Ecclesiological Notes Respecting the Deanery of Shoreham, Kent
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Coats of Arms in Kent Churches. Part II
The Churches of Sittingbourne and Milton
http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 134 ) EOOLBSIO LOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE DEANERY OE SHOREHAM, KENT. BY LELAND L. DUNCAN, E.S.A. IN tbe Proceedings of the St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, vol. iii., pp. 241—298, will be found a Paper entitled " The Parish Churches of West Kent, their Dedications, Altars, Images and Lights," and under that heading is collected together the evidence from wills and other documents respecting those subjects. Excepted from treatment were the parishes formerly in the Deanery of Shoreham, which was a Peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury; and in order to complete the information to be derived from early wills, etc., on the interior arrangements of our West Kent churches prior to the changes in the sixteenth century, I propose to here set out all the materials at our disposal respecting tbe churches in that deanery. I t should, however, be borne in mind that nearly all the early wills of persons formerly resident in the deanery have been lost, and that those wills which are now extant are the few to be found in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury* and in the Archiepiscopal Registers at Lambeth. The information is, as will be seen, extremely scanty for most of the parishes, and in some cases none at all is available: a matter for much regret, since the dedication of at least two churches—Keston and Sundridge—is doubtful, whilst that of Downe cannot be said to be certain. * References to these in tbe following notes are as follows:—(21, Milles), (24, Fetiplace), etc. References to the Lambeth Registers are shewn as— (Reg. Abp. Chicheley), (Reg. Abp. Stafford), etc.; and to the books of the Rochester Consistory Wills, now at Somerset House, as—(Roch., vii., 202), (Roch., vii., 276), eto. DHANERY OP SHOREHAM, ElENT. 13 5 The thirty-four parishes comprised within the deanery were as follows:— Bexley. Brasted. Chevening. Chiddingstone. Eard alias Crayford. Cray, Saint Mary. Darenth. Downe. Eynesford. Farley, East. Farningham. Malling, East. Meopham. Northfleet. Orpington. Otford. Peckham, East. Penshurst. Sevenoaks. Shoreham. Stanstead. Sundridge. "Wrotham. Gillingham. Grain, Isle of. Halstead. Hayes. Hever. Hunton alias Huntingdon. 1 field. Ightham. Keston. Knockholt. Lidsing. In the following pages then will be found the whole of the information to be derived from wills respecting the above parish churches in the mediseval period, arranged, as in the Paper in the St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society's Proceedings referred to above, under the headings—"Dedication/' "Lights, etc." Under the latter are included bequests to lights before images in the churches and references to altars dedicated iu honour of particular Saints. I t will not be out of place here to state briefly some of the results arrived at by means of the West Kent church notes in the present Paper,and in that to which allusion has already been made. In every church prior to 1S36 there was over the entrance to the chancel a large crucifix called the " High Rood," with the figures of St. Mary and St. John on either side. Within the chancel there was a figure of the Blessed Yirgin Mary and of the Saint in whose honour the church was dedicated, and who was called the Head Hallow by our forefathers. Besides these there were in every church images of other Saints, which varied according to the locality, occupations of the inhabitants, etc. In the churches of West Kent, after the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Katherine seems to have been most honoured; then (in order) St. Christopher, St. Nicholas, The Holy Trinity, St. James, St. John Baptist, etc. I n addition to the foregoing particulars, mediseval wills yield valuable evidence as to the dedication not only of the churches themselves, but also of the chapels within them (we learn for instance that of the aisles at Nortlifleet one 136 ECCLESIOLOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE was dedicated in honour of Our Lady, tbe other of St. Andrew); of altars other than the high altar, and of many of the mediseval arrangements for Divine Service, all of which are of very great interest. A lack of knowledge respecting these last has too often led in recent times to the destruction of many features in our parish churches, each precious for the history it contained. Pew of the Saints whose images are referred to in the following extracts call for any special remarks, since the names are familiar ones for the most part. St. Blaise, patron of woolcombers, was fairly popular in West Kent, and images of him occur at East Peckham and Crayford in this deanery. St. Loy or Eligius, the patron of blacksmiths, was to be found at Gillingham, where also existed an image of St. Joseph of Aximatbea (not St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin, who does not appear to have been held in any honour in England in tbe middle ages). The images of Our Lady varied occasionally. The simple figure existed, as before remarked, in every church, but that known as Our Lady of Pity, a representation of the Mother of our Lord weeping over the dead body of her Divine Son, was extremely popular. Instances are here recorded at Hunton, Otford, Penshurst, Sevenoaks, and East Peckham. At this last there was also an image of Our Lady of Grace, the exact form of which is still a matter of doubt. The Easter Sepulchre, which played such an important part in the proceedings of Holy Week and Easter Week, is frequently alluded to in mediseval wills. Richard Bery of St. Mary Cray in 1508 wished to be buried " before the sepulcre," and also desired that his tomb might be so raised that it could be used to lay ornaments on for the altar. The desire for burial in this sacred spot was very general, some persons directing that their tomb should be so constructed that it might be used for the sepulchre itself (see under " Sundridge " ) . If a corresponding series of notes could be extracted from the early wills in the Probate Registry at Canterbury for the eastern half of the county, an interesting comparison might be made, and it is much to be desired that some member of the Kent AArchseological Society would undertake this work. DEANERY OP SHOREHAM, KENT. 137 Dedication. OUR LADT. Lights, etc OUR LADT. ST. NICHOLAS. Dedication. ST. MARTIN. Lights, etc. SEPULCHRE, Dedication. ST. BOTOLPH tradition. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. by local BEXLEY. Ad summum altare beate Marie de Bixle xxa. Rob1 "Wodeford, 1488. (21, MiUes.)* To be buried in the churche of our lady at Bexley. Thomas Lamendby al's Sparrowe, 1513. (24, Eetiplace.) To be buried a fore the Image of oure lady in the quere of the churche of Bexley. 1494. Sy1 ' Tho8 Hardyng, vicary. (14, Vox.) To maynteyne the light befor Saint Nicolas xs to kepe a light for euer. Thomas Lamendby al's Sparrowe, 1513. To be buried in Saint Nicholas Chapell against Sainte Nicolas aulter w' in the parish church of Bexley. John Shelley, 1531. (5, Hogen.) BRASTED. Sep.f in ecclesia Scl Martini de Brasted. John Rouland, tanner, 1464. (5, Godyn.) Lego fabrice ecclesie Sancti Martini de Brasted in Kane' xxs . Robert Pemberton, clerk, 1502. (3^, Holgrave.) Sep. infra cancellum ecclesie mee loco scilicet vbi sepulcrum dominicum tempore pascali stare consuetum est. John Chaundeler, Rector of Bradested, 1431. (Reg. Abp. Chichele, part i., 425a.) CHEVENING. [No evidence from wills.] To be buried in or lady ile wl in the church of Cheuenyng. 1506. (13, Adeane.) CHIDDINGSTONE. Sep. in cancello beate Marie de Chedingstone coram summo altare. John Woode, rector, 1486. (3, Hilles.) Sep. in corpore ecclesie beate Marie Virginis de Chedingstone in australi * These and similar references are to the Registers of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, now at Somerset House. f This abbreviation stands for " Corpus meum ad sepeliendum." Dedication. OUR LA\DY. Lights, etc. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. 138 ECCLESIOLOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE ST. KATHERINE. parte inter altare Sancti Johannis Baptiste et hostium eiusdem ecclesie. John Asshdown yoman, 1488. (12, MiUes.) To be buried in the p'sh churche afore the aulter ther of Seynt Kateryne by Isabell late my wyfe. John Alfeigh, 1488. (18, Milles.) Dedication. ST. PAULINUS. Lights, etc. OUR L.ADY. ST. BLAISE and ST. THOMAS THE MARTYR. ST. PAULINUS. NUWORKE CIIAU'ELL in the p'isch of Crayford. EARD alias CRAYFORD. Ad summum altare Sancti Paulini de Eardexxa. Rob1 Wodeford, 1488. (21, Milles.) _ Sep. in ecclesia parochiali sancti Paulini de Crayford. John Jebbes, 1494. (26, Vox.) Lumini beate Marie iiijd. John Jebbes, 1494. (26, Vox.) Corpus meum, quum ab hac luce me contigerit migrare, infra ecclesiam parochialem Sancti Paulini de Eard, in capella beate Marie ex parte boriali in medio eiusdem capelle sepeliendum, quamquidem capellam ac sepulturam meam et pro Maria uxore mea intendo, gratia divina, de novo edificare, facere et construere, et in eadem capella pro liberis meis et consanguineis diuina seruicia dei audire. Henry Harman Esq. " clericus corone domini Regis," 1502. (15, Blamyr.) Lumen super le branchie coram ymaginem beate Marie de nouo construendam quolibet Anno ijs iiij11. To tapers of a pounde euery peace one to brenne before Saint Blase <& the other before Saint Thomas the Martir in the p'isshe church of Varde. Robert Owtred, 1527. (19, Porch.) Before the image of St. Paulinus, in Crayford Church, John Cliderow, Bishop of Bangor, who died Dec1' 1435, was by his directions to be buried [" Anglia Sacra," vol. i., p. 375]. Lego fabrice eonstructure seu reparacione capelle beate Marie de Newe in p'ochia de Earde v marc'. Henry Harman, Esq., 1502. (15, Blamyr.) To or lady in the same chapel vj8 viijd. W™ Ladd, 1504. (Roch., vi., 115.) DEANERY OE SHOREHAM, KENT. 13 9 CRAY, SAINT MARY. Dedication. Sep. in cimiterio ecclesie Marie de OUR LADY. Cray. W,n "Wykeherst, 1413. (Reg. Abp. Arundell, part ii., folio 172A.) Sep. in cimiterio ecclesie paroohialis de Saint Mary Craye. Richard Walsh, 1465 (8, Godyn); and Wra Nunny, 1491 (46, Milles). Lights, etc. To be buried in the high Chaunsell of SEPULCHRE. Seynt Mary Cray bifore the sepulcre ther. Eichard Hery, 1508. He also wished " to have a loftie stone on my grave that may s'ue to ley such ornaments on as shall serve to the aulter and thereunto have ij tapers of ij pounds a pece till myn yeres mynde be fully complete." (8, Bennett.) DARENTH. There is no information to be derived from mediaeval wills respecting this church. According to local tradition, the Dedication is in honour of St. Margaret. DOWNE. The only reference to this church I have found in medieval wills •is in that of Thomas Fryth of Chelsfield, dated 27 January, 1492 (Rochester Wills, hook vi., folio 136). This begins as follows:— " Corpus meum ad sepeliendum in cimiterio ecclesie parochialis de Downe. Lego unum cereum coram Imagine Sancte Marie Magdalene vj8 viij4 imperpetuum." From this it is possible that the church is dedicated in honour of St. Mary Magdalene, but it is now, locally, assigned to St. Mary the Virgin. EYNESFORD. Dedication. ST. MAIRTIN. Lights, etc. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. ST. KATHERINE. Lego summo altari ecclesie Sancti Martini de Eynsford xl3 . W,n Clerk, 1508. (3, Bennett.) Sep. in capella Sancti Johannis Baptiste in ecclesia p'ochiali Sancti Martini. John Sibbill, Esq., 1502. (8, Blamyr.) To be buried in the church of Aynsford in the chapell of Saint Kateryn wl in the same church nygh vnto the place where my mother lyeth buried. Nicholas Gybsonne al's Taillour, 1528. (34, Porch.) Lumiiii larnpadis ardentis in cancello vjsviijd. John Donett, 1465. (9, Godyn.) 140 ECCLESIOLOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE EAST FARLEIGH. Dedication. This is uncertain—local tradition is said to favour ST. MARY. Lights, etc. ST. ANDREW. [No evidence from wills.] ST. THOMAS OF CANTERBURY. To the church of East farlegh sixe ewes to finding and maynteyning of the light of Sainte Andrewe my patrone w' in the said churche. Nicholas Astyn, 1532. (19, Thower.) To fynding the hght of Sainte Thomas of Caunterbury the glorious martir w* in the church of East Farleigh. Nicholas Astyn, 1532. To euery light in the said church having a stocke xijd . Nicholas Astyn, 1532. (19, Thower.) FARNINGHAM. Dedication. ST. PETER and ST. PAUL. Lights, etc. OUR LADY, ST. PETER, and ST. PAUL. Dedication. OUR LADV. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. (See below.) " I will myn executors att my cost and charge doo newe paynte and burnysshe with golde in such plac8 as can be thought most convenyent the ymage of our lady standyng at the high awter ther—and the ymages of Peter and Poule stonding aboue the same awter after and in lyke maner & forme as of late the ymages of our lady and Seynt Peter and Seynt Powle in the p'isshe church of Swanscombe be paynted and gilted." Mr Gilbert Carleton, vicar of Farningham 1500, dated " the Sonday on the next morowe after the fest of Lamas callid the advincle of Seynt Petir the apostill." (17, Moone.) GILLINGHAM. To be buried in the church of o1' lady in Gillingham beside Robert Piry my firste husband. Johan Wattes oi Rochester, 1524. (Roch., vii., 319.) To our lady light in the chauncell xxa. Edmund Bammc, 1505. (32, Holgrave.) To be buried in the church of Gyllingham before tho ymage of our blessid lady bysyde my seate in the said churche. To our Lady light in the high chauncell DEANERY OE SHOREHAM, KENT. 141 ST. NICHOLAS. ST. MICHAEL. ST. KATHERINE. HOLY TRINITY, ST. M ARGAVRET, ST. LOY, ST. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA, and ST. ANTONY. ROOD. Dedication. ST. JAMES. Lights, etc. OUR LADY, ST. JAMES, ST. KATHERINE, ST. CHRISTOPHER, ST. PETER, ST. JOHN, ST. NICHOLAS, and ROOD. HERSE,* vj8 viijd . Robert Pirry, 1513. (32, Fetiplace.) Mentioned by Edmund Bamme, 1505. To the light afore Seynt Mighell in the chapell of Seynt Nicholas afore saide xs. Edmund Bamme, 1505. [He desired to be buried "in the South Chauncell in the Church of Gillingham in the south parte of the awter where wyne and water ys wount to stonde."] Robert Pirry, 1513. To the light of our blessed lady wl in the Chaunsell ijs, to euery of the light in the bodie of the church that is to sey to euery of the lighte of the Holy Trinitie, Our Lady, Saint Katheryne, Saint Margarett, Saint Loy, Saint Joseph off Abarimathie and Saint Antony xija . Wm Godfray, 1525. (19, Porch.) To the Koode light x quarters of Barley. Edmund Bamme, 1505. An honest and discrete preste to say masse at the aulter under the rode lofte newe made in the saide church. Wm Godfray, 1525. GRAIN, ISLE OE. I Adam London of Seynt James wl in the Isle of Greane. 1507. (24, Adeane.) To be buried in the churchyerde of Saint Jamys of Greene. Robert Warde, 1516. (19, Holder.) All mentioned by Adam London who left a "moder sheppe" to each. 1507. (24, Adeane.) The Cross, St. James and St. Anthony, are mentioned by Robert Ward, 1516. A cow that the money therof to renewe in wex as ferr as it will streche and the taper to be set aboute the herse when any corse is buried. Robert Ward, 1516. HALSTEAD. Dedication. [No evidence from wills.] ST. MARGARET according to local tradition. * The lights at a funeral or at a commemoration of the departed. See also under " "Wrotham," p. 149. 142 ECCLESIOLOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE Lights. OUR LA\.DY. ROOD. SEPULCHRE. Dedication. ST. MARY THE VIRGIN according to local tradition. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. To be buried w* in the church of Halsted before the Image of our blissed lady there. Wm Petley, yeoman, 1528. (39, Porch.) Sep. in ecclesia de Halsted ante crucem. Wm Burys, armiger, 1444. (Reg. Abp. Stafford, folio 124A.) To the maynten'nce of the Sepulcre light in Halsted Church a Taper of wax iiijlb weight for euer to be contynued and yerely ayenst Ester to be made of the weight of .iiij11' of wax w' the weight of the olde stock of the said Taper, and after the light of the holy sepulcre be taken down yerely in the Ester weke I will the stock of the said sepulcre taper be sett before the forsaid ymage of our lady, and it there to be light and brent at conuenient tymes. Wm Petley, 1528. HAYES. [No evidence from wills.] Dedication. ST. PETER. Lights, etc. Dedication. OUR LADY. Lights, etc. OUR LADY OF PITY. Lego pictore imaginis hto Marie in ecclesia de Heas vj8 viijd. Richard Aschlegth of Chelsfelde, 1493. (Roch., v., 204.) HEVER. Corpus meum ad sepeliendum in campanili ecclesie beati Petri apostoli apua Heuere. John Cobeham, 1394. (Proved 1399. Reg. Abp. Arundell, part i., folio 165A.) [No evidence from wills.] HUNTON alias HUNTINGTON. Lego sum. altari beate Marie de Huntynton xijd . Richard Cowper of Ealdyng, 1457-. (Rochester, ii,, 79A.) Lego ad vnam capellam faciendam ex australi parte dicte ecclesie viginti libras. I will oone prest to syng dyvyne s'vice in the seid churche of Hunton and to sey masse at the aulter of Oure Lady of Pitie sett in the seid churche DEANERY OE SHOREHAM, KENT. H<3 vnto such tyme as the seid chapell of oure lady be made and fynyshed and when the seid chapell is fynyshed then to syng att the aulter that shalbe sett oon the south syde of the seid churche praying there for the helth of my soull and the soull of the seid Florence and to have yerly for his salary vij1' (out of the manors of Burston, Chersounde, etc.). Wm Heede, 1 June 1513. (18, Eetiplace.) IFIELD. There is no information to he derived from wills as to this parish except—" Lego cooperturo capelle in villa de Shyngyldwelle xiij8 iiijd. John Prophete, 1415." (33, Marche.) But whether this refers to Ifield Church or to a separate chapel then existing in the village of Shinglewell is uncertain—probably the latter. Ifield Church is, according to local tradition, dedicated in honour of St. Margaret. Dedication. ST, PETER according to local tradition. Lights, etc. . OUR LADY. IGHTHAM. [No evidence from wills.] Lego ecclesie de Igtham vj3 viijd et lumini beate Marie predicte ecclesie j vaccam. James de Pekham de Wrotham, 1400. (Reg. Abp. Arundell, part i., folio 176B.) KESTON. There is no information respecting this church before the middle of the sixteenth century. There is no local tradition as to the dedication. Dedication. ST. KATHERINE. Lights, etc. Dedication. ST. MARY MAGDALENE. KNOCKHOLT. To the reparacoon of the chapell of Saynt Kateren callid Nocolte iij8 iiijd . Richard Dise, laborer, of West Wickham, 1515. (Roch. Wills, vii., folio 33.) Ad opus et sustentaCoem ecclesie paroohialis Sancte Katerine de Scoteis Okolt in Com. Kaneie. Wm Brampton, 1406. (12, Marche.) [No evidence available.] LIDSING. To Mary Magdalene chappell of Leggyn ten owys there to remayne for 144 ECCLESIOLOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE Lights, etc. ST. MARY MAGDALENE. euer to the most p'ffitt of the chapell. John Kemsley of Gelingham, 1530. (20, Jankyn.) To gilding and paintyng of Mary Magdalene in Liggyn chappell vj8 viijd. John Kemsley, 1530. EAST MALLING. Dedication. According to local tradition this is in honour of ST. JAMES, but the following extract indicates OUR LADY. Local tradition is, however, fairly trustworthy in this matter, and it is possible that Thomas Cowhert was of West Malling. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. My tenement called Desbies sett in Well Strete in the p'och of Est Mallyng in Kent to be solde and the money to the bying of certeyne banner clothes to be hadde and bought to the vse and behof of the p'issh church of Our Lady of Est Mallyng xxxiij8 iiijd. Tho8 Cowhert, 1490. (26, Milles.) ROOD. Dedication. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. Lights, etc. ST. KATHEEINE. Dedication. ST. BOTOLPH. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. To be buryed in the chaunsell of Est Mawlinge churche afore the pycture and ymmage of our blessyd lady there. Edmunde Flatchere, clerk and vicar, 1540. (28, Alenger.) To the Crosse ligth of Est Malling xxd. Wm Derby of West MaUing, 1492. (Roch. Wills, v., 191A.) MEOPHAM. Sep. in cimiterio ecclesie paroohialis sancti Johannis Baptiste de Mepeham. Hugh Chiddinstone, 1460. (23, Stokton.) To be buried in the parysh church of Seynt John Baptist in Meopham. Richard Adene, gent., 1452. (13, Spert.) To the light of Saint Kateryn xijd . Wm Sprever, 1525. (35, Bodfelde.) NORTHFLETE. Sep. in cancell. ecclesie Scl Botulphi in Northflete coram ymagine beate Marie. Nicholas Baron, clerk, 1424. (5, Luffeiiam.) To be buried in the churchyard of Seynt Botoll of Northflete, 1508. Tho8 Boy don. (29, Bennett.) In the chancel, will of Nicholas Baron (see above). DEANERY OE SHOREHAM, KENT. 145 ST. ANDREW. ST. NICHOLAS. ST. VNCOMBER. ROOD. Dedication. ALL SAINTS according to local tradition. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. ALL HALLOWES, HOLY TRINITY. Sep. in capella beate Marie infra ecclesiam beati Botulphi de Northflete. Thomas Wombwell, 1484. (11, Logge.) Sep. infra ecclesiam Soi Botulphi de Northflete in capella beate marie coram imagine beate marie. Richd Davy, Esq., 1490. (41, Milles.) To be buried in the church of Northflete in our lady He. Nicholas Clyfforde, Esq., 1546. (13, Coode.) Sep. in quadam, insula ecclie p'ochialis sancti Botulphi de Northflete coram altari beati Andree apostoli in eadem insula. John Gurney, 1475. (21, Wattys.) To be buried in Saint Andrewes channsell w* in the p'ish church of Saint Botulphe in Northflete. John Bramston, 1532. (24, Thower.) Lum. Sci Nic1 de Northflete. Richd Germayn, 1450. (Roch., iv., 180.) To the parish church of Northflete a stremer oi stayned cloth w' an image of Sainte Vncomber and my conysaunce of my armes to be sett in the same price of iiij8. Wm Swanne, Esq., 1533. (16, Hogen.) To the p'ish church of Northflete iii stayne clothes for iij autres on autur of or lady and the secund the Rode autur and the iijd 0 autur of Seynt Andrew. Tho8 Coll, 1499. (Roch., v., 316.) ORPINGTON. [No evidence from wills, but it will be seen that there was an image of All Saints in the church.] To the rep'acion of o1' lady in the same church of Orpyngton xx8. Walter Stable, 1503. (25, Blamyr.) AAISO a taper before or lady. To all halowen in the same chirche xiij8 iiija. Walter Stable, 1503. .Also a taper before halowen. A taper before the trinite. Walter Stable, 1503. Dedication. ST. BARTHOLOMEW. OTFORD. Corpus meum ad sepeliendum in medio nauis ecclesie parochialis beati VOL. XXIII. L 146 ECCLESIOLOGICAL NOTES RESPECTING THE Lights, etc. OUR LAIDY. OUR LADY OF PITY. ST. BARTHOLOMEW. ST. THOMAS OF CANTERBURY. THE PASCAL. Bartholomei Apostoli de Otteforde. Wra Roger, 1475. (23, Wattys.) Sepel. in cancello capelle Sancti Bartholomei de Otford in parochia de Shoreham cuius rector sum. Tho8 Hope, LL.D., 1487. (5, Milles.) To be buried in churche porche of Saint Bartholomew in Otford. Robert Multon, 1532. (20, Thower.) Ad sustentacionem luminis beate Marie Virginis vocati le Branche xs. Wm Roger, 1475. I will that myn exeeutour shall cause the Image of our lady of Petye to he made and sett in the North side of the newe He. Robert Multon, 1532. (20, Thower.) Not named in any existing wills. Hasted says the image of him here was much frequented by those desirous of becoming mothers. Sepeliend. in capella de Otteford ad summum altare coram ymagine sancti Thome. Mr Thomas Bradewelle, rector of Shoreham and Otford, 1366. (Reg. G., fol. 123B, Ch. Ch. Cant.) To the church of Oteford to maignteign sevyn pounde tapers fyve of them before our ladye and on before the ymage of Saynte Thomas. John Roger, 1537. (2, Dyngeley.) To Otteford Church a eowe to mayntene the Paschall there for ever. Nicholas Huberd, 1496. (28, Vox.) EAST PECKHAM, Dedication. ST. MICHAEL. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. Ego Ricardus Ecelesley clericus et Rector So1 Michaelis Archangeli de Est Pecham, 1426. (6, Luffenam.) Also John Cayser, 1491. (45, Milles.) To he buryd in the chaneele of our hlessyed lady w* in the church of Est Pecham. Joanna Waller of West Mallyng, 1520. (Roch., vii., 202.) Lumen beate Marie jacentis in valuis ecclesie Sancti Michaelis de Peckham. Walter Walshe, 1515. (23, Holder.) To be buried in the chapell callyd. the chappell of our Lady in the churche DEANjERXL-QE :SHOREHAM,. KENT.. mis OUR LADY OF GRACE. OUR LADY OF PITY. ST. MICHAEL. ST. NICHOLAS. ST. BLAISE. ST. CHRISTOPHER. ROOD. Dedication. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Lights, etc. OUR LADY and LADY OF PITY. OUR ST. KATHERINE and ST; MARGARET. Dedication. ST. NICHOLAS. Lights, eto. OUR LADY. of EstEekham. William Whetenhall, ... Esq,, 1539; (34, Dyngeley.) (There was a chantry founded in Our , "Lady's chapel by Richard Culpeper. Vide Reg. J. Lowe, Epi. Roffen, fo..207A.)- To the hght before the Image called our Lady of Grace in the same church xija. Rob' Theecher, 1528. (39, Porch.) To the payntyng of the image of .our lady of Pitie vj8 viijd. John Cayser, 1491. (45, Milles.) ' John Cayser, 1491. (45, Milles.). John Arkynbold, 1524. (Roch., vii., 363.) John Cayser, 1491. To the reparacon of Saint Blasys window in the church of Est Pecham, xl8. John. Cayser, 1491. To the paynting of. the image of .Saint Cristofer x8. Jn Cayser, 1491. To the beame light viij13. Rob4 Thecher, 1528. .. • To thereparacion and gilting of the crosse vjs viija. John Cayser, 1491... PENSHURST. Ad summum altare ecclesie Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Penshurst iij8 iujd. John Hardy, 1407. (14, Marche.) •To be buried in the church of Saynt John of Penshurste betuen or lady and our lady of Piety. Wm Merser, 1522. (Roch., vii., 276.) The altar of the blessed virgins Katherine and Margaret in Penshurst church named in will of Robert Goseborne, clk., vicar. (Canterbury Consistory Court, vol. xiii. Dated 3 July, proved 5 Oct. 1523.) SEVENOAKS. Ad summum altare Sancti Nicholai de Sevenok. John Mille, gent., 1459. (21, Stokton.) _ Sep. in cimiterio Sancti Nicholai de Sevenok. Walter Bedyll. (5, Bennett.) Lego capellano beate Marie ibidem iij8 iiijd. Thoa Mugworthy, clerk, Sevenoke, 1503. (29, Blamyr.)* * There, was a ohantry of Our Lady at Sevenoaks. L 2 148 ECCLESIOLOGIOAAL NOTES RESPECTING THE OUR LADY OF PITY. ST. MICHAEL. ST. PETER. ROOD. ST. JOHN BAPTIST (Hospital of). Dedication. ST. PETER and ST. PAUL. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. SEPULCHRE. A cow to fynde lyght to brenne before ye ymage of our lady in our ladys chansell in Sevennoke tor eu'more. John Harysone, 1525. (Roch., viii., 10.) Vnum cereum coram ymagine pietatis beate Marie in cancello ex parte boriali. John Beele of Sevenoke, 1471. (8, Wattys.) Sep. in choro ecclesie de Sevenoke coram ymagine Sci Michaelis. Thomas Mugworthy, clk., 1503. (29, Blamyr.) To be buried in Seint Petirs chauncell within the p'isshe church of Seint Nicholas in Sevenoke. Robert Tottisherst, gent., 1512. (8, Eetiplace.) Sep. in navi ecclesie ante crucem in introitu chori ante nostrum cancelli. David Vabhopkyn, 1474. (15, Wattys.) Lego capellano Sancti Johannis Baptiste ibidem iij8 iiijd . Thomas Mugworthy, clerk, Sevenoke. 1503. SHOREHAM. Ad sepeliendum in cimiterio ecclesie Petri et Pauli de Shoreham. Thomas Wiborne, 1532. (18, Thower.) To be buried in or lady chapell in the church of Shoreham vnder the stone where as my mother was buried. Thomas Polley, 1528. (1, Jankyn.) _ Lumini sepulture resurrectionis dominice in eadem ecclesie xija . Thomas Wibome, 1532. (18, Thower.) STANSTEAD. There is no evidence respecting this church in mediseval times available. The dedication, according to local tradition, is in honour of " St. Mary." SUNDRIDGE. Dedication. This is usually stated to be "unknown," and the few wills of Sundridge people extant do not help towards solving the question. Edward Isley of Sundridge, in 1525, desired " to be buried at the discrecon of myn executour. Item I bequeth to the p'ish church of Alhalowes x". Item I geve to the parishe churche DEANERY OE SHOREHAM, KENT. 149 Lights, etc. OUR LADY. SEPULCHRE. Dedication. ST. GEORGE. Lights, etc. OUR LADY. ST. GEORGE. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. ROOD. THE HERSE.* of Sondrich in Kent a vestment of Chamlett for prest deacon and subdeaeon." Whether the " p'ish church of Alhalowes" is Sundridge Church is however doubtful. On the other hand, if the contention of some that the image of the Patron always stood on the north side of the high altar be correct, then the request in John Isly's will, given below, would indicate that Saint Mary the Virgin is the Patron here. To be bured in the high chauncell before oure lady in a tombe in the wall for to sett the sepulcur vpon and a wyndow to be made of the bredith of the same tombe in the church off Sondrich. John Isly, 1494. (21, Vox.) WROTHAM. Sep. in medio cancelli ecclesie Sancti Georgii de Wrotham. John Sundressch, clerk, 1426. (5, Luffenam.) To be berid in the chaunsell of Saint George in Wroteham. Th0 8 Gauge, clerk, 1470. > (31, Godyn.) Lego lumini Beate Marie ij vaccaB. James de Pekham of Wrotham, 1400. (Reg. Abp. Arundell, part i., fol. 176B.) Ralf Melcheborn, vicar, legavit pro pictura Sci Georgii vj8 viijd . 1404. (Reg. Abp. Arundell, part i., fol. 207B.) A pece of land to fynd a lampe to brenne bifore Saint George for euer, lyyng to a pece of lond callid the Rede. Thos Gauge, clerk, 1470. (31, Godyn.) Vnum cereum ardentem coram Imagine Sancti Johannis Baptiste in ecclesia p'ochiali de Wroteham. Walter Sexten, 1485. (46, Milles.) To be buried in the church of Saint George at Wrotham before the Rode besyde my wife. Tho8 Pekham, gent., 1515. (6, Holder.) Ad le herse light ibidem. Walter Sexton, 1485. (46, Milles.) * See note, p. 141.