Thomas Smythe, of Westhanger, commonly called Customer Smythe

( 193 ) THOMAS SMYTHE, OF WESTENHANGER, COMMONLY CALLED CUSTOMER SMYTHE. :BY J. F. WAD MORE, A,R,I.:B,A, THE family of Smithe,* or Smythe, from which sprang the Lords Strang£ord, was settled at Corsham in Wilts in the time of Henry VIII.t John Smythe, a substantial yeoman and clothier, who married a daughter of Thomas Brounker,t died at Coraham in 1538, leaving his wire a lire interest in his mill, with the reversion of it to his son John, as well as his other property. John Smythe's eldest son, named after his father, married a daughter of John Lygon of Richard Castle, Herefordshire, to whom a grant of arms was accorded.§ To Thomas, his younger s􀁷n, born in 1522, he left a £arm in the Hundred of Amesbury, Wilts, of the value of £20 per annum. Thomas, who must have been about sixteen years of age at the time of his father's death, came up to London with the intention of seeking his fortune. Before commencini business on his own account, which he was able to do after disposing of. his landed :eroperty, he took up his freedom in his father's guild, the Haberaashers, and subsequently in that of the SkinnersJI also, which may account £or his intimate connection with Sir Andrew J udde. In the reign of Queen Mary Mr. Thomas Smythe succeeded in the office 0£ the Customs one Mr. Cocker,1 to whom he paid a sum 0£ £2500 as a fine. Shortly afterwards he married his first and only wife Alice, daughter 0£ Sir Andrew J udde. This event must have taken place somewhere about 1554, as his second son, John, who succeeded him-the first-born, Andrew, having died in infancy-was born in 1556. Sir Andrew, according to Hasted, settled upon Smythe the manor of Ashford,** which he had only * The name is spelt Smithe in the will, and Smythe on the monument in Ashford Church, and in original MSS. Three other gentlemen of distinction each named Sir Thomas Smith were contemporary with "the Customer:" (1) a Secretary to Lord Burleigh ( died 1571) ; (2) a Latin Secretary to James I. (died 1606); (8) the High Sheriff of Cheshire in 1628, t Sir R. C. Hoare's Wilts. :t Fonblanque's Li'IJes of the Stra11gfords, p. 2. § Fuller's Worthies, vol. ii., p. 551. \I Ha'berdaskera ancl Skfaners' Oourt 11ooks. 'if Appendix to Oalendar of JJom. State Papers, A,D. 1567, p. 4, ** Hasted, vol. vii., p. 529. This is not strictly correct. The manor, once held by the College of St, Stephen's, Westminster, was surrendered to the Crown VOL. XVII. 0 194 THOMA.S SMYTHE, OF WESTENHA.NGER, recently purchased of Sir Anthony .A.ucher. At the time of this marriage Mr. Thomas Smythe must have been about thirty-three years 0£ age, and .his wife about twenty-four. Mr. Smythe was confirmed in his appointment at the Customs on the accession of Queen Elizabeth, and continued in the office for a period of eleven years. In 1567 he appears to have incurred her Majesty's severe displeasure,* having been accused of issuing privy warrants or cockets whereby a loss of revenue was sustained, to the extent of some £6000 ; and it was only through the kind intervention of his friend Cecil that he escaped imprisonment. Cecil persuaded her Majesty to be lenient, as if time were allowed he would doubtless pay ·up, but if he were imprisoned her Majesty would be the loser. Previous to the commencement of her Majesty's reign, we learn from Stowt that the Customs of the Port of London were frequently evaded. To remedy these abuses, an Act was passed in the 1st 0£ :Elizabeth, and a RoyaJ Commission appointed, which :fixed landing-places £or the reception of all kinds of goods and merehandise. Fifteen principal quays were named for the port of London. Billingsgate was set apart £or fish, corn, salt, and stores ; The Three Cranes in the Vintry, £or wines and oils; Johnson's and Butler's Wharves, for pitch, tar, iron, deals, eels, hemp, cloths, skins, etc. Newcastle coals might be shipped at any place in the port of London, in the presence of a searcher; and the same privilege was granted to goods entered in the Custom House books ; the Bridge House was for corn ancl provisions, and the Guildhalda 1'eutonica for foreign merchants ; all other places were ordered to be closed. Among the officers appointed by the commissioners was Mr. Thomas Smythe to the office of collector for customs and subsidies inwards; while those outwards were placed in the hands of Mr. Robinson; and Mr. Chapman was appointed controller. Besides these, there were two searchers and sixteen waiters, with other petty officers, and one packer who acted for the City of London. This new arrangement did not work satis£actorily,i so Mr. in the time of Edward VI.; and in the third year of the same reign was granted to Thomas Colepeper, who, without licence from the Crown, granted it to Sir Anthony Aucher. Sir Anthony, being in want of money, mortgaged it to Sir Andrew Judde, who subsequently foreclosed. Sir Andrew died seised of the manor of Essetesford or Asheford, of a water-mill in the tenure of one Robinson, of the manor of Esture, 110 acres of pasture and thirty-six acres of meadow, and a rental of £6 13s. 4d. (Furley, in Arolt(EoZogia Oanti'.ana, Vol. XVI., pp. 164-5). Furley tells us that lands held of the Crown oan uot be alienated without the royal licence (Furley's Weald, vol. ii., p. ii., p. 504), It therefore became necessary, when the estate passed to Sir Thomas Smythe and his wife .Alice (on the termination of the life interest of Dame Mary, the wife of Sir Andrew Judde), to obtain a pardon or authority from Parliament for a licence to hold the same ; this was done, and a fee of £31 5s. 9d. exacted to remedy the omission. The present lord of the manor is W. F. B. Jemmett, Esq. * 156'7, Appendix to Calendar of JJom. State Papers, p. 4, t Strype's Stow, ed. MDCCXX., book ii., p. 49. :I: 1560, JJom. State Papers,. vol. xv., OaZenda1•, p. 166. I·'' [J' I I, ,, I ; ,, Ii ,,II/ q , . • li_◄·_J ' 11 1 1. ,1 1!'. ., I , i1l1 ,1;)!\ ii ll I!· .I <.D co CD a: w c., z < I z w .... CJ) w ?.: Li..0 􀀎 w > w en COMMONLY CALLED CUSTOMER SMYTHE, 195 Henry Smith within a short time presented a memorial to her Majesty, as to certain abuses existing in the Custom House and Mint, whereby the Crown sustained a loss ; and he further prayed to be employed in superintending the customs. The result appears to have been that be, in conjunction with Mr. James More]ey, was rewarded with the farming of the customs on all* woollen cloths and wines. Another charge was made by George Nedeham.t Mr. Thomas Smythe, however, was retained as collector of customs (petty) for all foreign goods and merchandise brought into the ports of London, Sandwich, and Chichester, for eleven years; when a clear and full account of all duties and subsidies was drawn up by him, and submitted to Lord Burleigh.t These accounts are most beautifully and accurat.ely entered even to farthings. The total of the petty customs received in this time amounted to the sum of £15,978 8s .. 3¾d., and the subsidies of impositions to £134,274 7s. lld.: the average of both for the eleven years being £18,659 6s. 6d.§ ... On this average Mr. Thomas Smythell submitted a proposal to her Majesty to advance money yearly on all customs and subsidies of all foreign goods and· merchandise brought into the Ports of London, Sandwich, and Chichester (wines only excepted), and further to pay over to the Crown a fine of £5000. 'fhis was in May, and in August we find the Queen1 writing to the Treasurer of the Exchequer, directing him to pay over the moiety of the fine payable by Thomas Smythe, Farmer of the Customs, into the hands of Richa1·d Stonley, one o:E the Tellers. Some further delay and correspondence appears to have taken place before the agreement was completed, to expedite which Mr. Smythe** wrote to Sir William * 1567, JJomestio State Papers, vol. xliv., Calendar, p. 299. t Ib., vol. xiii., 1567, Calendar, p. 289. :I: 1570, Dom. State Papers, vol. lxix., Calendar, pp. 378, 382. § Shortly after the appointment of Thomas Smythe the following singular incident occurred. The English Government being in want of ammunition, Sir Thomas Gresham arranged for a supply from Antwerp. This required great secrecy, as its export was forbidden under the severest penalties, and various ingenious schemes were adopted to evade the law. Nevertheless the ammunition was exported in comparatively small quantities, and Sir Thomas Gresham's correspondence had frequent references to silks, satins, velvets, and damasks, which were supposed to be imported. The continual arrivitl of these stores at the Tower attracted attention, although the danger had been pointed out by Gresham to the Council at home. On the 13th of June 1560, Sir Thomas was much disgusted (when he was informed by the searcher who was in his confidence as conveyor of velvets) that an Englishman had been with the Oustomer and informed him of the many velvets of all sorts lately arrived in London, and that, if he made a general search now, he '.voul􀅅 find a great booty; whereupon the Customer desired the searcher to be with hnn on the 15th very early in the morning. As this would have led to an expose of the whole transaction, the parties conferred together, . and the matter was wiseiy and judiciously dropped. (Life and Times of 8ir Tkomas Gresl1am, by Walter Burgon, vol. i., 381.) II JJom. State Papers, May 1570, vol, lxix., Calendar, p. 378. 1 Ib., vol. lxxiii,, Calendai·, p. 391. ** Ib., 1570, Calendar, pp. 390-1. o 2 196 THOMAS SMYTHE, OF WESTENHANGER, Cecil asking for his friendly assistance. The arrangement then made appears to have given satisfaction to all parties, so much so that a fresh agreement was drawn up by which the O,rown granted to Mr. Thomas Smythe* the :farm of the customs, subsidies, ancl duties of the Ports of London, Chichester, Sandwich, Southampton, and Ipswich, with the Clerkship of Woodbridge, and provides that, in consideration of the great increase of her Majesty's customs in the two last demises, exceptions are to be made of tunnage, prisage, and butlerage of all wines, and forfeitures, to be held by him for four years from Michaelmas next (September, 1572), at a rental of £20,000, one moiety to be paid on the 1st of June and the 10th day of January following.t Covenants were introduced permitting Mr. Smythe to detain out of rent all sums due for customs, etc., and dispensed with by her Majesty to any person, the same being proved before the Lord Treasurer ;t a1so that no officer by any colour of their office shall withhold customs. All wares (by her Majesty's command) brought from beyond the seas into any ports, havens, or creeks, within the realm, were to be delivered to Mr. Smythe or his assigns before unlading. The document further provides that, if Mr. Smythe shall at any time fee the officers to conceal the customs, their offices should be voided, and he himself incur a penalty of £6000, and be further dealt with at her Majesty's pleasure. In this grant to Mr. Thomas Smythe wines were excepted.§ It may be interesting in passing to note that, according to an ancient custom, it was not an unusual thing for her Majesty,11 by an order in Council, to remit the duties altogether: accordingly we find that, on the 21st of November 1571, ten bishops were allowed to import :from eight to twelve tuns each, certain of the nobility from twelve to four tuns each, the Spanish Ambassador twelve tuns or more i£ needful, State officers and noble ladies thirty-three kilderkins, each esquire from one to ten tuns. To this order in Council the following curious note is added : That any lady with a good reputation for hospitality, omitted from the list, may have meet allowance, provided the total quantity does not exceed 1000 tuns yearly. 1 Smythe's capacity for business was not, however, wholly absorbed in the management of the customs ; he entered largely into mining speculation in company with Humphry, Shutz, Cole, and Williams. * Appendix, Dom. State :Papers, 15'72, vol. xxi., OaZenclar, p. 438. t OaZ. Dom. State Papers, p. 438. t .A. private arrangement was also made between the Lord Treasurer and Mr. Smythe to allow of the exportation (D.S.P., vol. xo., OaZendar, p. 454) of 4-000 barrels of beer. § The importation being regulated under the .A.ot for the Importation of Sweet Wines, 1 Eliz. (H. Hall, vol. i., p. 306.) II Appendix, Dom. State :Papers, vol. xx., CaZenda1·, p. 3'72. f A table shewing the Customs and Subsidy of Imports and Exports in the year 15'70 is given by Hubert Hall, vol. ii., pp. 243, 244. Imports, Foreign • • • • £45,336 18 O Exports, English 26,665 3 10 Balance in favour of Imports - £18,6'71 14 2 COMMONLY CALLED CUSTOMER SMYTHE, 197 They obtained licence to dig for minerals and ores in England, with power to impress workmen, waggons and horses.* In 1568 the works had so far proved successful that Humphry writes and sends specimens. t We find Mr. Customer Smythet at one time acting as a banker to the Commissioners appointed for improving Dover Haven as regards the tonnage money granted for the repair of the Haven, and giving a bond in conjunction with Mr. John Bird and Mr. John Watts, his brother officers, for the payment of £5000 to the Harbour Commissioners, for which an indenture was drawn up between the Crown and the Mayor and Jurats of the town of Dover for the payment of the same ; and Sir Thomas Scott, on or before the 7th of June 1584, signed a warrant authorizing Mr. Customer Smythe§ to receive £5000 out of the Exchequer for the use of Dover Harbour. His intimacy with Sir Thomas Scott, Treasurer to the Dover Harbour Commissioners, ultimately ripened into a closer connection, when Sir Robert Smythe of Leeds Castle,11 the fourth son of Mr. Customer Smythe, espoused Elizabeth, the daughter of Sir Thomas Scott of Scott's Hall, Kent; and many subsequent letters from Mr. Smythe are dated from Scott's Hall. Smythe at this time became more mixed up in mining matters, at Bokellyn in Oormvall, and at Treworthye. To William Carnsewe and Ulric Frose,"i!· who appear to have had the local management of the mines, he sent money from time to time to prosecute the works. Carnsewe, although satisfied with the skill of the English miners, is nevertheless of opinion that German labourers should be tried in competition with them.** Mr. Smythe writes in return to thank Carnsewe for his offer for the furtherance of the mineral works, but the Company had resolved to go on with the lead mines at Perrin Sands, requesting that Hans Hering should be discharged. He also remonstrates against the high wages paid to the Dutch miners, when Cornishmen do as well on less wages, and intimates at the same time that the great expenses of the undertaking now fall on him,tt as the partners will not advance any more money; he fur􀂫her complains that !he 􀂬re produced yielded but two ounces of silver to the cwt., which did not J?ay. Ulric Frose advised Carnsewe to work the mines deeper, to yield a profit, as in Germany it is usual to work from thirty to forty fathoms before they come to the ore. This advice appears to have been followed : * 1565, Dom. State Papers, vol. xxxvii., 1101 O•t.!TIIO, 􀀠PRAGUE & C9 LONDON. GROUND PLANS OF WESTENHANGER HOUSE. IN A. D. IG48 AND, A, D., 1887. COMMONLY CALLED CUSTOMER SMYTHE, 201 mati : & other ffyve thowsande pounds to be paide into her matis Exchequor by ffyve hundred poundes a yere; what farder promes I made upon the yerely profit of my ffarme I assuer yo• ho. I doe not nowe remember, having nether kept coppie of my offer, nor com'unicated it wth any man who might helpe my memory. But to my best remembrance I was to paye her mali 10001. yerelye vpon my ffarme for ffive yeres & so to make it vpp Twenty thowsand pounde : Being in this case p'mised by the messinger from her mati that if by strange alteration of Tymes thinges felle owte contrarily I should by her mati• goodnes be no loosor. Nowe my good L. to howe gr!)t a portion of my welth this offer streacheth & wth howe heavie a harte I was induced to it god & my selfe best knowes. But being so faithfully assured by the messinger not only of my present quietus est but also of her ma11• £former most good & gracious ffavor The assurance herof I estemed so inestimable a Treasure as I strained my selfe to the vttermost to procure it. Wherfor my good L. being now againe moved by yor ho. to an inlargement of my former offer (wherin I protest vnto yo• ho. I strained my selfe to the vttermost before) I am in all humilitye by yo• ho. good menes most humbly to crave pardon of her mat! herin being a t,hing w011 without the vtter Ruin of my selfe & mine I canne by no menes performe. Thus most hombly besechinge yor ho. by yo• ho. meanes & mediatio' to her mat! to free me from yt heavie burden, of her hignes displesure (yt so presseth me to y0 Erthe, yt I crave of the Erthe to cover bothe my discredit & sorrowe). I most hombly comit yo• ho. to god & submit my selfe to her mail• com'iseration 4ombly praiinge aswell her hignes as yo• ho. yt this my offer may not be knowne to many for my credit sake. This xvith of Octo. 1589. Yo• ho. ever most hombly at com'ande. THOMAS SMYTHE. This offer was not accepted. His increasing infirmities and the weight o:f his Royal Mistress's displeasure combined to shorten a li:fe already marked with many honourable and worthy actions. He departed this li:fe on the '7th o:f June 1591, leaving his widow, then sixty years o:f age, and twelve children, six sons and six daughters, "o:f whom more anon." A breviate o:f five pages* (in the Record Office) shews the total receipts o:f the :four :farms o:f Customs and Subsidy, as shewn by the books o:f Mr. Thomas Smythe, :for a period o:f eighteen years, from the thirteenth o:f her Majesty's reign to the thirtieth, giving receipts ranging :from £20,000 to £42,000 per annum ; also that during the first twelve years o:f her Majesty's reign when Mr. Smythe was collector o:f the London subsidy, inwards only, it averaged £11,599 16s. 10d.; whereas :from the twenty-seventh to the thirtieth, when he was :farmer, it was £30,263 15s. 2M., and that by the last farm he gained £16,119 5s. 5d. Also that from the nineteenth to the twenty-first his £arm of the Customs and Subsidies inwards on London and the ports averaged £25,486 Ss. 6d. ; but that during the last two years when it was in the Queen's hands, under Mr. Alderman Billingsley, it was £35,823 16s. 5,£-d., shewing the losses her Majesty had sustained under the practices o:f Mr. Smythe. Her Majesty's attention was also directed to the duty on the export o:ft lead beyond the seas, the tax on which had continued the same for the last forty years, although many of the European states at this time obtained their chie:f supply :from England. * Oalenda,• of Doniestio State Pape1·s, June 1591, 1594, p. 64, t Calenda1• of Donie8tic State Pape1•s, A,D, 1591, pp. 133, 155, No, 131. 202 T.IIOMA.S SMYTHE, OF WESTllJNHA.NGER, As regards tin also, it appeared that 15s. 6½d, royalty was received by the Queen on every 1000 lb. weight raised in Devonshire, and 40s. in Cornwall, the miners having the right to sell it to whom they pleased unless required for the use of the state. In this respect there was a loss of revenue of some £2000, which the miners and tinners offered to give, but that if not left in the hands of the patentees there were other merchants who were willing to give £5000 or £6000 for it. Such facts as these go far to shew that the mining operations carried out by Mr. Customer Smythe and his co-partners were not so unprofitable a speculation as the correspondence between the managers and agents before mentioned indicated. Mr. Thomas Smythe, by his wife Dame .A.Hee, the daughter of Sir Andrew Judde before mentioned, had (besides Andrew, who died when an infant) six sons and the like number of daughters. First, John; then Thomas, Henry, Richard, Robert, and Symonthe latter was killed at the Siege of Cadiz, and he is represented on the monument as hal'ing a slrnll in his hands. His daughters were Elizabeth, unmarried at the time of his death; Mary, the wife of Robert Davy; Joan, the wife of Thomas Fans haw; Katherine, who was married at the age of sixteen to Sir Rowland Hayward, a clothworker, Lord Mayor in 1571 ; Alice, the wife of William Harris; and Ursula, the wife of William Butler. His will,* dated the 22nd day of May in the 83rd year of the reign of Elizabeth, was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury by his executors Sir Rowland Hayward, Knt., John Smythe, Thomas Fanshaw, and Mr. Thomas .A.ldowsey. It commences with the lengthy preamble usual at that time, expressing his faith in the merits of his Saviour, and after providing that his body shall be buried by his executors in the Parish Church of Ashford, he exhorts them to avoid " vain pomp as the World by customs in times of darkness were used," but rather that the money may be expended on the poor. His next charge is as to the payment 0£ bis debts, " first such as I owe to my most gracioust Sovereign the Queen's most excellent Majesty whom God long preserve be duly satisfied,'' and for the more speedy arrangement thereof he wills and appoints that the leases of Maniton and Thorndon Wood in the county of Kent be sold £or the payment of the same. 'ro his wife Dame Alice he leaves his lease and interest in his messuage and tenement in London, for the term of her natural life, together with all his household stuff therein, providing she does not marry. To his daughter Elizabeth he leaves the full sum of £1500 £or her orphan portion, according to the laudable custom 0£ the City of London; £1400, and the residue 0£ his goods and chattels, * Somerset House, vide St. Barbe, fol. '78. t Sir John Smythe, as his executor, received a remission of these on consideration of resigning a bond of £3000 made to him by ( the late Lord Cobham Domesti:c State Papers, vol. xii., Calendar, p. 197). MONUMENT OF THOMAS SMYTHE ESQ':'􀀤 Commonly Called the Customer IN ASHFORD CHURCH, KENT. COMMONLY CA.LLED CUSTOMER SMYTHE. 203 to his children who were unadvanced, to be equally divided according to the custom of the said city. To his daughter Mary Davy, wife of.Robert Davy, he leaves the sum of £500, and to their children the like sum of £500 to be equally divided.. To Thomas, Katherine, and. William, the children of his daughter Joan, wife 0£ Thomas Faushaw, and. ot his late wife Mary, the sum of £500 to be equally divided.. To the children of his daughter Katherine, wife ot Sir Rowland. Hayward, Knt., £500 to be divided.. To the children of his daughter .A.lice, wife of William Harris, the sum of £550 to be divided.. To the children of his daughter Ursula, the wife of William Butler, the sum of £550 to be divided.. 'l'o his son John plate of the value of £100, to Thomas £100, to Henry Smythe £100, and. to his children, not exceeding three at the time of his decease, £50 a year, to Richard Smythe £100. To his brother Horsepoole and. his wife £550, and. to every one of his brothers and. sisters a ring of gold. of the value of 50 marks a piece. To his kinsman Henry Smith £20, and. his brother Richard. £100. To his household. servants at the time of his decease £50 each. To William Bromley Rowlancl £20. To his loving friend Thomas Owen, Sergeant-at-Law, £20; also to Christopher Toldervey, £or his great care of his affairs, £200. To Peter Laughton £20. He further directs that his executors shall provide him a suitable monument 􀃃n Ashford. Church, and. that a sum of £40 should. be given to the poor of Ashford., £10 to the poor of Corsham, and. to the prisons in and. about London the sum of £40. Signed and. sealed. in the presence of Mr. Christopher Told.ervey. Witnesses, William Whistler and William Offi.ey. Mr. Thomas Smythe's monument is on the south-east side of the south transept in Ashford. Church. The recumbent figures of the Customer and. Dame .A.lice, his ,vife, are admirably carved. in alabaster. The head of Smythe has a peaked. beard and. closefitting cap, and. the features are those of au able and. cultivated. gentleman; his dress that of a well-to-do merchant, with doublet, hose, and. furred gown; his hands are raised, holding a book, which he appears to be reading. The features of his wife strike one as being rather Flemish in character, on her head. she wears a coif or cap. Both effigies rest on a raised. monument under an arch springing from imposts, the soffit of which is richly ornamented., flanked with Corinthian columns on short pedestals, supporting an enriched architrave, swelled frieze and cornice, surmounted with an open balustrading, pedesfals, and obelisks. In the centre is a square coffer, carved. and enriched. with the arms of the Smythes, surmounted. with the helmet and. crest. In bas-relief, on the face of the monument below, are the effigies 0£ the children-six sons and six daughters. The arms of Smythe 0£ Ostenhanger are thus described by 204 THOMA.S SMYTHE, OF WESTENHANGER, Edmondson, vol. ii. : Azure, a chevron engrailed between three lions passant-gardant or; Crest, a leopard's head erased argent, spotted sable, collared and lined or ; granted in 1591. The following is a translation, made by the Rev . .A.. J. Pearman, of the inscription on Smythe's monument:* Sacred to memory. Here, in the certain hope of a blessed resurrection, is interred the most illustrious man Thomas Smythe, Esq., of W estenhanger, who, on account of his tried fidelity and obedience towards his Sovereign, was deemed worthy to be set over the duties of the Customs in the Port of London, which dues he afterwards purchased of the Sovereign by the payment of an annual rent of £30,000, and he presided over them with singular liberality towards those of higher rank, and love towards the trading interests. He expended the means with which an .Almighty and Merciful Providence had blessed him freely and willingly, in relieving the poor to the Glory of God, in cherishing the professors of true religion, m promoting literature, and, for the advantage of the State, in fitting out ships for long voyages, in discovering new countries, and opening copper mines. .And now, full of years, when he had completed his sixty-ninth year, and brought up six sons and also six daughters, by his dearest wife, herself sixty years of age, daughter and heiress of Sir .Andrew Judde, Knt., Lord of the Manor of this Town of .Ashforl, who are placed by marriage in families of some distinction, he departed this life in firm faith in Christ on the '7th of June in the year of grace 1591. John Smythe, his eldest son, most sorrowfully erected this monument to the best of fathers and the most beloved of motherst as a memorial of his duty and affection, and a record to posterity, the other sons and daughters joining in his grief. MEMORI.lE SA.ORUM. Hie certa spe Beatie resurrectionis oonditur Clarissimus Vir Thomas Smythe de Westenhanger armiger, qui ob Spectatam in Principem fidem et observantiam dignissimus habebatur. Qui portorii Vectigalibus in Londini Portubus prroficeretur, quro postea triginta millium librarum annua pensitatione a Principe redemit, et singulari in nobiliores liberalitate et amore in mercatores prrostitit. opes quibus illum Deus Opt, Max. beavit, ad Dei gloriam pauperes sublevando verro Religionis professores fovendo bonasque literas promovendo, et ad Reipublicro usum longinquas navigationes instituendo novas terras detegendo et rorarias fodinas aperiendo libens lubensque erogavit. Jamque annorum plenus cum sexagesimum nonum annum implevisset-filiosque sex, sex etiam, filias, ex .Alicia Charissima conjuge sexagenaria, filia et hrorede Andrei Judd Militis Dn1 hujus Villro de .Ashford suscepisset-qui in clariores familias matrimonio collocantur, ex hac Vita firma in Christo fide demigravit Junii Septimo anno Salutis 1591. Johannes Smythe fili us primo genitus optimo patri matrique charissimro ceteris filiis, filiabus que collacrimantibus ad offi.ciosoo Jiietatis et posteritatis Memoriam Mrostissimus posuit. His widow, the daughter of Sir Andrew J udde, Knt., before mentioned, survived him, living at her late husband's house in London until her decease in 1593. * A.shforrl,: its Okurcli, etc. By Rev. A. J. Pearman. Page 15. t Dame .Alice's will is dated 1592. Mr. Pearman says that she was buried in .Ashford Church on the 21st of' June 1593. COMMONLY CALLED CUSTOMER SMYTHE. 205 Her will was proved 11 May 1598 in the Prerogative Court 0£ Canterbury,* and we may fairly conclude from the bequests therein contained that she was 0£ a generous and large-hearted disposition, kind and charitable to the poor and needy, a loving mother, and an affectionate friend. As the will extends over several folios, we can only glance at a £ew 0£ the bequests, although all have some matters 0£ interest for the antiquary. Her wish is expressed to be buried without pomp by the side 0£ her husband, and she directs that a mourning gown of black cloth 0£ the value 0£ xxd a yard be given to her sons, daughters, and relatives, and one cloak 0£ the value 0£ xiid a yard to her servants. Out 0£ the first moneys that shall come into the hands 0£ her executors, they shall purchase lands, of the yearly value 0£ £15 per annum at least, to be conveyed in trust to the Company 0£ Skinners 0£ London and their successors ; ten pounds to be paid in increasing the pensions 0£ the alms people in Great St. Helen's, founded by her worthy husband ; thirty shillings £or the relief 0£ the poor women in the Parish 0£ All Saints, Lombard Street, and twenty-four shillings per annum to poor women of St. Gabriel's, Fenchurch Street, and the rest bestowed on the Charity Warden £or the time being. To the Universities 0£ Oxford and Cambridge £100 each; to threescore women of All Saints, Lombard Street, St. Andrew Unders11a£t, and St. Gabriel's, Fenchurch Street, black gowns; to those of the Town 0£ Barnes and residue of the Parishes of London at the discretion 0£ her executors. To her cousins, Constance Glover and Thomas Stubbesfield, annuities 0£ £5 a year each, and her man and maid servant annuities, 40s. ; to the poor of Ashford, £20 ; the poor of Stamford, £5 ; to Christ's Hospital, Little Bartholomew's, and Bridewell, £20; to John Stoddard of Mortlake, and Mr. Roger, £5 ; to her brothers, Henry and Robert, £3 each. And further the will goes on to say, "And I give and bequeath to my son Sir John Smith,tmy:fl.aggon, chain, and my great bo[w]lls which were my father's, and the furniture of my best chamber, that is to say the hanging, the tapestries, and the bedstead furnished with yellow velvet, and the pillows of yellow-like sarcenet, and yellow little quilt, a feather-bed and bolster, and pillows and blankets, and two chairs of Arras wrought, one great and the other lesser, and two high (hoighe) stools 0£ yellow velvet, a table of wainscote, and two Turkey carpets, one pair of andirons, one pair of tongues and a shovel." To her daughter, Alice Smith, £50; her daughters, Katherine and Margaret, £10 each; to her daughters, Katherine and Elizabeth, £10 to be paid on their attaining their majority. To her son Thomas she gives the furniture of her own best chamber, the hangings 0£ tapestry, and the bedstead, with the teste1• "" Somerset House, Lewin 1, fol. 42. t Ancestor of the Lords Strn,ngford. 206 THOMAS SMYTHE, OF WESTENHANGER, and vallance of crimson velvet, the bed, bolster, pillows, and blankets, and the great coverlid of Arras of the Story of Paris and Helen, her longest Turkey carpet, whereof there was a finer sort of red worsted and an ordinary sort; one table-cloth of damask of the Story of Holofernes, containing five yards in length and three in breadth, and one long broad towel, and two dozen napkins, and two hand towels of the same work, and one long needle-work carpet with the cushions and covered cloth to it. Her third son Henry receives a table-cloth of damask of the Story of the Prodigal Child, and 100 oz. of white plate, i.e. silver. To Richard Smith and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Scott of Scott's Hall, she bequeathed a bedstead and furniture of green taffany, a feather-bed, bolster, and pillow; a blue velvet chair, six low stools, a feather-bed and bolster £or serving, a table-cloth of damask of the Story of the Creation, six yards long, and two dozen napkins, a long towel, and two hand towels, one dozen of high stools covered with Moikyndoe, a green velvet chair, and four of the hangings of the guest chamber. To his son Thomas Smith £100, and to John £50, to be paid on attaining the age of 21. To Robert Smith, the furniture of the bed chamber, which was hung with carving (carved wainscot), the bedstead and furniture of ta:ffi.ta, one long and two high stools, two chairs of green velvet, bed, bolster, and blankets, a coverlid of Arras of tbe Story of David and Abigail, a table-cloth of damask, six yards long, a double towel, two dozen napkins, and two hand towels of the same work, of a great flower, four yards of hangings which were in the guest chamber beside the porch, and 40 oz. of white plate. To her son Symon, the furniture of her son John's chamber, with the bed and tester of green velvet, and curtains of green silk, a bolster, blankets, a coverlid of Arras of the Story of Susanna, a table-cloth of damask, five yards long, two dozen napkins, one large towel, and two hand towels. To her daughter Joan (Mrs. Fanshaw), her best chain, a tablecloth of damask of the Story of Susanna, of five yards, a double towel, a cupboard cloth, two dozen napkins, and £200 in money. To the two sons of Mrs. Mary Davy, £200 on their attaining the age of twenty-one, and the like sum to her daughter on her coming of age or marriage, which should first happen. To her daughter Ursula (Mrs. Butler), 100 oz. of white plate, a small yellow satin quilt, £20 to her sons Thomas, Oliver, and William, and a like sum to Alice and Catherine on attaining the age of twenty-one. To her daughter Fanshaw (Joan), the third chair of Arras, a table-cloth of damask, seven yards long by five wide, of the Story of Holofernes, a long broad towel, and two dozen napkins, and two hand towels ; to her son Thomas, £20 ; and to William, £10 ; to Alice, £20 ; and Katherine, £10. To her daughter Katherine (wife of Sir Rowland Hayward), her best chair of crimson velvet, embroidered with silk and gold, and a 09:MMONLY CALLED Cl!S'l'OMER SMY'l'HE. 207 long cushion suitable to it, and her best ring, being a diamond, to her sons George and John, £10 a year at the age of twenty-one, to her daughter Alice, £20, and to Katherine, Mary, and .Amiee, £10 on attaining the age of twenty-one or on marriage. To her daughter Harris (.Alice), her jewel ring and lE* of diamonds, a table-cloth 0£ long damask of the Story 0£ Samuel, containing five yards, a double towel, and two dozen napkins, and two chairs of.crimson enstuffa; to her son Thomas Harris, £14 per annum, and to her daughter Dora, £10 . . To her daughter Elizabeth Smith, a long table-cloth of diaper, containing six yards in length, a long towel, and two dozen napkins, her carpet of .Arras work, a long cushion of green velvet, and two end cushions, one pair of fine sheets 0£ three yards breadth, a pillow pursed and stuffed, a large quilt of crimson taffita, a table-cloth of damask, five yards in length, a double towel, and one dozen napkins, of the work of a great flower, and £300 in money. Then follow bequests of £20 each to her sons-in-law, Sir Rowland Hayward, Thomas Fanshaw, and William Butler, and to William Harris, £50; to Robert Davy, £20; Susanna Owen, a ring value £3; and Dr. Smith of Wood Steet, the picture of Geoffery. Legacies are also given to Andrew Judd on his attaining the age of twenty-one, and £20 to Mr. Fisher, together with memorial rings to her brother Horsepool and her sister> his wife, value 40s. each, to-. - and .Amiee his wife, value 30s. each; to her sister Martha, a gold ring, a standing cup, and 40 oz. of plate ; to her children, rings value 30s. each; to her cousin John Mello1•, a ring of 30s.; John Gaythorne and his wife,· rings of the value of £3 ; to Alice Brome and wife 0£ Harry Smith, a ring value 40s. ; to John Gaywood, Anne Oooke, Bridget Bird, and Mr. Rogers, rings value 40s. To the men-servants residing with her at the time of her decease, Thomas Wray, the bedstead in his chamber and £3, and the like to William Payne; John Woodhouse,40s.; Richard Smith, £5; John Meeson, £3 ; David Jacob, 40s., and Ohristopher Moore, £3. To her maid-servants, Bridget, £4 ; Grace, 40s. ; Susan, £3 ; Sarah, £3 ; Mother Self, £3 : to be paid in full by her executors. After mentioning the names of her executors, she prays them to be careful in the performance of her will, according to the meaning 0£ every and all the above named; and "I pray them to be satisfied with my good will towards the said several legatees, considering that at this time I could not do better £or them. In witness whereof, I, the said Alice Smith, have -set my hand and seal in the presence of Thomas Peake ;" and then following, as if omitted, " Item I give the remainder of my goods and chattels to the discharge of my just debts and funeral charges ; and I do beg that the said remainder may be divided into six equal parts, five whereof shall be paid to my sons; John, Thomas, Richard, Robert, and Symon, and the sixth part be given to my executors. Signed in the presence of' the aforesaid Thomas Peake." * A monogram for Alice. 208 THOMAS SMYTHE, OF WESTENHANGER. There is a codicil, dated May 20, 1593, when the following bequests were added : to John Smith £100, his wife £40; to Thomas 200 oz. 0£ plate, and £200 to his wife; to Henry £100, and £40 to his wife; to Richard 200 oz. 0£ plate, and £100 to his wife ; to Robert 60 oz. 0£ plate; to Cousin John, £10; Cousin Henry Smith, £10, and his brother Richard, £10; to Ambrose Davis, a piece 0£ plate; to William Mosey, £5; to Mrs. Clarke, £5; to Mr. Greenham, £5; and other poor preachers, £10 a year: the residue in equal proportions to her sons. Witnesses, Robert Smith and Elizabeth Fisher.


Roman remains and a Celt, found near Quarry House, Frindsbury


Discovery of a hoard of Roman Coins at Springhead