Suspected Persons in Kent
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The Will of William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1396
The Ruined Chapel of St Katherine at Shorne, Kent. Part II
http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 68 ) SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. BY A. RHODES. WHITAE engaged in maldng some researches to annotate a list of certain Kentish tokens, I came across seven volumes formerly in the possession of Ralph Thoresby the antiquary, to whom they were presented by Robert Kircbingham, a merchant of Leeds. How they came into the possession of the latter it is impossible to say; their proper depository should be the Record Office. Though the series is incomplete, these volumes possess a certain value as throwing a vivid side light on the history of that period by revealing the elaborate system adopted by the Commonwealth for the registration of the movements of those suspected of Royalist sympathies, and they have special claim on the attention of the local historian, besides being useful in a biographical or genealogical sense. They are now in tbe British Museum (Add. MSS. 34,011-17), where they are described as "Eeturns made by the various Major-Generals and their Deputies presiding over the Military Districts into which the Protector Cromwell divided the country in 1655." Erom these Returns I have extracted all the entries relating to Kent, supplemented by another volume (Add. MSS 19,516), one of three, the other two being missing. Coming to the registration system we find that the local registrars forwarded lists of " suspected persons " to an office in London. The names of these were entered under counties in rough alphabetical order. The volume containing Kent is Add. MSS. 34,013, and the names are entered from four lists, the nature of which cannot be explained, nor does it seem to be of any consequence. I have marked all these extracts A. When one of the suspects travelled, the Registrar forwarded to the office in London the address where the traveller intended to lodge. These particulars were entered in a book (Add. MSS. 34,014) which I have marked B ; and so minute was the supervision that a removal from a lodging in one part of Eleet Street to another was duly recorded (see HORTON KIRBY). On the arrival of the traveller in London he had to certify to the central office the place of his lodging, and his arrival was notified to the Major-General commanding his county, as was the date of his removal or departure. Add. MSS. 19,516 is a " Booke of such Letters as from tyme to tyme have been sent from this Office to the Maior generalis of ye respective Associations of the Several Counties of this Nation." Extracts SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. 69 from this book I have marked C. The office was at the " Three Kings " in Eleet Street, as appears from the following letter:— Mr REYNOLDS, Yours of the 5"' [May 1656] present I received directed to me at the golden cook on Ludgate Hill, a plaoe vtterly vnknown to me, nor to be found hy any person you gave suoh direction vnto. From my house at the 3 Kings in fleet stret. This Eeynolds was the " Eegistrar for receiving appearances of persons landing from forreigne parts at Dover," and his answer to this was not considered satisfactory, as it evoked a further official remonstrance:— 21 May 1656. Mr REYNOLDS, To what purpose should I give you such particular notice of the Street and Signe from whence I send my Letters hut for yor Information where yor returnes will finde mee out, and for your Excuse implying you might notwithstanding suppose the Office to be elsewhere; it would haue had some satisfaction therein, if after you had such a hint of the place whence I sent my letters, you had informed persons engaged to appeare that if they had been disappointed in one place they might have found mee in the other: but for the future there will I hope bee no occasion of such kind of writing as this, but having heard well of you from Mr Price, you may alsoe heare from mee as from yor very loving friend. Subsequently he received (in company with Mr. Tidey, the Eegistrar at Rye) a request, with the first part of which we can all agree, viz., to write " with a more plaine and legible hand, without which it is not easie to read names of persons or places; and alsoe that you would send the name of the parish, street, and house where persons intending for London purpose to lodge." Mr. John Kingsland, the Registrar at Deal, was likewise reminded that he had omitted to mention the house, street, and parish of such of those sent in his list as intend to lodge in and about London. On 23 September 1656 a " Newe Booke " is sent to Mr. Eeynolds, and a memorandum that "what he has intimated about the return of a banisht person from the Barbadoes shall be remembered." The Eegistrar at Gravesend was named Belling. The following is the form of the letters to the Major-Generals :— HONWO Sr, John Trowte of ffaversham in y° Countie of Kent, Gent., the 7"' p'sent p'sonally gave notice of y° place of his Lodging a' Also of his Intension on this day or to Morrow the 8"' p'sent to return to ffaversham aforesd. I only Add Honble. Sr, London, 7"' ffebru. 1655-[6]. Yor humble Servant. These To his honWo frend Coll1 Kelsey, Ma. Gen" for ye Counties of Kent & Surrey, p'sent. And the form of entry of abode will be seen under HORTON KIRBY ; sometimes the entry specifies that the notification to the office has been made in person (see EAVERSHAM, ULCOMBE). Not 70 SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. only were the movements of residents minutely traced, but those of officials passing through on State affairs:— 12 Feb. 1655-[6]. John Lord Bellasio on ye 15 p'sent gave notice of ye place of his Lodging, and likewise of his Lordp" Intention from Kente to remoue vpon Monday or Teusday next towards Dover or Rie to imbark himselfe for ffrance, by reason of a licence from his highnesse Councell dated ye 12"' p'sent. Also Thomas Cantly, Meniall Serv', to attend his Lordship. 21 Aug. [1656]. Charles Gibbons of St. Clement's Dane on the 18"' gave notice of his intention to remoue to Gravesend, and from thence the day following to Dover, and thence to imbarque himself for Callice in France by a Lycence under the hand and seale of the Lord Fleetwood, late Ld. Dept. of Ireland. Eor convenience of reference I have arranged the matter alphabetically under the names of places, putting all the available items under one heading, with the name from A, the place of lodging from B, and removals from C. Curious as some of the information is, unfortunately the series is incomplete: A contains names only; B.the most interesting, concludes on 11 June. There were two other volumes, for Add. MSS. 34,017 is an index of names with references to two volumes missing from the series. The remaining notices of removal are taken from C. A glance at the list will exhibit some names of which there is nothing beyond their entry in the lists as suspects; on the other hand, names occur in the removals which are not in the lists. One list also supplies the deficiency of another ; for instance, Pordage is entered in A as " of Preston," hut the particular Preston is identified by C as "neer e Paversham" (see also MARGATE). These travels might serve as a guide in many instances to one searching for a register of marriage or death, as it is just possible that frequent journeys to one place might indicate an amorous errand as well as professional business, and an invalid, say at Tunbridge, might never return to his earthly home. Eor this reason I have thought it advisable to include all those moving into Kent (see TUNBRIDGE, SUTTON.) It was at one time my intention to have annotated each name wherever possible by biographical or topographical details; and although I gathered many interesting items, 1 abandoned the task as requiring more time and labour than I could devote to it. A few hints only have been inserted to clear up some dubious points. ASH.—John Solley, yeoman. A John Solley issued a token at Wingham, No. 569, in Kent (Boyne's Seventeenth Century Tokens, Second Edition). AYLESFORD.—John Taylor, yeoman. A PENENDEN.—Stephen Ginder, gent. A BETHEESDEN.—Prancis "Whitfield, gent. A BEXLEY.—Richard Wood, chandler. A George Cooke. Was in London 18 Nov. 1656. C SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. ^l BONNINGTON.—Charles Boys, Esq. A 7 Feb. 1656, lodged at the house of Mr Browne, a Barbour, next Dore to Essex House in ye p'ish of Clement Dane. 14 Feb., gave notice of his intention to remove back to Bonnington. B 12 Feb., John Boys, Esq., is entered in C, but this may be a mistake. BORDEN.— Ralph Clarke, gent. A 15 April 1656, at the Katherine Wheel in Southwark, at the house of Mrs Widow. B John Greenstead, gent. A John Lake, yeoman. A 23 April 1656, entered as Luke, at the house of Henry Booth in Chick Lane, Cooke. B James Rayner, gent. A 24 April 1656, in Cross Key Lane, at ye house of William Cobbe, a chirurgeon, near Jeoffard's Bldgs. in high Holborn. 20 May, at the house of William Cobbe, in Cross Key Lane, next to the Angell, in parish of Gyles in the feilds. On the 23rd to remove back. B 9 Sept., to the Countie of Bedford, to the house of Mr Taylor in the parish of Eatton Soaken, and from thence back to Borden aforesaid. 26 June and 18 Nov., in London, C BREDEURST.—Richard Tray, clerk. A 7 Feb. 1656, at Mr E. Hobson, Innkeeper, at ye sign of ye Golden Calf in Thames street, near ye three Cranes. B BRIDGER (Query BRIDGE).—James Tongue, gent. A BROMLEY.— John Andrews. 28 Feb. 1656, at the Crown in Shoe Lane, William Knowle, Victualler. Removed 29th. B Henry Gilburne, Esq.; Nicholas Gardner, chandler; Henry King, gent.; Arnold King, gent.; William Phillips, yeoman. A CALEHILL.—Sir John Darell. A CANTERBURY.— John Best, Councillor at Law, of Paules, neere Canterbury. A At his Chambers in Graye's Inn. 30 April 1656, at his own Chamber in Graye's Inn. 11 June, at his Chamber in Graye's Inn. B John Bettenham, Gent. A In London 15 July 1656. C Thomas Edwards, gent. In London 26 June 1656. C Thomas Everett, Mayor. A Jeremy Gay, gent., of Paules neere Canterbury {conf NONNINGTON). A Richard Hardress, Esq., of Hardress. A Of Hardress Court. C 6 Feb. 1656, at Lawrence Winderis, A Shoemaker in Graye's Inn Lane. 12 Feb., gave notice of removal from Winderes in Graye's Inn to Upphards. 7 May, of Upp Hards at Samuell CuUimores in Bread Street, next door to ye Signe of the Crowne, in ye parish of Bennetsfincks. B 26 June, in London. C Thomas Hardress, Esq. A 23 Jan. 1666, at his chambers in Graye's Inn. Removed 20 Peb. back to Canterbury. 22 April, at his chamber in Graye's Inn. 22 May, gave notice of his intention to remove baok to Canterbury. 4 June, at his chamber in Graye's Inn. B In London 8 July and 9 Deo. 1656. C Avery Hills, Apothecary. A In London 24 July and 4 Deo. 1656. C 72 SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. William Kingsley, gent. A Francis Lovelace, Esq., of Paules neere Canterbury. A 29 Ap. 1656, at his chamber in Graye's Inn. • B Francis Maplesden, grocer. A 29 Jan. 1656, at the Sign of the Squirrell, Robert Wheeler, gunmaker, in Shoe Lane, London. 7 Feb., again at Wheeler's, who is called a Gunsmith; on the 9th gave notice of his intention to remove back to Canterbury. 26 Peb. '1656, at the house of John Webb, Cheesmonger, on St. Mary Hill by Billingsgate. Removed on the 28"1. 2 June 1656, at the Squirrell; removed on the 5th. B In London on 4 Nov. 1656. C William Marshall, Pewterer. A Henry Palmer, gent. A On 18 Nov. 1656 he was in London, and described as of Martin Hill, near Canterbury. C Richard Pysing, Carpenter. A 3 Maroh 1656, at the bleeding heart at Ratoliffe Cross, in the p'ish of Stepney at the house of Thomas Gibson; on Friday 7"' intendeth to remove hack to Canterbury. B Robert Pownoll, Clerke; William Rigdon, gent., of Nether Hardress (see LIMIDGE) ; William Russell, gent.; John Reader, gent. A Edward Roberts, Esq. A 26 Jan. 1656, at his Chambers in Graye's Inn, Holborn. 14 Feb., removed back to Canterbury. 30 Ap., at his chamber in Graye's Inn. 23 May, gave notice of his intention to remove back to Canterbury. B In London 8 July and 4 Dec. C Joseph Roberts, gent., of Dunstons; John Slowman, gent., of Paules neere Canterbury. A John Simpson, grocer. A In London 15 July. C Anthony Sanderson, gent., of Dunstons; Thomas Tuke, Tobacco-pipe Maker; Robert Turner, Vintner. A CHALLOCK.—John Giles, gent.; Gibbon Hawker, gent. A CHARLTON.—Edward Wilsford, Coll. A This is probably Charlton-by-Dover. CHART, LITTLE.—Daniel Bourne, yeoman. A 30 April 1656, lodgeth at ye house of Richard Baylye, Innkeeper, at the Crowne in Covent Garden. 3 May, gave notice of his intention to remove back to Little Chart on the 5th. B CHARTHAM.—Thomas Osbourne, Esq. A 5 Feb. 1656, at the house of Mr Clarke, A Surgion in the old Bailey at the Surgions' Armes. 7 May, at the house of Mris. Bellinger, widdow, in the old Bailey, near the Pump. 24 May, gave notice of his intention to remove back on the 26"'. B CHELSFIELD.—ffrancis Brasyer, yeoman ; John Cocke, husbandman; John Clark, yeoman ; Robert Petley, yeoman. A CHERITON.—Zouoh Brockman, gent. A CHEVENING.—15 July 1656, Thomas Turnur of Graye's Inn gave notice of his intention to remove towards Chevening, and on the 24"' to remove to Kingston on Thames. C CinsLEnuRST.—Phillip Warwiok. 12 June 1656, was in London. C CIIISLETT.—Huffham, gent, [sic'] . A CRANBROOK.—John Leigh, gent. A 8 May 1656, John Leigh, the elder, of the Towne of Cranbrook, Gent., at his Chamber in Staple Inn in tho parish of Andrew in Holborn. 22 May, to remove on the 23rd. 11 June, at his chamber in Staple Inn. B In London 8 July and 4 Dec. C SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. 73 CRAY.—(See NORTH CRAY, ST. MARY CRAY, and CROUCH.) CRAYFORD.—Thomas Andrews, yeoman. A CROUCH.—Robert Maning, yeoman. A There is a parish of this name in the Hundred of Wrotham {Hasted, vol. ii., p. 240), but possibly it may be one of the Crays, as the name occurs several times on tokens in this district. Isaac Manning of Dartford issued one in 1664, in 1658 Ann Maning of St. Mary Cray issued one, and Robert Maning of St. Mary Cray appears in these lists (see ST. MARY CRAY). A family named Manning was seated at Cudham and Down for many years. CUDHAM.—Roger Knowe, yeoman. A DARTFORD.—George Smale, yeoman. . A DAVINGTON.—John Bode, gent.; Robert Owre, gent. A DELCE, GREAT.—(See ROCHESTER.) DIMCHURCH.—Edward Harrison, gent. A DITTON.—William Brewer, gent. A In London 8 July 1656. C DOVER.— Arnold Braines, Merchant. A The clerk was dubious as to the spelling of the name, besides being shaky as to the topography of his lodging; apparently he had removed to Bridge. 6 Peb. 1656, at the house of Mr Richard Harrison, A Taylor over against the Dolphin Tavern in Tower Street in the parish of Barking. 12 Feb., Braames gave notice of removal from Tower street to Dover. 12 Maroh, again at Harrison's. 19 May, entered as Arnold Braems of Bridge, at the bouse of Harrison, a Tayler, over against the Dolphin Tavern in Tower Street in the parish of Dunstan-in-the-East. B 12 Feb., entered as Brames in C. In London 20 Nov., entered as Braenies of Bridge. C Ferdinando Booth, gent.; Nicholas Easton, Merchant; John Foster, Innholder; Robert Howard, Cordwainer; John Loome, Merchant; Humphrey Mantle, Brewer. A Peter Nevill, of Hussam, near Dover. C In London 11 Sept. 1656. Edward Ranger, Merchant; John Rolfe, Mercer; Lawrence Sawyer, Innholder; John Smith, Innholder; Robert Valie, Brewer; George West, Maltster; William Wellard, Brewer. A DUNSTAN.—(See CANTERBURY.) EASTRY.—John Austin, yeoman. A ELMES.—Peter Neprow, Merchant (Query ELMSTONE). A ELTHAM.—Thomas Supp, gent. A ERITH.—John Harvill, yeoman. A EYTHORNE.—John Farnaby, gent. A EAST FARLEIGH.—Thomas Deering, gent.; John Wood, yeoman. A FARNBOROUGH.—Henry Hall, gent. A FAVERSHAM.— Robert Owre. A John Trowt, gent. A 5 Feb. 1656, lodgeth at the house of Edward Jones, Victualler, in Warwick Lane, and on Thursday or Friday intendeth to remove back to ffaversham. 4 March, at same lodging, returned on 11"'. 25 April, at same lodging, to return on 2ml May. 20"' May, again at the George; to remove on 23rd. B In London 11 Nov. and 16 Dec. C William Trowts is entered on 24 April, but this is probably a mistake. C John Vpton, gent. A 74 SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. Nicholas Wade, Maltster. A 13 May, lodgeth at the house of Robert WMfcbourne, Inkeeper att the Starr, on new ffish Street Hill. 16 May, described as a Merchant; gave notice of his intention to remove back on the 17"'. B FORDWICH.— Thomas Bix, gent. A William Norton, gent. A 7 May 1656, lodgeth at the house of Mr John Rogers, at ye golden flleece in Aldersgate Street, London, upholster. 14 May, gave notice of his intention to remove back to ffordwich near Canterbury. B Thomas Tremill, gent. A FRINSTEAD.—Thomas Thatcher, yeoman. A GOODNESTONE.—William Tucker, yeoman. A GREENWICH, EAST.—Andrew Halfpenny, Brewer; Robert Smith, Butcher. A HACKINGTON.—Sir Christopher Harfleete; Robert Hamond. A HADLOW.—Henry Lea, gent. A 2 May 1656, at the house of John Cheeke, near London Stone, at the Sign of the Harp, in the parish of Mary Bothaw. 23 May, gave notice of his intention to remove on the 24"'. B HARDRESS.—(See CANTERBURY.) HARTCLIFFE.—Thomas Gibbon, gent. A HAETINGTON.—Thomas Courthope, gent. A HAWKHURST.—William Pix, gent. A HAYES.—Thomas Paine, yeoman. A HINXHILL.— Kenneth Bark, gent. A Thomas Bark, gent. A 10th May 1650, of Hinksill, at tho house of Samuell Bourman, Victualler, near Staple Inn, Holborn. 22 May, removed back. B HOLLINGBOURNE.—William Reynolds, gent. A HORTON KIEBY.—Sir Edward Bathurst. A 5 Jan. 1656, Sir Edward Bathurst, Knight, of tho parish of Horton Kirby, in the Countie of Kent, hath appeared and saith that he now lodgeth at the Sign of the Lute in (Ileet Street at tho house of Mr E. Wayte, Millinor, in the parish of Brides. In tho margin of this entry is " Removed 15 April." 15 April, gave notice of his removal from the Lute in ffleet Street to the house of Elizabeth Bromfeild, Widdow, near fetter Lane. B HOTHFIELD.—(See THANET.) HUSSAM.—(See DOVER.) KINGSDOWN.—Thomas Pinch, gent. A LANGDON, EAST.—Thomas Marsh, gent. A LANGDON, WEST.—Henry Oxenden, gent. A LEIGH.—William Saxby, gent. A LIMIDGE.—William Rigdon, yeoman. A Query, is this a mistake of the clerk for " BRIDGE "P (see NETHER HARDRESS). LINSTEAD.— Simon Greenstead, gent. A In London 11 Nov. 1656. C Leonard Smith, gent. A MAIDSTONE.—Daniel Beckman, D'stillor of Strong Water. A MALLJNG, EAST.—James Fletcher, yeoman. A MARGARET'S.—(See ROCHESTER.) MARGATE.—(See St. John Baptist in the Isle of THANET.) MEOPHAM.—Henry Haslon, Esq. A MILSTEAD.—Thomas Pearne, gent. A MILTON.—John Mowting, Maltster. A SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. 75 NETHER HAEDEESS.—(See CANTERBURY.) NEWCHUECH.—Paul Knell, Clerk. A NONNINGTON.—Jeremy Gay, gent. A Conf. CANTEEBUEY. NOETH CEAY.— William Buggin, gent. A George Cooke, Esq. A 2 Feb. 1656, gave notice of his intention to remove from Mr. Dobson's house in ffleet Street back to his dwcllii].; in North Cray. 5 April, at the house of Ralph Ouldham, Shoemaker, at the Gun in Savoy Parish, in the Strand. Removed ou the 18"'. B William Harvill, yeoman. A ORPINGTON.—John Ebbettals. Jbbett, yeoman. Entered as Ibbit under I. A Joseph Staple, yeoman. A OSPEINGE.—Augustine Terry, yeoman. A 6 May 1656, lodgeth at the house of Mr Whiteburno, Innkeeper, at ye Starr in new Fish street Hill. 8 May, removed back. 13 May, again at Whitbourn's. 15 May, gave notice of his intention to remove back. B In London 8 July and 4 Dec. C OSSINGTON.—Christopher Boys, gent. A PLUCKLEY.—William Poss, yeoman. A PRESTON.—Thomas Pordage, yeoman. A " Of Preston, neere ffaversham," was in London 4 Dec. 1656. C RIPPLE.—John Gookin, gent. A ROCHESTER.— Thomas Knight, of the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Barber, on the 25 Nov. 1656 gave notice of his intention to remove to Rochester. C Richard Lee, Esq., of Great Delce, on 19 Jan. 1656, lodged in Queen Street, at the house of one Mr John Worsley, a Tobacco seller, in the parish of Giles in the feilds. 22 April, at Worsley's again. B 8 July, " of Great Delte," in London. 14 Aug., of the parish " of Margarette neer Rochester," gave notice of his removal to Epsom in Surrey. 26 Aug., "of Greate Delce iu Margarettes neere Roohester," gave notice of his removal from Epsom to Great Delce. In London 4 Deo. 1656. C George Newman, Esq. A 17 Maroh, at ye Cock and Key, iu the house of John Liston, a barbor in fleet Street. Removed on the 22nd. B In London 11 Nov. 1656. C William Summers, gent. A 3 April 1656, Wm. Somer, gent., lodgeth at ye house of Richard Somer, in fetter lane, near the golden Lyon Tavern. 25 April, removed to St. Margaret's. • B SANDHURST.—Robert Howard, yeoman. A SANDWICH.— John Does, Maltster. A Phineas Ellvvood, Linendraper. A In London 9 Sept. and 25 Nov. 1656, when he was described as " of the Towne and Porte of Sandwioh, gent." C Thomas Hadman, Blacksmith; Valentine Jenkin, Maltster ; Richard Kingsford, Mariner ; Mathias Stokes, Maltster; Jeffery Sarketts, Maltster; George Wood, gent.; Jeffery Wells, Maltster. A SEVINGTON.—Humphrey Masters, gent. _ A SHEPPERDSWELL.—William Merryweather, gent.; Philemon PownoU, Baronet. A SITTINGBOURNE.—Robert Barham, Webster; Paul Graunt, Yeoman. A 7 6 SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. SMARDEN.—Thomas Swift, yeoman. A SNAVE.—Thomas Brett, gent. A 6 May 1656,- at the house of Mr Bellamye, in Basing Street, Innkeeper, at the White Bear, in ye Parish of Basinghall, London, and intendeth on Wednesday the 14"' present to remove back to Snave aforesaid. B ST. MAEY CRAY.—Robert Manning. In London 18 Deo. 1656. (See CROUCH.) C SUTTON, EAST.—31 Dec. 1656, Edward Barham of the parish of St. Andrewe Holborn to East Sutton in the Countie of Kent. C TENTERDEN.—James Wide, Miller. A THANET.— Stephen Knowler, gent., of St. Nicholas, in the Isle of Thanet. A James Newman, gent., of St. John Baptist, in the Isle of Thanet. A (Margate was so called till the beginning of the present century.) At the house of Mr Bywater, A Cutler, in ffleet Street. 31 May, gave notice of his intention to remove on 1 June back. B In London 24 June 1656. C Henry Pettitt, gent. A William Rooke, gent. A Of Margarets [sic] in the Isle of Thanet. 15 May 1656, " of Margate, in the Isle of Thanet," at the house of John Harper, Confectioner, at the Tunn in Newgate Market. 21 May, gave notice of his intention to remove on 22nd May back. B John, Earl of Thanet Island [sic]. A 1 May 1656, John, Earl of Thanet, of the parish of Buttolphs, Aldersgate, on the Irsti present certified his Lpphs intention the same day to remove from his said dwelling to Hothfield in the Countie of Kent. 5 June, the Right hon1'10 John, Earle of Thanet, of the parish of Buttolphs Aldersgate, London, on the 3rd present gave notice of his intendment then to remove towards Hothfield in the Countie of Kent. B 29 July, a similar entry. 9 Dec, a similar entry. C THROWLEY.—Matthew Bunce, gent. A TUNBRIDGE.— On 24 July 1656 Edward Darrell of Clerkenwell gave notice of his intention to remove to Tunbridge. C 24 July 1656, John Barker of St. Martins-in-the-Fields gave notice of his intention to remove to Tunbridge. C 29 July 1656, Sir Vincent Corbett of James, Clerkenwell, gave notice of his intention to remove towards Tunbridge. C 29 July 1656, Henry Osborn of Drury Lane gave notice of his intention to remove to Tunbridge. C TUNSTALL.— Silvester Harlackenden, Gent. A 1 March 1656, lodgeth at the house of Mr. Pope, a Druggist, in Chancery Lane near ffleet street. B Thomas Harlackenden. Of the parish of Clerkenwell, on 9 Dec. 1656, gave notice of his intention to remove to Tunstall in Kent. C Sir Edward Hales, Bart. A 30 Jan. 1656, this day gave notice of his intention to remove from his house in the parish of Covent Garden to Tunstall. 5 March . . . . this day intendeth to remove from his own house in the Pyatza in Covent Garden back to Tunstall. 24 April, lodgeth in Covent Garden, near the Pyatza, over against the Church. 3 May, this day gave notice that he intendeth to remove from his dwelling house in the Piatza in Covent Garden back to Tunstall aforesaid. 9 May, at the Piazza. 2 June, gave notice of his intention to remove back to Tunstall. B SUSPECTED PERSONS IN KENT. 77 In London 9 July, 15 July, 21 Aug. 9 Dec, on the 8th certified his intention to remove from his home in the parish of Covent Garden to Tunstall. C U LCOMBE.—Francis Clarke, Esq. A 24 Jan. 1656, lodgeth at his own chambers in Middle Temple. 15 Feb., removed back to Vlcombe. 13 March, personally certified that he lodged ye last night at ye Tunn in Newgate Market, ye house of Mr Harper, Grocer. 14 March, gave notice of' his intention to remove to Vlcombe. 22 April, at his own chambers in Graye's Inn. 10 May, removed back. 14 May, at his own chamber in Pump Court in the Middle Temple. 16 May, on Friday intendeth to remove back to Vlcombe. 9 June, at his chamber in Pump Court in the Middle Temple, London. B 12 June, in London, described as of "Vlcombe, in the County of Essex." In London 8 July, 11 Nov., 4 Deo. C WAREHAM.—William Cooper of Half Streete in the parish of Wareham. A WESTCLIFFE.—Thomas Gibbon. A WEST WICKHAM.—Richard Whiffen, yeoman. A WICKHAM BREAUX.—John Smith, gent. A Entered as " of William Brooke." WILSBOROUGH.—Edmund Sheafe, yeoman. A WINGHAM.— Sir Thomas Palmer, Baronet. A 1 Feb. 1656, now lodgeth at ye two Blackamores, ye house of Mr. Barron, an apothecary in the Old Baylie. B WOOLWICH.—Jerome Manwood, Esq. A WYE.—William Brett, yeoman. A 2 April 1656, lodgeth at ye Talbot in Grace Church Street at the house of Mr Wilson, Innkeeper. Removed on the 9th. B In London 4 Sept. C YALDING.—Nicholas Barfoote, yeoman. A Entered as "of Yalden."