Wages paid at Maidstone in Queen Elizabeth's Reign

( 316 ) WAGES PAID AT MAIDSTONE IN QUEEN ELIZ.A.BETH'S REIGN.* TR.A.NSC.RIBED BY REV. C. EVELEIGH WOODRUFF, M . .A. RATES OF WAG ES sett forth by the Queues highnes proclamacon, accordyng to the tenor & forrne of the Statute in that case ordeyned & made in her Matlcs high courte of parlyament holden at W estm' in the £yfth yere 0£ her most Gracyouse Reigne, and proclaymed at the towne of May deston the thursda.ye beyng markett daye & the xxiiyd day of September in the seid fyfth yere of the Reigne 0£ o• seid most dredde souereign ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God Queue of Englande ffrance & Ireland Defendor of the :£faith and in the yere from the Incarnacon of oure lorde Jesus Christ M1cccccL:XIIJ Robert Balfer then beyng Mayor of the seid Towne of Maydeston. Labourers by the daye from Easter till Michaelmas w t mete & drynke iiij


The Manor of Old Sore (sic Soar), near Plaxtol in Kent


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