Calendar of Ancient Deeds
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Letters of Edward Hasted to Thomas Astle
The Reparation of Rochester Castle
( 167 ) CALENDAR OF ANOIENT DEEDS PRESENTED BY CHARLES MARCHANT, ESQ. THE fifty-four ancient deeds, of which we now print a Calendar, were presented to our Society by Mr. Charles Marchant of 11 Duke Street, St. James, in the month of July 1904. Almost all relate to the parish of Boughton Monchelsea, and their contents are now made easily accessible to anyone interested in the genealogical and topographical information which they contain. A few years ago Mr. Charles Pierce Merriam compiled a History of the Kentish Family of Merriam, a copy of which he was so good as to present to our Library at Maidstone. The name Merriam is of frequent occurrence in these deeds, and if the compiler of the said book could have consulted them, we think he would have been able to somewhat amplify his pedigrees. The originals are deposited in our Library, and we venture to express the hope that Mr. Marehant's generosity may find imitators. 1354 [36].*—Maydestan, Sunday next after the Feast of St.Peter the Apostle, 28 Edward III. Grant by John Mot of Boxle to Roger Guggild of Maydestan of 3d annual rent, paid by Anastasia Clerk of Toffelde for a cottage in " Hagh." Boundaries, land of the heirs of Thomas Myles south, land of Robert Vyneter north, land of Simon Jakyn east, and King's highway called Stone strete, leading from Maydestan towards Sutton, west. Witnesses : Robert Vynter, William Eyr, Thomas Eyr, jun., Robert Cheseman, Samson Mascal, Thomas Estar, Geoffry Couyntre, Peter William. Seal. 1374 [17].—Maidstone, 1 August 48 Edward III. Grant by John Spicer of Maydenstane to William Toffiel of the same place, * The number in brackets refers to that placed by Mr. Marohant on the baok of the deed. 168 CALENDAR OE ANCIENT DEEDS carpenter, of a croft called la Teghe. Witnesses: Geoffrey Carpentre, Henry Poleyn, Nicholas Lyndraper, William Lyndraper, Gilbert (?), Thomas Hattere, Peter Toffel. Seal. 1390 [15].—Bocton, Sunday next after the Feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 14 Richard II. Grant by William Hunte of Bocton Monchensy to John of the same a piece of land called Alleynes in the parish of Bocton. Boundaries, land of John Colpepir north, land of John Hunte east and south, and land of Michael Aldebury west. Witnesses : Robert Crompe, John Woldeham, Simon Hunte, Richard Hunte, Thomas Olyve. Seal. 1396 [20].—21 May 19 Richard II. Grant by John Purs of Bocton Monchensey to Richard Stodham of the same of a piece of land in Bocton called Hatthlands. Bounded on the east and north side by the lands of the Prior and Convent of Ledys, land of the Lord of Bocton south, King's highway west. Witnesses: William Cheseman, John Clerk, jun., Roger Hunte, Robert Crumpe, Robert Meriham, John Tylthe, Robert Roalf. Seal. 1405 [28].—Bocton, Sunday next after Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 7 Henry IV. Grant by Nicholas Lyndregge of Goudherst to John Clerk of Bocton of a piece of land called Sketefeld in Bocton. Boundaries, land of Robert Brounyngby east, King's highway south, a lane called Tongonelane west, land of Robert Nortone, Robert Meriham, and Robert Hunte south. Witnesses : Robert Nortone, John Purs, Robert Meriham, John Tylthe, Robert Roolf, Thomas Hunte, John Frankeleyn. Seal. 1406 [51].—Bucton, Feast of St. Agatha, 8 Henry IV. Grant by Richard Stodham of Maydistane to Henry Meryham of Bucton of two pieces of land called Haclondis in the parish of Bucton. Boundaries, land of the Prior of Ledes east and north, land of the Lord of Bucton south, King's highway west. Witnesses: John Clerk, John Tilthe, Robert Rolf, Nicholas Clerk, John Hunte, Roger Hunte, sen., John Woldeham. Seal. 1406 [35].—Eastfarlegh, 8 May 7 Henry IV. Grant by John Attewelle of Lose to Thomas Hunte of Eastfarlegh of land in the parish of Eastfarlegh. Boundaries, land of the said Thomas north and east, land of the heirs of Richard de Pattemelle south and west. Witnesses : Thomas Maylam, John his son, Walter Harding, Laurence Gerold, Thomas Parker. Seal. 1406 [10].—Sundaynext after the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 8 Henry IV. Demise by Roger Bakere and John Spicer of Maydestan to Gilbert Toffelde of the same of a piece of land in PRESENTED BY CHARLES MARCHANT, ESQ. 169 Tofelde called " le Tighe," held of William Toffelde. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of Henry Poleyn south, west, and north. Witnesses: Henry Poleyn, John his son, John Lyndraper, John Comptone, John Prynse, Richard Turnar, Robert Lettere. Seal. 1415 [23].—Sunday next after the feast of St. Gregory, 3 Henry V. Emma, widow of Robert Norbetone, dubletmaker, deceased, of Maydestan, quitclaims to Richard Propecham, jun., grocer of Maydestan, all her right, etc., in certain lands in the parish of Maydestan. Seal. 1425 [45].—Bocton, Easter 3 Henry VL Grant by Roger Hunte of Bocton Munchensy to John Hook of Berestede of three pieces of land called severally Meryhell, Alaynys, and Brochfeld, in the parish of Bocton. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of the heirs of Simon Hunte and John Woldeham south, a lane leading to the land of the heirs of Simon Hunte west, land of Peter Colpepyr and land of the heirs of Simon Hunte north. Also a virgate of wood lying in a wood called Lewode. Boundaries, wood of John Woldeham, senior, east and north, the aforesaid lane west, wood of Henry Hunte south. Also 3 virgates of wood in Lewode. Boundaries, the aforesaid lane east, wood of Henry Meryham north, and wood of John Hunte south, and garden of Walter Kyng west. Seal. 1431 [6].—20 May 9 Henry VI. Henry Meryham, John Hunte of Bocton Monchensy, Robert Fryke of Langle, William Mayster of Lose, William Hunt of Otteham, and Walter Kyng of Bocton quitclaim to John Hooke of Berghstede (Berstead) all their rights, etc., in certain lands called Meryhall, Aleynys, and Brodefelde in Bocton. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of the heirs of Simon Hunte and John Woldeham south, a lane leading to the land of the heirs of Simon Hunte west, and the land of Peter Colpeper north. Six seals. 1441 [32].'—Bocton, eve of the feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 20 Henry VI. Grant by John Hooke of Maydestan to Laurence Attemelle of Beterysden (Bethersden) of a piece of land in Bocton called Alaynys. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of John Page and William Ely south, land of the said William west, and land of the heirs of Peter Coulpeper north. Witnesses : John Meryham, Walter Kyng, William Meryham, John Hunte, John Salman. Seal. 1445 [33].—Bocton, 12 January 23 Henry VI. Grant by Agnes Isonde, daughter and heiress of Richard Isonde of Chart next Boctpn, to Henry Hunte and Robert Meryhome of Bocton, of the 170 CALENDAR OE ANCIENT DEEDS fourth part of a croft of land called Isondestrest in Bocton. Boundaries, a lane called Vougynnellaue east, lands of Margery Peris, formerly the wife of Robert Rolf, north and west, lands of Henry Hunt south. Witnesses: Stephen Norton, Esq., Robert Norton and William Norton his sons, Guy Attwode, John Bourman. 1446 [34].—Bocton, 5 November 25 Henry VI. Demise by Robert Lenefoth of Ledes and John Herman of Bocton Monchensy to Henry Hunt and Robert Meryham of Bocton of lands in Bocton. Boundaries, lands of John Herman called Longelondys and Whitmellere west and south, a Haw called Bodeshaw east, land called Bockeffeld north. Witnesses: John Clerk, John Tylthe, Walter Cynge, John Meryham, Henry Sole. Two seals. 1458 [2] —14 October 37 Henry VI. Roger Webbe of the parish of St. Bartholemew the Less in London, barber, quitclaims to Guye Hunte of Bocton all his right, title, etc., in a parcel of land called Teboldeshall in the parish of Bocton. Boundaries, a lane called Tougenlane east, laud of Henry Hunte south, west, and north. Seal. 1462 [38].—Bocton, 16 October 2 Edward IV. Demise by William and Henry Meryham of Bocton Munchessy to Laurence Marler and John Holstrete of Smerden of land called Brodefeldys and Easthawe in the parish of Bocton. Boundaries, lands of Master Thomas Kent east, lands of John Salmon south, land lately belonging to. John Laurance west, land of John Clerk and land of Henry Meryham north, held of Dionisia Woldeham, deceased. Witnesses: Henry Atte Zole, John Salmon, Isake Meryham, Thomas Purse, and Stephen Meryham. Two seals. 1463 [8],—Bocton Munchensy, 3 May 4 Edward IV. Demise by William Hylgerden of Betrisden (Bethersden) to Robert Melhale of Bocton Munchensy of a piece of land called Alaynes in Bocton, held of Laurence At Mille of Bethersden. Witnesses: John Page, Walter Kyng, Henry At Soole, Richard Litylhare, William Soole. Seal. 1467 [12].—Bocton, 2 November 7 Edward IV. Demise by Henry Sole of Bocton and John Salman of the same to Joan, widow of John Meryham, sen., of Bocton, John Hunte of Huntyngton in the county of Kent, John At Herst of Merden of certain lands in Bocton and Maydeston and Langlee held of John Meryham. Witnesses: William Norton, John Clerk, Joan Whytlok, John Cowmbe, Wilham Sole. Two seals. PRESENTED BT CHARLES MARCHANT, ESQ. 171 1467 [19].—2 November 7 Edward IV. Demise by John Clerk of Bocton and Johu Page of the same to Joan, widow of John Meryham, sen., of Bocton, John Hunt of Huntyngdon (Hunton) in the county of Kent, and John At Herst of Merden, of two pieces of land in Bocton called Hatthelands. Boundaries, land of the Prior and Convent of Ledes north and east, land of the Lord of Bocton south, and King's highway west. Witnesses: Wilham Norton, John Salman, Henry Sole, John Cowmbe, William Sole. Two seals. 1467 [4].—4 November 7 Edward IV. Grant by Joan, widow of John Meryham, sen., of Bocton Monchensy, deceased, John Hunt of Huntyngton ia the county of Kent, and John Herst of Merden to Stephen Meryham of Bocton, Stephen Norton and John Cowmbe of the same, and Henry Caym of Newenton of land, etc., in Bocton, Langle, and Maydestan, held of the gift, etc., of Henry Sole of Bocton and John Page of the same. Witnesses: William Norton, John Clerk, John Page, John Salman, and Henry Sole. 1468 [3].—Bocton, 23 September 8 Edward IV. Grant by Stephen Meryham of Bocton Monchensy to John Cowmbe of the same and Stephen and William Prebbill of East ffarlegh of a house and two pieces of land in the parish of Bocton. Boundaries, land of John Salman and land of Guy Hunte east, common waste south, land of John Cowmbe and John Salman west, and King's highway north. Witnesses: William Norton, Joan Clerk, Walter Kyng, Richard Cowmbe, John Page. 1472 [24].—Boctou, 18 December 12 Edward IV. Grant by Henry Milhale of Bocton Monchensy to Walter Kyng of the same of an acre of land in Bocton called Alaynes. Boundaries, land of the said Henry east, lands of John Combe and Henry Meryham south, land of John Salman and the aforesaid Walter Kyng west, and land of William Hampton, knight, north. Witnesses: John Clerk, Stephen Meryham, Stephen Bowreman, Thomas Burdon, John Combe. Seal. 1473 [11].—3 November 13 Edward IV. Stephen Norton of Merden, John Combe of Bocton Monchese, and Henry Caym of Neckenton (? Nackington) quitclaim to Stephen Meryham of Bocton all their right, etc., in lands in the parishes of Bocton, Maydeston, and Langle, held of Joan, widow of John Meryham, Johu Hunte of Hontyngton, and John Etherst of Merden. Three seals. 1479 [54].—Bocton, 2 June 19 Edward IV. Grant by Henry Milhale of Bocton Monchensy to Walter Kyng of the same of 3 172 CALENDAR OE ANCIENT DEEDS acres of land, etc., in the parish of Bocton called Alaynes. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of John Cowmbe and Henry Meryham south, land of said Walter west, and land of William Hampton, knight, north. Witnesses: Richard Clerk, Stephen Meryham, John Page, John Cowmbe, Stephen Bowreman. 1480 [39].—26 June 20 Edward IV. Joan Milhale, widow, formerly the wife Robert Milhale of Bocton Monchensy, quitclaim to Walter Kyng of Bocton all her right, etc., in a piece of land called Alaynes, in the parish of Bocton. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of John Cowmbe and Henry Meryham south, land of the said Walter and land lately the property of John Salman west, and land of William Hampton, knight, north. Seal. 1482 [30].—Bocton, 20 May 22 Edward IV. Henry Milhale of Bocton Monchensey quitclaims to Walter Kyng of the same all his right, etc., in a piece of land in Bocton called Alaynes. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of John Cowmbe and Henry Meryham south, land of the said Walter west, and land of William Hampton, knight, north. Seal. 1483 [1].—Bocton, 23 February 15 Edward IV. Demise by Walter Kyng of Bocton Monchensy to Joan Milhale, formerly the wife of Robert Milhale, and Henry Milhale of land in Bocton called Alaynes. Two seals. 1485 [31].—Maydestan, 3 June 2 Richard III. Grant by Joan Smythe of Maydestan, widow, to Nicholas Thompson of Tofeld (Tovi)l) and William Rede of the same, of a piece of land in Tofeld called " le Teghef Boundaries, King's highway east, land of the heirs of William Potayn south, west, and north. Witnesses: John Brodd, Henry Ledale, John Hillary. Seal. 1486 [29].—18 May 1 Henry VII. Indenture witnessing the sale by Richard Clerke of Bocton Monchensey, yeoman, to William Crompe, the younger, of Otham, mason, of two " days workys " of quarry in the quarry called Bocton quarry. Witnesses: Thomas Bettenham, Laurence Kyng, Gye Huntte. Seal. 1486 [27].—Bocton, 17 May 1 Henry VII. Counterpart of No. 18. 1486 [18].—Bocton, 18 May 1 Henry VII. Richard Clerk of Bocton Monchensy, yeoman, sells to Thomas Bettenham of Otteham, mason, two daywerks of quarry in the quarry called Bocton quarry. Seal. 1489 [25].—8 July 4 Henry VII. Stephen Norton the parish Merden quitclaims to John Combe of Bocton Monchensy, Stephen PRESENTED BT CHARLES MARCHANT, ESQ. 173 Prebill of Eastpeckam, and William Prebyll of Eastfarlegh all his right, etc., in a house and two pieces of land in Bocton. Boundaries, land of Isolde Salam, John Combe east, a waste called Cokkyshoth (Coxheath) south, land of Isode Salam and Laurence Kyng west, and King's highway north, held of Stephen Meryham, deceased. 1496 [26].—8 May 11 Henry VII. Grant by Ralph Clerke of Boughton Monchensey to Laurence Kyng of the same, of a piece of quarry land in Boughton quarry containing 5 " daywerks " and a half in a place called " Henchaw." Boundaries, laud of the said Richard and the quarry of Thomas Hetnam east, land of Richard Clerke south, the quarry of William Crompe west, and the garden of the heirs of Henry Meryham north. Witnesses: Thomas Betynham, AVilliam Crompe, Alexauder Meryham, Stephen Meryham. 1504 [5].—5 February 19 Henry VII. John Clerke and Robert Clerke, sons and coheirs of Richard Clerke, lately deceased, of the parish of Boughton Monchensy, quitclaim to Henry Hunt of the same all their right in a house, garden, and daywark (daywork) of land in the parishes of Boughton and Langley. Boundaries, King's highway east, land of the heirs of de Hampton and Henry Kyng south, land of Stephen Meryham west and north. Two seals. 1504 [22].—10 October 20 Henry VII. Joan Froman, widow of John Froman of Boughton Monchensy, quitclaims to Stephen Colyn and Joan Colyn his wife, of the town of Maideston, all her right, etc., in lands called Betlands in Boughton. Boundaries, land of Lady Aystres east, King's highway north, land of Stephen Meryam west, land of Henry Lytylhare south. Seal. 1507 [52].—6 February 22 Henry VIL Bond condition of John Lytylhare of Bocton, mason, in £5 to Nicholas Lytylhare of the same, mason, to purchase a piece of land in Bocton called Betlandys. Seal. 1524 [16].—15 October 16 Henry VIII. John Hernden of Boughton Monchesie, mason, and Stephen aud Henry Meryham of the same, quitclaim to Guy Hunt all their right, etc., in land in the parishes of Boughton and Langley. Two seals. 1526 [21].—2 January 17 Henry VIII. William Hunte and Robert Hunte, sons and heirs of Guye Hunte late of Boughton Monchesye, quitclaim to Henry Hunte their brother all their right, etc., iu land situated in the parish of Boughton called Jeletts Croft, Moreeroft, and Huntone Croft, and other lands in the parishes of Stapelherst and Gowthurst. Witnesses: Bartholemew Meryham, Thomas Tounge. Seal. 174 CALENDAR OE ANCIENT DEEDS 1529 [7].—Westminster, 15 days after the feast of St. Michael, 21 Henry VIII. Final concord made before Robert Brudenell, Anthony Fitzherbert, Thomas Englefeld, and William Shelley, between Henry Hunte, Robert Hunte, and Edward Norton, gentlemen, plaintiffs, and Thomas Kyng, defendant, concerning land, etc., at Boughton Monchensy. The said Thomas recognizes the right of the said Robert and Edward and receives 40 marks for the admission. 1532 [48].—29 October 24 Henry VIIL Robert Bettenham of Boxley, Smith, sells to Thomas Tong of Boughton Monchensy for thirty five shillings the rest of two daywerks of quarry of stone in Boughten. 1532 [49].—Bond of the same to the same. 1532 [41].—6 November 24 Henry VIII. John Joce of Boughton Monchelsey sells to Nicholas Ryche and Thomas Hunt all his house, gardens, lands, including the quarry lands in the parishes of Boughton, Maydestan, and Huntyngdon (Hunton). Seal. 1533 [37].—20 September 25 Henry VIII. Robert Mauncell of Horton Kirkby, yeoman, sells to John Joce of Boughton Monchesey, mason, for 20 marks, all his lands in Boughton, which were sometime the property of Stephen and John Meryham of the same, masons, which the said Robert purchased of Edward Lynpitt or Joan his wife, sometime the wife of Stephen Meryham. Seal. 1534 [42].—27 January 25 Henry VIII. Grant by way of sale by Thomas Hunt of Bowghton Monchelsey to Thomas Frankelyn of Chart of certain lands in the parishes of Bowghton and Maydestan and Huntyngton, lately purchased of John Joyce. 1534 [43].—15 Pebruary 25 Henry VIII. Thomas Frankelyn of Chart next Sutton quitclaims to Nicholas Rych and Thomas Hunt all his right in certain lands, etc., in the parishes of Boughton Monchelsey, Maydestan, and Huntyngton. 1534 [44].—10 February 25 Henry VIII. Demise by Thomas Frankeleyn of Chart next Bocton to Nicholas Rych and Thomas Hunt of all his lands in the parishes of Bocton, Maydestan, and Huntynton, which he holds of the said Nicholas and Thomas. 1534 [9].—4 February 25 Henry VIII. John Joyce of Boughton Monchelsey quitclaims to Thomas Frankelyn all his right, etc., in his houses, gardens, and lands in the parishes of Boughton, Maydestan, and Huntyndon (Hunton) in the county of Kent, whieh formerly belonged to Stephen Meryham. Witnesses: Marten Wistell (?), William Meryham, Richard Tong, John Hunt. Seal. PRESENTED BT CHARLES MARCHANT, ESQ. 175 1535 [13].—26 February 13 Henry VIII. Quitclaim by Edmund Lentall of Bocton Monchelsey, husbandman, to Thomas Somer of Shoreham, yeoman, Edward Reve of the same, yeoman, Peter Levenode of Horton, yeoman, of his rights in land in the parishes of Horton, Merden, Hunton, and Maydestan. Seal. 1536 [53].—25 September 28 Henry VIII. The award of Thomas Burbage, Richard Toung, Henry Cheseman, and William Emyett', between William Crompe of Otham, mason, and Alice Hunt of Boughton Monchelsea, widow, touching their respective rights in certain quarries in the parish of Boughton. Pour seals. 1548 [50].—1 September 2 Edward VI. Grant by way of sale of Nicholas Ryche of Chart next Sutton, yeoman, to Guy Hunt of Boughten Monchesey, of a piece of land in Boughton. Witnesses: Thomas Prankeley, Richard Ganyatt, Thomas Tong, Thomas Sandell. 1548 [47].—8 September 2 Edward VI. Nicholas Rych of Chart next Sutton, yeoman, for three pounds sterling quitclaims to Guy Hunte of Boughton Monchelsey all his right, etc., in his lands in Boughton. 1573 [14].—Will (office copy) of Alice Hunte of Boughton Monchellsea, widow. " To five poor folks five groats, that is, Mother Marten, Mother Kempe, Mother Jenken, Kinge and Droules, widows; to Alice Hunte my mayd xa; to every of my son Guye Huntes children xiid ; to Guye and Soloman Tounge xiid ; to Thomas Skones children xiid , Edward excepted, which Thomas Stone oweth me xxx3 , whereof I give to Alice Hunte x3, to Edward his son x3, and the other x31 give to the said Thomas Skone; to Bartholemew Tounge's children xiid , and to himself xii4 ; to Guye Hunte my sone xxs , in party of payment for the farme of his lands; to Guye Hunte my son my maser bound with silver, mj great brasse pott, my great caudren, the bedd in the parlour with a bolster, the great chest in the loft, the table, forme and cubboard in the hall, and all the bedsteddels in the house where I now dwell; to Nicholas Hunte xs and ii of my silver spones; to Joane my daughter ii silver spones; to Agnes my daughter ii silver spones, the bed that I lye on, the blankett with hym, the best diaper tabell cloth, the second brasse pott; to my daughter Jane my great two eared panne; to Alyce Hunte my third brasse pott, the second caudren, a kettle, the round whyte panne, a skellett, two platters, two pewter dishes, two sawsers, a chafing dishe, a bell candelstick ; to Susan Hunte a payer of sheets, a pillow, a platter, a pewter 176 CALENDAR OF ANCIENT DEEDS. dishe, a sawser, and a panne; to Grace Skone a sheete, to Joane a pewter dyshe, to Marye a candlestick, to Alice a sawser, to Joan Pisher a sheete, to Anne the little brasse potte, to Alice xiid and a candlestick, to Alice Tounge xiid . Witnesses : Nicholas Hunte, Alice Hunte, Guye Hunte. Proved 14 Dec. 1573. 1585 [40].—26 June 27 Elizabeth. Bond of John Collard of Canterbury, brewer, to Richard Joye of Maydestan, yeoman, in £140 to fulfil certain covenants. Witnesses : George Haselam, Stephen Astyn, Ralph Astyn, Nicholas Lede (?). Signed. Seal. 1641 [46].—17 August 17 Charles I. Indenture between Thomas Sharpe of the county of Kent, mercer, of the one part, and James Besbech of Goudhurst, clothier, on the other part. Thomas Sharpe conveys to James Besbech (whose daughter he had married) ten acres of land in the parish of Sandhurst, in the occupation of John Sheather alias Stace, in trust for the joint use of the said Thomas and Elizabeth during their lives and to the longest liver of them. Seal.