Addenda et Corrigenda

  • Page xliii., line 11, for J. J. Hayward, Esq., read J. J. Howard, Esq.
  • Page 111, line 19. "Supervisoris et Oontrarottdatoris" should have been printed, as in the original, "Sugvi§ et Cona- rotul." William de Basyng and Gilbert Geldewene were, apparently, both of them Comptrollers and Surveyors of the Works, or, possibly, the former was Comptroller and the latter Surveyor. In the uncertainty caused by the contracted form of the original, the safest course will be to leave it so, without any attempt at extension.
  • Page 125, line 13. The whole of these items of smiths' work should have been printed as in the original form. They are—"gumpli, vertineft, cramponis, vinciis, anulis, barr, boltis, hamis, stapui, grossis clav et minut, ferr j> tribui et hgonib5, regacoe, batacoe et asoeracoe secuf et aliorf instrumentorf cement."
  • Page 125, line 14, for bands (vmeuUs), read chains.
  • Page 128, line 2. "Plaster of Paris," in the original "plastr pis."
  • Page 130, line 12, dele bolts.
  • Page 130, last line but 3. "Grindstone, etc.," in original "j grindston cum j ferro ad idem, ij bols?rs ferr."
  • Page 131, line 9. "Buckets, etc.," in original "i j situl ferro ligat."
  • Page 134, line 15, for her fourth daughter, read her fourth daughter, Isabella.
  • Page 134, line 28, for domino, read domini.
  • Page 138, line 1, for PAYNINGES, read POYNINGES.
  • Page 141, line 15, for I, read We.
  • Page 153, line 22, for Henn, read Hern.
  • Page 191, line 35, for handed to T.'s charge, read handed to Tomlinson's charge.
  • Page 203, 85th Section, at the note of reference to the word "Gentleman," for 1 read s.
  • Page 225, line 13, to "Michael et Robertas" this foot-note should have been given,—"i.e. Michael de Renstede and Robert Smyth de Cobham."
  • Page 229, line 11, for Gudrid Creac, read Gudred Creac.
  • Page 234, line 19, for the semicolon after "Londres" substitute a comma.

Contents and Illustrations, Volume 2

