Honorary Local Societies

( .. XU ) HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. 1!11f}fotll iJi11h:ict. J. Bt􀌝OA.D, 􀌞SQ, , • • , • • • • • • • Asllj'tJ1•d, liilncltfJeatf} anll Ue1Di11f}am T.H!lh:ict. W. EsSING'l.'ON HUGHES, EsQ. • • . • • • 140 Wa1•1Zc11w Sti•cct, w. JSro111Iey mti1trict. • • • • • • • • B1•011ucy. 􀌟antetbm:ii iDillh:itt. H. M.6.l'LETON OlllPMAN, EsQ. . . . . • • Oantcrltu1-y. i!ttanbtoolt Dlfllh'.irt. SA.CKVILLE CRESSWELL, ESQ. • , , , , , Hole Pa1•lt, Rolvendtni. B1t\'.\tat'b lli11Wid. R. Hour-WHITE, IllsQ. • • . • . • • • • BcroW'IJ, Ke�tt, iDeat anll i!liJalum i.Blt1tr.itt. w. H. BURCH RosmilR, EsQ. . . . • • . Wawic!', Kent. MARTYN MOWLL, EsQ. • F. F, GIRAUD, EsQ, W. WIGHT'\VIOK, ESQ. C G. M. A.R.NOLD, ESQ. Sobel: ili!lttitt. D01Jcr. §abet!lf}ant Sistrltt. • • • • • • • • Fa'IJIJ'>•sltam, . .if olke!!tone iDi!ltrfct. . • • • • • • • FtJllwstitb ll!)i&tritt. REV. W A.LK.ER FLOWER _. , • ._ ,' • • lV01•th. ;-ebcnoafts mtlltril:t. GEORGE F.·CARNELL, EsQ. • • • • • • • Sevcnoa7.:t1. ... SOCIETIES IN UNION. i-bep11e11 i11Ji!ltrict. Xlll JOHN COPLAND, ESQ, DR. F. GRA.YLING , • • • • • • • • Slwe1·nesa. ;-ittingllo11c11e 1/!Ji!lttlrt. • , • • . • • • Sittingbo1wne.


Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society


Contributions to the Illustration Fund