
BALANCE SHEETS J EEOM 1ST JAN-UAEV 1903 TO 31ST DEOEMBEE 1904. VOJD. XXVII. KENT ARCH^OLOGIOAL UJ r . Account of Receipts and Payments, RECEIPTS. & s. d. & s. d. Balances at Banks 1st January 1903 :— Kentish Bank, Maidstone 121 5 5 Canterbury Bank 65 0 6 186 5 11 Interest on Deposits with Bankers 9 0 0 Dividends on Consols 31 16 4 Honorary Local Secretaries and Bankers :— Annual Subscriptions 313 10 6 Life Compositions 69 10 0 Illustration Fund 1 10 0 Sale of Publications 10 10 6 395 1 0 £622 3 3 HBt, Account of Subscriptions and Entrance Fees & s. d. To Amount as per List sent with Accountants' Report of 13th June 1904, being due from Members whose names appeared in Vol. XXVI. of Arehceologia Cantiana 448 0 0 „ Amount due from Members whose names did not appear in. Vol. XXVI 55 10 0 „ Amounts due at 31st December 1903, not included in List because paid before date of Report 11 0 0 „ Further Amounts discovered by Hon. Secretary in the course of his Correspondence with Members 8 10 0 £523 0 0 W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, BANK CHAMBEES, CHATHAM. Wth June 1904. SOCIETY. 1st January to 31st December 1903. (£t» PAYMENTS. & s. Bent of Rooms, Maidstone Museum Fire Insurance of Library and Collections (two years to Christmas 1904) Curator's Grant (to Michaelmas) Porter's Wages Printing, Stationery, etc.:— Production of Volumes of Transactions, etc 171 15 3 General Printing, etc 16 7 9 188 3 0 Grant towards Excavations, St. Austin's Priory 25 0 0 Petty Cash 5 0 0 Balances at Banks 31st December 1903 :— Kentish Bank, Maidstone 52 12 3 Canterbury Bank 282 16 0 . d. & s. d. 20 0 0 4 10 0 37 10 0 6 12 0 335 8 3 ,£622 3 3 in arrear at Zlst December 1903. <£f. £ s. d. & s. d. By Cash Received 179 10 0 „ Amount estimated irrecoverable, Members having died, resigned, gone away, etc., etc 254 10 0 „ Amount remaining outstanding, but possibly recoverable 14 0 0 448 0 0 „ Cash Received 1 10 0 „ Amount irrecoverable, Members having died, resigned, etc 54 0 0 55 10 0 ,, Cash Received 11 0 0 „ Cash Received 8 10 0 £523 0 0 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found to be correct, H. HORDERN, I „ , ,., ^ . „ . „ „ ,,^L ,„,.,. > Hon. Auditors, CHAS. F. HOOPER,J 30*7* June 1904, KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL l@t. Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. Sundry Creditors:— £ s. d. £ s. d. Rev. C. H. Wilkie re St. Laurence Parish Registers, cheque unpresented 11 6 Outstanding Accounts for Printing, Stationery, etc. 4 0 4 Ditto for Hon. Local Secretaries' Disbursements 1 12 10 6 14 8 Subscriptions for 1905 paid in advance 1 10 0 Entrance Fee, ditto 0 10 0 2 0 0 Research Fund, created 14th June 1904 100 0 0 Less Grant towards Excavations at St. Augustine's Priory 30 0 0 70 0 0 Excess of Income over Expenditure during the year 1904 241 16 10 General Accumulated Fund 2793 0 10 £3113 12 4 •Ut. Total Cash received during 1904 & s. d. To late Hon. Secretary 89 1 7 „ Hon. Secretary, Hon. Local Secretaries, and Bankers 136 11 6 £225 13 1 101. Account of Subscriptions & s. d. To 607 Ordinary Members at 10s. each 303 10 0 „ 60 Members at 10.9. each (Entrance Fees) 30 0 0 „ 9 Members for Life Compositions at £6 each 54 0 0 £387 10 0 W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND AND CHATHAM. 1st March 1905. SOCIETY. 3lst December, 1904. ©t . ASSETS. & s. d. £ s. d. Petty Cash in hand 5 15 10 Cash in hands of Hon. Secretary (since paid to Bank) 47 11 6 53 7 4 Cash at Canterbury Bank on Current Account .-. 344 2 4 Ditto Maidstone ditto ditto 156 1 7 500 3 11 Cash on Deposit at Maidstone Bank 200 0 0 Investment in 2£ per Cent. Consols, £1509 13s. Hd. Stock at 90 1358 14 1 Library and Collection at Maidstone Museum 1000 0 0 Consols Dividend, due 5th October 17 0 £3113 12 4 in respect of Arrears of all hinds. <£t. £ s. d. By Subscriptions 180 19 6 „ Illustration Fund 0 17 6 „ Sale of Publications 27 13 0 „ Subscriptions overpaid 0 0 6 „ Petty Cash, Old Balance 12 2 7 „ Entrance Fees '.. 4 0 0 £225 13 1 for 1904. ®t. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Cash—508 Members at 10s 254 0 0 „ Balance due—99 Members at 10s 49 10 0 303 10 0 „ Cash—47 Members at 10s 23 10 0 „ Balance due—13 Members at 10s 6 10 0 30 0 0 » Cash 54 0 0 £387 10 0 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found to be correct, H. HORDERN, 1 „ CHAS. F. HOOPER, \Hon- A™< dOth June 1906. KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL HPf, Income and Expenditure Account To Salary of Curator :— £ s. d. & s. d. Mr. Payne 25 0 0 Mr. Elgar 20 5 5 45 5 5 „ Wages of Porter 6 12 0 „ Expenses of Annual Meetings, etc. :— Excess Charges on Railway Tickets re Rochester Meeting 3 2 0 Mr. Finn's Disbursements re Romney Meeting 4 7 9 Rev. G. M. Livett, paid for Lantern Slides re Romney Meeting 3 8 0 10 17 9 „ Printing, Stationery, etc.:— Expenses of Printing, Plans, Bookbinding, etc., relating to the Society's Publications 224 7 10 Sundries, including General Printing and Hon. Secretary's Postages and Stationery 25 12 0 249 19 10 ,, Accountancy:— W. J. King and Son, Chartered Accountants, Fee and Expenses for Investigation 1898—1903 27 12 11 „ Miscellaneous Expenses :— Grant towards Repair of Weldon Tomb 5 0 0 Damage to Wall at Bilsington during Visit of Inspection 1 6 10 Subscription to Pipe Roll Sooiety , 11 0 Editor's Expenses, Rev. C. E. Woodruff 2 2 0 Cleaning, etc., at Maidstone 16 7 Sundries, per Hon. Secretary's Petty Cash 0 19 8 „ Hon. Local Secretaries'Disbursements „ Further Investment in Consols in respect of Life Compositions—£227 9s. 8^. Stock at 9 0 ^ ,, Balance, being excess of Income over Expenditure during the year W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND AND CHATHAM. Is* March 1905. 11 16 3 19 205 10 241 16 £803 10 1 5 0 10 3 SOCIETY. for Year ended 31st December 1904. et. £ s. d. By Subscriptions (Arrears to 1903) 180 19 6 „ Ditto 508 Members at 10s. (1904) 254 0 0 „ Entrance Fees (Arrears to 1903) 4 0 0 „ Ditto 47 Members at 10s. (1904) 23 10 0 „ Illustration Fund, Subscriptions (Arrears to 1903) 0 17 6 Ditto ditto (Arrears to 1904) 1 10 0 „ Sale of Publications (Arrears to 1903) 27 13 0 Ditto (Arrears to 1904) 1 15 6 „ Interest on Bank Deposits „ Dividends on Consols „ Life Compositions (1904) „ Petty Cash, Balance of old Account „ Miscellaneous Receipts „ Deposit Account (Canterbury Bank) :— Amount withdrawn £ s. d. 434 19 6 27 10 0 2 7 6 29 11 31 54 12 0 8 1 17 0 2 3 6 10 4 0 7 0 200 0 0 £803 10 3 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found to be correct. H. HORDERN, CHAS. F. HOOPER, 30th June 1905. I Hon. Auditors.


Honorary Local Secretaries


Abstract of Proceedings 1903-1905