St Martin's Church, New Romney: Records relating to its removal in A.D. 1550

( 155 ) ST. MARTIN'S OHURCH, NEW ROMNEY. BECOEDS BELATING TO ITS BEMOVAL IN A.D. 1550. TRANSCRIBED BT HENRT BACHELER WALKER, J.P. COMMUNICATED BT W. L. RUTTON, E.S.A. Petition from New Bomney to Archbishop CBANMEB. " In moste humble wyse . . . . showeth vnto your good grace your devout oratours the Baylie, Jurats, and John Cryse Vycar of Newe Bomeny of yr Graces Dioces. That whereas there are in the same towne twoo parisshe Churches that is to sae the churche of Saincte Nicolas and the chapell of St. Marten annexed therevnto whiche are appropriated vnto the Colledge of all Sowles in the vniversitie of Oxforde. " And for that the towne is not so populus, nor the devotions of the people so liberall in paying of personall tythes as thei have been heretofore the proffittes of the same arr not sufficient nor hable to fynde twoo curates to serve bothe the sayd churches and thei vnited were but a competent and reasonable lyving for one lerned curate. The churches when thei were together and either of them hable and mete to receyve all the people of the . . . . and more and the keping vppe of theym bothe may . . . . parsonage as the inhabitants of the sayd twoo parisshes cannot . . . . well . . . . to come to any one of the sayd churches. It maye therefore please your grace to assign and appoynte by your l'tres directed vnto the hole towne one of the same churches whiche shall seme to your grace moste mete for thair parisshe churche willing and requiring the people to accepte the same for thair onelie parisshe churche. And further that your grace will take order that certyn honest men maye be charged with the goodes comyng of the churche whyche shalbe desolated to be ymployed to the benifite and commoditie of the churche and towne so that thei maie stande bounde to yelde vnto yo1' grace accompte of the same frome tyme to tyme when and as often as you shall require the same. In accomplishing wherof yor grace's sayd oratours shalbe dailie bounde to praie to God for the long preservation of your good grace long to endure." The Archbishop's Answer. " To my lovyng ffrendes the Baylif, Jurats and parisshons of Newe Bumney. After my right hertie recomendation found Perceyvyng by your application that you cannot agree amonge your 156 ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH, NEW ROMNET. selfes whiche of your churches you may take for your onlie parisshe churche, you havynge twoe churches either of them mete for your sole towne and by cause that by no equytie nor without great consid . . . . the people of the churche may come to the chapell nor of the chapell to the churche, these are to . . . . wylle you to take the churche of Seynt Nycholas for your onlie parisshe churche. And that such as shall have or take the other churche and implements thereof shall before any alteration thereof be made be bounde by sufficient wrytynges obligatory before Peter Hayinan my surveyor whom I have appoynted therevnto for the employnge of theym and of the money thereof comynge, to the common poore and best proffyte of the towne and parisshe and to take a trewe accompt thereof . . . . as eyther an . . . . they, or any of them, shalbe thervnto requyred. Thus hartelie fare you welle ffrom Lambethe the xxvij daye of May 1549. " Tour Lovinge ffrende, "T. CANT." Here aftr folowttl the Beceipte of the goodes of Saint Martens Church in New Eomeney as folowith. Inp'mis Eeceyved of one Edenberie and of Will"1 partridge of Bie ffor iiij thousand and Sixe hundreth of bell metall to them sold at x li. x s. le thousand xlviij li. iiij s. It'm Bee' of Bie' buntinge the iijde day of Ap'll Anno E' B' Edwardi vj dei gracia re'qui'to for c'ten lead to him sold at vj s. viij d. le hundreth vii. It'm Bee' of Will™ tadlow for viij c. d. [ d = | ] of lead to him sold the xxiijth of Ap'll Anno p'dicto at v s. le C xiij s. vjd. It'm Bee' of Willm Walter for v C. of lead to him sold at vs. le hundreth xxvs. It'm Bee' of Peter Wallishe ffor xij C. of lead to him sold at v s. le hundreth iij lx. It'm Bee' of Badulphe devonishe for x C. of lead to him sold at vs. le hundreth Is. It'm Bee' of John Whit ffor viij C. of lead to him sold at vs. le hundreth xls. It'm Bee' of Thomas Pelland ffor vij C. of lead to him sold at vs. le C xxxvs. It'm Bee' of Nicolas ffau black Smith ffor iiij C. d. [d=£] of iron to him sold at vj s. viij d. le hundreth xxx s. It'm Bee' of the said Edenberie and partridge ffor x fl'other of lead to them sold at vii. le ffother 1 li. [£50] [At foot of MS. page.] Sm. on this side c xvij li. vj s. vj d. [£117 6s. 6d.] John hoonle [?] pr. thorn's hoonle Sm. grosse c xxxvi li. xvi s. x d. [£136 16s. 10d.] This sum gross or total is written at the foot of the first MS. page, not at the end of the account. RECORDS RELATING TO ITS REMOVAL IN A.D, 1550. 157 Here ffolow"1 the iij billes specified in the Acompt grosse. ffirst Bee' of gregorie holton ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Bee' of Eichard buntiuge ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Bee' of Willm Walt1' ffor viij gistes iii] s. x d. It'm Bee' of John cheseman ffor ij gistes xij d. It'm Eec' of petr Wallishe ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Eec' of Eobt galion ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Eec' of Willm dornell ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Eec' of John curtes ffor one gist viijd. It'm Eec' of Marten padih'm ffor one gist viij d. It'm Eec'of John gorram ffor old wood ijd. It'm Eec' of Bobt Snode ffor a bell fframe xij d. It'm Bee' of John curties ffor a bell fframe • xvj d. It'm Eec' of Eadulphe devonishe ffor a bell ffra' xvj d. It'm Eec' of Thorn's parres ffor a beame xvj d. It'm Bee' of peter Wallishe ffor a bell fframe xvj d. It'm Eec' of John Whit ffor ij C & viij li of lead x s. vj d. It'm Eec' of Thorn's parres ffor the great bell fframe... ij s. iiij d. It'm Eec' of Sandr Kepell ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. Thus endeth the ffirst bill. [These words, and those in the line following, have been erased.] Here ffolow"1 yc contentes of the second bill. It'm Bee' of Bica buntinge ffor c'rten paving tiles to him sold—Sm iiij s. It'm Eec' of the sameBica bunting ffor a tombstone ... vs. iiij d. It'm Eec' of gregorie holton ffor a tombstone ij s. viij d. It'm Eec' of Eadulphe devonishe ffor c'ten paving tiell vj s. It'm Eec' of Bichard buntinge ffor ij tombstones* viij s. It'm Eec' of John Morres ffor parte of the timbr of the chaunsell* iiijs. It'm Eec' of Thorn's parres ffor the ffounte xij d. It'm Eec'of John b'rges ffor a table iiijd. It'm Eec'of gregorie holton ffor c'ten boordsf vs. It'm Bee' of Adrian M'den ffor the pulpit xij d. [At foot of MS. page.] Sm. on this side iiij li. ij d. [£4 Os. 2d.] It'm Bee' of Thorn's belomie ffor c'ten timbr iij s. viij d. It'm Bee' of Will'm Eppse ffor c'ten stonesj iij s. iiij d. It'm Eec' of John berre ffor c'ten lime that was in y° church xviijd. It'm Bee' of John Morres fo1' ye seliuge ovr ye Bood loft iijs- iiijd. It'm Eec' of Eobt galion ffor a q't of pavinge tiell iiij d. It'm Eec'of xpoffor cowchman for c'ten old timbr§ ... xijd. It'm Eec' of John padih'm ffor a fforme vj d. * In the ohanoel of " our Lady," says another copy of this MS. t Prom the back of the vestry. j The oross stone. § Prom an altar. 158 ST. MARTIN' S CHURCH, NEW ROMNET. It'm Eec' of Thom's harnden ffor a benche of stone & ffor vj other great stones xs. It'm Bee' of Symon padih'm ffor a preket* iiij d. It'm Bee' of John elson ffor a preket* vj d. It'm Bee' of thom's belomie ffor the sepulcre fframef viijd. It'm Bee' of Bobt bedle ffor ij C brick xiiij d. It'm Eec' of Bobt davie ffor xvj pavinge tyles viij d. It'm Bee' of James cristean ffor x paving tielles vd. It'm Eec' of m'ten padih'm ffor xx paving tielles xd. It'm Beca of thom's parres ffor c'ten paving tielles ... iiijd. It'm Bee' of gregorie holton ffor c'ten paving tielles ... xd. It'm Eec' of Will'm Epps ffor xxiiij paving stones viij s. Item Bee' of Eobart bedle ffor ij C d. of pavinge tielles iii s. iiij d. It'm Bee' of x'poffer cowcheman ffor the tombe of yc sepulcre xij d. It'm Bee' of thom's tadlow ffor c'ten stones xiiij d. It'm Eec' of oliver darbishire ffor c'ten old timbr J ... xxd. It'm Bee' of John padih'm and gregorie holton ffor bords iiij s. It'm Bee' of Symon padih'm Thom's tadlow & Marten padih'm ffor the upr loft of the Steple xs. iiijd. It'm Bee' of Bobt brewer for ij pec's of timbr viij d. It'm Bee' of James cristean ffor c'ten bricke iiij d. It'm Bee' of Eic buntinge ffor a beame xvj d. It'm Eec' of Bie' Wallar ffor a beame xvj d. It'm Bee' of gregorie holton ffor a beame xvj d, It'm Bee'of Marten padh'm ffor ij pecs of timbr xjd. It'm Eec' of Eaffe devonishe ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Bee'of Bie'Wallar for ij gistes xvjd. [At foot of MS. page.] Sm. on this side iij li. viij s. x d. [£3 8s. 10d.] It'm Eec'of John parker ffor viij gistes ijs. It'm Bee' of John drincker ffor one gist viij d. It'm Eec'of Eobt davie ffor ij gistes xvjd. It'm Bee' of Bie Seed for iij gistes ij s. It'm Eec' of thom's parres ffor one giste viij d. It' in Eec' of John gorram ffor an old Eotiu gist [rotten joist] ijd. It'm Bee' of John clarke ffor ij gistes xvj d. It'm Bee' of John padih'm ffor iiij gistes ij s. viij d. It'm Bee'of Eich'geffray ffor one gist viijd. It'm Eec' of Thom's tailor ffor a beame andij small timbr peces ijs. ijd. It'm Eec' of Thom's harnden§ ffor iij load of ruff stone ij s. vj d. It'm Eec'of Adrian m'den|| ffor a stole vd. * A candlestick with pricket top. t Pramework of the Easter Sepulchre. % Prom the porch. § Of Lydd. || Adrian Marden, a smith. RECORDS RELATING TO ITS REMOVAL IN A.D. 1550. 159 It'm Eec' of Eic' buntinge ffor a cowenter [? counter] iij s. iiij d. It'm Eec' of Thom's pelland ffor iiij C. paving tile ... xvj d. It'm Eec' of Will'm dornell ffor iij old planckes viij d. It'm Bee' of Alex' Kepell ffor qt' paving tile iij d. It'm Bee' of Symon padih'm ffor m1* paving tile iij s. iiij d. It'm Eec' of Eic' buntinge ffor a fforme viij d. It'm Eec' of Bie' garrard ffor a tombestone iij s. iiij d. It'm Bee' of Thom's dod ffor iij C. of bricke xxj d. It'm Bee' of [in another copy Sir William] the p'son of hopef ffor a deske iijd. It'm Bee' of John curtes ffor a qt' of pavinge tile iiij d.. It'm Eec'of Thom's dod ffor c'ten stones xiiij d. It'm Bee' of Thom's dod ffor c'ten pavinge tile x d. It'm Bee' of Thom's parres ffor the bord of the ffountj ij d. It'm Bee' of John cheseman ffor a torehe xvj d. It'm Bee'of Thom's dod ffor a torehe xvjd. It'm Eec'of John gorrom ffor a chist xiiijd. It'm Eec' of Thom's dod for a longe settle iiij d. It'm Eec' of John Mores ffor c'ten timbr tiele & stone§ to him sold xxs. It'm Bee' of John Wells ffor c'ten old lathes viij d. It'm Eec' of James cristean ffor vj C. tile iij s. It'm Bee' of Alex' Kebell ffor old lathes iiij d. [At foot of MS. page.] Sm. on this side iij li. xxij d. [£3 Is. 10d.] It'm Bee' of will'm hacket ffor ij C. tile xij d. It'm Bee'of John burges ffor lates vjd. It'm Eec' of oliver darbishire ffor lates ixd. It'm Eec' of Eica buntinge ffor m1 paving tile iij s. iiij d. It'm Bee' of M1'8 dod widdow ffor iij C. paving tiles ... xviij d. It'm Eec' of the glasiar of Bie ffor asshes viij d. It'm Bee'of Eobt galion ffor vj C. tile ijs. vjd. It'm Eec' of oliver darbishire ffor ij C. of tiles xj d. It'm Bee' of Simon padih'm ffor a pec' of lead xiiij d. It'm Bee' of Bie' cheseman for one beame ij C. & d. of tile ij s. vd. It'm Bee' of Eic' buntinge ffor c'ten stones vjd. It'm Bee' of Eic' buntinge ffor a doore ijs. It'm Eec' of thorn's dod ffor p'te of the Euffe of y° churche xij s. It'm Bee' of Bobt galion ffor p'te of the Buffe of the churche xij s. It'm Bee' of John padih'm ffor p'te of the said Buffe xij s. It'm Bee' of will'm Walt1' ffor parte of the same Eoffe... xij s. It'm Eec' of Bobt bedle ffor p'te of the same Eoffe ... xij s. It'm Eec' of Eic' garrard ffor a beame xvj d. It'm Bee' of Will'm Walt1' ffor vj C. tiles ij s. viij d. Thus endethe the second bill. [These words have been erased.] * A thousand. f The rector of Hope, in Romney Marsh. t Pont cover. § Forming the vestry. 160 ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH, NEW ROMNET. It'm Eec' of Will'm padih'm for c'ten old timbr & c'ten Stones vjs. It'm Eec' of leonard pomtes [? Pointes] ffo1' iij buttresse & A beame vjs. viijd. [At foot of MS. page.] Sm. on this side iiij li. xviij s. vij d. [£4 18s. 7d.] It'm Bee' of Eic. Wallar ffor viij li. of lead iiij d. It'm Eec' of Adrean M'den ffor the stones that were in the churche porch iijs. iiijd. It'm Bee' of gregorie holton ffor a doore of the churche ij s. v d. It'm Bee' of wm ffinche of hoope for a looad ffree stone ij s. viij d. It'm Bee' of Eic' buntinge ffor half a lood of tiles iij s. iiij d. It'm Bee' of M1' Kempe ffor ij thousand a half of paving tiles viij s. iiij d. It'm Bee' of Mr Kempe ffor one stone xijd. It'm Bee' of Eic' Wallar ffor C. paving tiles iiijd. It'm Eec' of M'ten padih'm for iij C. tile xvj d. It'm Bee' of thom's pelland ffor ij C. tile viijd. It'm Bee' of John Clarke ffor iiij C. tile xxij d. It'm Bee'of Eic'Wallar ffor v C. tile ijs. iijd. It'm Eec' of George Eowse for C. & d. pavinge tile & vj cornr tile viijd. It'm Eec' of thom's parres ffor a load of tile vj s. viij d. It'm Bee' of John padih'm a thousand tiles iiij s. viij d. It'm Bee' of Baffe devonishe ffo1' half a load tile iij s. iiij d. It'm Bee'of John parker for half a lood tile iijs. iiijd. It'm Bee'of gregorie holton fo1'half a load tiele iijs. iiijd. It'm Bee' of thom's dod for vj C. tiele ijs. viij d. It'm Eec' of will'm dornell fo1' half a load tiele iij s. iiij d. It'm Eec' of Bobt bedell ffor a thousand pavinge tile.. iij s. vj d. It'm Bee' of Bobt bedell ffor half a thousand tile ij s. iij d. It'm Bee'of thom's parres ffor xxiv Eafters ixs. iiijd. It'm Eec' of thom's dod ffor the Boode loft xs. [At foot of MS. page.] Sm. on this side iiij li. xj d. [£4 Os. lid.] £ s. d. il l 7 6 6 4 0 2 3 8 10 3 1 10 4 18 7 4 0 11 £136 16 10 In the MS. this total is noted on the first page of the account here concluded. Vide ut supra, p. 156, at foot.


Early Norman Churches in and near the Medway Valley


Kent Fines, 4-7 Edward III. (A.D. 1327-1334)