General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 341 ) GENERAL INDEX. + A A Wood, Anthony, his Hist. Univ. Oxon., 188. Abbott, Mr. W. J. Lewis, F.G.S., xii, xliii. Abo, University of. 82. Academy of Science, Swedish, 82. Aoousatores, 105. Acta Sede Vacante, G Register, Canterbury, 49, 50, 51, 55, 58. Adam, 99 ; Sacrist of Roohester, 258. Adcook, Mr., 154. Adene, Richard, 144. JEthelred II., King of England, 95, 96, 106, 108, 196; his Wantage Statute. 105. A3Hthelstan, King of England, 105, 106 ; his London Law. 105. iEthilbert, King of Kent, 194, 195. 196, 213, 215, 216. Aiglessa, 12. Aldelyn, see jildon. Aldersgate, 76, 124. Aldersgate Street, 74. Aldon, Matilda, 184 ; Sir Thomas de, 184. Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, 227. Alfeigh, John, 138. Alfred, King of England, his Laws, 95, 101, 105, 106; his version of St. Gregory's Pastoralis, 105. All Hallowes, see All Saints. All Saints, 145. All Saints', Maidstone, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 54, 67. All Saints', Maidstone, History of the College of, by Rev. Beale Poste, 44, 45, 46. All Saints' Church, Maidstone, by Whichcord, 44. All Saints' Church, Maidstone, History of, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, xlvii, lxii. Almery, 301, 309. Alys, Thomas, 159. America, 82. Amherst Redoubt, Chatham, 20. Ancient Buildings, Society for the Protection of, xlv. Ancient Funeral Monuments, by John Weever, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 315. Ancient Sculpture and Painting in England, by Carter, 339. Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain, by Sir John Evans, xliv. " Andrew," bell at Roohester, 245. Andrews, John, 71 ; Thomas, 73. Angle, etc.. Royal Pedigrees, 94. Anglice Rnina, 282. Ani/lia Sacra, by Henry Wharton, 34, 35, 110. 199, 226, 274, 276, 289, 299, 305, 310, 318. Anglo nermann. Geschichtsquellen, by Dr. Liebermann, 103. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 227. Anglo-Saxon Kings, Laws of, 96. Ann, Countess of Dorset, 92, 93. Annates, by John Stow, 33. Anne Boleyn, Queen, 89. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 103, 108, 217, 289. Anselmo Bedicata, 108. Ansfrid, Sheriff of Kent, 309. Antiquities, by Grose, 37, 201. Antiquities, by Thorpe, 84. Antiquities of Canterbury, by Nicolas Battely, 35. Antiquities of Canterbury, by Kev. J. Dart, 36, 40. Antiquities of Canterbury, by William Somner, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 44, 50. Antiq. liter. Septentr., by Hickes, 101. Antonius Pius, Coins of, 6. Ap Res, Louis, 185. Aquarius Ballivus, 180. Aquitaine, John of Gaunt, Duke of. 334, 336. Archceologia, references to, 13, 40, 41, 42, 64, 101, 194, 204, 208, 213, 218, 314. 342 aENERAl Archceologia Cantiana. references to, i xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xlvii, xlviii, 1, liv, lvii, 2, 18, 22, 27, 30, 46, 78, 94, 102, 114, 115, 194, 212, 295,304, 309, 337, 339. Archasological Congress, 1896, 86. Archceological Institute, Journal of, 153. " Archaeological Mystery," 82. Arclcawnomia, by Lambarde, 96, 97, 98, 109. Arclibislwps of Canterbury. Lives of, by Dean Hook, 46, 47. Arches, Michael Sergeaux, Dean of, 63. Arches, Piers, and Buttresses, by Bland, 151. Architectural History of Canterbury Catliedral, by Rev.' R. Willis, 221, 228, 233, 242, 247, 278. Architectural History of the Cathedral Churoh and Monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester, by W. H. St. John Hope, M.A., 194. Ardele, Roger de, 184. Argoll, Thomas, 177. Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, 331. Arkynbold, John, 147.. Arnold, A. A., E.S.A., his account of Dr. Liebermann's " Notes on the Textus Roffensis," 94. Arnold, George M., F.S.A., on The Ruined Chapel of St. Katherine at Shorne, Kent, 78. Arnold, John, 179 ; Nicholas, 293. Arnost (Arnolfus), Bishop of Rochester, 198. Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 52, 152; of York, 52, 55, 57, 58, 64, 65. Arundell, Agnes, 309 ; Sir Richard de, 295; Sir William, K.G., 295, 309, 312. Asoeline, Bishop of Rochester, 104. Aschlegth, Richard, 142. Ash, xlviii, 70, 153. Ashburner, John, 192. Asheton, William de, 336. Ashpitel, Mr. Arthur, 204. Ashton, Mr. John, 332. Asshdown, John, 138. Astyn, Nicholas, 140. Atte Lese, Richard, 336. Attleas, Arms of, 117. Aucher, Arms of, 124. Aucher, Elizabeth, 124 ; William, 124. Audoenus, Bishop of Evreux, 227. Auferon, George, 176. Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury, 194, 212. Austin, Capt. George, 339 ; John, 73. INDEX. i Austin Friars of London, 322. Aveling and Porter, Messrs., 6. Avisford, 18. Aylesford, 13,70. B Bach, Alexander, Bishop of St. Asaph, 53. Bacon, Justice, 332. Badge of King Edward IV., 124. Basda. 194, 195, 196, 213. Bailiff, Water, Journal of a. xl ix, 180, 181. Bailiffs of the Cinque Ports, xlix, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183. Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183. Bakesse, John, 180. Baldwin, Abbot of Bury, 306. Ball, Alderman Wm., 5. Bamburgh, John, 279. Bamme, Edmund, 140, 141. Bangor, John Cliderow, Bishop of, 138. Banks, Mr., 7 ; Sir Joseph, 127. Barbadoes, 69. Barfoote, Nicholas, 77. Barham, Arms of, 122. Barham, Edward, 76 ; Robert, 75. Bark, Kenneth, 74 ; Thomas, 74. Barker, John, 76. Barking, 73. Barling, Arms of, 129, 130. Barling, John, 130 ; John Smith, 129 ; Thomas, 129. Barmeling, see Barling. Barming, 9. Barn, Robert Wy, 152. Barnack, 205. Barnet, John, 63. Barnston, Thomas, 80. Baron, Nioholas, 144. Barons of the Cinque Ports, 162. Barr Bottenden, 337. Barrok, William, 63. Barron, Mr., 77. Bartholomew, a Prior Minor, 64. Bartlet, bell-founder, 152, 156, 160. Barwicke, Walter, Jurat, 176. Basing Street, 76. Basons, 311. Bath, Godefreith, Bishop of, 227. Bath and Wells, Ralph Ergum, Bishop of, 67, 65. GENERAL INDEX. 343 Bathurst, Sir Edward, 74. Battely, Nicolas, his Antiquities of Canterbury, 35, 50. Battle, Mathias Rutton, Dean of, 191 ; Ralph of Seez, Abbot of, 215. Baunton, William, Rector of Harrow, 57, 63, 66. Bayeux, Odo, Bishop of, 198, 203.209, 305. Bayford, 153, 154. Bayley (?), Thomas, 185. Bayly, Sexton of Roohester, 305. Baylye, Riohard, 72. Beaohborough, 193. Beardsworth, Arms of, 117, 118. Beardsworth, Rev. George, 117, 118. Beaule, John, 321. Beauties of England and Wales, by E. W. Brayley, 42. Beauvais, 103. BeazeJey, M., F.R.G.S., on The Burialplace of Archbishop Courtenay, 31, 58, 67. Beo, 108. Becket, Thomas a, Arohbishop of Canterbury, 33, 34, 86, 37,39, 41,44, 47, 48, 339; see also St. Thomas. Beckles, 114. Beckman, Daniel, 74. Bedyll, Walter, 147. Beele, John, 148. Beleknappe, Robert de, 294. Bell-foundry at Whitechapel, 152, 156. Bellamy, Mr., 76. Bellasios, Lord John, 70. Bellinger, Mris., 72. Bells at Canterbury, 156 ; at Roohester, 202, 203, 245, 276. Belvedere in Grenada, 115. Benediotus Zevita, 108. Benenden, 70. Benson, Most Rev. E., Arohbishop of Canterbury, 32. Beorhtric, —, 109. Bere, Martin, 291. Berks, 78. Bermondsey, 65 ; St. James, lxi; St. Saviour's Priory, 85. Bernard, Bishop of St. David's, 227 Bery, Riohard, 136. Best, John, Councillor at Law, 71. Bethersden, 70, 337, 338. Bethune, Robert de, Bishop of Hereford, 226. Bettenham, John, 71. Betteshanger, xlviii, 1. Betynham, Robert, 185. Bexley, 70,135, 137. Biggs, Messrs., 7. Billingsgate, 72. Bilsington, 65. Biographia Britannica, by Dr. Kippis, 41. Birch, Dr. De Gray, F.S.A., 96, 104, 105 ; his Cartularium Saxonicwn, 104. Birche, John, 280. Birchempsteade. 180. Bird, Mr. C, F.G.S., 6, 23. Bischopp, John, 288 ; Dan William, Prior of Roohester, 288. Bisenham, Arms of, 114. Bishopp, Dr., 165, 170. Bix, Thomas, 74. Black, Mr., 99, 100. Black Friars' Church, Hereford, 53. Blackheath, 118. Blackman, Thomas B., his Note on " Relics of Painting in Canterbury Cathedral," 339. Blackstone Edge, 5, 9. Bland, —, his Arches, etc., 151. Bligh's Hotel, Sevenoaks, 332. Blisworth, 56. Blore, Mr., 302. Boase, —, his Registrmn Exoniense, 188. Bockingham, John. Bishop of Lincoln, 57, 65, 334, 336. ' Bode, John, 73. Bohun, Humphry de, Earl of Hereford and Essex, 55 ; Margaret de, 55. Bokerly Dyke, 19. Bombay, 116. Bonnington, 71. Boodle, Rev. J. A., xl. xlviii. Booh of Sports, 189. Boorne, Arms of, 131. Boorne, Ann, 131 ; Duke, 131 ; llebekka, 131 ; William, 131. Booth, Ferdinando, 73 ; Henry, 71. Borden, 71. Borstall, John, 326. Bostock, Mr. Samuel, lxi. Bosworth, —, 111. Bosworth Field, 88. Boteler, John, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 63, 67. Bottenden Wood, 337. Bottlesham, John de, Bishop of Roohester, 311. Bourman, Samuel, 74. Bourne, Daniel, 72. Boxley, Abbey Seals of, lxii; Abbots and Convent of, lxii, 65. Boxley, History of, by Rev. j ; Cave- Browne, xlvii, lxii. Boydon, Thomas, 144. Boykett, John, 153, 344 GENERAL INDEX. Boyle, Arms of, 113. Boyle, Elizabeth, 113, 114; Hugh, 113; Joan, wife of Roger, 113; John. 113 ; Mary. 114 ; Richard, Earl of Cork, 113 ; Riohard, Earl of Burlington and Cork, 123 ; Roger, 113. Boyne, —, his Seventeenth Century Tohens, 70. Boys, Charles, 71 ; Christopher, 75 ; John, 71. Braames, Braemes, Braenies, Brames, see Braines. Bradboume Road, Sevenoaks, 333. Bradewell, Thomas, 146. Bradfield, John de, Bishop of Rochester, 299, 324. Bradgar, Robert, 64. Bradwardine, Thomas, .Archbishop of Canterbury, 184. Braines, Arnold, 73. Brampton, William, 143. Bramston, John, 145. Brasted, lxi, 135,137. Brasted, History of, by Rev. J. Cave- Browne, xlvii, lxii. Brasyer, Francis, 72. Braybroke, Robert, Bishop of London, 57, 65. Brayley, Edward Wedlake, his Beauties of England and Wales, 42 j History of Kent, 160. Bread Street, 71. Brede, 192. Bredenstone, xxxviii. Bredhurst, 71. Brent, Mr., 78. Brett, Thomas, 76 ; William, 77. Bretun, Ralph, 202. " Bretun," bell at Rochester, 202, 203. Brewer, William, 73. Bricklayers' Arms, Sevenoaks, 330. Bridge, 71, 73. Bridge Chambers, Rochester, 1. Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, 283. Bridger (? Bridge), 71. Brief, 153. Brinton, Thomas, Bishop of Roohester, 278,295; his Arms, 311. Bristol, the Mayor's Chapel, 160. Britain, etc., by Philemon Holland, cited, 33, 40. Britannia, by Camden, 33, 36, 38, 43, 44, 50. British Archasological Association, 1, 10, 13, 99; Journal of, xlvii. 224, 226. British Museum, xl, 96, 100; Add. MSS. 19,516, 68; Add. MSS. 34,011-17,68,70 ; the King's Library, 26 ; Thompson's Catalogue of MSS., 109. British Way, 12. Britton, John, his Canterbury Cathedral, 43. Broadmarse, 81. Brookman, Tatton, 193 ; Sir William, 125 ; Zouch, 72. Brokhull, —, 63. Brome or Broome, John, S.T.P., 185, 186, 187. Bromfeild, Elizabeth, 74. Bromfleld, lxii. Bromley, xxxviii, xliv, xlvi, 71. Brompton (Old), 20. Brony, Henry, 62. Brook (The), Chatham, 2,3,14,19. 20, 21. Brooke,William, for Wiokham Breaux, 77. Brookes, Mr., 10. Broome, see Brome. Broun, Richard, 64. Brown alias Cordon, Richard, LL.D., Archdeacon of Rochester, 295. Brown, Rev. E. A., xii, xliii; Thomas, 177 ; Thomas, Bishop of Norwich, 279 ; of Rochester, 279. Browne, Mr., 71; Thomas, 180, 181. Brune, William, 290, 291. Buck, —, his Antiquities, 27, 30. Bucks, 78. Bug-trap Meadow, 13. Buggin, William, 75. Bull, Richard, Esq., 339. Bullyhill, 290, 291. Bunce, Arms of, 122. Bunce, Matthew, 76. Burchard, 108. Burgh, Hubert de, 241, 318 ; Thomas, 63. Burham, 10, 12. Burham Cement Company, 13. Burial-places of Archbishops of Canterbury. List of, by Rev. R. Willis, 44. Burial-place of Arohbishop Courtenay, by M. Beazeley, F.R.G.S., 31. Burlington, Riohard Boyle, Earl of. 123. Burnby, John, his Historical Besorip- Hon cited, 37, 38. Burrows, Prof. Montagu, his Htstorie Towns Series, 161. Burtle, Som., lxi. Bury St. Edmunds, 306. Burys, William, 142. Bushopp, Dr., see Bishopp. Butler, see Boteler. Butter Market, Sevenoaks, 331. Bywater, Mr., 76. GENERAL INDEX. 345 C Cable, Robert, 282. Cade, Jack, 329. Caen, St. Stephen's Church, 221. Cage Pond, 331. Calais, 51. 70. Calehill, 71. Camber, Henry VIII.'s castle there, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30. Cambridge, Corpus Coll. MS., 105,106. Camden, William, his Britannia, 33, 36, 38, 43, 44, 50. Canonle, 65. Canterbury, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 103, 101, 106, 281 ; Dane John, lvii; Dunstons, 72,73 ; Paules, near, 71, 72. Canterbury, Antiquities of, by Nioolas Batteby, 35, 50. Canterbury, Antiquities of, by Rev. J. Dart, 36, 40. Canterbury, Antiquities if, by William Somner, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44. Canterbury, Archbishops of:—Anselm, 103, 108, 217, 289; Arundel, 52. 152 ; Augustine, 194, 212 ; Becket. 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 44, 47, 48, 339; Benson, 32; Bradwardine, 184; Chichele, 49; Courtenay, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 4S, 49, 60, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. 66, 57, 58 ; Islip, 60 ; Lanfranc, 103, 108, 198, 199, 200, 203. 217, 221 ; Laud, 189, 190, 302, 306 ; Morton, 330 ; Parker, 33, 38, 43, 44; Peokham, 184; Ralph d'Esoures, 97, 217 ; Richard, 97 ; Seeker, 153; Stratford, 49; Sudbury, 55, 65, 184 ; Tait, Iiii; H. Walter, 313, 325 ; Whittlesey, 184 ; William of Corbeuil, 103, 227. Canterbury Cathedral, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 67, 95, 106, 203 ; Dedication, 227; a leiger book there, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48 ; Eadmer, Precentor, 103; "Great Dunstan," 156 ; Library, xliv ; Prerogative Court, 134 ; Shrine of St. John Sohorne, 78 ; Trinity Chapel, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49. Canterbury Cathedral, by John Britton, 43. Canterbury Cathedral, by Rev. R.' Willis, 44. Canterbury Catliedral, by Wm. Woolnoth, 42, 43. Canterbury Catlwdral, Architectural History of, by Rev. R. Willis, 221, 228, 233, 242, 247, 278. Canterbury Cathedral, Chronological History of, by George Smith, 47. Canterbury Cathedral, Relics of Painting in, 339. Canterbury Chapter MSS., 184. Canterbury Chapter, Arms of, 310,311. Canterbury Chapter Records, Register G, 49,50, 51,55,58. Canterbury, Dean and Chapter of, xliv. Canterbury, Historical Catalogue of Archbishops of, by John Burn by, 38. Canterbury, Historical Memorials of, by Dean Stanley, 46, 52. Canterbury, List of BurwX-placcs of Archbishops of, by Rev. R. Willis, 44. Canterbury, Lives office Archbishops of, by Dean Hook, 46, 47. Canterbury, Mayor of, Thomas Everett, suspected, 71. Canterbury Prior and Chapter, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 62. Canterbury, Priors of :—Anselm, 217 ; Chillyndene, Thomas, 49, 57, 62, 66 ; Estria, Henry de, 184 ; Hathbrand, Robert, 184 ; Oxenden, Riohard de, 184. Canterbury Priory, 24. Canterbury, St. Dunstan's, 131 ; St. Gregory's, 65; St. Martin's, lviii, 213 ; St. Pancras Churoh, 213 ; St. Sepulchre's, 65. Canterbury, suspected persons there, 71, 73, 74. Cantly, Thomas, 70. Carlaverock, 87. Carleton, Gilbert, 140. Carnell, Mr. Cyril, xliv ; Mr. George F., F.R.H.S., xii, xlii, xl i i i ; on Old Sevenoaks, 329 ; Mr. Thomas, 332. Carpenter, R. H., 154, Carr, .John, 315. Carreu, Nicholas, 335. Carrington, Lord, 28. Cartel-, J., his Ancient Sculpture and Painting in England, 339. Cartularium- Saxonimm, by Dr. Birch, 96, 104. Carvill, Riohard, 178. Cary, Lucius, Viscount Falkland, 190. Case, Rev. E., li. Casteleyn, Henry, 63. Castile, Arms of, 115. Castle View Road, Strood, 7. Castor ware, 18. Catalogue of tlie Library of the Priory of Sit. Andrew, Roolcester, 94. 346 GENERAL INDEX. Cateby, John, 64. Causton, Walter, 62. Cave-Browne, Eev. J., M.A., xl, xlvi, xlvii, lxi, lxii; on Otham Rectors, 184 ; on Shurland House, 86 ; his History of All Saints', Maidstone, 32. 48 ; Lists of his Works, xlvii, lxii; Obituary Notice of, lxi ; Mrs., lxi ; Lt.-Col. Edward, lxi. Cayley, Thomas, 185, 187. Cayser, John. 146. 147. Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 85. Certificates of Chantries, etc., 79. Chadwell. 82. Challock, 72. Chambernon, Agnes, 63 ; Oto, 63. Chambers, Arms of, 116. Chambers, Ann, 116 ; William, 116. Chancery Lane, 76. Chantries, dedicated to St. Katherine, 80 ; in Yorkshire, 79, 80. Chapman, bell-founder, 156. Chargeours, 60. Charity Commissioners, 81. Charles I., King of England, 85, 92. Charles II., King of England, 92. Charles VL, King of France, 36. 51. Charlton-by-Dover, 72. Chart, Great, 189. Chart, Little, 72. Charter of Henry I., 96, 102. Chartham, 72, 115. Chatham, 2, 83, 292, 294 ; Amherst Redoubt, 20 ; Port Pitt, 3 ; Gibraltar Place, 2, 3 ; High Street, 2 ; Hill, 1, 2, 3, 20 ; Hasted's Map of the Hundred of, reference to, 20 ; Lines, 19, 20 ; Luton Arch, 1; Military Road., 1, 2 ; Roman interments, 14; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 286, 326; School of Military Engineering, 20 ; Slickett's Hill, 20 ; The Brook, 2, 3, 14, 19, 20, 21. Chatti, 20. Chaundeler, John, 137. Chayney, see Cheney. Cheeke, John, 74. Cheeseman, Mrs., 84. Chelsfield, 72. Chene, see Cheney. Cheney, Sir Alexander, 87 ; Sir Henry, 89, 90; created Baron, 90; Sir John, Speaker, 88; Sir John, created Baron, 88, 90 ; Sir Robert, 87; Sir Thomas, 88, 89 ; William, 88 ; Sir William, 87. Chequers' Inn, Sevenoaks, 330. Cheriton, 72. Cherleton. 66. Chertsey, Edmund, 296, 298, 321. Cheslet, 125. Chevening, xxxvii, xii, xliii, 72, 135, 137. Cheyney, see Cheney. Chichele, Henry, Arohbishop of Canterbury, 49. Chichester, 180 ; Sigefrid, Bishop of, 227. Chiddingstone, 135, 137, 138. Chiddinstone, Hugh, 144. Chilham Castle, 89. Chillenden, see Chillyndene. Chillyndene, Thomas, Prior of Canterbury, 49, 57, 62, 66. Chilthorne Dormer, Iii. Chilton, Simon of, 151. Chislehurst, 72. Chislett, 72. Christ Church, see Canterbury Cathedral. Christiana —, Companion of Dame Kath. Engaine, 63. Christ's Coll., Cambridge, Iii. Chronological History of Canterbury Cathedral, by George Smith, 47. Church of Our Fathers, by Canon Rook, 81. Churches of Sittingbourne and Milton, by F. Grayling, 150. Churchill, Som., Iii. Cicester alias Gardiner, Richard, 64. Cinque Ports, 28, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180 ; Bailiffs of, xlix, 161, 162, 163, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177 ; Barons of, 162, 172, 173, 176, 177; Charters, 161 ; Sir Thomas Cheney, Warden, 88. Cinque Ports and Great Yarmouth, Bailiffs' Report, 1588, by W. L. Rutton, P.S.A., 161. Cinque Ports, Historic Towns Series, by Prof. M. Burrows. 161. Clare, Arms of, 115, 328. Clark, John, 72; J. Willis, M.A, F.S.A, 233. Clarke, Sir Christopher, 82 ; Francis, 77 ; Mr., 72 ; Ralph, 71. Claylane Wood, 8. Clerk, Baron. 332 ; William, 139. Clerkenwell, 76; Hilbrand, Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 64. Clevedon, Iii. Cliderow, John, Bishop of Bangor, 138. Clinton, Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, 227. Clyfforde, Nicholas, 145. Cnut, King of England, 107. Coates, —, 102. Coats of Arms in Kentish Churohes, by Rev. Carus Vale Collier, 113. GENERAL INDEX. 347 Cobb, Arms of, 122. Cobb, Charles Francis, 122; Elizabeth, 122 ; Henry, 122 ; Captain Henry, 122 Cobbe, William, 71. Cobeham, John, 142. Cobham, 84 ; Family, 85 ; John de, 85 ; Park, 8. Cockayne, Osw., his Leechdoms, 111. Cocke, John, 72. Cocus, Aluredus, 241. 326. Codex Biplomatious JEvi Saxmii-ci, by Kemble, 104. Colchester, 180, 182 ; Moot Hall, 224 ; St. John's Abbey, 224. Colchis, 91. Coligny, Cardinal, 37. Coll, Thomas, 145. Collectanea, by Leland, 32. Collectanea Cantiana, by Payne, 9. Oollens, Thomas, 176. Collier, Rev. Carus Vale, on Coats of Arms in Kentish Churches, 113. Collier, Jeremy, his Ecclesiastical History, 35. Collins, —, his Peerage, 90. Cologne, John de, 315. Colyn, William, 185. Ooman, Eleanor, 294 ; William, 294. Combewell, 65. Commissioners, Charity, 81; to survey the Chantries, etc.,in Yorkshire, 79. Concilia et Decreta, etc., by Spelman, 109. Congress, ArchEeological, of 1896, 86. Consiliatio Cnuti, 95. Consistory Court, Roohester, 78, 79. Constitutional History, by Stubbs, 56. Constitutions of 1597, 186. Cook, John, Esq., 191. Cooke, —, 71, 180; George, 70, 75 ; R., Esq., xl, xlix. Cooper, William, 77. Cooper, W. D., his History of Winchelsea, 25, 28. Cope at East Langdon, 1. Copland, John, on Rushenden, 334. Coppinger, Mr., 306. Corbett, Sir Vincent, 76. Oorbeuil, William of, Arohbishop of Canterbury, 227. Cordon, see Brown. Coreshorne, 191. Cork, Riohard Boyle, Earl of, 113. Cornewood, 67, 66. Corpus College, Cambridge, MS., 105, 106. Cottingham, Mr. L. N., 224, 276, 278, 284, 285, 302, 304, 305, 307, 308. 310, 314, 315, 316, 323. Cotton, Dr. O, xl. Countless Stones, 13. Court Lodge, Shorne, 85. Courtenay, Arms of, 61. Courtenay, Anne, 56, 61; Hugh, Earl of Devonshire], 33, 50, 55 ; Peter, 56, 61 ; Sir Philip, 56, 57, 61, 64 ; Richard, Bishop of Norwich, 56, 57, 01 ; William, Archbishop, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 ; his will, 58 ; William, 57; William, son of Sir Philip, 61. Courthope, Thomas, 74. Courtney, sec Courtenay. Covell's Farm, 331. Covent Garden, 72, 76, 77 ; The Piazza, 76. Coventry. Roger Clinton, Bishop of, 227. Cowhert, Thomas, 144. Cowper, Riohard, 142. Cradock, Arms of, 124. Cradock, Rev. Thomas, 124. Crafer, T. N., Esq., xxxviii, xliv, xlvi. Cranbrook, xlvii, 72, 191. Crawflatt, 81. Cray, 73. Cray, North, 75 ; St. Mary, 73, 76, 135, 136. 139. Crayford, 73, 135, 136, 138. Crompe, Mr., Chapter Clerk, 306 ; Thomas, 185. Cromwell, Oliver, Protector, 68 ; Thomas (Earl of Essex), 186. Cross Key Lane, 71. Crossfield, Sergeant, 332. Crouch, 73. Crowohe, Agnes, 290. Crown Pields, 331. Crown Hotel, Sevenoaks, 331. Crukern, a recluse there, 66 ; John Dodyngton, Reotor of, 57, 63, 66. Crundall, 184. Cubitte, Bennett, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 176, 177. Cudham, 73. Cuichelm, Bishop of Rochester, 196. Culand, Little, 12. Cullimore, Samuel, 71. Culpeper, John, 63 ; Richard, 147. Cummins, Arms of, 121. Cummins, Rev. Archdeacon, 122. Curteis, Rev. T. S., xl , xliii. Custumale Roffense, by Thorpe, 84, 202. 203. 209,257,258, 263, 264,270, 280, 282, 283, 284, 287.289, 293, 294, 302, 305, 307, 314, 323, 326, 326. Cygnia Cantio, by Leland, cited, 25. 348 GENERAL INDEX. D D'Achery, 103. Dacus, Aschetillus, 241 ; Oliva, 241. Dalhousie, Marquess of, 29. Dalison, Sir Maximilian, 121. Dallaway, Rev. James, 42. Damett, Mr., 163. Dance, George, 152. Dangayne, see Engaine. Danley Farm, 334. Danyel, Thomas, 185. Darell, Sir John, 71. Darenth, 18, 135, 139. Darrell, Edward, 76. Dart, Rev. J., his Antiquities of Canterbury, 36, 40. Dartford, 8, 9, 73 ; Road, Sevenoaks, 331. Davington, 65, 73. Davis, John, 191. Davison, Margaret, 176, 177. Davy, Richard, 145 ; Thomas, of Shornstrete, 78, 79. Day, Mr., 14, 21. De Antiquitate, by Archbishop Parker, references to, 33, 38, 43, 44. De Incestis Conjugiis, by Bishop Ernulf, 103. De Prmsulibus Angl-ias, by Bishop Francis Godwin, 33, 34, 38, 43, 44. Deal, xliii, xliv, xlvi, xlvii, xlviii, xlix, 1, 69 ; Henry VHP's castle there, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Deal and its Environs, xlix. Deal Castle, xlviii, 1. Deal, Mayor of (Aid. C. W.Thompson), xlvii, xlix; Mayor and Corporation, 1. Dean, Forest of, 9. Dean of Arches, Michael Sergeaux, 63. Decreta Pontificuin, 96. Deering, Thomas, 73. Delahay, Katherine, 187 ; Mary, 187 ; Neville, 187. Delaune, Gideon, 127. Delce, Great, 73, 75. Delhi, lxi, lxii. Delow, see Loo. Den, 161, 181. Denman, Master, 81. Denmark, xliii. Denne, —, 100 ; Rev. John, 41; Rev. Samuel, 32, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 280, 282, 293, 302, 306, 307, 312, 318. Denton, —, 198. Derby, William, 144. Dering, Sir Edward, 189, 190 ; —, 96. Dersingham, Nicholas, 317. Descriptive Catalogue of MSS., etc., by T. D. Hardy, 101. Detling, lxi, lxiii. Detling, History of, by Rev. J. Cave- Browne, xlvii, lxii. Devonshire], Hugh Courtenay, Earl of, 33. Diamond Jubilee, xl. Dictionary of National Biography, 48, 57, 337. Diet. Sax.-Lat.-Angl., by Somner, 110. Dimchurch, 73. Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K., 94. Diplomatarwm JEvi Saxonioi, by B. Thorpe, 104. Dise, Richard, 143. Ditton, 9, 73. Dobson, Mr., 75. Doddington, 21. Doddyngherne, 195. Dodsworth, Roger, his Monasticon, 110,257, 289. Dodyngton, John, Rector of Crewkerne, 57, 63, 66. Does, John, 75. Doffell, Arthur, 172, 173, 174, 177. Dogett, John, 287. Dolben, John, Bishop of Rochester, 283. Domesday Millenary, 96. Doncaster, 80. Donett, John, 139. Donnage, see Dunwioh. Dorset, Ann, Countess of, 92, 93; Duke of, 29 ; Riohard Sackville, Earl of, 123. Dorset Street, Sevenoaks, 331. Douglas, —, his Nenia Britannica, reference to, 20. Dover, 28, 65, 69, 70, 73, 118, 126,162, 173, 178 ; Roman Pharos, xxxviii; suspected persons there, 73. Dowell, Thomas, 178, 179, 180. Dowker, George, Esq., F.G.S., xlix, li. Down, 73. Downe, 135, 139. Downs, three castles there, 25, 26, 27, 28. Drake, Sir John, Chaplain, 317. Dray, liv. Drewrye, Mr., 169, 175. Dromore, John, Bishop of, 273. Drury, Arms of, 126. Drury, Sir Drue, 126. Drury Lane, 76. Dufferin, Marquess of, 29. Dugdale. William, his Monasticon, 110, 257. 289. Dully Wood, 21. Duncan, Leland L., F.S.A., his Notes of Wills, etc., 78, 79, 279; Ecclesiological Notes respecting the GENERAL INDEX. 349 Deanery of Shoreham, Kent, 134 ; on the Will of Archbishop Courtenay, 55. " Dunstan," bell at Rochester, 276. Dunstans, 72, 73. Dunwich, 179 ; Bishops of, 106. Duras, Lewis, Lord Holdenby, 119. Durham, 100, 305. Durham Rites, 311, 325. Durobreve, 194. Durobrivse, 1. Durobrivian ware, 14, 18. E Each, William, 178. Eacher, Mr., 169, 179, 181, 182, 183. Eadmer, Precentor of Canterbury, 103. Eadmund, King of England, 98. Eadward, King of England, 105, 106. Eagle at Roohester, 305. Eard, see Crayford. Eardley Road, Sevenoaks, 331. Earle, John, 103, 104,180 ; his Handbooh to tlie Land Charters, etc., 104 ; Two of the Saxon Chronicles, 103. Earthquake at Saltwood, 56. East Farleigh, 73. East Farley, 136,140. East Greenwich, 74. East Hill, Dartford, 8. East Langdon, 1, 74. East Mailing, 74, 135, 144. East Peckham, 135, 136, 146, 147. East Sutton, 76. East Sutton Church, History of, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, xlvii, lxii, lxiii. Eastchuroh, 152. Easte, John, Jurat, 176. Eastgate, Richard de, Sacrist, 240, 241, 254, 257, 258, 262. Eastgate House, Rochester, xl, 5. Easton, Nicholas, 73. Eastry, 73. Eastwell, 114. Eaton Soaken, 71. Ebbett alias Ibbett, John, 75. Ebottes, Henry, Jurat, 176. Eburaeum, 18. Eccles, 12, 13. Eeelesiastiaal History, by Jeremy Collier, 35. Ecclesiological Notes respecting the Deanery of Shoreham, Kent, by Leland L. Duncan, F.S.A., 134. Ecgbert, King of England, 197. Eckhart, Mr., 23. Eoton, —, his Tliesanrus, 191. Eden, Dr., Bishop of Dover, lviji. Edmund, King of England, 98, 99, 101, 105,108. Edward tbe Confessor, King of England, his laws, 95, 96, 104, 161. Edward I., King of England, 55, 87, 161, 320; his Arms, 115, 116. Edward IIL, King of England, 87, 100, 305, 335. Edward the Black Prince, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 58. Edward VI., King of England, 81, 88, 281. Edwards, Thomas, 71. Eleanor of Castile, Queen of Edward I., Arms of, 115, 116. Elis, see Elys. Elizabeth, Queen of England, 88, 89, 90, 91,92, 162, 186. Elizabeth, Progresses of, by Nicholl, 90. Elizabeth, daughter of King Edward I., 55. Ell wood, Phineas, 75. Elmes, 73. Elmham, Bishops of, 96. Elmley, Iii, Iiii, liv, lv, lviii. Elmstone, 73. Eltham, 51, 73, 131. Elvin, Mr,, his Records of Walmer, 28, 127. Elviva, —, 293. Elys, Sir Thomas, 78, 79. En, 40, 45. Engaine, Katherine, 56, 63 ; Sir Thomas, 56. Epsom, 75, Erghum, Ralph, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 65. Erith, 73. Ernulf, Abbot of Peterborough. 217 ; Bishop of Rochester, 95, 96, 100, 101,102,103, 104, 108, 217, 218, 220, 233, 250, 252; his De Incestis Conjugiis, 103. Esarde, Thomas, 176. Essex, 82, 83, 115. Essex House, 71. Essex, Humphry de Bohun, Earl of, 55. Estria, Henry de, Prior of Canterbury, 184. Ethelbert, King of Kent, 100 ; see also ..Ethelbert. Eudo Dapifer, 224. Eugenius IV., Pope, 105. Evans, Sir John, K.C.B., xliv. Eve, Arms of, 129, 130. Eve, Charles, 130 ; Dorothy, 130 (2) ; Henry, 129,130 ; Rev. James, 130. Everard, Bishop of Norwich, 227. 350 GENERAL INDEX. Everett, Thomas, Mayor of Canterbury, a suspected person, 71. Everinge, Robert, 125 ; Mary, 128. Evreux, Audoenus, Bishop of, 227. Exeter, 305. Exeter, Bishops of :—Grandison, 54 ; Stafford, 65, 57, 58. Exeter Cathedral, 34, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44. 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 64. Exeter College, Oxford, 188. Exeter, Lives of Bishops of, by Dr. Geo. Oliver, 64. Exminster, 55. Exorcisms, 105. Eyncourt, John d', 336. Eynesford, 135, 139. Eythorne, 73. F Facsimile page of Textus Roffensis, 97, 98. Fair at Great Yarmouth. 161, 162,169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176', 177,178,181. Falkland, Lucius Cary, Viscount, 190. Fareborne, Thomas. 176, 177. Farleigh, 185. Farleigh, East, 73. Farley, East, 135, 140. Farnaby, John, 73. Farnborough, 73. Farningham, 135, 140. Farrar, Very Rev. F. W., Dean of Canterbury, lix, lx. Fasti Eccl. Angl., 108. Faukoner, Walter, 63. Faversham, 69, 73. Faversham, George Sondes, Earl of, 119; Mary, Countess of, 119; Hediva de, 241 ; suspected persons there, 73. Fawkham, 198. Fearne, Thomas, 74. Fenestrage, 181. Fergusson, T. Colyer, Esq., xlii, xliii; Mrs. Colyer, xlii, xliii. Fermor, Sir Henry, 332. Fetter Lane, 74, 75. Feversham, 65. Finch, Arms of, 114, 120. Finch, George, 120; John, of Grovehurst, 114 ; John, of Preston, 114 ; Thomas, 74, 114. Finche, Sir William, 126. Fine Pence, 180. Firman, Arms of, 129. Firman, Samuel Creed, 129. Fish Street Hill, 74, 75. PitzBundo, .Aldiva, 287; Robert, 287. Flanders, 91. Flatchere, Edmunde, 144. Fleet Street, 69, 74, 75, 76. Fleetwood, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 70. Fleminge, Sir Thomas, M.P., Solioitor- General, 188. Fletcher, James, 74. Florence of Worcester, 108, 109. Flow Field, 329. Flud, Edward, 121. Fludd, Alabaster, 192 ; Thomas, 191. Fluds, Thomas, 91. Forbes. Lt.-Gen. Wentworth, xii. Forde, John, 182. Fordwich, 74 ; Court Hall, xlv, xlvi; Trust, xlv, xlvi. Forest of Dean, 9. Fort Pitt, Chatham, 3. Fortrie, Arms of, 125. Fortrie, Peter, 125. Poss, —, his Judges of England, 87. Foster, John, 73. B'rampton, Rev. T. S., xlvi, xlix, li ; Mrs., xlix. France (Ancient), Arms of. 115. France, 51, 70, 91 ; Charles VL, King of, 36, 51. Franks, Sir A. W., xxxix. Freckenham, 198. Frenchman, Stephen, Jurat, 176. Frendesbury, 323. Frenyngham, John, Esq., H7, 68, 66. Freselle, William, Prior of Rochester, 280. Friars Mendicant, 65. Friars Preachers, Thomas Palmer, provincial, 65. Frinstead, 74. Fry, E. W., Esq., xlviii, li. Fryerning, Essex, Iii. Fynchcote, Robert, 184. Fyneas, Thomas, 172. Fynette, Mr., of Dover, 173. G G Register, Canterbury Chapter Records, 49, 50, 51, 55, 58. Gale, —, his Hist. Britann. Script., 110. Gardiner, see Cicester. Gardner, Nicholas, 71. Gardner-Waterman, Rev. W., xliv, 1, li. Gauge, Thomas, 149. Gaunt, John, of, Duke of Aquitaine and Lancaster, 53, 334, 335, 336. Gavelkind, Hist, of, by Somner, GENERAL INDEX. 351 Gawdy, Justice, 332. Gay, Jeremy, 71, 75. Geere, William, Jurat, 176. Gentleman's Magazine, xlvii, 307, 308, 314, 315, 322. George III., King of England, Arms of, 119. Gerard, —, 63. Germany, the Emperor's Arms, 328. Germayn, Riohard, 146. Gervase of Canterbury, 227. Gesetze, by Dr. F. Liebermann, 96. Gesetze der Angelsachsen, by Schniid, 101. Gibbes, Walter, 62. Gibbon, Thomas, 74, 77. Gibbons, Charles, 70. Gibbs, Robert, 116 ; Susannah, 116. Gibraltar Place, Chatham, 2, 3. Gibson, Edmund, 110; Thomas, 72. "Gift of God," ship, 180. Gilbert, Universal, Bishop of London, 227. Gilburne, Henry, 71. Giles, John, 72. Gillingham, 135, 136, 140, 141; Hasted's Map of the Hundred of, 20. Gilmer, James, 172. Ginder, Stephen, 70. Glanville,Gilbert, Bishop of Roohester, 229, 232, 243, 245, 299, 302, 313, 317. Gleme, Mr., 180. Glin, John, 60, 63. Glossary of Architecture, 150. Gloucester, Duchess of, 53 ; Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of, 53. Glover alias Tanner, Thomas, 279. Goda, Countess, 100. Godefreifch, Bishop of Bath, 227. Godfray, William, 141. Godfrey-Faussett, Mr. T. G., xxxix, Iiii. Godington, 189. Godmersham, 127. Godwin, Bishop Francis, his De prcesulibus Anglia, 33, 34, 38, 43, 44. Goldsworthy, Major-Gen., M.P., xlii, x l i i i ; Mrs., xlii, xliii. Goodnestone, 74. GooHn, John, 75. Gordianus, Coin of, 6. Gordon Road, Sevenoaks, 331. Gore Court, 191,193. Gorham, John, Jurat , 176. Gose, WiUiam, Jurat , 176. Goseborne, Robert, 147. Gostling, William, his Walk, 37, 50. Gott, Peter, 128. Gongh, Richard, his Sepulchral Monuments, 39, 40, 41, 42, 53. Gracechurch Street, 77, Grain, Isle' of, 91, 135, 141. Grammar School, Sevenoaks, 329. Grandisson. John de, Bishop of Exeter, 64, Grunt, Mr. W. L., 156, 158. Granville, Earl, 29. Granville Road, Sevenoaks, 331. Gratian, —, 96, 104, 106. Graunt, Paul, 75. Gravesend, 22, 69, 70, 82, 83. Grayling, F., on The Churohes of Sittingbourne and Milton, 150. Grayling, Miss, 166. Gray's Inn, 71.72, 77. Great Chart, 189. Great Delce, 73, 75. Great Yarmouth, see Yarmouth. Great Yarmouth and Cinque Ports, 161. Greatness, Sevenoaks, 333. Green Church Hawe, 273. Greenstead, John, 71; Simon, 74. Greenstreet, Arms of, 131. Greenstreet, John, 131. Greenwell, Canon, his British Barrows, 19. Greenwich, East, 74. Grenada, Isle of, 115. Grey Dolphin, 86. Grose, Capt. Francis, his Antiquities, 37, 201. Grosvenor Place, xlvi. Grovehurst, 114. Guardian, lv. Guildford, 187 ; Earl of, 29. Guilds in Yorkshire, 79. Gun Inn, Strood Hill, fi. Gundulf, Bishop of Roohester, 104, 105, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 205, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215,217,218, 219, 221, 224, 233, 250,252,255, 271, 285, 289, 293, 313. Gunpowder Plot, 187, Gurney, John, 145. Guy, Mr., 282, 283. Gybsonne alias Taillour, Nicholas, 139. H Hackington, 74. Hackney, 128. Hadenham, Geoffrey de, 241. Hadlow, 74, 156. Hadinan, Thomas. 72. Haigh, Sir., on The Jute, Angle, and Saxon Royal Pedigree?., 94. Hairington, Isabella, 80; William, 80. 352 GENERAL INDEX. Halden, 337. Hale, C. G., Esq., xlii, xliii. Hales. Sir Edward, 76. Half Streete, 77. Halfpenny, Andrew, 74. Hall, his Chronicle, 25. Hall, Henry, 73. Hallinge, 241. Halliwell-Phillips, J. 0., his Bel. Ant., 108. Hallum, Robert, Rector of Northfleet, 57, 62, 66. Halstead, 135, 141, 142. Halstow, Lower, 78. Hamond, Robert, 74. Hampden, John, 18.9, 190. Handbook for Kent, by Murray, 48, 49, 52. Handbook to tlie Land Charters, etc., by Earle, 104, 105. Hansom, William, 63. Hardress Court, 71, 74. Hardress, Richard, 71 ; Thomas, 71. Hardy. John, 147 ; T. D.,hisDescriptive Catalogue of MSS., eto., 101 ; —, his Le'Neee, 108. Hardyng, Sir Thomas, 137. Harfleete, Sir Christopher, 74. Harlackenden, Silvester, 76 ; Thomas, 76. Harlow, Thomas, 296. Harman, Henry, 138. Harper, John, 76, 77. Harris, Arms of, 121. Harris, George Francis Robert, Third Baron, 122 ; Dr. John, his History of Kent, 35, 36; Tytus, 180; Dr., 94 ; —, 315. Harrison, Mr. Benjamin, xlii, xliii; Edward, 73 ; Richard, 73. Harrow, Wm. Baunton, Rector of, 57, 63, 66. Hartcliffe, 74. Hartington, 74. Hartley, Lt.-Col., D.C.L., LL.D., xlvi i; Mrs., xlvii. Harvill, John, 73 ; William, 75. Haryngton, Elizabeth, 80 ; John, Esq., 80. Harysone, John, 148. Haslewood, Rev. Dr., 1. Haslon, Henry, 74. Hasted, Edward, his History of Kent, 38, 39, 78, 146, 185. Hastings, 162; Sir Francis, M.P., 187. Hatfield House, 84. Hathbrand, Robert, Prior of Canterbury, 184. Hawker, Gibbon, 72. Hawkhurst, xlvii, 74. Hawkyn, Laurence, 63. Haye, Mr., 171. Hayes, 74, 135, 142. Haymen, Mr. William, 3. Hayward, Sir Rowland, 119. Head Hallow, 135. Headcorn, 82. Hearne's edition of Textus Roffensis, 96, 104, 105, 110. Hecham, Robert de, 241. Heede, William, 143. Helbert, L., Esq., 187. Helias, Prior of Rochester, 232, 241, 242 ; Helyas, 301, 318. Hemingburgh, Robert de, 184. Hendle, see Hendley. Hendley, Bowyer. 191, 192 ; John, 191 ; Peter, 185, 187 ; Priscilla, 191 ; Sir Thomas, 191. Henry I., King of England, 85, 96, 100, 102, 108, 224, 227. Henry II., King of England, 104. Henry IV., King of England, 339. Henry V., King of England, 57, 87. Henry VI., King of England, 87. Henry VIL, King of England. 88. Henry VIIL, King of England, 87,88, 89,162,186 ; his castles at Sandown, Deal, Walmer, Sandgate, and Camber, 24. Henry (Blesensis), Bishop of Winchester, 227. Henry, servant of Archbishop Courtenay, 63. Herbaldoune, 65. Herbert, Henry, Earl of Pembroke, 92; Sir Philip (created Earl of Montgomery), 92 ; William, Earl of Pembroke, 92. Hereford, Bishops of, 106 ; Robert de Bethune, 226; the Black Friars' Church, 53 ; Cathedral, 57,64,226 ; Courtenay, Bishop of, 55 ; Humphry de Bohun, Earl of, 55 ; Nicholas, 64. Herfeld, Guydo, 184, 185. Heme, see Heron. Heron, Thomas, 190, 191. Herring Fair at Yarmouth, 176, 178. Herschell, Lord, G.C.B., xlviii, 1, 28. Herse, 141, 149. Hertford Castle, 336. Hertfordshire, 115. Hever, 135, 142. Hickes, —, his Antiq. Libr. Septentr., 101. Hidon, Richard, 63. Higham, 22. Hilbrand, Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Clerkenwell, 64. GENERAL INDEX. 353 Hilles, John, of Strood, 321. Hills, Avery, 71 ; Mr. Gordon M., 226. Hilton, Arms of, 116, 118. Hilton, Ann, 116 (2); Giles, 118; Mary, 118; Thomas Gibbs, 116; William, 116, 118. Hinxhill, 74. Hippesley, Sir John, 125, 129. Historical Catalogue of Archbishops of Canterbury, by John Burnby, 38; his Historical Description of Canterbury Cathedral, 37, 38. Historical Memorials of Canterbury, by Dean Stanley, 46, 52. Historical Monuments' Commission, 49. Histories, Diocesan, S.P.O.K.. 94. History of All Saints'1 Church, Maidstone, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne. 32. Hist. Britann. Script., by Gale, 110. History of the College of All Saints', Maidstone, by Rev. Beale Poste, 44, 45, 46. History of Gavelkind, by Somner, UO. History of Kent, revision of, by Canon Scott Robertson, lvi. History of Kent, by Brayley, 160. History of Kent, by Dr. John Harris, 35, 36. History of Kent, by Hasted, 38, 39. History of Kent, by Ireland, 43. History and Antiquities of Maidstone, by Rev. Wm. Newton, 36, 37. History of Maidstone, by J . M. Russell, 47. History of the Puritans, by Neal, 189. Hist. Univ. Oxon., by A. Wood, 188, History of Winchelsea, 25, 28. Hithe (New), 12. Hobhouse, Edmund, Bishop of Nelson, 319. Hobson, Mr. E., 71. Holborn, High, 71 ; St. Andrew's, 72, 75, 76 ; Staple Inn, 74. Holderness, Lewis Duras, Earl of, 29. Holland, Philemon, his Britain, etc., 33, 40. Holiingbourne, 74. HoUingbourne, History of, by Rev. J . Cave-Browne, xlvii, lxii. Hollis, T. and G., their Monumental Effigies, 314. Holy Cross, 321. Hon. East India Company, lxi. Honey, in the Isle of Sheppey, 91. Honywood, Arms of, 126, 128. Honywood, Sir John, Bart., 127, 128. Hoo, Hasted's Map of the Hundred of, reference to, 20. Hoo, William de, 240, 241, 245, 249, 254, 256, 258, 262, 265. Hood, W., 118. Hook. Dean, his Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 46, 47. Hooper, Capt. C. F., xl ; Mr. John, 330. Hope, Mr. Beresford, 48 ; John, 63; Robert. LL.D., 146 ; Mr. W. H. St. John, 58, 61. Hope, W. H. St. John, on the Architectural History of the Cathedral Ohurch and Monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester, 194. Hordern, Herbert, Esq., xl. Horne, George, Bishop of Norwich. 192 ; his Commentary on tlw Psalms, 192 ; Letters on Infidelity, 192. Horne, Samuel, 192 ; William, 192. Horsham, 336. Horton Kirby, 68, 69. Horton Priory, 24. Hospitals in Yorkshire, 79. Hothfield, 74, 76. Hoth-fielde, 123. Hottfield, John, 120. House of Commons, Speaker, Sir John • Cheney, 88 ; Library, 187. Hovenden, R,, Esq., xl. Howard, Dr., lxi i ; Robert, 73, 75. Howe, Edmund, 33. Hrof (Rochester), 195. Hrofescester, 197. Huberd, Nicholas, 146. Huffham, —, gent., 72. Hugessen, Arms of, 124, 125,126,127, 128. Hugessen, Alethea, 129 ; Anna, 127 ; Annabella Christiana, 127 ; Anne, 127, 129 ; Charles Henrv, 127 ; Christian, 125, 129 ; Dorothea, 127, 129; Dorothy, 127, 129; Edward, 126, 127, 129; Elizabeth, 125, 126, 129; James, 125(2), 126,129; Jane, 125,129; John, 125 (3). 127, 129; Josias, 125 ; Lea, 125 ; Leah, 126 ; Margery, 125; Martha, 127; Mary, 125, 127; Mary Dorothea, 127; Norton Joseph, 127 ; Peeter, 125 ; Thomasine, 128; Walter. 125, 129; Sir William, 125; William. 125, 127. 128; William Weston, 127, 128'; Wyndham, 127. Hugessen Chapel at Linstead, 124. Hugo Candidus, 217. Hulse, Arms of, 114. Hulse, Charles, 115; Edward, 115; Elizabeth, 115; John, 114 ; Richard, 337, 338. VOL. XXIII. A A 354 GENERAL INDEX. Humphrey, Precentor of Rochester, 100. Hunt, Rev. William, 48. Hunte, Isaac, 338. Huntington, sec Hunton. Hunton, 135, 136, 112, 143. Hussam, 73, 74. Hyckes, Julyan, 296, 297, 321, Hyde, William, 188. Hythe, 28, 178; Hamo de, Bishop of Roohester, 276, 292, 298, 300, 305, 310, 320. I Ibbett, see Ebbett. Idley, Giles, 178. Ifield, 135, 143. Ightham, xxxvii, xlii, 9, 135, 143. Ightham Mote, xlii, xliii. Iliff, Dr., lxi. Imar of Tusculum, 105. Indian Infanticide, by Rev. J. Cave- Browne, lxii. Indian Life. Incidents in, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, lxii. Ine, King of Wesssx, his laws, 95, 105, 106. Ingoldesthorpe, Thomas de, Bishop of Rochester, 314. " Ingoldsby, Tom," 86. Ingram, Stephen, 176. Injunction of 1538, by Henry VIIL, 186. Instituta Cnuti, 107. Instituta Regnm Anglorum, 102. Interdict, 313. Inventories of Christ Church, Canterbury, 61 ; of St. Paul's Cathedral, by Dr. Sparrow Simpson, 64. Ipswich, 176. Ireland, 81 ; Fleetwood, Lord Deputy of, 70. Ireland, William Henry, his History if Kent, 43. Irons, Arms of, 131. Irons, Elizabeth, 131 ; Rev. John, B.D., 131. Irvine, Mr. J. T., 205, 208, 210, 214, 215, 218, 228, 268, 324. Isley, Edward, 148. Islip, Simon, Archbishop of Canterbury, 60. Isly, John, 149. Ispre, Sir John de, 335. '• I thamar ," bell a t Rochester, 276. Itinerary, by Leland, 25, 53. Ivo Carnotensis, 103, 107,108. Ivy Cottage, 84. Ivy Hatch, xlii, xliii. J Jaffe-Lowenfeld, 105. James I., King of England, 85, 92. James, Miss, xlviii. Jarvis. Mr., 21, 22. Jebbes, John, 138. Jeffreys, Canon, xlvii. Jenkin, Valentine, 75. Jermouth, see Yarmouth. Jersey Road, Strood, 7. Jerusalem, Hospital of St. John of, Clerkenwell, 64. Jesse, Jesye, 297. Jesuits, 187. Jesus altar, 291, 292. Jezzard, Mr., xlvi. [Joan of Kent], mother of King Richard IL, 65. John, King of England, 161. John, Bishop of Dromore, 273. John, Bishop of Rochester. 104, 224. 226, 227. John, Bishop of Seesc, 221. John, valet of Arohbishop Courtenay. 63. Johnson, Henry, 176 ; Walter, 178. Jones, Edward, 73 ; Rev. William, of Nayland, 192. Joscelin, John, 109. Journal of a Bailiff from Sandwich to Yarmouth, xlix. Journal of the British Archceological Association, reference to, 12, 27. Jubilee, Diamond, xl. Judges of England, by Foss, 87. Juliana, servant of Dame Kath. Engaine, 63. Jungstrom, 82. Jurats of the Cinque Ports, 162, 176, 181, 183 ; of Yarmouth, 163, 165, 176, 181, 183. Justus, Bishop of Roohester, 194, 195. Jute, etc , Royal Pedigrees, 94. Jutish graves in Kent, 19, 20; at Rochester, 3 ; at Strood, 7, 8. K Kalm, —, 82, 83, 84. Kean, Edmund, 332. Kells, 100. Kelsey, Col., 69. Kemble, —, his Codex Diplmnatiens JEvi Saxonici, 104. Keme, see Kene. Kempe, Mr. A. J., 314. Kemsing, xxxvii, xlii, 57, 66. Kemsley, John, 144. Kene, William, 1S5. GENERAL INDEX. 355 Kennett, Mr. E., 27. Kent Archajological Society, xxxvii, xxxviii, xlvi, Iiii, lvi, lvii, lviii, lx, lxii, lxiii; Proceedings of, 1897—1898, xxxvii; Reports of, xxxix xlvii Kent, 18, 19, 87, 94, 153, 196 ; coast forts, 24 ; Historic Monuments, etc., in, xxxvii, xl, xlv, xlvi i ; laws of, 96,105 ; suspected persons in, 68. Kent, Handbook for, by Murray, 48, 49, 52. Kent, History of, revision of, by Canon Scott Robertson, lvi. Kent, History of, by Brayley, 160. Kent, History of, by Dr. John Harris, 35, 36. Kent, History of, by Hasted, 38, 39. Kent, History of, by Ireland, 43. Kent, Perambulation of. by Lambarde 25. Kent Topographic, etc., by Richard Kilburne, 34, 332. Kent, John, 334, 335. li Kent," the, burnt, 122. Kentish tokens, 68. Kentish Traveller, 84. Keston, 134, 135, 143. Kewland, see Culand. Kilburne. Riohard, his Topographic, etc., 34, 332. Kiln Tile Field, 13. King, Arnold, 71 ; Mr. C. R. Baker, 308, 309 ; Henry, 71. King's Peace, 105. Kingsdown, 74. Kingsford, Rev. Philip, 21 ; Richard, 75. Kingsland, John, 69. Kingsley, William, 72. Kingsmill, Justice, 332. Kingston-on-Thames, 72. Kingstone, Ezekiell, Jurat , 176. Kippington, 331, 332. Kippis, Dr. Andrew, his Biographia Britannica, 41. Kitchingham, Robert, 68. Kits Coty, 13. Knatchbull, Arms of, 117, 126, 128. Knatchbull,.Sir Edward, 126, 127. Knatchbull-Hugessen, 127. Knell, Paul, 75. Knight, Edward, 127 ; Thomas, 75. Knockholt, 135, 143. Knole, xxxvii, xii, xliii, 330, 332. Knollis, Elizabeth, 291. Knollys, John, 185. Knowe, Roger, 73. Knowle, William, 71. Knowler, Stephen, 76. Kolderup-Rosenvinge, 107. I; La Barre, 103. Ladd, William, 291. Laet, John de, 110. Lake, John, 71; Thomas, 162, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 171), 180, 181, 182. Lambarde, —, his Perambulation of Knit, "In, 91, 329. Lambarde, —, his Archaionomia, 96, 97, 98, 109. Lambert of St. Bertin, 108. Lambeth, Archiepiscopal Registers at, 134, 184, 185, 188, 191, 279, 288 ; St. Mary, lxi. Lambeth Palace, lxi. Lambeth Palace, History of, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, xlvii', lxii. I Lamendby alias Sparrowe, Thomas, i 137. Lamheth, 63, 66. Lancaster. Duohess of, 53 ; John of Gaunt, Duke of, 53. 334, 335, 336. Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, 103, 108, 198, 199,2"00, 203, 217, 221. " Lanfranc," bell at Rochester, 276. Langdon Churoh, East, 1,74 ; West, 74. Langebeke, —, his Script. Hist. Dan., 108. Langedon, 65. Langedon, John, Bishop of Rochester, 279, 288. Langersche, Robert de, 241. Lastocke (Lowestoft), 162, 169, 171. Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 189, 190, 302, 306. Laune, Gideon de, 127. Laurie, A., Esq., xii ; Mr., xliv, 330. Layborne, John, 185. Le Neve, by Hardy, 108. Lea, Henry. 74. Leach, Rev. Mr., Iii. Ledes, 65. Ledger, see Leiger. Lee, Mr. Henry, 316 ; Richard, 75. Leeehdoms of Early England, by Cockayne, 111. Leeds, 68, 192. Leeds and Bromfleld, lxii. Leeds Church, lxi i ; Priory, lxii. Lees Court, 118. Leges Angorum, 95. Leges Edwardi Confrssoris, 95. Legg, Dr. J. Wickham, 61. Legh, William de la, 181. Leicester, Bishops of, 106. Leiger book at Canterbury, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48. Leigh, 74. Leigh, John, 72. A A 2 356 GENERAL INDEX. Leland, —, his Collectanea, 32; Cygnia Ca-ntio, 25 ; Itinerary, 25, 53. Lenham, 156. Lennarde, Henry, 162, 167, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177. Lentwardyn, Richard, 63. Leon, Arms of, 115. Leonard, 94. Leveson Gower, Mr. Granville, V.P.S.A., 279. Lewis, Samuel, his Topographical Dictionary, 43; Prof. T. Hayter, 27, 30. Libr. Septentrional Catal., by Wanley. 101. Lichfield, Bishops of, 106. Lidsing, 135, 143, 144, 294. Liebermann. Dr. F., 94, 95, 96, 98 ; his Anglonormann. Gesehichtsqwllen, 103 ; Gesetze, 96 ; Notes on the Textus Roffensis, 94, 101; B-aginald von Canterbury, 103. Limenus, 25. Limidge. 72, 74. Limoges, 318, 319. Lincksted, 131. Lincoln, Bishops of:—Alexander, 227; Bockingham, 57, 65, 334, 336. Lindsey, Bishops of, 106. Linstead, 74 ; Arms in the Church, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. Linton, 192. List of Burial-places of Archbishops of Canterbury, by Rev. R. Willis, 44. Liston, John, 75. Little Chart, 72. Littlehales, Mr. H., 54. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, by Dean Hook, 46. 47. Lives of Bishops of Exeter, by Dr. Geo. Oliver, 64. Livett, Rev. G. M., xlix, li. 211, 212, 213, 216, 218, 249, 253. 268. London, 68, 69, 71, 72, 94, 95, 153, 161. London, Adam, 141. London, Bishops of :—Braybrook, 57, 65 ; Courtenay, 55 ; Gilbert, Universal. 227 ; Mellitus, 194. London Law of .lEthelstan, 105. London Road, Sevenoaks, 329, 331. London Stone, 74. Loo, Andreas de, 91. Loome, John. 73. Lovelace,—, 154 ; Francis, 72 ; Richard, 337, 338 : facsimile signature, 338. Lowe, John, Bishop of Rochester, 305. 322 ; his Arms, 322 ; Rev. J., 147. Lower Halstow, 78. Lowestoft, see Lastocke, Lowndes, Mr., xii. Lucas, Mr. Joseph, 82, 84; Robert, 177. Ludd, Thomas, 180. Ludgate Hill, 69. Luke, 71. Lusie. Roger, 176. Luton, 117. Luton Arch, Chatham, 1. Luttrell, Sir Andrew, 62 ; Elizabeth, 62 ; Hugh, 62 ; John, 62 ; William, 62. Lydd, 28. Lyminge, 213. Lyng, Robert, 80. Lynton, John, 63. Lysons, 90. M Madras, Bishop of, Iiii. Magdalen College, Oxford, 193. Maicot, Arms of. 114. Maicot, Bennet, 114. Maidstone, xxxvii, xxxix, xliii, xliv, lvii, lviii, lxiii, 9, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 15, 46, 47, 48. 50, 51, 52, 54, 67, 188, 189 ; All Saints' Church, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42. 43, 44, 46, 48, 54, 67 ; fraternity of Corpus Christi, l x i i ; suspected persons there, 74. Maidstone, All Saints' Church, by Whichcord, 44. Maidstone, Guy Mone. Rector, 57, 62, 66. Maid.stone, History and Antiquities of by Rev. Wm. Newton, 36, 37. Maidstone, History of, by J. M. Russell, 47. Maidstone, History of All Saints' Church, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, xlvii, lxii, 32, 48. Maid-stone, History of the College of All Saints', by Rev. Beale Poste. 44, 45, 46. Maidstone Museum, xxxix, xliii, lxiii. Major-Generals under the Commonwealth, 68, 69. Makenade, William, 336. Malling, East, 74, 135, 144 ; West, 9. Mailing, Radulphus de, 184. Malmesbury. William of, 217. Malthouse Lane, 84. Maning, Ann, 73 ; Robert, 73. Manning, Isaac, 73 ; Robert, 76. Manship, his Greate Yermonth, 161. Mantle, Humphrey, 73. Manwoode, Mr., 169, 171. Maplesden, Franois, 72; Mr., 84. GENERAL INDEX. 357 Marcasite, 6. Margaret of France, Queen of Edward I., Arms of, 116. Margarets (Margate), 76. Margaret's (Rochester), 74. Margate, 70, 74. Market House, Sevenoaks, 331. Marsburgh, 81. Marsh, Thomas, 74. Marbhall, William, 72. Marston, North, 78. Martello Tower, 29. Martiloge, 200. Martin Hill, near Canterbury, 72. Mary I., Queen of England, 88. Marys, Johanna, 117 William, 117. Masters, Humphrey, 75. '• Mathue," ship, 180. Mathue, Thomas, 178. Matilda, Queen of Henry 1., 224. Maximianus, Coin of, 6. Maydenston, see Maidstone. Maye, Sir Thomas, 121. Mayne, Richard, Jurat, 176. Meares, bell-founders, 156. Medway, river, 3, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 83, 195. Melcheborn, Half, 149. Mellitus, Bishop of London, 194. Meopham, 74, 135, 144. Meopham, Thomas de, 240, 258. Mepeham, Thomas de, see Meopham. Mercer, Samuel, Esq.. xliv, 1. Mercurius Rnsticus, 281, 282, 301, 302. Mereworth, 9. Merricke, Walter, 226. Merryweather, William, 75. Merser, William, 147. Merston (? Marston), 78. Merston, 84. Merton. 65. Merton College, Oxford, 318, 319. Merton, Walter de, Bishop of Rochester, 243, 318, 320, 325, 328 ; his Arms, 328. Michell, William, Jurat, 176. Micklethwaite, Mr. J. T., 299. Middle Row, Sevenoaks, 329, 331. Middle Temple, 77. Midley, 130. Migne, 103. Milita.ry Districts under the Commonwealth, 68. Military Road, Chatham, 1, 2. Millard, Rev. Frederick Maule, 193. Mille, John, 147. Milles, Arms of, 116, 117. Milles, Mary Elizabeth, 118 ; Richard, 118. Milstead, 74. Milton, 74. Milton Church, 156, 157, 158,159,160. Minster in Sheppey, lxii, 86, 88, 157, 334, 335. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, lxii. Mithraic Temple, 12. Monasticon, by Dodsworth and Dugdale, 110, 2.-) 7, 289. Mone, Guy, Rector of Maidstone. 57, 62, 66. Monson, Arms of, 116, 117. Montague, Sir Edward, 120. Montgomery, Philip Herbert, Ear l of, 92. Monumental Effigies, by Hollis, 314. Moore, Archbishop, lv ; Rev. George Bridges, lv ; Sir George, M.P., 187. Moosonee, Bishop of, Iiii. Moot Hall, Colchester, 224. Morton, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 330. Mot, bell-founder, 156. Motte, William, 63. Mottrum, Adam de, Archdeacon of Canterbury, 57, 62, 66. Mounfort, Rose, 63. Movvting. John, 74. Moyses, 315. Mugworthy, Thomas, 147, 148. Multon, Robert, 146. Munn, Arms of, 118. Munn, Harriet Comber, 118 ; Lt.-Col. Henry, 118 ; Mary Elizabeth, US ; Matthew William, 118 ; Thomas Callis, 118; William, 118; William Augustus, 118. Murray, —, his Handbook for Kent, 48, 49, 52. Mylne, Mr., 283. Myrfyn, Robert, 80. N Nagapore, India, lxi. Nag's Head Lane, Roohester, 3. Nayland, Rev. Wm. Jones of, 192. Nayler, Arms of, 113. Nayler, John, 113. Neal, Daniel, his History of the Puritans, 189. Neame, Arms of, 117. Neame, Frank, 117 ; Frederick, 117 ; Gerald lastel l , 117; Harold Bennet, 117; Marjorie, 117. Nelson, New Zealand, Edmund Hobhouse, Bishop of, 319. Nenia Britannica, 20. Neprow, Peter, 73. Nerva, Coin of, 6. Nether Hardress, 72, 74. 75. 358 GENERAL INDEX. Nevens, John, 176. Nevill, Sir John de, 85 ; Peter, 73. New Hithe, 12. New Romney, 162. Newchurch, 75. Newgate Market, 76, 77. Newhaven, 180. Newington, Surrey, lxi. Newman, George, 75 ; James, 76. Newnham. 21. Newton, John, Jurat, 176. Newton, Rev. William, his History and Antiquities of Maid.stone cited, 36, 37. Nicholas, a monk of Rochester, 293. Nioholl, —, his Progresses of Elizabeth, 90. Nicolas, Capellanus de Scornes, 85. Noah, 99. Noble and Gentle Men of England, by Shirley, 131. Nokolt (Knockholt). 143. Nonnington, 71, 75. Norden, John, 123. Norfolk, 78. Norman, Mr. G., xlix ; Philip, Esq., xii, xliii. Norman work (supposed) at Sandown Castle, 24. Normanfeld, Isabell, 296. Normans, a tenement at Up Shorn, 79. Normanville, John, 296. Norreys, Arms of, 123. Norreys, Thomas, 123. North Cray, 75. North Kent Railwaj', 22. North, Lord. 29. North Marston, 78, 79. North Street, Strood, 7. Northbourne, Lord, xlviii, 1 ; Lady, xlviii. Northey, the Misses, 329. Northfleet, 82, 135, 144, 145; Rob. Hallum, Rector of, 57, 62, 66. Northgate, 65. Northumberland, Earl of, 80 ; interments there, 19. Northwode, —, 86 ; Joan, wife of Sir John, 86; Sir John de, 86; Sir Roger de, 86 ; Sir Stephen, 86. Northwood, Sir John de, 85. Norton, 120. Nortonj William, 74. Norwich, 161, 178, 180. Norwich, Bishops of :—Courtenay, 56, 57 ; Everard, 227. Norwood, Sir John, 159. Notes of Wills proved in Rochester Consistory Court, by Mr. Leland L. Duncan, 78, 79. Note on "Relics of Painting in Canterbury Cathedral," by Thomas B. Blackman, 339. Notes on the Textus Roffensis, by Dr. F. Liebermann, Berlin, 101. Nouaille, Miss Anne, 333 ; Mr. Peter, | 333. j Nuworke Chapel, 138. O Oak End, 329. Oak Lane, Sevenoaks, 329. Oak Terrace, 330. Obituary Notices : — Canon Scott Robertson, Iii ; Rev. J. Cave- Browne, lxi. Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, 198, 203, 209, 305. Offa, King of Mercia, 197. Okolt (Knockholt), 143. Old Bailey, 72. 77. Old Brompton, 20. Old Road, Chatham, 2, 3. Old Sevenoaks, by George F. Carnell, F.R.H.S., 329. Oldest Texts, by Sweet, 107, 108, 109. Oliver, Dr. George, his Lives of Bishops of Exeter, 64; Mr. li. C. IL, 9. Opus reticulatum, 225. Orange Terrace, Rochester, 3. Ordeal, 99, 105. Organs at Rochester, 302. Orpington, 75, 135, 145. Osborn, Henry, 76. Osbourne, Thomas, 72. Ospringe, Iiii, 75. Ossington, 75. Otford, 135, 145, 146. Otham, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193. Otham Church, lxii. Otham Rectors, by Rev. J. Cave- Browne, M.A., 184. Otterden, Iiii, lvii, lx. Ottery St. Mary, 57, 64. Ottewell, Michael, 288. Ouldham, Ralph, 75. Our Lady, see St. Mary. Our Lady in Jeson, 297. Our Lady of Grace, 136, 147, 287, 288. Our Lady of Pity, 136, 142, 146, 147, 148. Outram, Mr., 330. Owre. Robert, 73 (2). Owtred, Robert, 138. Oxenden, Henry, 74; Richard de, Prior of Canterbury, 184. | Oxford University, 92,188. GENERAL INDEX. 359 P Page. Thomas, 79; Mr. W., F.S.A., 79, 81. Paine, Thomas, 74. Pakeographical Society, 96, 101. Palmer, Henry, 72 ; Sir Thomas, Bart., 77 ; Thomas, Provincial of the Friars Preachers, 65. Palmerston, Viscount, 29. Par, William, 336. Park Grange, Sevenoaks, 329. Parker, Archbishop, his De Antiquit. ate, reference to, 33, 38, 43, 44. Parr, John, Esq., 292. Parris, 51. Pastoralis, St. Gregory's, King Alfred's version of, 105. Patrick. George, Esq., 1, li; Mr. G., A.R.I.B.A., 10, 13 ; Messrs., 3. Patronage of Recusants, 188. Patten, —, 154. Paules near Canterbury, 71, 72. Paulinus, Bishop of York, 195; of Rochester, 195, 197, 199, 209. " Paulinus," bell at Rochester, 276. Payne, George, Esq., F.L.S., F.S.A., xxxvii, xxxviii, xii, xlii, xliv, xlvi, xlix, 286, 312, 328 ; on Roman Discoveries, 1 ; Mrs. George, xii, xlix. Payne-Smith, Rev. Robert, 160. Paynett, Mr., 180 ; Thomas, 180. Peacock, T. P., Esq., x lvi i i ; —, coachman, 331. Pearman, Rev. A. J., xliii, xlviii, xlix, 94, 95. Pearson, Mr. J. L., 224, 285. Peckham, East, 135, 136, 146. 147. Peckham, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 184. Pedigrees, Royal, 94. Peerage, by Collins, 90. Pegge, S., 96, 110; his Archceologia, 101. Peirs, Austin, 162, 163. 165, 167, 168, 171,176, 177, 182. Pekham. James de, 143,149 ; Thomas, 149. Pelling, 69. Pemberton, Robert, 137. Pembroke, Henry Herbert, Earl of, 92 ; William Herbert, Earl of, 92. Penshurst, 135, 147. Perambulations, by Lambarde, 25, 91. Percy, Thomas, 336. Perth, William of, see St. William. Peter, Precentor of Rochester, 241. Peterborough, 103 ; Ernulf, Abbot of, 217. Peters, Messrs., 12. Petley, Robert, 72 ; William, 142. Pettitt, Henry, 76. Pharos at Dover, xxxviii. Philipot,—, his Villare Cantianum, 87. Philippa, Queen of Edward IIL, 320, 335. Phillips, William, 71. Piazza, Covent Garden, 76. Pilgrim Signs, 78, 79. Pilgrim Way, 12. Pimp, see Pympe. Pipe's Place, 84. Pirton. Worcestershire, 184. Pitt, Rt. Hon. William, 28, 29. Pitt-Rivers, Lt.-Gen., his Excavations, reference to, 19. Pix, William, 74. Pluckley, 75. Pole, Cardinal Reginald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 25. Polley, Thomas, 148. Polslo, 65. Poole, see Pole. Pope, Mr., 76 ; William, 63. Pordage, Thomas, 70, 75. Porter, Mr., 10 ; Thomas, of Lambeth, 63. Poss, William, 75. Poste, Rev. Beale, 12, 13, 32, 44 ; his History of the College of All Saints', Maid-stone, 44, 45, 46. Potin, William, 241. Potter, Mr., xliv. Power, Piers, 114. Pownde, Johan, widow, 291. Pownoll, Philemon, Bart., 75 ; Robert, 72. Preliminary Account of "Notes on the Textus Roffensis, by Dr. F. Liebermann," by A. A. Arnold, F.S.A., 94. Prescott, F. W., Esq., xxxviii. Preston-next-Faversham, 70, 75, 113, 114, 115 ; Coats of Arms in Bt. Catherine's Church there, 113, 114 115. Price, Mr., 69 ; —, 98. Priestfield, 195. Prior and Chapter of Canterbury, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 62. Progresses of Elizabeth, by Nicholl, 90. Prophet, John, 63. Provender, 127. Provost, 168, 170. Pseudo-Isidorus, 96, 108. Puckering, Queen's Sergeant, 332. Pump Court, 77. Punjab, lxi, lxii. Putta, Bishop of Rochester, 196. Pyatza, see Piazza. Pyle, John, 297. Pylmore, John, 279. 360 GENERAL INDEX. Pylton, Robert, sacrist, 290, 321. Pympe, John. 18."). Pysing, Richard, 72. Q Quadrijiartitus, 95, 104, 105. Quashe, John, 178. Queen Street, St. Giles, 75. Queen's Own Gazette, lxii. Queenborough Castle, 88, 92. Queensland, 117. Qwyk, Richard, 287, 290, 291, 297. R Raginald von Canterbury, by Dr. Liebermann, 103. Railway Street, Strood, 5. Rainham. Arms in the Church, 123, 124. Ralph, Archbishop of Canterbury, 217 ; Bishop of Rochester, 104. Ramell, Mr., 156. Ramsay, John, 185. Ranger, Edward, 73. Ratcliffe Cross, 72. Rayleigh, Essex, 115. Rayner, James, 71. Reade, William, 177. Reader, John, 72. Recluses, 66. Record Office, 68. Records of Maimer, by Elvin, 28, 127. Reculver, 213. Recusants, 188. Red Hill, 333. Regal Heraldry, by Willement, 124. Regent, Edmund of Langley, Duke of York, 53. Reginald, Prior of Rochester, 201. Register G, Canterbury Chapter Records, 49, 50, 51, 55, 58. Registers ordered to be kept, 186. Reyistr. Saer. Angl., by Dr. Stubbs, 108. Registrum Roffense, by J. Thorpe, 104, 201, 202, 215, 224, 232, 258,264, 272, 273, 287, 300, 317,320,326. Reigate, 155. " Relics of Painting in Canterbury Cathedral," Note on, by Thomas B. Blackman, 339. Reliquice Antiqnce, 108. Reynolds, Mr., 69 ; William, 74. Rhodes, A., on Suspected Persons in Kent, 68. Rhyshenden, see Rushenden. Riohard IL, King of England, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 64, 65 ; [Joan of Kent], his mother, 65. Richard Lovelace and Bethersden, by James Roberts Brown. F.R.G.S., 337. Richardson, —, 33. Rigdon, William, 72, 74. Rikhill, ltosia. 295 ; Sir William. 295. Ripple, 75. Riti'S of Durham, 311, 325. Roberts, Joseph, 72. Robertson, Col. Archibald, Iiii; George Augustus, Iii; Rev. Canon Scott, xxxvii, xxxix, Iii, Iiii, liv, lv, lvi, lvii, lviii, lix, lx, 134, 115, 339; obituary notice, Iii; Mrs. Scott, xxxvii. xxxviii, lvi, lx; William, Hi. Rochester, xl, 1. 1, 2, 82, 83, 94, 99, 100, 104, 106, 194. Rochester, Archdeacon Richard Brown, 295. Rochester, Bishops of:—Arnost (Arnolfus), 198 : Bottlesham, John, 311; Bradfield. 299, 324; Brinton, 278.295,311; Brown,279; Cuichelm, 196 ; Dolben, 283 ; Ernulf, 95. 96, 100, 101,103,104,108, 233, 250, 252 ; Glanville. 229, 232, 243, 245, 299, 302, 313, 317 ; Gundulph, 104, 105, 198, 199, 200, 201,203,205, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 221, 224, 233, 250. 252, 255,271, 286. 289, 293, 313 ; Hythe, 276, 292, 298,300, 305, 310, 320 ; Ingoldesthorpe, 314 ; John. 104, 224, 226, 227 ; Justus, 194, 195 ; Langedon, 279, 288; Laurence of St. Martin, 233, 313 ; Lowe, 305, 322; Merton, 243, 318, 320, 325 ; Paulinus, 195, 197, 199, 209 ; Put ta, 196 ; Sheppey, 306, 314, 317, 323 ; Syward, 197 ; Tobias, 196, 197 ; Trillek, 294 ; Walter, 85,104 ; Warner, 283, 316. 318; Wendover, 254 ; Wouldham, 320 ; Yong, 272, 295 ; Ythamar, 197, 226. Rochester Bridge, 4, 6. Rochester Cathedral, 57, 62, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198,199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208; bells, 202, 203, 245, 276 ; burnt, 227 ; Catalogue of the Library, 94, 96 ; Chapter Library, 96. Rochester Cathedral, Humphrey, Precentor. 100 ; Peter, Precentor, 241. Roohester Cathedral, Privilegia S. Andrea) Hrofensis, 101 ; Textus Roffensis, 94, 101. Rochester Consistory Court, 78. Rochester Diocese, Arms of, 310, 322. GENERAL INDEX. 361 Rochester, Eastgate House, 5 ; High Street, 9 ; Jutish graves, 3 ; Margaret's, 74 ; Nag's Head Lane, 3 ; North Gate, 9 ; Orange Terrace, 3 ; Roman Wall, 194 ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 3 ; Star Hill, 1, 2, 3 ; Station, L.C.D.R., 2; suspected persons there, 73, 75. Rochester, Priors of :—Bischopp, 288 ; Freselle, 280; Helias, 232, 241; (Helyas), 301, 318 ; Reginald, 201 ; Ros, 232,241,301,318 ; Sheppey, 232. Rook, Canon, his Church of our Fathers, 81. Rockingham Castle, 118. Rockingham, Lewis Watson, Earl of, 119. Roffa (Rochester), 195. Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, 227; (Clinton). Bishop of Coventry, 227 ; John, 146'; William, 146. Rogers, John, 74. Rolfe, John, 73. Roman Discoveries, 1. Roman house at Burham, 10. Roman Interments at Chatham, 14. Roman Lancashire, by Watkins, 5. Roman Pharos at Dover, xxxviii. Roman potteries, 18 ; at Higham, 22. Roman remains at Burham, 10, 11, 12, 13. Roman villa at Amherst Redoubt, Chatham, 20. Roman wall at Rochester, 194. Romney, 28 ; New, 162. Rooke, William, 76. Roper, Arms of, 131, 132, 133. Roper, Catherine, 132 ; Sir Christopher. 132; Elizabeth, 132(3); Jane, 132 ; John, Esq., 132 ; John, Lord Teynham. 131, 132 (2). Rorper, sec Roper. Ros, Ralph do. Prior of Rochester, 232, 241, 301,' 318. Rose, Ambrose, 125. Rosher, W. H. Burch, Esq., xl, xii, xliv, xlvi, xlix, 1, li; Mrs. Burch, xii, xlix, 1, li. Rotherham, 80. Rottingdean, 193. Rouland, John, 137. Routledge, Canon C. F., xliv. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, 49. Royal Engineers, 221. Royal Pedigrees, 94. Ruined Chapel of St. Katherine at Shorne, Kent, by George M. Arnold, F.S.A., 78. Rushenden, by John Copland; 334. Rushes strewn in Churohes, 85. Russell, J. M., his History of Maidstone, 47 ; Mr., 330 ; William, 72. Rutton, Mathias, 191 ; W. L., F.S.A., xlviii, xlix, 1; on the Bailiffs' Report of Cinque Ports and Great Yarmouth, 1588, 161 ; on Henry VHP' s castles at Sandown, etc., 24. Rye, 29, 69, 70, 180. Ryshynden, .see Rushenden. Ryverse, William, 290. S &.V.G.K.,Diocesannistories,Rochester, 94. Sackville, Lord, xii, xliii; Richard, Earl of Dorset, 123. St. Albans, 208, 209. St. Andrew, 136, 140, 145, 195, 323. St. Andrew's, Holborn, 72, 75, 76. St. Antony, 141. St. Asaph, Alexander Bach, Bishop of, 53. St. Barbara and St. Ursula, 291. St. Bartholomew, 145, 146. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 326. St. Bennet Fink. 71. St. Bertin, Lambert of, 108. St. Blaise, 136, 138, 147. St. Botolph, 137, 144. St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, 76. St. Bride's, 74. St. Christopher. 135,141,147,286, 291. St. Clement Danes, 70, 71. St. Clement's Lane, 3-16. St. David's, Bishop of, Bernard, 227. St. Denis, 326. St. Edmund. 326, 328. St. Edward, 326. St. Edward's Chapel, Westminster, 57. St. Eligius, 136, 141. St. George, 149, 328. St. Giles, 286, 287. St. Giles in the Fields, 71, 75. St. Gregory, 105, 288 ; his Pastoralis, 105. St. James, 135, 144, 286, 287, 317. St. James, Clerkenwell, 76. St. John, 135, 141, 317. St. John's, Sevenoaks, 329. St. John's Hill, Sevenoaks. 333. St. John Baptist, 135, 137, 139, 144, 147, 148, 149, 317, 321. 324; his head, 317. St. John Baptist in the Isle of Thanet, 74, 76. St. John Schorne, 78, 79. St. Joseph, 136. St. Joseph of Arimathasa, 136, 141. St. Katherine, 135, 138, 139, 141, 143, 362 144, 325; Chantries dedicated to her, 8D. St. Katherine's Chapel at Shorne, 78, 79. 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. St. Katherine's Hospital, 334, 335. St. Katherine and St. Margaret, 147. Sr. Lov. see St. Kligius. St. Margaret, 139. 141. St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe, xlix. St. Margaret's, Roohester, 215. St. Marie of the Boterasse, 151. St. Martin, 137, 139. St. Martin, Laurence of, Bishop of Roohester, 233, 313. St. Martin-in-the- Fields, 76. St. Martin the Great. London, 336. St. Mary, 135. 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146,147,148, 149, 293, 315, 320. St. Mary-at-Hill, 72. St. Mary Bothaw, 74. St. Mary Cray, 73, 76. St. Mary Magdalene, 143, 144, 326. St. Michael. 141, 146, 147, 148, 326. St. Nicholas, 135, 137, 141, 145, 147, 215, 216, 270, 271, 272, 273,275,286. 291. St. Nicholas in the Isle of Thanet, 76. St. Paul's Cathedral, 57. 64. St. Paul's Cathedral, Inventories of, by Dr. Sparrow Simpson, 64. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society's Proceedings, 134, 135 ; Transactions, 194. St. Paulinus, 138. 281. St. Peter, 141, 142, 143, 148, 300, 305, 317. St. Peter and St. Paul, 140, 149. St. Pol, Count of, 51. St. Radegund's Priory, 24, 65. St. SwithiD, 209. St. Thomas the Martyr, 140, 146. 313. St. Thomas's Well, 8. St. Uncomber, 145. St. Ursula, 290, 291, 292, 321. St. William of Perth, 232, 233, 240, 245, 253, 281, 288, 291, 310, 318, 319,320,321. St. Wolstan, 305. St. Ythamar, 281. Salesbury, —, 63. Salisbury, Bishops of :—Roger, 227 ; Waltham, 57, 60, 65. Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 85 ; Marquess of, xlix, 1, 29. Saltwood Castle, 56, 60. Salvage, James, 241. Sanderson, Anthony, 72. Sandgate, Henry VIIL's castle there, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30. Sandhurst, 75. INDEX. Sandown, Henry VIIL's castle there, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Sandwich, xlviii, xlix, 75, 173. Sandwich, Richard de, 184. Sanford, Roger de, 326. Sarketts, Jeffery, 75. Savage, Sir Arnold, 85. Savoy (Strand), 75. Saw-mills, Rochester, 3. Sawyer, Lawrence, 73. Saxby, William, 74. Saxon, etc.. Royal Pedigrees, 94. Scafa, the Ark, 99. Scandinavia, xliii. Scapeia, Jordanus de, 86 ; sec also Sheppey. Scarborowth, Peter, 183. Schedule of Ancient Monuments, etc., xxxviii, xlv, xlvii. Schmid, Reinh., I l l ; his Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 101. School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 20. Schorne, Sir John, 78, 79. Scodier, Thomas, 63. Scornes, see Shorne. Scotland, 81. Scott, Arms of, 115. Scott, Sir G. G., 205, 225, 257, 263, 264, 265, 268, 280, 285, 303. 304, 305,308, 311, 321, 322 ; Dr., Dean of Rochester, 95, 204 ; J, Oldrid, Esq., F.S.A.,xlii,xliii; Hon.Michael, 115. Script. Hist. Dan., byLangebeke, 108. Seeker, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 153. Seecombe, Thomas, 337. Seez, John, Bishop of, 227 ; Ralph of, Abbot of Battle, 215. Seger, William, 63. Selling, Arms in the Church, 115,116, 117. Sely, Crest of, 118. Sely, John, 118. Sepulchral Monuments, by Richard Gough, 39, 40, 41, 42, 53. Sep Vans, 153. Sergeant at the Mace, 177. Sergeant at the Rod, 173. Sergeanx, Michael, Dean of Arches, 63. Seringapatam, 122. Sevenoaks, xxxvii, xxxix, xii, xlii, xliii, lxi. 135, 136, 147, M8, 329', 330,331,332,333 ; Club Mall,xxxix, xliii, xliv ; Old. x l i i ; " Royal Crown Hotel," xii. Sevenoaks Church, xl, xii, 330. Sevenoaks Park, 329. Seventeenth Ceniuri/ Tokens, by Boyne, 70. ' Sevington. 75. GENERAL INDEX. 363 Sexten, Walter, 149. Sexwulf, Bishop of the Mercians, 196. Seymour, Robert, 63. Sheafe, Edmund. 77. Sheep in the Isle of Sheppey, 91, 92. Sheldwich, Arms in the Church, 117, 118, 119. Shelley, John, 137. Shemyng, Thomas, 290, 321. Sheppard, Dr., 49, 51. Shepperdswell, 75. Sheppey, Isle of, liv, lxii, 65, 86, 334 ; Manor of, 86, 91, 157. Sheppey, Cecily of, 232, 300 ; John de, Bishop of Rochester, 306, 314, 317, 323 ; Osbern de, Prior of Rochester, 232. Sherrard, Lt.-Col. C. W., 20. Shirbourn, a recluse there, 66. Shirley, E. P., his Noble and Gentle Men of England, 131. Shoe Lane, 71, 72. Shoreham, Kent, 134, 135, 148. Shorne. Kent, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. Shorne, Arnold de, 85 ; Henry de, 85 ; Walter de, 85. Shornstrete, 78. Shorthose, John, 315, 316. Shrewsbury, Lord, 81. Shurland, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93. Shurland Castle, lxii. Shurland, Sir Jeff ery de, 86 ; Margaret, 87 ; Sir Robert de, 86, 87, 93. Shurland House, by the Rev. J. Cave- Browne, M.A., 86. Sibbill, John, 139. Sigefrid, Bishop of Chichester, 227. Sills, Mr., 3, 7. Simmonds, William, 191, 192. Simon, Bishop of Worcester, 227. Simon of Chilton, 151. Simpson, John, 72 ; Dr. Sparrow, his Inventories of St. Paul's Cathedral, 64. Singlewell, 7, 8. Sittingbourne, Iii, Iiii, lv, 75, 115. Sittingbourne, Church, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156. Six Bells lAane, 330. Skarratt, Rev. T. O, xlii, xliii. Skipwith, Jane, 290, 321. Skuddington, 130. Slater, Mr., 154. Slickett's Hill, Chatham, 20. Sloane, Mr., 283. Slowman, John, 72. Slyndon, 61. Smale, George, 73. Smarden, 76. Smetham and Tutt, Messrs., 7. Smith, George, his Chronological History of Cnnterbury Cathedral, 47 ; Herbert P., 46 ; John, 73, 77, 129 ; Leonard, 71 ; Mr. Roach, 22; Robert, 74 ; IU. Hon. W. H., 29. Smyth, Sir Richard, 114. Smythe, John, Jurat, 176. Snave, 76. Society of Antiquaries, xii. Society for Protection of Anoient Buildings, xlv. Solley, John, 70. Somer, Richard, 75 ; William, 75. Somerset, 187. Somner, William, bis Antiquities of Canterbury, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 44,50; Diet. Sax.-Lat., 110; History of Gavelkind, 110. Sondes, Arms of, 119, 120, 121. Sondes, Anne, 121 ; Anthony, 120; Lady Catherine, 119 ; Cyoylle, 120 ; Elizabeth, 120; George, Earl of Faversham, 119 ; George, 120 ; Hobbye, 120; Jane, 121 ; Judith, 121 ; Martha, 121; Mary, Countess of Faversham, 119 ; Lady Mary, 119 ; Dame Mary, 120 ; Sir Michael, 120 ; Michael, 120 ; Paulyne, 121 ; Sir Richard, 120; Robert, 120; Sir Thomas, 120: Thomas, 120; William, 120 ; Edward Sondes Watson, Vise, 119; George John Watson, fourth Baron, 116 ; Lewis Richard Watson, Lord, 118 ; Lewis Thomas Watson, second Lord, 118. Southampton, 188. South walk, 71. Sparkes, Joseph, 217. Sparrowe, see Lamendby. Spraker Sir John Cheney, 88. Spelman, Henry, his Concilia, etc., j 109. i Spencer, Arms of [?], 114. Spencer, John, 114. Sprever, William, 144. Springhead, 8. Stable, Walter, 145. Stafford, Edmund, Bishop of Exeter, 57, 65 j Hugh, 62. Stallage, 181. Stammtafel der West.sachsen, 108. Stanhope, Earl, xxxviii, xxxix, xii, xlii, xlvi, xlvii, xlix, lvi, lvi i ; Countess, xii, xliii. Staniland, Mr., 10. Stanley, Dean, his Historical Memorials of Canterbury, 46, 52. Stanmer, Sussex, 128. Stanstead, 135, 148. Staple, Joseph, 75, 364 GENERAL Staple Inn, 72, 74. Staplehurst, John Wotton, Rector of, 57, 62, 66. Star Chamber, 182. Star Hill, Rochester, 1, 2, 3. Starne, Charles, 180. State Papers, 90, 91, 92. Stephen, King of England, 85, 104. Stepney, 72. Sterne, Laurence, his Tristram Shandy, 102. Stevens, Rev. A., lviii. Stewart, Rev. D. .)., 233. Stoke, 198. Stokes, Mathias, 75. Storer, James, his Cathedrals, 257, 263, 267, 283, 284, 302. Stow, John, his Annates, 33. Stran, stron, 161, 181. Strand, The, 75. Strood. 23, 232 ; High Street, 1, 4, 5, 7 ; Castle View Road, 7 ; Hill, 4, 6, 7 ; the " Gun" Inn, 6 ; Jersey Road, 7 ; Nor th Street, 7 ; Railway Street, 5 ; Roman Causeway, 7, 9. Strood Hill. Jutish graves there, 7, 8. Stubbes, Mr., steward of Yarmouth, 164, 165. Stubbs, Wil., his Constitutional History, 56 ; Registr. Saer. Ang I., 108. Sturry, xlvi. Sudbury, Simon. Archbishop of Canterbury, 55, 65, 184. Suffolk, 78. Suffolk House, Sevenoaks, 332. Summers, William, 75. Sundressch, John. 149. Sundridge, 134, 135, 136, 148. Sungiva, 293. Supp, Thomas, 73. Surrenden, 190. Surrey, 153 ; Col. Kelsey, Major- General for, 69. Surtees Society, 79, 311, 325. Suspected Persons in Kent, by A. Rhodes, 6i>.. Sussex, 153. Sutton, 70 ; East, 76. Sutton Montis, Iii. Sutton Valence, 114. Swaffield, Mr., xii. Swale River, liv. Swanscombe, 8. Swathe, Robert, 81. Swedish Academy of Science, 82. Sweet, —, his Oldest Texts, 107, 108, 109. Swift, Thomas, 76. Swinnocke, —, 189. Sygor, William, 91. Sykes, Arms of, 115. INDEX. Sykes, Rev. George, 115. Symme, William, 336. Synagogue, 276. Syward, Bishop of Rochester, 197. T Taillour, see Gybsonne. Tait, Archibald, Archbishop of Canterbury, Iiii. Talbot, George [?], Earl of Shrewsbury, 81. Tankerville, Earl of, Iiii. Tanner, Nicholas, 180 ; Nicholus, 178 ; see also Glover. Tarentum, 91. Tate, Clement, Esq., xxxviii. Taylor, Mr., 71 ; John, 70. Teanby, Mr., 22. Temple Bar, 316. Tenterden, 76. Terry, Augustine, 75. Teston. 9. Textus Roffensis, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, loi, 198, 199, 200, 201; facsimile page, 97, 98. Teynham, 129, 130. Teynham, John Roper, Lord, 131, 132. Thalebot, sacrist of Rochester, 202. "Thalebot," bell at Rochester, 202, 203. Thames, 82, 83. Thames Street, 71. Thanet, 74, 76. Thanet, John Tufton, Earl of, 76,123 ; Nicholas Tufton, Earl of, 123. Thatcher, Thomas, 74. Theecher, Robert, 147. Theobald, Lewis, poet, 155. Theodoric, a monk of Rochester, 241. Theodosius, Rev. A. T., lviii. Thesaurus, by Ecton, 191. Thomas, —, 64. Thompson, Aid. C. W., xlvii; —, his Catalogue of MSS.. 109 ; Mr. E. M., 95. Thong, 130. Thong Corner, 8. Thoresby, Ralph, 68. Thorn, 36, 45, 46, 54. Thorpe, Benjamin, 98, 104, 110; his Diplomataviwm JEvi Saxonici, 104, Thorpe, John, 99, 104, 110 ; his Antiquities. 84; Custumale Roffense, 84. 203, 209, 257, 263, 264, 270, 280, 282. 283, 284, 287, 289, 293, 294, 302, 305, 307, 314, 323, 325, 326 ; Registrum Roffense, 104, 201, 202, 215, 224, 232, 258, 264, 272, 273, 287, 300, 317, 320, 326. GENERAL INDEX. 365 Throwley, Iiii, lv, 76 ; Arms in the Church, 119,' 120, 121, 122. Tiberius B, V, 106, 108. Ticheseie, Roger de, a monk of Rochester, 293. " Tickle Toby," 87. Tidey, Mr., 69. Times, The, 24. Tobias, Bishop of Rochester, 196,197. Toddington, Beds, 90. Tokens, Kentish, 68. Tomb-robbery, 105. Tonbridge, 333. Tong, 114. Tongue, James, 71. Tooke, Henry, 189 ; Sir Nioholas, 189. Toplyff, 80. Topographia Britannica, 96. Topographical Dictionary, by Lewis, 43. Topographie or Survey of the County of Kent, by Richard Kilburne, 34, 332. Toppam, William, 80. Tottisherst, Robert, 148. Tower of London, 335. Tower Street, 73. Tracham, Richard, 172. Tray, Richard, 71. Tremill, Thomas, 74. Trevellis, William, 63. Trillek, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 294. Trinity, the Holy, 135, 141, 326. Trinity Chapel, see Canterbury Cathedral. Trist, Richard, 63. Tristram Shandy, by Sterne, 102. Trowte, John, 69, 73. Trowts, William [?], 73. Trueman, Mr. J. L., 7. Tubs Hill, 331. Tucker, William, 74. Tufton, Arms of, 119, 120, 123. Tufton. Hon. George, 123; Henry, Esq.,' 35 ; John, Earl of Thanet, 16 ; Nicholas, Earl of Thanet, 123. Tuke, Thomas, 72. Tunbridge, 70, 76. Tunbrigg, 66. Tunebrigge, Heymericus de, 241. Tunstall, lv, 76, 77. Turner. Lt.-Col., lxi; Robert, 72. Turnur, Thomas, 72. Tuseulum, Imar of, 105. Twelve Perspective Views, etc., by Wild, 42. Twining, Miss Louisa, 276. Two of the Saxon Chronicles, by Earle, 103. Tydiman, Henry, 180, Tyler, Arms of, 132. Tyler, Hon. Betty Maria, 132 : Capt. Charles Henry, 132, 133 ; Lt.-Col. Charles John, 133 ; Delilah. 133. Tyssen, Arms of, 128. Tyssen, Francis, 128. U Ulcombe, 69, 77, Ulton, Countess of, 320. Universal, Gilbert, Bishop of London, 227. Up Hardes, 71. Up Shorn, 79. Upchurch, 18, 22, 23. Upsala, University of, 82. Upton, John, 73. V Vabhopkyn, David, 148. Vagniaoas, 8. Valentia, William de, 318. Valentinian I., 22. Valentinian II., Coin of, 21, 22. Valie, Robert, 73. Vallance, Mr., 154. Valoignes, Hamo de, 184; Matilda, 184; Robert de, 184; Walesius de, 184. Valor Eeele.sia.sticus, 82. Venn, Rev. H., li. Victoria, Queen of England, 332 ; her Arms, 117. Villare Cantianum., by Philipot, 87. Vine Cricket Club, 333. W Wade, Nicholas, 74. Wadham College, Oxford, lxi. Wadmore, J. F., Esq., xxxvii, xliii, xlviii. Wagon, Mr. Silas, 13. Wake, Anne, 56 ; Sir Thomas, 56. Wakefield, Henry de, Bishop of Worcester, 334, 336. Walden, Richard, sacrist, 309. Waldene, Richard de, 240,241.245,262. Waleys, —, 63. Walk, by Wm. Goatling, 37. Walkelin, Bishop of Winchester, 103, 209. Walker, Adam, Esq., xlvi. Waller, George, 120; Joanna, 146. Walmer, xlix, 1: Henry VIIL's castle there, xlix, 1, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 366 GENERAL INDEX. Walmer, Records of, by Elvin, 28, 127. Walsh, Richard, 139. Walshe, Walter, 146. Walter, •—. Bishop of Rochester, 85, 104 ; Hubert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 313, 325. Waltham, John, Bishop of Salisbury and Lord Treasurer, 57, 60, 65. Walton Heath, lxi. Wanley,his Libr. Septentrional Catul., 101. Wantage Statute, by iEthelred, 105. Warde, Robert, 141. Wardens of the Cinque Ports, 28. 29. Wareham, 77. Warner, Alice, 288 ; John, 288 ; John, Bishop of Rochester, 283, 289, 316, 318; Dr. Lee, Archdeacon, 316;, Esq., 316. Warren, Arms of, 115. Warwick, Philip, 72. Warwick Lane, 73. Water Bailiff, 180, 181. Wateringbury, xlix, 187, 211. Watkin, Mr., his Roman Lancashire, reference to, 5. Watson, Arms of, 116, 117. Watson, Lewis, Earl of Rockingham, 119 ; see also Sondes. Wattes. Johan, 140. Watts, John, 297 ; William, 291. Wayte, Mr. E., 74. Webb, J., HI ; John, 72. Weckerlen, Rodolphus, 127. Weever, John, his Ancient Funerall Monuments, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 315. Wellard, William, 73. "Weller, Tony," 331. Welles, Margaret, 296. Wellington, Duke of, 29. Wells, 305. Wells Cathedral, Iii. Wells, Jeffery, 75. Wendover, Richard de, Bishop of Rochester, 254. Wentworth, Lord, 90. Wessex genealogy, 106, 107, 108, 111. West (Benjamin), 307; George, 73 ; Mr., 7. West Kent Cement Company, 12. West Langdon, 74. West Mailing, 9. West Wiokham, 77. Westcliffe, 77. Westminster Abbey, 57, 318, Weston, Nicholas, 63. Wharton, Henry, his Anglia Sacra, 34, 35, 110, 199, 226, 274, 276, 289, 299, 305, 310, 318. " Wheatsheaf" Inn, Sevenoaks, 331. Wheeler, Robert, 72. Wheler. Mr., Iiii, lx ; Mrs., Iiii, lx. Wheloc, Abr., 109, 110. Whetenhall, William, 147. Whichcord, John, jun., his All Saints' Church, Maidstone, 44. Whiffen, Richard, 77. Whitbourne, Robert, 74, 75. White, Thomas, 191. Whitechapel, bell-foundry there, 152, 156, 160. Whitehall, Sittingbourne, Iiii, lv. Whitelay, 80. Whitfield, Francis, 70. Whittlesey, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 184. Whyte, Robert, 177. Wiborne, Thomas, 148. Wickham Breaux, 77. Wickham, West, 77. Wickliffites, 4 9, 56. Wide, James, 76. Wigmore, Walmer, 1, li. Wihtred, King of Kent, 99, 110. Wild,—, his Twelve Perspective Views, etc., 42. Wilford, Robert, 63. Wilkins, —, 104 ; David, 111 ; Frances. 114; Thomas, 114. Wilkins oi Kent, Arms of, 114. Will of Archbishop Courtenay, by Leland L. Duncan, F.S.A., 55. Willard, Mr. Charles, 330. Willement, Mr., 154 ; his Regal Heraldry, 124. William I., King of England, 96,105 ; his laws in Anglo-Saxon, 105. William of Corbeuil, Archbishop of Canterbury, 103, 227. Williamson, Sir Joseph, 92. Willielmus de elemosinaria, 63. Willis, Brown, 78, 79, 226 ; Rev. R., his Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, 44, 221, 228, 233, 242, 247, 278. Wilsborough, 77. Wilsford, Edward, 72. Wilson, Mr., 77; Thomas, 188, 189, 190, 191. Winch, Mr., 85. Winchelsea, 25, 29. Winclwlsea, History of, 25, 28, Winchelsey, Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 184. Winchester, Bishops of:—Henry (Biesensis), 227 ; Walkelin, 103, 209; Wykeham, 57, 65. Winaeris, Lawrence, 71. Windsor, St. George's Chapel, Shrine of St. John Shorne, 79. GENERAL INDEX. 367 Wingham, 77. Winkles, —, his Cathedrals, 308. Wisdom, Durandus, 241, 327. Withernam, 169. Withyham, 330. Wodeford, Robert, 137, 138. Wolsey, Thomas. Archbishop of York, 88. Wombwell, Thomas, 145. Wood, George, 75; Mr. Humphrey, 21;' Mr. John, xlvii.; John, 73; Richard, 70. Woode, John, 137 ; Mr., of Sandwich, 173. Woodgrene, John, 178. Woodruff, Rev. C. E., lx ; Mrs. lx. Woods, Rev. T. S., xlviii, 1, li. Wool in the Isle of Sheppey, 91. Woolnoth, William, his Oanterlmry Cathedral, 42, 43. Woolwich, 77. Worcester, Bishops of :—Simon, 227 ; Wakefield, 64, 334, 336. Worcester, Florence of, 108. 109. Worley, Arms of, 130. Worley, John, 130. Worsley, John, 75. Wotton, John, Rector of Staplehurst, 57, 62, 66 ; Thomas de, 184. Wouldham, 294. Wouldham, Thomas de, Bishop of Rochester, 320. Wright, Mr. George R., 84 ; Thomas, his Rel. Ant., 108. Wrotham, 9,135,149 ; Hundred of, 73. Wygornensis, see Worcester. Wykeham, William de, Bishop of Winchester. 57, 6'5. Wykehurst, William, 139. Wyld, John, 318. Wyndham or Wynham, 80. Wyrall, Hugh, 80. Y Yaldham, xlii, xliii. Yalding, 77. Yardley Place, Herts, 115. Yarmouth, Great, xlix, 161, 162,163, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170,171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178,179.180,181, 182, 183; Bailiffs of, 162, 163, 164, . 167. 169, 170,171,174, 175,176,177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183. Ynglesthorp, see Ingoldesthorpe. Yong, Richard, Bishop of Rochester, 272, 295, 296. York, 18. York, Archbishops of, 106 ; Arundel, Archbishop of, 52,55, 57, 58,64, 65 ; Paulinus, 195 ; Duchess of, 53 ; Edmund of Langley, Duke of, 53. Yorkshire, 79, 80, 81 ; Chantries, etc., there, 79,-80 ; interments there, 19. Youens, Mr. E. O, xliv, 9. Ythamar, Bishop of Rochester, 197, 226. London; Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W.


Obituary Notices


Frontispiece 1897