Notes on J. Russell Smith's Bibliotheca Cantiana
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Cobham Hall: Inventory of furniture and pictures in 1672
General Index
( 409 ) NOTES ON J. R. S:M:ITH'S "BIBLIOTHECA CA.NTIAN A." BY W. B. RYE, Page 21. .Monwinental Insc1·iptions in Ohu1·ches in the Diocese of Rochester, etc. Harl. MSS. 6587. This is merely a copy of Thorpe's collections (made about 1'715 to 1'7150) printed afterwards in the Regist1·uni Rqjfense. Page 331. W oTT0N. Lives of tlie Woottons. By Francis Thynne, Lancaster Herald, 1587. Printed in Holinshed's Olwoniales, iii., 1402, etc. ADDITIONS TO J. R. SMITH'S LIST. The following Manuscripts are not mentioned by J. R. Smith in his Bibliotheaa Omitiana : I. A Oollection of KENTISH ARMES. By me Filmer Southouse of Faversham. Small folio, vellum, arms coloured, about 1660. (Additional MSS. B.M. 14,307.) II. A List of the L.A.NDHOLDERS IN KENT during the reigns of Henry '7th and 8th. (Lansdowne MS. 276.) Ill. Coloured Drawings and Autographs relating to DE.P!l.'FORD, W O0LWIOH, and GREENWIOH. Two vols. folio. (Additional MSS. 16,945-'7.) IV. Household Book of SIR EDW.A.RD DERING, 1648-52. (Brit. Mus., Additional M:8. 22,466.) V. Charters and Rental of LEDES PRIORY, Kent, xiii century. (Additional MS. 19,7'72.) VI. LYDD. Diary of the Life and ]family of Tao:rir.A.s GODFREY, Auditor of the Chamberlain's Accounts, 1585-1655. (Lansdowne MS. 235.) VII . .Manuscript i1i tlie Rawlinso?i Oolleation, Bodleian Libra1y. (Bodl. MS., Rawl. B. 340.) RooHESTER,-Pay-books of J. Nedbam, Clerk and SurveyorGeneral of Works to Hen. VIII. £or Mason's and Carpenter's work &c. done at the King's Manor 0£ Rochester in the two months from 22 Oct. to 24 Dec. 1542; with portions 0£ two other similar books. Folio, 1'7 leaves. This is the original record. It gives the names of the workmen, the work performed, and the pay received; Yery clearly written. 410 J. R. SMITH'S "BI.BLIOTH:ElCA. CA.NTIA.NA.." VIII. DOVER. [Printed Title to a projected w ork.] 1. The History and Antiquities o:E Dover. By the Reva. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. 1841 [altered in pencil to 1842]. Royal 8vo, price £11. Oontents of the Oolleation, of Illusfrations to the above projeateil worlc, formerly in the possession of Mr. Boone, bookseller, of Bond Street. 2. List of Subscribers. 8. Ornamental Initial Letters O and C. Lithographed. 4. East Cliff. From Hollar. Woodcut. 5. Queen Elizabeth's "-Pocket Pistol." Ditto. 6. "Dovor Harbour an'o Dom. 1646." Large oval : a finished sketch in watercolours. '1. Woodcut of ditto. 8. Key in Dover Castle of the time of Rich. II. Full size, lithograph. 9. Ruins. Water-colour sketch. 10. Old Entrance to Dover Castle. Drawn by E. Stock. 1841. 11. Woodcut of ditto. 12. St. Martin's, Dover, repaired with Caen stone, 1420. Water-colour sketch. 18. Engraving of ditto. 14. Old Doorway. Water-colour sketch. 15. Woodcut of ditto. 16. Brass Coin-Sandwich. Woodcut. 1'7. Merovingian Gold Coin at Sutton, near Dover. Woodcut. 18. Crypt of St. Nicholas Church, now destroyed. Line engraving. 19. Interior of Church, Dover Castle. Water-colour sketch. 20. Two large Seals, "Ricardus Rex" and "Henricus Rex." Highly-finished water-colour sketch by Alfred Goddard. 21. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, from the original in the Town Hall, Dover. Water-colours. 22. Line engraving of ditto. 28. Brass of Sir Robert de Ashton, 1882 ; from a MS. in the possession of Lady Mantell, Dover. Lithograph, very similar to that in Vol. I. of Aralueolo9ia Oantiana, p. 1'78, but without the inscription. 24. U,u'ius. Large pencil sketch. 25. St. Mary's Church. Water-colour sketch. 26. Seal, obv. and rev., of Constable of Dover Castle. Finished water-colour sketch. 2'7. Sigillum Maioratus Portus Dovol'ioo, 15'72, obv. and rev. Water-colour sketch. 28. Great Seal of Castle and Cinque Ports. Water-colour sketch. 29. Woodcut of ditto. 80. "Loves and Doves." Five grotesque corbels from St. Nicholas Church destroyed. Water-colour sketch. 31. Woodcut of two of the above. 32. Corporation Seal, obv. and rev. Woodcut. 38. Roman Brick; Baths of Dioclesian. Water-colour sketch. 34. Woodcut of ditto. IX. Plans and Views o:E DoVER and its Harbour, temp. Hen. VIII. and Eliz. (Cotton MS. A.ug. I. i.)