Abstract of Proceedings 1901-1903

Jtnt ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, 1901-1908. September 12th, 1901.-The Council met this day in the Bridge Wardens' Chamber at Rochester. There were six Members preselilt, presided over by F. F. Giraud, Esq. After discussion it was resolved to hold the next Annual Meeting at Tenterden, making Rye the centre of operations. '.rhe following votes of thanks, in connection with the Maidstone Meeting, were passed :-To the M ayor £or use of the Town HaJl and bis reception of the Society at the Museum ; to the Trustees for the use of the Palace £or the Business Meeting; to the Vicar and Wardens for use of the College £or the Luncheon ; to Herbert Monckton, Esq., and some members of the Local Committee for kindly hospitality ; to the Douglas Masonic Lodge for use of their room at the College; to C. P. Wykeham Martin, Esq., and Mrs. Wykeham Martin for pe1·mission to inspect Leeds Castle; to F. V. James, Esq., for reading Papers and much valuable help; to Hubert Bensted, Esq., for issuing Tickets, reading Papers, and other assistance; to the Rev. P. O. Joy for reading a Papel' at .A.11 Saints' Church; to the Rev. A. P. Morris, the Rev. Lord Theobald Butler, the Rev. T. Harding, and Sir Marcus Samuel for kindly co-operation; to Harold Sands, Esq., Rev. G. M. Livett, and T. H. Oyler, Esq., for contributing Papers; to E. J. Wells, Esq., £or help at East Sutton Church; to R. H. B. Marsham, Esq., for kindly allowing the Members to inspect EMt Sutton Place; to H . . Ward, Esq., £or valuable assistance there; to R. A. H. Seymour, Esq., and Mrs. Seymour for permission to see Boxley Abbey and £or kindly hospitality ; to the Rev. Watexman Gardner-Waterman £o1· superintending the carriage arrangements. V01', :XXVI, C . XXXlV PROCEEDINGS, 1901. The question as to whether a third day should be instituted at the Annual Meeting was postponed. It was agreed to exchange publications with the East Herta Archreological Society. It ,vas agreed to allow Mr. Holmes to reprint, at his own cost, one hundred copies of the late Mr. George Dowker's artide on Recul.ver Church ju .Lfrclu:eologia CMZtiana. Permission was granted Mr. A. F. Popham to have a copy of ' Professor Willis's Plan of Canterbury Cathedral. The following were duly elected Members of the Council: R. Cooke, Esq,, The Croft, Detling, vice the late Samuel Mercer, Esq. ; F, Leland Duncan, Esq., Ross1air, Lewisham, vice the late Kenyon W. Wilkie, Esq., and H. Mapleton Chapman, Esq., St. Martin's Priory, Canterbury. A grant of five guineas was made to the Rev. J. A. Boodle towards the cost of printing the Registers of Boughton-underBlean Church. December 12th, 1901.-The Council met this day in Canterbury Cathedral Treasury, by permission of the Dean and Chapter. The routes for the Tenderden Meeting were duly discussed, and it was resolved to visit Rye, Winchelsea, Wittersham, Tenterden, Biddenden, High Halden, Bethersden, and Great Chart, if practicable. Permission was granted to tbe Editor of Tlie Oonnoissewr to reproduce the drawings of the frescoes in St. Gabriel's Chapel at Canterbui•y Cathedral. The Secretary brought forward the subject of the persistent growth of ivy upon ancient ruins, churches, and other monuments iu the county, and sta.ted that he was continually being asked to examine structures which had be􀆆ome in a tottering state entirely through the agency of that destructive plant. He suggested tl1at a leaflet, drawing attention to the evil, should be printed by the Society and freely distributed throughout the county. Mr. Payne was therefore requested to draw up a circular for consideration. The Secretary broached the subject of the desirability of excavating the site of Minster Abbey in the Isle of Sheppey, which is at present an open field and likely to be built upon at no very distant date. Instructions were given for preliminary enquiries to be made as to the possibility of an exploration being allowed. The Rev. C. E .. Woodruff, as Editor of the Society's TransPROCEEDINGS, 1902. XXXV actions, having become an ex-officio Member of the Council, his place was filled by the election of the Hon. Robert Marsham-Townshend, F.S.A. The following were elected as Ordinary Members: R. Stafford Charles, J. Barrowman, Juur., C. J. Mitchell, and Miss Cadell. The second Thursday in the months of March, September, and December was fixed for Meetings of the Council in 1902. W. H. St. Jolm Hope, Esq., was elected an Honorary Member of the Society, in recognition of very valuable services rendered. March 13th, 1902.-The Council met this day in the Society's rooms at Maidstone. Twelve Members were present, the Rev. A. J. Pearman occupying the Chair. The date of the Annual Meeting was fixed £or the 29th and 30th of July. The Rev. C. E. W oodru:ff moved: " That a General Meeting of the Society be held in London on May 15th, for the purpose of discussing the following points :- 1. The desirability or otherwise of commencing a New Series of .A.1·clueologia Oantiana after the publication of Vol. XXV. 2. The Annual Summer Meeting, and bow it may be rendered more profitable and instructive to Members. 3. In what way can the usefulness and popularity of the Society be increased ? " After p1·olonged discussion, it was resolved, " That no General Meeting be held in London, but that Mr. Woodruff's proposition be .printed on notices for the Annual Meeting on July 29t11." Martyn Mowll, Esq., ,vas elected Honorary Local Secretary £or Dover vice the late Mr. E. W. Fry. The Hon. Robert Maraham Townshend was elected a Member of Council, he having consented to act. Mr. F: Sutton and Mrs. G. A.. Douglas were elected Ordinary Members. The Council met on June 10th, 1902, at tbe house of the Noble President in Grosvenor Place. Thirteen Members attended, presided over by Ea.rl Stanhope. The Proof Programme of the Annual Meeting was, after some slight alterations, agreed to. j, F. Wadmore, Esq., tendered his resignation of the office of Local Secretary for the Tonbridge district, on account of failing C 2 X:XXVl . PROCEEDINGS, 1902. health. His son, Mr. Beauchamp Wadmore, war;i elected in his stead. Mr. G. ·s. Wilks resigned the Local Secretaryship of the Hythe district. Dr. Randall Davis was elected to the office in his place. It was resolved · that in future a rough draft of the Annual Report be pl'esented at the June Meeting of the Council. · The Rev. C. E. W oodru:ff suggested that his Motion at the March Meeting should not be discussed at the Meeting at Rye, which was agreed to. W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq., was re-elected the Society's Trustee of the Fordwich Town Trust. Mr. F. J. Berry, Canon Mason, Mr. and Mrs. H. Snowden Ward, The Marquess Camden, Lieut. George Wheler, Canon Oakley Coles, and Miss E. Hills were elected Ordinary Members. The Annual Meeting commenced at Rye on Tuesday, July 29th. The Preliminary Meeting £or the despatch of business was held at the " George Hotel," the Earl Stanhope presiding, being supported by the Mayor of Rye (Frank Jarrett, Esq.) and several Members of the Council. After the Mayor had said a few words of welcome, the Honorary Secretary read the Annual Report as follows :- REPORT, 1902. The Counoil issues with muoh gratification its Forty-Fifth Annual H,eport, as the Society still maintains its high state of efficiency in that useful work, the advancement of archreology. Since we last met several esteemed and valuable members have passed away, whom we deeply deplore. Among them we ma.y mention Mr. Cecil Brent, F.S.A., Mr. E. W. Fry, and Mr. Walter Prentis. Mr. Brent was an enthusiastic archreologist, and ga.thered together with skilful judgment a very fine collection of antiquities. He inherited his late brother John's Kentish collection, which will itO to enrich the Canterbury Museum. Mr. Brent was for forty-three years a member of our Society, and acted for some time, until . his health gave way, as Local Secretary for the :Bromley district. Mr. E.W . Fry filled that office for some years at Dover, and had been a member for forty years .. He always took a keen interest in the Society, and rendered it valuable aid at the Annual Meetings held at Dover and Deal. Mr. Walter Prentis was a. noted ornithologist, but displa,yed his interest in antiquities by purchasing for forty years every coin found in the neighbourhood of Rainham, also ma.ny specimen! of Roman pottery, Mr. Prentis made a ma.gnificent oolleotion of Kentish birds and wild-fowl frequenting the Rivers Medway and Swale, six hundred in number. These, together with all his other co!leotions and his valuable Natural History Library, he bequeathed to tlle Museum of the. Corpora.tioll of Roohe􀄴ter. PROCE􀀌DINGS, 1902. xxxvii The issue of the twenty-fifth volume of the Society's Transactions has com• menced, and during the next few weeks it will he in Members' hands. It is a valuable production, profusely illustrated, and reflects great credit on the new Honorary Editors, the Messrs. Woodruff. The oontinuance of the" Inventory of Church Plate," by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, which Wall comme11ced some years ago by the late Canon Scott Robertson, is a welcome contribution to the volume, all is also the commencement of a" Descriptive Catalog:ue of the Documents in the Society's Collections at Maidstone," by the Editors, assisted by the Rev. A. J. Pearman. Much satisfaction will be given by Canon ltoutledge's and Mr. St. John Hope's account of their researches on the site of St. Austin's Abbey at Canterbury. Six hundred pounds have already been spent in the gre􀆶t work of exploration, to which the Council baa made three grants from the Sooiety's funds, a,mounting to one hundred n,nd twenty-five pounds. It is· estimated tha,t a further sum of n, thousand pounds will be required to complete the uncovering of the foundations of the glorious mernorials of the dawn of Christianity which now lie hidden beneath the soil. This is a matter which should appeal to each member of every Society in this country, and any help he can render would be welcomed by those who are pro􀆷ecutiug the research. '.Che funds of the Society are well maintained; the balance at the Bankers to-day, including the Deposit Account, being £604 13s. 2d. Since the laiit Annua,l Meeting thirty-eight new members have been elected, while fifteen awn.it election at your lmnds this day. The Society's effort,s in elucidating the early history of the County of Kent lmve for some years past been materially assisted by the kindness of various members in reporting promptly to the Honorary Secretary discoveries of ancient remains made in the localities in which they reside. Such help is of the utmost value, and will be found dul.V acknowledged in the volumes of Arckr£owgi.a Oan-Ua11a. All will be gratified to hear that the restoration of Eastgate House at Rochester by the Corporation of that city is on the eve of completion. During the next few weeks the whole of the valuable collections presented to the city by members of this Society and others will be displayed therein. 1.rbe Society visited the district of Tenterden t1renty.two years ;i.go, and the. Council thought that on this occasion it would considerably enhance the pleasure of the Meeting if we orossed the border of our county to inspect the interesting memorials of antiquity still fortunn,tely preserved at Rye and Winchelsea. By so doing it is hoped that the cordial relations whioh. hn,ve existed throughout a long series of yea.rs bet1veen the Kent aud Sussex Arohwological Societies will be further strengthened. It was moved, seconded, and carried, "That the Report as read be adopted." It was moved, seconded, and carried, "That the retiring Auditors be re-elected £or the ensuing year." It was moved, seconded, and carried, "That the six retiring Members of Couneil be re-elected." , . I· xx.xviii PROCEEDINGS, 1902. The following were then e1ected to membership: H. H. and H. C. Marks, A. Radcliffe, the Abbot of St. A.ugustine's (Ramsgate), J. Harvey Preston, liev. J. Hankin Martin, Sir F. W. Borden, K.C.M.G., Eric Allen, Jas. Curtis, F.S.A., E. F. Cobb, A.RI.B . .A., W. B. Bacon, G. F. Va1·ty, H. M. Kingsland, J. M. Paramor, and T. R. Startup. The Meeting having terminated, progress was made t o the Parish Church of Rye, where the company was welcomed by the Rev. E. H. F. Jenner (locu,m tenens). Mr. J. Borrowman, Junr., A.RI.B.A.., described the Church, followed by the Rev. G. N. Godwin, B.n., who read a Paper on the "Romance of Rye Church." Adjourning to the " George Hotel," the company partook of light luncheon. The Town Hall was next visited to inspect the ancient archives and insignia of office possessed by the Corporation of Rye, which the Mayor had kindly caused to be displayed. Afterwards a perambulation was made of the town, under the guidance of Mr. Harold Sanda, who described the ancient mural defences of Rye and other notable places en rou,te. Progress was then made to Winchelsea Church, which was 'described by the Rector, the H.ev. J. Patch, M.A. Mr. Harold Sands and the Rev. G. N. Godwin then accompanied the party round the town, describing all points of interest. During tbe afternoon the Members were hospitably entertained with refreshments on the lawn in front of the residence of J<'. A. Inderwick, Esq., K.C. Mrs. lnderwick received the company with much kindness, and was thanked by Mr. Oldrid Scott, whose remarks were followed by tne hearty applause of those present. lckleaham Church was next visited, the Rev. G. M. Livett, B.A., kindly acting as guide. Returning to Rye, the company dispersed. Sixty remained for the Annual Dinner, which took place at the "George Hotel." The Noble President was, unfortunately, too indisposed to preside, but the Mayor of Rye kindly took the Chair instead. The Evening Meeting took place at the Olnque Ports Assembly Rooms, when addresses were given by Philip Mainwaring Johnston, Esq., on the" Old Houses of Rye," and by the Rev. W. Marshall, M.A.., on the ,, Wooden 'Roofs of OUl' Churches"; both lectures were illustrated by lime-light displays of the gtieatest interest. At the close hearty votes of thanlts were given to the lecture1·s foi• their admirable and instructive ente1fainment. PROCEEDINGS, 1902. xxxix On Wednesday, July 30th, those remaining overnight at Rye proceeded in carriages to Tenterden, and were subsequently joined by others coming from Appledore Station. En 1·oute the Rye contingent paid a short visit to Witters ham Church, which was described by Mr. Harold Sands. At 1'enterden all met and inspected the Church, under the guidance of the Rev. W. Marshall. Luncheon was partaken of at the Town B:all. E. H. Hardcastle, Esq., had kindly consented to the Society inspecting the exterior and gardens of his residence, Hales Place, Tenderden, under the guidance of J. Ellis Mace, Esq., but as time was limited the visit was abandoned, the party proceeding to High Ha.Iden, which was described by the Rev. G. M. Livett. J3ethersden Church was next visited, whe1·e the Rev. Robe1·t Palmer, M.A., the Vicar, received the Members with a few words of welcome. The Rev. A. J. Pearman, M.A., a former Vicar of Bethersden, described the Church. Progress was then made to Great Chart, where the Church wn.s described by the Rev. W. Marshall. Some architectural features of this Church created a lively discussion, in which several members participated. Ashford Station was reached at 6 o'clock, bringing to a close one of the most successful Meetings the Members ever attended. September 11th, 1902.-The Council met this day in the Bridge Wardens' Chamber at Rochester. Eleven Members attended, pre􀄺 sided over by the Rev. A. J. Pearman. The following were actorded votes of thanks for their valuable help during the Annual Meeting held at Rye: Rev. E. H. 1!1 • Jenner, Rev. J. Patch, Rev. C. W. Power Mounteney, Rev. S. Hadden Parker, Rev. S. 0. Lepard, Rev. W. H. Rammell, Rev. R. Palmer, and the Rev . .A. H. Harrison; to J. Borrowman, Junr., Esq., Rev. W. Marshall, Rev. G. N. Godwin, Harold Sands, Esq., Rev. G. M. Livett, I'. M. Johnston, Esq., and tbe Rev. A. J. Pearman for reading Papers; to the Mayor of Rye, C. H. Stenning, Esq., and J. E. Mace, Esq., for much valuable assistance; to F. A. Inderwick, Esq., K.C., and Mrs. Inderwick for kindly hospitality; to E. H. Hardcastle, Esq., for permission to visit the grounds at ·Hales Place. The Honorary Secretary asked if a special day in May or June (!hould be fix:ed for the purpose of giving Members an opportunity xl PROCEEDINGS, 1902. of thoroughly inspecting the remains of St. Austin's Priory and St. Pancras Church, now being excavated at Canterbury. Mr. A. A. Arnold gave notice that at the next Meeting he would bring forward a motion, "That a Chartered Accou􀅥tant be appointed to audit the Society's Accounts in future, prior to their being submitted to the Honorary Auditors." The following were elected Ordinary Members: W. T. Stock, Miss E. Caswell, A. B. Hinds, M.A., W. Townsende Storrer, H. Wingent, and the Rev. J. Nesbitt, M.A. December 11th, 1902.-The Council met this day in the Treasury at Canterbury Cathedral. Eleven Members attended, presided over by F. F. Giraud, Esq, After due discussion it was resolved that the next Annual Meeting be held at Rochester. It was proposed by Mr. A. A. Arnold, seconded by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, and carried, "That a :Balance Sheet be prepared previous to annual audit shewing the financial position of the Society at the end of the current year, with a statement of the Subscriptions then due, shewing districts from which they were owing, and also of the sums paid for Life Composition of Subscriptions not yet invested; and that Messrs. King and Son, Accountants, of Gravesend,· be employed to prepare such Account and Statement at the expense of the Society, and that the Honorary Secretary be requested to give them all necessary information in his power for the purpose. That they be paid a, sum not exceeding Five Guineas for the first investigation and not,exceeding Three Guineas for each subsequent one." Arthur Finn, Esq., was elected Honorary Local Secretary for the New Romney district, and Hubert Bensted, Esq., for the Maidstone district. Mr. St. J olm Hope was granted permission to have twelve extra copies of his Papers on the Cathedral. and Priory of Rochester. The Secretary having received from the Printers a large quantity of surplus plates from· .,frcka:ologia Oantiana, .it was agreed that a set of each be presented to the Libraries at Lambeth Palaee, Canterbury Cathedral, the 13eaney Institute at Canterbury, Rochester Cathedral, the County Museums, and each Member of the Council. The following were elected Ordinary Members: Jas. Stirling, W. H. .Nicholls, A. Ochs, H. N. Powell-Cotton, and the Rev. G. S. Bird, M.A. PROCEEDINGS, 1903. xli March 31st, 1903.-The Council met this day in the Society's rooms at the Maidstone Museum. Eleven Members attended, presided over by the Rev . .A. J. Pearman. After discussion it was decided to visit the various places of interest at Rochester on the fh-st day 0£ the Annual Meeting, and to inspect the churches in the Hundred of Hoo on the second day. It was decided to give Members an opportunity of paying a special visit to Canterbury on May 12th, to enable them to thoroughly study the remains of St. Austin's Priory and St. Pancras Church. A Finance Committee was elected, consisting of Rev. W. Gardner Waterman, Rev. A. J. Pea1•man, :Messrs. A. .A. Arnold H. M. Chapman, and W. H. Burch Rosher. The following were elected · Ordinary Members: A. F. Corfe, E. F. de Zoete, W. Andrews, W. J. 'Pleadwel1, N. E. Toke, Mrs. C. Knight-Jesson, A. F. Clements, and L. M. Biden. A special day was held at Canterbury on May 12th, 1903, but was greatly marred by the inclement state of the weather, which doubtless prevented many from attending. About forty were present, who met at St. Augustine's College by kind permission of the Warden. At noon the party proceeded to the scene of the excavations at St. Austin's Priory and St. Pancras, under tbe guidance of Sebastian Evans, jun., Esq. Everyone closely examined the remarkable remains lnid bare by the excavators. Before leaving the interesting site cordial thanks were given to Mr. Evans at the request of C. Cotton, Esq., F.R.C.P. All then dispersed for luncheon, meeting again at the Beauey Institute, where Mr. George Payne, Honorary Secretary, minutely described the valuable British, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon collections contained therein. At four o'clock Canon Scott Holland kindly met the company in the Cathedral, at the special request of the Honorary Secretary, and occupied an hour in describing in the most fascinating manner ce1·tain parts of the fabric. After hearty thanks bad been given to him those present left £or the trains, thoroughly satisfied with the instructive day they had spent. June 23rd, 1908.-Tbe Council met this day at the house of the Noble President in Grosvenor Place. '.l1welve Members attended, presided over by the Earl Stanhope. A further grant of twenty-five pounds to Canon Routledge towards the St. Austin's Exploration Fund waa made. · xlii PROCEEDINGS, 1903. Mr. Arnold gave notice tbat at the General Meetiug he ,vould propose some additions to the Rules, so as to enable the Council to appoint an Honorary Treasurer to assist tbe Secretary with regard to the keeping of the accounts, etc., and also to make some slight alterations in the Rules in other respects. These additions were approved by the Council, and are as follows :- N .B.-First to suspend Rule 7 as to notice in writing before June 1st. Rule 2.-In line 2, after" Vice-Presidents," insert" The Hon. Treasurer." Rule 3.A..-After Rule 3 (as part of it), 01• as a new Rule 8.A. (or 4), '' The Council shall appoint one of. their Members to be the Hon. Treasurer. His duty shall be to keep an account of all Subscriptions and other receipts and payments for the Society, and on 81st December in every year to prepare the Balance Sheet for the past year, and after it has been approved by the Auditors to lay it be£o1·e the next Quarterly Meeting of the Council, accompanied by a statement of all Subscl'iptions, etc., in arrear and due to the Society, and of all monies due from them; and the Council are further empowered at any time when they think it desirable to employ and pay a Chartered Accountant to assist the Hon. Treasurer in making out such Balance Sheet and Account." Rule 10.-Add in the second line, after "Society,'' "to the Hon. Treasurer." Rule 17.-Add ( at the end)," And may at any time cancel such appointment." If the addition to Rule 8 is made a separate Rule, the later Rules will have to be renumbered. The Council also recommended that if it should be considered necessary the General fy.[eeting should be asked to suspend the operation 0£ so- much of the Standing Orders as required written notice of the amendments to have been given before June 1st. The Annual General Meeting £or 1903 was held at Rochester on Monday and 'fuesday, July 27th and 28th. The following were present on one or both days: The Earl Stanhope (President), the Earl of Darnley, Lord N orthbourne, the Hon. Arthur Bligh, the Hon. R. Ma.rsham-Townshend, Sir James R. Fergusson, the Right Hon. J. G. 'l'albot, M.P., Archdeacon Cheetham, Mr. J. .A. Anderson, Mr. W . .Andrews, Mr. F. W. Badcock, Mr. J.P. Barrett, the Rev. A. L. Brine, Mr. J. Broad, Mr. A. G. Browning, Mr. and PROCEEDINGS, Hl03. xliil Mrs. W. H. Burch Rosher, Mr. W. M. Bywater, Mr. A. D. B. Chapman, Mr. H. Mapleton Chapman, Mr. F. Church, Mr. R. Clout, M.r. Rfohard Cooke, Dr. Cotton, Mr. F. T. Cuthill, General Dixon, Mrs; Dixon, Mr. F. H. Duffield, Mr. F. J. East, Mr. A. B. Ebbs, Mr. T. Colyer Fergusson, Mr. 0. Foreman, the Rev. H. D. French, Mr. F. F. Giraud, the Rev. R. E. Giraud, Dr. F. Grayling, the Rev. J. R. Hale, Mr. A. 0. Haalehurst, Dr. Haslewood, Mr. Lewis Hassell, Miss Hill, Mr. W. H. Hills, Mr. H. Hinds, Mr. 0. G. Hughes, Mr. W. Essington Hughes, Mr. Arthur Hussey, Mr. R. T. Jones, Miss M. E. Laurence, the Rev. G. M. Livett, Mr. Stephen Manser, Mr. P. A. B. Martin, the Rev. F. M. Millard, Mrs. F. Neame, Miss Neame, Mr. W. S. Nichols, Miss Noakes, Mr. George Payne (Hon. Secretary) and Mrs. Payne, Mr. E. G. Percy,. Dr. Pittoclr, Mr. R. Dalby Reeve, Mr. G. H. J. Rogers, Mrs. and Miss Rogers, Miss :b'. E. Seale, Mr. W. P. Haskett Smith, Mr. A. P. Southee, Mr. J. Stapley, Miss E. ,f. Stevens, Miss Stokes, Mr .•J . Sutton, Mr. W. H. '.l.'urner, Mr. W. '.I.'. Vincent, Mr. 13. '\Vadmore, Mr. Sydney Webb, Mr. E. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. George Wickham, Miss Wigan, Mr. Cumberland H. Woodruff (Hon. Editor) and Mrs. Woodruff, the Rev. C. E. Woodruff (Hon. Editor), the Rev. L. E. Wright, Mr. E. C. Youena (Hon. Photographer), and others. The Business Meeting was held in the Guildhall, and, after the Mayor of Rochester (Alderman McLennan) had said a few words of welcome, the Noble President called upon the Honorary Secretary to read the Report, which was as follows:- REPORT, 1903. The Council has much pleasure in presenting its Forty-sixth Annual Report, on the occasion of the Society's third visit to the ancient city of Rochester. The last Meeting held here was in 1886, and since that time 1i flood of light ha-'l been thrown upon the history of the City by the researches of Mr. W. H. St. John Hope, the Rev. G. M. Livett, and your Honorary Secretary; hence your vi-'lit here to-day will be· muoh more instructive than heretofore. During the past yeo.r the cost of the last volume of .,frolueolo9ia Cantiana has been defrayed, and a new volume is well on the way towards completion, and may be issued at the end of the year. Since we last met the Society has lost several valued members by death and other causes, notably Mr. James Foster Wadmore, Cano􀄩 F. H. Murray, and Mr. 'l'. F; Peacock, F.S.A. Mr. Wo.dmore had been a Membe1· for forty yen,rs, acting us Loct1l Secretary of the 'l'onbridge district for thirty years n,nd as a Me!llber of the Council for seventeen years. He was a const,ant attend1i.nt at our annual gatherings, brightening them with his wit and humour. His frequent contributioos to qur Transactioos are of the highest order, and _a.11 are iUustrawd from his acoui·ate a!ld artistic drawings. He has Jeff; xliv PROCEEDINGS, . 1908. behind him a multitude of beautiful etchings and water-colour sketches .of early Kentish houses and other monuments of antiquity, whioh have become of great value, and will be highly prized by his family. Canon Murray ha.d beeu a Member for forty years, and was often at our Meetings. Mr. Peacock was a regular attendant during the twenty years of his membership. Eighteen new members have joined our ranks dul'ing the year, while ten more await election at your hands to-day. The Council has appointed a Finance Committee to deal with the finances of the Society,and the Balance Sheet will henceforth be drawn up by a Chartered Accountant; a Treasurer will also be appointed if the proposed alterations in the Rules are approved by you to-day. During the year no important archreological discoveries have been made, but as this is an era of great building operations in all parts of the county, constant watchfulness is necessary to prevent valuable antiquities being either destroyed or removed from our midst. The Counoil views \\ith much satisfaction the spirited action of the Corporation of Rochester in securing and re􀄕toring at great cost that fine example of domestic architecture, "Eastgate House," and converting it into a local museum. Its safety is now secured for centuries to come. 'fhe Council has recently made a further grant of twenty-five pounds towards the very important excavations still going on at St. Austin's Priory at Canterbury. .A large sum of money is still needed by Canon Routledge and his colleagues to enable them to prosecute a complete researoh. The balanoe at the Society's Bankers at the present mome:nt, together with the Deposit Account, is £619 14s. lld. A spe!)ia.l visit of the Society was paid to St. Augustine's, Canterbury, on May 12th, when Mr. Sebastian Evans explained the excavations, and the members spent the afternoon at the Museum and in the Cathedral. The Report having been adopted, Mr. H. Hordern and Capt. 0. F. Hooper were elected A.uditors. The six retiring Members of the Council were re-elected. The following ,vere then elected to Membership: Major Moore, Miss Ebbs, Mr. E. A. 11el'l'y, Mr. P. Lubbock, Mr. Sebastian Evans, Mr. 0. Marchant, the Rev. F. J. Cleave Warne, Miss Philpotts, Miss Holmes, and Mr. B. L. Selby. · 'l'be necessary alteration in the Rules was made to permit the appoiiltment 0£ an Honorary Treasurer, and a cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Youens, the Society's Honorary Photographer, was passed. The Members were then conducted through the Cathedral by the Rev. G. M. Livett, formerly Precentor, who lucidly described the main features of interest. Eastgate House, the well known Elizabethan mansion in the High Street, recently purchased by the Corporation of the City and opened as a Public Museum, was next visited, and its history and treasurea explained by the Honorary Secretary. A. perambulation 0£ the city walls and an inspection of PROOEEDINGS, 1908. xlv the Norman Castle were tben undertaken, in spite of persistent rain, by the more adventurous spirits of the party, under the direction of the Honorary Secretary, who ably elucidated the . anc.ient defences 0£ the City. Mr. Payne's recent discovery of the hitherto unsuspected remains of the Roman wall of Durobrivro lent additional weight and interest to his remarks. A few only of the Members found their way to, and were kindly permitted to examiue, Restoration House. The Annual Dinner was served at the :Bull Hotel under the Chairmanship of the President, supported by Archdeacon Cheetham, Mr. and Mrs. Burch Rosher, the Rev. G. M. Livett, Mr. and Mrs. Cumberland H. Woodruff, and Mr. and Mrs. George Payne. The usual loyal toasts were duly honoured. The toast of the prosperity of the Society was proposed by the Archdeacon of Rochester, and responded to by the Noble President. The Evening Meeting was held in the Corn Exchange. A Paper on "Archbishop William de Corbeuil's connection with Rochester '' was read by the Archdeacon of Rochester, and an Address on "The Archreology of the Rochester District'' given by the Honorary Sec:retary. On Tuesday, July 28th, carriages conveyed a large party to Cliffe-at-Hoo, where the Rector, the Rev. H. B. Boyd, welcomed the Members and read a Paper on the Church. An excellent luncheon, organized and provided by the Rector and Church-workers, was served in the Schoolroom. From Cliffe progress was made to Cooling Castle, where the Honorary Secretary touched upon the chief points in the history of this ancient abode of the powerful Cobham family. High Halstow was next reached, and the twelfth-centui•y Church of St. Margaret was briefly described by the Vicar, the Rev. T. W. Longfield. Mr. Livett also called attention to some interesting features indicating the course 0£ the Church's gradual development. At Stoke the Rev. T. J. Cleave Warne welcomed the Members and read a Paper by Mr. Leland Duncan on the Church of St. Peter, supplemented by some instructive observations by Mr. Livett on the architecture of the building, with its existing original Norman and thirteenth-century work. Time did not permit more than a hasty examination of Hoo St. W erburgh, where the Members were kindly received by the Vicar, the Rev. R. Marley. This Church, one of the most picturx:lvi esque in the district, containing work of the thirteenth century and later periods, is worthy of, and we trust will receive, more prolonged study on some future occaetion. The return to Rochester brought to a conclusion a Meeting the enjoyment of which was in a great measure marred by the rain, which fell almost without intermission during tlie whole of the two daye:. Our county archooologists, however, were led to regard their own discomfort as trivial compared with the widespread evidence of agricultural disaster and rain-saddened crops encountered in their journey through the Hundred of Hoo.


Contributions to the Illustration Fund


Excavations at St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury-II. The Church of St Peter And St Paul and some of the Ancient Buildings