Index of Archaeological Papers Published in 1899
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Notices of Books
Index of Archaeological Papers Published in 1900
INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1899 [BEING THE NINTH ISSUE OF THE SERIES AND COMPLETING THE INDEX FOR THE PERIOD 1891-99] COMPILED BY G. LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A PUBLISHED BY ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD. 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS, WESTMINSTER UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CONGRESS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES IN UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES 1900 UUTLER & TANNER, THE SKLWOOD PRINTING WORKS, FROME, AND LONDON. CONTENTS f Those Transactions marked with an asterisk * in the following list are now for ihe first time included in the index, ihe others are continuations from the indexes of 1891-98. Transactions included for the first time are indexed from 1891 onwards.] Anthropological Institute, Journal, N.S. vol. ii. pts. 1 and 2. Antiquaries, London, Proceedings of the Society, 2nd S. vol. xvii. pfc. 2. Antiquaries, Ireland, Proceedings of Royal Society of, 5th S. vol. ix. Antiquaries, Scotland, Proceedings of the Society, vol. xxxiii. * Antiquaries, Newcastle, vols, v., v i , vii., viii. Archseologia, vol. lvi. pt. 2. Archfeologia JEliana, vol. xxi. Archseologia Cambrensis, 5th S. vol. xvi. Archseological Journal, vol. lvi. Associated Architectural Societies, Transactions, vol, xxiv. pt. 2. * Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Collection, vols, vii., vi i i , and ix. Berks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire Archaeological Journal, vol. v. Biblical Archseology, Society of, Transactions, vol. xxi. Birmingham and Midland Institute, vol. xxiv. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. xxi. British Archseological Association, Journal, N.S., vol. v. British Architects, Royal Institute of, Journal, 3rd S. vol. vi. Buckinghamshire, Records of, vol. viii. pt. 2. Chester and North Wales Architectural, Archaeological, and Historical Society, Transactions, vol. vi. pt. 3. Clifton Antiquarian Club, Proceedings, vol. iv. pt. 3. Cornwall, Royal Institute of, Proceedings, vol. xiii. pt. 4. Cumberland and Westmoreland, Archaeological Society, vol. xv. pts. 3 and 4. Cymmrodorion Society, Transactions, 1898-99. Derbyshire Archaeological Society, Transactions, vol. xxi. Devonshire Association, Transactions, vol. xxxi. * East Herts Archseological Society, Transactions, 1899. Essex Archasological Society, Transactions, N.S. vol. vii. pts. 3 and 4. S iv CONTENTS Folklore, Proceedings ot the Folklore Society, vol. x. Glasgow Archseological Society, vol. iii. Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, vol. iv. pt. 1. Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society, 1898. Huguenot Society, vol. vi. pt. 2. Kildare Archaeological Society, Journal, vols. ii. and iii. pt. 1. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, 4th ser. vol. xiv. Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society, Transactions, vol. viii. pt. 6. Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xxxi., pts. 1 and 2. * Monumental Brass Society, Transactions, vols. ii. and iii. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, vols, xiii and xiv. pt. 1. Numismatic Chronicle, 3rd S. vol. xix. * Oxford University Brass-rubbing Society, Journal, vol. 1. Royal Historical Society, Transactions, N.S. vol. xiii. Royal Institute of Great Britain, vol. xv. pt. 3. Royal Irish Academy, Transactions, 3rd ser. vol. v. pts. 2 and 3. Royal Society of Literature, Transactions, vol. xx. pts. 2, 3, and 4. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, Transactions, vol. iv. pt. 4. Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Transactions, 2nd S. vol. xi. Somersetshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Transactions, vol. xlv. Staffordshire, William Salt Archaeological Society, Transactions, vol. xix. Suffolk Archaeological Institute, vol. x. pt. 2. Surrey Archseological Society, Collections, vol. xiv, pt. 2. Thoresby Society, vol. ix. pt. 2, x. pt. 1. Yorkshire Archseological and Topographical Journal, vol. xv. pts. 3 and 4. NOTE THIS Index was begun under the auspices of the Congress of Archaeological Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries. Its success being assured the Congress have placed it in the hands of the publishers to continue yearly. The value of the Index to archaeologists is now recognised. Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong, the plan is to include them in the following year; and whenever the papers of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing year for the Index, and that all transactions published in and since that year will find their place in the series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archseological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. The MS. of this Index is already completed, and it is now going through the press. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to the editor, LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A., 24, Dorset Square, London, N.W. Single copies of the yearly Index from 1891 may be obtained. The subscription list for the complete Index up to 1891 is still open, and intending subscribers should apply at once to Messrs. ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & Co. Many of the Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies of the yearly Index to issue with their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the less will be the cost of the Index to each society. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1899 ACTON (REV. J.). Iwerne church. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Meld Club, xvi. 4A-4:7. ADAMS (MAXWELL). A brief account of Ashton church and of some of the Chudleighs of Ashton. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 185-198. ADAMSON (REV. 0. E.). On an old tombstone to Ralph Niborne. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 100. Notes on the private account books of a lady of the last century. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 248-251. Notes on Haltwhistle church. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 34. Notes relating to the franchise of Tyndale. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 62-64. John Dagnia, of South Shields, glassmaker. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 163-167. Ancient vestries. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiccastle, vi. 172. Religious communities in Durham and Northumberland, Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 268-276. The smoke nuisance on Tyneside, temp. James I. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 182. AILSA (MARQUIS OF). Notes on the excavation of a mound called Shanter Knowe, near Kirkoswald, Ayrshire. Ayrshire and Qalloway Arch. Coll. vii. 93-97. AIRE, survey of the river, from Leeds to Weeland. Thoresby Soc. ix. 193-195. ALCOCK: (ALEXANDER M.). The Trench colony of Innishannon. Huguenot Soc. vi. 180. ALEXANDER (WILLIAM). Dundonald, its bell and surroundings. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 80-82. ALLEN (J. ROMILLY). Early Christian art in Wales. Arch. Camb. xvi. 1-69. AMERY (P. E. S.). Sixteenth report of the committee on Devonshire folklore. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 110-119. 7 8 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS ANDERSON (JOSEPH). Notice of a Highland brooch in silver, ornamented with niello, exhibited by Mr. T. S. Omond ; and of other Highland brooches in silver and brass. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 57-67. Notes on three buttons of jet or cannel-coal found in a cist at Old Windymains, Keith Marischal, East Lothian. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 68-69. Notices of articles of pottery, glass, stone, bronze, iron and lead, found in the course of the excavations at Birrenswark. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 243-249. ANDRE (J. LEWIS). Ritualistic ecclesiology of north-east Somerset. Arch. Journ. lvi. 144-158. ANDREWS (R. T.). The grotto. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 3, 8-11. Sacombe church. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 5, 5-9. Watton church. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 5, 9-15. ANDREWS (S.). A short list of some tumuli in north Hampshire. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv. 47-50. ANDREWS (W. E.). Chadwell spring; the new river head. East Herts. Arch. Soc. 1899, 13. ARDSCULL, the moat of. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 186-196. ARKWRIGHT (REV. W. HARRY). Letters from Tanner MSS. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 84-89. ASTLEY (REV. H. J. DUKINFIELD). Northborough church and manor house, in connection with Cromwell and the Claypoles. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 122-140. ASTON (W. G-.). Japanese myth. Folklore, x. 294-323. ATCHLEY (E. G-. CUTHBERT E.). Notes on a Bristol manuscript missal. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv. 277-292. Notes on a manuscript Sarum missal in the Bristol museum. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv. 293-296. ATKINSON (REV. CANON). Derivation and meaning of the place-name, Masthill. Tories Arch. Soc. xv. 403-407. AXON (WILLIAM E. A.). Ortensio Lando, a humourist of the renaissance. Roy. Soc. Lit. xx. 159-196. BADDELEY (ST. CLAIR). S. Bartholomew and his cult in mediaeval times. Bristol and Qlouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 147-162. BAILDON (W. PALEY). Lincoln's Inn Chapel. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv. 252-262. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 9 BAILDON (W. PALEY). Musters in Skyrack wapentake. Thoresby Soc. ix. 99-111. BAILEY (GEORGE). The bells of Sfc. Peter, Derby. Derbyshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 90-94. BALL (E. ELRINGTON). Descriptive sketch of Clondalkin, Tallaght, and other places in West county Dublin. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 93-108. Some residents of Monkstown in the eighteenth century. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 233-243. BALLARD, ANN, note on the brass of, in Radoliffe church, Nottingham. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 215-218, BANISTER (REV. E. D.). The vestry-book of the twenty-four sworne men of Goosnargh. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 41-64. BARBOUR (JAMES). Account of the excavations at Birrenswark, and description of the plans and sections. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 219-243. BARKER (W. R.). A catalogue of the brasses in Ewelme church, Oxfordshire. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 11-23. Monumental brasses in the churches of Thame, Holton, and Great Tew, Oxon., with biographical and genealogical notices. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 137-169. A catalogue of illustrations of monumental brasses in Great Britain. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 211-215. BARNES (W. MILES). The commonplace book of a Dorsetshire man (1625-1635). Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 59-74. Dorset and King John. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 129-149. BARNET (JAMES). Architectural work in Sydney, New South Wales, 1788-1899. Brit. Archit. vi. 505-517. BATELY (JOHN). Recent discoveries on the site of the Grey Eriars, Gt. Yarmouth. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 21-28. BATES ( ). Norham castle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 52- 55. A postscript on the wall of Hadrian. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neivcastle, vii. 136-137. BATES (CADWALLADER J.). Elodden field. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 17-18. BATES (REV. E. H.). The five-hide-unit in the Somerset domesday. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlv. 51-107. 10 INDEX OF ARCH_SOLOGICAL PAPERS BATES (REV. E. H.) and REV. E. HANCOCK. An inventory of church plate in Somerset. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlv. 125-178. BATES (J. O). On the history of Bamburgh castle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 194-197. BATESON (MISS MARY). Origin and early history of double monasteries. Boyal Hist. Soc. xiii. 137-198. BATTEN (JOHN). Mudford and its church, Somerset and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlv. 179-192. BAVERSTOCK (E. H.). The Conyers falchion. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neivcastle, v. 43-44. BAX (ALFRED RIDLEY). Suspected persons in Surrey during the commonwealth. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiv. 164-189. BEAUMONT (G. E.). A Roman coffin found at Braintree. Essex Arch. Soc. vii. 401-402. BEDDOE (D.). On the mediseval population of Bristol. Jour, Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 142-144. BELOE (EDWARD M.). Oxborough. Norfolk and Norioich Arch. Soc. xiii. 343-357. BELOE (E. M., JUN.). A list of brasses existing in the churches of St. Margaret and St. Nicholas, King's Lynn, in the year 1724. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 57-59. BELL (EDWARD). The shrine of Edward the Confessor. • St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv. 237-242. . ' BENNDORF (OTTO). Roman monument, Adam-Klissi, Roumania. Proc. SoC. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 147-150. BENNETT (ALBERT L.). Ethnographical notes on the Eang. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 66-98. BERKELEY (MRS. R.). A sketch of early provincial journalism. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 550-573. BESWICK (H.). Discovery of remains of a Roman building in Northgate Street, Chester. Chester and North Wales Arch. Soc. vi. 277-281. BEVAN (REV. J. 0.). A plea for the production of an archseological map and index for the county of Warwick. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxiv. 6-17. BICKNELL (CLARENCE). Notes on rock pictures in the Val Eontanalba district. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 243-245. BILSON (JOHN). The beginnings of Gothic architecture. Brit. Archit. vi. 259-269, 289-326. INDEX OF ARCH_-0L0GICAL PAPERS 11 BIRCH (REV. C. G. R.). Brasses at Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 107-109. The Necton and Great Cressingham brasses. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 179-181. Note on the brass of Dr. Walter Hewke, Trinity hall, Cambridge. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 223-224. BIRCH (G. H.). London churches of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 103-125. The priory church of St. Mary, Overie, now the collegiate church of St. Saviour,. Southwark. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 126-146. The two chapels in the tower of London. Bristol and Glou-c. Arch. Soc. xxi. 175-189. The priory and parochial chapel of St. Helens, Bishopsgate. Bnstol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 190-201. BIRCH (W. DE G.). Historical notes on the manuscripts belonging to Ramsey abbey. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 229-242. BLACK (GEO, E.). Descriptive catalogue of antiquities found in Ayrshire and Wigtownshire, and now in the national museum, Edinburgh. Ayrshire and Galloivay Arch. Coll. vii. 1-47. BLACKETT (SIR EDWARD W.). The sword of Sir John Conyers, of Sockburn. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 27-28. BLAIR (R.). Discovery of Roman remains at South Shields. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 14-17. A new Lanchester Roman altar. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Nciccastle, vi. 56. A newly-discovered Roman altar at South Shields. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 44-46. BLAKEWAY (REV. J. B.). History of Albrighton, near Shifnal. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 25-137. BLAKISTON (C. H.). Monumental brasses and matrices in the cathedral church of Christ in Oxford. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 268-286. BLAKISTON (VERY REV. R. M.). Church restoration. Arch. Joum. • lvi. 239-244. BLASS (PROF. ERIEDRICH). On the Greek text of St. Mark's gospel. ''- vBoy. Irish Acad. v. 329-335. BOISSIER (ALFRED). Deux fables Assyriennes. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 34-48. ' BOLAM (R. G.). The town and walls of Berwick-on-Tweed. Proc, Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 58-60. 12 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS BOLINGBROKE (LEONARD G,). Players in Norwich from the accession of queen Elizabeth until their suppression in 1642. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 1-20. The reformation in a Norfolk parish. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 199-216. BOND (E.). Thomas Park, the poetical antiquary. Hampstead Antiq. and Hist. Soc. 1898, 57-60. BOND (ERANCIS). On the comparative value of documentary and architectural evidence in establishing the chronology of the English cathedrals. Brit. Archit. vi. 17-35. BOSANQUET (R. O). Excavations at Housesteads. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 247-252. BOWER (REV. CANON). Effigies in the diocese of Carlisle. Cumb. and West. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xv. 417-458. BRASSINGTON (W. SALT). Notes on the old houses in Stratford-upon- Avon. Firm, and Mid. Inst. xxiv. 33-44.. BRASS RUBBINGS, collection of, in the possession of the Suffolk institute of Archeology. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 237-249. BRIGGS (H. B.). The work of the Benedictines of Solesmes in the plainsong revival. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv. 243-251. BRINDLEY (W.). Ancient marble quarries of Greek cipollino. Brit. Archit. vi. 43-44. BRISTOL (RIGHT REV. LORD BISHOP OF). Some results of the battles of Durham and Wanborough. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 264-276. BRODRICK( MISS M.) and Miss A. ANDERSON MORTON. The tomb of Pepi Ankh (Khua), near Sharona. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 26-33. BROWNE (CHARLES R.). The ethnography of Garumna and Lettermullen in the county Galway. Royal Irish Acad. v. 223-268. BROWNLOW (RIGHT REV. BISHOP). The Saxon cross found at Bath, 1898. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 252-256. BRUSHFIELD (T. N.). Aids to the poor in a rural parish. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 199-284. BRYDALL (ROBERT). Notice of the priory church of Ardchattan and its carved stones. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 33-47. Notice of a group of carved stones on Inishail, Loch Awe, Argyleshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 48-52. Notice of a carved stone at Crail, Eifeshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 53. BUCKLEY (M. J. C). Notes ecclesiological. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 420-423. BUND (J. WILLIS). Religious life in Worcestershire iu the [sevenINDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 13 teenth century, shown by the sessions records. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 574-596. BURGH (T. J. DE). Ancient Naas: outposts and longstones. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 315-323. BURTON (REV. R. JOWETT). Hundred of Appletree and wapentake of Wirksvvorth: Ayd to his majesty king Charles I., 1627. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 69-83. CAIL (RICHARD). Beaconsfield house, Low Eell. Proc-. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 50-52. CALVERT (E.). Shrewsbury school bailiff's account for 1578-9. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 5-9. CARDEW (G. ARTHUR). The moats or waterforts of the vale of the Severn. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 58-69. CARDI (LE COMTE 0. N. DE). Ju-ju laws and customs in the Niger delta. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 51-65. OARLYLE (A. O). A collection of fifty small prehistoric objects of stone discovered in India. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 232-233. CARR (S. S.). Pre-conquest cross shaft at Tynemouth. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 163-164. CAVE (C. J. P.). Thomas Aileward, 1413; Havant, Hants. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 1. Note on the distribution of monumental brasses in England. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 109-111. 0. J. CHARLTON and R. A. S. MACALISTER. The brasses of Cambridgeshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 174-179, 237-275, 307-314 ; iii. 2-30, 88-106. CAVE (WALTER). Notes on the Saxon crypt, Sidbury church, Devonshire. Arch. Joum. lvi. 74-76. CHADWICK (S. J.). Some papers relating to the plague in Yorkshire. Yorks Arch. Soc. xv. 434-475. CHANCELLOR (E.). Crossing church. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 256-258. Eaulkborne church. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 264-266. Eaulkborne hall. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 267-271. Woodham Eerrers. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 396-399. CHARLTON (0. J.). Notes on a matrix in the church of St. Andrew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 182-184. CHARLTON (W. OSWALD). The Charlton spur; the Buccleuch sword. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiccastle, v. 14-15. CHATTAWAY (REV. ARTHUR L.). Salford Priors. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxiv. 18-32. 14 INDEX OF ARCHiEOLOGICAL PAPERS CHEALES (ALAN B.). Nicolas Eouquet. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 65-67. CHESHIRE RECORDS, transcribed from originals in the public record office. Chester and North Wales Arch. Soc. vi. 283-345. CHEYNE (DR. T. K.). The blessings on Asher, Naphtali, and Joseph. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 242-245. CHINLEY, enclosure riots at, 1560. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 61-68. CHRISTIE (R. W.). Chief rents belonging to the earl of Kildare in the manor of Adare. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 259. CHRISTISON (DR. DAVID). Account of the excavation of the camps and earthworks at Birrenswark Hill in Annandale. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 198-218. and DR. JOSEPH ANDERSON. On the recently excavated fort on Castle Law, Abernethy, Perthshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 13-33. CHRISTY (MILLER). Some Essex coffin-slabs. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 369-395. and W. W. PORTEOUS. On some interesting Essex brasses. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 207-248. Some lost Essex brasses. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 254- 264. CLARK-MAXWELL (REV. W. G.). Notes historical and architectural on Bromfield church. Arch. Camb. xvi. 211-214. CLARKE (LT.-GEN. SIR ANDREW). Sir Stamford Raffles and the Malay states. Royal Inst. Gr. Brit, XVJ 754-768. CLARKE (REV. ERANCIS E.). Notes on the Tinnecarra cromlech near Boyle. Royal Irish Acad. v. 374-376. CLARKE (SOMERS). Report on a few subjects connected with arches* ology in Egypt. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 402-417. CLAY (J. W.) and JOHN LISTER. Autobiography of Sir John Savile, of Methley, knight, baron of the exchequer, 1546-1607. Yorks Arch. Soc. xv. 420-427. CLEPHAN ( ). Notes on the regal law of Eriedrich III., of Denmark, with biographical notice of the minister who framed it, and a comparison of some of the words in it with their English equivalents. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 40-42. CLEPHAN (R. O.). The great temple of Karnak. Proc, Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 78-84, 103-111. The temples of Philse. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii- 17-23, 29-39. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 15 CLEPHAN (R. C). TWO suits of plate armour, 15th cent. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 301-303. Collection of Egyptian antiquities at Southdene tower, near Gateshead. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 83-88. CLINCH (GEORGE). Prehistoric man in the neighbourhood of the Kent and Surrey border: neolithic age. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 124-141. COCKS (ALFRED HENEAGE). The intra-mural monuments and other inscriptions of Great Marlow church. Bucks Records, viii. 162- 203. CODRINGTON (R. H., D.D.). Memoir of the family of Codrington, of Codrington, Didmarton, Erampton-on-Severn, and Dodington. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 301-345. COGSWELL (REV. T. S.). On some ancient stone fragments found in Cringleford church. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiv. 99- 102. COLBY (REV. E. T.). Torrington worthies. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 170- 179. COLE (R. E. G.). Notes on the ecclesiastical history of the deanery of Graffoe to the close of the fourteenth century. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 381-448. COLEMAN (A.). Dauntesey, Wilts. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 15- 17. COLEMAN (PREBENDARY). The descent of the manor of Allerton. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlv. 25-50. COLERIDGE (ERNEST HARTLEY). The lake poets in Somersetshire. Roy. Soc. Lit. xx. 105-131. COLES (ERED R.). Antiquarian notes on various sites in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 330-353. Notes of the discovery of a cist and urns at Juniper Green, and of a cist at the Cunninghar, Tillicoultry, and of some undescribed cup-marked stones. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 354-372. COLLINGWOOD (W. G.). The Ormside cup. Cumb. and. West. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xv. 381-387. COMPTON (C. H.). The Welsh Marches. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 300- 314. COOK (STANLEY A.). Some recent Palmyrene inscriptions. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 68-78. COOPER (REV. T. S.). The church plate of Surrey. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiv. 190-214. CORBETT (W. J.) and T. TINDAL METHOLD. The rise and devolution of 16 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS the manors of Hepworth, Suffolk. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 125- 143. CORLETTE (HUBERT C). On! the use and value of colour in architecture. Brit. Archit. vi. 461-476, 489-504, 529-536. CORNER (WILLIAM). Mitla: an archaeological study of the ancient ruins and remains in that pueblo. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 29-50. CORNISH (J. B.). The men who made the Cornish mines. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 430-434. COSGRAVE (H. A.). The Irish channel and Dublin in 1735. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 56-60. COSSON (BARON DE). The Conyers falchion. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiccastle, v. 42-43, 253-254. COWELL (VERY REV. GEORGE YOUNG). St. Brigid and the cathedral church of Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 235-252. COWPER (H. G.). The influence of the Roman occupation upon the distribution of population in Cumberland and Westmorland. Arch. Journ. lvi. 28-50. COWPER (H. SWAINSON). Tripoli senams : idols or oil presses ? Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 297-300. Cox (REV. J. CHARLES). Notes on a wooden chair from Stanford Bishop, Herefordshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 234-237. Some notes on the family of Shireburne, of Stonyhurst. Arch. Journ. lvi. 51-68. CRANAGE (D. H. S.). Notes on the churches of Morpeth and Mitford. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 252-254, 256. CRIPPS (WILFRID J.). Notes on the Roman basilica at Cirencester, lately discovered. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 70-78. CROSSMAN (SIR WILLIAM). Holy Island. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiccastle, vii. 73-82. Notes on an old oak framework lately found in a quarry at Mount Hooly, in Kyloe. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 173-174. CRUM (W. E.). Notes on : (1) The name Pachomius; (2) " Above " and "Below" in Coptic; (3) Egyptian " Orantes." Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 247-252. CUMING (H. SYER). Pin-lore and the waxen image. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 161-170. CUNNINGTON (E.). Poundbury: the pastoral camp and the old Dunium of Ptolemy. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 48-54. INDEX OF ARCHASOLOGICAL PAPERS 17 CDNNINGTON (E.). Hambedon Hill, Dorset. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 156-158. Helstone. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 175-177. CURREY (PERCY). Notes on some old Derbyshire cottages. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 5-9. CURTIS (REV. A. E.). White Notley church. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 259-263. CURTIS (JAMES). Number " nine " chiefly considered in i ts historical and literary aspects. Roy. Soc. Lit. xx. 237-259. DACK (CHARLES). The Peterborough gentlemen's society. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 141-160. Old Peterborough customs and their survival. .4rc7i. Assoc, v. 323-342. DALE (W.). Bronze implements from the neighbourhood of Southampton. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv. 75-78. DALRYMPLE (HON. HEW). The seal of the priory of Whithorn. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 53-55. Selections from some papers in possession of the countess of Stair. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 83-92. The abbey of the Sweetheart or new abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. x. 1-54. Dundrennan abbey. Ayrshire and Galloiuay Arch. Coll. x. 57-96. The convent and college of Lincluden, Kirkcudbrightshire. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. x, 99-166. The'priory and cathedral of Whithorn, or Candida casa. Ayrshire and Galloicay Arch. Soc. x. 169-196. Glenluce abbey. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Soc. x. 197-232. DARBY (M.). Irish place-names and local folklore. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 151-154. DASHWOOD (H. O). Eiddleford. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 55-58. DAVEY (SAMUEL). The letters of Horace Walpole. Roy. Soc. Lit. xx. 261-295. DAVIES (RANDALL). A note upon the brass of Sir Arthur Gorges (A.D. 1625) in Chelsea old church. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 329-331. DAVIS (CECIL T.). Will of James Baudouin. Huguenot Soc. vi. 172-180. 18 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS DAVIS (CECIL T.). Monumental brass in the old or west church, Aberdeen. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 183-186. Burials at Wandsworth, 1678-1727. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiv. 134-163. DAWBER (E. GUY). St. Mary Abchurch with St. Lawrence Pountney, London. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 202-204. — St. Stephen's, Walbrook. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 205-207. DAY (ROBERT). Gold plates and discs found near Cloyne, co. Cork. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 413-416. DEAR (E. C). Bayley hall, Hertford. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, 9-12. • DENDY (E. W.). Lands at Cowpen, Northumberland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 240-242. DEVEY (DR.). Wolsingham. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 246-250. DEVITT (REV. MATTHEW). Carbury and the Birminghams' country. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 85-110. DICKIE (ARCH. O). Some early Christian churches in Palestine. Brit. Archit. vi. 241-258. DICKINSON (GEORGE). Disused burial places of Allendale. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 148-149. DILLON (VISCOUNT). Some peculiarities and omissions in brasses, Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 2-3. - -— Brass plates at Ditchley house, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 234-237. DITCHFIELD (REV, P. H.). Barkham notes. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 78-82. DiX (E. R. M'C). The Gallan, near Saggarfc. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 125-127. DIXON (D. D.). Brink burn priory. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 85-88. Callaly castle and its history. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 94-96. The manor of Cartington. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 167-172. DOBIE (REV W.). Ladykirk church, Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 55-57. DOBREE (H. C. P.). A catalogue of the brasses in New College, both past and present. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 41-67. Ecclesiastical brasses, their classification, general features, and peculiarities. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 86-98. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 19 DOB (GEORGE M.). Great Torrington commons. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 156-169. DOWDEN (REV. JOHN). Inventory of ornaments, jewels, relicks, vestments, service-books^ etc., belonging to the cathedral church of Glasgow in 1432, illustrated from .various sources, and more particularly from the inventories of the cathedral of Aberdeen. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 280-329. DREW (THOMAS). A further note on the surroundings of St. Patrick's De Insula, Dublin; the restoration of the north close, 1899; the possibility of recovery of the ancient well of St. Patrick. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 1-4. DRINKWATER (REV. C. H.). Bromfleld priory. _lrc7i. Camb, xvi. 205-210. Charter of Edward IV. to Worfield, 26th May, 1477. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 1-4. Indictment of Humfrey Kynaston and others, together with the coroner's inquisition respecting the murder of John Heughes at Stretton in 1491. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 16-24. The domestic history of Henry Vynar, of London and Condover, together with a transcript of his will. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 189-198. Shrewsbury abbey; two early charters. Shrop. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 199-242. DUCKETT (SIR G. E.). Gundreda de Warenne. Yorks Arch. Soc, xv. 428-434. DUCKWORTH (W. L. H.). Note on a skull from Syria. Jour. Anthrop. List. N.S. ii. 145-151. DURHAM (MISS E. HERMIA). The relations of the crown to trade under James I. Royal Hist. Soc. xiii. 199-247. DURHAM, notes of church bells in the diocese of. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 118-122, 204-206. Notes of communion plate in the diocese of. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 5-6, 8, 20-24, 29-32, 45-48, 193-196. DYMOND (CHARLES W.). On the identification of the site of Buttingtune of the Saxon chronicle, anno 894. Montgomerijshire Coll. xxxi. 337-346. EBBLEWHITE (ERNEST ARTHUR). Flintshire genealogical notes. Arch. Camb. xvi. 89-104, 189-204. EDMONDS (REV. CANON). The formation and fortunes of Exeter cathedral library, Devon Assoc, xxxi. 25-50. 20 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS EDWARDS (JOHN). Torpichen and the knights of St. John of Jerusalem in Scotland. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 309-339. EELES (E. C) . Notice of a Celtic cross-slab recently discovered at Kinneff, Kincardineshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 163-167. Notes on a missal formerly used in St. Nicholas, Aberdeen. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 440-460. EGGLESTON (W. M.). Stanhope. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 257-263. ELLA (REV. SAMUEL). Dialect changes in the Polynesian languages. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 154-180. ELLIS (A. S.). Notes on Ralph Thoresby's pedigree. Thoresby Soc. ix. 112-125. ELLIS (H. D.). Notes on the earliest form of coffee-pot. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 390-394. ELY (TALFOURD). On the bearded type of Apollo. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 394-402. ESMONDE (SIR THOMAS H. GRATTAN). Notes on crannog and other finds in North County, Wexford. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 404-406. EVANS (REV. G. C). Nonconformist brasses in Shropshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 326-329. EVANS (G. M.). Monumental brasses at Merton college, Oxford. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 215-233. EAIRBANK (E. R.). Pardon brasses. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 9-11. Thomas Garland, 1609 ; Tod wick, Yorkshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. .18. » The brass of Lambert von Brunn, bishop of Bamberg. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 145-148, Ticehurst, Sussex. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 224-225. The brasses in Battle church, Sussex. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 99-103. FALKINER (REV. WILLIAM). Notes upon a rath souterrain at Gurteen, Gainstown, co. Westmeath. Royal Irish Acad. v. 211-215. — Notice of a crannog at Lough-a-Trim, Killucan, co. Westmeath. Royal Irish Acad. v. 216-218. EANE (E.). A legend of Milton. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 159-162. EARRER (REV. EDMUND). List of some brasses in Norfolk churches. Norfolk and Norioich Arch. Soc. xiii. 192-198. EEARON (W. W.). Catalogue of monumental brasses in Adderbury INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 21 church, Oxfordshire. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 79-80. EEATHERSTONHAUGH (REV. W.). A bronze sword ploughed up on the Law farm at Ebchester. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 99. On a sixth pile tower in the county of Durham. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 101-102. The stycas of Northumbria. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 206-213. The village of Blanchland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, vi. 38-40. EERGUSON (JOHN). Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 360-425. EERGUSON (CHANCELLOR R. S.). Consistory courts and consistory places. Arch. Journ. lvi. 85-122. A Persian talisman. Arch. Journ. lvi. 175-179. Notes on a door lock in Carlisle museum. Arch. Journ. lvi. 180-183. Discoveries of Roman inscriptions in Cumberland and Westmorland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 16. Roman inscriptions recently discovered at Carlisle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, vi. 140. Notes of discoveries in Cumberland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, vi. 263. On a supposed Roman sword or spearhead found near Whitley castle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Noire, vii. 16-17. The colliery, harbour, lime, and iron tokens of west Cumberland. Cumb. and West. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xv. 392-416. EFRENCH (REV. J. E. M.). Notes on the family of Sherlock. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 33-47. EIELD (REV. H. E.). Brass of an ecclesiastic, c. 1400, Stanford-on- Soar, Nottinghamshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 215. The brasses in Clifton church, Nottinghamshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 249-253. The matrix of bishop Beaumont's brass, Durham cathedral. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 291-295. Note on an impression of an episcopal brass (?). Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 343. Note on the brass of Thomas Magnus, 1550, Sessay church, Yorkshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 44-47. Some suggestions for preserving records of the monumental brasses of England. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 103-106. 22 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS FIELD (REV. H. E.). Note on the brass to Simon Bache, 1414, Knebworth church, Hertfordshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 106- 107. The monumental brasses of Derbyshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 194-196, 209-215. Palimpsest brass in Shimpling church, Norfolk. Monumental Brass Soc. iii, 219. Notes on the brasses in the churches of Wollaton and Strelley, Nottinghamshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 219- 226. FIELD (REV. J. E.). The resurrection as represented in monumental brasses. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 130-136. Monumental brasses in Benson church, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 208-210. FIGGIS (REV. J. NEVILLE). Politics at the council of Constance. Royal Hist. Soc. xiii. 103-115. FIRTH (C H.). The raising of the Ironsides. Royal Hist. Soc. xiii. 17-73. FISHER (REV. GEORGE W.). Notes on certain names in the dictionary of national biography. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 10-15. FITZGERALD (LORD FREDERICK). An account of the arrest of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 349-353. Leixlip castle. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 393-406. FITZGERALD (LORD WALTER). On a holed cross at Moone. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 385-389. Kilkea castle. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 3-32. Incidents in the life of Garrett More, eighth earl of Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 117-132. Castle Rheban. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 167-178. Great Connell abbey, co. Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 304-314. Castletown and its owners. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 361- 378. Timolin. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 413-425. The Curragh : its history and traditions. Kildare Arch. Soc. iii. 1-32. The Carpenter tomb-slab in St. David's church, Naas. Kildare Arch. Soc. iii. 51-56. FLETCHER (REV. W. G. D.). Leicestershire church briefs. Leicester Archit. and Arch, Soc. viii. 387-390. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 23 FLETCHER (REV. W. G. D.). The mere, in the parish of Baschurch. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 179-188. Shropshire assize rolls, temp, king John (October, 1203). Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 243-251. Ellesmere, extent of the manor of, 28th October, 1280. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soe. 2nd S. xi. 252-259. Welch Hampton, extent of the manor of, 4th November, 1280. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc, 2nd S. xi. 260-261. • Shropshire inquisitions post mortem; twelve early inquisitions. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 262-276. —: The Shropshire lay subsidy roll of 1327. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 347-390. FLOOD (W. H. G.). Tombstone in Ardfert friary. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5fch S. ix. 430-431. Blackstairs or Knock Branduff. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 431-432. The De Verdons of Louth. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 417-419. FORBES (S. RUSSELL). Discoveries in the forum. Arch. Journ. lvi. 307-318. The archaic inscription found in the'forum Romanum. Arch. Journ. lvi. 324-325. EORTEY(C). Notes upon Caynham camp. Arch. Camb.xvi.215-219. FOSTER (A. J.). A tour through Buckinghamshire. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 87-92, 111-114. FOSTER (REV, C. W.). Institutions to benefices in the diocese of Lincoln, 1540-1570. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 467-525. FOSTER (W. E.). A plea for the preservation of .manorial court rolls. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 171-178. FOULKES (ISAAC). Argraphwyr, Cyhoeddwyr, a Llyfrwerthwyr Cymru. Cymmrodorion, 1898-9, 96-113. FOWLER (REV. J. T.). Discoveries at Durham cathedral. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 44-45. Fox (FRANCIS E.). The description of the manor place of Yate in the second year of Edward VI. (1548-9). Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 22-24. ERASER (G. WILLOUGHBY). Notes on scarabs. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 148-157. FRAZER (DR. WILLIAM). On Patrick's crosses—stone, bronze, and gold. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 35-43. 24 INDEX OF ARCHASOLOGICAL PAPERS FRYER (ALFRED C). Notes on Wool church, Dorset. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 35-38. Ancient fonts in Gower. _lrc7i. _tssoc. N.S. v. 315-322. Cresset stones. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 293-299. GAIRDNER (JAMES). The fall of cardinal Wolsey. Royal Hist. Soc. xiii. 75-102. GALPIN (E. W.). Hatfield Regis priory. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 328-329. GARSTIN (JOHN RIBTON). The high sheriffs of the county Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 253-267. GERISH (W. B.). St. Leonard's church, Bengeo. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. v. 1-4. Anwell church. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. iii. 12-16. GIBSON (J. P.). Oa the Roman wall. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 32-34. GLASSCOCK (J. L.). Startford castle. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. iv. 1-11. GLYNNE (SIR STEPHEN). Notes on Yorkshire churches. Yorks Arch. Soc. xv. 486-502. GODDARD (A. R.). On the origin of deneholes. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 252-255. The Bartlow hills. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 349-355. GOMME (G. LAURENCE). Ethnological data in folklore. Folklore, x. 129-143. GOODRICH-EREER (MISS A.). The powers of evil in the outer Hebrides. Folklore, x. 259-282. GORDON (REV. CHARLES D.). Notes on the parish and parish church of Walsham-le-Willows. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 176-182. GoTCH (J. ALFRED). Burghley house. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 243- 252. GOULD (J. C). The castle of Ongar. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 136- 141. GOULD (S. BARING), R. BURNARD, and J. D. ENYS. Exploration of the stone camp on St. David's Head. Arch. Camb. xvi. 105- 131. GOULD (S. BARING). A catalogue of saints connected with Cornwall, with an epitome of their lives, and list of churches and chapels dedicated to them. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 439-532. The early history of Cornwall. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 358-386. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 25 GOULD (S. BARING). Early fortifications in Wales. Cymmrodorion, 1898-9,-1-24. Sixth report of the Dartmoor exploration committee. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 146-156. Irish conquests and colonies in Domnonia and Wales. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 430-455. GOWLAND (W.). The early metallurgy of copper, tin, and iron in Europe, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the primitive process surviving in Japan. Archceologia, lvi. 267-322. GRAHAM (REV. CHARLES J.). Celbridge: some notes on its past history. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 198-205. GRANT (ANGUS). Notice of an ornamented stone cup found at Balmacaan, Glenurquhart. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 167-169. GREEN (EVERARD). Notes on an embroidered stole and maniple of English work of the early part of the fourteenth century, preserved at Leagram hall, Lancashire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 272-280. The identification of the eighteen worthies commemorated in the heraldic glass in the hall windows of Ockwells manor house, in the parish of Bray, in Berkshire. Archceologia, lvi. 323- 336. GREGSON (W. E.). Recusant roll for West Derby hundred, 1641. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 231-246. GRIFFITH (E. LL.). Notes on hieroglyphs; the head, the papyrus roll, the soldier. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 269-272. Transliteration of demotic. Soc. Bib. Arch, xxi. 273- 276. Notes on mythology; Eileithyia in Egypt, the god of Busiris, Hermes Trismegistus. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 277- 279. GRUCHY (CHARLES DE). A few notes on Cornish churches. Brit. Archit. vi. 558-563. GRUEBER (H. A.). A rare penny of iBthelred II. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 344-349. GUISEPPI (M. S.). On the testament of Sir Hugh de Nevill, written at Acre, 1267. Archceologia, lvi. 351-370. GURDON (SIR W. BRAMPTON). Restoration considered as a destructive art. Arch. Journ. lvi. 332-341. GUTHRIE (CHARLES J.). The traditional belief in John Knox's house at the Netherbow vindicated. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 249- 273. 26 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS H. (W. H.). The church bells of Berkshire and their inscriptions. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v, 119-120. HADOW (G. E.). The house of Godolphin. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 407-422. HALES (PROF. J. W.). Jack Straw's castle. Hampstead Antiq. and Hist. Soc. 1898, 62-66. HALL (HAMILTON). Gundrada de Warenne. Arch. Journ. lvi. 159- 174. HAMNETT (ROBT.). Melandra castle. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 10-19. HARPER (JOSEPH). Barnstaple registers (chiefly medical). Devon Assoc, xxxi. 298-304, HARRIS (REV. S. G.). Notes on the history of Newton Abbot. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 285-297. HARRISON (J. PARK). The influence of eastern art on western architecture in the first half of the eleventh century. Arch. Journ. lvi. 216-220. HARTLAND (E. S.). Australian gods. Folklore, x. 46-57. HARTOPP (HENRY). Leicestershire lay subsidy roll, 1603-4. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 601-627. Calendar of Leicestershire wills. Leicester Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 315-346. Parish registers of Leicestershire. Leicester Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 391-424. HARTSHORNE (ALBERT). Samuel Daniel, and Anne Clifford, countess of Pembroke, Dorset, and Montgomery. Arch. Journ. lvi. 187- 210. HASTINGS (GEN. E. E.). The twenty-second Egyptian dynasty. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 280-281. HAVERFIELD (F.). Notes on the excavation of a Roman road at Blenheim Park. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 333-335. The sepulchral banquet on Roman tombstones. A„rc7i. Journ. lvi. 326-331. A Roman charm from Cirencester. .4. c7t. Journ. lvi. 319-323. — Roman altar at Bonchester. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 39-40. On the matribus, africanis, or afliabus, ollototatae. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 143-144. . On the recent discovery at Wallsend of fragments of an inscription to Mercury. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 187-188. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 27 HAVERFIELD (E.). On the Pfahlgraben in Germany. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 78-80. On an inscription at Wallsend. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, vi. 223. On a new theory of the vallum Romanum and murus by professor Mommsen. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 223-225, 246-248. Notes on the remains of a Roman building in Northgate Street, Chester. Chester and North Wales Arch. Soc. vi. 281-282. Excavations in the vallum. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 283-285. Roman altar at Bewcastle. Cumb. and West. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xv. 459-460. Roman inscribed and sculptured stones preserved at Tullie house, Carlisle. Cumb. and West. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xv. 461-503. Romano-Gaulish statuette found in Carlisle. Cumb. cind West. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xv. 504-505. The Roman milestone found at Castleford. Tlioresby Soc. ix. 97-98. HESLOP (R. 0.). A flat circular stone of a reddish-brown colour, known as the Irish stone, used as a charm. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 75-76. — Corbridge and Dilston. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 39-47. HICKS (W. S.). On the architecture of the church of Hartburn. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 213-215. HICKSON (Miss). Kilmakilloge, county Kerry. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 18-20. Kilelton in Glenfas. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. -,. 64-65. HILL (FRANK H.). Pitt and Peel, 1783-4, 1834-5. Royal Hist. Soc. xiii. 117-136. HILL (G. E.). Olba, Cennatis, Lalassis. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 181-207. HILL-TOUT (CHARLES). Sqaktktquaclt, or the benign-faced, the Oannes of the Ntlakapamuq, British Columbia. Folklore, x. 195-216. HIND (WILLIAM HARLEY). Declaration and resolutions of the loyal Loughborough volunteer infantry, 22nd October, 1794, and muster roll of same. Leicester Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 380-382. 28 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS HIND (WILLIAM HARLEY). The rifle corps movement, the old militia in 1810. Leicester Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 383-386. HITCHING (S.). On yew trees in churchyards. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 22. HODGES (C. C). Branxton church. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Neiocastle, v. 60-61. Sedgefield church, Durham. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 199-201. HODGKIN (THOMAS). The Oaervoran inscription in praise of the Syrian goddess. Arch, Mliana, N.S. xxi. 289-292. Notes of a journey in Apulia. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 62-68. HODGKIN (DR.). Copy of a letter giving an account of the visit of George III. and Queen Charlotte to Lord Petrie at Thornden in Essex. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 45-46. The Limes Germanicus: discoveries in Germany as to the manner of making the Roman boundary, Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 148-152. .— Report on the objects discovered at Greatchesters. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 243-245. Report on excavations at JEsica. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 96-97. HODGSON (J. CRAWFORD). Notices of the Eorsters of Bamburgh and Adderston. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 197-200. Account book of Nicholas Eorster, of Newcastle, merchant, 1679. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 194-200. Some forgotten epitaphs and monumental inscriptions in Hexham priory church. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 145-150. HODGSON (REV. J. E.). Discovery of the shaft of a fifteenth century pulpit in the church of Witton-le-Wear. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 203-204. HODGSON (T. H.). Profiles of the vallum between the north Tyne and the Erden. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 307. HOLDICH (COL. SIR T. H.). Swatis and Afridis. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 2-9. The Arab tribes of our Indian frontier. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 10-20. HOLMES (JAMES G.). A lost architectural feature of Bristol cathedral. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 217-219. HOLMES (S.). Notes on cuttings through the vallum on the hill a little to the east of Heddon. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle,vi.59-60. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 29 HOMMEL (PROF. DR.). Assyriological notes. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 115-139. Notes on the Hittite inscriptions. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 224-238. HONE (NATHANIEL). Oxfordshire church goods. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ, v. 27-28, 48-49. Reeve's account of the manor of Barkham, temp. Edward I. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 77-78. HOOPPELL (DR.). Roman altar at Burchester. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 36-39. On a holy water stoop at St. Andrew's, Auckland church, which had been fashioned out of a Roman altar. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 21-22. HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). Notes on the walls of Southampton. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 221-224. Notes on two pieces of English medieval embroidery from Sutton Benger, Wilts, and Hullavington, Wilts. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 239-243. Recent discoveries in the cathedral church of Norwich. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 304-310, 353-363. Account of recent excavations on the site of the frater at Christchurch, Canterbury. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 445-452. -— Wycombe inventories. Bucks Records, viii. 103-145. —— On a painted table or reredos of the fourteenth century in the cathedral church of Norwich. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 293-314. • Fountains abbey. Yorks Arch. Soc. xv. 269-402. • and GEORGE E. FOX. Excavations on the site of the Roman city of Silchester, Hants, in 1898. Archceologia, lvi. 229-250. HOPKINS (PERCY). Glinton. Arch, Assoc. N.S. v. 222-228. HOWORTH (SIR HENRY H.). Lancashire old and new. Arch. Journ. lvi. 1-14. — On the earliest inscriptions from Chaldea. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 289-302. HtiBNER (E.). Notes on an altar to Jupiter recently discovered at Wallsend. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 164-165. HUDSON (REV. W,). On a sculptured stone recently removed from a house on the site of the church of St. Vedast, Norwich. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 116-124. —— On an ancient timber roadway across the river Wensum 3 0 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS at Eye bridge, Norwich. Norfolk and Norwich. Arch. Soc. xiii. 217-232. HUDSON (REV. W.). Three manorial extents of the thirteenth century. Norfolk and Norwich Arch, Soc. xiv. 1-56. HUGHES (PROF. T. MCKENNY). The archseology and geography of the Eenland. .4rc7i. Assoc. N.S. v. 277-299. HULBERT (C. L.). Radulph Babyngton, 1521 ; Hickling, Notts. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 60-62. HUNT (A. A.). Monumental brasses in the churches of St. Peter-inthe- East, and St; Cross, Holywell, Oxford. Oxford Univ. Brassrubbing Soc. i. 190-200. HUSSEY-WALSH (V.). The O'Connor Henchys of Stonebrook. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 407-412. IRVING (GEORGE). Merkland cross in Dumfriesshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 51. JACOB (W. H.). The west gate of Winchester. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv. 51-59. JAMES (FREDERICK). Account of some remains of the bronze age found at Aylesford, Kent. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 373-377. JEANS (REV. G. E.). Account of the remains of the chapel of Our Lady at Smith Gate, Oxford. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 253-258. JENNINGS (J.). Moyses' hall, the new museum of Bury St. Edmund's. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 233-236. JEVONS (F. B.). The place of totemism in the evolution of religion. Folklore, x. 369-383. JOHNS (C. H.' W.). Assyriological notes. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 254-255, 284-285. Babylonian weights and measures. Soc. Bib. Arch, xxi. 308. JOHNSON (R. J.), Escombe church. Proc, Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 57-63. JOHNSTON (PHILIP MAINWARING). The low side windows of Surrey churches, and some remarks upon the restoration of Warlih^Ka^S church. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiv. 83-133. * Low side windows in churches. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc, iv. 263-276. JONES (REV. O. W.). Pakenham. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 169-175. JONES (DAVID BRYNMOR). Early social life in Wales. Cymmrodorion, 1898-9, 25-51. "•'"'•' JONES (T/ SIMPSON) and ROBERT OWEN. A history of the parish of Guilsfield, Montgomeryshire Coll, xxxi. 129-200. '" INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 31 JONES (PROF. W. LEWIS). Geoffry of Monmouth. Cymmrodorion, 1898-9, 52-95. JOTCHAM (W. C). Ancient introduction to wills. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 114-118. KENNEDY-SKIPTON (H. S.). The Berkeleys at Yate. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 25-31. Richard Whittington, a Gloucestershire man. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 94-102. KENYON (R. LLOYD). British Shropshire. Shrop. Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 159-178. The Shrewsbury mint and its officers under Henry III. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 112-124. KERRY (REV. C). Tapestry at Renishaw hall. Derbyshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 20-25. Autobiography of Leonard Wheatcroft. Derbyshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 26-60. KERSHAW (S. W.). Lambeth and its annals. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 79-93. KEYSER (0. E.). Some recently discovered wall-paintings in Stowell ' church. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 382-386. KING (C. R. BAKER). The crypt of the priory church of St. John at Clerkenwell. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 168-174. KIRKER (S. K.). Armoy round tower,-co. Antrim.- .Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 121-125. KIRKPATRICK (W. T.). Donac'omper church. Kildare Arch. Soc, ii. "277-282. :— St. Wolstans. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 283-288. KNOWLES (W. H.). An effigy of a knight in Warkworth church, Northumberland. Arch. Journ. lvi. 69-73. The Bastle house at Doddington, Northumberland. Arch, ASliana, N.S. xxi. 293-301. ' . On an old house in Side, Newcastle, recently pulled down. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 11. — :— St. Nicholas' cathedral • church, St. John's church, and St. Andrew's church, Newcastle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 113-122. ^—- Easington and Seaham. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 49- 59. - •' • ' • • KNOWLES (W. J.), W. H. PATERSON, R. L. PRABGER and E. -J. BIGGES. Investigation of the prehistoric settlements hear Roundstone, Connemara. Royal Irish Acad. v. 433-440.- 32 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS KNOX (A.). Monumental brass to bishop Rutter, -Peel, I. of Man. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 100-103. KNOX (H. T.). Tobernahalthora, near Louisburg. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 63-64. L. (G. D.). Testamenta Leodiensia. Thoresby Soc. ix. 161-192. LA TOUCHE (REV. J. G. D.). Stokesay castle. Arch. Camb. xvi. 299-304. LANE (REV. H. T.). St. Michael's church, Bishops Stortford. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 4, 11-18. LANG (ANDREW). Australian gods. Folklore, x. 1-46. Australian religion. Folklore, x. 489-495. LANGRISHE (RICHARD). Clonfert cathedral. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 426. LATIMER (REV. WILLIAM T.). The minutes of the presbytery of Laggan. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 407-412. LAWRENCE (L. A.). On some forgeries of the coins of Henry I. and his successors. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 241-250. LAYARD (EDGAR L.). On a fortified stone lake dwelling on an island in Lough Cullen, co. Mayo. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 32-34. LAYARD (NINA FRANCES). Remarks on Wolsey's college and the priory of St. Peter and St. Paul, Ipswich. Arch. Journ. lvi. 211-215. Original researches on the sites of religious houses of Ipswich, with plan of excavation. Arch. Journ. lvi. 232-238. — Recent discoveries on the site of the Carmelite convent of Ipswich and the old river quay. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 183-195. LEE (REV. G. E.). Recent cup markings in Brittany. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 328-329. LEEDES, a register booke for the parish of, 1667. Thoresby Soc. x. 1-160. LEGG (J. WICKHAM). An account in English of the anointing of the first king of Prussia, in 1701. Arch. Journ. lvi. 123-143. LEGGE (REV. A. G.). Some account of the Legge family resident in East Anglia. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 101-115. LEGGE (F.). Recent discoveries at Abydos and Negadah. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 183-193. Report on the twelfth congress of orientalists held at Rome, October 3-15. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 261-268. The sign T (nutir or neter). Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 310-311. LEICESTERSHIRE NOTES. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 52-55. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 33 LEWIS (BUNNELL). The Gallo-Roman museum of Sens. Arch, Journ. lvi. 342-387. LEWIS (REV. R. M.). Palimpsest inscription, Erith, Kent. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 203-205. LEWIS (R. W. M.). Complete list of the brasses of the Isle of Wight. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 2-6. LIEBLEIN (PROF. J.). L'exode des Hebreux. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 53-67. LIEBMANN (PROF. JAMES ALEX.). Racine's Phedre, and its relation to the Hippolytus of Euripides. Roy. Soc. Lit. xx. 133-157. LIPSCOMB (REV. H. A.). Sawbridgeworth church. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 4, 22-29. LLEWELLYN (R. W.). Antiquities found at Pen-y-fai, near Bridgend. Arch. Camb. xvi. 235-248. LOMAS (JOSEPH). On some flint implements found in the glacial deposits of Cheshire and North Wales. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 111-122. LONG (REV. H. E.). St. Aidan's church, Bamburgh. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 188-194. LORD (REV. T. E.). Escombe. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 53-57. LUCAS (R. M. D.). Bentworth church, architectural notes on. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv. 16-19. LYNCH (P. J.). Caherconree, county Kerry. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 5-17. MACALISTER (R. A. S.). The cryptic element alleged to exist in ogham inscriptions. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 52-55. . The monuments of Clonmacnoise. Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 116-120. The brasses of old St. Paul's. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 45-54, 91-97. The Norton Disney inscription. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 301-302. ^— and REV. H. E. FIELD. Durham cathedral: an account of the lost brasses. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 338-342. MACDONALD (GEORGE). The. amphora letters'on coins of Athens. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 288-321. MACDONALD (JAMES). The origin and growth of the tradition, " Ecce Tiber! Ecce campus Martius! " as applied to the Tay and the Inches of Perth. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 116-128. MACKINLAY (J. M.). " In oceano desertum "—Celtic anchorites and their island retreats. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 129-133. c 3 4 INDEX OF AROH_E0L0GICAL PAPERS MACKINLAY (J. M.). Sfc. Kessog and his cultus in Scotland. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 347-359. MACKLIN (REV. H. W.). The brasses of Huntingdonshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 144-160, 167-182. MACLEOD (REV. WALTER). Protocol book of Robert Broun. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 98-216 ; viii. 1-217; ix. 1-281. MCMURTRIE (J.). Notes on ancient British and Romano-British remains. Somerset Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. xlv. 108-124. MACNAMARA (E. N.). King John's palace at Little Langley, Oxfordshire. Berks, Bucks and Oxon. Arch, Journ. v. 9-21, 44-47. MACNAMARA (DR. G. U.). The ancient stone crosses of Ui-Fearmaic, co. Clare. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 244-255. MADAN (FALCONER). The Gresleys of Drakelowe. Will Scdt Arch. Soc. xix. 1-335. MADDEN (HON. D. H.). The early life and work of Shakespeare. Royal Inst. Gt. Brit. xv. 743-753. MALAN (REV. A. H.). St. Clether chapel and holy wells. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 541-547. MANNING (REV. CANON C R.). On Saxon coins struck at Norwich, with the moneyer's name of Manning. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 93-99. Further illustrations of church plate in Norfolk. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 233-240. South Lopham church. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiv. 57-62. MANNING (P.). Notes on the monumental brasses in Chipping Norton church, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 3-10. Monumental brasses at Queen's college, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 67-79. Monumental brasses in the churches of St. Aldate and St. Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 103-109. Monumental brasses in the churches of St. Mary Magdalene, Oxford, and Cassington, Kidlington, Woodstock and Yarnton, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-nibbing Soc. i. 176-190. Monumental brasses in the deanery of Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 237-254, 286-306. MARCH (H. COLLEY). Dorset folklore collected in 1897. Folklore, x. 478-489. MARRIOTT (H. P. FITZGERALD). The secret societies of West Africa. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 21-27. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 35 MARSHALL (DAVID). Notes on the record room of the city of Perth. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 414-440. MARTIN (A. T.). Report on the excavations at Caerwent. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 236-240. MARTIN (REV. W.). Alabaster carving in West Barsham church, Norfolk. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 100. MARTINEAU (E. H.). Brewers' hall, London. Bristol and Glam. Arch. Soc. xxi. 163-167. MASSINGBERD (W. 0.). Survey of the manor of Stow, A.D. 1283. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 299-347. MASTER (REV. G. S.). Some Gorges wills. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 241-251. MAURICE (JULES). Essai de classification chronologique des emissions numeraires de l'atelier d'Antioche pendant la periode Constantinienne. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 208-240. MAXWELL (REV. W. G. CLARK). The Roman towns in the valley of the Baetis, between Cordoba and Seville. Arch. Journ. lvi. 245-305. MAY (THOMAS). Note on horses' heads in harvest customs. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 91-92. The Roman fortifications recently discovered at Wilderspool. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 1-40. MAYO (EARL OF). Rathmore (the big rath). Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 112-115. MELVILLE (LORD). Lathom hospital. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 29-34. MICKLETHWAITE (J. T.). The Cistercian order. Yorks. Arch. Soc. xv. 245-268. MILLER (ROBERT). Where did John Knox live in Edinburgh ?; and the legend of John Knox's house. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 80-115. MINET (WILLIAM). The church at Calais and its poor fund, 1660- 1681. Huguenot Soc. vi. 138-171. MINNS (REV. G. W.). West gate house, Southampton, with a notice of the town walls and gates. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv. 81-95. MITCHELL (SIR ARTHUR). Note on pins found on Reay sands, and on pin-making as a present day home industry. Soc. Ant. Scot. xxxiii. 462-464. MITTON (REV. H. A.). Sherburn hospital. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 181-183. MONASTERBOICE OROSS. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 68-71. 36 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS MONEY (WALTER). A religious census of the county of Berks in 1676. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 22-26, 55-59. MONTGOMERYSHIRE RECORDS. Montgomeryshire Coll, xxxi. 225-352. MORGAN (A. P.). Ballynilard cross. [Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 430. MORGAN (COL. W. L.). Excavations at the old castle camp, Bishopston, Gower. A4I'C7I. Camb. xvi. 249-258. MORRIS (GEORGE). Abstracts of the grants and charters contained in the chartulary of Wombridge priory, co. Salop. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 331-346. MORRIS (RUPERT H.). Sidelights on the civil war in Cheshire, 1643-5. Chester and North Wales Arch. Soc. vi. 346-394. MOULE (H. J.). Antiquities of Dorchester. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 150-155. MOWAT (M. R.). Three altars consecrated to the OUotot goddesses at Binchester. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 127-131. MOWAT (R.). Inscription to Apollo on the patera discovered on the Herd Sand, South Shields. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 186- 187. MUNRO (ROBERT). A bronze sword-sheath found in Ayrshire. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 48-52. Notes on a crannog at Hyndford, near Lanark, lately discovered and excavated by Andrew Smith, Esq. Soc. Ant. Scot. xxxiii. 373-387. MURPHY (REV. DENIS). The Pale. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 48-58. St. Laurence O'Toole. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 159-166. Kildare: its history and antiquities. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 289-302. MURRAY (DAVID). Notes on a brass cup found in the graveyard of the church of St. Clement, Rodil, I. of Harris. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 214-237. MURRAY (MISS M. A.). Catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities in the national museum of antiquities, Edinburgh. Soc. Ant. Scot. xxxiii. 465-531. MYDDELTONS (THE), of Chirk castle. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxxi. 207-208. MYLNE (REV. R. S.). Notices of the king's master gunners of Scotland, with the writs of their appointments, 1512-1703. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 185-194. MYRES (J. L.). Age and purpose of the megalithic structures of Tripoli and Barbary. Proc. Soc, Antiq. xvii. 280-293. INDEX OF ARCHJEOLOGICAL PAPERS 37 NASH (WALTER L.). Ancient Egyptian models of fish. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 311-312. NEILSON (GEORGE). Annals of the Solway—until A.D. 1307. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 245-308. NELSON (PHILIP). Coinage of the Isle of Man. Num. Chron. 3rd xix. 35-80. NEVELL, SIR THOMAS, notes on the brass of, 1542, at Mereworth, Kent. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 235-237. NEVILLE (ARCHBISHOP ALEXANDER), inventory of the goods of, 1388. Yorks Arch. Soc. xv. 476-485. NEWBERRY (PERCY E.). Note on a new Egyptian king of the XIII. dynasty. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 282-283. • (1) The story of Sanehatand the inscription of Amenemheb : a correction; (2) The Persea tree of ancient Egypt; (3) A stone vase of Ptahmes, high priest at Memphis under Amenhetep I I I . ; (4) A statue of User, vezir of upper Egypt under Thothmes I I I . Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 303-308. NEWSTEAD (R.). Discovery of Roman remains in Bridge Street, Chester. Chester and North Wales Arch. Soc. vi. 395- 399. NICHOLSON (J. HOLME). Antiquities of Lancaster and district. _lrc7z. Journ. lvi. 15-27. NORGATE (KATE) and MAURICE HENRY FOOTMAN. Some notes for a history of Noeton. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 347-381. NORMAN (PHILIP). Notes on flint implements found at Keston, Kent. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 216-221. On the ancient conduit-head in Queen Square, Bloomsbury. Archceologia, lvi. 251-266. NORTHUMBERLAND EXCAVATION COMMITTEE, report of. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 137. NUTT (ALFRED). Britain and folklore. Folklore, x. 71-86. • Ethnological data in folklore. Folklore, x. 143-149. ODELL (REV. W. R.). The old church, St. Lawrence, Ventnor, I. W. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv. 61-74. OFFORD (JOSEPH). Dancing worship. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 253. • Chedorlaomer. Soe. Bib. Arch. xxi. 256. O'GRADY (HON. MRS.). A misappropriated monument in Worcester cathedral. .Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 596-600. O'LEARY (REV. E.). Notes on the southern boundary of the ancient .kingdom of Meath, where it passed through north Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 59-63. 38 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS O'LEARY (REV. E.). John Lye, of Clonaugh, co. Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 133-150, 354-359 ; iii. 39-50. OLIVER (A.). Notes on the matrix of a brass in Woodbridge church, Suffolk. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 11-12. OLLEY (HENRY). Recent discoveries on the site of the Grey Eriars, Great Yarmouth. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 29-32. O'NEILL (WILLIAM). BOW and Chelsea china. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 449-457. OWEN (REV. ELIAS). Montgomeryshire folklore. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxxi. 115-128, 204-206. PAGE (WILLIAM). Notes on Romano-British pottery lately found at Radlett, Herts. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 261-270. PARKER (JOHN). Notes on the desecrated church of St. Mary, Stoke MandeviUe. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 386-389. The church of St. Mary, Stoke MandeviUe. Bucks Records, viii. 153-161. PARTRIDGE (CHARLES, JUNR.). Partridge, of Acton, Sudbury, and Lavenham, Suffolk. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 150-163. PATON (W. R.). Folk-tales from the Greek islands. Folklore, x. 495-502. PATRICK (G.). Some account of Peakirk, Northamptonshire. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 215-221. PECK (E. G.). Notes on two Spanish brasses. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 196-198. • Some Dorsetshire notes. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 231-234, 246-249. PECK (REV. W. C). List of Staffordshire brasses to end of eighteenth century. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 107-108. PEERS (0. R.). Swiss bracteates in the British museum. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 12-34. PERDRIZET (PAUL E.). Decret de Oyzique pour un antandrien. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 1-4. PERKINS (HERBERT). Some Australian tree carvings. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 152-153. PERRY (MARTIN). The origin, progress, and present state of the Spalding gentlemen's society. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 39-50. PETRIE (W. M. FLINDERS). The development of the tomb in Egypt. Royal Inst. Gt. Brit. xv. 769-783. PHILLIPS (REV. JAMES). Glimpses of Elizabethan Pembrokeshire. _lrc7i. Camb. xvi. 269-282. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 39 PHILLIPS (MABERLY). The Biddenden maids. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 157. • Sparrow hall. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 190-191. • Portugal gold circulating in England. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 280-283. PICKERING (WILLIAM). On a fragment of an ancient British urn and of a portion of a skull discovered on the coast a little to the south of Amble. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 72. PINCHES (THEOPHILUS G.). A new Babylonian king of the period of the first dynasty of Babylon; with incidental references to Immerum and Anmanila. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 158-163. Major Mockler Ferryman's tablet, giving the names of temple-overseers. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 164-167. An interesting cylinder-seal. Soc. Bib. Arch, xxi. 168-169. PLUNKETT (LIEUT.-COL. G. T.). On a cist and urns found at Tallaght, co. Dublin. Royal Irish Acad. v. 338-347. POPE (A.). Stratton church and village cross. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xvi. 1-4. PORTEOUS (W. W.). On two brasses from Braughing church, Herts, now in Saffron Walden museum. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 213-215. POULTER (J. A.). Bury church and Biggin house, Ramsey, Huntingdon. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 253-256. POWELL (EDWARD). Pryce (Newfcoun hall) correspondence. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxxi. 65-114, 289-336. PRICE (E. G. HILTON). Notes upon some predynasfcic and early dynastic antiquities from Egypt, in the writer's collection. Archceologia, lvi. 337-350. . Notes on some Egyptian deities. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 239-241. PRICE (H. W.). Account of excavations on Sittee river, British Honduras. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 339-344. PRIESTLEY (REV. THOMAS). Notes on Albrighton in the 19th century. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 138-158. PRIOR (REV. R.). Description of the Oarland barrows. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 435-437. PRITCHARD (JOHN E.). Archaeological notes for 1899. Clifton Antiq, Club, iv. 257-263. • Bristol tokens of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with special reference to the square farthings. Clifton Antiq. Club,i-v. 277-289. 40 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS PRITCHARD (JOHN E.). Bristol tokens of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 350-361. PROCTER (REV. J. E. I.). Thorley church. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 4, 18-22. PRYCE (THOMAS). History of the parish of Llandysilio. Montgomery Coll. xxxi. 1-64, 209-288. RAVEN (CANON). Dennington church notes.. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 231-232. RAVENSCROFT (W.). An old fireplace. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 68-69. READ (CHARLES H.). Woollen cap and shroud discovered in a lead coffin at Windsor. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 225-228. READ (E. W.). A supposed eclipse of the moon under the 22nd Egyptian dynasty. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 309-310. REAVELL (GEORGE, JUNR.). Notes on recent discoveries at Hulne priory. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 42-44. REDMOND (PHILIP). Some Wexford folklore. Folklore, x. 362-364. REDSTONE (VINCENT B.). Orford and its castle. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 205-230. REES (J. ROGERS). Slebech commandery and the knights of St. John. Arch. Camb. xvi. 220-234, 283-298. REID (ARTHUR H.). Architecture in South Africa. Brit. Archit. vi. 363-371. REYNOLDS (REV. G. W.). The parish church of Elwick Hall and village of Elwick. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 178-182. RHYS (PRINCIPAL DR. JOHN). The Drumloghan ogams. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 390-403, 426-427. Some Glamorgan inscriptions. Arch. Camb. xvi. 132-168. ROBERTS (ARTHUR COURTENAY ROBERTS). An Essex church tower.- Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 209-214. ROBERTSON (JAMES G.). Notes referring to the Archer chalice. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 28-31. ROBINSON (SIR CHARLES). Notes on a silver-gilt image of the virgin and child, a drinking horn mounted in silver gilt, and four ancient reading desks. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 316-321. Notes on objects of medieval art in goldsmiths' work, enamels, etc., recently obtained in Spain. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 345-352. ROBINSON (J. F.). Notes on a find of bronze weapons near Medomsley. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 213-216. On an old barrow found in pit workings at Whorlton, near Walbottle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 20-21, 27-28. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 41 ROBINSON (JOHN). Legends and traditions of a Northumbrian village. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 28-29. A number of fragments of glass, etc., of various ages, from Westminster abbey. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 147. Discoveries made while pulling down the "Fox and Lamb" in Pilgrim Street, Newcastle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 95-96. ROEDER (C). On a newly discovered neolithic settlement at the Red Roses, New Brighton, near Liverpool. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 123-130. ROGERS (SHOWELL). Dr. Samuel Parr, of Hatton, 1747-1825. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxiv. 45-69, ROGERS (W. H. HAMILTON). Brook, of Somerset and Devon; barons of Cobham, in Kent. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlv. 1-24. ROPER (WILLIAM OLIVER). The manor of Halton. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 65-76. ROSCAMP (REV. R.). St. Helens, Auckland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 63-66. Ross (THOMAS). James Gifford, a Scottish sculptor of the seventeenth century, and some of his works in Tweeddale. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 147-162. Notice of six paintings on wood, representing the sibils, recently found at Wester Livilands, Stirling. Soc. Ant. Scot. xxxiii. 387-403. ROTHERAM (E. CROFTON). A cashel on Sliabh na Caillighe. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 259-261. Throwing stones or hammer stones. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 428-429. ROUND (J. H.). The foundation of the priories of St. Mary and of St. John, Clerkenwell. Archceologia, lvi. 223-228. The family of Clare. Arch. Journ. lvi. 221-231. Essex vineyards in domesday. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 249-251. The Fitzwalter pedigree. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 329-330. Walthamstow church. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 330-331. The origin of deneholes. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 400-401. ROUSE (W. H. D.). Folklore from the southern Sporades. Folklore, x. 150-185. Christmas mummers at Rugby. Folklore, x. 186-194. 4 2 INDEX OF ARCHJ30L0GICAL PAPERS ROWE (J. BROOKING). Ninth report of the committee on Devonshire records. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 120-145. ROYSTON (REV. PETER). Orton Longueville church. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 97-105. RUNDLE (REV. S.). Cornubiana, No. 2. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 351-354. RUTLAND NOTES. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 55. RUTTON (WILLIAM J. L.). Great Yarmouth and the Cinque Ports. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiv. 70-98. RYLANDS (J. PAUL). Notes taken in the churches of Preston, Manchester, Eccles, Winwich, Farnworth, Sephton, and Hale in the county of Lancaster, some by Thomas Chaloner in or about the year 1591, and others by Randle Holme in the years 1636 and 1652, and notes taken at Lea hall in the same county. Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 203-230. RYLANDS (W. H.). Freemasonry in Lancashire and Cheshire (17th century). Lane, and Cheshire Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiv. 131-202. SALISBURY (BISHOP OF). The consecration of a church, altar, and tank, according to the ritual of the Coptic-Jacobite church. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 86-108. SAMPSON (PROF.). Thomas Wright, the Durham astronomer. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 99-104. SANDERSON (H. K. ST. J.). The Saunders' brasses at Pottesgrove, Beds, and Wavenden, Bucks. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. Q-9. The family of Peckham. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 12-14. The brasses of Bedfordshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 33-45, 74-90, 117-133, 153-174, 193-213, 275-291; iii. 31-41. • The brasses of Wells cathedral. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 140-143. Richard Atkinson, 1574, St. Peter-in-the-east, Oxford. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 143-145. Norton Disney, Lino. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 216-223. • Newark, Nottinghamshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 226-233. Somersetshire notes. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 343-344. Contributions to a complete exploration of Northamptonshire. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 345-346; iii. 47-52. Lincoln cathedral. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 314-326 ; iii. 67-87, 119-142. Notes on the brasses in some Buckinghamshire churches. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 115—118. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 43 SANDERSON (H. K. ST. J.). Merchants' marks. Oxford Univ. Brassrubbing Soc. i. 30-41. SAVAGE (REV. H. E.). Northumbria in the eighth century. Arch. Mliana, N.S. xxi. 259-280. • Saxon architecture. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 21-29. SAYCE (PROF. A. H.). The new Babylonian chronological tablet. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 10-22. Contract from the country of Khana. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 22-24. An early Babylonian document relating to the Shuhites. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 24-25. Hittite notes. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 194-223. A new Egyptian king; the predecessor of Kheops. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 108-110. Some old empire inscriptions from El-Kab. Soc. Bib. Arch. xxi. 111-114. SCOTT (WALTER). Bishopwearmouth church. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 175-177. SCOTT (WILLIAM). Some old Italian building accounts. Brit. Archit. vi. 155-158. SELBY ABBEY, account roll of, 1397-8. Yorks Arch. Soc. xv. 408-419. SELTMAN (E. J.). The seated figure on silver coins of Rhegium. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 5-12. • Nummi serrati and astral coin types. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 322-343. SHEPARD (THOMAS). The heraldry of the abbey and see of Peterborough. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 526-537. SHERLOCK (REV/CANON). Early Landowners in Kill, county Kildare. Kildare Arch. Soc. 179-185. SHERWOOD (G. F. T.). Early Berkshire wills from the P.C.C. ante 1558. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Journ. v. 49-54. SHORE (T. W.). Bentworth and its historical associations. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. iv, 1-15. SIMPSON (H. F. M.). A Swedish prime staff at Callaley castle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 98-99. SKELLY (GEORGE). Alnwick: town walls; parish church. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 19, 125-130. SKYRACK, wapentake of, lay-subsidy f§£, 30 June and 20 October, 1545. Thoresby Soc. ix. 126-160. SMITH (G. NUTTALL). Holy well and antiquities near Cahir, co. Tipperary.. Roy, Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 258-259. 44 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS SMITH (JOHN). On a stone crannog in Ashgrove Lock, near Stevenston. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 56-61. The Ardrossan shell-mound, with an account of its excavation. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 62-74. ,—Ancient structure at Dirrans, near Kilwinning. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 75-76. Two ancient fireplaces at Shewalton and Ardeer. Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Coll. vii. 77-79. SMITH (J. C. CHALLENOR). Some additions to Newcourt's repertorium. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 272-284, 356-368. SOMMERVILLE (REV. J. E.). Notice of an ancient structure called " The Altar," in the island of Canna. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 133-140. SPENCE (C. J.). On a Gunter's quadrant and a universal ring-dial. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 70-72. On three sundials. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 155- 156. SQUIRE (W. BARCLAY). Notes on the arms of Henry Bost, provost of Eton, 1477-8 to 1502-3. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 301-304. STAPLETON (CAPT. THE HON. B. J.). A report of a paper on Gloucestershire brasses. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 23-24. STEIN (M. A.). Notes on the monetary system of ancient Kasmir. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 125-174. STEPHENS (PROFESSOR G.). A pre-conquesfc memorial stone from Holy Island. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 189-190. STEPHENSON (MILL). Brasses at Charlwood, Surrey. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 54-56. Brasses at Leigh, Surrey. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 98- 100. • Some notes on the work of a society for the preservation and study of monumental brasses. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 133- 139. William Maynwaryng, Ighfcfield, Shropshire, Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 181-182. Discovery of the brass of Roger Dynham, 1490. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 337-338. Brasses at Aldermaston, Berks. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 41-44. An impression of an episcopal brass, being that of John Bell, bishop of Worcester, now replaced in the church of St. James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 56-57. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 45 STEPHENSON (MILL). A palimpsest brass at Checkenden, Oxfordshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 87-88. Note on a brass at Lowthorpe, east Yorkshire. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 143-144. • Notes on the Zouch-Oker brass at Okeover, Staffordshire, Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 187-193. Notes on the palimpsest brass of Robert Rugge, 1558, in the church of St. John, Maddermarket, Norwich. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiv. 63-69. STOKES (REV. DR. G. T.). Swiftiana. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 111-112. Moira house. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 113- 115. STOKES (MISS MARGARET). The holed-stone cross at Moone. Kildare Arch. Soc. iii. 33-38. — • Old Kilcullen. Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 431-446. STOKES (WHITLEY). Inscription to Apollo on the patera discovered on the Herd Sand, South Shields. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 187. STORY (R. HERBERT). Two champions of the covenant. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 340-346. SUMMERS (REV. W. H.). Population returns for Buckinghamshire, 1876. Bucks Records, viii. 146-152. SUTTON (REV. A. E.). A description of the churches visited in the excursion from Kings Lynn, June 15 and 16, 1898. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 281-299. SWEETING (REV. W. D.). Maxey church and parish. Arch. Assoc. N.S.v. 106-121. SWINTON (HON. MRS.). Notes on a " Book of hours of the blessed Virgin Mary." Kildare Arch. Soc. ii. 426-429. SYERS (REV. CANON). Barnack church. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 13- 28. SYMPSON (E. MANSEL). The choir-screen or pulpitum in Lincoln minster. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 457-466. TAYLOR (REV. 0. S.). The origin of the Mercian shires. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 32-57. TAYLOR (E). Ancient well in the Galilee, Durham. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 182-183. TAYLOR (REV. J. E.). Discoveries of mediaeval remains during the reparation of the old church at Hartlepool. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 20. 46 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS TAYLOR (LLOYD). The architecture of the colony of Victoria. Brit. Archit. vi. 537-548. TEMPLE (SIR RICHARD). Historic worthies and celebrities of Hampstead. Hampstead Antiq. and Hist. Soc. 1898,67-74. TEMPLE (COL. R. C.). Beginnings of currency. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. ii. 99-122. The folklore in the legends of the Panjab. Folklore x. 384-443. TERRY (C. S.). The visits of Charles I. to Newcastle, in 1633, 1639, and 1646-7, with some notes of contemporary history. _lrc7i. Meliana, N.S. xxi. 83-145. The Scottish campaign in Northumberland and Durham between January and June, 1644. Arch. Meliana, N.S. xxi. 146- 179. . The siege of Newcastle by the Scots in 1644. Arch. Mliana, N.S. xxi. 180-258. THOMAS ( ). Castle and church of Ford. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, v. 62-66. THOMPSON (G. H.). The sickle and the hook. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 90-91. THORPE (W. G.). Notes on a charter granted by the Temple in England. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 229-234. TILLE (ALEXANDER). Yule and Christmas : their place in the Germanic year. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 426-497. TIMMINS (SAM). James Keir, F.R.S., 1735-1820. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxiv. 1-5. TINGEY (J. C) . A calandar of deeds enrolled within the county of Norfolk. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. 33-92, 125-191, 241-292. TOMLINSON (W. W.). The advertisement columns of old Newcastle newspapers. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 107-128. Copy of a grant of lands in Denton and Newham. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vii. 15-16. TREEN (A. EDWARD). Some historical notes on the parish of Barby, Northamptonshire, and the recent discoveries of fresco paintings on the church walls. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiv. 538- 549. TROUP (MRS. FRANCES B.). Nicholas Monk, the king's messenger and the honest clergyman. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 305-325. A few sheaves of Devon bibliography. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 331-355. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 47 UPTON (HENRY A. S.). Bronze caldron found at Milkernagh Bog, near Granard, co. Longford. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 256-257. VANE (HON. AND REV. G. H. F.). The parish registers of Shipton. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 277-284. Some Shropshire briefs. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist, Soc. 2nd S. xi. 285-300. VENTRESS (JOHN). Merchants' marks in St. Nicholas's church, Newcastle. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 135-139. WAITE (JAMES A.). The lesser-known gatehouses and gateways of Lancashire and Cheshire. Lane, and Cheshire Hist, Soc. 4th S. xiv. 77-110. WAKEMAN (W. F.). The mace of the ancient corporation of Athenry, county Galway. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 109-110. WALKER (REV. JOHN). Ponteland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 202-208. Notes on Netherwitton. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 209-211. WALKER (ROBERT CRAUFURD). Notice of an old heraldic iron door knocker from Meikleour, near Blairgowrie. Soc. Ant. Scot, xxxiii. 461. WALKER (T. J.). The traces of the Roman occupation left in Peterborough and the surrounding district. Arch. Assoc. N.S. v. 51-62. Notes on two Anglo-Saxon burial places at Peterborough. Arch. Assoc, v. 343-349. WALLACE (THOMAS). Notes on some antiquities in Enzie, Banffshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 54. WALLER (J. G.). Notes on some early Christian symbols. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 322-325. On the rotable in Norwich cathedral, and painting in St. Michael-at-Clea church. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xiii. '315-342. WALLER (WILLIAM CHAPMAN). Essex field names: the hundreds of Lexden and Frishwell. J_ss.cc Arch, Soc. N.S. vii. 285-327, 399-400. Stondon Massey. Essex Arch, Soc. N.S. vii. 400. WALTERS (R.). Ware priory. East Herts Arch. Soc. 1899, pt. 3, 16-20. WARD (JOHN). Notes on several barrows recently opened in Derbyshire. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 310-316. 48 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS WARD (JOHN). Roman remains at Bradwell. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxi. 1-4. WAREING (T.). Some notes on a brass-rubbing tour in west Sussex. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 295-300, 332-337. Bright Waltham, Berks. Monumental Brass Soc. ii. 300. WARREN (ROBERT HALL). The choir of Bristol cathedral. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 220-235, 290-292. WATTEVILLE (H. G. DE). Monumental brasses in the church of Great Haseley, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 170-175. • Monumental brasses in the churches of Stadhampton, Chalgrove, and Waterperry, Oxon. Oxford Univ. Brass-rubbing Soc. i. 110-121. WEBER (SIR HERMANN). On finds of archaic Greek coins in lower Egypt. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 269-287. WELFORD (RICHARD). Obituary notice of the Rev. E. H. Adamson. Arch. Mliana, N.S. xxi. 281-288. ; On the will of Edward Heslopp, of South Shields, dated July 8, 1689, and other documents. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, vi. 142-144. • Four old deeds relating to the transmission of property belonging to the family of Emersons in Newcastle. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newe. vii. 2-6. WERNER (MISS A.). The tar-baby story. Folklore, x. 282-293. WESTROPP (T. J.). Notes and folklore from the Rennes copy of the Dindsenchas. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 21-27. Report on, the photographic survey collection. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 61-63. Dun Aenghus, Aran. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 66, 67. Rathmichael. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 67. Tobernahalthora and Tobergrania. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 127-128. Prehistoric remains in the Burren, co. Clare. Roy.'Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 367-384. — Commonplace book relating to Ireland. Roy, Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 429. • A list of the round towers of Ireland, with notes on those which have been demolished, and on four in the county of Mayo. Royal Irish Acad. v. 294-311. • Notes on the lesser castles or " Peel Towers " of the county Clare. Royal Irish Acad, v, 348-365. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 49 WEYMAN (HENRY T.). Recorders of Ludlow. Shrop. Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. 2nd S. xi. 301-330. WHALE (REV. T. W.). The tax roll for Devon. 31 Edward I. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 376-429. WHITLEY (H. MICHELL). The Cornwall domesday and geld inquest. Royal Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 548-575. WHITLEY (H. STUART). Note on a brass to a lady, c. 1440, at Hellingly, Sussex. Monumental Brass Soc. iii. 205-206. WHYMPER (EDWARD). Notes on lathe-made stone objects from the Riffelalp. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvii. 245-253. WILKINS (W. H.). Burton's pilgrimage to Mecca; an unpublished MS. of the late Sir Richard F. Burton. Roy. Soc. Lit. xx. 197-235. WILLIAMS (REV. STERLING DE COURCY). The termon of Durrow. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 44-51, 219-232. • Tihilly, parish of Durrow, Kings county. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 65-66. WILSON (EDMUND). TWO old plans of Leeds. TJioresby Soc. ix. 196-204. WILSON (REV. GEORGE). List of the antiquities of Glenluce, Wigtownshire, with descriptive notes. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxiii. 170-185. WILSON (J. MACKAY). Earthwork fort or rath in county Longford. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. ix. 67-68. WOOD (H. M.). The rectors of Whickham. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 259-266. WORTH (R. H.). Eighteenth report of the barrow committee. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 94-100. The pilchard " constitutions" in the white book of the Plymouth corporation, 23 and 26 Eliz. Devon Assoc, xxxi. 465-466. WROTH (WARWICK). Greek coins acquired by the British museum in 1898. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xix. 85-111. YOUNG (C. G.). Notes on some shell implements from Barbadoes. Royal Irish Acad. v. 221-222. YOUNG (H. W.). Ancient roads in Stirlingshire and Perthshire. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, viii. 99-101. YOUNG (JAMES). Recent archseological discoveries in the parish of Lesmahagow. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 498-503. ZIMMERMAN (REV. BENEDICT). The whitefriars at Ipswich. Sicffb'lk Inst, Arch. x. 196-204. D I N D E X Abbeys: Birch, Dalrymple, Drinkwater, Fitzgerald, Hamnett, Hope, Selby, Shepard. Aberdeen: Eeles. Adderbury: Fearon. JEsica, excavations at. Hodgkin. Albrighton: Blakeway, Priestley. Aldermaston: Stephenson. Allendale: Dickinson. Allerton: Coleman. Apollo: Ely. Appletree: Burton. Apulia: Hodgkin. Arab tribes: Holdich. Architecture: Barnet, Bilson, Corletle, Qurdon, Harrison, Reid, Savage, Taylor. Armoy, Kirlcer. Arms and armour : Clephan, Cosson. Art: Harrison. China: O'Neill. Early Christian: Allen. Gold plate and discs: Day. James G-ifford: Ross. Mediseval: Hope, Robinson. Metallurgy : Gowland. Bock pictures: Bicknell. Stone cup: Grant. Tapestry_: Kerry. The Sybils: Ross. Wall paintings: Keyser. Assyrian antiquities: Boissier, Cheyne, Crum, Honvmel, Johns. Athenry: Wakeman. Australian religion: Lang. Aylesford: James. Ayrshire: Black, Babylonian antiquities: Johns, Pinches, Sayce. Barbadoes]: Young, Barbary: Myres. Barby: Treen. Barnstaple: Harper. Barkham: Ditchfield. Baschuroh: Fletcher. Bath: Brownlow. Battle: Fairbank. Battles: Bates, Bristol. Bayley hall: Dear. Beaconsfield house: Cail. Bells : Bailey, Durham, H. Bentworth: Shore. Berkshire : ff., Money, Sherwood. See "Aldermaston," "Bright Waltham," " Windsor." Berwick-on-Tweed: Bolam. Bibliographical and literary: Arkwright, Atchley, Axon, Banister, Berkeley, Birch, Blass, Clephan, Coleridge, Curtis, Davey, Ferguson, Fisher, Hind, Legg, Liebmann, Madden, Marsh, Smitli, Stokes, Swinton,Temple, Thorpe, Tomlinson, Trcnip, Welford, Westropp, Wilkins. Biddenden maids: Phillips. Birrenswark: Anderson, Barbour, Christison. Blackstairs: Flood. Blanchland: Featherstonhangh. Bloomsbury: Norman. Braintree: Beaumont. Brass cup: Murray. Brewers1 hal l : Martineau. Bright Waltham: Wareing. Bristol: Atchley, Beddoe. British remains: MoMurtrie, Pickering. Bronze age: James. Bronze antiquities: Dale, Featherstonhaugh, Munro, Robinson, Upton. Buckinghamshire: Foster, Simmons. See "Great Marlow," "Stoke MandeviUe," " Wycombe." Burghley house: Gotoh, Bury St. Edmunds : Jennings. Buttingtune: Dymond. Caerwent: Martin. INDEX 51 Caherconree: Lynch. Cahir: Smith. Calais: Minet. Cambridgeshire: Cave. Carina: bommerville. Canterbury: Hope. Carbury: Devitt. Carlisle: Bower. Castle Law: Christison. Castles: Bales, Dixon, Fitzgerald, Glasscock, Gould, Hales, Hamnett, La Touche, Redstone, Simpson, Thomas. Castletown: Fitzgerald. Cathedrals: Bond, Fowler, Holmes, Langrishe, Sanderson, Waller, Warren. Celbridge: Graham. Celtic anchorites: Mackinlay. Chad-well spring: Andrews, Charles I. : Burton. Chedorlaomer: Offord. Cheshire: Morris',Rylands. See" Chester," " Goosnargh." Chester: Beswick, Newstead. Chinley, enclosure riots: Chinley, Church briefs: Fletcher. Church plate : Bates, Cooper, Dowden, Durham, Hone, Manning, Robertson, Robinson. Church tower: Roberts. Churches: Acton, Adams, Adamson, Andrews, Astley, Baildon, Batten, Birch, Blakiston, Brydall, Cave, Chancellor, Clark-Maxwell, Cogswell, Cowell, Cranage, Curtis, Dawber, Dickie, Dobie, Drew, Field, Fryer, Gerish, Glynne, Gordon, Gould, Gruchy, Hodges, Hooppell, Hope, Hunt, Jeans, Johnson, Johnston, Keyser, King, Kirkpatrick, Knowles, Lane, Lipscomb, Long, Lucas, Malan, Manning, Martin, Minet, Odell, Parker, Pope, Poulter, Procter, Raven, Reynolds, Roberts, Round, Royston, Rylands, Scott, Skelly, Sutton, Sweeting, Syers, Thomas, Waller, Watteville. Cirencester: Cripps, Civil war: Morris, Clondalkin: Ball. Coffee pot: Ellis. Coffin slabs: Christy. Conduit head: Norman. Consistory courts and places: Ferguson. Constance, politics at the council of: Figgis. Corbridge and Dilston : Heslop. Cornwall: Cornish, Gould, Bundle, Whitley. Cowpen : Dendy. Crail: Brydall. Cressing: Chancellor. Cringleford : Cogswell. Crosses: Brownlow, Carr, Eeles, Fitzgerald, Frazer, Irving,Macnamara, Monasterboice, Morgan, Stokes. Crown, relations of, to trade: Durham. Cumberland: Cowper, Ferguson. See " Carlisle." Cup markings, recent: Lee. Curragh, The: Fitzgerald. Dancing worship: Offord. Dartmoor: Gould. Dauntesey: Coleman. Deneholes: Round. Denton: Tomlinson. Derbyshire: Currey, Field, Gregson. See " Appletree," " Chinley," " Wirksworth." Devonshire: Amery, Rowe, Whale, Worth. See"Barnstaple," "Dartmoor," "Exeter," "Great Torrington," "Newton- Abbott," "Plymouth," "Sidbury," "Torrington." Dialect: Ella. Doddington: Knowles. Door lock: Ferguson. Dorchester: Moule. Dorsetshire : Barnes, Peck. See " Dorchester,"" Eiddleford," "Hambedon hill," "Helston," "Poundbury," " Stretton." Dun Aenghus: Westropp. Dundonald: Alexander. Dundrennan: Dalrymple. Durham: Adamson, Featherstonhaugh, Fowler, Taylor, Terry. See " South Shields." Durrow: Williams. Earthworks and mounds: Ailsa, Andrews, Christison, Wilson. Ecclesiology : AndH, Baddeley, Blakiston, Bond, Buckley, Green, Salisbury, Sympson, Waller. Edinburgh : Coles. Edward the Confessor, shrine of: Bell. Egyptian antiquities: Brodriclc, Clarke, Clephan, Crum, Fraser, Griffith, Hastings, Legge, Murray, 52 INDEX Nash, Newberry, Petrie, Price, Read, Sayce. Elwick: Reynolds. Enzie: Wallace. Escombe: Lord. Essex : Christy, Goddard, Roberts, Round. See " Braintree," " Cressing," " Eaulkborne," " Stondon Massey," " White Notley," " Woodham Eerrers." Ethnography: Bennett, Browne. Exeter: Edmonds. Eaulkborne: Chancellor. Penland: Hughes. Eiddleford: Dashwood. Eield names: Waller. Eireplaces, ancient: Ravenscroft, Smith. Five-hide-unit: Bates. Flintshire: Ebblewhite. Elodden field: Bates. Folk lore: Amery, Aston, Cardi, Cuming, Dack, Darby, Gomme, Goodrich- Frere, Hartland, Haverfield, Heslop, Hill-Tout, Lang, March, May, Nutt, Offord, Owen, Paton, Phillips, Redmond, Robinson,Rouse, Temple, Werner, Westropp. Fonts: Fryer. Franchise of Tyndale : Adamson. Freemasonry: Rylands. Eriedrich IIL, regal law of: Clephan. G alean, The : Dix. Galway: Browne. Gatehouses and gateways: Waite. Genealogy, family and personal history : Adams, Adamson, Astley, Axon, Barker, Barnes, Baverstock, Bax, Blackett, Bond, Cail, Cave, Charlton, Cheales, Christie, Clarke, Clay, Codrington, Colby, Corson, Cox, Dalrymple, Davey, Davis, Drinkwater, Duckett, Ebblewhite, Ellis, Ffrench, Fitzgerald, Flood, Gairdner, Guiseppi, Guthrie, Hadon, Hall, Hartshorne, Hill, Hodgson, Hussey- Walsh, Jones, Kennedy - Skipton, Kerry, Legge, Macleod, Madan, Miller, Murphy, Myddeltons, Neville, O'Leary, Partridge, Porteous, Powell, Rogers, Ross, Round, Sampson, Sanderson, Stapleton, Stephenson, Story, Timmins, Troup, Wareing, Watteville, Welford, Whitley. Glenluce: Wilson. Glinton: Hopkins. Gloucestershire: Stapleton. See " Bristol," " Cirencester." Goosnargh: Banister. Graffoe: Cole. Great Marlow: Cocks. Great Torrington: Doe. Great Yarmouth: Bateley, Olley, Rutton. Greatchesters: Hodgkin. Greek antiquities: Legge. Grotto: Andrews. Guilsfield: Jones. Gurteen: Falkiner. Halls: Dear, Phillips, Reynolds. Hambedon hill: Cunnington. Hampshire: Andrews. See " Bentworth," "Southampton," "Silchester," "Winchester." Hampstead: Temple. Hartlepool: Taylor. Hebreux, L'exode des : Lieblein. Heddon : Holmes. Helstone: Cunnington. Hepworth: Corbett. Heraldry: Shepard, Squire, Walker. Herefordshire. See "Stanford Bishop." Hertford. See "Bayley hall," " Ohadwell spring." Highland brooch: Anderson. Holy island : Grossman, Stephens. Honduras: Price. Housesteads: Bosanquet. Huntingdonshire, See " Ramsey." Hyndford :. Munro. Idols or oil presses ? Cowper. Innishannon: Alcock. Inscriptions: Apollo: Stokes. Caervoran: Hodgkin. Chaldean: Howorth. Glamorgan: Rhys. Hittite: Hommel, Monumental: Hodgson. . Norton Disney: Macalister. Ogham: Macalister, Rhys. Palimpsest: Lewis. Palmyrene: Cook. Eoman: Ferguson, Forbes, Haverfield, Mowait., Ipswich: Layard, Zimmerman. Ireland: Cosgrave, Rotherham, Westropp. See " Armoy," " Athenry," " Blackstairs," " Caherconree," "Cahir," "Carbury," "CastleINDEX 53 town," " C e 1 b r i d g e," " Clondalkin," " Curragh," "Dun Aenghus," « Durrow," " Galean," "Galway," " Gurteen," " Innishannon," " Kildare," " Kilelton," " Kill," " Kilmakilloge," " Meath," " Monkstown," " Mount Hooley," " Naas," " Old Kilcullen," " Pale," " Eathmichael," " Batbmore," " Tallaght," " Timolin," " Tobernahathora," " Wexford." Ironsides: Firth. Italian building accounts: Scolt. James I. : Durham. Jet buttons: Anderson. John, King, and Dorset: Barnes. Journalism,early provincial: Berkeley. Karnak: Clephan. Kent. See "Aylesford," " Canterbury." Kildare: Garstin, Murphy, Kilelton: Hiclcson. Kill: Sherlock. Kilmakilloge: Hickson.' Kinneff: Eeles. Lambeth: ICershaw. Lancashire: Hoiuorth, Rylands, Waite. Lancaster: Nicholson. Lathom hospital: Melville. Leeds: Wilson. Leicestershire: Fletcher, Hartopp. Lesmahagow: Young. Libraries: Edmonds. Lincoln : Foster. See " Fenland," " Norton Disney," " Peterborough," "Scrivelsby," "Spalding." Lineluden: Dalrymple. Little Langley: Macnamara. Llandysilio: Pryce. Ludlow : Wey man. London : Brewers' hall: Martineau. Bloomsbury: Norman. Chapels in the Tower : Birch. Chelsea: Davies, O'Neill. Churches of 17th and 18th centuries : Birch. Clerkenwell: King, Round, Stephenson. Hampstead: Hales, Temple. Lambeth: Kershaw. St. Helens, Bishopsgate : Birch. St. Mary Abchurch: Dawber. St. Mary 0 verie : Birch. St. Stephen's, Walbrook: Dawber. Wandsworth: Davis. Westminster Abbey: Boeder. Malay states: Clarke. Manorial court rolls : Foster. Manors: Astley, Christie, Coleman, Corbett, Dixon, Fletcher, Fox, Green, Hone, Hudson, Massingberd, Roper. Marble quarries, ancient: Brindley. Master gunners : Mylne. Meath: O'Leary. Merchants' marks : Sanderson, Ventress. Mercian shires: Taylor. Milton: Fane. Missal: Eeles. Mitford: Cranage. Mitla: Corner. Moats or waterforts: Cardew. Moira house: Stokes. Monkstown: Ball. Morpeth: Cranage. Monuments, tombs, effigies and brasses: Adamson, Ballard, Barker, Beloe, Birch, Blakiston, Bower, Brodrick, Cave, Charlton, Christy, Cocks, Davies, Davis, Dillon, Dobrie, Evans, Fairbank, Farrer, Fearon, Field, Fitzgerald, Flood, Haverfield, Hulbert, Hunt, Knowles, Knox, Lewis, Macalister, Macklin, Manning, Nevell, O'Grady, Oliver Peck, Rutland. Mount Hooly: Grossman. Mudford: Batten. Music: Briggs. Mythology: Griffith, Hartland. Naas: Burgh. Netherwitton: Walker. Newark: Sanderson. Newcastle: Charlton, Knowles, Robinson, Terry. Newbam: Tomlinson. Newton Abbot: Harris. Niger delta: Cardi. Noeton : Norgate. Norfolk: Farrer, Tingey. See " Cringleford," "Great Tarmouth," "Norwich," "Oxborough." Northamptonshire: Sanderson. See " Barby," " Peakirk," " Peterborough," " Eugby." Northumberland: Adamson, Robinson, Savage, Terry. See " Allendale," " Berwick," " Blanehland," " Corbridge and Dilston," "Cowpen," . "Denton," "Doddington," "Elwick," " Escombe," " Floddenfield," "Greatchesters," "Hartle54 INDEX pool," " Heddon," " Housesteads," "Mitford," "Morpeth," "Netherwitton," " Newcastle," " Newham," "Ponteland," "St.Helens," "Stanhope," "Tynemouth," "Wallsend," " Whickham, " " Whoriton," " Wolsingham." Norton Disney: Sanderson. Norwich: Bolingbroke, Hope, Hudson. Nottinghamshire. See " Newark." Numismatics: Perdrizet, Seltman. Bristol tokens: Pritchard. Cumberland tokens: Ferguson. Currency beginnings: Temple. Greek : Hill, Maurice, Weber, Wroth. Henry I.: Lawrence. Isle of Man : N.elson. Kasmir monetary system: Stein. Letters on coins; Macdonald. Northumberland stycas : Featherstonhaugh. Penny of AEthelred: Grueber, Portugal gold: Phillips. Saxon coins: Manning. Shrewsbury mint: Kenyon, Swiss bracteates: Peers. Old Kilcullen: Stokes. Orford: Redstone, Orientalists' congress: Legge. Oxborough:. Beloe. Oxford : Dobrie, Hone. See " Adderbury," "Little Langley." Pakenham: Jones. Pale, The: Murphy. Pardon brasses: Fairbank. Parish registers: Hartopp. Parishes : Bolingbroke, Brushfield, Gordon. Peakirk: Patrick. Peel towers: Westropp. Pembrokeshire: Phillips. Pen-y-fai: Llewellyn. Persian talisman: Ferguson, Perth: Macdonald, Marsh. Peterborough: Dack, Walker. Philoe: Clephan. Pins and pinmaking: Mitchell. Place names: Atkinson, Darby, Plague in Yorkshire: Chadwiclc. Plymouth: Worth. Ponteland: Walker. Pottery, Eomano-British: Page. Poundbury: Cunnington. Prehistoric remains : Clinch, Haverfield, Smith. Barrows: Prior, Ward. Burial places: Walker. Burren: Westropp. Camps : Fortey, Gould, Morgan. Cists: Coles, Plunkett. Crannogs: Falkiner, Munro. Cromlechs: Clarke. Deneholes: Goddard, Round. Flint implements : Lomas, Norman. Lake dwellings: Layard. Neolithic: Clinch, Roeder. Settlements: Knowles. Stones: Brydall, Carlyle. Priories: Birch, Dalrymple, Dixon, Drinkwater, Galpin, Morris, Reavell, Round, Walters. Pulpit shaft: Hodgson. Eamsey: Poulter. Eathmichael: Westropp. Eathmore: Mayo. . Eeligious communities: Adamson, Bateson, Bund, Latimer, Layard, Micklethwaite. Eivers: Aire. Eodil: Murray. Eoman remains: Haverfield, Mo- Murtrie. Altars: Blair, Haverfield, Hooppell, Hubner, Mowatt. Boundaries : Hodgkin. Bradwell: Wells. Charm: Haverfield. Chester : Beswick, Haverfield, Newstead. Cirencester: Cripps, Haverfield. Coffin: Beaumont. Excavations: Haverfield. Fortifications: May. Forum: Forbes. Inscriptions: Ferguson, Haverfield. Milestones: Haverfield. Peterborough: Walker. Poundbury: Cunnington. Eoads: Haverfield. Eoumania: Benndorff. Silchester: Hope. South Shields: Blair. Spain: Maxwell. Stones: Haverfield. Sword: Fergusson. Tombstones: Gibson, Haverfield. Walls: Bales, Gibson, Hodgson, Holmes. Eoumania: Benndorf. Eound towers: Westropp. Eugby: Rouse. St. Brigid: Cowell. INDEX 55 St. Helens, Auckland : Roscamp. St. John, knights of: Edivards, Rees. St. Kessog: Mackinlay. Salford Priors: Chataway. Saxon crypt: Cave. Schools: Calvert, Scotland: Anderson, Smith, Young. See " Aberdeen," " Ayrshire," " Birrenswark," " Canna," " Castle Law," " Crail," " Dundonald," " Dundrennan," " Edinburgh," "Enzie," " Glenluce," " Hyndford," " Lincluden," " Perth," " Eodil," " Shanter Knowe," "Solway," " Torpichen," "Whithorn." Scrivelsbj': Birch. Secret societies of West Africa: Marriott. Sens: Lewis. Sessay: Field. Shanter Knowe: Ailsa. Shell implements: Young. Sherburn hospital: MUton. Shipton: Vane. Shropshire: Fletcher, Kenyon, Vane. See " Albrighton," "Baschuroh," " Ludlow," " Shipton," " Worfield." Sickle and hook : Thompson. Sidbury: Cave. Silchester: Hope. Skyrack: Baildon. Smoke nuisance: Adamson. Solway: Neilson. Somersetshire: Andre",Bales, Coleridge, Sanderson. See "Allerton," "Mudford." South Africa: Reid. South Shields: Blair. Southampton : Dale, Hope, Minns. Spalding: Perry. Stanford Bishop: Cox. Stanhope: Eggleston. Stoke MandeviUe: Parker. Stondon Massey: Waller. Stone objects: Whymper. Stones, carved: Brydall. Cresset: Fryer. Cupmarked: Coles. Hammer: Rotherham. Irish: Heslop. Memorial: Stephens. Sculptured: Hudson.' Stratford-upon-Avon: Brassington. Stratton: jPope. Subsidy roll: Fletcher. Suffolk. See "Bury St. Edmunds," " Hepworth," " Ipswich," " Pakenham." Sundials: Spence. Surrey : Bax. Sussex. See " Battle," " Ticehurst." Swatis and Afridis : Holdich,. Swedish pine staff: Simpson. Syria: Duckworth. Tallaght: Ball. Thornden : Hodgkin. Ticehurst: Fairbank. Timolin: Fitzgerald. Tobergrania: Westropp. Tobernahalthora: Knox, Westropp. Tod wick: Fairbank. Torpichen: Edivards. Torrington: Colby. Totemism: Jevons. Trade, Eelations of the Crown to Durham. Tree carvings: Perkins. Tripoli: Cowper, Myres. Tynemouth: Carr. Vestries, ancient: Adamson. Wales : Compton, Foulkes, Gould, Jones, Llewellyn. See " Guilsfield," " Llandysilio." Wallsend: Haverfield. Wandsworth burials: Davis. Warwickshire : Bevan. See ". Salford Priors," " Stratford-upon-Avon." Wells : Malan, Smith, Taylor, Westminster abbey: Boeder. Westmorland: Cowper, Wexford: Esmonde. Whickham: Wood. White Notley: Curtis. Wliithorn: Dalrymple. Whorlton: Robinson. Wigtownshire: Black. Wills : Davis, Drinkwater, Hartopp, Jotcham, Master,Sherwood, Welford. Wiltshire. See " Dauntesey." Winchester: Jacob. Windsor: Read. Wirksworth : Burton. Wolsingham: Devey. Woodham Ferrers: Chancellor. Woollen cap and shroud : Read. Worcestershire: Btind. Worfield: Drinkwater. Wycombe: Hope. Yew trees: Hitching. Yorkshire: Chadwick, Glynne. See "Sessay," "Skyrack," "Todwick." Yule and Christmas : Title.