Rushenden Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 334 ) EUSHENDEN. BY JOHN COPLAND. I HAVE recently purchased Danley Parm in the parish of Minster in Sheppey from the Master, Brethren, and Sisters, acting as the Chapter of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katherine. The agreement for purchase provided that the title should be " the grant by John of Gaunt and others, dated 4th Pebruary 16"' Richard 2nd (1392-3), of the Manor of Ryshynden and certain other lands in the Isle of Sheppey," and the only title I have is such Grant. I have inspected the original, and append a copy of same in extended Latin, and the translation. The Royal Hospital of St. Katherine was one of the few that escaped suppression at the Reformation. Her Majesty the Queen is the Patron of the Hospital, and her consent had to be given to the sale. I send the following as a curiosity in the matter of length and also shortness of title, for there have been no dealings other than leases by the Chapter of St. Katherine's with the property in the meantime. GRANT BY JOHN OE GAUNT 16TH RICHAI Omnibus hoc soriptum visuris vel audituris Johannes Dux Aquitanie et Lancastrie [Johannes] permissione divina Episoopus Lincolniensis et Henrious eadem permissione Episoopus Wygorniensis Salutem in domino sempiternam Cum Johannes Kent teneat Manerium de Ryshynden [in] Insula de Shepeye cum pertinentiis ao unum mesuagium sexaginta acras terre ducentas acras pasture centum et viginti acras marisci salsi et tres solidatas et octo denaratas redditus oum pertinentiis AND OTHERS, 4TH FEBRUARY D II. (1392-3). To all who shall see or hear this writing John Duke of Aquitaine and Lancaster [John] by divine permission Bishop of Lincoln and Henry by the same permission Bishop of Worcester greeting in the Lord everlasting Whereas John Kent holds the manor of Ryshynden in the Isle of Sheppey with the appurtenances and one messuage sixty aores of land 200 acres of pasture 120 aores of salt marsh and three shillings and eight pence of rent with the appurtenances ia the parish RUSHENDEN. 335 in paroohia de Mynstre ad vitam suam ex dimissione nostra ac Johannis de Ispre militis et Nicholai Carreu jam defunctorum que quidem manerium messuagium terram pasturam mariscum et redditum ac alia dominia terras et tenementa nos et alii nuper habuimus ex dono et feoffameuto Celebris memorie domini Edwardi nuper regis Anglie et Eranoie jam defuncti sicut per diversas cartas suas nobis inde confeotas plenius poterit apparere Noveritis nos per hoc presens scriptum nostrum concessisse quod manerium messuagium terra pastura mariscus et redditus predicta cum pertinentiis que post mortem predicti Johannis Kent ad nos et heredes nostros reverti deberent post mortem ejusdem Johannis Kent remaneant dileotis nobis in Christo Magistro et Eratribus ac Sororibus Hospitalis Sancte Katerine juxta Turrim Londoniensem Habendum et tenendum eisdem Magistro et Eratribus ao Sororibus et successoribus suis ad inveniendum unum capellanum ultra numerum Eratrum et capellanorum in eodem Hospitali jam existentium divina pro anima predicti nuper Regis ao anima Celebris memorie domine Philippe nuper Regine Anglie Consortis sue necnon pro bono statu excellentissimi in Christo principis et domini nostri domini Rioardi Regis Anglie et Erancie moderni illustris ao serenissime domine nostre Regine Consortis sue ac pro bono statu nostro prefati Ducis dum vixerimus et pro animabus nostris cum ab hac luce migraverimus celebraturum ao etiam ad obitus predictorum nuper Regis et Regine ac obitum nostrum prefati Duois post decessum nostrum in ecclesia Hospitalis predicti singulis annis imperpetuum celebrandos Concessimus etiam et lioentiam dedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris tenore presentium prefatis Magistro et Eratribus ao Sororibus quod ipsi et successores sui predicti predicta manerium messuagium terram pasturam marisoum et redditum cum pertinentiis post mortem predioti Johannis Kent ingredi possint Habendum et tenendum eisdem Magistro et Eratribus ac Sororibus et successoribus suis prediotis ad inveniendum capellanum predictum divina pro statu et animabus prediotis celebraturum ao ad obitus predictos in eadem ecolesia singulis annis in forma predicta oelebrandos imperpetuum statuto de of Minster for his life by the lease of us and Sir John de Ispre knight and Nicholas Carreu now deceased, which said manor messuage land pasture marsh and rent and other lordships lands and tenements we and others lately had of the gift and feoffment of the Lord Edward of illustrious memory late King of England and Erance now deceased as by divers his charters made to us thereof may more fully appear Know ye that we by this our present writing have granted that the manor messuage land pasture marsh and rents aforesaid with the appurtenances which after the death of the aforesaid John Kent ought to revert to us and our heirs may remain after the death of the same John Kent unto our beloved in Christ the Master and Brethren and Sisters of the Hospital of St. Katharine near the Tower of London To have and to hold to the same Master and Brethren and Sisters and their successors to find a Chaplain beyond the number of Brethren and chaplains now being in the same Hospital to celebrate divine services for the soul of the aforesaid late King and the soul of the Lady Philippa of illustrious memory late Queen of England his Consort and also for the good estate of our most excellent Prince and Lord in Christ the Lord Richard the now illustrious King of England and Prance and of our Most serene Lady the Queen his Consort and for the good estate of ns the aforesaid Duke whilst we are living and for our souls when we shall have departed from this life And also to celebrate the obits of the aforesaid late King and Queen and the obit of us the aforesaid Duke after our decease every year for ever in the Church of the Hospital aforesaid Also we have granted and given licence for us and our heirs by the tenour of these presents to the aforesaid Master and Brethren and Sisters that they and their successors may enter the aforesaid manor messuage land pasture marsh and rent with the appurtenances after the death of the aforesaid John Kent To have and to hold to the same Master Brethren and Sisters and their successors aforesaid to find the chaplain aforesaid to celebrate divine services for the estate and souls aforesaid and to celebrate the obits aforesaid every year in the same ohurch in form aforesaid for ever the statute for not 336 RUSHENDEN. terris et tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis ao alia quaounque causa nos vel heredes nostros tangente non obstantibus Salvis semper et reservatis capitalibus dominis feodorum illorum servitia sibi inde debitis et consuetis In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre sigilla nostra apposuitnus HiistestibusThomaPercy Johanne de Eynecourt Willielmo Par et Ricardo atte Lese militibus Magistro Willielmo de Asheton deeano ecclesie collegiate Sancti Martini Magni Londoniensis Willielmo Symme de Horsham Willielmo Makenade et aliis Datum apud Castrum nostrum prefati Ducis de Hertford die [Martis] quarto die Eebruarii anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi sexto decimo. putting lands and tenements in mortmain and any other cause whatsoever touching us or our heirs notwithstanding Saving always and reserved to the chief lords of those fees the services therefor to them due and accustomed In testimony whereof to this our present charter we have set our seals These being witnesses Thomas Percy John d'Eyncourt William Par and Richard Attelesse Knights Master William de Asheton Dean of the Collegiate Churoh of St. Martin the Great London William Symme of Horsham William Makenade and others Given at the Castle of Hertford of us the aforesaid Duke on [Tuesday] the 4th day of Eebruary in the 16th year of the reign of King Richard the 2nd. t of Rhyshenden by John Duke of : the Bishop of Lincoln and the Bishop Endorsed: A Grant Aquitaine and Lancaster of Worcester.


Old Sevenoaks


Richard Lovelace of Bethersden