Front matter, Volume 21

~rthreolo11ia atantiana. ' • ANTJQUITATES SEU HISTORIARUM RELIQUilE l!UNT TANQUAM 'l'A.BUL.iE NAUFRAGII; CUM, DEFICIENTE ET FERE SUB:MERSA RERUM MEMORJA, NIHILOMrNUS ROMINES INDUSTRJI ET SAGACES, PER'l'IN.~CI QUA.DAM ET SCRUPULOSA DJLIGENTIA. EX GENEALOQIIS, FA.STIS, TI'l' ULIS, MONUMENTIS, NUbUSMA.TIBUS, NOMINIBUS PROPRIIS ET STYLIS, VERBORUM E'l'YMOLOGIIS, PROVERBIIS, Tll.AD!'rIONIDUS, ARCHJVIS, E'l' INSTRUMEN'l'IS, TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PRlVA.'l'IS, HIS1'0ll.IARUM FRAGMEN'l'IS, LIBRORUM NEU'l'IQU,Ul HISTORI· CORUM LOClS DISPERSIS,-EX RIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL Al,LQUIBUS, NONNULLA. A TEMPORlS DILUVlO ERIP!UN'r ET CONSERVANT. RES SANE OPEROSA, SED MORTALIBUS GR.A.TA ET CUM REVER.ENTIA QUADAM CON· JUNOTA." '' ANTIQUITIES, OR REMNANTS OF HlS'l'ORY, ARE, A~ WAS SAID, TANQUAM 'l'A.BUL,E NAUFRAGII j WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVATION, OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WORDS, PROVERBS, TRADITIONS, PRIVATE RECORDS AND EVIDENCES, FRAG· MENTS OF STORIES, PASSAGES OF BOOKS 'r HA'l' CONCERN NOT STORY, AND THE LIKl•:, DO SAVE AND RECOVER SOMEWHAT FROM THE DELUGE OF TIME."-Advanoome1it of Lea1•11,ing, ii. ~rtlnrnloght ~antinna: TRANSACTIONS OF TFIE K EN'l1 ARCH.iEOLOGICAL SOCIE11Y. VOLUME XXI. i.onllon: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY MITCHELL & HUGHES. HO WARDOUR STREET, OXFORD STREET. 1895. The OoU11cil of tlte Kent .Arclueological Societ11 is not answemble fo1· any opinions put forward in tlds Worlc. Each Oontributo1· is alone responsible for his own remcwlcs. CONTENTS. PJ.GD Lists of Officers, x-xiii ; Rules, xiv; List of Members, xvi-xxxii Illustration :Fund . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. ... .... ...... ..... .. . ............. ..... xxxjii Cash Accounts, 1893 and 1894 ... .. ......... ...... .. ... .. ... xxxiv-xxx:vii Proceedings, Report, etc., 1894 and 1895 ......... ... ...... xxxix-xlvi RESEARCHES AND DISCOVERIES IN KENT. By George P ayne, F.L.S., lJ'.S.A. . .. ... ...... ........ ..... : . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. xlvii 1. R OMAN ROCHESTER. By George Payne, ll.L.S., lJ'.S.A. ... 1 2. MEDI..ll.lV.A.L RocHESTER. By Rev. Grevile ll!l. Livett ... . .. 17 3. THE Bo~ms OF AllCHBISHOr BECKE'.l'. By Rev. a. F. Routledge, F.S . ./1.. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. 73 4. Cow DEN Cnun.cH, KEN•.r. By J. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A. . . . 81 5. '.11HE RECTORY OF COWDEN. By Leland L. Dun.can, F.S.A. ... ........ ... . ......... ... ... ...... ... ........ . ... ... ...... 87 6. EDENDRIDGE CHURCH. By J. Oldrid Scott, P.S.A. 95 7. Noi'ES ON TmlEE A NCIENT HousEs lN 'l'HE PARISH OF COWDEN. By Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A . .... ..... 103 8. NOTES ON EDENDRIDGE. By Granville Leveson-Gower, F.8.A. . ........ ... ...................... .. ............... ... ...... 109 9. INVENTORY OF OnuncH Goons AT EDENBlUDGE. Communicated by Granville Leveson-Gower, lJ'.S.A. . .. .. .... 115 10. CHURCIIWA.ltDENS' AccoUNTS, EDENBRIDGE. Edited by G·ran11ille Leveson-Gower, F.S.A . ............ .. ..... .. ...... 118 11. PRESTON Cnuncn, NEXT FAVERBHAM. By Canon Scott Robertson .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . 126 12. RECTORS AND VICARS OF PRES'l'ON-DY-FAVERSHA.M. By Canon Scott Robertson . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . 135 13. THE B.A.rTISM OF KING ET.e:ELllERT. By Rev. a. 1J'. Routledge, F.S.A. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . 157 14. 'FILDonouG1t FAm,tnousE, EAsT CHALK, GRAVESEND. By Geo·rge M. Arnold, l!'.S.A. . ...... ..... ..... ......... .... 16l Vl CONTENTS, 15. LETTERS RELATING TO THE CONDITION OF THE OHURCI:l IN KENT, DURING THE PRIMACY OF ARCHBISHOP SANCROFT [10'78-1690]. '.l.'ranscriben, C11lq1titt St1·cr.t, Liverpo(ll), The :Royal Society of Antiqual'ies of Ireland. The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society (Rev. Prcbmdal''!I Ilar1Jcy, I/i?tcofa). The Norfolk a.nd Norwich AI'Cbreologicnl Society, NM'11'-iclt. The Suffolk Institute of Archreology (Rc-v. 1'; IIa.rlon·ood, Ilon. Sec., St, Jffattl! e1v'.~ Recto1'1f, Ip,tn'ich). The Su1Tey Archreological 8ocicty, 8 .Danes :rn,i, Strand, w.o. The Sussex Arcbreologicitl 8ociety, Lc'IVCR Castlr,. The Wiltshire Archaiological and Natural Hi8tory Society, Jlfusmw1., Dcmzc.~. The Somersctshire Archreologicnl and Natural History Society, Ta1tnt1ni Oa.~tlc. '!.'be Bristol and Gloucestershire Archreological Society (Rev. w: BazclmJ, Jlfatson Rcctoi·y, Glouccstrw). The Cambridge Antiquarian Society (Dr. Ila1·dcafJtle, Downing College, Camb,·idgc), The Derbyshire Archreological Society (A1•tliu1· C1>:c, E.,g., Mill Hill, De1·b-y). The Powysland Club (Rev. W. V. Lloyd, R.N., Raselliccli Rccto171, No1•t11a1npton). The Cumberland and Westmoreland Archreo\ogical Society (.R. S. ]}'c?•guson, Esq., F.S . .d.., Oa1·li.slc). The Leiceste1·shire Archreological Society, 6 Gall01ut1·ec, Leicester. The Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (R. Bl,ai1•, Esq,, 801itlt Skicld.~). The Shropshire Archroological Society (Rev. W: G. Dimock ll'letclter, St. Michael's Vica1·age, Sl1//'tY11Mb1wy). Societe Arcbeologique de Dunkerque. R. Societa Romana di Rtoria Patria, Biblioteca Va.lliccllia11n,, Roma., J tnt ~ rthrenlngicnl ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, 1894-5. TI:IE Council n1et on the 29th of March 1894 in the Society's Rooms at the lVIaidstone Museum. Canon Scott Robertson presided, and there were seven other members present. The A.nnual Meeting was fixed to take place at Faversbam on July 31st and August 1st. Votes of thanks were passed to the following, for gifts to the Librarv :- Re~. E. M. Muriel, £or two manuscript volumes of Notes with Illustrations on Gliwrchcs in the Deaneries of Nortli and Soutlt Lymnc. A. D. Wild French, Esq., for Notes on the Jl'renclies of Sr.otland. Mons. J. Lair, for Etude su1· la vie et la moi·t de 0-uillaumc Lon_que-Epee, Due de Normandie. ,John Watney, Esq., for The Hospital of St. Tlt0mas of Aeon in tlie Oheap, London, and The History of the Plate of tl1e Mercers' Oompany. It was resolved that in future one of the Quarterly Council Meetings be held at Rochester. W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq., of Walmer, was elected a member of Council, vice Wilfrid J. Cripps, Esq., 0.B., resigned. The Rev. J. Cave-Browne, M.A., was also elected upon the Council, vice H. B. Mackeson, Esq., deceased. A letter was read from T. Nottidge, Esq., of .Ashford, suggesting that the members of the Society who were photographers should be invited to present to the Society's Collections duplicate copies of photographs of ancient houses and other objects of archreological interest. It was resolved that this valuable suggestion be adopted. 'l'wenty new members were elected. xl PROCEEDINGS, 1894. The Council met in London on the 19th of June 1894 at the house of tbe noble President in Grosvenor Place. The Earl Stanhope presided, there being fourteen members vresent. The printed Programme of the Annual Meeting at Faversham was submitted and approved. Votes of thanks were passed to T. Nottidge, Esq., for the gift of photographs, and to F. 0. J. Spurrell, Esq., for a copy of Memo- 1·ials of the Bla::cland Family. After some discussion it was resolved to increase the price of Visitors' tickets for the Annual Meetings to five shillings, The Honorary Secretary a.gain brought forward the subject of prosecuting extensive researches at Richborough. The noble President, as a member of the Richborough Trust, requested that the matter be postponed until the Trustees had completed their arrangements connected with the purchase and enclosing of the site. The Annual Meeting of the Society commenced at Faversbam on Tuesday the 31st of J uly 1894. By permission of the Mayor, the Business Meeting was hel


General Index


Roman Rochester