Rochester Inns

( 315 ) ROCHESTER INNS. BY S. T. AVELING. MANY of the inns in Rochester are of great antiquity, several dating from the fourteenth century. The "Crown Inn" was established in 1390, and the original building was destroyed only about thirty years ago. It was the scene in the Secoud Act of Shakespeare's Henry IV., Part I., of the two carriers and Gadshill. The " Whi t e Hart" is another ancient inn, founded in 1396. The sign was evidently taken from a badge of King Richard II. The first transfer of this inn was in 1401. This and subsequent transfers and the various inventories are very interesting. The original documents have been kindly lent me by M. H. Dalison, Esq., of Hamptons, and I am indebted to Mr. Frampton for some of the translations. MARCHANT AND OTHERS XO RYPON. Rochester 1401. Release from John Marchant, William Huntingdon, Clk., Will. Gyllyngham, and Adam Eldyngton, Clk., to Joan the wife of Will. Rypon of Rochester, of their right in messuage called " Hert atte Hoj)p in Rochestr," which messuage, with others, they lately acquired by feofment from Will. Snayth, Esq. Dated 18 May 2 Henry IV. Witnesses: Thomas Duddesmere, Thomas Taverner, Will. Frer, Tho. Swyneghe, and others. DARELL .AND HEXHAM TO HUNT AND OTHERS. Rochester 1433. Indenture by which John Darell, Esq., and John Hexham demise and confirm to Henry Hunt, baker, of Rochester, Robt. 316 ROCHESTER INNS. Kippyng, fferrour, of the same, Henry Poleyn of Maidstone, and Tho. Gardyner of Otteford, all their messuage called " le Hert atte Hoop," lately acquired by feoffment from Richard Spenser, Thomas Dully, William Hamkyn, and Walter Wight, as appears by deed dated at Rochester 12 Sept. 12 Henry VI. (1433), to have aud to hold the aforesaid messuage to the said Henry, Robert, Henry, and Thomas, on condition that they pay to John Darell and John Hexham in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, viz., 20 marks at the feast of All Saints, and the same amount at each of the two succeeding feasts. In default of payment within eight clays the property to return to grantors. Witnesses: Henry Rowe, John Poteg(er)e, John Sampson, Thomas Tumour, John Draper. Dated at Rouchester 6 Nov. 12 Hen. VL GA^RDYNIER TO HUNT AXV POTEYN. Rochester 1439. Release from Thomas Gardyner to Henry Hunte and Henry Poteyn of all his right in a messuage called " le Herte atte hope " in Rochester, which messuage he, together with the aforesaid Henry (Hunte) and Henry (Poteyn) and Robert Kyppyng, now deceased, acquired by demise and grant from John Darell, Esq., and Joim Hexham. Dated 28 Dec. 18 Henry VI. HUNTE TO COTYNG AND TESTEWODE. Rochester 1463. Grant from Henry Hunte alias Henry Bakere, citizen of Rochester, to Thomas Cotyng and William Testewode, citizens of the same, of his tenement or inn (hospicium) called " le herte on the hoope," in the parish of St. Nicholas bishop, viz., between the tenement late of Will. Maynarde, harbour, towards the W., and the tenement and garden late of Tho. Wymbyssh towards the N., and the tenement of the said Henry in which Margery Rowland, widow, now lives, and the Coppydhalle toward the B., and the King's highway towards the S. Witnesses: Robert Doket, Mayor of the said City, Thomas Payntour and Ri. Adam, Constable, Will. Mungeham, and many others. 6 June 3 Edward IV. ROCHESTER INNS. 317 This Endenture made the 21 daye of ffebruary in the 18th yere of the reyne of king henry the 7th betwene John hall of the Citie of Rochester, ffisshmonger, and William Watts, of the same Citie, Drap', executours of the Testament and last Wille of Robert Croft, son of Robert Crofte . . . . on that one p'tie, and Thomas Croft of Maydeston . . . . on that other p'tie, Witnesseth that wheV the seid R o b e r t . . . . willed that the place or Inne called the hert uppon the hoop, with all the other ten'tes, lands, etc shuld be solde. . . . . The said John Hall and Will'm Watts . . . . for the sum of £90 to be paid in maner, &c have bargained and solde . . . . all the seid place and lime called the hert uppon the hoop, and all the other ten'tes, londes, and messuages . . . . except a Tent lying in Strode late purchased of Edmond ffuller . . . . ffor accomplishment of which bargayn and sale the seid John Hall, etc., on this side the ffest of pentecost next comyng shall endever theym self and do all that in theym reasonable is to make or cause to be made unto the rev'end ffader in God, Richard ffitz James, Bisshop of Rochester, George Nevyll, Knyght, lord Burgavenny, John Broke, Knyght, lorde Cobh'm, Maister Richard Hewster, Clerke, etc as sufficient and . . . . in ffee symple by feoffament or otherwise as shall be advised by the lerned Counsell of the seid Thomas Croft . . . . Discharged of all Rentes and other charges, etc., etc To have and to holde to theym, and to, etc And it is couen'nted and aggreed betwene the seid p'ties . . . . Thome Crofte . . . . shall paye . . . . to the seid John Hall and Will"1 Watts . . . . the 12th daye of Juyn next comyng . . . . at Rochester in the p'she church of Seynt Nicholas 33s 4d, and so yerely . . . . during the time of 10 yeres. . . . . And yerely from the ende of the seid 10 yeres unto the end and time of other 10 yeres (than ?) next following 13s 4d at the dayes and tymes afore . . . . in and for the p'formannce and sustentacion of two obites yerely, to be kept in the seid p'rsshe church of Seynt Nicholas in Rochesteyre, and in the College of Maydeston, for the soule of the seid Robert Croft. And also that the seyd Thomas Croft . . . . shall pay . . . . on the day Seynt Michell th'archanngell next comyng or within 7 days . . . . 33s and 4d on the day of the Natiuitie of our lorde . . . . 33s and 4d in the day of th'annunciacon of our lady than next following . . . . 33s 4d in the day of the Natiuitie of Seint John Baptist.... 33s 4d at the place aforeseid. .And so yerely at eche of the seid dayes, tymes, and place. 33s and 4d . . . . for the fyndying of a preest in the seid Church of Seynt Nicholas to synge for the soule of the seid Robert Croft Also it is couen'nted and aggreed betwene the seid 318 ROCHESTER INNS. p'ties that yf all the seid couenntez . . . . be not wele and truly obse'd and kept on the behalf of the seid Thomas Croft, That then the seid Re'end ffader in God Richard ffitz James, Bisshop o£ Rochester, etc shall stande and be seised thereof to th'use and p'formannce of the last Wille of the seid Robert Croft Also it is counennted . . . . that all such dedes, etc., and munyments as p'teyue to all the seid mess'es, londes, etc shall remayne in a chest which shall haue two lokks, Whereof the seid John Hall and Willm Watts shall haue one key and the seid Thomas Croft another. Which chest shall remayn in the monastrie of Seint Andrewe in Rochester under the custodye of the . . . . Prior and Conuent . . . . upon this condicion that if the seid Thomas Croft . . . . well and truly pay all the seid payments for the fyndyng and susteyngng of the f sid preest and obits, that then . . . . shall delyver . . . . all the seid dedes . . . . at his or their z'easonahle request. And yf the same Thom's Croft . . . . pay not nor p'forme the p'misses . . . . that then the prior and conuent of the seid monastrie for the tyme being shall delhr".... the seid chest wth all the seid dedes . . . . to the seid John Hall and Will"1 Watts . . . . in and for th'accomplishment of the seid last wille of the seid Robert Croft. In witness, etc. This indenture made the xv day of March the first yere of the renge of King Henry VIIItl1, wittnesseth that where Thorn" Toby by his dede bering date of this indenture hath enfeoffed Mast Ro Hedester, Clerke, John Hardell, Thomas Moteyde, Thomas (P)lankett, John Plomm, and Willm Tylden of . . . . tents, heing in the Citie of Rochestyr, oon of theym called the White hert lying on the h'oppe, A lyttell tent next to same adjoyning, and a tent called the Greyhounde. To haue and to holde to the saide Mast Ro and his cofeoffes and to ther heyrs in fee forev'. 15 May 1509. Thys Endenture made Betwen Thomas Croft of the Towne of Maydeston . . . . TayhV sonne of Robrt Croft, late of the Citie of Roohestre, . . . . Baker, deceassed, . . . . and Thomas Shemynge Drap', on the other, . . . . Witnessyth that . . . . Thomas Croft hayth bargayned and solde . . . . unto . . . . Thomas Chemyng all that Messuage or Inne called the Whyte hert uppon the hoop, and a Tente thereto annexed, . . . . beynge in the p'ysshe of Saynt Nichal of Rochester aforsayd, of the which the sayd Thomas Shemynge ys in possessyon the day of makynge hereof, And an ROCHESTER INNS. 319 other Ten'te . . . . beynge wi'n the sayd p'ysshe betwen the tente late of Rychard harlowe on the est ptye, and the tente of John Sulman on the West ptye, and a Marsh lyinge behynde the wall of Rouohester aforsayd, betwen the Marshe of Richard lee, Gentylman, on the northe ptye, and the comon there on the south ptye. To have and to holde the said Inne, tente, and marshe . . . . unto Thomas Shemynge . . . . for ever. And where the Rev'nd ffader in God, Rycharde Fitz jamys, now Bishop of London, and late Bysshop of Rouchester, George Nevyll, Knyght, lord Burgavenney, John Broke, Knyght, lord Cobh'm, Mayster Richard Newster, Clerke, etc., are seased and enfeoffed, etc. In Wytnesse . . . . the 19 day of ffebruary, in the xxiii yere of the Reyne of kynge henry the VII. THOMAS CROFTE. CROFT TO TOBY. Rochester and Maidstone 1509. Release from Thomas Croft, taillour, to Thomas Toby, taillour, of all his right in a tenement or Inn called " le Hert uppon the hope," with a ten' adjoining, in the Parish of S' Nicholas hi Rochester. Also of his right in an inn called " le Greyhounde," in the same city. Also of his right in an Inn called "le Hert," with an adjoining tene' in Maydeston, which were late the property of his father Rob' Croft. 20 Sep. 1 Hen. VIII. " By me the forsed THOMAS CROEETE." 7th July 1512. John Plomer of Maydeston, Thomas Planket of the same place, William Tylden of the same place, John Hardell of ffrendesbury, Thomas Motterel, . . . . Inn called the Whyte hert, existing within the City of Rochester aforesaid Robert Croft . . . . Thomas Toby of Maydeston 3rd year of the reign of Hen. VIIL, after the Conquest of England. 3rd of HENRY VIIL, 28th July (1512). Thomas Shemyng of the City of Rochester, Draper, and Robert Smetheley . . . . called the Whyte hert, otherwise inn called Whyte hert at the hope . . . . Robert Croft. Endorsement: White hart. 320 ROCHESTER INNS. 3rd of HENRY VIIL, 26th July (1512). Thomas Toby of Madestone . . . . tenement called the Whyte Hart, abas an Inn called the Whyte Hart at the hope. 20th ELIZABETH, last day Nov., feast of S. Andrew. Peter Bowie, Citizen of Rochester, co. Kent, yeoman, firmly bound to Robert Dene of Halhnge, gentleman, in £40, to be paid to the said Robert, etc., e t c . , . . . . the Inn called the White harte . . . . between the 8th hour before noon and the 2nd after noon on the said feast of S. Andrew. FROM A DOCUMENT IN THE POSSESSION OF MRS. DALISON OF HAMPTONS. 1571. John Stansell of Rochester hires of Rob* Dene of Hailing, gentilman, his croft of land called the 5 acres at Sl Margarets in a field there of the Dean and Chap, of Rochester called priestfeilde for 40s, they are to maintain and keep the quicksett with good and sufficient hedges, and lay with quicksett the south side of the same crofte. 27 Jan. 7 of Elizabeth. Thomas Wyck of Chatham, in consideration of £61 5s and 8d due by him to Robert Dene of Hailing, gentilman, of and for all the farme of such landes as I, Tho. Wyck, have, hold, and occupy of the sd R. Dene in Chatham and Goddyngton, do sell and deliver my lease of my house in Chatham in which I now dwell, with all the lands and appurtenances thereto belonging, and all my goods, moveable and immoveable, corne and cattell, at this date. FROM ROCHESTER CITY ACCOUNTS. 1578-9. Item, payed for the Banckite geven by Mr More at his decease, expended at ye signe of the White Hart at Rochester, being more then ye saiede M1' Moore allowed. . . . . vij8 Richard Harlowe was Mayor that year. Memo: In a deed of the time of Henry VI I . The " Crown " at Rochester is styled " The Crown on the hope," ROCHESTER INNS. 32 1 Indenture made the sixte day of Aprel l . . . . one thousande five hundreth Threscore and nyne.... Betwene Robert dene of Hailing . . . . Gentilman . . . . and Richarde Wilkinson of the Cittie of Rochester, Bocher Robert Dene . . . . doeth demise, graunt, and to farme lett unto Richard Wilkinson All that his Messuage or Inn called the White harte, and two tenements adjoyning to the same, with all houses, stables, yards, backesydes, gardens, easements, comodities . . . . lying and being in Rochester . . . . together with all suche waynscotte and glasse in and belonging to the said premisses as are conteyned in a Schedule of parchment indented and hereunto annexed . . . . lykewise . . . . a tenement, a Barne, and a close of lande called the Tye . . . . lying together at thend of Eastgate Streett, in the suburbs of the said Cittie To have and to holde . . . . from the feast of Thannuciacon of our ladie Saynt Mary the Virgin . . . . unto thend and terme of one and twentie years . . . . yielding and paying . . . . sevintene pounds . . . . at two f eastes in the yere (Failing payment the Indenture to be cancelled.) . . . . Robert Dene . . . . at hys . . . . proper coste and charges in all maner of reparacons well and sufficiently shall repayre, Sustayne, Maynteyne, and kepe . . . . hurte and harme as shalbe done in and upon the said premisses by . . . . Richard Wilkinson, his Executors . . . . their servants, cattell, or strangers, and also the pavemente in the s t r e i t t . . . . only excepted Robert dene . . . . shall pay all quite rente. A Shedule of all suche glasse and waynscott as are in the Messuage or Inn called the White harte, and demised by the said Robert Dene to the said Richard Wilkinson, wth the said Messuage as by Indenture hereunto annexed more playnly appereth:— In the hall Chamber. ffyrst the waynscotte rounde about the same chamber, saving behynde the beddehead standing there. Item a hanging Table or Cuhborde wth a httle barr of Iron. Item in the windows there Nynetene panes of glasse. In the Whitebedd Chamber, ffyrst the waynscotte rounde about the same chamber, saving behynde the beddehead. Item in the windowes there Fouretene paines of glasse. VOL, XXI. T 322 ROCHESTER INNS. In the harte Chamber. Item Tenn panes of glasse in the wyndowes. In the George Chamber. Item in the windowes fowre panes of glasse. In the Kynges Chamber, ffyrst the waynscotte Rounde about the same. Same Chamber. Item a courte cubborde of waynscott. Item Twelve panes of glasse in the windowes. In the Queens Chamber, ffyrst the waynscotte rounde about the same chamber, saving behynde the beddehead. Item in the wyndowes Twelve panes of glasse. In the parlor behynde the hall, ffyrst a newe settle of waynscott Rounde about the backe and endes of the Table. Item the waynscott about the chimney and a waynscott dore. Item in the windowes fourtene panes of glasse. In the hall, ffyrst a newe settle of waynscott Round about the hall. Item a courte cubborde. Item a newe cubborde at the chyneys ende. In the httle parlor. Item in the windowes eight panes of glasse. In the Kytchin. Item a Coope. Item an olde short planke joyning to the chimney. Sealed in presence of Thomas Robinson, Nicholas Bowsley (?), Rob' Rekham. Indenture dated 20 March 1st of James I., between Sir Maxn Dalyson of Hallinge, Knight, on the one part, and Sir Michall Sonds of Throughley, Knight, on the other. . . . . .Also of and in one messuage or tenement called or comonly ROCHESTER INNS. 32 3 knowne by the name of the " White Harte," situate in the City of Rochester, Kent, with all the houses, barnes, Stables, ediffices, buyldinge, gardens, orcharde, etc., comodities, and Seaven acres of meadow land, more or lesse, to the same messuage or tent belonging now or late in the tenure or occupn of Stephen Phillipps or his assigns, and also of and in 5 other messuages with ediffices, etc., situate in Rochester, now or late in the tenuries or occupations of Ralfe Phillipps, Gladwells Widdowe, Williams Widdowe, Baker, Thorton, and Wood, etc., also one pece of land com'only knowne by the name of Preests field, containing 6 acres, in the parish of S' Margaretts, now in the occup" of one Beulye of Rochester, two hund and three score acres in Hailing, etc., etc., and others in the parishes of Hailing, Snodland, Padlesworth, Birling, etc., all which were the hereditaments of Silvestre, mother of the aforesaid Sir Maxn Dalyson, and daug. and heire of Rob' Deane, late of Hallinge, gent., deceased. MYCHAELL SONDS. FROM THE WILL OF MAXIMILIAN DALYSON OF HAMPTONS. My eldest son Thomas already well provided for, etc I give unto my younger son Charles all that messuage with land and tenements called Chatham farm I give to my loving sister, the now wife of Henry Smith, Esq., the manour called Cottington, with lands belonging, during her natural life, and after her decease to my sd son Charles. I will that the greate Inne called the White hart, in the Citty of Rochester, as also all my small tenements at Haven Key in the same Citty shall be sold to the best advantage, and the money thereof coming shall be disposed for and towards the payment of my debts My good friend Sir Thomas Piers sole overseer of this my will 14th June 1667. He died in June 1671. Mr. Charles Dalyson his son married Miss Benet Sheafe of Chatham (vide Dalison Pedigree, Vol. XV., Archceologia Cantiana). This Indenture made the seaventh day of September in the fower and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second, etc., etc., Betwene ffrances* Dalyson of Hamp- * The widow of Maximilian Dalyson. Y 2 324 ROCHESTER INNS. tons, in the parish of West Peckham, . . . . Widow, . . . . and Thomas Roberts of the Cittie of Rochester, . . . . Clothier Frances Dalyson for . . . . the yearlie rent . . . . hath demised, granted, and to farm letten . . . . All that messuage, tenem', or Inn com'onlie called or knowne by the name or signe of the White Hart, . . . . lying and being in the Cittie of Rochester, . . . . late in the tenure possession of George Allington Alwaies reserved to the said ffrances Dalyson . . . . free lib'tie of ingresse, egresse, and regresse . . . . to view, etc. To have and to hold . . . . the terme of Seaven yeares . . . . the yearlie rent of Thirty and Seaven pounds, . . . . and to repaire, mainteyne, etc., . . . . and all and everie the wainscott, dressers, shelves, locks, keyes, bolts, benches, and other things mentioned in the Schedule And also that . . . . Thomas Roberts . . . . shall from tyme to tyme hereafter beare, pay, and dischardge the dutie of fire hearthes aud stoves, etc., etc. A.D. 1672. The Shedule wherof menc'on is made in the Indenture whereunto this Schedule is annexedd:— In the Chamber called tbe garden Chamber, wainscotted round the same Chamber, with benches and two drawing tables there [in another hand] y° labells Alington had away. In the Chamber called the Prince wainscott round the same chamber. In the Inner parlour wainscott halfe round the same and one presse bed therein, and five shelves in a closett within the said parlour. In the Tapster's Roome called the Leopard wainscott halfe round, and one presse bed there. In the Long parlour wainscot round the same parlour with benches. One small Table under the Stair case. In the Little parlour one high Beddstead—Alington had it. In the Chamber called the Kings one high Beddstead—gone. In the Cellar one Court Cupboard. In the kitchin one fire range, three dressers, and eight shelves. In the back kitchin one great henn coope. In the Shopp next the Street Three pressers, two Shopp boards, and two benches—sold ye presses and shopp bords. In the yard one great lead Cisterne, ffowerteene tressels for butchers stalls, and one butchers block. At the doore next the Streete two carved posts with benches. ROCHESTER INNS. 325 One signe post and fair sign of the White Hart, and one Bush. In the Cellars Stalders for to sett wine and beer upon. Twentie and one Stock Locks with Keyes, and Three Spring Locks •with keyes upon the doores of the house. THOMAS ROBARTS. Endorsed : M1' Robordes Lease of y9 Whitte hartt. Sealed and dehvered in the presence of— MATH. INWOOD. Jo. MOYSE. This Indenture made the second day of November in the six and twentieth yeare of the raigne of . . . . Charles the Second . . . . Betweeue Mathew Inwood of the parish of S' Margrett's, nere the Citie of Rochester . . . . gen and ffrances Dalyson of Hampton's, in the parish of West Peckham. Mathew Inwood in consideracon of the sum of Tenn Shillings . . . . paid by the said ffrances Dalyson . . . . hath granted, bargained, and sold . . . . to the said ffrances Dalyson All that Capitall Messuage, tenem', or Inn, . . . . comonlie called or knowne by the name or signe of the White hart, and all stables, etc., etc situate and being in the parish of S. Nicholas, within the Citie of Rochester, . . . . late in the tenure and occupacon of Thomas Roberts And also all those several messuages . . . . situate, lying, and being at or nere a certeyne plaCe comonlie called Haven Key, in the parish of S' Nicholas', and now or late in the occupac'on of John Nollis and John Penny, etc., etc., etc. In witness, etc. MATHEW INWOOD. Sealed and delivered in the presence of— The marke of HENRY H CHAPMAN. ELIZABETH CHAPMAN. Jo. MOYSE. Endorsement: Mathew Inwood to Mrs. France Dalyson. Leasse for a Tear, dated 2 Nov. 1674. EXTRACT from a Note of such Rentes of Sr MAXIMILIAN DALYSONS owne landes as are not conteyned in his Wifes Joynture :— S' Margetts— 6 & s. d. of Josson for 3 tents there, per an 04 00 00 of Sr Robert Crayford for land there, p. an 01 17 00 326 ROCHESTER INNS. £ *. d. Rochester— of Juett for a howse there, per an 04 00 00 of Rob. firebie for a howse there, per an 10 00 00 of Joh. Haggatt for 2 ten'3 there, per an 02 00 00 of Woods Widoe for divers ten'8 upon key 01 00 00 of Nayler for a tenement he hath in lease, p. an. 03 00 00 of Mra Leedes for the howse she is in, p. an 02 00 00 of stone for the white harte and the Tye, p. an. ... 28 10 00 for tenem'pallant dwelt in, p. an 06 00 00 of M1' Hunnywood for a howse lett to M1' Blackett, p. an 09 00 00


The Iron Industry of the Weald


Boughton under Blean