
CORRIGENDA. Page 5, col. 2, line 37, Aleyn, William,/or " 299," read " 15, 299." 13, col. 2, line 7, Ashford Churoh, Athol Brass,/or " 181," read " 1,181." 18, ool. 1, lines 21 and 22, Austin, Robert, for '• 88," read " 18,88;" for " 115," read "18, 115." 24, col. 2, line 31, Bates, Richard, for "88," read " 18, 88." 26, col. 1, lines 29 and 30, BeausBeld, for " 16," read " 2, 16;" and for " 20," read " 2, 20." 29, ool. 2, line 19, Beresford, Miohael,/or "122," read " 15, 122." 30, col. 2, line 59, Bettenson, Theodosia, for " 395," read "13, 395." 32, col. 2, line 49, Bisit, Robert, for " 238," read " 6, 238." 35, ool. 1, line 18, Boley Hill,/or "187," read " 17,187." 38, col. 2, line 6, Boycote, Lucia,/or "350," read " 11, 350." 39, ool. 1, line 48, Bradshawe, Rachel A. Harden, for " 355," read " 18, 355." 42, col. 1, line 44, British camps, Iffins Wood,/or "18," read " 9,18." 43, col. 2, line 46, Brook,/or "Ditton 1721," read " Ditton 1271." 44, col. 1, line 58, Brook, William, Lord Cobham, his will, for " 209-16," read " 11, 209-16." 44, col. 2, line 18, Brookland, belfry isolated, for " 88," read " 4, 88; 13, 480." 44, col. 2, line 19, inventory of church goods, for " 111," read " 8, 111." 45, col. 1, line 31, Browne, John,/or " 129, 130," read " 8,129,130." 46, ool. 1, line 19, Buckhurst, Elizabeth,/or " 36," read " 18, 36." 46, col. 1, line 20, Buokhurst, Joan,/or " 336," read "18, 36." 48, col. 2, line 6, Busshe, Sara, for " 345," read " 348." 48, col. 2, line 56, Butt, J. M.,/or "254," read " 15, 254." 48, col. 2, line 56, Butt, Thomas,/or " 335-7," read " 15, 335-7." 50, col. 1, line 60, delete the words "Emmanuel College." 52, col. 1, line 39, Canterbury Cathedral, bells sold,/or " 417," read "12, 417." 52, ool. 1, line 47, Canterbury Cathedral, head of a knight,/or "37," read " 17, 37." 56, col. 2, line 39, Chaloner, John le,/or " 14, 308," read " 1 5 , 308." 56, col. 2, line 40, Chaloner, Mary,/or " 154," read " 14,154." viii PREFACE. 63, col. 1, line 2, Church Plate in Kent, index of donors, for " 436," read "16, 436." 63, col. 2, line 21, Chute, Margaret,/or " 62 n " and "71, " read " 18, 62 n," and " 18,71." 63, col. 2, line 22, Chute,/or " 56 " and " 66," read " 18, 56," and " 18, 66." 65, col. 1, line 4, Clement, Thomas,/or " 18," read " 18." 65, col. 2, line 41, Cliffe at Hoo, rood screen,/or " 371," read " 14, 371." 66, col. l,line 6, Clifton, Lord,/or " 51," read "12, 51." 67, col. 2, line 24, Cobham, Sir John de,/or " 145, etc.," read " 10,145, etc." 67, col. 2, line 25, Cobham, son of Sir Stephen,/or "145," read " 10,145." 68, col. 1, line 13, Cobham, Bishop of Worcester,/or " 61," read " 11, 61." 68, col. 1, lines 14 and 15, Cobham, Thomas, of Chafford,/or " 70,82," read " 11, 70, 82." 68, col. 1, line 15, Cobham, Thomas (1553),/or " 143," read " 11,143." 68, col. 1, line 16, Cobham, Thomas (1592),/or "157," read " 11,157." 81, col. 2, line 11, Darrell, John, arms of,/or " 395," read " 11, 395." 84, col. 2, line 28, Denne, 'Nathaniel,/or " 90," read " 18, 90." 88, ool. 1, line 34, Dover Castle, muniments, for " 54," read " 1, 54." 89, col. 2, lines 53, 54, Dryland, Robert, and Wm., for " 200 and 201," read "14, 200, and 14, 201." 95, col. 2, line 54, Ellis, Henry,/or " 16," read " 18,16." 97, col. 1, line 38, Engham, Richard,/or " 403," read " 11, 403." 98, col. 2, lines 56 and 57, Eu, Earl of, and Alioe his wife,/or "272 and 275," read " 10, 272, and 10, 275." 99, col. 1, line 11, Evelyn, Sir John,/or "64," read " 14, 64." 121, col. 2, line 11, Gore, Stephen de,/or "324," read " 11, 324." 139, col. 1, line 54, Heriat, Richard de,/or " ib.," read " 1, 231." 151, col. 1, line 1, Hythe (Hethe), Hamo de, his worlc in Stone church, for " 112," read " 3, 112." 155, col. 2, line 47, Jones, James,/or "12, 69," read " 12, 389." 167, col. 2, line 10, Leeds Castle, taken from Lord Badlesmere, for "lvii," read " 7, lvii." 170, col. 1, line 1, Leybourne pedigree,/or " 193," read " 5,193." 172, col. 2, line 48, Lodingford, Alexander,/or " ib.," read " 2, 256." 172, col. 2,line 49, Lodingford, Daniel,/or "ib.," read " 2, 256." 179, col. 2, line 50, Maminot to St, Bertin's Abbey,/or " 198," read " 5,198." 183, col. 2, line 54, Master, Mrs.,/or "ib.," read " 5,109." 230, col. 2, line 18, Robertson, on Eynsford Churoh, for " xliv," read " 16, xliv." 230, col. 2, line 19, Robertson, on Erindsbury, for "225-6," read " 16, 225-6." 230, col. 2, line 24, Robertson, on St. Mary, Sandwich, for " 17, lv," read "16, lv." 230, ool. 2, line 25, Robertson, on Squerryes,/or " 134-41," read " 16, 134-41." 230, col. 2, line 26, Robertson, on St. Eanswith's reliquary, for " 322," read "16,322." 231, col. 1, line 29, Rochester, Eastgate House, for "56, 65 n," read "6, 56, 65 n." 231, ool. 1, line 30, Rochester, Salutation Tavern,/or " 68," read " 6, 68." 231, col. 1, line 31, Rochester, Satis House, for "52," read " 6, 52." 251, col. 2, line 61, Sepulchre, Church of the Holy, for "45, 46," read " 11, 45, 46."


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