in Erde. Eobert and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Eoesia ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to her and to her heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 801. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 18—Betw. Adam atte Crouche and Johanna his wife pits., and John Martyn, of Brichilton', deft., of 1 mess., and 14 acr. land, with appurts., in Monketone and Brichilton' in the Isle of Thanet. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Adam and Johanna and to the heirs of Adam. 802. At Westminster, Morrow of Souls A018—Betw. Hugh le Hare and Johanna his wife pits., and Eichard Swyft', of Eeynham, deft., of 1 mess., and 5 acr. land, with appurts., in Preston' next KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. 287 Wengham. Eight of Eichard, who, for the admission, grants to Hugh and Johanna and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Johanna. 803. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. John de Kyngeston' and Eobert his brother pits., and William Bygge, of Elham, deft., of 1 mess., 12J acr. land, and 4id. rent, with appurts., in Elham. William admits it to be the Eight of John; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to John and Eobert and to the heirs of John, and receives 10 marks for the concession. 804. At Westminster, Morrow of St. Martin A0 18—Betw. William de Helles and Margaret his wife pits., and Nicholas de Wenseston' and Maria his wife defts., of 17 acr. land, 3 acr. and 1 rood of marsh, and the third part of 1 mess., with appurts., in Esshe and Wodenesbergh' next Sandwich. Nicholas and Maria admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and the heirs of Maria, grant to William and Margaret and to the heirs of William, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 805. At Westminster, Morrow of Souls A0 18—Betw, William Morannt and Johanna his wife (by John le Botiller in the place of said Johanna) pits., and William, son of William le ffeutrer, of Bradestede, deft., of 1 mess., 170 acr. land, 10 acr. mead., 28 acr. past., 15 acr. wood, 34s. rent, and rent of 20 hens, with appurts., in Oteford', and Chiueningge. Eight of William, son of William, who, for the admission, grants to William Moraunt and Johanna and to the heirs of William Moraunt. 806. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. Walter de Croulonde, of Wroteham, pit., and Guncelin Osbarn, of Clyue, and Margeria his wife defts., of 1 mess., 8 acr. and 1 rood of land, 2 acr. mead., 1 acr. and 1 rood of wood, 4 acr. marsh, 3s. rent, and rent of 4 hens and 36 eggs, with appurts., in Clyue. Guncelin and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Walter; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 807. At Westminster, Morrow of St. Martin A0 18—Betw. William le Belyetere pit., and Peter, son of Henry Poteman, of Cobham, and Isabella his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Canterbury. Peter and Isabella admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and the heirs of Isabella, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 808. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. John Payforer^fe., and Eichard, son of Eulk Payforer, and Juliana 288 KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. his wife defts., of 40 acr. land, and 14 acr. wood, with appurts., in Wychelyngg' and Dodynton'. Eight of Eichard; for which admission Eichard and Juliana grant to John an"d to the heirs of his body, he paying to Eichard and Juliana during the life of Eichard, and to Juliana if she survive, 5 marks yearly, and to the heirs of Eichard a rose at Nativity of St. John Baptist. Should John die without heirs of his body, then after his death to revert to Eichard, and Juliana and to heirs of [Eichard], quit of other heirs of John. 809. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. William de Luteryngton' and Isabella his wife pits., and Eoger de Langedon' and Alicia his wife defts., of 1 mess., 50 acr. land, 10 acr. pasture, 6 acr. wood, 14id. rent, and rent of 1 cock and 1 hen, with appurts., in Lyndestede. Eight of Eoger; for which admission Eoger and Alice grant to William and Isabella and to his heirs by her ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to Juliana sister of Isabella, and to her heirs. Endorsed :—" ss. Adam son of Eoger de Langedom' (sic) asserts his claim." 810. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 18—Betw. Elias de Morton' pit., and John Haket', of Canterbury, senior, and Amicia his wife defts., of 6 acr. and 1 rood of land, and a moiety of 1 acr. of wood, with appurts., in Brugge. John and Amicia admit it to be the Eight of Elias ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Amicia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 811. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. William Chaunterel pit., and Thomas atte Halle, of Scottesokholte, and Eelicia his wife defts., of 1 mess., 200 acr. land, 5 acr. and 1 rood of mead., 52 acr. past., 50 acr. wood, and 16s. rent, with appurts., in Scottesokholte and Cheuenyngg'. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to Thomas and Eelicia and to his heirs by her ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to Alexander Gyles, of Lesnes, and Johanna his wife and to his heirs by her ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Thomas. 812. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. William de Dungeselle pit., and Agnes, who was the wife of John de Dungeselle, deft., of 1 mess., 25 acr. land, 3^ acr. wood, 6s. 8d. rent, and rent of 3 cocks and 12 hens, with appurts., in Sidyngbourne, Midelton', Bordenne, and Bradgare. Eight of Agnes, who, KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. 28 9 for the admission, grants to William and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to William his son and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid William de Dungeselle. 813. At Westminster, - Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. Margaret de Manston' (by Adam Wyth' in her stead) pit., and Henry Sherreue deft., of 1 mess., 61 acr. land, 22 acr. marsh, 4\ acr. wood, and 55s. 4id. rent, with appurts., in Monketon', Menstre in the Isle of Thanet, and Chistelet. Henry grants to Margaret for her life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After her death to revert to Henry and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Margaret. 814. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Martin A018—Betw. Adam Pycod', of Erde, pit., and Eobert de Wythenhale and Johanna his wife defts., of 2 acr. land, with appurts., in Erde. Eobert and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Adam ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the coucession. 815. At Westminster, St. Michael in three weeks A018—Betw. Thomas de Delsce, Margeria daughter of Estermannus de Hogheuelde of Osprenge, and William son of the said Margeria, pits., and John de Byx and Mabilla his wife defts., of 1 mess., 1 garden, 17 acr. and 3 roods of land, and 6 acr. wood, with appurts., in Wychelyng'. Eight of John; for which admission John and Mabilla grant to Thomas and Margeria for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to William and to the heirs of his body ; but if none, then after his death to remain to the right heirs of Margeria. John and his heirs warrant. 816. At Westminster, Morrow of Souls A018—Betw. John de Guston'pit., and Stephen de Esole deft., ox" 188 acr. land, 1 acr. wood, 43s. 3f d. rent, and rent of 1 cock and 14 hens, and a moiety of 1 mess., with appurts., in luecherche, Old Eomene, Estlangedon', Guston', Apuldre, Broklonde, St. Augustus Westclyue, and the Vill of St. Margaret of Clyue. Eight of Stephen, who, for the admission, grants to John and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to Eichard Wybert, of Sandwich, and Johanna his wife, and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Johanna. 817. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. William Gylemyn, of Canterbury, and Emma his wife pits., and VOL. XV. , TJ 290 KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. Nigellus de Whetacre deft., of 1 mess., 166 acr. land, 4 acr. wood, 3s. l\d. rent, and rent of 9 hens, with appurts., in Bisshopesbourn' and Bregge next Canterbury. Eight of Nigellus, who, for the admission, grants to William and Emma for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to Adam, son of John de Bisshopesgate junior, and Johanna his wife, and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Johanna. 818. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A018—Betw. Eichard Hamun, of Sydingburne, pit., and Eichard le Deghere, of Sydingburne, and Johanna his wife defts., of 2 mess., and 4^ acr. land, with appurts., in Bakechilde. Eichard le D. and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Eichard H.; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 819 is a Lancashire Fine, and has been removed to that county. 820. At Westminster, Morrow of St. Martin A0 18—Betw. John de Hamme and Margeria his wife pits., and Walter Maserer and Margeria his wife defts., of 1 acr. and 3 roods of land, with appurts., in Bocton' under LeBlean. Walter and Margeria his wife admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria (wife of Walter), grant to John and Margeria his wife and to the heirs of John, and receive 10 mar7cs for the concession. 821. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. Alexander Giles, of Lesnes, pit., and William de Derham and Alice his wife defts., of 10 acr. land, and a moiety of 1 mess., with appurts., in Lesnes. William and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Alexander ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 mar7cs for the concession. 822. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. John de la Dene, of Mepham, chaplain, pit., and Master Simon, son of Simon de la Dene, of Mepham, deft., of 1 mess., 1 mill, 200 acr. land, 5 acr. meadow, 60 acr. pasture, 18 acr. wood, 66s. 8d. rent, and rent of 32 hens and 120 eggs, with appurts., in Mepham, Ludesdon', Northfiete, Swaneseomp', Estmallyng', and Clyue next Hegham. Eight of Master Simon, who, for the admission, grants to John for his life, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to Master Simon and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of John. 823. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. Henry de Elham and Isabella his wife pits,, and Walter de Hegh', KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. 29 1 Parson of the Church of Nettelsted', deft., of 1 mess., 1 mill, 3 pools, 2 carucates of land, 10 acr. wood, 50 acr. marsh, 60s. rent, and rent of 1 cock and 15 hens, with appurts., in Stone next Derteford'. Eight of Walter, who, for the admission, grants to Henry and Isabella and .to his heirs by her ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Henry. 824. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A018—Betw. John de Betleshangre and Alianora his wife (by John de Suthwerk' in place of Alianora) pits., and William de Selueston', Parson of the Church of Brok', deft,, of 1 mess., 200 acr. land, 10s. rent, and rent of 1 cock and 9 hens, with appurts., in Northburne. William grants two parts of the aforesaid tenements, with appurts., to John and Alianora and to his heirs by her. Moreover he grants, for himself and his heirs, that the third part of the aforesaid tenements, with appurts., which Agnes who was the wife of Eobert de Betleshangre held in dower of the inheritance of William in the aforesaid Vill the day this agreement was made, and which after her death to him and to his heirs reverts, shall after the death of Agnes remain to John and Alianora and to their heirs abovesaid, together with the aforesaid two parts. And if it happen that John die without heirs by Alianora, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. This agreement was made in the presence of Agnes, who thereupon acknowledged her fealty to John and Alianora. 825. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 18—Betw. Master Eichard Khel pit., and John de Marton', Parson of the Church of Westillebury, deft., of the Manor of ffotescreye, with appurts. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Master Eichard and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to William Vaghan and Johanna his wife and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to Johanna daughter of John Abel, and to the heirs of her body; but if none, then after her death to remain to Margaret her sister, and to the heirs of her body; but if none, then after the death of Margaret to remain to Katherine her sister, and to the heirs of her body; but if none, then after the death of Katherine to remain to the right heirs of Master Eichard. Endorsed:—" Laurencius de Elrnham and Lucia his wife assert their claim." 826. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 18—Betw. Cecilia Mokele pit., and Eichard Germyn and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Middelton'. TJ 2 292 KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. Eichard and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Cecilia; and Eichard, for himself and his heirs, grants to Cecilia and to her heirs; for which concession Eichard and Johanna receive 100s. 827. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 18—'Betw. Henry de Bettenhamme pit., and Thomas, son of John de Northwode senior, deft., of 16 acr. land, 16 acr. of wood, aud 12d. rent, with appurts., in Cranebrok'. Eight of Thomas, who, for the admission, grants to Henry and to his heirs. 828. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A018—Betw. Eobert de Northbynne pit., and ffurmentinus, son of John de Whetakre, and Cristina his wife defts., of 30 acr. land, 5s. rent, and the fourth part of 1 mess., with appurts., in Sutton' next Northbourne, ffurmentinus and Cristina admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Cristina, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 829. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A018—Betw. Stephen Euerard' and Dionisia his wife pits., and John, son of Laurence de Polle, deft., of 1 mess., 128^ acr. land, 50 acr. marsh, and a moiety of 2 mess., with appurts., in Boclaund', Norton', Dauynton', ffaueresham, Stone, and Hore. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Stephen and Dionisia and to the heirs of Stephen. 830. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 18—Between John, son of Luca de la Gare, pit., and Eobert le Messager, of Newenton', and Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 14j acr. land, with appurts., in Newenton next Sidyngbourn'. Eight of John,-who, for the admission, grants to Eobert and Alice for their lives, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After their deaths to revert to John and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Eobert and Alice. 831. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 18—Betw. John son of Adam Martyn, and Alice, daughter of John Ode, pits., and John Waleys and Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 3-J acr. land, with appurts., in Bstgrenewych'. Eight of Alice, wife of John W.; for which admission John W. and Alice grant (by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist) to John son of Adam, and Alice daughter of John O., and to his heirs by heir; but if none, then after their deaths to revert to John W. and Alice his wife and to her heirs, quit of other heirs of John son of Adam, and Alice daughter of John. 832. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Hilary A0 18—Betw. KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. 29 3 Master Hugh de fforsham pit., and William de Oueneye, of Sunderessh', deft., of 1 mess., 180 acr. land, 15 acr. meadow, 10 acr. wood, rent of 3 hens and 12 cartloads of brushwood, and pasturage for 2 heifers, 1 bull, 13 cows, and 30 pigs, with appurts., in Tonebrigg' and Legh'. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to Master Hugh for his life,with remainder after his death to Stephen son of Eoger le Pestour, of Sutton' Valence, for his life; and after the death of Stephen to remain to the right heirs of Master Hugh. 833. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A018—Betw. John Squeler, of Burnham, pit., and John, son of Ealph Wolford', of Eghteham, and Beatrix his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Eghteham. John, son of Ealph, and Beatrix admit it to be the Eight of John S. j and John, son of Ealph, for himself and his heirs, grants to John S. and to his heirs ; for which concession John, son of Ealph, and Beatrix receive 100s. 834. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A018—Betw. John Dauy, of Green, pit., and Walter atte Nynne, of Writtele, and Alice his wife defts., of 5 acr. and 3^ roods of land, with appurts., in Green. Walter and Alice admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 835. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A018—Betw. Stephen de Cobeham and Auicia his wife (by William de Langeleye in place of Auicia) pits., and Eichard de Empyngham, chaplain, deft., of the Manor of Alynton', with appurts., and the advowson of the Church of said Manor. Eight of Eichard, who, for the admission, grants to Stephen and Auicia and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Stephen. 836. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A018—Betw. Thomas de Cobeham and Idonia his wife (by William de Passeleye in place of Idonia) pits., and Henry de Gerounde deft., of 1 mess.,1 toft, 2 mills, 1 carucate and 80 acr. of land, 180 acr. pasture, and 40s. rent, with appurts., in Penesherst', Chydyngeston',Halghestowe,and in the Vill of All Saints in Hoo. Eight of Henry, who, for the admission, grants to Thomas and Idonia and to the heirs of the body of Thomas; but if none, then after the deaths of Thomas and Idonia to remain to William de Passeleye and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to John his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of John to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Thomas. 294 KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. 837. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 18—Betw. Thomas de Basyng' and Hawysia his wife pits., and Adam Sare and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., 1 mill, 100 acr. land, 1 acr. meadow, 30 acr. pasture, and 13s. rent, with appurts., in Parua Hughham. Eight of Adam; for which admission Adam and Johanna grant to Thomas and Hawysia for their lives, by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After their deaths to revert to Adam and Johanna and to the heirs of Adam, quit of the heirs of Thomas and Hawysia. 838. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 18—Betw. Walter de Huntyngfeld' and Laurence his son (by Nicholas de Eisyng', guardian of Laurence, in his stead) pits., and Benedict de Huntyngfeld', Parson of the Church of Eselyng', deft., of 1 mess., 1 carucate of land, 30 acr. pasture, 80 acr. wood, 40s. rent, and rent of 30 hens and 300 eggs, with appurts., in Mepham. Eight of Benedict, who, for the admission, grants to Walter for his life, with remainder after his death to aforesaid Laurence and to the heirs of his body ; but if none, then after the death of Laurence to remain to Hugh his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Hugh to remain to Nicholas his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Nicholas to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Walter. 839. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 18—Betw. Thomas de Bonynton' and Isabella his wife (by William de Soles in place of Isabella) pits., and Theobald de Vnderdoune, chaplain, deft., of 2 mess., 160 acr. land, 40 acr. pasture, 1 acr. moor, and 13s. rent, with appurts,, in Godwyneston', Nonynton', Bekesbourn', and Litlesbourn'. Eight of Theobald, who, for the admission, grants the messuage, 100 acr. land, pasture, and rent, with appurts., in Vills of Godewyneston' and Nonynton' to Thomas and Isabella and to the heirs of Thomas; and all the residue of the aforesaid tenements, namely 1 mess., 60 acr. land, and moor, with appurts., in Vills of Bekesbourn' and Litlesbourn' to Thomas and Isabella for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to John, son of same Thomas, for his life; and after his death to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Thomas, 840. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 18—Betw. John fflemyng' junior and Mabilla his wife pits., and John Bagge, of Ohilleham, chaplain, deft., of 1 mess., and 12 acr. land, with appurts., in Chilleham. Eight of John E.; for which admission John E. and Mabilla grant to John B. for his life, by service of a KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. 29 5 rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to John E. and Mabilla and to the heirs of said John, quit of the heirs of John B. 841. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 18—Betw. ffranco de Scoland' and Alice his wife (by Nicholas de Leddrede in place of Alice) pits., and William de Boudon' deft., of the Manor of Parua ffrenyngham, with appurts. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to ffranco and Alice and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of ffranco. 842. At Westminster, Easter in one month A018—Betw. John, son of Eichard Budel, of Otteford', pit., and John Pode and Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Otteford'. John P. and Alice admit it to be the Eight of John, son of Eichard; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 843. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 18—Betw. Eoger de Suthwyk' and Margaret his wife (by Thomas de Gilingham in place of Margaret) pits., and Nicholas de Northwode, of London',- deft., of the Manor of Parua Delse next Eochester, with appurts. Eight of Nicholas, who, for the admission, grants to Eoger and Margaret and to the heirs of Eoger. 844. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A018—Betw. Eichard, son of Eoger de Cherleton', pit., and Thomas, son of Thomas de Cherleton', and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., 50 acr. land, 4£ acr. wood, 10s. rent, and rent of 2 cocks, 8 hens, and 150 eggs, with appurts., in Swynefeld', Ledene, and Wodeton'. Thomas and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of Eichard; and Thomas, for himself and his heirs, grants to Eichard and to his heirs ; for which concession Thomas and Matilda receive 201. 845. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 18—Betw. William Waleys, of Maydenstan, and Emma his wife pits., and Thomas Gregory, of Estfarlegh', deft., of 7 acr. land, with appurts., in Lose next Maydenstan. Eight of Thomas, who, for the admission, grants to William and Emma and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Emma. 846. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 18—Betw. Alan Jacob pit., and Hugh atte Chaumbre, of Kersaulton', and Margaret his wife defts., of the third part of 1 mess., 80 acr. land, 6 aCr. meadow, 14 acr. pasture, and 6 acr. wood, with appurts., in Sondresshe. Hugh and Margaret admit it to be the Eight of 296 KENT FINES, 18 EDWARD II. Alan; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margaret, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 847. At Westminster, Easter in one month A018—Betw. John de Leueseham and Margeria his wife (by Bertram de Suthwerk' in place of Margeria) pits., and John, son of James de Honebergh', and Alice his wife defts., of 3 acr. land, with appurts., in ffrendesbery. Eight of Alice ; for which admission John, son of James, and Alice grant to John de L. and Margeria and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Margeria. 848. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A018—Betw. Thomas de Stapeldon' pit., and Thomas Gegg' deft., of 4 mess., 4 mills, 4 carucates of land, 120 acr. meadow, and 130 acr. wood, with appurts., in Wroteham, Brenchesle, and Ealdyng', and of a moiety of the Manor of Helthe, with appurts. Eight of Thomas de S., who, for the admission, grants to Thomas Gegg' for his life, he to pay for the same to Thomas de S. and his heirs 201. per annum. After his death to remain, by accustomed service, to Thomas Walrand' and Isabella his wife and to his heirs by her ; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Thomas Gegg'. 849. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A018—Betw. Eichard de Sconyngton' pit., and Boneface de Sconyngton' deft., of 1 mess., 1 mill, 110 acr. land, 16 acr. wood, 4s. rent, and rent of 2 cocks and 5 hens, with appurts., in Tongge. Boneface admits it to be the Eight of Eichard; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to Eichard and to his heirs, and receives 100 marks for the concession. 850. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A018—Betw. William Brembil pit., and Adam atte Gate and Agnes his wife defts., of 9 acr. land, and 4£ acr. pasture, with appurts., in Godmersham and Wy. Adam and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of William ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 851. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A0 18— Betw. Eichard de Grofherst' pit., and John Kenewy, junior, and Margeria his wife defts., of 2 acr. land, 3 acr. osier, and a moiety of 1 mill, with appurts., in Ighteham. John and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Eichard; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s, for the concession. 852. At Westminster, Octave of St. John Baptist A0 18—Betw. Eichard Lulle, of Ledes, pit., and Eichard le Wrefk' and Willelma KENT FINES, 18 AND 19 EDWARD II. 297 his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 10 acr. land, with appurts., in Ledes. Eichard le W. and Willelma admit it to be the Eight of Eichard Lulle; and, for themselves and the heirs of Willelma, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 movies for the concession. 853. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 18—Betw. Eobert, son of John Alard, of Wynchelse (by Stephen Donet in his stead),pit., and John de ffilethe and Matilda his wife defts., of 9 acr. land, with appurts., in Eoluyndenne. John and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Matilda, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 854. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A018—Betw. William Humfray pit., and Adam le Mellere, of Coulyngg', and Johanna his wife defts., of 4 | acr. land, with appurts., in Heghham. Adam and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of William ; and,- for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 855. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. the Abbot of Bello (Battle), by Bertram de Suthewerk' in his stead, pit., and William atte Leghe and Margeria his wife defts., of 30 acr. land, with appurts., in Hauekhurst'. William and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of the said Abbot and his church of St. Martin of Bello; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and his said church and to his successors, and receive 201. for the concession. 856. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 3—Betw. John Wyard' pit., and Eichard Gyles and Agnes his wife defts., of 1 mess., 12 acr. land, and a moiety of 1 acr. of mead., with appurts., in Lesnes. And, subsequently, in the Octave of St. Martin A0 19, after the deaths of aforesaid John and Agnes, between Eichard de Tylmerston' and Agnes his wife, and Simon Chaunterel and Emma his wife, (Agnes and Emma being) daughters and heirs of aforesaid John, (pits.,) and the aforesaid Eichard, and John le Mareschall and Johanna his wife, and Margaret daughter of Mabilla de Gosewentes, cousins and heirs of aforesaid Agnes wife of aforesaid Eichard Gyles, (defts.,) of the aforesaid tenements, with appurts. Eichard and Agnes had admitted it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, had granted to John and to his heirs, and received 20Z. for the concession. Endorsed:—"Stephen Burre and Eobert Burre, of Kent, brothers, and Alexander Hereward', Citizen of London, assert their claim." 298 KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. 857. At Westminster, Morrow of Souls A0 19—Betw. Eoger de Grofherst' pit., and Adam Sare, of Pechherst', and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., 30 acr. land, 30 acr. wood, and l is. 6d. rent, with appurts., in Goutherst'. Adam and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of Eoger; and, for themselves and the heirs of Matilda, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100 marks for the concession. 858. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. William le Taillour, of Lullingeston', and Johanna his wife pits., and Isabella de Eokesle deft., of 1 mess., 60 acr. land, l j acr. meadow, and 5 acr. wood, with appurts., in Lullingeston'. Eight of Isabella, who, for the admission, grants to William and Johanna for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to John the son of aforesaid Isabella and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to Thomas his brother and to his heirs. 859. At Westminster, Morrow of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. Laurence de Huntyngfeld' and Matilda his wife pits., and Benedict de Huntyngfeld', Parson of the Church of Eslyng', deft., of the Manor of Eslyng', with appurts. Eight of Benedict, who, for the admission, grants to Laurence and Matilda and to the heirs of Laurence. 860. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. John Iue and Isabella his wife ^Ztfs., and Simon de Newenton' deft., of 2 mess., and 46 acr. land, with appurts., in Ledes. Eight of Simon, who, for the admission, grants to John and Isabella and to the heirs of John. 861. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. William Simond', of Estgrenewych', and Margeria his wife pits., and John Petre and Margeria his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Estgrenewych'. John and Margeria his wife admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and her heirs, grant to William and Margeria his wife and to the heirs of William, and receive 40s. for the concession. 862. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. Eichard de Totynton' and Dionisia his wife pits., and Ealph, son of William Huberd', of Eylesford', deft., of 1 mess., 38 acr. land, 6 acr. mead., 4 acr. wood, and 20s. rent, with appurts,, in Newecherche, Eylesford', and Totynton'. Ealph admits it to be the Eight of Eichard, as that which Eichard and Dionisia have of the gift of Ealph, to hold to them and to the heirs of Eichard. Ealph receives for the admission, etc., 20Z. KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. 29 9 863. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. Lapinus Eoger (•"Rogeri •") pit., and Eobert de Terryng'and Thomasia his wife defts., of 2 mar7cs rent, with appurts., in Hakyngton'. Eobert and Thomasia admit it to be the Eight of Lapinus ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Thomasia, remit and quit-claim to him and to his heirs, and receive for the remission, etc., 30s. 864. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. Eichard de Eetlyng' and Johanna his wife pits., and William de Plumton' and Alice his wife defts., of 2 mess., 90 acr. land, 70s. rent, and rent of 2 cocks, 20 hens, and 200 eggs, with appurts., in Nonynton'. William and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Eichard, as that which Eichard and Johanna have of the gift of William and Alice, to hold to them and to the heirs of Eichard. William and Alice receive for the admission, etc., 30Z. 865. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. Alan Jacob pit., and Gilbert Aunsel and Agnes his wife defts., of 54 acr. land, 6 acr. mead., 6 acr. pasture, 4 acr. wood, and the third part of 1 mess., with appurts., in Sundressh'. Gilbert and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of Alan ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10Z. for the concession. 866. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A019—Betw, William, son of Thomas Aleyn, pit., and William, son of Alan Godefrey, and Cristina his wife defts., of 1 mess., 22 acr. land, 36s. rent, and rent of 2 cocks and 11 hens, with appurts., in Broclonde, Brensete, Iuicherche and the Vill of St. Laurence next Ealdromene. Eight of William, son of Thomas, who, for the admission, grants to William, son of Alan, and Cristina, and to the heirs of Cristina. 867. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. Eoger Poynaunt and Emma his wife pits., and Milo de Bromlegh' deft., of 1 mess., 28 acr. and 1 rood of land, 5 acr. meadow, 4 acr. pasture, 4s. 7d. rent, and the third part of 1 mess., and rent of 1 cock, 2 hens and the third part of 1 hen, with appurts., in Wilwesbergh', Henxhelle, Seyueton', and Esshetteford'. Eight of Milo, who, for the admission, grants to Eoger and Emma for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to John son of said Eoger and to his heirs. 868. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. Adam Eomak' and Godeleua his wife pits., and Eobert de Poun[d]- herst' deft., of 1 mess., with appurts,, in Bilsynton'. Eight of Eobert, who, for the admission, grants to Adam and Godeleua and 300 KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. to the heirs of the body of Adam; but if none, then after the deaths of Adam and Godeleua to remain to the right heirs of Godeleua. 869. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. Adam de ffyncham pit., and Alexander Godered' deft., of 1 mess., and 47 acr. land, with appurts., in Burgham. Alexander admits it to be the Eight of Adam; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to Adam and to his heirs, and receives 20Z. for the concession. Endorsed:—" Matilda, who was the wife of Daniel de Burgham, and Daniel de Bourgham assert their claim." 870. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. John Malemeins, of Hoo, and Matilda his wife pits., and Eichard, son of Eichard de Bromfeld', and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., 6 acr. land, 36£ acr. pasture, 21s. rent, and rent of 6^ hens, with appurts., in Tonebrigg'. Eichard and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of John.; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to John and Matilda and to the heirs of John, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 871. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. Henry Wygod, of Sandwich, and Dionisia his wife pits., and Adam de Elmestede, chaplain, and Adam, son of Eoger Batecok', defts., of 1 mess., 32 acr. land, 12d. rent, and rent of 6 bushels of barley, with appurts., in Esshe and Eastry next Sandwich. Eight of Adam de E., for which admission he and Adam, son of Eoger, grant to Henry and Dionisia and to the heirs of the body of Dionisia; but if none, theirafter the deaths of Henry and Dionisia to remain to Eichard son of said Henry and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Eichard to remain to the right heirs of Dionisia. 872. At Westminster, St. Michael in three weeks A0 19—Betw. Gerinus de ffarnham pit., and John Jory, of Acolte, and Agnes his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 15 acr. land, with appurts., in Moneketon' in the Isle of Thanet. Eight of Gerinus, who, for the admission, grants to John and Agnes and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. 873. At Westminster, St. Michael in three weeks A019—Betw. Eobert, son of William le Hert, of Osprenge, and Johanna, daughter of Stephen de Boklonde, pits., and William le Hert, of Osprenge, deft., of 1 mess., 78 acr. land, 6 acr. wood, pasturage for 40 sheep, 10s. rent, and rent of 6 quarters of barley, 1 cock, 10 hens and 50 eggs, with appurts., in ffauresham, Osprenge, Sheldwych', and Thrulegh'. William grants (by service of a rose at the KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. 30 1 Nativity of St. John Baptist) to Eobert and Johanna and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to revert to William and to his heirs, quit of other heirs of Eobert and Johanna. William receives 20Z. for the concession. 874. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. John ffrere, of Strode, pit., and John, son of James de Honeberghe, and Alice his wife defts., of 1 acr. of land, with appurts., in ffrendesbery. John, son of James, and Alice admit it to be the Eight of John F.; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20s. for the concession. 875. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. Lapinus Eoger, and Eobert, son of Lapinus Eoger, and Johanna his wiie,plts., and Philip, son of Matthew de Eye, of Canterbury, deft., of 1 mess., 38 acr. land, 1 acr. wood, 8s. 2*Z. rent, and rent of 3 cocks, 12 hens, and 68 eggs, with appurts., in Tenham, and Stone next Tenham. Eight of Philip, who, for the admission, grants to Lapinus for his life, with remainder after his death to Eobert and Johanna and to the heirs of Johanna. 876. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. Goscelinus Osebarn', of Clyue,^Z£, and Peter Smothe, of Mallyngg', and ffelicia his wife defts., of 12 acr. land, 2 acr. mead., and 6 acr. marsh, with appurts., in Clyue next Eochester. Peter and ffelicia admit it to be the Eight of Goscelinus; and, for themselves and the heirs of ffelicia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 marks for the concession. 877. At Westminster, Octave of St. Martin A0 19—Betw. John Petyt senior pit., and John Petyt junior deft., of 2 mess., 194 acr. land, 8 acr. wood, 10s. rent, and rent of 2 quarters of wheat and 2 quarters of barley, with appurts., in Patrikesbourn' and Brigge next Canterbury. Eight of John P. junior, who, for the admission, grants to John P. senior for his life, he paying for the same 10 marks per annum to John P. junior and to his heirs. After his death to revert to John P. junior and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of John P. senior. 878. At Westminster, St. Michael in one month A0 19—Betw. John de Skathebury pit., and Philip le Hot' deft., of 1 mess., and 10 acr. land, with appurts., in Chiselhurst'. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Philip for his life, to hold of John and his heirs by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. After his death to revert to John and to his heirs, quit of the heirs of Philip. 302 KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. 879. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. William le Hert and Johanna his wife (by John de Ensyng' in place of Johanna) pits., and Stephen de Boklond' and Adam le Taillour, of Osprenge, defts., of 1 mess., 64 acr. land, 6 acr. wood, and rent of 14 quarters of barley, 10 hens, and 50 eggs, with appurts., in Osprenge. Eight of Stephen; for which admission Stephen and Adam grant to William and Johanna for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to Eobert son of said William, and Johanna his wife and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of William. 880. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 19—Betw. John Goldewyn and Isabella his wiieplts., and Peter le Taillour, of Canterbury, chaplain, deft., of 1 mess., and 7 acr. land, with appurts., in ffaueresham. Eight of Peter, who, for the .admission, grants to John and Isabella for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to William son of Isabella le Pulter for his life, with remainder after his death to the right heirs of aforesaid John. 881. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A° 19—Betw. John de Moresdenne and Elizabeth his wife pits., and Eichard de Kymberle deft., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Canterbury. Eichard admits it to be the Eight of John ; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to John and Elizabeth and to the heirs of John, and receives 100s. for the concession. 882. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A019—Betw. Walter Germayn and Margeria his wife pits., and Thomas Germayn deft., of 1 mess., 7\ acr. land, 1 rood of meadow, 2s. 6d. rent, and rent of 1 hen, with appurts., in Bocton' next Le Blen. Eight of Thomas, who, for the admission, grants to'Walter and Margeria and to the heirs of Walter. 883. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A019—Betw. Eobert Vyneter, of Maydenstan, pit., and John atte Yoke and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Maydenstan. John and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 884. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 19—Betw. John Ingolf, of Coulerne, pit., and John de Coulerne and Agnes his wife defts., of 8 mess., 35 acr. land, 5 acr. mead., 7-1- acr. pasture, 1 acr, wood, 2s. rent, and rent of 1 cock, 2 hens, and a moiety of 1 mill, with appurts., in Wyuelesbergh'. Eight of John I., who, for the admission, grants to John de C. and Agnes and to the heirs of John de C. KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. 30 3 885. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A019—Betw. Eichard de Grof herst' (by Bertram de Suthewerk' in his stead) pit., and William Heuyhatche and Agnes his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 50 acr. land, with appurts., in Eytham and Shipbourne. William and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of Eichard ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 40 marks for the concession. 886. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Hilary A0 19—Betw. Walter Cullul, of Dele, pit., and William Meys and Loretta his wife defts., of 4 acr. land, with appurts., in Dele and Sholdon'. William and Loretta admit it to be the Eight of Walter ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Loretta, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 4 marlcs for the concession. 887. At Westminster, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 19—Betw. Henry le Barbour and Albina his wife pits., and Eobert Trome and Margaret his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Maydestan'. Eobert and Margaret admit it to be the Eight of Henry; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margaret, grant to Henry and Albina and to the heirs of Henry, and receive 100s. for the concession. 888. At Westminster, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 19—Betw. Eobert de Vpmanton' and Strangia his wife (by John de Ensyng' in place of Strangia)^ Zfe., and Nicholas de Ensyng' and John de Westwode, chaplain, defts., of 1 mess., 34 acr. land, and 2s. rent, with appurts., in Preston' next ffauersham, and Sellynge next Chilham. Eight of John; for which admission Nicholas and John grant to Eobert and Strangia and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Eobert. 889. At Westminster, Octave of St, Hilary A019—Betw. Henry Darcy, of London', and Katerina his wife (by John Darcy in place of Katerina) pits., and Simon deHedersete and Cecilia hiswife defts., of 1 mess., 120 acr. land, and 10s. rent, with appurts., in Estgrenewyche, Cumbe, and Charleton', which Gerard de Audenard' and Sara his wife hold for the life of Sara. Simon and Cecilia admit it to be the Eight of Henry; and, for themselves and the heirs of Simon, grant that the aforesaid tenements which Gerard and Sara hold for the life of Sara of the inheritance of Simon, and which after her death to Simon and Cecilia and to the heirs of Simon reverts, shall after her death remain to Henry and Katerina and to the heirs of Henry. Simon and Cecilia receive 100 mar7cs for the concession. 890. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 19—Betw. John 304 KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. atte Brome pit., and John de Moresdenne and Elizabeth his wife defts., of 6 acr. land, with appurts., in the suburbs of Canterbury. John and Elizabeth admit it to be the Eight of John atte B. ; and John de M., for himself and his heirs, grants to John atte B. and to his heirs; for which concession John de M. and Elizabeth receive 10 marks. 891. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 19—Betw. Germanus Brounyng' and Johanna his wife (by Stephen Donet in place of Johanna) pits., and John de Baltrynghamme deft., of 1 mess., and 6 acr. land, with appurts., in Wyttrichishamme. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Germanus and Johanna for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to John, John and John (sic), Peter and Henry, sons of Germanus, and to the heirs of the elder of the three Johns. 892. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Hilary A0 19—Betw. Thomas Poucyn and Margeria his wife (by Adam With' in place of Margeria)pits., and Ealph, son of Bertram de Wilmynton', deft., of 2 mess., 130 acr. land, 6 acr. meadow, 16 acr. wood, 10 acr. marsh, 20s. rent, and rent of 2 cocks and 10 hens, with appurts., in Beatrichesdenne and Chistelet'. Eight of Ealph, who, for the admission, grants to Thomas and Margeria, to have and to hold the 1 mess., 25 acr. land, 4 acr. meadow, 13 acr. wood, marsh, 15s. rent, and rent of aforesaid cocks and hens, with appurts., in aforesaid Vill of Chistelet, to them and to the heirs of Thomas ; and the residue of the aforesaid tenements, namely, 1 mess., 105 acr. land, 2 acr. meadow, 3 acr. wood, and 5s. rent, with appurts., in Beatrichesdenne, to Thomas and Margeria and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to Johanna daughter of Simon Poucyn, and to the heirs of her body; but if none, then after her death to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Thomas. 893. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easber A019—Betw. Eobert Broun, of Sandwich, pit., and John, son of John Peny, of Sandwich, and Cristiana his wife defts., of 1 mess., 22 acr. land, 2 acr. meadow, 7 acr. marsh, 6s, rent, and the third part of 1 mess., and 1 acr. wood, with appurts., in Heme. Eight of Eobert, who, for the admission, grants to John and Cristiana and to the heirs of Cristiana. 894.' At Westminster, Octave of St. John Baptist A019—Betw. John de Bykenore and Johanna his wife pits., and John de Waltham, chaplain, deft., of 1 mess., 120 acr. land, 10 acr. meadow, 50 acr. pasture, 100s. rent, and rent of 21 hens and 200 eggs, with appurts., in Derteford', and the advowson of the chapel of St, KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. 305 Edmund, the King, of said Vill. Eight of John de W., who, for the admission, grants to John de B. and Johanna for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to John son of said John de B. and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to Henry his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Henry to remain to Eobert his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Eobert to remain to Thomas his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Thomas to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid John de Bykenore. 895. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A" 19— Betw. John atte Watere, of Maydenstan', pit., and Walter Crumpe and Johanna his wife defts., of 2 mess., 157 aer. land, 3 acr. meadow, and 7a!. rent, with appurts., in Stapelherst' and ffrithingdenne. Walter and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of John ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 40 mar7cs for the concession. 896. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 19—Betw. Hamo le Pipere and Alice his wife _pZZs., and' Nicholas l[e] Pypere deft., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Est Mallyngge. Eight of Nicholas, who, for the admission, grants to Hamo and Alice for their lives, with remainder after their deaths to William son of said Alice and to his heirs. 897. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 19—Betw. Adam fitz Johan and Elizabeth his wife pits., and John de Stonore deft,, of the Manor of Nethewode, with appurts., except 17£ acr. land in the said Manor. John admits it to be the Eight of Elizabeth ; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to Adam and Elizabeth and to the heirs of Elizabeth, and receives 100 marks for the concession. 898. At Westminster, Morrow of St. John Baptist A" 19— Betw. Henry de Sancta Ositha^Ztf., and John de Waltham, chaplain, deft., of 1 mess., 80 acr. land, 4J acr. meadow, 4^ acr. wood, 4^ acr. furze, and 18d. rent, with appurts., in Derteford', Wylmynton', and Sutton' atte Hone. Eight of John, who, for the admission, grants to Henry for his life, with remainder after his death to Johanna daughter of Eeginald de Stokenbery for her life. And after her death to remain to Thomas and Eichard her sons, and to the heirs of the body of the said Eichard ; but if none, then after the deaths of Thomas and Eichard to remain to the right heirs of Henry. 899. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 19—Betw. von. xv. x 306 KENT FINES, 19 EDWARD II. Simon Goldsmyth', chaplain, pit., and John Willem and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 1 acr. land, with appurts., in Lyde. John and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Simon; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marks for the concession. 900. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 19—Betw. John de Amyens, of London', Seler, pit., and Walter de Baunton' and Eoesia his wife defts., of 1 mess., 11 acr. land, and 4>^d. rent, with appurts., in Leuesham. Walter and Eoesia admit it to be the Eight of John; and Walter, for himself and his heirs, grants to him and to his heirs, for which concession Walter and Eoesia receive 40 marJcs. 901. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A019— Betw. Henry Sherreue and Margaret his wife (by Adam With' in place of Margaret) pits., and Peter Heyward' deft., of 1 mess., 1 garden, 62 acr. land, 4J acr. wood, 22 acr. marsh, 64s. 4


Records (A.D. 1288 to 1872) of the Church and Benefice of Clyffe ( sic Cliffe) at Hoo


On three Roman Tumuli in Gorsley Wood, near Bridge and Canterbury