Milton Subscription to St Paul's Cathedral
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Mediaeval Crypts at Rochester
Abraham Hill, F.R.S., of St John's, Sutton-at-Hone
( 225 ) MILTON SUBSCRIPTION TO ST. PAUL'S CATHEDEAL. EXTRACT OF A LETTER ADDRESSED BT DR. SPARROW SIMPSON TO THE EEV. E. W. CARPENTER, VIOAR OP MILTON, NEAR SITTINGBOURNE. I RECEIVE with pleasure your interesting communication. I t appears that King James I. came in great state to the Cathedral on Sunday, March 26, 1620, where he heard a sermon by the " King of Preachers," Bishop King of London, on behalf of the restoration of the Cathedral. He was afterwards sumptuously entertained by the Bishop at the Palace adjacent to St. Paul's. On November 16 the King issued his Eoyal Commission to collect funds for the Eestoration, and to carry out tbe work. Amongst other provisions, it directed "that there should be letters patent issued out for the receiving of public contributions from all people throughout the whole Kingdom." During eleven years contributions flowed in from all estates and conditions of men. By 1632 steps were taken to commence the works under Inigo Jones. As much as £101,330 4s. 8d. appears to have been collected between 1631 and 1643 (inclusive). About £35,551 2s. 4<4d. was expended, when the troubles came which brought the good work to a close. The money was seized. Doubtless your parish contribution formed part of the large sum already named. 9 AMEN COURT, E.O. 19 August 1895. VOL. XXIV. Q 226 MILTON SUBSCRIPTION TO ST. PAUL'S. THE NAMES OF SUCH P'SONS AS CONTRIBUTED) TO ST PAUL'S CHURCH, LONDON, UY VERTUE OP WATBR. _BOM THE JUSTICS DIRECTED TO THE CHUROHW. OP MILTON. (Bo)ger Barton1 Redman2 . . Bassett3 . . (U)sber'i . . (Emy)ott6. . Bathurst0 . . (TJ)dall . . Barnes . . . (Wa)tts? . . Sum'ers . . Jancoeke8 . . Hubbard . . Crocker . . Tho. Frudd9 . Eic. Waterton Jo. Turner Andrew Kuocke10 Tho. Milner . Eran. Bradford Eo. Taylor James Moyes11 Tho. AttkiUB12 Stephen Baker xija ii8 xijd xvii)d xi]4 xijd xiid xijd viijd xija xviijd xij* xviijd iii]d iiij" vjd iivjd iiij" Bie. White . Nic. Bonnd . Allen Archer13 Jo. Earle . . Henr. Sam'on1* Jo. Beafe . . Eic. "White . Edw. Ottringham16 Henr. Bose . Geo. Mason16 Elizabeth Peeters17 Geo. Tayler . Tho. Morrys . Eliz. Horsley18 Arthur Cocke19 Jo. Lawton Henr. Cosen . Bie. Knowler. Tho. Harker . Stephen Philpott20 Tho. Spynney Eraneis West21 yf vjd iiijd % yf iiij* iiijd iiijd y'f "j yf vf ii"f yf yf vf viijd yf 1 Roger Barton signed the Vestry Book in 1620. There are entries in the Registers of Bartons from 1586 to 1630. The name does not appear again until 1661, in " An Assesse upon y° Abilities of the Inhabitants; Tho. Barton, g', pays 4"." His name is found until 1690, when he died. 2 Several of this name in Registers, etc. Thomas Redman was married in 1627. Riohard frequently signed the Vestry Book, and was Overseer several times, as was Thomas, and Thomas was Churchwarden 1643 and 1644. * Thomas Bassott, married 1633; Sydeman 1635. 4 Thomas Usher, Overseer 1635. 6 Nicholas Emyott, Churchwarden 1620. 6 John Bathurst, Churchwarden 1611 and 1612. ' William "Watts, Vestry Book 1616. John, Sideman 1636. 3 Edward Jancocke, Sydeman 1634. 9 Tho. Prudd, Supervisor 1634. w> Sydeman 1635. 11 Mr. James Moyes, householder, buried 1654.. >2 Supervisor 1641 13 Married 1628; Sydeman 1634. 14 Married 1630; Vestry Bo.olc 1632. 15 Married 1629. u> Sydeman 1634. 17 Elizabeth, wife of Jo. Peeters, buried Maroh 24, 1623. 18 Elizabeth, wife of Riohard Horsley, buried March 4.1636 19 Buried 1640. . - 20 Vestry Boolt 1620,1621 j Churchwarden 1629. 21 Sideman 1636. Total subscribed by 45 persons £110s, 2d., in sums varying from 3d. to 2s.