Proceedings, 1890

•tat ^nhmlasknl ^atuty. • PEOCEEDINGS, 1890. THE Council met at Maidstone on March 27th, 1890. Ten members attended, Canon Scott Robertson presiding. The Secretary was instructed to send the following resolution of condolence to the Countess Sydney on the lamented death of the noble President. That the Council of the Kent Archseological Society desire, unanimously, to express to Countess Sydney their condolence at the death of Earl Sydney, and to place upon record their sense of the loss which the Society has sustained thereby. The invariable courtesy and kindly hospitality whioh Lord Sydney extended to the Counoil will always be gratefully remembered by them, and the Society generally derived great advantage from his connection with it as President. _ In conveying this expression of sympathy to Countess Sydney, the Counoil desires also to thank her fur the kind reception whioh she in common with the late President always gave to them. I t was unanimously resolved that the Earl Stanhope, E.S.A., Lord-Lieutenant of the county, be recommended to the members at a General Meeting for the office of President. Eourteen new members were elected. Thanks were voted to Mr. Nightingale, E.S.A., for his book on the " Church Plate of Dorset," and to H. A. Grueber, Esq., E.S.A., for his report on the Medals belonging to the Society. A SPECIAL G-ENERAL MEETING- was held at the Eountain Hotel, Canterbury, on April 23rd, for the purpose of electing a President iu the place of the late Earl Sydney. There were present, the Very Eev. the Dean of Canterbury (in the Chair), the "Venerable the Archdeacon of Maidstone, Canon Scott Eobertson, Canon Eoutledge, Canon Hussey, Eev. Dr. Haslewood, Eev. J. A. Boodle, Eev. C. E. Woodruff, Eev. C. A. Molony, Col. Elyard, G. E. Hannam, Esq., Geo. Wilks, Esq., Geo. Dowker, Esq., W. H. B. Rosher, Esq., and the Secretary. voi,. xix. g 98 PROCEEDINGS, 1890. On the proposition of Archdeacon Smith, the Earl Stanhope, E.S.A., Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, was unanimously elected President of the Society. Several letters were read by the Chairman, wherein members expressed their entire approval of the nomination of the Earl Stanhope by the Council. A vote of sympathy was accorded to Mr. Charles Roach Smith, in his serious and protracted illness. The Chairman proposed, and Mr. Hannam seconded, a resolution that the Council take steps to present to Canon Scott Robertson some substantial recognition of his eminent services to the Society during the long period, of his Secretariat and Editorship. The resolution was carried unanimously amidst great applause. The Council met on June 24th in London, at the house of the noble President in Grosvenor Place. Eourteen members attended, presided over by the Earl Stanhope. The following letter was read from the Countess Sydney:— " Erognal, March 1890. Lady Sydney returns her most heartfelt thanks for all the kindness shewn her in her bereavement, and for the many tokens of respect and affection which have been accorded to the memory of her beloved husband. Amongst them, not one has been more gratefully received by her than the very kind and sympathetic resolution of the Council of the Kent Archseological Society, which comprises so many personal friends of her dear husband and herself." It was unanimously resolved, " That a suitable piece of plate, not exceeding £50 in value, be presented as a Testimonial to Canon Scott Robertson, in recognition of his valuable services to the Society during the seventeen years throughout which he acted as its Honorary Secretary and its Honorary Editor." The selection thereof was left to Lord Stanhope and the Secretary. Seven new members were elected. The Annual Meeting commenced at Canterbury on Monday, July 21st, 1890. The Business Meeting was held in Eastbridge Hospital, the Chair being taken by the Dean of Canterbury. The Mayor (Alderman Mason) welcomed the Society, and expressed a hope that its members would have a pleasant time. The Report was read by the Secretary (G. Payne, Esq.), as follows:— REPORT. For the fourth time the Society assembles its members in the ancient city of Canterbury. In presenting the Thirty-third Annual Report of your Sooiety, the Council have to congratulate you on the continued success of the Sooiety, and they observe with much satisfaction an increasing desire on the part of members generally to assist iu promoting those objects for whioh the Sooiety was founded. PROCEEDINGS, 1890. 99 During the past year death has removed from the county the Earl Sydney, who for five years was President of the Society, and who filled that office with efficiency and great courtesy. The Counoil will ever remember with pleasure the kindly hospitality accorded them by their late President and the Countess Sydney, on various occasions when they met in London or at Deal Castle. Nor can the members ever forget their reception, and the sumptuous entertainment provided for them, by the late Earl and the Countess Sydney, when they invited the Sooiety to Frognal, during the Annual Meeting in 1878. We also have to deplore the loss of one of our most esteemed Vice-Presidents, the Right Reverend Dr. Parry, the Lord Bishop of Dover. When we last met at Canterbury we had the advantage of his valuable co-operation, as on former occasions. By his death the Churoh has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and this Society one of its staun«hest friends. Many other valuable members have been withdrawn from our ranks, but our numbers are still well maintained, standing at the present time at 871, while 12 candidates await election at your hands to-day. Before the meeting closes you will be called upon to welcome the new President of the Society, the Earl Stanhope, Lord-Lieutenant of the County, and the Council feel sure that you will give him an enthusiastic reception. Since the last Annual Meeting, the 18th Volume of Archceologia Cantiana was issued to members, early in 1890. It is in no way inferior to its predecessors, and it bears that stamp of excellence which is the distinguishing mark of the work of our accomplished Editor, whom we are all delighted to see here to-day restored to health and strength. The total cost of Vol. XVIII. was £597 :10 : 2, yet in spite of so large an outlay there still remains a balance to the Sooiety's credit, at the Bankers, of .£580 :19 :4. Considerable alterations have been wrought in our Rooms at Maidstone, since the appointment of your Honorary Secretary as the Society's Chief Curator. The fine collection of Remains of Ancient Art and Weapons of War, together with many other objects of value and interest, have all been carefully mounted and brought into view. The Council hope that the presence of the Chief Curator at Maidstone, on Thursday in every week, will induce members occasionally to visit the Rooms, for the purpose of studying the colleotion, referring to the books in the Sooiety's Library, and taking part in discussions for the advancement of Archaeology. The General Index to the Eighteen Volumes of Archceologia Cantiana is in progress, and Miss Rita Fox, the compiler, reports that the manuscript is complete to the letter L, and that other later letters are also well advanced. In conclusion, the Council appeals to the members to do all in their power to further the interests of the Society, and of Archaeology generally, by reporting promptly to the Honorary Secretary any discoveries which may come under their notice, or any acts of vandalism about to be committed. In the one case it would ensure every discovery being properly recorded, and in the other it might be the means of saving from destruction many interesting monuments. G. E. Hannam, Esq., moved the adoption of the Report; this was seconded by G. M. Arnold, Esq., and carried unanimously. It was moved and carried:—"That the retiring members of Council and the Auditors be re-elected." It was moved and carried:—" That Canon C. E. Routledge, M.A., be made a member of Council, vice C. R. C. Petley, Esq., deceased." On the proposition of Lewis Levy, Esq., the Meeting confirmed, by acclamation, the vote of the Council on the 24th June, to present a piece of plate to Canon Scott Robertson. Eighteen candidates were elected members of the Society. This concluded the business of the Meeting, when the company 100 PROCEEDINGS, 1890. proceeded to the Cathedral. JSn route, the restored church of St. Alphage was inspected, under the guidance of the Incumbent, the Rev. T. G. Crosse. At noon the Dean, in the Chapter House, cordially welcomed the Society to the Cathedral. There were nearly four hundred ladies and gentlemen present, who accorded to the Earl Stanhope a hearty reception on Hs taking the Chair, as the new President of the Society. The Dean having referred to the various places of interest to be visited during the day, Canon Scott Robertson followed with an exhaustive description of the architectural history of the Cathedral. The large company then divided into four parties, and made a perambulation of the Cathedral, under the guidance of the Dean, Canon Scott Robertson, J. B. Sheppard, Esq., and Mr. J. R. Hall. Much interest was shewn in the newly discovered relics from the tomb of Archbishop Hubert Walter, who died in A.D. 1205. These were on view in the Howley Library. In the afternoon the ruins of St. Pancras's Chapel.and St. Martin's Church were visited, under the guidance of Canon Routledge. E. P. Loftus Brock, Esq, E.S.A., also offered some remarks on the walls of St. Martin's Church. By the kindly invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Mapleton Chapman the members took tea on their lawn, and inspected their interesting house called St. Martin's Priory. Mr. Chapman read a short paper on its history, and Mr. Loftus Brock dilated on its architectural features. The Annual Dinner was served in the Music Hall, St. Margaret's Street, at 5 P.M. About one hundred and sixty sat down, the noble President being in the Chair. The other speakers for the several toasts were the Dean of Canterbury, the Archdeacon of Maidstone, Canon Scott Robertson, G. M. Arnold, Esq., Geo. Wilks, Esq., and Lewis Levy, Esq. After proposing the toast of the Society, the Earl Stanhope, on behalf of the Society, presented to Canon Scott Robertson a fine silver bowl of the time of George III., on which appeared the following inscription: "Presented to the Rev. Canon W. A. Scott Robertson by the Kent Archasological Society, in token of their high esteem and appreciation of his valuable services, on his resignation as Honorary Secretary. July 21st, 1890." The Evening Meeting took place in the Crypt beneath the Library of St. Augustine's College. The Warden, the Rev. Canon Maclear, D.D., who presided, said a few kindly words of welcome, and then read a " Report on the repairing of the great Gate-Tower," now in progress. Canon Routledge next read a paper on " Roman Churches in Canterbury," which was supplemented by an able address from E. P. Loftus Brock, Esq., E.S.A., Honorary Secretary of the British Archseological Association. Canon Scott Robertson then read a paper on " The Tombs of the Archbishops." PROCEEDINGS, 1890. 10 1 The Secretary read a short note by C. Roach Smith, Esq., E.S.A., on "The Roman City Wall of Canterbury." George Dowker, Esq., E.G.S., called attention to remains of foundations of Roman buildings existing in the playground of the Simon Langton Schools at Canterbury, suggesting that some excavations be made there. On Tuesday, July 22nd, carriages containing about three hundred members left Canterbury for CHARTHAM CHURCH, where the company was welcomed by the Yicar, the Rev. C Randolph, M.A. Mr. Loftus Brock described the church at length. CHILHAM CHURCH was next visited, under the guidance of Canon Scott ^Robertson, after which the company passed into the beautiful domain of Charles Stewart Hardy, Esq. On approaching the mansion, Mr. Hardy advanced to greet the party, and at once hospitably invited them to partake of luncheon in a huge marquee on the south lawn. After luncheon, Mr. Hardy personally conducted the company over the KEEP of the ancient CASTLE of CHILHAM. The Secretary gave an outline of the history of the fortress. At Mr. Hardy's express wish no vote of thanks was accorded to him, but the Secretary cordially thanked him, privately, in the name of the Society, and many members did so individually. Hearty cheers, however, were given for Mr. and Mrs. Hardy at the instance of the Rev. Dr. Reyner. Progress was then made to Godmersham Church, which was described by Canon Scott Robertson. The homeward journey was by way of Waltham and Petham, a few minutes only being allowed to glance at the former church. The subsequent drive along the Eoman way, called Stone Street, to Canterbury, brought to a successful close the Annual Meeting of 1890. The Council met at Maidstone on September 22nd, 1890, the noble President presiding. There were nine members present. Thanks were voted to the Dean of Canterbury, the Archdeacon of Maidstone, Canon Scott Eobertson, Canon Routledge, E. P. Loftus Brock, Esq., Dr. J. B. Sheppard, and Mr. J. E. Hall, for their valuable help at the Annual Meeting at Canterbury. Thanks were also voted to the Rev. W. Gardner Waterman for superintending carriage arrangements; to T. Mapleton Chapman, Esq., for allowing the members to view his house, and for kindly hospitality; to Canon Maclear, D.D., for the use of the Crypt at St. Augustine's College and other valuable assistance; to the Rev. T. G. Crosse for the use of Eastbridge Hospital. Special thanks were likewise voted to Charles Stewart Hardy, Esq., for his cordial reception of the Society at Chilham Castle, and for sumptuous hospitality. In consequence of the lamented death of Charles Roach Smith, Esq., E.S.A., etc., a distinguished honorary member of the Society, 102 PROCEEDINGS, 1890 AND 1891. and one of its staunchest friends, it was resolved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to his relatives. It was decided to hold the next Annual Meeting at Town Mailing. Eight new members were elected. The Council met at Maidstone on December 29th, 1890, presided over by Canon Scott Robertson. Six members attended. A letter was read from Colonel Jolliffe, R.M.A., who acknowledged with gratitude the letter of condolence from the Council to the relatives of the late Mr. Roach Smith. The Programme for the next Annual Meeting was discussed. Canon Scott Eobertson reported that the whole of the Index to the Eighteen Volumes of Archaaologia Cantiana was now in his hands, and that he was going through the manuscript, which covered 2500 folio pages. The Honorary Secretary was elected Honorary Local Secretary for Rochester, vice A. A. Arnold, Esq., resigned; and the Rev. Walker Elower, Worth Vicarage, Dover, was elected to a like office for the Sandwich district, vice Rev. E. Shaw, who has left the county. Thanks were accorded to the Rev. E. Shaw and Mr. Arnold for their past services. A letter was produced by Mr. Bartlett from Mr. W. W. Cobb of Dover, whereby it appeared that certain Anglo-Saxon objects in the Society's collection were really the property of the Trustees of the Maidstone Museum. It was decided to ask the Trustees to allow them to remain where they had always been exhibited. Three new members were elected. It was unanimously resolved to insure the Society's Library and Collections in the Kent Eire Office for the sum of £1000. The Council met at Maidstone on April 1st, 1891, the noble President in the Chair. There were six members present. On the motion of Lord Stanhope, a letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to the Countess Granville on the lamented death of the Earl Granville, K.G., a Vice-President of the Society. The Programme of the Annual Meeting was adopted. Proof slips of 200 folios of the Index were laid upon the table. Mr. E. Bartlett sent in his resignation as Clerk and Curator of the Society, on his leaving the Maidstone Museum. After full discussion, it was resolved that his office be abolished, and the Chief Curator was requested to make suitable arrangements for the admission of members to the Rooms, and also for the cleaning of the apartments, the payment for such work not to exceed ten pounds per annum. A letter was read from Captain Tylden-Pattenson, resigning his seat on the Council in consequence of his inability to attend. PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 10 3 A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to him " for the efficient and kindly services he had rendered to the Society for so many years." I t was resolved that the vacant seat, in the Council, be given to Lieut.-Col. Hartley, M.A., LL.D., J.P. The sum of three pounds was granted towards the expenses of excavations at St. Pancras Chapel, Canterbury, made by the Rev. Canon C. E. Routledge. One new member was elected. The Council met in London on the 24th of June 189.1, at the house of the noble President in Grosvenor Place. The Earl Stanhope presided, there being thirteen members present. Canon Scott Robertson reported on the progress of printing the Index. At the same time he announced that the state of his health would oblige him to resign the Editorship in twelve months' time, or after the issue of the Twentieth Volume of Archceologia Cantiana. This intelligence was received with the greatest regret by all present, and a hope was generally expressed that the immediate assistance of an expert might be obtained to relieve him from the pressure of the work. As Canon Scott Robertson was obliged to leave the Meeting early, the discussion-was postponed. The following letter was read:— Walmer Castle, Deal, April 16th, 1891. Six, Lady Granville requests me to acknowledge your letter of the 14th, and to request that you will convey to the Council of the Kent Archseological Society her best thanks for their kind resolution of condolence. I remain, etc. LEVESOM-. To the Hon. Sec, Kent. Arch. Soc. A printed proof of the Programme of the Annual Meeting at Mailing was discussed and approved. Kenyon W. Wilkie, Esq., of Ellington, Ramsgate, was elected a member of Council, vice G. E. Hannam, Esq., deceased. A record was ordered to be placed on the Minutes that the Council wish to notify their great appreciation of the late Mr. Hannam's long and valuable services to the Society, and their sorrow at his loss. Holt White, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, was elected Honorary Local Secretary for the Dartford distinct, vice R. W. Cradock, Esq., deceased. The Secretary stated that he had made arrangements with the authorities at the Maidstone Museum for J. Lower, the Head Porter there, to attend to the Society's Rooms, and that J. Lower had permission to receive a gratuity for so doing. The Secretary presented a complete descriptive Catalogue in 104 PROCEEDINGS, 1891. manuscript of the Society's Collections, which he had prepared, together with a Catalogue of the Library. It was resolved that a cordial vote of thanks be given him for the trouble he had taken in the preparation of so valuable a work. An estimate was ordered to be obtained for printing and publishing the same. The Secretary was instructed to confer with Canon Scott Robertson with reference to obtaining assistance in the Editorial duties. Twenty-one new members were elected. The Annual Meeting commenced at Town Malling on Monday, July 27th, 1891. The Business Meeting was held in the Assembly Room, the noble President, Earl Stanhope, in the Chair. The Report was read by George Payne, Esq., as follows:— REPORT. It is now twenty-two years since the Sooiety visited Town Malling, and the Counoil has much gratification in presenting to-day its Thirty-fourth Annual Eeport, which is one of increasing prosperity. Since the last Annual Meeting death has removed from our Society the Earl Granville, K.G., one of its Vice-Presidents. We also have to deplore the irreparable loss of Charles Roach Smith, Esq., F.S.A., one of our Honorary members. His eminence as an antiquary need only be referred to here, as his fame was well known throughout Europe. During his long life his valuable services were ever freely at the Society's oommand, as the Volumes of our Archceologia bear witness. To them Mr. Roach Smith contributed many learned papers, and the members of the Society have on several occasions listened with pleasure and profit to his able discourses on the various monuments of antiquity which have been visited in the county of Kent during our Annual Meetings. Although that voice is for ever silent, and the hand can no longer wield the pen, we have the gratification of knowing that we shall at all times be enabled to turn for instruction to the pages of his numerous works, whioh treat so exhaustively of the antiquities of our county. During the past month, we have also lost one of our most esteemed members, G. E. Hannam, Esq., J.P., of Bromstone House, near Ramsgate. He was an original member of the Society, and acted for many years as a member of Council, and as an Honorary Local Secretary. By Mr. Hannam's lamented death the Sooiety loses a valued friend and staunch supporter. Many other valuable members have been removed from our ranks by death or withdrawal, but in spite of these drawbacks the Council has the pleasure to announce that during the past year thirty-two new members have been elected, bringing the total up to 880, and eleven candidates await election at your hands to-day. Members will be gratified to learn that an Index to the whole Eighteen Yolumes of Archceologia Cantiana has been prepared for publication. Our Honorary Editor is now engaged in revising the vast mass of manuscript, which occupies about 2500 folio pages. Some folios are already in type. It is proposed to number the Index Volume XIX., and the twentieth volume of Archceologia Cantiana, for which material is in hand, will follow in due course. The Council has to announce, with the most profound regret, that the Sooiety's valued and esteemed Honorary Editor, Canon Scott Robertson, has expressed a desire that, after Volume XX. is prepared for the press, he may be released from those Editorial duties which he has performed for so many years with remarkable energy and consummate skill. The alarming illness with which he was afflicted some time ago, and which deprived the Society of his invaluable services as Honorary Secretary, has, alas, now rendered it expedient that Canon Scott Robertson be relieved of the Editorial duties. The Council is, however, not PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 105 without hope that some arrangement may be made which will enable him to still retain the office, providing skilled assistance be forthcoming from the ranks of the Sooiety. During the past year considerable progress has been made in the Society's Rooms at the Maidstone Museum. The arrangement of the Library and collections is now finished, and at the last meeting of the Council complete Catalogues of both were laid upon the table. It is hoped that, in due time, these may be in the hands of members in a printed form. The opening of our Rooms at Maidstone, every Thursday, has already produced good results in the loan of valuable antiquities for exhibition, while gifts-of others have been promised. The presence of your Honorary Secretary there, on Thursday in each week, has enabled members to confer personally with him on various matters connected with the arohosology of their districts, whioh cannot fail to be of ultimate benefit to the Society. The financial position of your Society is everything that could be desired. In 1869, when the Society's Meeting was last held at Malling, there was a sum of £295 : 3 : 3 to the credit of the Sooiety; to-day finds us with a balance at our Bankers of £764 : 11 : 0. I t may not be uninteresting to you to learn that the total sum paid for the printing, publishing, illustrating, and binding the entire eighteen volumes of Archceologia Cantiana has amounted to £8445 : 17 : 5. At the Meeting held in this room in 1869 the death of the Rev. Lambert Larking was foremost in the minds of all present. After this long lapse of time we re-visit with peculiar interest the scene of his earlier and later years, and review with pleasure and pride the successful career of our Sooiety, of whioh he was the founder, and for which he laboured so patiently, in order that it might be built up upon a firm and lasting basis. On the motion of G. M. Arnold, Esq., seconded by Gerard Norman, Esq., it was resolved that the Report as read be adopted. I t was moved by the Rev. W. Gardner-Waterman, seconded by Lieut.-Col. Luck, and carried:—" That the Auditors be re-elected." I t was moved by Lieut.-Col. Hartley, seconded by Robert Hovenden, Esq., and carried:—"That the six retiring members of Council be re-elected." Twelve new members were elected. On the conclusion of the Business Meeting a move was made to Malling Abbey, which, by the kindness of Mrs. Cator, the members were allowed to thoroughly inspect. The Rev. C. H. Eielding, M.A., read a paper on the history of the Abbey, which had been prepared by the Rev. J. H. Timins, M.A., and himself. Subsequently, E. P. Loftus Brock, Esq., E.S.A. (Hon. Sec. of the British Archasological Association), conducted the party round the ruins, and described their architectural features. Permission was also kindly granted for the company to pass through that portion of the Abbey which had been occupied as a residence by Mrs. Aretas Akers, until her death a fortnight previously. Passing on to St. Leonard's Street, the fine Norman Tower of St. Leonard was next examined, under the guidance of Mr. Loftus Brock. The company afterwards dispersed for luncheon; Lieut.-Col. Luck, Rev. J. H. Timins, Rev. C. H. Eielding, and Dr. Adam hospitably entertaining as many as they could accommodate at their respective houses. TOL. xix. h 106 PROCEEDINGS, 1891. After luncheon all assembled in Town Mailing Church, which was described by the Vicar, the Rev. J. H. Timins, M.A. Thence progress was made to East Malling Church, which Mr. Loftus Brock described. On returning to Town Malling, an inspection was made of the walls of a Norman house in rear of the east side of the High Street. Dinner was served in the Lecture Hall. The Earl Stanhope presided, and sixty-three dined. The other speakers to the several toasts were Canon Scott Robertson, the Rev. C. H. Eielding, Lieut.-Col. Luck, J. E. Wadmore, Esq., and Lewis Levy, Esq. The Rev. 0. H. Eielding, Lieut.-Col. Luck, W. Raven, Esq., Rev. C. H. Hawley, and Mr. Oliver kindly lent various objects for exhibition, which were displayed in the Assembly Room, where the Evening Meeting took place, with the noble President in the Chair. The first paper was read by the Rev. C. H. Eielding, on the History of Malling, after which the Honorary Secretary gave an address on the antiquity of the roads in the district of Malling, and their relation to surrounding discoveries. On Tuesday, July 28th, 1891, carriages containing some two hundred persons left for Bradbourn Place, the ancient seat of the Twisden family. The Rev. J. Erancis Twisden, M.A., received the company, on behalf of Miss Twisden, in the great hall, where he gave a short history of the house, and explained by means of plans the alterations to it at various times. Mr. Twisden then conducted the party through the rooms, briefly calling attention to the portraits and other paintings with which the walls were covered. Time only admitted of the family portraits being more closely examined. Mr. Twisden described each of these, and they were much appreciated by those present. Leybourne Castle was next visited, under the guidance of the Rev. J. H. Timins and the Rev. C. H. Eielding, after which.the Church of Leybourne, with its Heart Shrine, was examined. The Rector, the Rev. C. 0. Hawley, M.A., described it, his remarks being supplemented by a few remarks from Canon Scott Robertson. Luncheon was partaken of in the Lecture Hall at Town Mailing, after which the party proceeded to Trottiscliffe Church, which Canon Scott Robertson described. The Rector, the Rev. C. W. Shepherd, M.A., was present to welcome the Society. While the church was being described, the Honorary Secretary conducted a section of the party to Coldrum Lodge Earm, and gave a brief address on the dolmen and cromlech there. Addington Church was included in the Programme, but it could not be visited in consequence of the lateness of the hour. On the return journey Offham Church was hurriedly inspected, under the guidauce of Canon Scott Robertson. The Rector, the Rev. W. E. C. S. Eraser, M.A., welcomed the members. This brought the Annual Meeting of 1891 to a close; the pleasure of the first day was somewhat marred by the inclement state of the weather. PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 107 The Council met at Maidstone on September 30th, 1891, Canon Scott Robertson presided. Eight members attended. It was resolved, that the Catalogue of the Society's Library and Collection be printed and bound up at the end of tho Index Volume, and that the wood-blocks in the possession of the Society bo used to illustrate the Catalogue. The following " votes of thanks " in connection with tho Annual Meeting at Town Mailing were unanimously passed:— To the Rev. J. H. Timins, the Rev. C. H. Eielding, Lieut.-Col. Luck, Dr. Adam, and Mr. Oliver for valuable help. To Canon Scott Robertson, E. P. Loftus Brock, Esq., the Rev. C. C. Hawley, and the Rev. C. W. Shepherd for describing the Churches. To Miss Twisden for permission to visit Bradbourn Place, and to the Rev. J. E. Twisden for describing the house and pictures, To Mrs. Cator for permission to see Malling Abbey. To Miss Savage for a like privilege at St. Leonard's Tower. To the Rev. W. Gardner-Waterman for kindly superintending the carriage arrangements. I t was decided to hold the next Annual Meeting at Dover. Canon Scott Robertson stated definitely that he would not be able to carry on the work of Editor after the Annual Meeting in 1892, when he hoped to be preparing, for the Press, Vol. XX. of Archceologia Cantiana. I t was resolved to subscribe for a copy of Mr. Cowper's edition of the Registers of St. Mildred's and St. Mary's Parishes in Canterbury, and also for a copy of Mr. Duncan's edition of the Registers of St. Mary's, Lewisham, and for those of Rochester Cathedral, by Mr. Shindler, if he should print them. It was agreed to offer the sum of ten shillings as subscription for one year towards the expenses of the Conference of Archseological Societies, to be held at Burlington House, London. The Secretary announced that Richard Cooke, Esq., of The Croft, Detling, a member of the Society, had presented to the Library a complete set of the one-inch Ordnance Survey Maps of the county. A vote of thanks was accordingly passed to Mr. Cooke for his kindness. Eour new members were elected. The Council met on December 30th, 1891, in the Cathedral Library at Canterbury, by the kindly permission of the Dean and Chapter. The Dean of Canterbury presided, and there were six members present. Various routes were discussed for the Annual Meeting at Dover. The Editorship of Archceologia Cantiana was discussed at length, when George Dowker, Esq., proposed, and Canon Scott RobertKon seconded, a resolution " that Canon C. E. Routledge, M.A., E.S.A., be invited to fill the office of Honorary Editor." Canon Routledge very kindly consented, much to the gratification of all present. HIB election was therefore carried unanimously. Five new members were elected. 108 PROCEEDINGS, 1892. The Council met at Maidstone on March 28th, 1892. The Earl Stanhope presided. Eight members attended. The Annual Meeting at Dover was fixed to take place on the 19th and 20th of July, and the Programme was settled. H. B. Mackeson, Esq., E.G.S., Honorary Local Secretary for the Hythe district, desiring to resign that office on account of ill health, a special vote of thanks was accorded to him for his long and valuable services and hearty co-operation in the work of the Society. Mr. Mackeson arranged for the Society very admirably on two occasions, when the Annual Meeting was held at Hythe, in the years 1862 and 1888. George-Wilks, Esq., Town Clerk of Hythe, was elected to the vacant office in that district. Cecil Brent, Esq., E.S.A., finding his health unequal to the additional work entailed by the duties of Local Secretary for Bromley (which he undertook in 1888), a vote of thanks for his services was accorded, and T. N. Crafer, Esq., of Bromley, was asked to act for the Bromley division. Votes of thanks were passed to the following gentlemen for donations to the Society's Library and Collection:— To John Marten, Esq., for a collection of Elint Implements from Chilham district. To the Rev. J. Langhorne for the Kent Volume of Grose's Antiquities. To Isaac Hearnden, Esq., R.N., for a poem entitled The Lady of Rochester Castle. To the Rev. J. Cave Browne for Mediceval Life among the Old Palaces of the Primacy, also for The History of Brasted. To the family of the late J. E. Nightingale, E.S.A., for his book on The Church Plate of Wilts. Sanction was given to the exchange of Volumes with the Cumberland and Westmoreland Archseological Society for the completion of sets on either side. Six new memhers were elected.


Honorary Local Secretaries


Frontispiece 1889