Goods and Ornaments at Faversham Church A.D. 1512

( 103 ) ON GOODS AND ORNAMENTS AT FAVERSHAM CHUECH, A.D. 1512. > BY P. P. GIRAUD, TOWN CLERK OP PAVERSHAM. Asr imperfect copy of the following Inventory was printed in 1774 in Jacob's Sistory of Faversham, and was freely used to illustrate Pugin's Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, in 1844. As the original MS. is still in" existence, and no list of Faversham Church goods, in the time of Edward VI., is found among the Kentish .Inventories* in the Eecord Office, it has been thought well to print here a complete copy of the original Paper Eoll which belongs to the Corporation of Eaversham. A preliminary analysis of the contents of the Inventory may be found useful:— Ornaments of the Church. 15 Altar Cloths, 4 being richly embroidered (1 of blue bawdkyn, 1 of white fustian, 1 of arras with gold, 1 of white camlet), and for each of these 4 there was a PBONT (or antependiwm) to match it; also 6 altar clothes of diaper, and 5 of stained cloth. 4 Altar Fronts and Frontals in addition to those already mentioned. 11 Basins, 2 of silver parcel gilt; 7 of pewter; 2 of laton; and 1 laton ewer (for the font probably), 41 Banner Cloths, 1 of redtuke, new; 3 of silk, old; 37 (small) of silk, for the Easter Sepulchre and the Pascal. 1 Bell (little) of laton "for to go on visitation of the sick." 2 Canopy Cloths, 1 of red damask branched with gold, with 8 staves; 1 little silver bell belonging thereto, and 3 small bells of laton ; another cloth pounced and garnished about with purple velvet, with tassels of red silk. 3 Canopies for the Sacrament, 2 of lawn (1 with knops of * Those in the Record Office have been printed in Archceologia Cantiana, VIL—XIV. 104 ON GOODS AND ORNAMENTS copper and needlework knops of gold); and a third of crimson sarcenet with knops of gold and tassels of silk. 9 Candlesticks, 2 of silver parcel gilt (one having a " vice " of silver); 7 of laton. 6 Carpets and Coverlets, 2 of white, red, and yellow; 1 of red, white, blue, and yellow; 1 new for weddings, etc.; 2 old, of red and green. 9 Chalices with Patens, all of silver and gilt; 4 being " great" ; 3 others were ornamented with enamelled or engraved figures or texts ; and 2 were plain. 4 Chests, 1 containing the church evidences; 1 of iron, in the Treasury; 1 Pruse chest bound with iron, to hold relics, outside the Quire door. 1 Chrysmatory with its 3 boxes therein, all of silver parcel gilt, for the 3 consecrated oils. 14 Gorporas Gases (12 containing each a corporax or corporate), 3 red, 1 crimson, 1 red and green, 1 green, 1 white, 1 dunn coloured, 3 black, 3 of colour unmentioned. 2 Crosses, both gilt, 1 (a crucifix) of silver, 1 of copper. 3 Cross Cloths, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green; each adorned with a picture or image; two were surrounded with fringe. 3 Cross Staves. 6 Cruets, 4 of silver parcel gilt; 2 of pewter. 12 Curtains (10 of sarcenet, 2 of fustian) for use at altars; 4 white, 2 purple, 2 tawny, 2 green, 2 striped tawny and white. 8 Cushions, 2 old, of bawdkin; 2 old, of silk; 4 of tapestry work. 8 Deslc Cloths yellow and blue. 1 Eerse (John Brode's) with three candlesticks thereon. 2 Holy Water Stoops of laton. 1 Image of St. Katherine, of alabaster. 26 Lent Cloths, wherewith to cover the images. 2 Palls, fringed with silk all round; 1 of blue silk with branches of gold ; the other of yellow with birds. 3 Paxes, gilt, 2 of silver (1 being set with stones); 1 of wood, gilt, of the Birth of Our Lord. 2 Fixes, 1 of silver and gilt, the other of gilt copper .(conAT EAVERSHAM CHURCH A.D. 1512. 105 taining a small silver cup), for use in visitation of the sick. 2 Belies, closed in silver; others in a silk bag lying in a pruse chest bound with iron. 6 Sconces of board for the Quire. 1 Sepulchre Cloth of red-stained linen. 41 Service Boohs j two are mentioned as being "printed"; and one of the four Psalters is said to be "of French Use." 2 Ships (ThuriUes) and 3 Censers, 2 censers of silver parcel gilt; 1 of laton; 1.ship of silver parcel gi l t ; 1 of laton. 6 Towels, 3 being "houselyng towels"; of diaper. 1 Veil of linen cloth unstained. Ornaments of the Ministers. 13 Chasubles (in addition to those in complete suits), 1 yellow and green; 1 red; 1 green; 3 blue; 1 white ; 1 green and red; 1 purple; 1 ferial with pelican; 1 canvas and goldfoil; 1 tuly silk, embroidered cross, old fashion; 1 of baudkyu with beasts of gold. 7 Complete Suits of Fucharistic Vestments for Priest, Deacon, and Sub-Deacon; 2 being of red cloth of gold; 1 of blue velvet; 2 of white damask; 1 of white camlet; and 1 of blue damask. Probably an eighth suit of black fustian, with white cross, may also have been complete ; but it is called simply " a Vestment," etc. 9 Copes : 1 red ; 2 whi te; 2 blue ; 1 black; 1 of tuly silk ; and 2 green, for the rectores chori. 4 Fanons [Maniples'] of fustian. 10 Parables [Apparels?] ; 8 pieces of fustian; 2 old of camlet. 2 Vestments for the boy Bishop, with 2 coarse mitres. THE INVENTOET. THIS INVENTOET indented is of the goodis and ornamentis of the parishioners of the parish churche of Eaversham, sene by the parishioners there the viijth day of December in tlie iiijth yere of the reigne of Kyng [Henry VIII.] delivered in the seid parish church hy Thomas Smyth and John Love late ij of the [wardens and keepers of the] seid goodis aud ornamentis to Wyll'm Borne, John Roche, Dionyse Hardyman & George Awder, then wardens and kepers of the seid goods aud ornamentis. The one part of the whiche inventory remayneth with Master John Redhurn vicar of the seid parish churche & the other parte of the same inventory 1 0 6 INVENTORY OP GOODS AND ORNAMENTS resteth in the kepyng of the seid "Wyll'm Burne, John Eoche, Dyonise Hardyman & Ceorge Aw der now wardens of the parish. In the Tresory.* Inprimis, a sewte of red clothe of golde, preest, deken, aud subdeken, at the gyfte of Edward Tomsou. Item, a sewte or red clothe of golde, preest, deken, and subdeken, at the gyfte of Symond a tonge. Item, a sewte of blew velvett, preest, deken, and Bubdeken, at the gyfte of M. Eychard Martyn. Item, a sewte of white damaske, preest, deken, and subdeken, at the gyfte of "Wyllm a Barowe lying in a cofyn with xiij shetys to ley them in. Item, ij basons of sylver parcel gylte at the gyfte of Eobert Bylsyngton. Item, ij candylstykkys of sylver parcel gylte at the gyfte of Moder Eobert. Item, ij sensers of sylver parcell gylte with a shipp of sylver parcell gylte. Item, a erysmatory with iij bosisf therin of sylver parcell gylte. Item, ij cruetts of sylver parcell gylte at the gyfte of Thomas a Bery. Item, ij small cruetts of sylver parcell gylte. Item, a paxe of sylver & gylte. Item, a gret paxe of sylver parcell gylte sett with stonys. Item, a paxe of wode gylte of the byrthe of our Lorde. Item, iiij gret chalyces with iiij patents of sylver & gylte in a cheste of yern. Item, a chalyee with a patent of sylver & gylte in a casse of wykers at the gyfte of John Brode. Item, a pixel of sylver and gylte with a kerchif of lawne in itt, and a lynnen clothe aboute itt. * Tresory.—A strong timbered room on the north side of the west door, the windows protected by massive lattice work of oaken beams. t To contain: i. the consecrated oil for extreme unction; ii. Chrism; iii. Oleum Catechumenorum. % Apixe of silver and gilt.—In his will Henry VII. says: " Item, forasmuch as we have often, and many times to our inward regret and displeasure, seen at our Jen. (journeys) in divers and many Churches of our Realme, the Holy Sacrament of the Altar kept in full simple and inhonest pixes, specially pixes of copper and timber, we have appointed and commanded the treasurer of our chamber and master of our jewel house to cause to be made forthwith Pixes of silver and gilt in great number, for the keeping of the Holy Sacrament of the Altar after the fashion of a Pix that we have caused to be delivered to them every of the said Pixes to be of the value of four pounds, garnished with our arms and red roses and portcullises crowned, of which Pixes we will that to the laud and service of God the honour of tho Holy Sacrament of the altar, the weale of our soule, and for a perpetual memory of us, every House of the four Orders of Preres and likewise in every Parish charge within this our realm not having a pixe, nor none other honest vessel of silver and gilt nor of silver ungilted, for the keeping of the Holy Sacrament, have of our gift in our life, one of the said pixes as soon and speedily as goodly may be done ; and if this be not performed in part or in all our life, we then will that the rest not performed in our life be performed by our executors within one year at the farthest next after our decease."—Testamenta Vetwta, p. 33. AT EAVERSHAM CHURCH, A.D. 1512. 107 Item, a crosse with a crucifixe & Mary and John upon it of sylver & gylte lyeiuge in a casse with a kerchif of cypres. Item, a corporas casse of red clothe of golde with a corporas in itt. Item, a new corporas gevu be mastres kempe & haleys; & crossyd be the provision of the vycar; yt ys in the case y* Brod gave. Item, a fronte for the hye awter of red clothe of golde. Item, a remnauut o£ red. clothe of golde belefte of the beste sute conteynyng in lengthe ij yerds & di. Item, a clothe for a cauapye of red. damaske braunched with golde. Item, a lytell belle of sylver for the cauapy with iiij sylken poyntes with agletts of sylver & gilte. Item, iij small bellys of laton. Item, an olde poynte of sylke with agletts of sylver. Item, a vyce of sylver for one of the kandylstykkes of sylver. Item, ij relekys closed in sylver with other relykys in a bagge of sylke lyenge iu a pruse cheste bounden with iem. Item, a cheste unlokked in the whyche the Evydences of the Churche did lye. Item, iiij fanons of fustyau for vestments. Item, viii peces of parablys gret & small of fustyan. Item, ij old parables of olde chamlett. In the Mevesiry. Inprimis, a veyle of lynnen clothe unsteyned. Item, iij houselyng towellys of diaper and a napkyn of dyaper. Item, a pleyn towell of lynnen clothe. Item, a corporas casse of cipres lyenge in a cheste. Item, iiij chalyces one of them gylte with the Trinite inamyled in the fote with the patent gylte blew amyle with the Trinite; another of them gylte & the patent gylte with the Holy Lambe. The iijd of them parcell gylte and the patent parcell gylte with scripture rounde aboute, at the gyfte of Thomas Eede; the iiijth parcel gylte with a broken f ote. Item, a vestyment for the preest, deken and subdeken of white chamlett with the apparell. Item, a sute of white damaske for the preest, deken & subdeken & a cope with the apparell. Item, a sute of blew damaske preest, deken, & subdeken with a cope and the apparell. Item, on old chisybiH for the hye awter of red bawdkyn with the apparell for the preest. Item, on olde chesybyll of blew velvett. Item, on olde chesybill of white bustyan with the orffres of counterfett sylver. Item,, a chisehyll for the hye awter. for werkyng dayes with a pellycan and the apparell for the preest. Item, a chisehyll of blew worsted with the fanon & the stole & the parables of the same. 108 INVENTORY OP GOODS AND ORNAMENTS Item, ij lytell vestyments for seynfc Nycholas with ij course mitors. Item, a cope of red sylke with bordours of blew velvett. Item, a cope of white sylke poudred with flowres of golde. Item, one olde cope of blew sylke the borders with browdred werke. Item, ij copys of grene bawdkyn for the rectores chori. Item, a cope of tuly sylke full of grene floures. Clothes for the hye awter. Item, a clothe for the hie awter of blew bawdkyn with the pyctor of our Lorde and Mary and John browdred & a fronte of the same. Item, on awter clothe of white fustyan with red roses with a crucyflx & Mary and John browderd &"a fronte of the same & ij curteyns. Item, a pelle of blewe sylke with braunches of golde frenged with sylke rounde aboute. Item, a pelle of yelow with byrdes frenged with sylke rounde aboute. Item, a corporas casse with Mary and John with a corporas in itt. Item, ij corporas casses of blak damaske with ij corporas in hem. Item, a corporas casse of dunne damaske with byrdes of golde & a corporas iu itt. Item, a corporas casse of white nedyllwerke and a corporas therin. Item, a corporas casse of crymson damaske on the one side & the other side of blak fustyan with a braunche browdred and a corporas therin. Item, ij red corporas casses bothe with hindes of golde and corporas in hem. Item, a corporas of red and grene with Ih'us crowned at the gyfte of John Brode without a corporas. Item, a grene corporas casse with ij blak grypes and a corporas therin. Item, a corporas casse of sylke cofirwise without a corporas. Item, a pixe of copir & gylte with a lytell cuppe of sylver gylt within for to visit syke folkes. Item, ij olde cushons of bawdkyn. Item, iij olde cushons of sylke. Item, vi skonses of borde for the quyer. Item, ij holy water stoppis of laton.. Item, ij pewter basons. Item, ij Basons and one ewer of laton. Item, iiij kandylstykks for the hie awter of laton. Item, a fote of laton for the crosse to stonde upon the herse. Item, iij crosse stafys. Item, viij stafys for the canapy. Item, a senser and a shipp of laton. AT EAVERSHAM CHURCH, A.D. 1512. 109 Item, a lytil belle of laton for to go on visitacon. Item, a coverlett of beyonde see werke of roses and moletts red white blewe and yelow lyned with canvas to ley before the hye awter at the gyfte of Mastres Hille. Item, a carpett of white red and yelowe at the gyfte of Dame Kateryn Martyn. Item, a chisebyll of canvas with hemys of golde foyle. Item, a chisebyll of tuly sylke braunched with blew & red and the crosse of browderd werk on the olde fasshon. Item, a cope of black velvett with sterrys of golde and the orfres of red clothe of golde. Item, a vestment of blak fustyan with a white crosse braunched with golde and sylke with the apparell for the preest. Item, ij olde koverletts of red and grene. Item, a new coverlet for weddyngs and for othyr servyse at the gyfte of the vycar. Item, iiij cusshons of tapstery weike ij of small value. Item, a haugynge & tbe fronte for the hye awter of wbite chamlett with blewe garters & ij curteyns of white sarsenett for the same. Item, ij curteyns of tawny changeable sarsanetfc frenged with white aud grene sylke at the gyfte of Mr Vicar. Item, ij curteyns of purpili sarsenett frenged with sylke white purpyl and yelow at the nether ends. Item, a canapy for the sacrament of crymson sarsenett with knoppis of golde'and tacellys of sylke at the gifte of Master Vicar. Item, ij olde curteyns garded with tawny sarsanett with panys of white lennen clothe with gret roses therin steyned. Item, canapy clothe pounsyd garnychyd aboute with purpull velvett with tassells of red sylke at the gyfte of Cavens wyfe of TJovyr. Item, iij steyned clothes for the hie awter at the gifte of Master Vicar. Item, iij clothes for the deskes of borde alysaunder yelowe and blewe. Item, vii awter clothes iiij of dyaper and iij of pleyn. Item, ij canapyes of lawne for the sacrament ou with knoppis of copir & gret knoppis of golde wroughte with the nedyll and tacellys of red sylke and the other hath non. Item, a chisebyll of bawdkyn with bestys of golde borderd with grene sylke and golde with the apparell for the preest. Item, a chisebyll of grene and red sylke with byrds of golde & blewe and white flouris with the apparell for the preest. Item, a steyned clothe of red with clowdys for the sepulcre. Item, a chisebyll of borde alysaunder yelowe and grene the crosse of blew velvett with lebards hedys of gold with the apparell for the preest. Item, a crosse clothe of grene sarsenett with on vmage of our Lady. J & Item, a crosse clothe of blewe sarsenett with the assumpc'on of our Lady frenged aboute with sylke. 110 INVENTORY OP GOODS AND ORNAMENTS Item, a crosse cloth of red with the pyctor of Seynt Gf-eorge & a chalyce of golde steyned frenged about with cadase. Boleys m Revestry* Item, vij Antiphoners. Item, iij G-rayles. Item, ij Legendys. Item, x Masse bokys on of them with sylver claspis. Item, iiij Sawters one of them of Erenshe use. Item, ij Pystill bokys. Item, iiij Manuellys ij wreten & ij prynted. Item, vj Processionaries. Item, a Colett boke at the gyfte of Mr Vicar. Item, a Sequence boke. In Seynt Thomas Chapell.^ Inprimis, a chisebyll of purpyll damaske with the apparell for the preest. Item, a chisebyll of blew velvett with the apparell for the preest. Item, a clothe of aras with golde for Seynt Thomas ;awter and a fronte for the same awter of the same. Item, ij grene curteyns of sarsenett for the same .awter ,frenged at the ends.. Item, a steyned clothe with a pyctor of Seynt Thomas. A Seynt Kateryn% Awter in a Cheste in the heepyng of John Boleyn and "Wylliam BeVke. Inprimis, a corporas casse of blak damaske with a corporas i n itt. Item, on olde lynnen steyned clothe with a doble crosse of sarsenett. Item, a frontell of red for that awter with crowned Mcs. * Bohys in the Revestry.—In the reign of Elizabeth parchment leaves $rom church books were used "by the Town Clerk of Faversham as covers for Recognizances of Typpelers and Proceedings of the Portmote Court. Amongst those which have been so preserved are two leaves of an illuminated Psalter of the thirteenth century in small quarto, which is possibly the one Of " Frenshe use " mentioned in the Inventoiy. The following is a specimen of the Latin, followed by its French translation : " Non me demergat tempestas aque neque absorbeat me profundum neque urgeat super me puteus os suum ; " " No me plunge tempeste deuene no transglute mei la parfundece nene constrainne sur mei li puiz sa buche;" "Exaudi mo domine quam benigna est misericordia tua secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum respice in me ; " " Exoi mei sire kar benigne est ta misericorde selune la multitudene de tes merciz esguarde mei." f Seynt Thomas Chapell—On the north side of the chancel, where the organ now stands. William Southlonde in 1457 gave to the Altar of S' Thomas 2 awter clothes and 2 redellys iu valour of xiij5 iiijd. Eohert Fale in 1529 to the light of S' Edmund in S' Thomas Chapell one cowe. Some of the freiscoes in this chapel were described by Mr. Willement in Vol. I. Arch. Carit.% pp. 150-3.^ J Seynt Kateryn Awter.—The ancient church of the adjoining parish of Preston is dedicated to St, Catherine. AT EAVERSHAM CHURCH, A.D. 1512. Ill Item, a frontell for that awter of blew & grene damaske with lyones of golde. , ,, - , „ , • , £ n. Item, a fronte of lynnen clothe with a frontell of blew tor the same. Item, one awter clothe of dyaper. Item, a lytell olde towell of dyaper. Item, a lytell olde towell pleyn miled with blew. Item, ij lytill kandylstykks of laton. Item, a new baner clothe of red tuke. Item, ou ymage of Seynt Kateryn of alabaster. At the Morow Masse Awter.* Inprimis, a chisebyll of grene damaske with lyones of golde with all the apparell for the preest. Item, a Masse boke prynted. Item, ij cruetts of pewter. Item, ij kandylstykks of laton upon the awter. Item, 13 gret kandylstykks aud a small of laton stonding upon brods herse. At Seynt Lulcys Awfer.f Inprimis, iij kandylstykks of laton. Item, a crosse of coper and gylte. At Jesus Awter.% Item, ij basons of pewtyr. At Seynt Peter Awter.§ Item, a bason of pewtyr. In a Cheste^ withoute the Qityer Bore on the lefte hand goyng into the guyer. Inprimis, xxvi olde steyned clothes for to cover with the ymages in the church in Lente. Item, xxxvij lytell baner clothes of sylke for the sepulcre & the pascall. * Morow Masse Awter.—Thomas Sterkey in 1525 bequeathed to this altar every week a penny for the space of one whole year after his decease. John Wiltshire in 1528 willed that his wife should keep his brotherhood at this altar as long as she was able ; and he bequeathed to it one altar cloth like tho altar cloth at Preston both after the making and the price. t Seynt Lukys. Awter.—Thomas Sterkey in 1525 bequeathed 5 nobles in sterling money to a priest to sing for him a quarter of a year at this altar immediately after his decease. X Jesus Awter.—John Wiltshire in 1528 bequeathed to this altar 8d. § Seynt Peter Altar.—Agnes Andrews in 1526 willed that Sir Robert Lambert should have her house with all the appurtenances and commodities to him or his assigns for ever to give or sell, to sing for her, or cause to be sung, half a year at this altar. William Collen in 1526 gave to the altar of St. Peter 8d. || A chest without the Quyer door.—This may possibly be the richly decorated one of flamboyant work, which has been often described, and is now to he seen in St. Thomas's Chapel. 1 1 2 ON GOODS AND ORNAMENTS Item, ij pewter basons. Item, viij peynted clothes & iij olde baner clothes of sylke and a stremer of sylke. Erom the municipal records we learn that in 1524 some o£ the church goods were stolen, and that Lawrence Manby was employed to ride to London to search for them. In 1525, £5 4s. 4d. was expended for horse-hire and other charges connected with legal proceedings occasioned by a robbery of certain goods from the church. In the second year of Edward VI. (154H-8) there was sold to John Wrek, with the consent of the whole town formally given at a wardmote holden at the Court Hall, 3 cwts. 22 lbs. of old laton candlesticks at 24s. 8d. the cwt. Sum £4i 3s. lOd.; whereof he paid down £3 Is., which was delivered to pay for painting the roodloft aud the Scriptures upon the same, and for the Scripture in the North Isle. In the same year a pix of silver was sold. In 1549 the sum of 47s. 5d. was received for certain things sold, out of the chapel, and for other things belonging to the church, and was expended in the purchase of " The Byere y* they carye the ded corpus on," Erocession books, Paraphrases of Erasmus, a Table of the High Altar, two books of the Communion, a desk for the Paraphrases, etc., etc. DON/OES STAKED IN- THE INTEH-TOBY. WiniiAM A BABOWE, Mayor in 1472 ; a Jurat in 1473. THOMAS A BEET. JOHN" BRODE, Mayor in 1505; a Jurat in 1506-9; Churchwarden in 1509. EOBERT BxiiSYNGTOiir, one of the " C-eutils of Kent," in the time of Hen. VI I . (Arch. Cant., XL, 395.) Q-AVEHT'S WIEE OP BOVOE. MASTRES HiLiE. In 1441 Johane Hille of London, widow, sold to the parishioners 5 bells for Eaversham church tower. Eichard Hille was a Jurat in 1496. DAME KATERXST MAETTN-. EYOHABD MABTYN (son of John Martyn, formerly one of the Justices of the Common Bench, who married Anne, only daughter and heiress of John Boteler, Esq.), Jurat 1466. One of the windows in St. Thomas's Chapel formerly had this inscription in stained glass: " Orate pro animabus Eicardi Martyn de JEwell Armigeri et Benedicte uxoris ejus." A tomb in the church is said to have borne these shields : (1) Quarterly of four, 1 and 4 Martyn ; 2 and 3, Botiller, within a bordure. (2) Botiller, within a bordure, impaling Kirby. (3) Quarterly of four, 1 and 4, Sondes ; 2 & 3, on a chevron 3 crossed, croslets, and over all Q-atton within an escutcheon. JOHN EEDBUEN. In the chancel is a brass with effigies of a priest vested in chasuble, etc., and holding chalice and paten, thus inscribed:—" Hie jacet Magister Johannes Eedborne, clericus, AT EAVERSHAM CHURCH, A.D. 1512. 113 nuper vicarius ecclesie parochialis de Eaversham, qui obiit xxiii die Eebruarii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo primo. Cujus anime propicietur Deus, Amen." THOMAS EEDE. Mayor in 1475, 1484, 1487, 1488,1495, and 1501; Jurat in 1477; Churchwarden in 1485. Weever (A.D. 1631) gives his epitaph thus :—" (Thomas Eead) Hie jacet Johannes Eead sexies Maior istius ville de Eeversham qui obiit . . . . 1503. Vermibus hie donor, et sic discedere conor. Qualiter hie ponor, ponitur omnis honor." MODES EOBEET. Eichard Eobert was a Jurat in 1483. EDWAED TOMSON. Edward Thomasson was a Jurat in 1478, and Mayor in 1480. By will dated 12 Sep, 1494, he ordered his body to be buried before the High Altar in Eaversham Ohurch, called Jesus Altar. He gave to the "Aneras " of Eaversham, to pray for his soul, 3s. 4d.; also £60 "to the edifying of a new steeple in Eaversham, or otherwise to the worship of Cod in good deeds in the Church of Eaversham," and £20 " to the amending of foul ways." The will mentions his wife Margaret; his daughters Alice and Elizabeth; and disposes of tenements in North Street, Partridge Lane, West Street, and Middle Eow; lands and tenements in Kingsfield and in Luddenham, and lands called " Strings " (the site of the present waterworks), also lands and marshes in Hernhill and Boughton. The following is on a brass near the large window of the south transept: "Hie jacet Edward 'Thomasson' quondam maioristi' ville de Eeu'sh'm ac Emota et Margareta uxores' sue quiquid'm Edwardus obiit seeundo die Decembris anno domini millimo cccc0 nonagesimo quarto quor' animabz p'piciet' deus Ame'." SYMOND A TOITGE, Mayor in 1401,1403, and 1404. His seal was a bend cotized between six martlets. He possessed lands at Bredgar aud elsewhere, and in 1397 he lent King Eichard II. £20. In 1399 he was one of the attesting witnesses to a grant, by Eichard atte Tonge, of two messuages at the Woolmarket in Eaversham. The matrix and part of the remains of a very fine brass may be seen on the floor, and other parts on a pillar, in the South Chapel, next the chancel. It formerly had this inscription :—" Hie probus et dignus | vir honestus amansque benignus | T7t vere scitur | Semanus Tong sepelitur | Hie vir opportunus | Baro de portubus unus J In _ Thrughleigh natus | fuit in Eevershamque moratus ) Mortuus ipse die | celsa fuit Epiphanie | Anno milleno | c quater quarto quoque deno | Hujus Semani | fuerant quadraginta bis anni | Tempus in hac vita' sibi coelica sit via scita, | Amen." On a label from the mouth, " Q-od sende us hevene." VOIi. XVUt. I


Fordwich Municipal Records


James Master's Life 1647-1655