Inventory (A.D. 1485) or Vestments at St Andrew's, Canterbury
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Remarks of the Accounts of St Dunstan's Church, Part II., A.D.1508-80
Potters' Names on Pseudo-Samian Ware found in Kent
150 INVENTORY (1485) O.F VES'l'MEN'l'S V ES!DI:MEN!DS .A.ND V !DENSILS. First a hole sute of white damaske enbroudered with half rosez ex dono Willi' Bryan. Item ij copys of white damaske with watry flowrez pro rectores cori. Item j hole sute of crymsyn veluet ex dono Willi' Benet. Item ij red vestementis of baudekyn ex dono die' Willi' Benet. Item j hole sute of blew cloth of baudekyn ex dono J ohannis Harnett. Item j vestement olde of redde callid the Sunday vestement and a cope to the same. Item another olde vestement of redde with a crosse of blew baudekyn. *Item j chesible of cloth of gold. Item j olde vestement of grene. *Item j olde vestement of bord Alyxaunder. Item j olde vestement of white enbraudered with blew garters, Item j canape of red sarsenet with letters of golde in the border. Item Hj fruntelettis of red veluet for auters ex dono dio' Willi' Benet. Item j fruntelett of blak for the High Auter. Item j cope of yelowe cloth of golde. Item ij auterclodes of red damaske werk steyned vppon one of theym the Salutacon of Our Lady vppon the seounde and the iij the Trinite Seint George and Seint Christopher. *Item j auteroloth of white tlamaske werk steyned with the coronacon of Our Lady hyt ys a lynyng to y• gren damaske and red. *Item j fruntelet of red selk. Item ij cnrteynez steyned with angelez for the High Auter. Item j cloth of raynez for the leotron *and j cloth of diaper brokyn for the lectron. Item j staff for the best crosse part couered with latyn and ouer gilt with bossez and j casse of oanevas for the same. Item a auter cloth of y• gyfft of y• Parsone Dider J3arger of gren and red damaske work with frontlet of blake veluet and cloth of gold, Item ij autar olothys for St. Katherinest auter of red damaske worke with ij curtens with angelles of the same worke ..•. :j: Item a westement of rede of the gyft of Master W ytlok. Item a westement of blew of the gyf of Thomas Petyt with arcanglys. Item a westement of whyt of the gyft of Syr Deder Barger sumtyme parson. Item j crosse of laten and ouer gilt and j staff for the same with boosez ouergilt. Item ij banerclodes for the crosse one of grene and thother redd and grene rayed. Item j fote of ooper and ouergilt for the orosse to be selityn to stonde vppon hersez. *Item v surplicez broken and ij rogettis broken. Item iiij banerclodes of selke one of theym signed one ymagine be Marie of lynnyn cloth. *Item iiij other olde banerolodes. Item ij laten oanstykkys for Owr Lady auter. *Item ij laten candelstykez for Saint Tronyon§ auter. Item j sensure and j ship of laten. Item iiij curteynez of lynnyncloth for the ij syde auters. Item ij laten candelstykez for the High Auter. Item iiij gret laten candelstykez to stonde aboute hersez. Item iiij tapers oallid mortuariez. * A pen has been drawn through the items with * prefixed. t "Katherines '' not at all clear. t A few words illegible through damp. § St. Tron. He founded an abbey at Liege, called St. Tron's, or St. Truyen's. He died A.D. 693. Butler, Lives of the Saints, sub die Nov. 23. AT S'r. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 151 Item j Lentynoloth oallyd a vayle. Item j auteroloth for the High Auter tempera xlm• with the oruoefix :payntid and ij ourteyns rayd with whyte and'blyw. Item ij auterclodes for the ij syde auters tempore xlm0 with j curteyn for the same. Item j candelstyke to stonde afore childwyfez. *Item j tuell signed with letter M with blak selke and j crosse, Item j tuell of iiij yerdes of lenght shere at y0 yndes. Item j hoselyng tuell of viij yerdes yn lengthe of dyaper, Item j kerchyfl' of plesaunce (Zawne written over) with iiij knoppys of salver and ouer gilte hangyng aboute the coupe (p!fa; written over) ouer the High Auter. Item j lynnyncloth to hang afore the crosse in the forechirche tempore xlm•. Item ij shone of seluer fi.xid to the fete of the rode. Item j steyned cloth hanging afore the rodeloft with the byrth of Cryst. Item j basyn and j !aver of laten. *Item ij clodes of blewe bokeram to couer the ij auters in the forechirch, Item a auter cloth playn of y0 gyft of Rychard Down. Item a auter cloth of dyaper of y0 gyfl't of Colet Arnolde with a gret crose in y0 myddyll. Item ij good corperes casys for the High Auter of clothe a golde one redde and the odyr whyte. Item iij odyr corse corperes casys dayly vsyd, Item an olde crysmetory of coper and gylt to be borne in the nyte season, Item j kerchyff of raynez work markyd with red selke with !he in the ende. Item j tuell of selke to bere yn the cresementone to the funt. *Item j tuell of raynez browderid with the ymage of Saint Andrewe crosse in the myddell playne clothe. Item v auterclodes of fyne lenyn clothe. *Item j cloth of diaper to hang afore Seint Andrewe full of holys. Item xviij auterclodes of diaper and playn brokyn and hole, Item ij auter clothys of reynys markyd with I in iiij places of John Watts gyfl't, Item a auter cloth of y0 gyfl't off Master Parmytory with hys name. Item a auter cloth playne of y0 gyfft of Maget loue *with her name. Item vij wovin surples and iiij brokyn and ij rochet. Item ij newe surples made in y• wardens dayes Thomas Chadborne and .r ohu Fychse. Item a fruntlet of red cloth of tyssew with f!owres of gold to hang afor Seyntt Andrew frengyd. Item a howslyng towell of diaper of y0 gefft of Kykbyys wyff, *Item vij towells dyaper and playn cloth, Item ij corteyns off lawne fryngyd with sylk, Item a cloth of reynys lawne for the pyx. Item. v yerddis of gren towk for y0 sepulker. Item ij peloWYs of blyw sylke for the Hye Auter one byggar then a nether, Item. a herse-cloth of blak with whyt. . . These parcellys folowyng pertayne to Sent Tronyons Auter : Item a vestment of purpull brygges saten with branchys and the orosse of coper golde. Item. ij corpores casys one of redde saten of brygges browdyrde with a vyne and ij tvnnys and Sent Dedyart yn the myddys. And the odyr ys of red clothe a golde of the one syde and the odyr syde of yelow sylke, Item a fronntell of blyw and redde sylke made of a cote armer of the kyngis armys. * A pen has been drawn through the items with * prefixed. t St. Didier, or Desiderius, Bishop of Vienna in Dauphiny. His " day" is May 23, at Lyons ; Aug, 10 elsewhere, Nicolas, Ohron. Hist. 152 INVENTORY .A.T ST . .A.NDREW'S, O.A.NTERBURY. Item an awter clothe with curten wyngis to hange aboue the auter with Sent Tronyon yn the myddys and a curten of the same worke. Item a pax of ivery gravyn with the byrthe of Owr Lorde and bownde yn with syluer parcellys gylte weyng all to gedyr iij vnces j quarter and di quarter. Item a chalys parcellys gylt weyng x oz di. Item a lytyll pelow of horde Alysawndyr to lay the Masboke on. Item a crusyfyx browdyrd with Mary and John with Venys golde vppon blyw sylke. Item iij canstykkys of laten pertaynyng to the same avter. Item a super altar ther remaynyng. Item iij playne towellys. Item iij auter clothys plane the beste markyd at every ynde with crossys and the odyr ij on markyd. Item a Mass boke paper and prynt of the gyft of Gyvers wedow of London with a red couerynge with the Trynyte at the begynnyng. JooAL[IA.] ARGENT. First j crosse of seluyr and gylte weyng iijx:i: vnces xj vnces and di. Item j chaleys of syluer and ouer gilte weyng xxxv ounces. Item j chaleys of syluer and ouer gilte weyng xvj vnces and di. Item j chaleys of syluer and paroell gilte weyng xvj vnces and di. Item a gylt chalys of the gyft of John Fernyngam veyng xxtt ocz, Item ij candylstykkys of syluer weyng iijXx x vnces and di. Item ij basyns of syluer weyng.xxxix vnces and di. Item ij cruettis of syluer weyng xiij vnoes and j qr. and with the blode of S ent Antony. Item j pax of syluer and ouer gilte wayng viij vnoes. Item j mustron* of seluer to bere in the Sacrament on Corpus Christi Day weyng xvij vnoes. Item j ship and j spone to the same of syluer weyng xiiij oos. di. Item j sensour of seluer and parcell gylte weyng xxxvij vnces and di with y0 panne and the pot (or botet) wayng ij ocs. di. Item j cowpe of syluer and ouer gilte weyng xiiij vnces di. and di. quarter. Item j crysmatory of syluer weyng xxvj vnces and di. Item j chalys of siluer parcell gilte weyng xix ounces and di. M:d. That the said crosse in the moneth of June the first yer of Kyng Harry the vij at the costis of Thomas Petyt is put to amende and to repaier to John Shyngwell goldsmyth the said John for the suer makyng of the seid crosse hath made in the same ij pypys of latyn weyng viij vnoes and xij peny weyghtt iij grotys of selver the seid orosse after it was repayred weyng in all lxxx vnces the seid cross was weyn in the seid forme in the presence of the seid Thomas and of Edmund Mynot and Robert Bone and other. Item a goblet weyng ij ocs. j quarter gevyn be Ryohard Downe. Item juell§ of syluer and gylt with parte of the sculle of Sent George •• • ••••• , . , , , • ••• , , , oos. di.II Item a crowne of s .•.•.••. ••.• •• yn the body of •••• •• •• •• ••• , II * Monstrance. t Both words were written, the one over the other, :t " xij penyweyght " crossed out. § "Relyk '' first written. II Destroyed by damp : these are the final items of the inventory.