Descriptive Catalogue of Documents belonging to the Kent Archaeological Society
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Descriptive Catalogue of Documents belonging to the Kent Archaeological Society
( 256 ) DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OE DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE KENT AECH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY. AMONGST the various collections of our Society, preserved at Chillington House, Maidstone, are a vast number of ancient deeds, letters, and miscellaneous papers, which fill several drawers in tbe Kent Archseological Society's Library, but bave apparently never been calendared or made iu any way accessible to onr Members. These have now been numbered and arranged in parcels by the Curator, and the Editors, assisted by the Rev. A. J. Pearman, have made a calendar of a portion of the collection, the first instalment of which is printed below. The greater part of the documents now noticed relate to the estates and affairs of Henry Oxenden of South Barham and Maydeken in the parish of Denton, who was born in the year 1608, and was the eldest son of Richard Oxenden of Barham by bis wife Katherine, daughter of Sir Adam Sprackling, Knt., and cousin of Sir Henry Oxenden, Bart., of Wingham.* Henry Oxenden was twice married, his first wife being Anne, daughter of Sir Samuel Peyton, Bart., and his second Catherine, daughter of James Culling of South Barham. Amongst his neighbours was one John Warley, a butcher, of Elham, who seems to bave acted as his man of business, and whose son Jonas he sent to Cambridge University. This Jonas Warley afterwards became Rector of Witham in Essex, and in the year 1704 he succeeded Dr. Beveridge in the Archdeaconry of Colchester. Several letters from or to this Archdeacon Warley are printed below. * The pedigree of Oxenden is printed in Archceologia Cantiana, Vol, VI., p. 277. CATALOGUE OE DOCUMENTS. 257 Amongst the papers referred to above is a portion of a paper MS. book without cover, in which Henry Oxenden made rough memoranda during the years 1646-68. Being intended only for the eye of the owner the writing is very careless, and consequently difficult to read. A few entries are made in cipher, to which we have not attempted to find the key. The following extracts may be sufficient to shew the miscellaneous nature of the entries in this book:— Pryday, No. 27, 1657- Gave Jo. Warly the sword was Vincent Dene's of Wenderton, before my sone Hobart and M1' H1, a Physiking Doctor. 1657, March 11. l?or six pound & a halfe of hops at 8d the lb. 4s 4d . 1657, Tuesday, Octob. 30. Bid Jo. Warley set mee downe for 2 quarts of sacke and a paper of Tobacco. 4s 2a. It. gave John Warly, Junior, a booke of Spherical [?]. It. gave him a booke de Physica Audit. Peb. 15, 1660. John Warly and I reckoned for all things, and then he pai'd mee for a hundred of hops after 2114s the hundred, and he paid mee for three quarterins wanting 71 more after 41 the hundred, and I paid him for all things from the begin'ing of the world till then, and there then remained due to mee one pound eighteene shillings. Md March 21,1664. John Warly owes mee l 116s ; toward what I owe him hee hath my Euclid, Blundenil, and Homer. [Henry Oxenden appears to have lent out the books in his library to his friends and neighbours with great liberality, entering the name of the work and its borrower in his memorandum book:—] Bookes lent out. Lent to M1' Colbie of Patreksbourne the Turkish Alcoran, 4 Ap. 1647, for 6 weekes. Peb. 28. Mr Dixwell Eucwv BagiXucv. Strafford's speech. Ap. 18, 1650. Lent Sir Tho. Peyton Rivet's Critica Sacra, a booke of pictures, a booke of coins. March 1,1651. Lent Mr Tho. Harrison my S1' Walter Raleigh's historie of the world. April 1st, 1650. Sr Ja. Oxinden Prench history. Cosin Dalison my great Bible, cost l1 2s. At my Coz. Robert his chamber Bishop Andrews' sermons, Latimer's sermons. ypn. xxv, 9 258 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE To Coz. Masters' daughter divers bookes. July 13,1652. Left with Mr Badley [?] Mr Collins 33 Prench, Spanish, & Italian bookes. M1' Barling hath Cornelius a lapide on Genesis. Qua're who hath Coriat's Travels. 28 June 1656. Lent Mf Childe my tryal of wits. August 5. Lent Mr Ventriss an Answer to Hooker. May 1652, Cap* Read, Aurelius on Job. Ap. 29th, '57. Lent S1' .la. Oxinden my Fuller & Usquehart. June 20. Lent Mr Andrews' children one of my play bookes. July 9. Lent John Warly's sone my Scapula Lexicon, my Greek Testament, my Homer's Iliad, till Sep. 1st. August 26th, 1657. Lent M1' John Andrews the history of Queen Eliza, Lambert's perambulation of Kent, History of Lewis XIt h No. 4, 1657. Mr Barling hath God's love to mankind. Lent Mr Jacob a manuscript of physick and gave him a Spanish phisick booke. Ap. 4, 1656. My Cosin George and my brother Richard went into the Indies; gave my Cosin George my pistol and my silver Tobacco box. Oxinden, Christopher. Lent him at his going to the Indies, Dee. 1654: Hecklut's vioges, worth 10s ; Tom Coriat's Crudities, worth 168; History of the Conquest of the West Indies, 2 s ; Heghen van Linischolen his voiages into the est and west Indies, 68 8 a ; Leo his description of Africa, 3s 4d ; Herbert his description of the Oriental, 4 a ; The plaine man's pathway to heaveD, I s 6d. [Gardening notes occupy some pages. It may be worth noting that the following kinds of pear-trees were to be found in the garden at Maydeken in 1653 :—] The peare tree next the barne, a sorrell pare. The next to it, in the middle, a quince pare. The next being outmost, a Katherine pare. That next the streete was grafted 1635 with my King's peare and the summer poppering. The next peare to that is the ginneting. Feb. 11, 16.35. I planted these peares following in the peare garden walled in at the side next the plat:— The Hawkes bill. The Bishops peare, a baking peare. The black sorrel, an eating peare. KENT ARCHiEOLOGICAL SOCIETT. 25 9 The red sorrel, an eating peare. The rowling poppering, an eating peare. The Windsor pare, an eating pare. The Pond pare, a baking pare. The nutmeg pare, weighs oneli 2 ounces. The muske pare alias Sr William Lovelace pare. The primeting. The peare Robert, a baking pare. The King p. Katherine, eating pare. The Common Katherine. The Hunny pare, eating pare. The pare William, eating pare. The Wadnot pare, baking pare. Next the pidgion-house an old Poppering, 2 old Tennipenny. The bonne Xtian, planted by my father Anno D'ni 1628, had in of Sir Jas. Oxinden. Planted the 25 peare trees in the peare garden next the Terras walke No. 16, 1647, my son Hubert being present. 1667. My ginneting pare next the bakehouse at Maydeken is ripe at S' James. Md June 29th, 1668. I had ripe harticholks in the flower garden, & that yeare five dozen, & they lasted till September the 29th; had 24 at dinner. Heartichocks are to be slipped and dunged at Simon & Jude. [Even information gleaned at the dinner-table was occasionally set down in this memorandum-book: Ou 27 December 1664 Henry Oxinden dined with Mr. Charles Nichols, " the parson." His host seems to have spoken freely of his private affairs. All was carefully noted down.] Josias Nichols, the grandfather, had 3 wives. Suvetonehie (Suetonius) his sonne married M1' White's daughter of Bridge. Had issue male:— 1. Josias, who had by the yeare of what was his grandfather's 30 _ 2. John Nichols hath issue one son living who hath 151 by the yeare. 3. Charles married Marian Pulligar. Hath issue : (1) Charles; (2) Joseph; daughters Abigal, Hanna, & Elizabeth. Hath by the year of his Father 161, & since of what was his brother Doctor's 101, the house he lives in, ^besides] what he had by his wife. 9 2 260 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE 4. Dr Joseph dyed 13 of May 1665. 5. Benjamin the fift sonne, a Twinne to the Doctor, hath 201 by the yeare left him by his Father, & 101 by the yeare came by his brother Doctor's decease & what he gave him of the estate Ms Line left him. M8 Afra Leverseige was sister to Mr White, & her Sonne's name is William Leverseige & lives in Panshaw street in London; his wife the daughter of Afra Pets in [?] Colmans. MB Leverseige hath a daughter married Mr Robert Waker of Redrife. She hath 4 Children, one son aged about 11 & the eldest daughter 8. Dined there with Charles Nichols Dec. 27, 1664. Owen Jones of Wootton Court. He sayd Moneday, June 26, 1665, that he would let out all his tithes great & small at Wootten, & the house and glebe land to it, for 801 by the yeare, & give for the house and glebe land so much as it is worth. And that his liveing at Shepherd's Well with the addition is not so good as that is at Shepherd's Well [sic]. Hee was born in London, bred up at Merchant Taylor's School. He offers his Curate by the yeare 10s the Sunday. He is about 75 years of age, in all it is by the yeare 160. Mr Owen was fellow of S4 John's Colledge in Oxford 17 yeare. OXENDEN EVIDENCES AND OIHEE DEEDS.* 1. [130].—1354. Grant, dated Monday before the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, 28 Edward IIL, by Peter Crull of Dene to John, son of John of Cosynton, of three rods of land in Cosynton in a place called Kanthelle (?) in the ville of Adisham. [No seal.] 2. [130B].—1378. Release by Dionisia, wife of Peter Taylor of Canterbury, to John Selbourne of Canterbury, of her right in dower to those lands and tenements which were Peter's, formerly her husband, in the parish of Adesham and in the hundred of Dounhamforde. Dated at Canterbury 20 November, 2 Richard II. [Broken seal.] In the presence of John Tyece, William Horslake, John Wynnepeny, Robert Bachelor, John Harnhell. 3. [130c].—1378. Release by John Hawkyslonde of Wyngham to William Furner of Wyngham of a messuage formerly * The numbers in brackets [ ] are those placed upon the original documents by the Curator. K_ENT ARCH2E0L0&ICAL SOCIETY. 26 1 belonging to John Furner and Matilda his mother, lying in the town of Wyngham, between the messuage of William Lokelyn to the south, and the messuage of Stephen Burgeys' heir to the north, the meadow of John Russel's heirs to the east, and the highway towards the west. Dated at Wyngham, Tuesday next before the feast of St. Peter's chains, 2 Richard II. [Seal attached.] 4. [132].—1378. Grant, dated 1 June, 1 Richard IL, by Peter Paillour of Canterbury to Thomas Cotyere and Henry Cappe, of all his lands, together with a tenement, dove-house, etc., in Adisham and Patricksbourne. [No boundaries. No seal.] Witnesses: Ricd Boyntone, clerk, John Twytham, John Maidestane, Adam Coupere, Hamon Gille, Thos. Collay, Thos. Curteys of Adisham, John Isak, Clement Clerk, Willm Watsshipe, John Drennygnt (?), Thomas Haneffeld, James Grenehelle, Henry Baker, Clerk of Canty. 5. [129].—1403. Grant, dated St. Philip and St. James' Day, 4 Henry IV., by Richard ffecial of Denton to William and Richard ffecial his sons, of one tenement and five acres and one rod of land in the parish of Denton. [Boundaries given. No seal.] Witnesses: Rob1 Garde, John Schelvynge, Ralph Clodsham, Ricd de Wyngeneria, and Walter Clerk. 6. [122].—1416. Release, dated 3 Henry V., by Robert Clyfford, Esq., John Berton, William fflemyns, William Adam, and John Brandreth to Gilbert Morwell of Wingham of six acres and a half of land, called " ffreshfield " in Wingham, bounded towards the east and south by the lands of Master John Burlegh, Sir John Chaundeler, clerk, and Richard Lentwardyn, clerk; towards the west by the lands of William Adams; and lands of William Adams and Elene Boynton towards the north. [Two seals.] Witnesses: Rob' Twytham, Roger Sampson, Robert Babbe, William Aleyn, Ricd Welingstone, John Tomsone. 7. [152].—1420 (circa). 6 March, (?) Henry V. Release by John (?) and Stephen Lake (?) to Thomas, son of Henry Martyn, of their right in certain lands and tenements in Wingham. 8. [109].—1420. 15 February, 7 Henry V. Grant by William Lane of Canterbury of a yearly rent of eight quarters of barley 262 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE from property in Wingham to Richard Lentwardyn, John Chaundeler, and Thomas Bron, clerks. William Lane sets forth his title to the above by tracing the descent of the property from the third year of King Edward the son of Edward. In the above year it belonged to Alexander Cokyn of Canterbury, from whom it came to Wilham Bertlot through his wife Johanna (granddaughter of the above-named Alexander and Isabella his wife), who granted it to William Lane. [Boundaries given. Seal.] Witnesses: Thomas Offynton, William Aleyn, John Howtyn, John Attewelle, William Attewelle. 9. [180].—1436. 10 April, 14 Henry VI. Release by John Lyon of Canterbury to John Sander of Wyke in the parish of Elham, of his right and title in a messuage at Wyke. Boundaries : Common forstall, east; lands of Laurence Gyffard, west and south; and common way, north. Witnesses: Thomas att Wode, Laurence Gyffard, Thomas Proker, John Angod, Nicholas Brayn. 10. [86].—1438. 20 September, 17 Henry VI. Bond of John ffleschwarer of Barham, husbandman, to Richard Scherreve of Elham. John P. acknowledges himself bound to Richard S. in the sum of £20. 11. [159].—Copy, in the handwriting of Henry Oxenden of Barham, of a Grant of Arms to John Oxinden by Gyan, King of Arms, 34 Henry VI. (See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. VI., p. 277.) 12. [336].—1453, 6 July. Letters of Attorney from John Petham of Elham appointing John Horn of Elham to deliver seizin to John Coupare of Elham of a croft at Wyke in the parish of Elham. [Seal.] 13. [3.] 336B.—1463. Release from Hamo Bele of Canterbury to Isabel, who was wife of William Sedenore, late of Berham, of nineteen acres of land, parcel of the lands and tenements called Berton, lying in the parish of Barham in a certain croft called Walderchyn, between the lands of Thomas Petyte on the east and south, and the lands of Thomas Petyte and Thomas Ferner on the west, and the lauds of John May, formerly belonging to John Malevile, on the north; also the tl^ird part of the fifth part of five KENT ARCH2_OL0GICAL SOCIETY. 26 8 acres and one virgate of land and wood at Walderchyn; also third part of the fifth part and a half of land in le Drove Wey, etc. The whole to remain to Isabel for term of life, remainder to Thomas Petyte, etc. Dated at Berham 21 September, 4 Edward IV. [Seal.] Witnesses: John Porner, Nicholas ffytill, Thomas Forner, William at Hothe, Richard ffytill. 14. [72].—1485. 30 October, 1 Henry VII. Release from Thomas Godfrey, William a Broke, and Richard Knechebole (William Knechbole consenting) to John Cullyns, William Nethersole, Michael a, Denne, and Thomas Cullyng of their right in a croft called Gorishill in the parish of Elham containing about twenty acres of land, which had formed part of the property Richard Lawrence in the 9th year of Edward IV., with the consent, etc., of the executors of the will of John ffurneys, late of Berham, conveyed to John Putsham, William Nethersole, Michael a Denne, and Joan, wife of William Knechbole, formerly the wife of John ffurneys (which lands the said Richard held by the grant of William Brouner and Thomas Brouner, late of Berham), during the life of the said Joan, and after her death to Thomas Godfree, William a Broke, etc. [No seal.] [The back and margin of this deed are covered by recipes for medicines in the handwriting of Henry Oxenden.] 15. [84],—1501. 4February, 16HenryVII . Indenturebetweeu Anthony Sandeway of Berham, gentleman, and William Cullyng of the same, yeoman. Anthony to have for his own use the wood now felled upon the lands of William, and a yard of wood now growing upon the said lands for fuel, and a chamber on the north side of a tenement appertaining to the said lands for the term of two years from the Feast of St. Michael next following, free of all charges. [Seal.] 16. [125].—1501. Demise, dated 7 February, 16 Henry VIL, by Anthony Loveryk, Esq., of Herne, and John Bolls, yeoman, of Chartham, to Richard ffenet, Silvester Lotte, and Thomas Smothe of Barham, of a garden in South Barham, on payment of a yearly rent to Anthony Sandway, gentleman, of one " grane." [No seal.] 17. [4.] 125B.—1508. Grant by William Lauraunce of the parish of Berham to William Cullyng of the same parish, Thomas Denne, John Gate, and Thomas Rolf of seven acres of land lying at 264 DOCUMENTS BELOTSGrNG "TO THE Southberhani at Colysse between the lands of Robert Marsh towards the east, of William Cullyng south and west, and the common road towards the north, etc., which Richard Laurence his father, Thomas Petite, and William Audele conjointly held by ffeoffment of William Browne of Berham, deceased. Dated at Berham 23 September, 24 Henry VII. [Seal attached.] Witnesses: John Neve, Sen1 ', Thomas ffirner, Nicholas Vytell, John Weste, John Neve, Jun . 18. [5.] 125c.—1508. Letter of attorney from William Laurence to Thomas Weldiche, to deliver the said seven acres of land at Southbarham, at Colysse, etc., to William Culling, etc. (as in the preceding Grant). Dated 23 September, 24 Henry VII. [Seal attached.] 19. [154].—1515. 18 August, 7 Henry VIII. Deed of covenant between John Broke of Dover and Alice his wife, daughter of Thomas Petyte, of the one part, and Edward Monyns, John Waren, Vincent Broke, and Robert Nethersole, gentlemen, of the other part, whereby John and Alice agree to suffer the said Edward, John, and Vincent, etc., by writ of entry, to take possession of the manor of Netherhardres, the fourth part of the manor of Netherkenbeld, the sixth part of the manor of Treubeld, and 468 acres of land, 318 acres of pasture, 120 acres of wood, and £4 yearly rent in Netherhardres, Bridge, Petham, Chartham, Denton, Acrise, and Patricksbourne. In dorso: Sundry prayers in the handwriting of Henry Oxenden. 20. [6.] 154B.—1527. Grant by Thomas Beole [Beale], gentleman, to Thomas Culling of the parish of Barham, Thomas a Denne, Thomas Ladde, William Nasshe of Berham, and William a Denne of Kyngeston, of one croft and two acres of land in Barham, the said croft containing by estimation seven acres and a half lying next the lands of John Brooke east and south, Thomas Beole west, and James Mershe north; the said two acres of Thomas Beole south, William Cullyng west and north, and the King's highway east. 5 October, 19 Henry VIIL [Seal attached.] 21. [85].—1527. 8 October, 19 Henry VI I I . Release by Thomas Beale, gentleman, to Thomas Cullyng of Barham of all his right, etc., in a croft and two acres of land in Barham. The croft KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL 'SOCIETY. 26 5 bounded by the lauds of John Brook east and south, lands of Thomas Beale west, lands of James Marshe north ; and the two acres bounded by the lands of Thomas Beale south, lands of William Cullyng west and north, and King's highway east. [Seal.] 22. [53].—1528. 1 June, 20 Henry VIII. Letters of award from John Roper, gentleman, and Richard Broke, gentleman, arbitrators between James Hawte, Esq., and Edward Hawte, gentleman, on the one side, and Raynolde Pekham and Henry Fane, on the other side, as to the right and title to certain lands and tenements in Little Valdam. [A long deed in English. Seal: A stag's head.] 23. [124].—1529. Grant, dated 16 October, 21 Henry VIIL, by William Tillyng of Barham to James Mersh of Barham of seven pieces of land in Barham. [Boundaries and names of fields given. Seal] 24. [127].—1546. 4 September, 39 Henry VIII. Demise by William Sedenor and Isabella his wife to Thomas Petyt, son of William Petyt, for life, of all their lands, etc., in Barham, except eight acres in the parish of Barham called "Lamplands," which are specially reserved. Thomas Petyt to pay to the said William and Isabella ten marks a year, to allow them and their servants food and drink on Sundays and special feast days, to allow them pasture for one cow and the use of a riding horse, and to keep for their use six capons and one " bacon hogge," and to pay yearly in kind two bushels of hard fruit and half a bushel of pears called " Wardens." [Seal.] 25. [146].—1548. 21 January, 2 Edward VI. Release from John Broke of Denton, gentleman, to his son and heir John Broke of all his right, title, etc., in certain messuages, lands, and tenements in the parishes of Denton, Barham, Dover, and elsewhere. [No seal.] 26. [7].—1549. Release from John Brooke the father to John Brooke the son of all his lands iu Barham and Denton 21 January, 2 Edward VI. [Seal gone.] The back of this document is filled with memoranda relating to the, antiquity of Christmas Day, etc. 266 DOCUMENTS EELONG1N& TO THE 27. [131].—1550. 10 December, 4 Edward VI. Grant by Thomas ffynnett, Jurat of Dover, to Thomas Morents of Elham and Johanna his wife, formerly the wife of John ffynnett, late of Barham, of a tenement and garden in South Barham. [Boundaries given. Seal.] Witnesses: Joseph Bentley, Roger Crispe, Ricd Eldham, Nicholas Boulle, Tho8 Pasheley, William Cullyng, Henry Cullyng. 28. [8].—1551. 25 April, 5 Edward VI. Grant by Stephen Pyttell, son of John Fyttell, late of Barham, deceased, to John Brooke of Denton of two tenements, one garden, four parcells of arable land, and three parcells of pasture, with the appurtenances, in the parish of Barham. [Seal attached.] 29. [339].—1552, May 22. Release by Stephen ffitell, son of John ffitell, late of Barham, deceased, to Jolm Broke of Denton, gentleman, of two tenements and lands in Barham. [Boundaries given.] Witnesses: John (?), Robert Jakson. In dorso : A number of extracts from theological works in the hand of Henry Oxenden. 30. [126].—1552. 10 June, 5 Edward VI. Grant by Stephen ffytell and John ffytell, son and heir of Richard ffytell of Denton, deceased, to John Brook of Denton of a tenement, garden, and six parcels of arable land and two of pasture in Denton. [Boundaries given. Two seals.] Endorsed in the handwriting of Henry Oxenden: " I take the house herein specified to be the brick house in Denton where my mother now dwelleth, 1637." 31. [325],—1555, December 10. Acknowledgment from Laurence Sharpye of Cranbrook, co. Kent, one of the sons of Agnes Sharpye, widow, of the same place, deceased, to his brother John Sharpye of the receipt of the sum of £20 left him by his mother to be paid on his attaining the age of 22 years. [Seal. L.S.] 32. [149].—1557. 28 February, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary. Grant by way of sale from John Broke of Barham, gentleman, and Christian his wife to George Monynges of Waldersham, gentleman, of the lands in Barham which John Broke purchased of Stephen and John ffittell, and also the lands of the said John Broke in the town of Dover. KENT ARCHiEOLOGlCAL SOCIETY. 26 ? 33. [171].—1563. 4 June, 6 Elizabeth. Bond of John Brooke of Barham, gentleman, to James Broker of Eastlangdon, gentleman, for £80 to secure the payment of an annuity of 40s. to William Selby and William Stephens of Canterbury. 34. [9].—1563. 14 June, 6 Elizabeth. Grant by William Parker of Chartam, co. Kent, otherwise William Parker, late of Patryksborne, to John Brooke, gentleman, one of the sons and heir of John Brooke, late of Barham, deceased, of all land, tenements, meadows, etc., called Le Hither Gatehirst, containing 100 acres of land in the parish of Denton, etc. [Seal attached.] 35. [356].—1563-4, 10 January. Deed of covenant between William Cullynge of Barham, yeoman, of the one part, and John Rygden of Westwell, yeoman, and John Brookman of Lyminge, yeoman, of the other part, whereby the said William Cullynge agrees to suffer the said John Rygden and John Brookman to recover in the Court of Common Pleas, by writ of entry sur disseisin in the post, all his lands and hereditaments in the parishes of Barham and Elham, viz., a messuage, 60 acres of land, 80 acres of pasture, and 40 acres of wood, the said recovery to be to the use of the said William Cullinge in fee. [Signed. Seal.] 36. [167].—1566. 7 October, 9 Elizabeth. Bond of Stephen Foorde of Northbourne, yeoman, and Joan Foorde, widow of Osmund Foorde, to James Brooker of East Langdon, for £1000 to abide by the award of Henry Crispe, Knight, Humphry Hales, Esq., the elected arbitrators in all suits, actions, quarrels, etc., between them. [Seal.] 37. [300].—1567, 29 September. Acquittance of Joan ffourd, widow, late the wife of Osmunde ffourd, to James Brooker of Dover, gentlemau, for £10 due to her from Sir Henry Crispe, Knight, and Humphry Hales, deceased. Witnesses: Rich ardRaylton, Nicholas Waferer, Thomas Andrews. 38. [87].—1568. 17 April, 10 Elizabeth. Thomas ffourd of Canterbury, draper, acting under Letters of Attorney from Jane ffourd, widow of Osmunde ffourd, acknowledges that he has received for the use of the said Jane from James Broker of Dover, the sum of £10, 268 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE whieh ten pounds was paid on the " tombestone commonly called Islypp's tumbe in the Cathedrall Church of Chryst in Canterbury," by the award of Sir Henry Cryspe, Knt., and Humfrey Hales, Esq. [Seal, S. R ] 39. [10].—1569. 31 January, 11 Elizabeth. Bond from John Marble of the parish of St. Margaret-at-Clif, next Dover Castle, co. Kent, yeoman, to James Brooker of the parish of East Langdon, gentleman, for £100. [Fragment of seal.] 40. [160].—1573. 3 May, 16 Elizabeth. Indenture of covenant between Robert Jull of Denton, yeoman, and Thomas Jull of Wotton, husbandman, whereby the said Thomas agrees to suffer the said Robert to recover in the Court of Common Pleas four messuages, two barns, four gardens, 35 acres of land, and 26 acres of pasture in the parishes of Wotton, Swingfield, Denton, and Barham. [Seal.] Witnesses : John Parker, George Barham. 41. [362].—1574, 20 Pebruary. Release by Edward Brooke, Thomas Brooke, and John Brooke, younger sons of John Brooke, late of Barham, co. Kent, gentleman, to James Brooker of Barham, gentleman, of all right in a capital messuage in Barham and a messuage in Denton, and in all their lands, etc., in co. Kent. Witnesses: William Pettyt, William Beane, Michael Smaley, Edward Hamon, Christopher Mounynges, Jonathas Allin, John Chaloner, and George Lordinge, notary public. [Signed. Three seals.] 42. [20].—1582. 25 March, 26 Elizabeth. Grant by Ezekiel Barbor, yeoman, of Swarlinge in the parish of Petham, to Abraham Marleton, butcher, of the parish of Barham, of a messuage or tenement with three acres of land in the parish of Barham, which the said Ezekiel lately purchased of Vivicent Boys, gentleman. Which land is bounded to the east by the lands of Thomas Barham, gentleman, to the north by the churchyard of Barham, and by the lands of Ezekiel Barbor, now in the occupation of Richard Gynvey, Vicar of Barham, to the west and south. [Seal: A buck .courant.] Witnesses: Ricd Genvey, Ralf Grove, John Cartwright, Thomas Rigden, Bryan Short. KENT ARCHJ50L0GICAL SOCIETY. 269 43. [369].—1584, October 13. Release by Thomas Digges of the city of London, Esq., to James Broker of Barham, co. Kent, gentleman, of all his right in nineteen acres of land in Barham. Witnesses: Henry Pbylpot, Will01 Mondaye. 44. [112].—1586. 29 September, 29 Elizabeth. Grant by James Broker of Barham, gentleman, to John Smythe of Sibtysweld, blacksmith, [for £25] of a tenement and two and a half acres of land in Barham. [Boundaries given. Fragment of seal.] Endorsed in the handwriting of Henry Oxinden: " The said James Brooker dwelled at Maydeken, Barham, anno 1586." [Fragment of seal.] 45. [11].—1587. 14 June, 29 Elizabeth. Release by Henry Cullinge of Kingstone in co. Kent, yeoman, to Thomas Cullinge of Berham, yeoman, of all lands, tenements, or hereditaments late of William Cullinge, late of Berham, yeoman, deceased, in Berham and Elham, etc. [Seal gone.] Witnesses: James Broker, Robert Denne, ffraunces Ryckard (?). [Signed.] 46. [19].—1587. Indenture, dated 10 April, 30 Elizabeth, between William Boys, Esq., of Denton, on the first part, Richard Rogers, Bishop Suffragan of Dover, on the second part, James Brooker, gentleman, of Barham, on the third part, and Edward Brooke, gentleman, of Tilmanstone, on the fourth part. Witnesseth that it is agreed between the parties that William Boys and Frances his wife shall, before Easter Term next ensuing, before Sir Edmund Anderson, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, etc., acknowledge one fine unto the said Richard Rogers of the manor of Denton and of property in the parishes of Barham, Wooton, and Swingfield, together with the advowson of the parish church of Denton. Certain parcels of woodland called Roxpoole, Breeches, and Maggetts are reserved to the use of James Brooker, his heirs, etc.; and a cottage and twenty acres of land, late in the occupation of Richard ap Richards and Henry Leessenden of Denton, are reserved to the use of Edward Brooke. Witnesses: John Boys, Thomas Boys, Thomas Cocks, Richard Baynes, John Pomerey. [Seals of Richard, Bishop of Dover, William Boys, and Edward Brooke.] 270 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE 47. [153].—1596, October 9. John Smith of Barham, blacksmith, mortgages to John Mullett of Wotton, husbandman, for the sum of £60, a messuage, barn, and two acres of land in Barham. Witnesses: Silvester Dixtone, Will'm Eaton, Thomas Elgar, Thomas Prichard. [Seal.] 48. [44].—1601. 1 October, 43 Elizabeth. Indenture between Jobn Henden, clothier, of Rolvenden, and Susan Brickenden of Staplehurst, widow and executrix of Champion Brickenden, of the first part; Bobert Brickenden, yeoman, of Cranbrook, father of Susan, of the second part; and John Bathurst, clothier, of Staplehurst, and John Benet, clothier, of Staplehurst, overseers of Champion's will, of the third part. Champion left his goods to be equally divided between his sons Edward, Thomas, and Nathaniel Brickenden; in view of their mother Susan's marriage with Henden it is agreed that the children shall have £250 each. Edward's share to be paid to his grandfather Robert, who conveys land in Cranbrook as security for repayment, till 1 May 1614; Thomas's to Bathurst, who settles lands in Staplehurst and Marden, till 20 March 1617 ; Nathaniel's to Henden, who settles reversion of tenement and land in Tenterden, now belonging to Simon his father and Elizabeth his mother, till 25 December 1620. Children to be brought up by John and Susan Henden till the age of 15, then to be apprenticed and to have £20 each in addition. Witnesses : Thomas Gennys, Richard Maythorn, Richard Brickenden. [Signed. Four seals.] 49. [148].—1602. A fragment of a rent-roll, endorsed in the handwriting of Heury Oxenden " Custome rent and Custome hennes, 1602." [The ink very much faded.] 50. [111].—1603. 16 December, 1 James I. Mortgage by John Warham of Wingham to John Contrey, merchant, of Fordwich, for the sum of £100, marshland at Grove in the parish of Wickhambreaux, also four and a half acres of marshland called Derson in the parish of Preston-next-Wingham. [Boundaries given. Fragment of seal.] 51. [366].—1604, 26 December. Bond from John Rigden of Wye, husbandman, to Thomas Cullinge of Barham, yeoman, and KENT ARCHJEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 27 1 James Cullinge of the same place, yeoman, son of the said Thomas Cullinge, for £80. Witnesses: William Denne, Richard . . . ., Richard Pasley. [Signed. Seal.] Condition of the above bond (endorsed) : That whereas the obligor has by Deed Poll of even date granted to the obligees seven acres of wood and pasture in the parish of Barham at a place called Stoneway, upon the fulfilment by the obligor of the usual covenants for title, the said bond shall be void. 52. [364].—1577, October 16. Release by Vincent Denne of Kingston, co. Kent, Doctor of Laws, to Roger Rigden of Barham, husbandman, of all his right in seven acres of pasture and wood in a place called Stonewaye in the parish of Barham. Witnesses: William Cullyng, John Nashe, Henry Strande, and John Spracklinge. [Signed. Seal.] 53. [17].—1581. Indenture dated 5 December, 24 Elizabeth, by which Robert Denne of Kingstone, yeoman, gives to Richard Goldfynche of Womenswold, yeoman, all his interest in an estate called Hailing in the parish of St. Clement, Sandwich (which estate the said Bobert holds on lease from Leven Buffkin, Esq., of Otham, for a term of five years from 4 October 1580), on condition that the said Bichard pay to the said Leven on or by 6 October 1584 the sum of £40 in the porch of the parish church of Patricksbourne. [Seal lost.] Witnesses: Michael Terrye, John Allin, John Woode (his mark). 54. [367],—1577,Deeemberll. Deed of covenantmadebetween James Brooker of Barham, gentleman, of the first part, Richard Woollett of Alkham, yeoman, of the second part, and Eaynold Knatchbull of Saltwood, gentleman, of the third part. After reciting that the said Raynold Knatchbull had condemned the parties of the first and second part in the Court of King's Bench upon a bond for £600, in discharge of such judgment the said parties of the first and second part covenant to make to Raynold Knatchbull and Richard Vincent of Dover, gentleman, a conveyance of 200 acres of pasture in Denton, called the Great Gatthurst and Further Gatturst, to the use of the said James Brooker until such time as the manor and castle of Saltwood with the appurtenances, which the said Raynold Knatchbull purchased of George Moninges, late of Bidden, co. Kent, gentleman, be lawfully evicted from the possession of Raynold Knatchbull by reason of any encumbrance by 272 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE the said George Moninges or Richard Moninges his brother before 1 April, 7 Elizabeth (except a leasehold grant of the bailiwick of Heth (Hythe), etc., parcel of the premises granted by Thomas Cranmer, late Archbishop of Canterbury; and also the fee-farm rent of £27 8s. 4d., payable to the Queen for the said manor and castle of Saltwood ; and an annuity of £10 granted out of the lastmentioned premises by the said George Moninges to John ffleet of Biddenden, deceased; and an annuity of £10 out of the same, granted by the said George Moninges or Richard Moninges to Christopher Moninges their brother; and also except an annuity of 40s. out of the same, granted by the same persons to James Chapman of Patrixbourne, yeoman), or until such time as the goods and chattels of the said Raynold Knatchbull be distrained by reason of an encumbrance made by the said George Moninges or Richard Moninges before the said 1 April, 7 Elizabeth (except as before excepted). After such eviction of the said manor or castle, or after such distress as aforesaid, then to the use of Raynold Knatchbull during the said eviction, or until such time as he shall be full recompensed out of the profits of the lands to be assured as aforesaid, and out of sixteen acres of marshland, hereafter covenanted to be assured by the said James Brooker. And after the said Raynold Knatchbull shall have been recompensed, then to the use of the said James Brooker. And as often as there shall be any such eviction or distress, Raynold Knatchbull and Richard Vincent were to stand seised of the premises to the use of Raynold Knatchbull during the said eviction until he be recompensed out of the premises. And the said Richard Woollett covenants to convey to Raynold Knatchbull and Richard Vincent sixteen acres of fresh marsh in Dymchurch to the use of Richard Woollett and Wylmen his wife for life, with remainder to the said James Brooker until Saltwood Castle, etc., be evicted from the possession of Raynold Knatchbull by reason of any former conveyance made by the said George Moninges or Richard Moninges as above. And Raynold Knatchbull covenants with the parties of the first and second part to acknowledge himself satisfied upon the judgments given against them in the King's Bench at his suit for the said sum of £600. Witnesses; Henry . . . ., Thomas Denne, and John Sprackling. [Signed. Seal.] 55. [88.] A copy of the will of Cicely Brooker of Barham; proved 2 July 1605. [Printed in Archceologia Cantiana, Vol, VL, p» 290.] KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 27 3 56. [165].—1605. 3 James I. Pinal concord between Matthew Faye and Prideswide his wife, plaintiffs, and Thomas Barham, gentleman, and Anna his wife, and Abraham Marleton and Joan his wife, deforciants, concerning two messuages, six acres of land, and one of pasture in Barham. Right of Matthew and Frideswide, who pay for the recognition £41. 57. [328].—1605, October 9. Release from Thomas Bexlie of Whitstable, yeoman, to John Penvold of Elham, butcher, on payment by him of £7, of all his right, etc., in a stable and parcel of ground situate in the " Nether Market" in Elham. Boundaries: to the south and west, a house called "the sign of the Cock;" north, house and lands of John Tibbold; east and south, the common way. (Signed) Thomas Bexlie. Witnesses: Nich. Hotten (his mark), Nich. Ladd. 58. [139].—1605. Small parchment roll containing an inventory of the goods of Mrs. Cyceley Brooker of Barham, widow. 59. [137].—1589. 20 March, 31 Elizabeth. Release by Elizabeth Coles of St. Giles, Cripplegate, widow, to James Broker of Barham, gentleman, of her right in one parcel of wood called Rockspoole Wood, containing about twenty acres, one parcel of pasture called VitteUs, containing about ten acres, in the occupation of Thomas Stace, one parcel of wood called Maggottsdane, containing about twenty acres, in the occupation of James Broker, and one parcel of arable and pasture called Claringbold Close, in the occupation of . . . . ap Richardes, containing about twelve acres. [Seal.] 60. [12].—1591, 27 October, 33 Elizabeth. Release by Richard Bellamy of Barham to Elizabeth Guyldf orde, relict of Roger Guyldforde of Barham, labourer, deceased, of one small tenement, containing six perches of land, in Barham Streate within the parish of Barham. Richard Bellamy (his mark). [Seal gone.] 61. [81].—1592, 4 Pebruary, 34 Elizabeth. Grant by Elizabeth Guildeforde of Barham, widow, to William Cumminge of Barham of all that messuage, etc., called Abucksyde, containing about six perches, between the High Road, called Barham Street, YOfc. XXV, T 274 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE towards the north, the lands of Tliomas Fryer to the east, those of Sampson Andrewe to the south and west. Witnesses: John Nethersole, Harry Culling, and John Gybbs. 62. 1592, May 26. Grant by Edward Brooker, gentleman, of Ewell, Kent, to Thomas Bellamie, husbandman, of Sturry, of a tenement and six acres of land (part of twenty acres) in Denton, Kent. (Signed) Edward Brooker, 63. [136].—1593. Exemplification of a writ of recovery to Thomas Smith of the manor of Barham, etc. Signatures of R. G. Love, David Denne, Will1" Barbett. 64. [324].—1594, January 15. Deed of covenant between Thomas Smith of St. Gregory's, Canterbury, yeoman, and Michael Terrey of Chartham, gentleman, of the one part,"and Thomas Barham of Barham, gentleman, of the other part, whereby the said Thomas Barham agrees that he will by indenture of Bargain and Sale, enrolled in Chancery, convey to Michael Terrey the manor of Barham with the appurtenances, together with 400 acres of land, etc., £6 rent, and the rent of 33 hens, in the tenure of the said Thomas Barham or his assigns, upon trust to allow the said Thomas Smith to prosecute a writ of entry sur disseisin in the post in Chancery, returnable before the Justices of the Common Pleas at Westminster, and there to recover the premises against the said Michael Terrey, after the manner of common recoveries, the recoveror to stand seised of the premises to the use of the said Thomas Barham in fee. [A copy.] Witnesses: Ral. Grove, David Denne. Examined with the original deed by Ral. Grove and William Barbett. [A copy.] 65. [18].—1606. Indenture, dated ] 2 June, 4 James I., between John Allin the elder of Barham, gentleman, on the one part, and Samuel Harlestone, Rector of Ickham, and John Harlestone, son of Samuel, on the other part. John Allin, for the sum of £200, grants to Samuel and John Harlestone a messuage or-tenement in the parish of Barham called Duskyn, containing about 24 acres, and eight other pieces of land, containing about sixteen acres, in Barham and Kingston, all of which the said John Allin purchased KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 27 5 of John Denne, gentleman. The condition of this bond to be void if John Allin pay to Samuel and John Harlestone the sum of £248 by the year 1609 on the tomb of Archbishop Islip in the nave of Canterbury Cathedral. Witnesses: Michael Perrye, John Allin, John Woode (by his mark). [No seal.] 66. [133].—1607. Bond of Benjamin Sollye, clerk, of Bekesbourne, to Samuel Nichols of Kingston. Witnesses : Henry Oxinden, Thomas Denne, John Denne. 67. [140].—1611. 20 August, 9 James I. Indenture tripartite between John Cullyng of Barham, husbandman, Thomas Cullyng of Goodnestone, and Richard Cullyng of Goodnestone, for the partition of the lands of their father Thomas Cullyng, late of the town and port of New Romney, yeoman, deceased. The lands were situated in the parishes of Barham and Elham. Signatures of John and Richard Cullyng. [Seals broken.] 68. [83].—1611. 8 September, 9 James I. Grant by John Contry, merchant, of Canterbury and late of Fordwich, to Edward Roberts of Wingham and Thomas Wood of Wye, of a parcel of marshland called Grove in the parish of Wickham-breaux. Boundaries: lands of heirs of Thomas Nevinson west, droveway called "Bradshaw Drove" south, lands of Christopher Turner of Canterbury east, lands of Lord Montacute north. . Also four and a half acres of marshland at a spot called Derson in the parish of Preston next Wingham. Boundaries: droveway north, common stream and lands of William Walker west, lands of William Walker south, lands of Lord of Preston east. [Seal.] 69. [335].—1611-12, March 23. Release by William Master of East Langdon, co. Kent, to Roger Manwood of Stodmarsh, gentleman, of* the manor, etc., of Wenderton in the parishes of Wingham, Wickham-breux, and Preston, late the property of John Warrhame. Witnesses: William Courthop, Richard Willinot, Edward Warhame, John Warhame, Thomas Jenken. [Boundaries given.] (Signed) William Master. 70. [341].—1611, September 28. Grant by Adam Spracklinge, late of the city of Canterbury, gentleman, to his mother Dame Cathe- T 2 276 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE rine, widow of Sir Adam Spracklinge, Knt., of au annuity of £25 per annum in return for her surrender of her estate and interest in a house adjoining the west end of the church of St. Paul, Canterbury. Witnesses : Richard Oxinden, Henry Saunders. (Signed) Adam Spracklinge. [Seal.] 71. [326].—1612, December 15. Grant by Thomas Cullinge of Barham, co. Kent, blacksmith, second son of Thomas Cullinge, late of Barham, deceased, yeoman, to James Cullinge of Barham, yeoman, of five acres of woodland in Barham called Great Reede. [Boundaries given. Seal.] Witnesses: John Culling, Thomas Struppell (his mark). (Signed) Thomas Culling (his mark, ? an anvil). 72. [138].—1612. 20 March, 9 James I. Grant by Edward Robarts of Wingham, gentleman, and Thomas Wood of Wye, yeoman, to Roger Mainwood of Stodmarsh, of twelve acres of marshland at Grove in the parish of Wick ham-breux. [Seals and signatures of Edward Robarts and Thomas Wood.] 73. [163].—1613. 16 November, 11 James I. Grant by William Worley of Elham, butcher, to Daniel Cloke of Monk's Horton, of a messuage and three perches of land in the parish of Elham. Boundaries: highway south, lands and house of Clement Wyse west and north, house of tbe heirs of Christopher Garrett east. Witnesses: Clement Wyse, Richard Woollett, Richard Stroud. (Signed) William Worley. 74. [330] .—1613, November 15. Grant by William Worley of Elham, butcher, to Danyell Cloke of Hortton alias Munk's Hortton, yeoman, of a messuage, garden, and three perches of land in Elham (bounded on the south by the King's way, on the west and north by the lands of Clement Wyse, on the east by a messuage of the heirs of Christopher Garrett), with right to use a way on the west side to a well. Witnesses: Clement Wyse, Richard Woolett, Richard Stroud, John Rucke. (Signed) William Warley (by his mark). [Seal.] 75. [150].—1614. Office copy of the will of John Allen of the parish of St. Mildred in the city of Canterbury, gentleman. He KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 277 mentions a daughter Mary the wife of James Cullyng, a sister Sarah Reynolds, a son-in-law William Watmer, a son John, John Cartwright of Christchurch. Witnesses : John Ward, John Chadde. Proved 1 January 1615. 76. [110].—1614. 4 June, 12 James I. Grant by Bobert Sprakelinge of Ellington in the parish of St. Laurence in the Isle of Thanet to Dame Katharine Sprakelinge, widow of Sir Adam Sprakelinge, Knt., of an annuity of £23 6s. 8d. out of his marshland called Salt Marsh at Sarre Wall in the parish of Chislett. [Seal.] 77. [343].—1615, December 7. Receipt by Peter Knight to Thomas Cullen of the town and port of Heth, beer-brewer, for the sum of 20s. in satisfaction of all debts and demands. Witnesses: Peter Manser, Thomas . . . . [ ? ] (his mark). 78. [350].—1616, September 7. Bond of Nicholas Sympson of Canterbury, Esq., to John Allen of Barham, gentleman, for £10. Witnesses : Prancis Barton and Nicholas Mason. (Signed) Nicholas Sympson. 79. [168].—1617. 8 July, 15 James I. Bond of James Culling of Barham to his father Thomas Culling in the sum of £160 that he will during four years after his father's decease pay the sum of £20 to such person as his father may appoint in his will. Signatures of James Culling, John Allen, and Richard Fogge. 80. [359].—1617, July 27. Grant by Thomas Culling the elder, of Barham, co. Kent, yeoman, to James Culling his son, of all his corn and cattle, household stuff, furniture, and implements of husbandry, and release of all actions for goods delivered by the grantor to the said James Culling. • Witnesses: Richard Fogges, John Nethersole, and Math. Faye. [Seal.] 81. [346].—1620, October 1. Office copy of the will of Thomas Cullinge the elder, late of Barham, now of Hythe, yeoman. Mentions his son James Cullinge, his daughter Susan, wife of Edward Nashe, his daughter Mary, wife of (blank), his son Thomas 278 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE Cullinge, and granddaughter Elizabeth, daughter of his son Thomas, a son John, a son William. Witnesses: Edward Lambe, Anthony Turke, Stephen Lambe. Proved 3 May 1622. 82. 1620, May 6. Thomas Cullinge, jun., son of Thomas Cullinge, sen., late of Barham, yeoman, sells to Daniel Fagge, son of Matthew Fagge, yeoman, of Newiugton-next-Hythe, for £140, a messuage called Cole, with barn, stable, and 23 acres of land in . . . ., Kent, to take effect at the death or surrender of John Cullinge, brother of Thomas Cullinge, jun. [Seal.] (Signed) Daniel ffagge. 83. [351].—1622, March 11. Bond of Andrew Gardner of Awkridge, Kent, yeoman, to Richard Oxinden of Barham, Esq., for £80. Witnesses: James Culling, John Jull (mark), John Mullet (mark). [Seal.] (Signed) Andrew Gardner. 84. [360]. Release by Thomas Cullinge of Barham, co. Kent, blacksmith, second son of Thomas Cullinge, late of Barham, to James Cullinge of Barham, yeoman, of all his right in five acres of woodland at Barham called the Great Reede. Witnesses: John Cullinge, Thomas Stu . . . . (?) . (Signed) Thomas Culling (his marke, an anvil). 85. [344].—1623, February 4. Release by Thomas Pashley of St. Margaret's at Cliffe, yeoman, to Matthew ffaye of Barham, yeoman, in all demands, suits, etc. Witnesses: Bobert Claringboule and William Culling (by their marks). (Signed) Thomas Pashley. 86. [22].—1625. Indenture, dated 20 February, 1 Charles I , between Thomas Everard of Sarre in the Isle of Thanet, gentleman, and Mary his wife, second daughter of William Hales, late of the parish of Heckington, gentleman, and of Alba his wife, deceased, on the one part, and Vincent Denn of the parish of Kingston, gentleman, on the other part. Thomas and Mary, for the sum of £168 10s., sell to Viucent Denn a piece of marshland in the parish of Burmarsh, containing about twenty acres, and commonly called " est fleet." Witnesses: Tho. Denne, Michael Terrye, Ricd Bromley. [No seal.] KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 27 9 87. [123].—1627. Office copy of the will of Dame Katharine Spracklinge of Barham. Body to be buried in the chancel of the parish church of St. Laurence in the Isle of Thanet, near to the body of her late husband Sir Adam Spracklinge. To the poor of St. Laurence parish 40s.; to the poor of Barham parish 40s. To eldest son Robert Spracklinge five stone pots " covered with silver." To daughter Elizabeth two silver-gilt drinking-cups and her weddingring. To daughter Katharine, the wife of Richard Oxinden, gentleman, a chain of gold. To Robert Sprackling, eldest son of Adam Sprackling her eldest son, deceased, her lease of lands in the parish of St. Laurence. Richard Oxenden residuary legatee and sole executor. Proved 1 September 1627. [Seal.] 88. [178].—1629, June 4. An inventory of the goods and chattels of Richard Oxinden, Esq., of Barham. Signature of William Somner. 89. [340].—1629, July 30. The feodary and escheator's discharge concerning all the lands of the late Richard Oxinden. 90. [354].—1630, April 29. Bond of Thomas Pilcher of Cheriton, yeoman, to Henry Oxinden of Barham, gentleman, for £20. Witnesses: Richard Gibbon, Gabriell Hall, Wm ffoster. (Signed) Tho. Pilcher (by his mark). 91. [334].—1631, May 4. Grant by John Knowler of Reculver, yeoman, to Christian Lewkener alias Austen of Pordwich, widow, and William Fagg of Fordwich, yeoman, of an annuity of £20 issuing out of his lands in Chislet, for the use of Catherine, the daughter of the said Christian Lewkener, on her marriage with the said John Knowler. Witnesses: William Watmer, Henry Wood, Thomas Shindler. [Signed. Seal, I. K.] 92. [113]..—1633. 9 Charles I. Pinal concord made at Westminster on the octave of the Feast of the Purification, before Robert Houth, Bergis Vernon, and Francis Crawley, Justices, between John Hogben, gentleman, and John Ladd, gentleman, plaintiffs, and John Evans and Margery his wife, deforciants, of two messuages, etc., and 78 acres of land in Elham. Right of John Hogben and John Ladd who, for the recognition, pay to John Evans and Margery his wife £120. 280 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE ' 93. [173].—1633. Grant by Robert Jull of Bishopsbourne, yeoman, to Henry Oxinden of Barham, gentleman, of eight pieces of land in Barham, then or late in the occupation of Thomas Jull. [Boundaries given.] Signature of Robert Jull. 94. [134].—1635. Inventory (fragment of) of the goods of Stephen ffox, late of Elham, deceased. 95. 1636, August 30. Demise by James Cullinge of Barham, yeoman, to John Waddell of Denton, husbandman, for fifteen years, at £17 6s. per annum, of a tenement, barn, stable, and 22 acres of land in Denton and Elham. 96. [338].—1637. " The question is whether a gentleman of auntient descent & the heir male of the younger sonne of a kuight shall preceade a gentleman of a late or new creation not so auntient as himselfe. " I am of oppinion that as antiquitie gives precedencye to all degrees, soe in this the auntienter gentleman may preceed all such as are of a more new or late creation. I meane mearly as they that are gent8 without any other respect of office," etc. HEN. S' GEOEGE, Norroy. Endorsed : " Md that I Henrie Oxinden, Esq., put this question to Hen. Sl George, & hee resolved it as is within speeifyed in the presence of my brother Barrow, An'o D'ni 1637." 97. 1633, January 20. Demise by Henry Oxenden of Barham, gentleman, for 1000 years at 6s. 8d. to Edward Friend, labourer, of Denton, of four acres in Denton and Barham. (Signed) Henry Oxinden. 98. [135].—1638. Bond of Henry Oxinden for the repayment of £52 by William Jones of Barham, yeoman, to Stephen Bigg of Fordwich. Signatures of William Jones, Thos. Richardson, Aug. Fidge. 99. [337].—1640, April 11. Grant by John Broke of Barham, gentleman, to George Monynges of Waldershare, gentleman, of a house and lauds iu Barham, late the property of Stephen ffytell aud John ffytell. Witnesses : Robert Stanton and William Andrew. [Torn.] KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 28 1 100. [352].—1640, April 11. Bond of William Jones of Barham, yeoman, to Henry Oxinden of Barham for £200. Witnesses: George Harrison, Godfrey Praed. (Signed) William Jones. Endorsed: Mr. Oxenden's counterbond from Jones, £50 borrowed by Jones 11 April 1640. 101. [145],—1042. Demise by Henry Oxinden of Barham, gentleman, to Bobert Prebule of Denton, yeoman, of six acres of land in Denton and Elham. [Boundaries given.] 102. [166].—1643. Letter of attorney from Thomas Denn the younger, of Wenderton in the parish of Wingham, to Henry Oxinden of Barham. 103. 1643, August 25. Demise by Edmund Randolph, M.D., of Canterbury, Herbert Randolph, gentleman, of Biddenden, and Samuel Curtis, gentleman, of Tenterden, to Henry Oxendeu of Barham, gentleman, for seven years and four days, at a reserved rent of £52 10s. Od. per annum, of the messuages, lands, and tenements which Henry Oxenden had demised to them for 99 years at a corn rent if demanded. [Two seals. Signed.] 104. [144] .—1643. 18 April, 18 Charles I. Grant by Edward Swan of Barham, Esq., to Henry Oxendeu of Barham, gentleman, of a right of way over a certain field in the parish of Denton called Welfield. Signature of Edward Swan. 105. [174].—1643. Acknowledgment by Thomas Denne the younger of Wenderton in Wingham, on his comiug of age, that he has received from Henry Oxinden of Barham (executor of his uncle Vincent Denne's will) an account of his executorship and management of the estates during the minority of the said Thomas. Signatures of R. Hardres, Henry Oxinden, Thomas Southland, and George Newman. 106. [365].—1644, October 1. Demise by Thomas Denn of Bishopsbourne, gentleman, to Richard Woollett of Elham, the elder, gentleman, of 60 acres of laud in Elham called Monken Lands, for seven years, at a rent of £22 a year. Witnesses: John Hogben, Edward Hogben. [Signed (by lessee). Seal.] 282 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE 107. 1644. 1 February, 19 Charles I. Grant by Heury Oxenden, Esq., of Denton, aud Katherine his wife, Mildred Andrew of Denton, widow of Phineas Andrew, Esq., late of Denton, John Andrew, Esq., of Denton, eldest son of Phineas, Thomas Andrew, merchant, of London, another son of Phineas, and Hester his wife, Robert Andrew of London, gentleman, another son of Phineas, and Mary his wife, [in consideration of one shilling each,] to Vincent Denne, Esq., of Canterbury, of their one moiety of several marshlands, containing 21 acres 40 perches, at West Hithe in Romney Marsh, near Butlersbridge (?), and 101 acres and 20 perches, being half the said parcells at Butlersbridge, the better to enable Henry Oxenden, etc., to convey them to Vincent Denne by an indenture to bear date the day following, to which the above-named are to be made parties. (Signed) Vincent Denne. Witnesses: B. Dixwell, Henry March, Vin. Nethersole. 108. [169].—1648. Bond of Thomas Denn of Wingham to Henry Oxenden of Barham. [Writing indistinct.] 109. [21].—1651. Indenture of agreement, dated 27 September 1651, between Sir Allen Zouch, Knt., of Woking in Surrey, and Dame Katharine his wife, of the first part, and John Hobart, Esq., of Denton, son of the aforesaid Katharine by her former husband James Hobart, deceased, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Henry Oxinden, Esq., of Barham, of the second part, and the said Henry Oxinden, of the third part. After reciting there had been doubts as to the title of Dame Katharine and John Hobart to certain property in the county, whieh formerly formed part of the estate of William Proud, Esq., deceased, father of the aforesaid Katharine, concerning which divers law-suits were pending between Sir Allen, Dame Katharine, and Ann Proud of Canterbury, widow of Searles Proud, Esq., son of the said William Proud, and Ann and Dorothy Proud, the daughters of Searles Proud, and between John Hobart and Ann Proud, widow, and Ann and Dorothy Proud her daughters, touching the title to the said estate. And that the said Sir Allen and his wife were in possession of the reotory impropriate of Goodnestone, part of the possessions of the late William Proud. Witnessing, that whatever portion of the above estate should be recovered by action of law from Ann Proud, and her daughters Ann and Dorothy, should be divided into two equal parts, one moiety KENT ARCH&OLOGlCAL SOCIETY. 28 8 whereof to go to Sir Allen and Katharine his wife and the heirs of Katharine, and the other moiety to Sir Thomas Peyton, Bart., of Knolton, Sir Allen Zouch, Sir Henry Oxinden, and Henry Oxinden, son and heir of Sir James Oxinden, Knt., of Wingham, to be held in trust for the said John Hobart and Margaret his wife, their heirs, etc. Witnesses: Sir Allen Zouch, Dame Katharine Zouch, and John Hobart. [Seal of Dame Katharine lost.] [Pedigree deducible from the above:—] William Proud. James Hobart_f=Kathari_e=Sir Allen Zouch. 1st husband. I 2nd husband. John Hobart=Margaret, dau. of Henry Oxinden. 110. [151].—1651. Power of attorney granted by John Hobart of South Pickenham in Norfolk to Henry Oxenden of Barham, concerning the sale of the manor of South Pickenham. Witnesses: William Baker, Tho. Oxinden, Jo. Wrightinton. IU. [357].—1651, September 27. Deed of covenant between Allen Zouch, Knt., and Dame Katherine his wife, late the wife of James Hobart, Esq., and John Hobart, son of James Hobart, of the first part, Robert Raworth, Esq., and James Acton, gentleman, of the second part, and Thomas Peyton, Bart., Henry Oxinden, Esq. (son of James Oxinden of Wingham, Knt.), and Henry Oxinden of Barham, Esq., of the third part, by which the parties of the first part agree to suffer a recovery, etc., in favour of the parties of the second part, of the advowson of the rectory of Methwould, co. Norfolk, with the appurtenances, to the use of Dame Katherine Zouch for life, with remainder to the use of Allen Zouch aud the parties of the third part in trust for John Hobart and Margaret his wife for life, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies. Witnesses: Thos. Leaver, Nicb. Henshawe. [Signed. Six seals.] Endorsed: The counterpart of the settlement of the rectory of Methould. Searles Proud=pAnn T Ann. Dorothy. 284 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE 112. [175].—1652, September 20. Bond of James Gibson of Elmsted, yeoman, to John Warley of Elham, butcher, for £68. Signatures of James Gibson, John Hogben, and Edward Hogben. 113. [327].—1653, March 14. Release by Thomas Barrow of the city of London, gentleman, to Henry Oxinden of Barham, co. Kent, of all administrations, actions, suits, demands, etc. [One seal: Three fleurs-de-lis between two swords in saltire.] (Signed) Thomas Barrow. Witnesses: P. Massonnet, G. Will. Wansbrough, T. Holder, Tho. Paulden. Endorsed: " My brother Barrow his Release of the 14 of March 1653. Md my Brother Barrow was also paid by mee, over & above the 300" my father left my sister, the sume of fiftie pounds, & I paid alsoe thirtie pounds for apparel for her, soe she had 380u, besides what she had in household stuffe." 114. [348].—1654, November 29. An acquittance of Nicholas Parrige to Edward Boberts for 18s. " for the personall pensions of Mr Henry Oxenden," due to Michaelmas 1653. Endorsed: " An acquitance of all my Pensions due at Greys, June 1644." 115. [308].—1659, December 20. Letter of William Jackman to Henry Oxenden, Esq., "at his house at Barham beyond Canterbury." [A begging letter.] Dated at Hackton, near Horne Church, 20 December. 116. [349].—1654, January 25. Release by William Glover of Canterbury to Henry Oxinden of Barham and John Richardson of Canterbury, of all actions, debts, etc. (Signed) Will. Glover. Witnesses: Fra. Bunting, Serg. George Simpson. 117. 1655, July 25. Henry Oxenden of Barham, gentleman, and Thomas his son and heir, to perform the covenants of an agreement made the previous day between them and Martha Curtis of Tenterden, widow, and Edward Curtis her son, executors of Samuel Curtis, deceased, sells to Edward Short, Esq., William Short, gentleKENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 28 5 man, and William Randolph, all of Tenterden, Gatehurst Farm (140 acres) and buildings, with other lands in Denton. (Signed) Edward Short. William Randolph. [Three seals.] 118. [333].—1658, November 1. Grant by Henry Oxinden, Esq., of Barham, to John Adye of Doddington, co. Kent, and Edward Adye, Nicholas Adye, Thomas Adye, and Solloman Adye, gentlemen, sons of the said John Adye, of a messuage called Lodge Lease-House, with land containing about 127 acres in the parishes of Barham and Denton in co. Kent, and a messuage and about 30 acres of land in Denton at or near a place then called the Gosse. Witnesses: John Helmden, Tho. Winchcomb. [Signed. Four seals.] 119. [172].—Final concord. [Ink so much faded as to be illegible.] 120. [323].—1659, April 9. Office copy of the will of William Arnold of Elham. Bequeaths to his master John Warley all his moneys in Mr. William Woollitt's hands due to the testator by bond. The residue to be at the disposition of the said John Warley, sole executor. Proved in the Archidiaconal Court 8 November 1662. # Witnesses : Robert Hart, Richard Hawkins. 121. [329].—1661, September 5. Fine levied at Westminster, Easter in three weeks, 13 Charles IL, between Walter Pinke, gentleman, plaintiff, and John Hawtrell, sen., and Katherine his wife, deforciants, concerning a messuage, granary, garden, orchard, six acres of arable, two acres of meadow, etc., in Stratfield Turgis (Buckinghamshire). Right of Walter, who for the admission pays to John and Katherine £40. 122. [355].—1662, January 16. Deed of covenant between Henry Oxinden of Barham, gentleman, and Katherine his wife, of the first part, Peter Myles and William Salmon of the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn, of the second part, and Edward Ady of East Greenwich, Esq., Nicholas Ady, citizen and clothworker of London, and Nathaniel Loane of the Middle Temple, London, Esq., of the third part. In consideration of £2800 paid by the parties of the third part, the said Henry and Katherine Oxinden 286 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE covenant to levy a fine sur cognisance de droit come ceo, etc., of a capital messuage with appurtenances at Barham occupied by the said Henry Oxinden, and of two and a half acres of land called " the Place Close," three roods of hop-ground, 9a. Ir. 20p. of land called " the Warren," and the round house standing thereon, 11a. 2r. 16p. of land planted with cherry-trees, 2a. Or. 2p. of woodland called " the Boundhouse Carvett," or " the Walke Carvett," or " Oxinden's Walke," 7a. Ir. 36p., "the triangular or stony field," 4a. Ir. 30p. of land above the Boundhouse called " Oxinden Close," sometimes called "the Cowleese," 3r. 12p. of woodland between " the Greene Cowleese " and " Oxinden's Close," la. Or. 32p. of woodland called " the Vault Carvett," 2a. Or. 4p. of woodland called "Waldercheyue Wood," adjoining land called "Further Horse Leese," 18a. Or. 30p. of woodland called " Clipgate and Maynywoods," 7a. Or. Op. of woodland called " Knowle Wood," 13a. Or. Op. of woodland called " Greate Eoxpoll Wood," a capital messuage and lands in Barham, Denton, and Wootton, 9a. Or. 18p. of land called " Greene Cowleese " or "Norton's Field," 87a. Or. Op. of land called " Made Ken," " The Holy Pield," " Hither Reydens " and " Further Reydens," " Hither Horse Lees " and " Further Horse Lees," " Long Horse Lees," " Hither Sowen Cowlees " and " Further Sowen Cowlees," " Gilde Ruffe," 34a. Or. Op., a messuage called " Little Roxpoll" and land in Denton, la. 3r. 10p., a malt-house and land adjoining, and sundry other tenements and gardens in the same parishes, and also all the said Henry Oxinden's lands in the above parishes (excepting a messuage called " the Brickhouse," four acres of land and other tenements, 3a. Or. Op. of land called " Claypitt Carvett" adjoining a field called " the Gosse," lately purchased by John Adye, father of the said Edward Adye, of the said Henry Oxinden, 2a. 2r. Op. of woodland called " Browning Downe Carvett " or " Magas Dane Carvett," etc., a tenement and seven acres, a tenement and four acres, a messuage, etc., adjoining Barham Churchyard and seven acres adjoining, and certain other tenements and lands) to the use of the parties of the third part in fee-simple, and the said Peter Myles and William Salmon are to stand possessed of the premises (with the exception of certain specified leases and rent charges) to the use of the said parties of the third part, 123. [363].—1663, October 26. Release by Thomas Epse of Barham, labourer, to Henry Oxinden of Denton, gentleman, of all KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 287 moneys due to the releasor, having accepted of Edward Adie of Barham, Esq., for paymaster for £90 lent to James Culling upon his lands in Barham, Elham, and Denton, and release of all actions. Witnesses: Henry Hogben, Edward Hayman. [Seal.] (Signed) Thomas Epse's mark. 124. [30].—1664. Letter addressed to Captain Henry Oxinden of Denton. [Much damaged by damp.] 125. [170].—1666. 16 February, 17 Charles II. Bond of Vincent Denne of the city of Canterbury, Esq., to Henry Oxenden of Denton, Esq., for £500. Signatures of Vincent Denne, R. Dixwell, Henry Marsh, and Vincent Nethersole. 126. [368].—1666, February 13. Release by Vincent Denne of the city of Canterbury, Esq., to Henry Oxinden of Denton, Esq., of all actions (excepting a decree made 10 November 1652 in Chancery, in cross causes, between the said Henry Oxinden, complainant, and Sir Nicholas Crispe and Dame Thomazine his then wife, and Dame Bridget! Darrell by the name of Bridgett Denne, and Dorothy wife of Roger Lukin by the name of Dorothy Denne, and Mary wife of the said Vincent Denne by the name of Mary Denne, and Thomas Denne the elder, defendants [and vice vers&~)). Witnesses: B. Dixwell, Henry Marsh, Vin. Nethersole. [Signed. Seal.] 127. [358].—1700, May 23. Demise by Henry, Bishop of London, to Bobert Lay of Marks Tey, co. Essex, gentleman, of the tithes of the Rectory of Marks Tey for five years at the rent of £35 a year, to be paid at the house of Jonas Warly of Witham, co. Essex, clerk. Witnesses: Theod. Jardane, William Hall, Jo. Warly. [Signed. Seal of arms.] Endorsed with note, remitting half share of assessments, signed by the Bishop of London. 128. [342].—1670, May 3. Nathaniel Smith of Denton, butcher, assigns to William Nearne of Wingham, brewer, his household goods in discharge of a debt of £10. Witnesses : John Coppin, Richard Wells. (Signed) Nathaniel Smith (by his mark). [Seal] 288 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE 129. [347].—1670, July 29. Articles of agreement between Robert Cage of Chart Sutton, Esq., and John Sladden of Kingsnorth, yeoman, whereby tbe latter assigns to the former certain live and dead stock in payment of a debt of £115 2s. 8d. One hundred wether sheep are valued at £57; a black three-year-old mare, a " sorrell gelding with a black list." two red budds, one pyed budd (yearling heifers or steers) at £15 ; a red cow, a brown cow, and five loads of hay at £13. Witnesses: John Warly, John Gillett (his mark), J. Hogben, junr. [Signed. Two seals.] 130. [332].—1709, January 15. Articles of agreement between Bartholomew Spaine of Ewell, co. Kent, yeoman, and John ffairman of Chislett, co. Kent, yeoman. Bartholomew Spaine, on his marriage with Sarah Rigden of Bidden, widow, agrees to pay to John ffairman for the use of Thomas Rigden, the infant son of Sarah, the sum of £100 if Sarah should predecease her husband without issue by him. [Unsigned. Two seals: (1) a bird; (2) Ermine, on a pole three martlets.] 131. [353].—1731. Bond from James Paddock of Denton, co. Kent, carpenter, to John Warly of Canterbury, surgeon, for £20 to secure the performance of certain covenants, etc., in a lease. ISLE OF SHEPPEY. FERRY-WARDENS' ACCOUNTS AND PERRY COURT ORDERS. A bundle of papers, labelled as above, containing the Accounts for the years 1732, 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1739, 1753, 1756, 1761, 1763; and tbe Court Orders for tbe years 1546, 1596, 1679, and 1795. Transcripts of the three earliest records in this bundle are given below :— The He of Sheppway, 1546. Kyngesborroughe.—The Lawday holden there the xiiijth daye of June in the xxxviij41' yeare of our soveraigne lorde Kynge Henry the VIIJt h , the yeare of our Lord God. The Borough of Ossenden.—John Ellyot, Borsholder there, his suters Henry Elliot and Peter Hayne. We present Edwynel j d Passhley and Laurence 'Jd Short for caryinge of lod of wyne from the KENT ARCHiEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 28 9 • ferry, we present Wm ilI]d Swalman for a lode of pale from the ferry, we present Thomas Richards for a lode of stofe, wee present John Norden for a lode of corne w* a shode cart unto the ferrye. iiij". The Borough of Seden.—Thomas Brodstreat, Borsholder there, suters John Fellowe and Thomas Osborne. The Borough of Bide.—William Wreke, Borsholder there, his suter Rob* Wreake. The Borough of Holt.—Thomas Collens, Borsholder there, his suters Symon Brodstreat and Ambrose Hayse. We present Lewes Graye for makyng default. Warden _?_roM^.-ARiehard Man, Borsholder there, his suters William Hottershad and Thomas Man. The Jury.— Richarde Roffene I c James Colsall I c Thomas Horne I c Thomas Lamb Riohard Clyntone ' •" Jolm Rowhed ' •" Robt. Eellowe > •" John Taylor Richard Paet | c Riohard Stoke 1 JL. Symone Erym / ^ John Colsall ) ,rH Thomas Larance I •" Edwine Passchley I ,rt The Constable.—The Jury present that they have chosen Richard Pawyne to be constable this yeare and John Colsall to be his deputie. The Ferry Warden.—Itm. they present y4 theie have chosen Richard Awode to be the ferry warden for the yeare. Itm. they present y4 theie have chosen William Hottershad and Wm Tersett to be ferry men. Suerties for the said Wm Hottershad and Wm Tersett: Will1 " Swalman, Thomas Richards. Richard Clyntone, and John Taylor. John Morrises accompt.—The accompt made by me, John Morris, Warden of Trinhide ferrye, the xiiij4 h day June in the xxxviij"1 yeare of the raigne of o1' Soveraigne Lord Kyng Henry the VIIJ41' in the yeare of o1' Lord God 1546. Imp. Rd of Sir Thomas Chaine, knight, for a parcell of lands of the lordship of Minster . . . . (?) . fferme of landes.—Itm. R. of Henry Laurance for lands in his hands taken by Indenture. xxxij8. Itm. R. of John Norris for land called Bylsing. v3. Itm. R. of Margrett Alief, widowe, for farme of lands. iis iiijd. Itm. R, of Peter Wetherley for lands in Halstowe. x3. Sum lj3 iiijd. (In dorso) The He of Sheppway in Kent, 1546. Bents.—Itm. Rd of Sir Thomas Chayne, knight, for lands of Sherland. xiiijd ob. VQE. xxr, V 290 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE Itm. R. of Mr Rodstone for land at Elmeley. iij8 iiija. Itm. R. of the heier of James Swalman for lands. vijd. Itm. of the same lands for ij yeres. viijd. Itm. R. of M1' Rodstone for M1' Dergas lands in Elmeley. xxd . Itm. R. of M1' Robt. Harlekydeu for lands late Thomas ffullers. viij ob. Itm. R. of Thomas Davye for lands called Blancketts. ijd. Itm. R. of Willm. Swalman for lands called Stonards. viij'1 . Itm. R. of John Osborne for lands called Puffes. iiijd. Itm. R. of the heires of Will'm Abeylles for land at the Harpe. iijd. Itm. R. of Thomas Davy for lands Croft. id ob. Itm. R. of M1' Thomas Mascoll for lands called Ham'ons. vja . Sum of this parcell is xs ijd ob. Ferme of Cattell.—Itm. R. of Alexander Carden for the ferme of vij owes. xxjd. Itm. R. of James Colsall for ferme of one owe. iijd. Itm. R. of John Morris for ferme of xx owes. v8. Sum of this parcell is vij8. Depts.—Itm. received of Thomas Laurance of his depts. xxxviij8 viijd. Itm. received of divers men of their good will. ij8 iiijd. Itm. received of Richard Norton for an Income. xiij8 iiija. Sum of this parcell is liiij8 ixd. Summa totalis est vj11 ij8 j d . Md wee have let to ferme one parcell of land late in the occupation of Laurance unto M1' Richard Norton the xiiij of June in the yeare of o1' Soveraigne Lord Kynge Henry the VIIJ41' for vij yeares hence for to enter at Michaelmas next comyng and the said Richard to paye yearly xxxij8. Itm. received of the said Richard for au Income. xiij8 iiijd. Charges laid out.—Itm. payd by me John Morris, warden, the xxxviii"' yeare aforsaid for Trymhide Ferry. Itm. paid for ij Barrells of pitch and tar w' the caridge. ix iiijd. Itm. pd for iij litell elmes bought of Robt. Fellowe for the boat. vijd. Itm. paid for viij pounds of towe. ixa. Itm. paid for a rope unto Richard Stoke for a bowy rope. iijs vjd. Itm. paid for a warpe rope unto him. ij8 viijd. Itm. paid for Line. id, KENT ARCHiEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 29 1 Itm. paid for grece. id. Itm. paid for billett. id. Itm. paid for wreake nayles. viijd. Itm. paid for a hundred and half of rough c | clenche. ij8. Itm. paid for ij hundred iiij peny nailes. viijd. Itm. paid for one hundred iij peny nailes. iijd. Itm. paid for 1 peck for to nayle the legges of the boat. vd. Itm. paid for Brods to naile the . . . . of the boat. id. Itm. paid for ij shepwrights, one of them fyve daies and the other Shepwright iiij dayes and a £ at vij the daye. v8 vjd ob. Itm. paid for their ladd v dayes at ij the daye. xd. Itm. paid for all their meate and drinke all that v dayes. vjs . Itm. paid for their beads [beds]. iiijd. Itm. paid for strawe unto John Colsall. iiijd. Itm. paid for making of xv Rods and a half of walle worke unto Oliver, at the rod the whole comes to vj8 vjd. (Cetera desunt.) 1596. Iiyngesboro'.—The Corte holden for our Souereigne ladye the Quene at Kyngesboro' aforesaid the laste of Maye Anno D'ni 1596 in the xxxviij11' yere of the reigne of our Souereigne Elizabeth by the grace of God of Ingland, ffrance, and Ireland Quene, defender of ye faith, etc. Laysdowne.—Michell Vigeon,bosholder of Laysdowne, Edmonde Matheson his suter. They present Richard VJd Passhley and John ij d Smythe for not appering at the said corte, therefore they are to be amerced as apperith upon either of there heads. Ossenden.—Edward Bradstrete, bosholder there, John Hides his suter. They present John " d Longe for not appering at the aforesaid Cort, therefore he is amerced as apperith uppon his hed. Warden.—Elex Dirkin, bosholder there, Thomas Rumney his suter. They present George xij d ffoxe for not appering at the corte, therefore he is amerced as apperith upon his hed. Seden.—Christopher Tylman, bosholder there, Buttolphe Godfrye his suter. They present Willim 'Jd Long and Thomas y a ffelle for not appering as aforesaid, therefore they are amerced as apperith on ether of there beds, V 2 292 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE Hoiolteboro''.—Will'm Cowsole, bosholder there, Thomas Munne his suter. They present Andrewe ijd ffesant, Henry ijd Bradstrete, and Robt. Thompson for not appering as aforeseid. Therefore they are amerced as apperith upon there hedds. Henry Smythe ^ Thomas Wilson \ John Bullyn Richard Glover c Thomas Ruffyn Peter Eliet ftobt. Allen " ^ Bob' Cussteman \ a Mathew Sampson Thomas Kyngesdowne John Richards J " Henry Davye John Bacheler / The presentment of the Jury.—Wee appoynt for Cunstable this yere following John Brayles, also wee appoynt Thomas Reynes to be his deputie, which are bothe sworn e in corte. Also wee appoynt Henry Harrys fferre wardeu for this yere following. Also wee appoynt John Wood and Matthew Sampson to be ferre men. Also the seid Jury doe assesse and appoynt to be taxed for this yere toward the mayntenance of the ferre called Trinehide ferrye alias the King's every twenty acres of ffresshe marshe and upland, sixe pens, and every twenty of salte, one penny. Also wee appoynt the ferre boke to be made at the house of Richard Smyth in Mynster and therebe Robert Allen, Will'm Richards, and Thomas Reynes for Mynster, and Henry Smythe, Richard Glover, and Mathy Sampson for Eastchurch and Gysemer, John Wyly and Thomas Ruffyn for Laysdowne and Warden, and if [either ?] of theym make defalte to forfet to the use of the ferre and ferre howse 11s. Also wee appoynt the fferre warden to go and to make survey of the ferre howse and lands belonging to the ferre on thisside, and before the feaste of S4 Michell tharchangell next uppon payne of fortie shillings to be had and levyed to the use of the fferre and fferre howse aforeseid. And wee appoynt the seid fferre warden to warne two oute of every parish at his electyon to ryde w4h hym to survey the seid lands, and if ony of theym refuse to goo he or they to forfet to the use of the fferre iij8 iiijd a pece. Itm. wee appoynt the fferre -warden shall tryme and dresse the botes and fferre howse on this side and before the feaste of S4 Michell next upon payne of fyve pounds to be levyed to the use of the fferre, KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 29 3 The accompt of Will'm Browne, fferre Warden, delyvered and taken at Kingesboro' the daye and yere aforeseid. Imprimis the Accomptant chargeth hym selff wtb the receipt of thirtie seven pounds xviij3 viijd as apperith by his boke of estretes. Itm. he the seid Warden craveth to be allowed vj3 viijd estreted for amercements. Itm. he demaudeth to be abated iij'1 abated by John Wyly for viij acres of land sett uppon his hed more than he had. Itm. he demandeth to be abated vj3 and va set downe uppon ffather Larkes hed for more land then he had. Itm. abated by Matthy Sampson for the lyke. id. Itm. abated by Sir Edward Hobbye for the lyke. ij8.iiijd. Itm. of Richard Askewe for the lyke. iijs. Itm. of George Crofte for the lyke. ijd. Itm. abated by Thomas Phillippes for the lyke. xi ' j d . Itm. abated by Stephen Awgar for the lyke. iijd. Mony layd oute by me Will'm Browne, fferre warden, as following. Itm. pd for the ffee of the steward. xxs. Itm. spent at dynner at tbe makyng of the fferre boke. xvj8 . Itm. pd for a bede hoke [boat hook ?]. vjs. Itm. pd to M1' Heimman for mony geven to hym at the last cort. xl5. Itm. pd to Sandford for his q1' wages due at the ffeaste of S4 Michell the Archangel! xlv8. Itm. pd for a bast [?] for the botes. xviijd. Itm. pd for a payer of newo owers and the fetching. xviij3 . (Cetera desunt.) Kingsborough—The Ring's MaUe8 Lawday there holden on Monday next after the ffeast of Penticost, being the nynth day of June in one and .thirtieth yeare of the reigne of o'' Sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England, Scotland, ffranco, and Ireland King, Defender of the llaith, etc., Anno D'ni 1679. Henry Whitlock, Constable, appeares. Boroughs. Borsholders. Ossenden . James Stiles app. Seden . . Jethro May app. Holt . . Richard Hooke app. Boroughs. Borsholders. Rydes . . John Packmau app. Warden . . John Irons app. Leysdowne. George Salmon app. 294 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE The Jury for our Sovereigne Lord the King. Thomas Durrant, Jur. Adam Seager ] Thomas Hobson, Junr 1 ^ Wm Salmon j £ John Greengrasse ) Thomas Salmon ) John B.uffin, gent, 1 ^ Thomas Mann [ t-s Chidwiok Silver j John Garrett ) Thomas Widgeon 1 ^ Peter Melloway f ^ Thomas Barfoote ] Riohard Champe ) Robert Marr 1 ^ Henry Harrison (t-, Henry Robins J John Booker Butt , John Baker v S Joseph Templeman) Robert Stiles ) Edward Chapman / John Smith > % John Hadlow I Edward White ) Thomas ffort ) Robert Eort 1 ^ Thos. Smith Musterds f £ Soloman Swift J The Jury aforesaid nominate Henry Harrison Constable. They elect fferry Warden Thomas Hopson. They elect fferry men Joseph Templeman, John Barker. The Jury aforesaid doe order that the ferry warden shall cause the fferry boate to bee dressed before Michaelmas next upon payne of 51. They doe alsoe confirme Peter Theobald, gent., Steward for the terme of his life. They doe also order that the fferry warden shall bestow in Gravill for repayring of the ferryway and letting out the water 208, and below the ferry wall if need require 20s. They doe also order that the fferry warden shall view the fferry lands in Iwade, Halstow, and Upchurch before the 25th day of July next upon payne of 28 in case he make defaulte. And that he elect to view with him three persons, householders of Eastchurch, three persons, householders of Minster, Two persons, householders of Laysdowne, and one person, householder of Warden parish. And if any person so elected doe neglect or refuse to attend the said Warden to view the said lands att his request or appointment then every person so elected neglecting or refusing shall forfeit and pay 384d. They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden shall pay unto the fferry keeper for his yeares wages this next eusueing yeare to end att Lady Day next 13" 00s 00d, and doe freely give unto him as a benevolence 9U 00s 00a, and to maintaine a roape crosse the fferry and for a warfe cable 2U. They doe alsoe order that every land occupiers of the Isle of Harty shall pay for importing their cattle as followeth, viz4, for every horse 2d, for every bullock 2d, for every score of sheepe and every score of lambs 8d, to the use of the fferry keeper. KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 295 They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden shall aske, receive, collect, and gather all Rents, Assessments, ffynes, Amercea"48, Arrearage, which shall bee estreated unto him by the Steward of this Court, either Taxed or settd att this Court And the same shall levy upon non payment thereof upon the goods and chattels of the person assessed . . . . and of the same shall account att the next Court here to bee holden upon payne of 50u. They alsoe order that every householder of the Isle of Sheppie, not being sicke or otherwise hindered by urgent occasions allowed by the fferry-warden, shall appear att the next Court to be here holden by eight of the clock in the morning under payne of 33 4d. They doe alsoe order that if any person inhabiting within this Island, which on this court day or any other court day thereafter shall bee chosen to beare office within the same, bee not present in Court to take the oath according to the ancient custome or doe refuse to execute the office to which he is chosen or shall be chosen and forsake his oath to execute the same, Then such person being absent or refusing as aforesaid without just cause to be allowed by this Court shall bee amerced according to the discretion of the Jurors of this Impannelled when such fault or refusall shall bee, They not exceeding the sum of 511. They doe alsoe order that the fferry booke or cesse shall bee made att Eastchurch the fifteenth day of July next ensuing, And that all ffresh marshe and upland shall be taxed at 20d the score of acres and salt marsh att 2d for every score of acres, for and towards the maintenance of the fferry or passage called the King's fferry and the way belonging to or leading to the same, and of th6 fferry house and fferry boates and other things requisite to the maintenance of the same fferry, as of long tyme hath beene accustomed, and by the Statute made in the xvij41' yeare of Queene Elizabeth they are enabled to doe. And if any person after named elected and appointed to make the said Cesse refuse soe to doe, Then such person soe refusing shall forfeit 3s 4d. And they doe nominate, elect, and appoint to make said Cesse for Minster parish Thomas Durreut, Adam Seager, and John Posingham; for Eastchurch John Greengrasse, Tho. Mann, and Thomas Salmon; for Leysdowne John Crux, gent., Ohidwicke Silver; for Warden Henry Whitlocke. They doe alsoe order that the fferry-warden this day elected shall bee allowed for making the fferry book and viewing the lands 4s [?]. They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden shall pay to the Steward for his fee 408, and to the Bailiff for his fee 58. 29.6 DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE They doe also order that all persons, inhabitants and strangers, shall pay to the fferry keeper for his furtherance and helpe in boating cattle as followeth: for every pasture horse and bullock ld, and for every score of sheep and every score of lambs 4d, that shall be exported out of this Island. They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden this day elected . . . . shall not have allowance upon Account of any sum of money by him disbursed touching the fferry house, fferry boate wayes and wailes unless he present receipts of the several sums of money soe disbursed . . . . They doe alsoe order that if any person or persons to be taxed or assessed to the maintenance of the said fferry this present year doe not pay the Assessment on him or them to be taxed, and that before the 10"' day of March next ensuing, then such person shall forfeit the double of that assessment, which the fferry warden is ordered to levy by distress and sale of the goods of such person or persons and render the overplus to the owner of the goods soe sold. They doe alsoe order that every Borsholder of the Isle of Sheppey shall give in writeing to the Steward of this Court the names of every one of the Inhabitants within their several Boroughs upon Whitmonday next by eight of the clock in the morning upon payne of 38 4d. They doe alsoe order that if the fferry warden now elected . . . . shall happen to dye in the time of that office, Then the Executors and Administrators of the warden soe dying shall give an account of all such money as hath been extracted to the warden, deceased, to the Steward of this Court under the penalty of 50s . And they doe further order that the Executors and Administrators of such deceased fferry-warden shall have the same power and authority to levy the taxes, Assessments, and fynes . . . . as such fferry warden had whilst hee lived. They doe alsoe order that the fferry keeper shall not carry over the said fferry any manner of cattell on the Lord's day, neither att any time sett or fferry over any Rogues, Vagabonds, or wandering people under the penalty of 10s for every such offence. They doe alsoe order that the fferry keeper shall and may have and take to his owne use of all passingers goeing or coming into the said Island over the said fferry on the daye of S4 James the Apostle, All Hallows day, Palme Monday, and Witson Monday, such reasonable contributon for their passage and his Attendance as hath beene accustomed to be taken and payd. That is to say for every horse 2d, for every man and every woman ld . KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 29*7 They doe alsoe order that all persons, Strangers, who passe the fferry aforesaid with a pack horse or otherwise load on horse backe any victualls, goods, or merchandizes whatsoever to be exposed to sale in the said Island shall pay to the fferry keeper for his use for every such horse 2d for his labour, furtherance, and assistance of such persons with their horses and loading into and out of the fferry boate. They doe alsoe order that if tho fferry keeper doe att any tyme carry any Lyme, Bricke, Tyles, Bushes, Tymber, or auy other stuff whatsoever in any of the fferry boates other than for the use of the fferry or fferry house, that then he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence 38 4d. And if the said fferry keeper doe make any hogstie in the Stable to the said fferry belonging or suffer itt otherwise to bee noysomly used or kept, and shall not cause the same to bee kept cleane, hee shall forfeit and pay for every such offence 10s . They doe alsoe order that if the fferry warden either in his owne name or the fferry keeper's name shall present or sue any person that have or shall have, dredge, take, or gather Oysters within the fferry Lock hee shall have his charges and expenses allowed him on his account. They doe alsoe order that the fferry keeper shall att the end of the yeare leave the fferry Roape worth 40s upon payne of 51. They doe alsoe order that the owner of every Carriage which shall come or goe laden on the fferry wall this next ensuing yeare except in the moneths of May, June, and July, and then alsoe the way to bee dry and hard fitting to beare Carriages without damage thereto, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence 10s , . . . . and for every tyme goeing below the fferry house with a Carriage laden shall forfeit and pay the keeper or his servant 20s . And they doe further order that the fferry keeper or his servants shall att the next Court to bee there holden give notice to the Jury to bee Impannelled of every such Carriage upon payne of 40s. They doe alsoe order that the Master or owner of any vessell that shall ground his vessell on the north side of the fferry shall forfeit for every tyme hee soe ground his vessell 21 to bee levyed by distresse of the tackling thereof or commence Action for the same. They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden this day elected shall within one weekes tyme take a boud from the Steward this day elected in 1001 with condicon that the Steward and his Exrs and Adm1'8 shall deliver the Court bokes aud evidences belonging to this 298 KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Court to the Constable and fferry wardens upon one moneth's notice to him given for the same purpose. They doe alsoe order that, that soe much money as hath been expended in law on that side—Mr. Stanninough was Attorney— and allowed on Accompt shall bee allowed out of the next Cesses towards reimbursing that side which employed Peter Theobald for their Attorney. They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden now elected doe pay five shillings and two pence to the former fferry warden remaining due to him on Account. They doe alsoe order that the fferry warden shall have for his fee 38 4d.