On Restoration House, Rochester

112 "EESTOEATION HOUSE," EOOHESTEB. Clerke was the son and heir of Henry Clerke, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, M.P., and Recorder for Rochester. He married, as his third wife, the widow of Dr. Hardy, Dean of Rochester. He therefore must have inherited the property from his father, who came into possession of " Restoration House" by his marriage with Grace, the daughter of George Morgan, gent., of Rochester, in or about the year 1607.* Erancis Clerke also inherited the manor of Ulcombe, where he died in 1683, aged 62. He was twice M.P. for Rochester.! Colonel Gibbons was not a Royalist. During the usurpation he received grants of royal and episcopal lands, which he was on the point of losing on the return of the SovereigD. Probably the friendship of Clerke for Gibbons, and his well-known loyalty, induced the King to accept Gibbons' hospitality. I am therefore inclined to think that Colonel Gibbons, who was quartered with his regiment in Rochester when he received his royal guest, was residing temporarily at "Restoration House" by favour of the owner, Erancis Clerke. $ It is noteworthy, however, * One John Wright, to whom this and other property passed, covenanted to produce a deed, dated Dee. 5, 5 James I., whereby Nicholas Morgan, of the Inner Temple, conveyed to Henry Clerke, of the Middle Temple, and Grace his wife, "a messuage and several pieces of land in St. Margarets neare the citty of Rochester." It is possible that Nicholas Morgan was the first owner. Hasted (and Le Neve) call him George Morgan.—S. T. A. t His son and heir Erancis was also M.P. for Rochester. He died in 1691, aged 26, and was also buried at Ulcombe. % Is it possible that Gibbons was forcibly quartered on Restoration House ? Clerke seems to have made a composition in 1648, as appears by the following letter:— " Honoured Gent. " Tour Order of y° 10 of Decemb. last upon y° Peticion of Walter Jenkins for a p'ticuler of ye estate of ffrancis Clarke of


Roman Urns for near Rainham Creek


History of Restoration House, Rochester