Dover Chamberlains' Accounts 1365-67
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The Church of St John the Baptist, Margate
Thirteen century wall-painting at Upchurch
( 75 ) DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. BY THE REV. S. P. H. STATHAM. THE Accounts of the Commonalty of Dover exist, with almost an unbroken regularity, from the year 1365. The gap of the most importance occurs during tbe reign of Philip and Mary, although there is an occasional hiatus at other periods. From 1365 to tbe end of the reign of Henry VIII., tbe original documents are now preserved amongst the Egerton MSS. and Add. MSS. in tbe British Museum, and may be found under the numbers: Egerton Manuscripts, 2090, 2091, 2092, 2107, 2109; and Additional Manuscripts, 29,615, 29,616, 29,617, 29,618, 29,810. Under these references will be found not only tbe original records themselves, but a carefully-indexed abstract, compiled, as I am inclined fco believe, by tbe Rev. John Lyon, some time Minister of St. Mary-tbe-Virgin, Dover, and author of tbe well-known history of the town. Tbe Mayor and Corporation of Dover have bad the Accounts which remain in their possession, and which date from the first year of King Edward VI., bound in nine volumes, and they are carefully preserved in a special case, erected for tbe reception of all their muniments, in tbe Council Chamber of the Town Hall. Tbe following matter is a translation of tbe first few folios of Additional Manuscript No. 29,615, and covers the period embraced between 8 September 1365 and 7 September 1367, or two full years. As at that time tbe Mayor was elected on 8 September, tbe Accounts were naturally compiled to cover his year of office. Tbe Corporation of Dover have commenced the laudable work of procuring a transcription of all tbe Town Eecords now existing at the British Museum, and Mr. I. Jeayes, Assistant in the Manuscripts Department, is now employed upon carrying out tbeir 76 DOVER CHAMBERLAINS* ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. scbeme. Tbe translation now published bas been made from Mr. Jeayes' transcription, although it should be stated that tbe translator bas also consulted tbe original. Tbe words contained between tbe square brackets have been supplied by tbe translator, either from similar passages in other parts of tbe Accounts, or from other sources. Tbe Accounts from which tbese two years are taken are tbe original documents as compiled at tbe time. Tbey are written on stout white paper. There is no water-mark. They are in a fair state of preservation, but the original binding having perished at some unknown period, they have been carefully rebound, tbe more damaged folios being framed in modern paper. The handwriting, which is typical of the fourteenth century, is probably that of the Common Clerk, who certainly kept the Accounts at a later date, as tbe entries are made by tbe same hand for a considerable time. I t may be noted that although the Mayor was primarily responsible for tbe funds of the Commonalty, it was tbe custom to elect four of tbe Jurats as Custodes (Chamberlains tbey are called when tbe entries came to be made in English) to assist bim in receiving and disbursing tbe revenue of tbe town. THE ACCOUNTS OE THE COMMONALTY OE DOVER. [The account of Alexander] Hurtin,1 John Pocok,3 Thomas Coumbe . . . . Thomas Lief,3 and Peter de Petham, for receipts [passing] through their hands for the business of the Commonalty of the town of Dover from the feast [of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary1] the Virgin in the 39th5 year of the reign of King Edward, the third from the Conquest, to the [same] feast in the 40th year of the reign of the abovesaid King. Inprimis. In account for iijs. iiija.. received from forfeitures. , ' . _, „.. .„ ' . . , . -Nicholas u-lovere tor a forfeit for his pigs running in the road contrary to the common ordinance, etc.; and for xx.. received from John Piers in part payment of xlis. for DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. 77 striking William with his sword, i.e., William Lovekoc; and for vis. viijd received from Nicholas Greldebard for drawing a knife on the wife of Walter de Ocrise; and for iijs. iiijd received from Matilda Undener for chattering against the wife of Eichard Donmowe; and xxxiiijs. in part payment of xls. received from John Girold6 for striking John Larkins. Total lxvijs. iiijd And for xxvis. viijd received from Thomas Frere, through Henry Blank, for outrent of the preceding year; and for ijs. id. received from William Sawer for outrent; and for ijs. for the same received from the widow of Thomas Huntedl; and for ijs. iijd received from Adam Lief. Total xxxiijs. And for xxiiji.?'. vs. received for the malitot taxes7 Malit°MnisXeS °n t0 t h e Sunday next after the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist for three quarters and one week; and for xxs. received from John atte Eegge8 for the year last past; and for xvs. received from the same John for three quarters of that year; and for iijs. received from John Scot9 for the malitot for three quarters of that year; and for iijs. received from Simon Hood through the same; and for ijs. received from Thomas Beneit, tanner, for his malitot for two quarters [of that year] ; and for xixs. received from the Prior of Dover10 for the malitot [on his mill] this year; and for xiiijs. iiijd received for the malitot on the mill [of the Earl of Oxford11 in] Dover; and for xxis. iiijd received for the malitot on the mill [of the Master of the Domus Dei, by] the hand of John By the farmer there; and for xiiijs. viijd [for the malitot] on the mill of Wardedieu, by the hand of William atte Water; [and for xis. received for the malitot] on Dover mill for the last assessment, etc. Total xxixK. vis. iiijd (Fol. 4b.) And for xxijs. received from John Malitots on Ta,ver_s Gil M f o r t h e mai j t o t [on his tavern]; and for and Hostelnes. , L - ' xvs. received from Henry Blank for the malitot on his tavern and for . . . . a portion of "blanket" sold to William Monin; and for xijd received from . . . . for the malitot on one pipe of wine which Clara sold in the tavern of Jolm Monin13 . . , .; and for iijs. iiijd received from Nicholas atte Hall1* for the malitot of the hostelry for this [year]. Total xlis. iiijd 7 8 DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. And for xxxis. received from John Tanner for his Mahtot on Pish. .. . . „ , . _ TT __. i J_ mahtots on his bshmgs tor Haryngtare; and tor xxxiiijs. ixd received from the said John for common fish sold on two occasions, and for his malitot for Schotfare; and for xis. ixd received from Peter Waleware for Schotfare; and for xis. xid from William Peny for the same; and for vis. i d received from John Wilde, collector of the malitot on fish for two occasions. Total ivli. xvs. vija?.15 And for ijs. received from John atte Steghele for the malitot on " Carriage " ; and for xijd received from Thomas Craketate10 for the same. Total iijs. And for lvs. iiijd received from the Mayor of Eaversham17 for his share of Schupevveye; and for xls. received from the Limbs of Mergate for the preceding time, to wit, at the feast of Saint Michael in the 39th year; and for xls. received from G-oreshende for the aforesaid time; aud for xxs. received from the Mayor of Eolkestane for the same; and for vis. from John Elys of Kyngesdown for the arrear of the last assessment there. Total riijli. is. iiijd [And for] . . . . received from Alexander Hurtyn for the malitot on ships; and for . . . .; and for xvii. vs. ixd received for the malitot . . . .; and for xiijs. vijd received for the aforesaid malitot. Total xxvij7.. viijs. viijd . . . . vifo- . xvis. vijd18 (Eol. 5.) For carrying a certain Common Chest19 from the Mayor's house to the Church of Saint [Peter]20 and carrying it back vid For a common hornblowing on three occasions this year iijd For carrying letters to Mergate seeking money there viijd For paper and wax bought this year vis. iiijd For the expenses of a man coining from Eaversham and carrying money from the same vid For a new pad-lock bought for the Common Chest and for an iron hasp xviijd Item, for the expenses of William Athirle staying at Mergate with his hackneys in March xviijd Item, given to a certain man from Eomene bringing the money for the Yarmouth (Jernemuth) bailiff vid Item, for John Tent and hackneys going to Eomene for the same cause xvid Total xiijs. id DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. 79 Item, for the expenses of the Mayor and William VandPuPrcCsestS Denne a t London for the Parliament held there, for 10 days in May, cs. Paid to William Denne21 for the arrear of his last account viii. xs.; aud for a certain Common House bought from Alexander Hurtyn viii. xiijs. iiijd For wine at the time of taking seisin of the said house,23 and for vaulting over the brook (valf super brocum) and shutting the door ijs. For a certain large parchment book bought xxs. And for payment made to divers commoners for an old debt iijs. Item, for payment made to John atte Eegge for an old debt xvs. Total xxij7.. xijs. iiijd Schupeweye ^ai<^ *° R°ge r de Beere, Bailiff for the Yarmouth Yarmouth, and Fair this year, lxvjs. viijd Item, paid to Sir Ealph Presents. Spigurnel,23 Constable of Dover Castle, for the premises done at Schupeweye in September this year viij?*. vis. viijd For the expenses of the Mayor and Jurats at Schupeweye with hackneys xxxijs. For a present sent to the aforesaid Constable against the feast of Christmas lvs. iiijd Given to a certain boy bearing letters for a Brodhull from Eia iiijd, concerning the Yarmouth bailiff. Total xvjfo'. is. Item, for the salary of the Common Clerk for a SClo"thinand year xls- •Por t h e s t i P e n ( i of t n e Pi P e r £or a ye a r xxs. For oblations to the Clerk and Sergeants at Christmas and Easter terms iiijs. In clothing for the Clerk aforesaid, the Sergeants, and the Common Piper xlixs. Total vii. xiijs. „ ,, „ _ And for the expenses of Simon Monyn,24 Tho- Brodhull Expenses. „. ne • -n a J J mas Spisour,25 and Eoger . . . . for . . days and a half at Eomene at a Brodhull held there . . . . xvs.; given to a certain boy bearing letters for the said Brodhull [iiijd]. Item, given to a certain boy bearing letters for a certain Brodhull to be held at Hethe on Saint Hilary's day iiijd For the expenses of the Mayor, Thomas Spisour, Simon Monyn, at the said Brodhull at Hethe viijs. iiijd; and for the expenses of Simon Monyn living in London on the common business for 15 days xls.; and for the expenses of the Mayor and Simon Monyn at a Brodhull held at Eomene in April ixs. iijd Item, given to a certain boy bearing letters for the said Brodhull iiijd ; for the expenses of Simon Monyn, John Gerold on one occasion, and John Gerold and John atte Halle on another occasion, at a Brodhull held at Eomene in July and August viijs. Total iiijli. is. vijd 8 0 DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. Item, paid to the Warden of the murage for the gate of Walgate and for the tower over the brook, for the mason's pay and for other charges for the same, to wit, from the tax granted by the last assessment for 11 weeks, i.e., to the feast of S. Michael; and also from other monies received besides the tax from the said assessment, also from other monies levied after the feast of S. Michael as appears in the next account, xxixli. iijs. vijd ob. Total as above. -,.„. Item, given to Alan, a messenger of the Lord King in October, xxd ; Item, to Tailfer xxd; Item, to John Parys, messenger of the Lord King, xijd; Item, to another messenger of tbe Lord King ijs.; Item, to a certain messenger bearing letters from Parliament xiijd; Item, to another bearing letters about fishermen crossing to the fishing xijd ; Item, to another messenger bearing letters for sweet wines xijd; Item, given to Typet, messenger of the Lord King, iijs. iiijd; Item, given to a messenger of the Lord Prince in July J marc; Item, to a messenger of the Lord King in the same month -| marc; Item, given to Thomas Skynnere, Bordeour2 6 of the Lord King, •£ marc; Item, given to divers runners of the Lord King arriving on various occasions vs. this year; given to Boyt and his companions the trumpeters at Christmas xijd ; given to Lenham and his companions the minstrels of the Earl of Huntingdon xld ; Item, given to Boffet xijd; Item, given to John Eusteler and others on the feasts of Corpus Christi and the Ascension iijs. iiijd Total i]li. vis. iiijd27 Total of all the expenses and payments iii]xHi. xs. xid ob"8 And the expenses exceed the receipts iijfo'. xiiijs. iiijd THE 40TH YEAB. (Fol. 6.) [The account] of Nicholas atte Halle, Mayor of the town of Dover, from the feast of the Nativity [of the Blessed Mary the Virgin29] in the 40th year of the reign of Edward, the 3d after the Conquest, [to the same] feast next ensuing, one year having passed, i.e., in the 41st year. Inprimis, in account for iiijs. viijd for rent of EandLoctS4sSe3° assise received from Thomas Gretehobbe for a certain orchard called La Teynte opposite the tenement of John Eobyn; and for xvid received for a certain orchard which Nicholas Soltene holds next Bardesbrok at Stonebrok; DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. 81 and for xvid received from Adam Coupere for a certain orchard annexed; and for iiijd received from Eobert Swanton for a certain plot of land at Castlediche; and for iiijd received from Eichard Clerk for a plot of land opposite his capital messuage; and for vid received from Nicholas Magote31 for a certain hemp orchard in Georges Ward; and for vid received from Eichard Horspole32 for a certain other hemp orchard there; and for vid for rent from Alice Hardy for a certain other orchard there; and for vs. received from Cecilia Beuge83 for locage of the cellar under the Common House, to wit, for the terms of Christmas, the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, and the Nativity of S. John Baptist, etc. Total xiiijs. vid And for viii. received from Eichard Bartelote, o f t a e 5L£S May ° r of Faversham, a s his share of the costs incurred for maintaining and sustaining the liberty of the said Port of Faversham, from the time of the last preceding payment until the feast of Easter in the 41st year (the Jernemuth quarrel accounts for the viii. aboveS4:); and for cs. received from the men of Mergate for the same until the feast of Easter; and for xls. received from the men of Goreshende in full receipt until the feast of Easter aforesaid, etc.; and for xls. received from William Perkyn, Mayor of Folkestane, for all expenses incurred before the feast aforesaid; and for xls. received from the men of Kyngesdonne for their share of the whole sum to be contributed before the feast of Easter, etc. Total xviijK. (Fol. 6b.) And for xiijs. iiijd received from John Imprest on the ^onYn fQV the imprest . . . . from the festival Mautots. , . _, ., . ... „ Sunday in Lent until the said day tor one year . . . . ; and for xiijs. iiijd received from John Beneyt for the same; from Walter Elys for the same [xiijs. i i i jd]; from Henry Blanke xiijs. iiijd for the same; from John Girold for the same xs.; and for xxs. received from John atte Eegge for the same; from Thomas Coumbe for the same xs.; and for vis. viijd received from John atte Stegle for the same; from John Scot for the same iijs. iiijd; and from Simon Hood for the same iijs. Total vii. vis. iiijd And for xiijs. iiijd received from John Pokoc Malitots bought for f fi f hi manto t and his wife's this the whole Year. , , year; from John Mannyng through the same vs.; from William Merle for the game iijs. iiijd VO_&, xxv, G 8 2 DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. Erom John Bbnere35 . „ Thomas Mertoun36 „ Henry Marchal. „ Thomas Merle . „ John Crabbere . „ Thomas Harry37 „ Thomas Beneit . „ Simon Coke . . „ Thomas Lord38 . „ William Oxeford „ John Stretende . „ Peter Cooohere . „ William Tilmanston30 for himself and his mother £ maro, vs. I maro. xs. xld. xld. viij*. iiijd xld 4 marc. xld. xiijs. iiijd. X11]S. William Hannewode . John Pichiere for his wife . . . . Henry Peoham . Henry Sohopper William Bedeford John Godhiewe. James Stretende William Wolle . v*. ij*. iiijd xld. xld. vs. \ marc, ij*. xld Erom William Coke, sen. Henry Marregge . William Petham . William Trippe. . John Quaoheman40 Rob. Wreth . . . Thomas Craketare . Nicholas Taillour . William Hikke. . John Thomas . . William Abbot . . Giles Caoherel . . Ralph Banshan . . William Coke, jun. Richard Seforde . John Denys . . . Alexander Lymberner John Petyn . . . Thomas Lief. . . John Nelot41 . . William Poltone . John Engeland. . Alexander Bontyng Clement Merle . . iij*. iiijd \ maro. vs. \ marc. xld \ marc. xld xs. \ marc, vs. vs. xs. xld \ marc. xs. ijs. ijs. xs. xld. ixs. viijs. ixs. xld. Item, received from Eichard Horspol and John ommo L J • ga m p S o n for the malitots of Sailors and Carriers and small boats, sold to them in gross for this year, iiij?*". Item, from John Pichiere and Simon Blobbere for the fishing malitot sold to them as above iii\li. • Item, from the tax of the Common Malitot from Lent Is. iijd Total xii. xs. iijd Malitots of (Fol. 7.) And for viij?*. received for the malitot Ships and Boats. 0f ghipS an<} boats for this year, collected by Nicholas Magote, etc. Total viij/.. And for vis. viijd received for the malitot of the mill of the Lord Prior, in part payment; and for vis. viijd received for the malitot of the mill of the Master4 2 of the Domus Dei of Dover, in part payment; and for vis. viijd received for the malitot of the mill of the Earl of Oxford, in part payment; and for vis. viijd received for the malitot of the mill of John Wardedieu, in part payment. Total Hi. vis, viijd Malitots of Mills. Outrent. And for iiij?*. vis. xd. received from William Deghere for Outrent, as appears by a certain indenture, in part payment. Total iiijK. vjs. xd DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. 83 And for xxvis. viijd received from John Giles, Eines . . . -m-. • taverner, in part payment of xls. for striking William Oxenford with a stick; and for iijs. iiijd received from the wife of Simon Plomer for chattering with, etc.; and for iijs. iiijd received from Emma Lorkynes for chattering; and for iijs. iiijd from Johanna Bedeford for the same; and for iijs. iiijd received from the wife of John Tilour. Total i]li. And for xvs. vid received from John atte Halle in part payment of his malitot for the tavern in La Cheritone. Total xvs. vjd Sum total of receipts lxvii. vijs. id (Fol. 7b.) For carrying the Common Chest and the horn-blowing for the election of the Mayor vijd Total viijd For rent paid to Alexander Hurtyn for the Payment of Rent. ~ TT 0 .-, Common House tor the year. xs. For rent paid to the Priory of Dover for the same house for the year. ivs. Total xivs. And at a Brodhull held at Eomene in the week next after the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, about Schupeweye, and for the Jeruemuth bailiff, to wit, for the expenses of Thomas Spisour and John atte Halle. vis. And for the wages of the Mayor and ij Jurats at a Brodhull held there in October for the fair of Jernemuth. xis. Item, given to a certain boy bearing letters for the said Brodhull. ivd Paid to James Colbrand, Bailiff for Jernemuth this year. lxvis. viijd „ _ And for a Brodhull held at Eomene on Charges for Jerne- ao 0. j -r j j -on. « • muth Pair [and] for SS. Simon and Jude day, viz., Thomas Spisour the quarrel there. anQ John Beneyt. vis. And for a Brodhull held at Eomene, and for the expenses of the Mayor, William Denne, and Thomas Spisour staying there for ij days. xs. For three hackneys, paid to the Mayor of Sandwich for preparing and sending writs to Jernemuth. . xvis. For letters sent by Thomas Pessch to Mergate, Kyngesdoune, and Folkestane for the men of Jernemuth. xijd For letters sent by the same Thomas to Faversham, Goreshende, and Mergate for the men of Jernemuth, xijd . _ 84 DOVER CHAMBEKLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. Item, to William Pakkere for carrying a letter to Folkstane for the same. ivd Eor the expenses of William Denne and John Beneyt at a Brodhull held at Eomene in April for the agreement of Jernemuth. vs. For the expenses of the Mayor and T. Spisour at a Brodhull at Eomene in June, with hackneys. vs. iiijd For the expenses of the Mayor and others at a Brodhull held at Eomene in July, with hackneys. vijs. Given to a runner bearing letters for the said Brodhull. iiijd For the expenses of the Mayor, Thomas Spisour, and others at a Brodhull held on the Monday after the feast of the Beheading of S. John. xs. Given to a boy bearing letters for the said Brodhull. iiijd. Total vijli. vis. iiijd (Fol. 8.) And for the expenses of the Mayor S h p P r 3 r d and Bailiff a n d xiJ J u r a t s wi t h t h e m at Schupeweye on the Thursday next before the feast of Saint Michael, with hackneys hired, etc. xxxvis. And for a present sent to the Lord Constable against Christmas. Iviijs. Total iiijli. xivs. And for repairing the Common House, to wit, Costs of the House. » .-, » ., . n tor the wages or the mason, carpenter, and plasterer employed, for tin, for a certain spera for making certain walls and casements there, together with boards, wood, nails, planks, and other things bought for the same, as appears in a certain schedule in detail. xlvs. vid!. Total ijli. vs. vid Given to ij messengers of the Lord King in October. ijs. Item, given to the messenger of the Lord Archbishop in November, by P. Eede. ijs. Item, given to Tailfer, messenger of the Lord King, at Christmas. xxd. Item, given to Alan, messenger of the Lord King. ijs. Item, to John Scot, harper. xxd Item, to the Trumpter of Sir Stephen de Valoynes on Christmas Day. xijd Item, to ij other trumpeters on Christmas Day. xijd Item, to a certain runner of the Lord King in January. xijd DOVER CHAMBERLAINS* ACCOUNTS, 1&65-67. 85 Item, to Boffett the trumpeter. xijd Item, to a certain lad bearing letters from Faversham. iiijd Given to "Long" Eichard of Sand wych bearing letters for a Brodhull. viijd Item, given to John de Parys, messenger of the King in June. xijd Item, to a certain runner of the Lord King in the same month. iiijd Total xvs. viijd Extraneous (Fol. 8b.) Item, for the expenses of the Mayor and Expenses. Jurats and others at Canterbury at the enthronment of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.4'3 xxiijs. Item, for a certain pensell for the trumpet of Alan Trompour, with the arms of the Cinque Ports. _ marc. Item, given to a certain trumpeter of the Lord King. xxd. Item, to John Parys, messenger of the Lord King. xijd Item, for bearing letters to Hethe by John Pessch. iiijd Given to a certain man bearing letters for a Brodhull in April. viijd And for letters carried to Faversham for an Arrayer. vid Given to the minstrels at the feast of Corpus Christi and at the feastes of the Ascension. ijs. iiijd Given to Eeginald of the Lord King's chamber. vis. viijd Item, given to Typet, messenger of the Lord King on two occasions. xiijs. ivd Item, given to Perceval and other minstrels of the Lord King in July. iijs. ivd Total lixs. vid For the robes of the Clerk and Sergeants. xiijs. For the clothing of the Piper John Bustler and of Alan Trompour. xiijs. Total ij?*. xvs. For the salary of the Common Clerk, per annum, xls. For the salary of the Piper, per annum. xxs. Eor the Clerk's and Sergeants' oblations at Christmas and Easter. iiijs. Total iijfo'. ivs. 8 6 DOVER CHAMBERLAINS' ACCOUNTS, 1365-67. NOTES. 1 A man of importance in Dover. He was Bailiff in 1336 and 1342 (Dov. Corp. MSS.). On 4 August 1331 he was appointed by letters patent to the office of Bedel to Dover Castle vice Richard de Dover, deceased (P.O.). In May 1336 he is spoken of as the Deputy of William de Clynton, Constable of the Castle (Rymer). In 1384 he was dead, as "Margaret, daughter of the late Alexander Hurtyn," is spoken of (Add. MS. 2091, Brit. Mus., f. 29). William Hurtyn, his father perhaps, was Mayor in 1329. 2 He is described as clericus in Add. MS. 2091, f. 4. 3 He was still a Jurat in 1385. This year he acted as one of the Chamberlains (Oustodes). 4 8 September, the regular date for the election of the Mayor. 5 1365. 6 Mayor of Dover in 1377. He succeeded John Monyn as Bailiff on 9 February 1385, being appointed by letters patent for the term of his life, and was admitted to the office at Easter, " in the Chapel of S. Mary in the Church of S. Nicholas " (Add. MS. 2091). He died before 1426. 7 Malitot, maletot, maltolte, or malteut, originally a toll of 40s. paid on every sack of wool. It appears to be used in the Cinque Ports as a general name for local taxes. 8 John atte Capel le Eerne. This spot was called later Mauregge, and when the Church was built, Capel le Eerne. (Cf. p. 82, Henry Marregge.) 9 Described as a labourer; dead before 13 November 1384. His wife's name was Johanna (Add. MS. 2091, f. 46b). 10 Sir John, Prior of Dover, is mentioned in 1383; Sir William Beaumont, Canon of Dover Priory, and William the Clerk of the Priory, about the same date (Add. MS. 2091). 11 In Liber Rubens de Scaccario (Hall), p. 596, under "Terra ejusdem Henrici," i.e., de Essexa, " de Honore de Hageneth," we find " Comes Albericus " holding two knight's fees. This Honor formed part of the " Honor of the Constable " of Dover Castle, and suggests a reason for the Earl of Oxford holding land in Dover. 12 Mayor in 1383, 1390, 1392, 1399, and 1401 (Dov. Corp. MSS.). He is described as a mariner in Add. MS. 2091. It is curious to note that many of the leading Dover men in those days were connected with the " liquor interests." 13 Son of another John Monyn, Mayor in 1386, 1387, 1388, and 1396. Iu 1328 John Monyn, senior, was granted one fee in Dover for services rendered to the Queen, and three years later he received a messuage in the town. He was the King's valet (inde note 6 and History of Dover, Statham). 14 Mayor of Dover in 1358, 1362, 1366, and 1367 (Dov. Corp. MSS.). 18 The total should be £4 15s. 6d. 16 This name appears as Craketare in other places. V This entry proves that Goreshende, etc., were limbs of Dover at a much earlier date than has been usually supposed. 18 What this sum means it is impossible to deoipher; it is not added to the total of receipts. It may be a note of sums due, but unpaid, to the " Chamberlains." 19 This chest contained the Ma3ror's official documents, eto. It was invariably carried to the election from the outgoing Mayor's house, and back to the new Mayor's. 20 St. Peter's Church was the regular place for " Horn-blowings," and the Mayor was therefore elected there. In 1501 it was demolished, and St. Marythe- Virgin was thenceforth used for the same purpose. A meeting summoned by blowing the " Common Horn," i.e., a " Horn-blowing," was attended by all the Ereemen, and must not therefore be confused with a Common Council whioh met in the Common House or, as it was termed later, the Common Hall, and was attended by the Mayor, the twelve elected Jurats, and certain officers of the Commonalty. DOVER CHAMBERLAINS* ACCOUNTS, 1366-67. 87 21 Mayor in 1364 and 1365 (Dov. Corp. MSS.) 22 This seems to refer to some ceremony ou taking possession of a new house, a kind of " house-warming." It would be interesting to know whether this "Common House" adjoined the old "Guildhall" spoken of in the Domesday Book. The purchase was evidently not a complete one, as for several years Alexander Hurtyn receives 10s. rent; this may have been only for the term of his life, as it was not paid in 1382. The Priory of Dover also receives rent, 4s., for the " same Common House," and I imagine that a part of the " Priory of St. Martin of the Old Work" was used conjointly with other buildings as the Common House. 23 Appointed 7 July 1364; succeeded in June 1369 by Sir Richard de Pembrugge, E.G. 24 Mayor in 1370. 25 Mayor in 1368 and 1369. He was dead before March 1384. His wife's name was Leticia (A.dd. MS. 2091). 26 Jester, literally a " humbug." w Total should be £2 6s. 5d. 28 Should be £80 lis. Ofcd. 29 8 September 1366 to 7 September 1367. 30 Rents of Assize seem to mean Rents due to the Commonalty of Dover for tenements, etc., leased to them by an assize or writ of indenture. 31 He was a Jurat in 1384-5, but seems never to have been Mayor. 32 It is probable that Horspol Ward took its name from this family, or both family and Ward from the same. This is the only place where I have found this patronymic. A few years later Nicholas Magote rents both orchards. Ropemaking was a prominent industry in Dover. 33 Probably dead in 1383, for another person is then returned as paying rent for the cellar. 34 This note is in the original MS. (vide Cinque Ports, by M. Burrows). 36 A butcher by trade. 30 Attorney-at-law. 37 Rector of St. John the Baptist later on. 38 A wood merchant, or perhaps a carpenter. 39 Dead in 1383. 40 His wife's name was Agnes. 41 A seller of wax and paper; dead in 1384. 42 Valentine de Bere. (The authority for Notes 35—42 is Add. MS. 2091.) 43 Simon Laugham, enthroned 1366.