Inventory of Church Goods of Maidstone
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St Martin's Church, Canterbury
Relics of Decorative Painting now or formerly in Canterbury Cathedral
( 29 ) INVENTORY OF rr:s;E CHURCH GOODS OF MAIDSTONE.* BY REV, C. EVELEIGH WOODRUFF, M.A. AN INVENTORIE browght in the xiiijt11 daye off November Anno R.R. E. viti vit0 before the King's Maties Oomissioners Accordinge to their Com'andment to us directed, off all goodes, plate, jewells, bells, and ornaments remaining or did remayne in the p'ishe churche off Maidstone syth the first yere off the reign of the King's Matlc that now is Kinge Edward the six:te. By us RICH.A.RD AwGER, Curate, NICIIOLA.S AsTEN, RICHARD NELSON,} Churchwardens. JOUN GosLINGE, The Inventorie of the Churche goods of Maydston taken by thenhabytants 0£ the same the seconde day 0£ Se1)tember A0 R. R. Edwardi Sex:ti secundo. :ffyrst eleven copes 0£ blue velvet ymbrothered. AnowTE YE FREE SCR0LE. It'm iij copes 0£ Crymson velvet ymbrothered. It'm one other cope of Redd velvet ymbrothered :ffynely. It'm fyve copes 0£ whyte sylke ymbrothered, some of them very olde. It'm ij olde copes 0£ blewe sylke. It'm iij olde copes 0£ whyte. It'm one olde cope 0£ Redd sylke. It'm iij vestements 0£ blue velvet and partye golde sutable for preste, deken, or subdeken. It'm twoo vestments for deken and subdeken 0£ Redd :ffyne sylke braunched. It'm three vestments of Red sylke sutable for p1•est, deken, or subdeken. * Transcribed from the origina1 copy now preserved amongst the Deeds and Charters in the Society's Library at Maidstone. 30 INVENTORY OF THE CHURCH GOODS It'm iij olde vestments of whyte sylke ymbrothered sutable for prest, deken, or subdeken. It'm iij other vestments of olde whyte sylke ymbrothered sutable £or prest, deken, or subdeken. It'm iij other olde vestments of whyte sylke stryped wt blew sutable £or prest, deken, or subdeken. It'm iij vestments of Dornyx sylke sutable £or prest, deken, or subdeken. It'm iij olde vestments of Redd sylke sutable for prest, (leken, or subdeken. It'm iij vestments 0£ blacke sayt sutable for prest, deken, or subdeken. It'm one vestment of pocoke sylke. It'm one other vestment 0£ grene sylke. It'm one olde vestment 0£ grene sylke. It'm one Canapie cloth 0£ grene velvett. It'm one other Canapie 0£ whyt sylke ymbrothered yt was used to hang over the hygh alter, and also tow corteynes 0£ sylke appertening to the same. It'm two clothes of blue & crymson velvet ymbrothered whych sarved to the upper part & neyther part of the hygh alter. It'm twoo curteynes of sylke whyche appertayned to the afforesayd alter clothes. It'm ij alter clothes of whyte sylke which sarved to the afforesaid hygh alter. It'm twoo curteynes of sylke. It'm iij stremers of syllrn. It'm twoo crosse clothe\:! of sy1ke. It'm vij peces of Redd and blue sylke being alter clothes, and vj curteynes of sylke to the same. It'm one other vestment of whyte Damaske ymbrothered. It'm one vestment of Blacke sylke. It'm vj alter clothes 0£ Redd and grene saye, and vj peces of the same sorte, for the upper part 0£ the alter, and tenne curteynes to the same. It'm two peees 0£ Redd and whyte damaske that served to our lady alter. It'm ix peces 0£ garnyshing whyche served to the sepulchre some be smale and all be narro. It'm xi pecel:l of lynnen, that ys to saye olde Towells & alter clothes. It'm iiij0r lynnen Albes £or chyldren. OF MAIDSTONE. It'm iiij0r lynnen bodyes for chyldren. It'm one lynnen Towell. It'm iiij0r lynnen Towells. It'm one olde towell. 31 It'm three carpetts not solde. (i harnden. i the towne. i bennet.) It'm iij latten candlestycks and other lyeke stuff 0£ latten whyche cometh to the wayte of ccc save xli .. liiij• iiijd. Remayniug in thands and custodye 0£ Wyllm Collet these thyngs next ensuing. ffyrst viij peces 0£ lynnan cloth. (i stollen in ye church.) It'm iij vestments of Redd velvet ymbrothered sutable for prest, deken, or subdeken. (one barret. i collet.) It'm one vestment 0£ blue sylke. It'm one vestment of Redd sylke. It'm one vestment of whyte sylke. It'm iij vestments 0£ whyte Damaske. It'm one vestment of whyte Dornyx. It'm ij coosshens & one pyllow covered wt sylJrn. It'rn ij peces of whyte sylke for one Alter. I t'm ij twoo curteynes to the same. It'm ij peces of blew sylke and curtenes to the same for one alter. (Collett.) It'm one cope of blew velvet ymbrothered. (baret.) It'm one cope 0£ whyt Damaske ymbrothered. It'm ij copes 0£ Redd sylke. (The other stollen.) It'm ij great peces of lynnen £or lent clothes th'one of them served before the Rood th'other caled the ye vaile. (Collet. Gore.) It'm one handbell. (ye church.) It'm ij copes of Redd velvet. (baret.) It'm one cope of blue sylke. It'm iiij0r old copes of Redd sylke. It'm one black cope wt knobs of golde. (Collett.) It'm one hersse clothe of blacke velvet. (ye church.) It'm ij hersse clothes of sylke. It'm ij peces 0£ Redd and blue say ymbrothered £or the hygh alter. (Collett.) It'm iij alter clothes of lynnen and one pece of heare. (Chirchw.) It'm twoo olde vestments of (Collett.) It'm ij curtenes of (Collett.) 32 INVENTORY OF THE CHURCH GOODS It'm in the steple ffyve bells, and one lytell bell called the morrowmas bell. (ye towne.) Certayne of the Church plate of Maydston Reed of W yllm Collet, sextyne. By the Churchwardens & thenhabytants of the same. The xvij daye of September Ao 1548. FFOR TJIE FFREE SCJIOLE. ffyrst the great pycks of sylvar and gylt weyeng vj Ii. v once. It'm ij basones of sylver and gylt weyeng together vj Ii. ij once. It'm twoo sensers of sylver and gylt weyeng iij Ii. iij once di once. It'm one crosse of sylver and gylt weyeng v Ii. i once. It'm the lesser pycks gylt weyeng i li. di li. ij once. It'm one payre of sylvar caudelstycks, v li. xj once. It'm one shype of sylvar wt a lytyll spone weyeng i li. xv once. It'm ij lytyll paxes of sylvar weyeng xiij once di once. It'm one lytyll bell of sylvar weyeng viij once di once. It'm twoo lytyll payer of cruatts & one senser ryng o:f sylvar xiij once. It'm one Chalyse gylt weyeng i li. di li. di qr. li. It'm one other challesse gy lt weyeng i li. i qr. li. i once. It'm one challise p'cell gylt, i Ii. vij once. It'm one other challise gylt, i li. iij once di once. It'm one pouused challise dooble gylted weyeng i Ii. di li. i once. It'm iij pypes and ij knobbs of sylvar weyeng iij Ii. ix once. All this abovesayd was delyvered by the sayd Wyll'm Collet unto the Churchwardens & others of the said euhabytants in the presence 0£ W yll'm Grene Constable, Nicholas Mells, Thomas Edmunds, Alexander fyssher, James barret, John Smyth, Thomas baker, John lylly, W yll'm Kemp, and Rye Rock ye wryter thereof. Certayne of the sayd Churche plate havyng the founders arms w111 Remayneth in thands and custody of the same Wyll'm Collet. ffryst one crosse wt a fote beyng gylted weyeng vj li. xij once di once. (barret.) It'm ij great candelstycks of sylvar gylt weyeng ix li. vij once. (ye schole. goare ye crosse.) It'm the payre of great sensers of sylvar and gylt weyeng vj li. vij once. (one goar, ye other barrett.) It'm one great paxe gylt, ij li. v once di once. (barrett.) It'm ij cruatts of sylvar and gylt weyeng xiiij once. (barrett.) OF MAIDSTONE. 33 And also Remayneth in the hands and custody of the sayd W yll'm Collet of the sayd Church plate the Crismatorye of sylver, and ij challyses. (Goare ye Crismatorie. one Challys stollen.) .Also one holiwater stock of sylver weyeng ij Ii. di Ii., di qrt. Ii. lack, di q't once. (tylden.) Of all which goodes, plate, jewelles, belles, and ornaments aforesaid certene of them were solde to the use and purchasing off the Corporation off the towne an p'ishe off All Saincts of Maidstone aforesaid the brothered haule the fraternitie and landes of Corpus Christi and o:ff Sainct :ffaithes Church and churchyard wt all and singuler theire app'tenances to the value and sum of cc Ii. The more part of the residue off the saide goods, plate, jewells, bells [pen tlirougk J and ornaments were delivered into the handes and custodie of Will'm Collet as by the Inventorie aforesaid thereof made more playnlye doth appere, and the saide Will'm Collet delivered part of the saide goodes, plate, jewells, and ornaments unto Walter lzeroniten, gent. [pen throu_qk] James ba1•rett, Will'm tylden, Thom"s goare, Robert balfe, and Tlzornas btnnett [pen througli], and to other as he saith he wyll more playnlye declare £or his dischardge before yow the Kinges Mattes Com'issioners. Also there Remaineth in the custodie of Tom "s haggard, and James Callett for a certayne pece of lynen called a vayle and other thinges xx:8 :x:. d. Also there was stollen owt of the saide Ohurche of Maidstone by night in the vt1, yere of the King's Maties Reigne that now is off the goods, plate, jewells, and ornaments aforesaide one challis, one cope and other thinges whiche the aforesaide Will'm Collett can more playnlye declare. YOL, :nu. D