Wages in A.D.1621, and Innkeepers' Bills in 1668
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On an Altar Slab found at Hougham Church
On Brasses and Slabs in Sundridge Church
( 270 ) WAGES IN A.D. 1621, AND INNKEEPERS' BILLS A.D. 1668. DEAR, MR. SCOTT ROBERTSON, I send you the enclosed Regulation for Servants' Wages, made in 1621; in case you may think it of sufficient interest to print in Archceologia Cantiana. The mingling of Roman and Arabic numerals is singular. The statute 5 Elizabeth, c. 4, required the justices at the Easter sessions to fix the rate of wages. It is entitled "An Act containing divers Orders for Artificers, Labourers, Servants of Husbandry, and Apprentices," and was explained by 1 James I., o. 6. I also enclose transcripts of Innkeepers' Bills incurred in July, August, and September 1668. Yours faithfully, FRANCIS F. GIRAUD. TOWN CLEEE'S OKFICE, FAVERSHAM, May 14, 1885. The rates for servants wages accordinge to the statute concluded one at a Quarter Sessions howlden for the towne and liberty of Faversham in or upon the ixtJl day of April 1621. Carpenters wages by the day xiiija Carpenters apprentice or labourer viij4 the mason xiiija his apprentice or labourer viija The laborer in husbandrye except in harvest xd In harvest by the day ia vjd Tf the master finde them meate in harvest ls.0 A plowe man by the yere iij1 vjs 8 The plow boy 1' xiij8 4 A plow man wagoner and seedman vls0.0 Smithes Shoomakers and other trades worke by Bate wee knowe not A maide servant to take charge 1 13 4 A younger maide servant 1.0.0 A girle 0.16.0 INNKEEPERS' BILLS IN 1668. At a Common Council, held in the Guildhall at Faversham, July 13, 1668, JOHN TROUTS,* Esq. (Deputy Mayor), Mr. THOMAS * John Trouts was Mayor of Faversham in 1632, 1642, and 1660 ; Receiver of H.M.'s Customs in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex; Captain of Seleot Band at Faversham ; an ardent Royalist. He gave by his will rent charges for the ohurch and poor, and died in 1675. He married Anne , and left an only son Mark. INNKEEPERS' BILLS IN 1668. 271 SOUTHOTJSE,* and Mr. THOMAS NAPLETONt (Jurats), Mr. JOHN KENNETTJ (Town Clerk), and Mr. HENRY KNOWLER§ (Commoner), were commissioned under the common seal to go to a Guestling, which was summoned from the ancient town of Winchelsea, to be holden at the town and port of New Eomney, on Tuesday July 21st; and there to act on the town's behalf, as they should find convenient. Their charges to be borne by the town. The following bills appear to have been incurred by them during the five days of their absenee. July ye 20, 1668 [at Ashford ?]. £ s. d. (A) To SAMUEL "WOOD £ s. For bred, beer, & tobacke 0 For wine 0 Eor ye ketchen 0 For haye 0 (B) To EICHARD KING li. Itt. for 6 piuts of sacke 0 for 8 pints o£ white wine 0 for beere 0 for roles 0 for a shoulder of mutton 0 for a brest of mutton... 0 7 10 2 2 , J s. 7 4 2 0 3 2 6 0 6 6 tily d. 0 8 10 4 6 6 Foroates 0 0 For ye hostelear 0 1 £ 1 3 10 July 20(A, 1668 [at New Eomney ?]. for 3 fowles 0 for breade 0 for caper 0 for 5 pints frensh wine 0 s. 3 0 0 2 d. 6 6 6 11 £ 1 8 3 [paid] £ 1 9 0 in full. (C) To EICHARD KING, July 21"', 1668. li. s. d Itt. for 11 qts 1 pint of white wine 0 for beere 0 for tobaco 0 for brandy 0 for bread & butter 0 for a leg of mutton & caroots 0 for a shoulder of veale 0 for a qter of lamb 0 for to geese & goosbery sauce 0 13 7 0 0 0 3 2 3 6 0 for to duckes & onion sauce 0 3 0 for to chickens & sauce 0 2 4 for to lobsters 0 4 0 for to tarts 0 3 0 for to dishes stued pruens 0 2 0 for bread 0 0 9 for 2 qta 1 pint of sacke 0 5 10 £2 19 0 * Thomas Southouse was Mayor in 1663' and 1671; author of Monasticon Favershamiense ; died 5th October 1676, aged 35. He left issue Thomas, Filmer, Elizabeth, Anne, and Mary. t Thomas Napleton was Mayor in 1664 and 1672; Captain of the Select Band ; died 1679, aged 46. Married Elizabeth, only daughter of John Knowler, of Herne, and had issue Thomas, Stephen, and Sarah. % John Kennett was Town Cleric from 1666 to 1696; and Mayor in 1685. He married Joanna , who died in 1670; and Dorothy (living in 1711), and had issue Thomas, Roger (Town Clerk 1711-29), William, and Charles. § Henry Knowler was Town Clerk from 1658 to 1661; and a commoner from 1665 to 1671. 272 INNKEEPERS' BILLS IN 1668. (D) To RICHARD KING-, July 2V\ 68, at night. li. Itt. for a jiblet pye ... 0 for a dish of stued pruens 0 for 6 qts 5 pints of white wine 0 12 10 for beere & tobaco ... 0 4 0 s. d. 2 6 1 0 o in for 2 qta of sacke ., for beere & suger .., li. ., 0 0 ... 0 0 s. d. 5 0 1 8 O'lO 0 10 £ 1 July 22. li. s. d. 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 4 6 0 1 for a ql of sacke for y° sergient when they swore his brethren... 0 2 4 for dressing a qter veale & sauce 0 for a goose & goosbery sauce 0 for a fat pigg & sauce . 0 for to chickens & sauce 0 for a tart 0 for stued pruens 0 for bread 0 for 5 pints 6it s white wine 0 9 11 | To EICHARD KING, July 23, 1668, indorsed on Bill C. li. s. d. for 13 men ordinaries 16 0 for our shares of 8 quarts of new April & a flagon of beere 0 5 4 li. s. d. for a pint of sacke 0 1 2 for beere 0 1 6 for a pottle of sacke more for yor sergiant 0 4 8 for beere & tobaco ... 0 3 0 f or a giblet pye 0 2 6 for cherries Is 2 0 1 [Brought forward] 1 8 8 £ 3 8 9 More for wine, beere, and tobaco 1 11 1 1 (E) To EICHARD KING, July 24, 68. li. s. d. Itt. for beere 0 for bread & butter 0 for suger 0 for brandy 0 for a cadiall 0 for a pint & a q* of sacke for 19 qtsJ white wine for a brest mutton & sauce 0 for a shoulder of mutton & capers 0 4 10 0 9 0 10 0 4 1 8 0 3 0 19 3 0 4 0 for a leg of lambe & goosbery sauce 0 for a goose & goosbery sauce 0 for to ducks & onion sauce 0 for to chickens & sauce 0 for bread 0 for to dishes of capers 0 li. s. d. 1 10 3 0 3 2 1 0 0 4 0 4 £2 7 11 INNKEEPERS' BILLS IN 1668. 273 (More the same day after you had the bill.) li. s. d. Itt. for 10 qta of white wine 0 10 0 for beere & tobaco ... 0 3 6 for milke & suger 0 0 10 for breade 0 0 4 for dressing yo1' fish, & batter 0 2 0 li. s. d. for to dishes of pease... 0 2 6 for a q* of sacke 0 2 0 1 1 2 [Brought forward] 2 7 11 £ 3 9 1 A COURT of SHIPWAT was holden at BRATDONSTONE HILL, near Dover, on Tuesday, September 1st, 1668, by virtue of a summons from His Eoyal Highness JAMES, DUKE OE TORK, Lord Warden, to make his serrement and promise, etc. JOHN TROUTS,* Esq. (Deputy Mayor), Mr. ROBERT TERRX,f Mr. ERANCIS WATERMAN, J and Mr. MICHAEL GREEN STREETE,§ Jurats, were commissioned under the Common Seal of the town of Faversham to appear at the Court, and there to act and do as to them should belong, and was usual. Their charge to be borne by the town, and Mr. HENRY KNOWLER,|| one of the Chamberlains, was to attend the Commissioners there. They appear to have gone to Dover on August 31st, and to have rested at Canterbury on their way home on September 2nd. (F) To GALLANT, Dover, 3.1 August 1668. U. Bread & beere 0 wine & tobacco 1 legg of mutton 0 a shoulder of mutton.. 0 aloineofveal 0 poulets 0 (G) To GALLANT, Dover, 1 Sept. 1668. s. 6 7 4 7 7 4 d. 2 6 0 0 0 6 orenges & lemons .. li. .... 0 .... 0 £ 3 s. 3 1 1 3 d. 0 6 0 2 li. s. d. Bread & beere 12 2 wine & tobacco 17 4 butter & cheese 0 1 6 Shrimps 0 1 3 a tongue 0 2 6 Eostbeefe 0 6 0 li. a legg of mutton 0 fruit & cheese 0 a shoulder of muton... 0 a brest of mutton 0 two rabets 0 two fowles 0 s. 4 1 3 2 3 4 d. 0 0 6 0 0 0 * See preceding note. t Robert Terry was Mayor in 1661,1670, and 1679 ; died in 1679. | Francis Waterman was Mayor in 1665 and 1681; died in 1707; and married Knowler, and had issue Anne and Edward of Leeds, clerk. § Michael Gfreenstreete was Mayor in 1666,1673, and 1684. || See preceding note. VOL. XVI. T 274 INNKEEPERS' BILLS IN 1668. li. s. d. a goose 0 4 0 Coleflowers & turnups 0 1 6 hariechocks 0 2 6 samper [samphire] & Coucombers 0 1 0 li. s. d. oreuges & lemons 0 1 0 Cheese 0 0 6 £ 4 8 9 bread & beere ... wine a neck of mutton westfalie ham ... butter & cheese... fruit & filbudds ... (H) To GALLANT, 2 Sept. 1668. li. s. d. 5 6 2 10 1 1 li. s. shrimps 1 21 horses haye 2 nights 1 14 2 bushel of oats 5 paid to the Cooks, Maids, and Hostler, and Tenders of ye house, where wee lay at Dover 0 6 way. £3 8 0 0 Total £3 14 0 paid upon taking of horse at Dover upon Edward Eidge- 0 1 6 £ 3 15 6 (I) To EDW" WHETSTONE, Canterbury, Sept. 2th, 1668. li. s. d. Coungar [eel] 0 1 0 Lopstars 0 5 0 pidgen piy [pie] 0 4 0 Bread & beere & Glass 0 wine & tobacco 1 Beefe 0 Butter & chees 0 Oystars 0 s. 7 8 5 1 2 £2 15 more for fish & wine & bread & beer 0 4 more for the meate for 30 horse 5s ; & for the Hostler Is ; in all 6 more for a pinte of sacke, which I paid for Mr. Hinton,* upon his friend a Minister coming to visit him 1 Total at Canterbury spent is £3 6 7 * Dr. Giles Hinton was Vicar of Faversham in 1665 ; he resigned in 1682, and removed to Biddenden.