Fifty-eight rectors of Trottescliffe
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Kent Fines, 4-7 Edward III. (A.D. 1327-1334)
The Ruined Chapel of St Katherine at Shorne, Kent
( 187 ) FIFTY-EIGHT RECTORS OE TROTTESOLIEEE. BT REV. T. S. PRAMPTON, M.A. IN the year 788, Offa, King of Mercia, gave a portion of his possessions called " Trottesclib," containing six ploughlands, to the Church of St. Andrew at Eochester, for religious purposes. In the course of the Danish invasions, which followed not long after, this gift was wrested from the church, and was not restored until the General Assembly held at Penenden Heath in 1076, when Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, having recovered this among other possessions of the church, gave it back to Gundulf, Bishop of Eochester. In 1086, when Domesday Book was compiled, mention is made of a church at " Totesclive." From these facts it has been supposed that a church was built here either immediately after Offa's donation, or between 1076 aud 10S6. The wide-jointed masonry in the eastern portion of the structure seems to point rather to the earlier period, and, if this is so, Trottescliffe affords au example of a church erected in Anglo-Saxon times. 1. EoBEivr, c. 1176. (Thorpe's Begist. Boff., p. 11.) Witness to the Confirmation of a Grant made to the Monks of St. Andrew, by Walter, Bishop of Eochester, 1148-82. Another witness was Paris, Archdeacon of Eochester, who was admitted to that office about 1176. 2. JOHN, 1185 X1214. (Beg. Boff., p. 161.) Witness to a Grant made to the Prior and Convent of Leeds, by Gilbert de Glanville, Bishop of Eochester. 3. JAMES, 1238 x 1250. (Beg. Rqff., p. 664.) Witness to a Grant made to the Prior and Canons of St. Mary Magdalene, Tonbridge, by Bichard de Wendover, Bishop of Eochester. 4. NICHOLAS DE EOKELUNDE, C. 1256. (Beg. Boff., p. 321.) Mentioned as a Surety in a Notification by Eichard, Abbot of Lesnes, in the time of Laurence de St. Martin, Bishop of Eochester, 1251—74. 5. EICHARD DE LONDON. 6. JOHN DE DENYNTON, instituted 1 Oct. 1332, on death of the last. (Regist. Hamo de Hethe, f. 153a.) On resigning Trottescliffe he was instituted Eector of Snodland, where he died. 7. WILLIAM DE MIDDELTONE, inst. 9 Mar. 1337-8, on cession of the last. (Beg. Hethe, f. 172a.) Previously Vicar of Haddenham in the diocese of Lincoln. He was instituted Eector of Snodland on the death of Denynton. 188 PIETV-EIGrHT RECTORS OP TROTTESCLIFFE. 8. JOHN DE EVEBYNG, inst. 6 May 1341, on cess, of the last. (Beg. Hethe, f. 195a.) Bishop Hamo de Hethe passed the whole of the year 1342 at Trottescliffe, and caused the refectory, dormitory, and church to be repaired, for the most part at Ms own expense. (Wharton's Anglia Sacra, i , 375.) It is not improbable that he inserted the two-light windows in the N. and S. walls at this period. The one in the N. wall contains some early stained glass, which has been assigned to the fourteenth century. The easternmost window in the S. wall was also once filled with stained glass, as is evident from fragments found outside. Trottescliffe was a very favourite place of retirement with this prelate, who not unfrequently passed Christmas and Easter here, and on two other occasions stayed throughout the year, the last time during the continuance of the terrible pestilence, known as the Black Death, in 1348-9. Succeeding Bishops, throughout the Mediseval period, were also frequently here, and no fewer th&nfive were staying in the manor house, when they made their wills, while one, William Wells, died here, in the month of February 1443-4. 9. JOHN GILBERT, exch. with the last, 23 Jan. 1346-7. (Reg. Hethe, f. 2255.) Previously Vicar of Tenterden. 10. JOHN DE BRADEWEY. 11. JOHN DE CEANEBOTJRNE, exch. with the last, 7 Oct. 1349. (Reg. Hethe, f. 2535.) Previously Eector of" Ichene " in the diocese of Winchester. 12. EOBEET DE VAGHNE. 13. STEPHEN EANDTJLE, inst. 11 July 1355, on resig. of the last. (Begist. J. de Sheppey, f. 2835.) Subsequently Eector of Cowden. He was one of the three executors appointed by John de Sheppey in his will, 21 September 1360, and, in acknowledgment of undertaking the office, the Bishop bequeathed to him £20 in money, twelve silver platters, twelve salt-cellars, and two large dishes called " chargeours." (Regist. Islip, f. 1695.) 14. JOHN WODFETCHE. 15. WILLIAM ATTE DENE, inst. 29 June 1361, on d. of the last. (Begist. Islip, f. 2255.) Previously of Stodham in the diocese of Chichester. He was collated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the See of Bochester being vacant. 16. EOBERT FYNCHECOK, inst. 5 July 1361, on resig. of the last. (Reg. Islip, f. 2255.) Like his predecessor, he was collated by the Archbishop ; for William Whittlesey, although elected 23 October 1360, was not consecrated Bishop of Eochester until 6 February 1361-2. 17. JOHN DE HANNEYE, inst. 2 Aug. 1361. (Beg. Islip, f. 2255.) He held the church in commendam by grant from the Archbishop. In 1375 he was prebendary of Wenlakesbarn. (Newcourt's Bepertorium, i., 221.) 18. JOHN DE WHYTECHERCHE, exch. with the last, 27 Oct. 1369. (Regist. Trilleck, f. 3415.) Previously Eector of Lower Hardres. 19. JOHN CHEYNE, in 1400. On 2 October 1400 he obtained a PIPTT-EIGHT RECTORS OP TROTTESCLIPPE. 189 licence to be non-resident for a year. (Begist. J. Bottlesham, f. 1505.) 20. JOHN PTJTTENEYE, exch. with the last, 5 May 1413. (Regist. Arundel, ii., f. 67a.) Previously Vicar of "Middylton" (Milton) in the diocese of Canterbury. 21. THOMAS WADE. 22. JOHN MANKYN, exch. with the last, 15 Feb. 1424-5. (Regist. Langdon, f. 30a.) Previously Eector of " Ffeccham " in the diocese of Winchester. 23. HENEY ADESHAM, exch. with the last, 24 Nov. 1425. (Reg. Langdon, f. 745.) Previously perpetual Vicar of " Wadeherst." 24. ANDEEW MALTON. 25. EOGEE HAYNES, exch. with the last, 23 Apr. 1434. (Reg. Langdon, f. 98a.) Previously Vicar of " Wokyng." By his will, dated 10 April 1439, and proved 22 April following, he gave directions for his body to be buried in the chancel of his church of " Trottesclyue." He left 41bs. of wax to be burned about his body, and 6s. 8d. to be distributed to the poor on the day of his burial. To the fabric of the church he bequeathed 20s., and to the fabric of the church of " Sellak," Hereford, where he was born, 20s. and two books, viz., Legenda Aurea and Communio Sanctorum. One of his executors was John Assheton, Eector of Snodland. (Begist. Wells, f. 142a.) 26. MARMADTJKE SKELTON, inst. 30 Sept. 1439, on d. of the last. (Regist. Wells, f. 147a.) Mentioned also as Eector, 8 June 1453, in the will of Thomas Dyne, Eector of Addington, who bequeathed to him a book called Pupilla Oculi, and appointed him one of his executors. (Lib. Test. Eoff., i., f. 141a5.) Eichard Eowse, by his will, 19 July 1451, left, among other bequests, a eow, value 8s., to be handed over to the churchwardens after the death of his wife Christina to find a taper to burn before the image of the Blessed Mary. Also two oxen to be sold, and the proceeds to be laid out in purchasing an antiphonarium. (Ibid., f. 1055.) Eichard Chaunceler, by his will, 6 December 1455, left to the high altar, for tithes forgotten, 3s. 4d.; to the light of St. Mary 6d.; to the light of St. Christopher 4d.; to the light of St. Nicholas 6d.; and to the light of the Holy Cross 6d. Also he bequeathed to the Ale of St. Peter, in the aforesaid church, 4 qrs. of barley. (Ibid., ii., f. 32a5.) John Clyterowe, by his will, 8 May 1463, left to the High Altar 20d.; to the " work " of the church 6d.; to the rood light, St. Mary's and St. Christopher's, 6d. each; and towards a cover for the' Pyx 12d. (Ibid., f. 259«5.) William Watton of Addington, by his will, 17 May 1463, left 6s. 8d. for a frontal for the high altar of " Trosclyff." (P.C.C, 13 Godyn.) Eobert Symcoke alias Tournor, by his will, 7 November 1464, left, among other bequests, the sum of 6s. 8d. towards a new crucifix. (Lib. Test. Eoff., ii., f. 298a5.) John Tenaker, by his will, 7 October 1466, left to the high altar 2s.; to the rood light and St. Mary's 6d. each; to St. Christopher's and St. Nicholas' lights 4d. each ; also towards a new crucifix 6s.; also for repairing the church, where most needed, 20s.; also for a torch for the church 6s. 8d.; also for mending the 190 FIFTT-EIGHT RECTORS OP TROTTESCLIFFE. road between the church and the village, where most needed, 3s. 4d. (Lib. Test., ii., f. 376a5.) Will. William, by his will, 23 October 1470, left to the high altar 3s. 4d.; to the rood light lOd. and a cow; to St. Mary's light 8d.; and to the lights of SS. Christopher and Nicholas 6d. each, also one of his best linen cloths for the high altar; also towards the new crucifix 6s. 4d.; and the residue of a debt, owed him by Walter Eastdowne, to the " work " of the church. (Ibid., iii., f. 635.) 27. JOHN BOLTJN, in 1471-2. Mentioned as supervisor of the will of Joan Chaunceler, 15 March 1471-2, who left towards a chalice for the church 5s.; also to the fabric 24s. 6d. (Ibid., iv., f. 85.) 28. EIOHAED BONDE. William Crofton, by his will, 9 March 1483-4, left a silver-gilt chalice and two silver cruets to the church. Also to the high altar 13s. 4d. Also out of the proceeds of the sale of his land and tenements in " Trottesclyf " the sum of 20 marks for a commemorative service in Elsingspittle, London, for two years. (Ibid., v., f. 2a5.) The brass of this testator and his wife Margery, in excellent state of preservation, is immediately in front of the altar rails. He is represented in the costume of a civilian, with rosary and pouch attached to the girdle. The long gown, slightly turned back above the feet, shews the lining of fur. Her costume exhibits the horned head-dress, and collar and cuffs of fur. The inscription describes him as B.C.L., and of " Greys Yn." He died 18 March 1483-4. The brass was placed during the wife's lifetime, and the spaces for the date of her death were never filled in. 29. THOMAS CAETEWEIGTHE, inst. 8 June 1497, on resig. of the last. (Regist. Fitzjames, f. 195.) 30. EICHAED CAEFINTER, LL.D., inst, 30 Jan. 1499-1500, on d. of the last. (Ibid., f. 245.) 31. ALEXANDEE BTJKLEY, inst. 4 Oct. 1500, on resig. of the last. (Ibid., f. 245.) On 24 May 1499, he had been instituted to the rectory of Foots Cray. (Regist. Fitzjames, f. 235.) Alice Deysey of Addington, by her will,-8 June 1509, after giving directions to be buried at " Trottesclif," left to the church two altar cloths; also, for the repair of the bell tower, a bullock; and to the priest, for 30 masses, 10s. (Lib. Test. Eoff., vi., f. 250a5.) Will of William Bemonde of Addington, 3 October 1510, " also I owe to Trottiscliff for a Crosse iijs." (Ibid., f. 279a5.) 32. MAEMADTJKE WALDEBY, M.A., inst. 1 Feb. 1513-14, on d. of the last. (Regist. Fisher, f. 71 a.) On 15 August 1520 he was instituted to the vicarage of Brenchley. (Regist. Fisher, f. 1035.) 33. THOMAS SCHAWE, inst. 14 Jan. 1514-15, on resig. of the last. (Ibid., f. 725.) In the will of this rector, dated 3 April 1543, and proved 6 July following, these bequests occur among others:—"Item I bequethe to the mendyng of the highe waye betwixt Clevett Well and the church of Trottisclyfe xxs. Item I geve to euery of my Godchildern borne and christened within the parish churche of Trottisclyfe aforesaid xxd. a pece. Item I bequeth to euery childe of Bobert Brokes, Edmunde Woddes, John Goddens, and Thomas Coupers, that goith to scole iiijd. a pece. Item 1. bequethe to the parishe FIFTT-EIGHT RECTORS OF TROTTESCLIFFE. 191 churche of Eavynstone Dale in Westmerlande towards the beying of a Cope xls. Item I bequethe to the parishe churche of Trottisclyfe af'orsaid twoo Portesis." (P.C.C, 23 Spert.) The burial of this rector is entered under 5 April 1543, in the oldest Eegister Book, which begins in 1540. The Eegisters are perfect from this date, with the exception of a slight gap, 1550-60. On the fly-leaf of the earliest book mention is made of a school at Trottescliffe, about the year 1599, the master of which, William Wardroppe, was employed to transcribe entries from the original paper book into the parchment one, which every parish was required to provide iu accordance with an ordinance passed in the year 1597. Will of Will. Wolleryge of " Troslyff," 2 August 1532, " It'm I bequeithe to ye lyght of our Lady and Saynt James in the same churche on' of my best keyn. It'm I bequeith to the churche of Troslyff xx marke to be put to ye most behove to ye seid churche yl it may be. And the residue of y° seide sale [of certain property] to go to y° hyght wayes by twen my house & the churche." One of the witnesses to this will was "Syr Henry Denton, cur." (Lib. Test. Eoff., ix., f. 305.) 31.. THOMAS BULL, S.T.B , inst. 13 Apr. 1543, on d. of the last. (Regist. Heath, f. 5a.) He was prebendary of the Sixth Stall in Eochester Cathedral. (Le Neve's Fasti, Edit. Hardy, ii., 587.) On the day following his collation to Trottescliffe, Nich. Heath, Bishop of Eochester, conveyed the next presentation to the church to Henry Bowsfell, Notary Public, John Sibell, Esq., Thomas ff urnes, Merchant Tailor of London, and Thomas Bowsfell. (Regist. Heath, f. 2a.) Will of Henry Bowsfell, " Proctor of Th'arches," dated 8 September 1544, and proved 20 September, " Item I bequethe to Barthilmew Bowsfell Th'advowson of Trotysclyffe in Kent." (P.C.C, 14 Pynnyng.) 35. BAETHOLOMEW BOWSFELL, inst. 15 Aug. 1546, on d. of the last. (Regist. Holbeach, f. 43a.) Instituted, on presentation by John Sibill, gent. He was deprived on the accession of Queen Mary, but restored when Elizabeth came to the throne. 36. EOBERT SALISBURY, collated 6 May 1554, on depriv. of the last. (Regist. Episc. Boff., f. 555.) Will of Jeffery Aprice, parson of Mereworth, 30 December 1559, " To my Cosyn Salisburye p'son of Trottisclif my best cloke." (Lib. Test. Eoff., xii., f. 466«5.) Salisbury was also rector of Addington and Eyarsh, and prebendary of the Fifth Stall in Eochester Cathedral. 37. BARTHOLOMEW BOWSFELL, restored March 1560. (Regist. Gheast, f. 83a.) The interesting Elizabethan chalice- dates from the time of this rector, having been made in 1576. 38. THOMAS BOWSFIELDE, inst. 22 Aug. 1578. (Regist. Young, f. 161a.) Instituted on presentation by Edward Webb. 39. THOMAS EITHER, inst. 13 Dec. 1589. (Soc. Antiq. MS. 42.) Patron, the Chancellor, by lapse. (Lansd. MS. 444.) 40. THOMAS BUSFEILD, M.A., in 1.608 (Soc. Antiq. MS. 171, p. 185.) The patronage was now again in the hands of the Bishop of Eochester. Mention is made of John Allen in as "Minister," 192 FIPTT-EICHT RECTORS OP TROTTESCLIFFE. 6 March 1609-10, in the Eegister Book, but Ms name does not occur elsewhere. 41. EDMUND JACKSON, S.T.P., in 1621. (Lib. Comp.) He was of St. John's Coll., Oxford, and was collated to the rectory of Norton, near Faversham, 23 August 1617. He took the degree of D.D., 25 June 1618. He compounded for First Fruits with respect to Trottescliffe, 18 October 1621. He was Chaplain to Dr. Buckeridge, Bishop of Eochester, and was instituted to the fifth prebend in Eochester Cathedral, 7 December 1624. (Bp's Certif.) His son Edmund was baptized at Trottescliffe 12 November 1626. Mention is made in the Eegister Book of the burial of James Cleark, " Cleric," 3 July 1651, who may have been one of the " ministers," admitted by authority of Parliament. 42. JOHN HEAD, in 1652. (Lib. Comp.) He compounded for First Fruits 25 June 1652. Mentioned in the Eegister Book as " Minister " 29 June 1653 and 18 July 1658. He and his successor were, apparently, not episcopally instituted, as in the Bishop's Eegister, Arehbold is spoken of as instituted on the death of Edmund Jackson. 43. WILLIAM WOODWAED. 44. EDWARD AECHBOLD, M.A., inst. 8 Sept. 1652, on d. of Edm. Jackson. (Regist. Spir. Roff. F., f. 985.) By another authority, Soc. Antiq. MS. 170, p. 337, it is stated that Arehbold was inducted to Trottescliffe on the deprivation of Woodward, 4 September 1666. On 12 December 1662, he had been inducted into the rectory of Kingsdown cum Maplescomb. He was Chaplain to the Bishop of Eochester. 45. JOHN COOPEE, inst. 30 Apr. 1690, on d. of the last. (Regist. Tho. Spratt, f. 15a.) 46. EDWAED EOMAN, M.A., inst. 27 Feb. 1691-2, on resig. of the last. (Reg. Spratt, f. 155.) In 1686 he was at Bromley. He also held the Perpetual Curacy of All Saints, Maidstone, for a short time previous to his death, in 1692. 47. THOMAS BEETT, LL.B., inst. 16 Sept. 1692, on d. of the last. (Reg. Spratt, f. 22a.) He was born 3 September 1667 at Betshanger, and educated at Wye and Queen's Coll., Cambridge. He afterwards removed to Corpus Christi, where he proceeded to the degree of LL.B. in 1690, and LL.D. in 1697. Deacon 21 December 1690; Priest 20 September 1691. Previous to his collation to Trottescliffe he served the cure of Folkestone, and on removing to London was chosen Lecturer at Islington 4 October 1691. Among other appointments in Kent, he held the curacies of Great Chart and Wye ; the rectory of Betshanger, 1703 ; the vicarage of Chislet; and the rectory of Euckinge, to which he was collated by Archbishop Tenison, 12 April 1705. He resigned his two rectories in 1714, being unable to take the oaths required by Government, on the accession of George I. He died 5 March 1743-4, and was buried in the family vault at Wye. He was one of the most learned of the Non-jurors, and was the author of a large number of essays and tracts. (See Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, i., pp. 407—412.) FIFTT-EIGHT RECTORS OF TROTTESCLIFFE. 193 48. JOHN WAEEEN, M.A., inst. 4 June 1695. (Reg. Spratt, f. 225.) He was the eldest son of the Eev. Samuel Warren, who was Vicar of Ashford for forty-eight years. Of Queen's Coll., Camb., B.A., 1689 ; M.A., 1693; S.T.B., 1701; S.T.P., 1711; Deacon 25 September 1692. Priest, 19 May 1695. Also Vicar of St. John's, Margate, 1703—1705. After leaving Trottescliffe he was instituted to a prebend at Exeter 2 April 1709. He appears to have died in 1736. The silver paten dates from the time of this rector, having the mark of the year 1699. Underneath are engraved the letters P^., which were the initials of Paul and Ann Baristow, by whom, most probably, it was presented. He was at one time curate in charge here, and Ms will shews that he was much attached to the parishioners. . On 26 February 1688-9 he was instituted to the vicarage of Graine. The entry of his wife's burial at Trottescliffe occurs under 20 April 1705; that of his own under 23 February 1715-16. 49. CHAELES LAMB, B. A., inst. 23 Apr. 1709, on cess, of the last. (Reg. Spratt, f. 905.) Deacon, 21 September 1701. Priest,20 December 1702. On 12 August 1709 he obtained a faculty to pull down the E. end of the parsonage, 12 ft. broad and 20 ft. long, consisting of kitchen, brewhouse, and chamber, and to make a kitchen and brewhouse out of the great hall, also to raise the roof of the great hall so as to build one or more chambers over it. (Regist. Spratt, f. 965.) The entry in the Parish Eegister of several" domestic events " shews that Mr. Lamb was a resident Eector. The Eev. Paul Baristow or Bairstow, by his will, dated 31 March 1711, and proved 2 March 1715-16, left £100 to purchase an estate, the rent of which should be applied to the instruction of poor children of Trottescliffe in reading and the Church Catechism. (P.C.C, 44 Fox.) His executrix, Mary Goodwin or Godwyn, added £50 for the same purpose. 50. BAETHOLOMEW HUGHES, M.A., inst., 27 May 1723, on cess. of the last. (Act Book, Eochest., f. 52.) Of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. Deacon 19 December 1708. Priest 24 May 1719. After leaving Trottescliffe he became Vicar of Barnston and Laver Parva, Essex. He was Chaplain to Catherine, Dowager Duchess of Buckingham. 51. THOMAS COCKMAN, M.A., inst. 28 July 1724, on cess, of the last. (Act Book, Eochester, f. 56.) On 15 July 1724 he obtained a Dispensation to hold Trottescliffe with his vicarage of East Mailing. He was a Fellow, and afterwards Master of University Coll., Oxford, being elected in the place of Dr. Charlett, after a contest with Mr. Dennison, extending over six years. He was elected Proctor for the Clergy in 1724. He was also Chaplain to the Et . Hon. Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Barnard. He died at Oxford 1 February 1744-5. 52. JOHN ELTON, M.A., inst. 22 Mar. 1744-5, on d. of the last. (Ibid., f. 144.) Instituted to the rectory of Speldhurst 15 February 1727-8. He died 5 April 1747. 53. JAMES WEBB, M.A., inst. 29 May 1747, on d. of the last. (Ibid., f. 152.) On 22 December 1743 he was licensed to the VOL, xx, o 194 FIFTT-EIGHT RECTORS OP TROTTESCLIFFE. curacy of West Mailing ; and, 30 August 1748, he was presented to that vicarage by Sir Eoger Twisden. 54. FEANCIS LLOYD, M.A., inst. 3 Oct. 1759, on d. of the last. (Act Book, f. 192.) He was buried here 2 October 1778. 55. FEANCIS TAYNTON, M.A., inst. 20 Jan. 1779, on d. of the last. (Ibid., f. 230.) He was instituted Vicar of Frindsbury 24 March 1764. He also held, for fifteen years, the vicarage of West Farleigh, where he died, 2 November 1794, at the age of 63. 56. WILLIAM CEAWFOED, M.A., inst. 13 Nov. 1794, on d. of the last. (Ibid., f. 256.) Of Trinity Coll., Camb. Deacon 19 September 1773. Priest 25 April 1775. Examining Chaplain to Bishop Horsley. He was Archdeacon of Carmarthen from 11 October 1793 till his death. On 7 August 1797 he obtained a Dispensation to hold the rectory of Milton with his rectory of Trottescliffe. He died 14 April 1827.- The silver alms-dish bears the inscription :—" This Plate was presented to the Parish of Trotterscliffe by the Bev. Wni Crawford, D.D., Eector, Sept. 11th 1821." In October 1824 the church was repaired, and the pulpit was presented by tbe Dean and Chapter of Westminster, through James Seager, Esq. 57. EDWARD JOHN SHEPHERD, B.A., inst. 1 Oct. 1827, on d. of the last. (Act Book, Eochest., 1824-67, f. 20.) Scholar of Trinity Coll., Camb. Deacon 1826. Priest 30 September 1827. Presented by the Lord Chancellor. Eector of Luddesdown 1840-56. In the year 1844 the church was renovated, and the school buildings were erected. On Advent Sunday 1866, the present altar table was given by the Eector, and in the month of August 1874 an addition was made to the churchyard, on the N. side. Mr. Shepherd died 26 November 1874, and was buried in the S.W. corner of the churchyard. Author:—The History of the Church of Borne to the end of the Episcopate of Bamasus, A.D. 384, London, 1851. Letter to S. R. Maitland, etc., 1852. During Dr. Crawford's time the patronage of the living passed into the hands of the Bishop of Worcester, but about the year 1868 it was acquired by C W. Shepherd, Esq., who was subsequently Eector. By an Order in Council, dated 8 August 1845, it was decreed that from 1 January 1846 the deanery of Mailing should be transferred to the diocese of Canterbury, when Trottescliffe ceased to be in the Eochester diocese. 58. CHAELES WILLIAM SHEPHEED, M.A., inst. 1 Feb. 1875, on d. of the last. (Regist. Tait, ii., f. 603.) Of Trinity Coll., Camb. Deacon 1870. Priest 1871. Consecration of addition to the churchyard by the Bishop of Dover 15 July 1875. Insertion of E. window in memory of the late Eector 1875. The easternmost light of the south window, next the tower, in memory of Francis Henry Heyman Shepherd, originally in Luddesdown church, was also inserted this year. Ten years later the W. window, by Messrs. Hughes and Ward, was put in at the cost of £148. And in 1887 the westernmost window in the N. wall, representing The Sower, by the same artists, was put in by the Eector in commemoration of the Queen's Jubilee. In the year 1885 the W. wall of the church was entirely rebuilt by the Eector, with carefully squared flints, set in cement, at the cost of about £800.