Proceedings 1887, 1888 & 1889

———•-; PEOCEEDINGS 1887. THE Council met, on the 28th of December 1887, in the Society's Eooms at Maidstone Museum. Five members were present, of whom G-eorge M. Arnold, Esq., was asked to preside. The first copy of Archceologia Oantiana, Vol. XVII., was laid upon the table by its Editor, Canon Scott Eobertson. This volume contained 474 pages of printed matter, 55 Illustrations, and 27 Papers upon various branches of Archeology. Its total cost was £527, for 985 copies. Of this cost, no less than £210 was expended upon the 55 Illustrations. It was resolved: "That the.Council congratulates Canon Scott Eobertson (the Honorary Secretary and Editor) upon the issue of the 17th Volume of Archceologia. Oantiana, and desires to express the Society's warmest thanks for the great labour and attention he has bestowed on the preparation, revision, and editing of that work; o£ which this is the ninth Volume that he has himself edited and issued." Mr. Gt-eorge Dowker submitted a Eeport of 'the excavations at Eichborough* outside the Eoman Castrum. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Samuel Mercer which stated that when the names of two new Trustees (the present Earl Amherst and J. Or. Talbot, Esq.) were inserted in the books of the Bank of England, our bankers, Messrs. "Wigan, Mercer, and Co., caused all the Society's Stock to be transferred into Consols. Mr. Mercer adds that the total amount of the Society's Consols is £985 : 1 : 5. Thanks were voted to Mr. Lambert "Weston of Dover (a member of the Society) for gratuitously photographing on an enlarged scale, for the Society's Eoomsat Maidstone, a portrait of the Marquess Camden (the first President of the Society), kindly lent to Canon Scott Eobertson for this purpose, by his Lordship's daughter, Lady Frances Pratt. Six new members were elected. * Printed in this volume, vide pages 6—14. VOL. XTlll.




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