Sculptured Head of Knight in Canterbury Cathedral

"""'""" * HEAD FOUND OF THE LADY IN THE CHAPEL, IN THE c:;:; o:ACE OR BACK OF THE. ,.,.Km,,H0T0•LITH0 CANTERBURY CATHED REREDOS .,.,u•••v-. . RAL. 37 SCULPTURED HEAD OF A KNIGHT. IN the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, early in 1887, was found a well-sculptured head, detached from the stone effigy of a knight. This head had been built into a wall, like a piece of rubble, behind the reredos of the celebrated '' Chapel of our Lady in the U nderCl'oft." Upon the head we see a bascinet, of that early and unusual shape which is shewn upon the monumental brasses of. Sir John D'Aubernon, who died in 1327, and Sir John .de Creke of Westley Waterless, in Cambrjdgeshire, of the same period. Much of the delicately sculptured chainmail of the aarnail has been worn away, but traces of it are still visible. As examples of this early form of bascinet are not common, the sculptured head has been sketched by Miss H. Halhed, and a good photo-lithograph of her drawing appears upon the opposite plate. The sculpture itself is preserved in the Cathedral Library. w. A. SCOTT ROBERTSON.


Roman Remains found recently at Canterbury


Scotney Castle