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Researches and Discoveries in Kent 1902 - 1904 Payne
Front matter, Volume 26
( 307 ) GENERAL • Abell, John, 100, 101,102, 105. 1 Abellsland, Cobham, 130. Absolon, Geoffrey, 135. Acrise, 57. Adam, John, M.P. for Eomney, 45, 47, 'IS. -19; Nicholas, Knight of the Shire for Kent. 45 ; Stephen, 47. Adams, Thomas, 222. Adcock, Mrs. Elizabeth, 201. Aiscoughe, Elizabeth, Inventory of household goods of, 230. 231, 236 ; Will of, 236. Akers, George, 133. Alan, John, Chaplain of Chantry in Cobham Church, 78 ; Master of Cobham College, 76. Aldeburgh, M.P. for, 60. Aldebury, Michael, 168. Aldensland, Cobham, 130. Alderwasley, Derbyshire, 202. Aldeye, Henry, 276. Aldhens Manor, 130. Aldy, Thomas, 214. Alexander, Robert, 105. Alfriston, Old Clergy House at, 194, 195. Algestow (High Halstow). 68. Allchin, Mr. J. H., Note on Prehistoric Pottery in the Maidstone District, lxxvi—lxxviii. All Saints, Canterbury, Inventory of Church Plate of, 273. Allen, Charles, 30; Edmund, 222 ; Eliz., Donor of Church Plate, 276. Alleyn, Sir Christopher, M.P. for Eomney, 52. Amherst, Charles Selby, 32 ; Elizabeth, 32. Amis, Thomas, 250. Anoell, Richardo, 96. Andrewe, John, 134 j Eobert, 135. -. Andrewes, John, 100, 101, 121. Andrews, William (goldsmith), mark of, 273. INDEX. Angell, Joseph (goldsmith), mark of, 300. Annott, Ann, 230. Aosta Cathedral, Titles of the months in, 258. Apsley, John, Rector of Ripple. 242, 243. Archer, Richard, of Dover, 304. Architectural Periods. Table of, by Henry Taylor, F.S.A.. 7. Armagh, Dr. George Cromer, Archbishop of, 74. Armestrong, Barnabas, 96. Arnold, George M., on Ancient Timber - framed House at Shorne next Gravesend, lix, 193. Arnold, A. A., on Cobham College, 64; on Cobham and its Manors, 110; Church, lix. Arundel, M.P. for, 46 ; Thomas Howard. Earl of, 266, 268. Ashburnham, Karl, 60, 137 ; G-eorge. M.P. for Romney, 60. Askew, Thomas, 230. Askyns, 103, 104, 105. Astle, Thomas, Letters of Edward Hasted to, 136—166. Astyn, Balph. 176 ; Stephen, 176. Athol, Countess of, Note on the so-called tomb of, in Canterbury Cathedral, by W. H. St. John Hope, 209. Atkins, John, 87. Atkinson, Richard, M.P. for Romney, 59. Attemelle, Laurence, 169. Attewelle, John, 168. Attwode, Guy, 170; John, M.P. for Romney, 45. Atwater, Mary, 288. Austen, Sir Robert, M.P. for Romney, 57, 58 ; Rev. Penjamin, Donor of books to the Library, lv. Avery, Messrs., 201, 202, 204 ; Thomas, 201. x2 308 GENERAL INDEX. Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, and Edward Hasted, 136,139, 140, 143,144,145,146, 147, 148, 150. Aysteres, Lady, 173. Ayton, John Fordyce of, 59. B Back, Mr. Usher, 202 ; Mrs., 202. Baguley Hall, Cheshire, 12. Baker, Mr. T. H., 72, 111, 112; John, Master of Cobham College, 76; Richard, M.P. for Romney, 51; Roger, 168 ; Sladen John, 241, 244. Baker's Cross, Mr. William Sharpe of, 204. Balduck, Matthew, 250. Baldwin, W. W. T., 208. Bamlond, James, M.P. for Romney, 49. Bangor, John Cleveland, Bishop of, 48. Barbrooke, Robert, 135. Barham, 160; Church, gift of plate to, 273 ; Nicolas, 104,105,106 ; Sergeant, 104, 129 ; William, Sergeantat- law, 101. Barker, Edward, Rector of Westbere, 222 ; John. Master of Cobham College, 116. Barkly, Sir Charles, M.P. for Heytesbury, 58. Barnard, Frederick, 152. Barrett, Ellen, 244; Paul, M.P. for Romney, Recorder of Canterbury, 55. Barrow, James, 51. Bassett, Albert, 223 ; George, Rector of Swalecliffe, 223 ; John, 214. Bateman, Ann, Peter (goldsmiths), mark of. 293 ; William, 290. Bathurst, Launcelot, Alderman, 56 ; Sir Benjamin, M.P. for Romney, 56. Battle Street, Cobham, 68. Bawle, Robert, M.P. for Romney, 52 ; Vincent, 52. Bawman's Hill, 106. Bayly, John, 70 ; Master of Cobham College, 76 ; Richard (goldsmith), mark of, 282. Beale, Thomas, 215. Beardmore, Rev. H. L., List of the Rectors of Ripple by, 237— 254. Beatrichsdenne (Bethersden), 207. Beauvoir, Rev. Osmund, 155. Becker, Edward, 80. Becket, Thomas, 199. Bedford, 244. Beer Alston, M.P. for. 56, 60. Beesthorpe Hall, William Miles of, 61. Belcher, Samuel, of Bethersden, 202. Belknap, Robert, 207. Bell, John, Jane, Matthew, and Fanny, Donors of Church Plate, 297, 298. Bell, Ancient, from Boxley, lxxiv, lxxv. Belty, G. F., Memorials of the Order of the Garter, 211. Belvoir, John, 278. Benenden, 243. Bengebery, Manor of, 93. Bengeley (Bengebury), 68. Bennett, Mr. F. J., on Gravestones at West Mailing, 302 ; Arthur, 246 ; Ellen, 243, 246, 247; Lucy, 243, 246, 247 ; Margaret, 246. Benson, Dr., Archbishop of Canterbury, 245. Bensted, Mr. Hubert, elected Member of Council, xlvi. Bere, James, Clerk, 116. Berkeley, Sir Charles, M.P. for Romney, 55 ; Sir Charles, Viscount Fitz- Hardinge, M.P. for Heytesbury, 55. Bermondsey, Abbot of, 121 ; Monastery of St. Saviour's, 198, 199, 200 ; Prior and Convent of, 64, 73, 77, 132 : Charter of Prior and Convent of, 99 ; Grant to Cobham Oollege, 98. Bernard, Henry Norris, Rector of Ripple, 245. Berwick, M.P. for, 59. Besbech, James, 176. Besbiohe, Jane, 231. Bethersden, 170 ; Account of its Church and Monumental Inscriptions, 204; Notes on, by the Rev. A. J. Pearman, 201—208; Bectory and Manor of. 203 ; Vicars of, 205 ; Whitfield Family in, 57. Bett, William, 128. Bettenham, Robert, 174 ; Thomas. 172. Betteshanger, 241, 243. Betts, Thomas, 114, 127, 128. Betynham, Thomas, 173. Beverly, Provost of, 238. Bibliotheca, Topographica Britannica, Account of Cobham College in, 73. Biddenden, 203 ; Sepulchral, Urns from, lxx. Bifrons, Taylor, Family of, 274. Bilsington Priory, by C, H. Woods. ruff, F.S.A., xlviii—li; Foundation of, xlix ; Seal of, xlix; Suppressed, xlix; Buildings, 1. Birling, 67, 69, 94, 97, 106. GENEEAL INDEX. 309 Bishop, Sir Thomas, Knt., Mayor of Maidstone, 156. Bishop Gilbert, 199. Bisse, .Edward, M.P. for Heyfcesbury, 58 ; Stephen, M.P. for Romney, 58. Blean, Ohurch Plate of, 292, 293. Bletchingly, M.P. for, 56. Bochier, William, Master of Cobham College, 75, 78, 135. Bocton, see Boughton. Bocton Aluph, Manor of, 212. Bodill, Richard, 227. Boggerste. see Boghurst. Boghurst, 104 ; John, 106. Bohehame Marsh, 93. Bonam, Edward, 96. Bonham. Dorothy, 30; Edward, 96 note. Books, Notices of, 301—305. Booth, Arthur W., 124 ; Thomas, 206. Borey (? Bowey), Christopher, 130. Botreaux, Maurice, Rector of Ripple, 238. Bottesham, Bishop William de, 116. Boughton Aluph, Anglo-Saxon Discoveries at, lxv; Monchelsea, 167— 175 passim. Boughton-under-Blean, 228. Boulogne, Siege of, 126. Bourchier, see Bochier. Bourman, John, 170. Bouverie, Elizabeth, 60. Bowes (Bowles) Lane, 107. Bowlder, Robert, 216. Bowles, Captain Robert, 242. Bowreman, Stephen, 171. Bowsfleld, Bartholomew, 117. Boxley, 167; Ancient Bell from, lxxiv, lxxv ; Hales Place in, 57. Brailsford, Edward, Rector of Fordwich, Donor of Church Plate, 295. Bralesford, H.. Rector of All Saints, Canterbury, Donor of Churoh Plate, 273. Bramstone, see Broomstone. Brandonhill, 128. Brasses in Cobham Church, Mr. Waller on, restored by Mr. F. C. Brooke, 74. Braybrooke, Joan, 71; Sir Reginald, 71. Breade, Thomas, 217. Brett, James, 229 ; Family, Mayors of Romney, 54 ; Thomas, 53, 54. Brette, Sir Tliomas, 54, Brewer, John, M.P, for Romney, 56, '57. Brewers Gate, 132. Brice, William, 130. Bridd, John, Rector of Ripple, 238. Bridge, Dinah, 32; William, 214. Bridgett, Father, his defence of St. William of Perth, 97 note. Brimpton, Berks, 245. • Brinton, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, ! 64. : Brise, Richard, 254. Brissenden, Bridge, 201 ; Daniel, 201 ; Laurence, 203. Brodd, John, 172. Brokhull, John, 94. Brome, 134. Bromham-cum-Oakley, 244. Brooke Family, Arms of, 88 : Crest of, 81; Sir George, Lord Cobham, 80, 111; signature of, 72 ; grant to, 98; F. C, of Ufford, restores brasses in Cobham Church, 74 ; Mary, 236 ; Mr., Recorder of Rochester, 192; Sir Henry, Lord Cobham, 114; Sir : WiUiam, Lord Cobham, 78, 80,120 ; Thomas, 121. Brookland, 52 ; Church, xlvii, xlviii, 53; Leaden font at, by Rev. G. M. Livett, 255; Marsh, 206 ; Dodd Family in, 45. Broomstone, Anthony, Rector of Ripple, 240. Brouncher (Brunkard), Henry, M.P. for Romney, 55 ; Lord, 55. Brounyngby, Robert, 168. Brown, Olara A., Donor of Church Plate, 292 ; Stephen, 221. Browne, Christopher, 214 ; John, 32 ; Richard, M.P. for Romney, 54; Curate of Cobham, 78; Thomas, 106. Browning, Edward, 249 ; Robert, of Gravesend, 95. Brudenell, Robert, 174. Brydde, Henry, 134. Brynton, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 73, 116. Brytten, Sir John, Chaplain to Lord Cobham, 78. Buckingham, Bishop John, Donor of Church Plate to Canterbury Cathedral, 263 ; Marquis of, 137. Building Materials, Mr. Henry Taylor's remarks on, 22, 23. Bull, Ann, Donor of Church Plate, : 293 ; Richard, 203 ; Thomas, Donor •• of Church Plate, 293. ; Bunting, John and Richard, Members j for Romney, 51 ; Stephen, Mayor j of Romney, 51. Burbage, Thomas, 175. Burdon, Thomas, 171. I Burghley, Lord, 79. j Burnham Deepdale, Font at, 257. 258. Burroughs, Elizabeth, 31. Burton, Christopher, Rector of Ripple, 239. 310 GENERAL INDEX. Burvill, William, 249. Burwell, John, 96. Bute, Lord, 58. Button, John, 247. Byng, George, M.P. for Dover and Rochester, 53; letter of, 85, 86 ; William, M.P. for Romney, 53. Burrows, Prof. M., 303. C Cade, Jack, rebellion of, 122. Caddel, Family of, 104. Caffin, George Crawford, Rector of Ripple, 245. Calais, 159, 304. Caldreford, Richard de, Rector of Eipple, 237. Callow, John, 281. Came, John, 104. Canterbury, 121, 138, 144, 145, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 160, 221 ; Archbishop of, 66, 229 ; Arohdeacon of, 66; Christ Church, 213; Church Plate Of, 262—300; M.P. for, 46, 54 ; Eecorder of, 65 ; Tumuli near, 144; Visitations of the Archdeacon of, by Arthur Hussey. 213 ; St. Augustine's Abbey, Grant for excavations at, xlvi; Gates of the City of, by Rev. B. Austen, lv. Canterbury Cathedral, 209 ; Archives of, 110 ; Church Plate of, 267—272; Mediajval Inventories of Church Goods in, 262—2()6 ; Signs of the Zodiac in pavement of Trinity Chapel, 257. Canterbury College, Oxford, Plate from, 264. Carectar, Ealph, Alice his wife, 120. Carleton, Lough, 192. Carlow, M.P. for, 60. Caroe, Mr. W. D., 212. Carpenter, Geoffrey, 168. Carter, W., 283. Castell, Edward, 249, 250, 254 ; John, 249. Cauton, see Couper. Cawood, Yorks, 239. Caym, Henry, 171. Cecil, MSS., 68, 71 ; Sir Eobert, receiver of grant of lands of Cobham College, 114. Celyn, 243. Chadwick, James, M.P. for Romney, 56. Chalk, 67, 69, 82, 84; East, 193 ; Rectory of, 95; West, Manor of, 67, 95 ; Vicarage of, 69. Chamber, Edward, 114 ; William, 114, 128. Chance, William, 48. Chapels, Domestic, Orientation of, 5 note. Charborough Park, R. E. D. Grosvenor of, 60. Charing, Archiepiscopal Palace of, 157 ; Pett in, 54. Charles, William, of Gillingham, 94. Chart, Great. 202, 204; Church of, Memorial of William Sharpe in, 204. Charters, of Dover, by Rev. S. P. H. Statham, 303; Cinque Ports, 37, 43, 305. Chartham, Downs, Tumuli on, 144; Walter, 77. Chateney (Chitney) in Iwade, 94. Chatham, Palaeolithic Flint from, lxv. Chawner, William (goldsmith), mark of, 290. Cheeyny, Richard, 254. Chenew, John. M.P. for Romney, 49, 50. Cheseman, Henry, 175 ; John, M.P. for Eomney, 51 ; 1st Mayor of, 52 ; Robert, 167; M.P. for Middlesex, 51 ; William, 168. Cheshire, M.P. for, 60. Cheynew, John, M.P. for Romney, 50 ; Mayor of Romney, 50. Chichester, John Olederow, Canon of, 48. Chiddingly, 194. Chidwick, Edmund, 254. Child, John, 221; Mr., 190. 191, 192. Childe, William, M.P. for Romney, 45, 46, 47. Chipp, John, 132, 134 ; Roger, 132; Walter, 131, 132. Christ Church, Oxford, 241. Chuldham, William, 66 ; Chaplain of Chantry in Cobham Church, 77; see also Shuldham. Chudleigh, Thomas, M.P. for Eomney, 56. Churchill, Mr. Charles, 245. Church Plate in Kent, Rev. C. E. Woodruff on, 260—300. Chut, Edward, 204 ; Lydia, 204. Cinque Ports, 50; Notes on an early Charter of, by P. P. Giraud, 37— 43; Charters relating to, 303—305 ; Court of Shipway, 305,306 ; Domesday Book, 303 ; Company of the "fferschip," Dover, 305: Warden I of, 305 ; Lord Cobham, Warden of, GENERAL INDEX. 311 81 ; Sir John Scott, Warden of, 52. Clark, G. T., 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 189. Clederow, John, Canon of Chichester, Bishop of Bangor, 48. Clement, John, 87 ; Sir Richard, at Ightham Mote, 18 ; Arms of, 17. Clementson, Re v. W., Vioar of Bethersden, 204, 206. Clerk, Anastasia, 167 ; Joan, 171 ; John, 116,168,170,171,173; Nicholas, 168; Ralph, 173; Richard, 91, 172,173 ; Robert, 173 ; Simon, M.P. for Romney, 46 ; William, Vicar of Bethersden, 205. Cliderowe (Clitherowe) family of Romney, William, M.P. for Romney, 47, 48; Riohard, M.P. for Romney, 48, 49. Cliffe, 67, 68, 69, 82, 93, 95. Clinck, Henry, 131. Clinton, Thomas, 215. Clonmel, Thomas Scott, Earl of, 60. Close, East, 61. Clyderowe, see Cliderowe. Clynton, Sir Edward, 239 ; Sir John, Patron of Ripple, 237, 238, 239 ; William de. Earl of Huntington, 237, 238. Clytherowe, see Cliderowe. Coast, William Stacy, 247 ; Lucy, his daughter, 247. Cobham and its Manors, by A. A. Arnold, P.S.A., 110—135; Account of values of the several estates of, 132 ; arms of, 69; estates, 71 ; Hall, Society's visit to, Iii, 82, 91, 132 ; restoration of, 75 ; Park, 107; Parsonage, 72, 111; Rector of, 124 ; Street, 119, 121,129, 130,132 ; taxation of the parish of, 133; Vioarage and Church of, 72, 99 ; Vicars of, 72. Cobham Church, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 88, 98, 99, 115, 116, 117, 198 ; restoration of, 76 ; Curates of, 78. Cobham College, by A. A. Arnold, F.S.A., 64—109; Papal Bull relating to, 64, 65, 66 ; Inquisition, 67 ; inventory of goods of, 69 ; Dissolution of temp. Henry VIIL, 70, 71 ; Thorpe's account of (1777), 73; Masters of, 75—78 ; The New College. 79; W. Lambarde's letter relating to, 79, 80, 133 ; regulations for pensioners, 81 ; seals, 83 ; extracts from the College books, 88—92 ; Deeds relating to lands of 4 Richard IL, 93, 94; rental of lands, 94—98 ; grant by Abbot of Bermondsey to Sir George Brooke, Lord Cobham, of the advowson of Cobham, 98, 99 ; licence from Prior and Convent of Bermondsey to the Master to build College and Churoh (1370), 99 ; terrier of lands (1572), 100 —107 ; valuation of temp. Henry VIII., 108, 109 ; seal of, 83. Cobham, George, Lord, 71, 72, 9S ; seal of, 84, 99 ; tomb of, 74 ; Henry, Lord, 68 ; John, Lord, 93,94 ; John de, 65 ; Lord, 78, 79, 80, 82, 102, 103, 105, 114, 117, 128,133 ; Lady, 82 ; arms of, 84; Ralph de, 94; Reginald de, 93, 94, 120 ; Sir Edward. 95 ; Sir Henry de, 120 ; Sir John de, Founder of Cobham College, 64, 67, 71, 77, 120 ; Sir Reginald de, 67; Sir Thomas de, 94; Sir William Brooke, Lord, will of, 78, 81, 87, 94. Cobhambury, Manor in Cobham, 89, 110, 113, 115, 116; tradition of Chapel in, 117, 118, 119, 120 ; Prebend of, in Cobham Churoh, 66, 116, 117 ; Manor of, 73, 110, 115, 116. 117, 118, 119, 120; rental of. 129, 131 ; list of Freeholders of, 130. Cock, Dr., loans to temporary Museum at Romney and gifts to Members by, xlvii. Cocke, Edward, 214, 249, 256. Cok, Symon, 128. Cokayne, Mr. G. E., eleoted Member of Council, xlvi. Coke, Edward, 254 ; William, 96. Coklestone. 93. Cole, William, 226. Colebrond, James, M.P. for Romney, 45 ; John, M.P. for Romney, 45 ; ward of, 45. Coley, John, 77. Colhyn, John, 237; Richard, Rector of Ripple, 237. Collard, John, 176. Collis, William, 224. Colman, Thomas, 77. Colpeper, John, William, 94 ; Sir Thomas, 298. Colpepir, John, 168 ; Peter, 169. Colson, John, 92. Colyer-Fergusson, T. C, F.S.A., of Ightham Mote, 19, 21, 111; Pedigree of Selby of Ightham Mote, by, 30. Colyn, Andrew, M.P. for Romney, 45, 47 ; M.P. for Yarmouth, Arundel, Horsham, 46 ; Stephen, Joan his wife, 173. 312 GENERAL INDEX. Comport, W., 112 ; Mrs., 124,125. Compton, John, 169 ; Simon, 131. Connell, Nicholas, Rector of Ripple, 238. Cooke, Mr. Richard, of Detling, 136, 137 ; T. (goldsmith), mark of, . 278. Cooling, 67, 69, 93 ; Cobham estates in, 82. Cooper, Richard, 231. Copley, John, Rebecca, Alice, and Martha, 205. Coppin, John, 221. Coppy, William, 52. Coppyn family, M.Ps. for Dunwioh and Orford, George, 52. Copton, Richard, Subprior of Christchurch, Donor of Church Plate, 264. Coriser, Thomas, 135. Corke, William, Rector of Swalecliffe, 219, 220, 225, 227. Cornelius, Nicholas, 249. Corsham, Wilts, 137. Cotton, Dr. Charles, elected Member of Council, lviii. Cotton, Major-General, Donor of Church Plate, 293. Couling, see Cooling. Couper, William alias Cauton, Rector of Ripple, 239. Courtenay, Archbishop, 238. Couyntre, Geoffrey, 167. Covenant, Solemn league and, signed at Ripple, 240. Cowling,, 67. Cowlyng, .we Cooling. Co(w)mbe, John, 170, 171, 172, 173 ; Richard, 171. Cowper, Mr. John Meadows, Donor of Churoh Plate, 281 ; Joseph Harris, 281. Coxheath, 173. Cozens, Mr., 90. " Cnobelte," Tavern of, in Romney, 47. Cranbrook, 194. Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, exchanges lands at Bilsington with Anthony St. Leger, 1. Crathorne, Thomas, 216, 217 ; Alice his wife, 217. Crayford, 48; Edward, 231, 240; Anne his wife, 240 ; Millicent, 231; Richard, 249 ; William, 239, 241 ; Ursula, 241, 246. Cremona Cathedral, sculptural signs of the months in, 258. Crepeheggs, Walter, 112. Crispes land, 131. Cromer, Rev. Dr. George, Master of Cobham College, 74; George. 76. Crompe, Robert, 168 ; William, 173, 175. Crouohman, Laurence, 207. Crowe, Rev. Henry, on Font at Burnham Deepdale, 258. Crower, John, 135. Crypt at Ightham Mote, 13. Cuokow, Rev., Rector of Swalecliffe, 221. Cumber, Rev., Minister of Cobham, 91. Cumbwell, Priorv of Black Canons at, li. Cuxton, Cobham estates in. 82, 89, 106, 133. Cuxton House, 90. Cynge, Walter, 170. D Dabbs' Place, Cobham, 122,124, 125. Dalton, Mr., 152, 153, 154, 155. Darnley, Earl of, lx, 75, 82, 103, 113, 115,118,119,121; Harriet. Countess of, 75. Dartford, 68 ; Assembly Ball at, 147 ; house called " flower de luce " in, 96. Dashwood, Sir Francis, M.P. for Romney, 57, 58. Davies, Ann, 32. Davis, George, 228. Davy, Thomas, 198. Deare, John, 216. Debbieg, Lieut.-Col., 191. Deeds, Ancient, presented by Charles Marchant, Calendar of, 167. Deere, John, 227. Delamar, see Denbye. Delce, Great Manor of, 97. Denbigh, 242—246. Denbye, John, Rector of Ripple, 239. Denge Marsh, Guardians of, 45. Denn, T., 283. Denton in Wingham, 51. Derbyshire, Sir Roger Greisley of Drakelowe Hall in, 61; South, M.P. for, 61. Dering, Cholmeley, M.P. for Romney, 60; Edward, M.P. for Romney, Selina and Deborah his wives, 58, 60, 140, 147, 150, 208, 303; Sir Cholmondely, 44. Dering MSS., 68, 71, 74, 75, 77. Derteforthe (Dartford), 69. Dervit, David, 203. Deveer, Frederiok (goldsmith), mark of, 276. GENERAL INDEX. 313 Dewling, John, 89. Ditton, Thames, Surrey, Riohard Sullivan of, 59. Dobbes, John, 134; Robert, 121; John, 132. Dod, Roger, M.P. for Romney, 45. Dodsley, James, bookseller, 149; Robert, 149. Domesday Book of the Cinque Ports, 303. Dorchester, Countess of, 55. Dorman, John, of Sutton at Hone, 144. Dorret, Thomas, 96. Dover, 159, 242 ; Bishop of, 245, 246 ; Castle, 46, 142 ; Lieutenant of, 80 ; Charters of, by Rev. S. P. H. Statham, 303 ; George Bynge, M.P. for, 53 ; John Elys, M.P. for, 46 ; M.P.'s for, 47, 57, 58, 59; St. James's Church, 304. Dowman, John, 144. Drake, Miss, of Rochester, her bird'seye view of Ightham Mote House, 1 ; John, Reotor of Ripple, 239. Drakelowe Hall, Sir Roger Greisley of, 61. Drax, Edward, Sarah and Frances his daughters, 60. Ducarel, Dr., references to in Hasted letters, 136, 139. 140, 142, 143, 144. 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 156. Duckworth, Sir John Thomas, M.P. for Romney, 60. Dudle, Mr., 95. Duncan, Mr. Leland L., on West- Mailing Wills, 301. Duncombe, Rev. John, Vicar of St. Mary Bredman, 285, 286. Dunkin, A. J., 100. Dunwich, Coppyn family, M.Ps. for, 53. Durant, William, Rector of Ripple, 237. Durband, Henry, 247, 248. Durborne, George, 239. Dyke, P. H., 111. Dyne, John, 207. E Eastry, Henry of, Prior of Christ Church, 262. Edenbridge, 84, 86. Edmonds, Henry, 130 ; James, 129. Edmondson. Mr., 140. Edmund, Earl of Kent, Charter of, to Cinque Ports, 305. Edward the Black Prince, Monument of, 143 ; Bequests of, to Canterbury Cathedral, 263. Edy, Richard, 97. Elgar, Mr. H., appointed Clerk and Curator, xliv ; Henry, 247 ; John, 247 ; Thomas, 208. Elham, 160. Eltham Palace. Gateway of, Iii. Ely, William, 169. Elys, Edward, 48 ; Guy, M.P. for Romney, 50 ; John, M.P. for Dover, Sandwich. Canterbury, Yarmouth, 46 ; William, M.P. for Romney, 47, 207. Emyett, William, 175. Englefeld. Thomas. 174. Enloe Hall, 246. Eppeloun, Nicholas. Mayor of Sandwich, 304. Eppes, William, M.P. for Romney, 52. Erdley, John, 128. Esdone, John, 103. Eslingham, 69 ; Manor of, 12S. Essington, John, M.P. for Romney, Aylesbury, 57. Estar, Thomas, 167. Etherst, John, 171. Eton College Chapel, marks on Plate in, 271. Evans, Mr. Sebastian, jun., appointed Hon. Secretary, xlvi. Evesdone, John, 103, 104. Ewell. John, 220. Exbury (Hants), William Mitford of, 60. Eyr, Thomas, 167 ; William, 167. Eythorne, Leaden font at, 255. F Falmouth, Sir Charles Berkeley, Ear] of, 55. Fane, Thomas. 79 ; Sir George, 87. Farleigh, East, 94, 168. Faussett, Rev. Bryan of Heppington, 137, 138, 141. Faversham, 303 ; Charters of the Cinque Ports at, 37, 43. Faversham Household Inventory, by A. Hussey, 230, 236. Fawkham, Extracts from the parish registers relating to the family of Selby, 36. Fedge, Edward, 217. Felbrigg, William Windham of, 59. Ferdinand IL, Emperor, 268. Fergusson, T. C. Colyer-, see Colyer- Fergusson. Femeberwe, Walter de, Vicar of Cobham, 76. Ferrauntz, Thomas, 134. 314 GENERAL INDEX. Ferrers, Earl, 57. Fetherstone. Francis, M.P. for Romney, 53. "Fferschip" (ferry ship) of Dover, 305. Filborough, East Chalk, 193. Finch, Daniel, Donor of Church Plate, 284 ; Vincent, Bailiff of Winchelsea, 304. Finn, Mr. Arthur, ou the Monument and Brasses of New Romney Churoh, xlvii; on the Records of Lydd, xlviii. Fisher, Alice, 176; Anthony, 84, 86, 88. Fitz James, Bishop of Roohester, 116. Fitz-Hardinge, Viscount, Sir Charles Berkeley, 55. Fitzherbert, Anthony, 174. Fleoher, Nathan, 216. Fletcher, Thomas, 129. Fog, Thomas, 94. Folstone, Benedict de, 116. Fonts, Leaden, Rev. G. M. Livett on, 255—261. Fordwich, 303 ; St. Mary, Inventory of Ohurch Plate, 295. Fordyce, John, M.P. for Romney, 59. Forminger, Thomas, 225. Fossett, see Faussett. Fowler, James, on Mediaeval Representations of the Months and Seasons, 257. Fox, Henry, 221 ; Thomas, 227, 228. Franceys, John, M.P. for Romney, 45 ; Reotor of Ripple, 240, 241, 249,250, 254 ; Edward, 241), 250, 254 ; Thomas, 249, 250. Franoklyn, John. 133. Franke, Nathaniel, 90. Frankeley, Thomas, 175. Frankeleyn. John, 168 ; Thomas, 174. Fransham, Nicholas, Curate of Cobham, 78. Fremoult, Rev. S., Donor of Church Plate, 273, 281. Frenyngham, John de. 94. Frindsbury, 69, 114, 115; lands in, 128 ; Ohurch. Fresco of St. William of Perth in, 97. Fringesbury, see Frindsbury. Froman, John, Joan. 173. Fronsliam, Richard, Curate of Cobham. 96 note. Fryer, Dr. A. ft, on Leaden Fonts, 255. Fryke, Robert, 169. Puller, John, M.P. for Sussex, 58; Rose, M.P. for Romney, Maidstone, Rye, 58. Furnese, Henry, Sir Robert, M.Ps. for Romney, 57, 58; Sir Roger, Selina his daughter, 58. G Gable or Caple Hooke, Bethersden, 202. Galley Hill, Swanscombe, Discovery of Roman Kiln at, lxxiii. Gantlett, Thomas, 226 ; Mary, 226. Ganyatt, Richard, 175. Gardiner, John, M.P. for Romney, 47. Garrard, Robert (goldsmith), mark of, 284. Garrod, William (goldsmith), mark of, 297. Gartus, Sir Peter, Curate of Cobham, 78. Geekie, Jane, 278. Geffe, Eobert, 45 ; M.P. for Romney, 47. Gerdeler, Richard, 103. Germin, Nicholas, 96. Germyn, John, 134 ; Richard, 132. Gerold, Laurence, 168. Gervis, Sir George William Tapps, 61. Gibbon, Thomas, Lydia his daughter, 204. Gibson, John, M.P. for Thirsk, 51. Gifford, Mary, 31. Gilbert, Thomas, 288. Giles, Mr., 221. Gilder, Rev. Edward, Vicar of St, Dunstan, Canterbury, 274. Gilford (Guldeford), Sir John, M.P. for Romney, 51. Gilforth, Lady, 97. Gillingham, 67. Giotto, Painting by, of the months, 257. Giraud, F. F,, Notes on an early Cinque Ports Charter, 37, 43. Girdler, Elizabeth, 129; John, 96; Riohard, 129. Girold, John, of Dover, 304. Giskins Farm, Cobham, 112. Gladwyn, John, Master of Cobham College, 75, 77. Godfrey, Edward, Mayor of Romney, 54; Lambard, M.P. for Romney, Knt. of the Shire for Kent, 65 ; Margaret, 55 ; Mr., 157 ; Richard, M.P. for Romney, 53, 54; Sir Edmund Berry, 54 ; Thomas, M.P. for Romney, Winchelsea, 53, 54. Godington, 202. Godmersham, Thomas, Knight of, 58. GENERAL INDEX. 315 Godwin, Earl, 110. Goldhawes, South, 128. Golding Street, Cobham, 102, 130. Golly, Robert, 134. Goldocke, Richard, of Higham, 95. Goldsmith, Hugh, M.P. for Romney and Canterbury, 45. Goldyngestreete, Cobham, 131. Goniston, Edward, Vicar of Seasalter and Whitstable, 215. Gookin, John, 240, 247. 249, 254 ; Thomas, 254. Goodlok, Geoffrey, M.P. for Romney, 49. Goodwin Sands, 208. Gooneston, Rev., Curate of Whitstable, 227. Gordon, Alexander, 4th Duke of, 246 ; Madeline, 246. Goudhurst, 194. Goulston, Richard, M.P. for Hertford, 56 ; Sir William, M.P. for Romney, 56. Goulstone, Edward, M.P. for Romney, 56. Gouldstreet, Cobham, 129. Gowthurst (Goudhurst), 173. Grain, Isle of, 68. Gravesend, 82, 111, 128; General Meeting at, lviii—lxi; manor of, 112, 126. Graveney, 216. Gray, William, Donor of Church Plate, 287. Green, manor of, 67. Greenwich, East, College of, 81. Greenwood, Mr., of Oakhurst, 201. Greisley, Sir Roger, M.P. for Romney, 61. Grenewod, Thomas, 128. Grey, Lord, 94. Griffith, Captain G. W., 190, 192 ; Sir Morys, 206. Grimsby, Thomas Brett, M.P. for, 54. Grosvenor, Richard, Erie Drax, M.P. for Romney, Sarah Frances his wife, 60. Grovehull, John de, Rector of Ripple, 237. Grundy, William (goldsmith), mark of, 269. Guggild, Roger, 167. Gundulf, Bishop, 187, 188. Gunning, Mr., 124, 125, 126. Gurney, Richard (goldsmith), mark of, 278. Gwode, Simon, M.P. for Romney, 46. Gybson, Richard. M.P. for Romney, 50, 51. Gyles, Jerman, 131. Gyrdeler, Riohard, 134. H Hadden. Mr., 100, 105. Haddes, Anthony, 217, 218. Hardres, Lower, Inventory of Church Plate, 294. Halden, William de, 93. Hale, John, 133, 134. Hales, Edward, 298; Sir John, President of Cobham College, 90. Halfnothe, John, 224. Halghesto (Halstow), 93. Hall, John Atte, 46. Hailing, Cobham estates in, 82. Halls, Old, of Lancashire and Cheshire, by Henry Taylor, 5 note, 12 ; Early Plan of, 10, 11. Halstead's Genealogies, 205. Halstow, 69. Hampton, William, 171, 172. Hansell Hill, 128. Ha'pence Lane, Cobham, 107, 132. Harbledown, St. Michael, Church Plate, 293. Harborough, Robert, Earl of, 244. Harden Hall, Cheshire, ladies' bower at, 11. Harding, Elizabeth, 129; James, 129 ; Robert, 130 ; Walter, 168. Hardwicke, Earl of, 241, 242. Harker, John, 225. Harloe, Stephen, 249. Harnett, James, 278. Harper, Sir Edward, 111, ; Sir George. I l l ; Sir John, 112 ; John, 101. Harris, Ann, 131. ! Harrison, Archdeacon B., Donor of i Church Plate, 269. Harry, Riohard, 48 ; Stephen, M.P. for Romney, 48, 49. Harsted, see Hasted. Hart, Major-General Sir Reginald, 192 ; Sir Percival, Frances his daughter, 63. Harte, William, 128. Harweston in Hoo, 67. Haselam, George, 176. Hasted, Arms of, 139; Autobiographical Memoirs, 136 ; dedication of his history to King George IIL, rough draft of, 151—154 ; Edward, President of Cobham College, 92 ; Edward, Letters of, to Tliomas Astle, 136—166; Laurence, of i Sonning, Berks, 139 ; Moses, 139. ! Hastings, 303 ; M.P. for, 46, 53, 54, 57 ; Scott family. M.Ps. for, 52; Warren, 59. Hather, John, 227; Thomas, 168. Hauk, Henry, 120. Haulo, Rogerde, Joan his wife, 207. 316 GENERAL INDEX. Haut, Edward, of Ightham Mote, 17. Hawarden, 246. Hawke, Christopher, Curate of Cobham, 78. Haydon (Hoden Fee), Manor of, 110, 113, 115, 122 ; Street, 115. Hayes, Henry, 96 ; Mr., 124, 125, 126 ; diary of, 72; of Cobham, family of, 96 ; Richard, 130 ; Robert, 131; William, 130. Hayward, Alderman Sir W. Webb, 189. Head, Jobn, Archdeacon of Canterbury, 278 ; Margaret, 289 ; Sir Francis, Donor of Church Plate, 289 ; Sir Richard, 289. Hearne, Rev. George, 201. Heath, John, 131. Hebbourne, Anne, 129. Henhurst Court, Cobham, 101, 111, 112, 126, 204 ; Gotcelinus de, 111 ; High House at, 111; Manor of, 110, 115, 122; Lord Morrys's Bill of Complaint concerning lands in, 126. Henniker, John, M.P. for Romney, Sudbury, Dover, 59. Hennis, Boatson, 90. Henry LV., King of England, Coronation of, 47. Heppington, Roman Camp at, 137— 139. Herbert, John, M.P. for Romney, 51. Heriotsmarsh in Shorne, 95. Herman, John, 96, 170. Hernden, John, 173. Herne, 213. Herper, John, 126. Hertford, M.P. for, 56. Hetnam, Thomas, 173. Hever, 196. Heys, John, 131 ; Robert, 131. Heyst, John, 130. Heytesbury, M.P. for, 55, 58. Heywerd, Henry, 135. Higgins, Charles, 291. Higham, 69 ; Cobham estates in, 82. Hillary, John, 172. Hinton, Admiral, 61. Hinxhill, 203, 206. Hobson, William, Master of Cobham College, 75, 78. Hoden Fee in Cobham Manor, 113; rental of, 127. Hogton Tower, Preston, position of domestic chapel at, 5 note. Hole in Rolvenden, 204. Hollaway, Thomas, 247. HoUingbourne, 194 ; Nicholas, 254. Holman, Anthony, 250, 254. Holmes, Mr., 124, 125, 126. Holoway, William, 223. Holstrete, John, 170. Holsworth, Mr., 124—126. Holt (Hott), John, Master of Cobham College, 75, 121 ; Richard. 107 ; Robert, 104, 132, 135, 221. Holton, George, M.P. for Romney, 51. Holy Cross, Canterbury, inventory of Church Plate, 280, 281. Holynbroke, family of, in Romney, ward of, 45 ; William, M.P. for Romney, 45, 46. Homan, Mr. Franklin, 177, 189. Honywood, Anthony, Donorof Churoh Plate, Robert, Thomasina, 288; Sir Robert, M.P. for Romney, 54 ; M.P.'s for Hastings, Hythe, Canterbury, 54. Hoo, Hundred de, 69: St. Mary at, 93 ; St. Werburgh, 69, 82 ; British gold coin from, lxvii. Hook, John, 169. Hope, Henry de, Vicar of Cobham, 76; W. H. St. John, Note on the so-called tomb of Countess of Athol, by, 209—212; inventories of Christ Church, Canterbury, 262. Hopkin, Gilbert, 222. Horney, Peter, 121. Hornsby, Richard, 113. Horsey, William, D.D., 76, 116. Horsham, M.P. for, 46. Horsmonden, 194. 195. Horton Kirby, 68, 77, 95, 97, 99, 113. Hosyer, Thomas, 49. Hott, John, 89 ; Thomas, 104, 134 ; Sir John, 132. Houghton Tower, domestic chapel at, 5 note, 12. " Houmout," on Black Prince's tomb, 142, 143. Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel, Donor of Church Plate to Canterbury, 266, 268. Howell, Elizabeth, 31 ; Jane, 32. Hubble, Mr., 124—126. Huchon (Hochon), Edmund, M.P. for Romney, 46. Huddlestone, Thomas, 243, 244, 246 ; Lucy, 243, 244, 246. Hudspeth, Henry, Vicar of Tilmanstone, 239. Huffam, Mr., 214. Huggin, John, 127. Hughes, Henry, Simon his son, Vicars of Bethersden, 206. Hukin, William, 202. Hulse. Nathaniel, Anne his wife, 206. Humberhill, 127. Humble, John, 231. Humborowe Hill, 114. Hundred Court of Dover, 305. -GENERAL-INDEX. 317 Hunt, Agnes, 175 ; Alice, of Boughton Monchelsea, will of, 175, 176 ; Guy, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176; Henry, 169, 170, 173, 174 ; Joan, 175 ; John, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174 ; Nicholas, 175, 176; Richard, 168; Robert, 173, 174 ; Roger, 168, 169 ; Simon, 168, 169 ; Thomas. 85. 168, 174; William, 168, 169, 173. Huntingfleld, William, Constable of Dover Castle, 305. Hunton, 174. Huntyndon, see Hunton. Hussey, Arthur, Faversham Household Inventory, by, 230 : Visitations of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, by, 213. Hutchen, Symond, 115. Hylgerden, William, 170. Hythe, M.P. for, 47, 54. 60; Scott family, M.P.'s for, 52. ' I Ickham Church, Monument in, 52. Idelegh, John de, 93. Iffin's Wood, 137. Mid, 69. Iggulden, Joseph, 242. Ightham, Mote House, by Henry Taylor, F.S.A., 1—30; Great Hall, 6—12 ; Early Chapel and Crypt, 12—L4 ; Oriel Room, 14,15 ; Tudor Chapel, 15; Gate House, 16—18; Withdrawing Room, 19; Billiard Room, 19, 20 ; Bedrooms, 21 ; Library, 20 ; Morning1 Doom, 21 ; Kitchen, 21 ; Staircases, 21. 22 ; Building Materials, 22, 24 ; Quadrangle, 24. 25 ; Fronts, 25—28 ; Bridges, 28, 29 ; Old Barn, 29 ; Table of Architectural Periods, 7 ; Extracts from Parish Registers relating to family of Selby, 33—36 ; Bowl and Polished Celt from Rose Wood in, Ixxvii. Illenden, Thomas, 216. Illisbridge, 49. Impey, Sir Elijah, M.P. for Romney, 59. Ingold, John, 134. Ingram, Riohard, Vioar of Romney, 53 ; Sir Arthur, M.P. for Romney. 53. Innocent, John (goldsmith), mark of, 273. Inventories, Mediaeval, of Church goods at Christ Ohuroh. Canterbury, 262—266. Inventory of Church Plate in Cathedral and Rural Deanery of Canterbury, 273—300.. . ,*, . . ._. , Isabel, Queen, Coronation of, 47. Isolde, Salam, 173. Isonde, Richard, Agnes his daughter, 169. Ive, John, M.P. for Romney, 46, 47 ; William, M.P. for Sandwich, 46. Ivychurch (Ivechuroh), 46, 56 ; St. George's Ohuroh, xlviii. Iwade, 69, 93, 94. J i Jackson, Richard, M.P. for Romney, ; 59. Jacob, Edward, 276 ; Joshua, 249. Jakeshaw, 121. Jakyn, Simon, 167. Jarmyne, Henry, 102, 103, 104, 107. Javings, John, 121. Jeake's " Charters of the Cinque Ports," 37 note. Jeator, John, 103. '; Jenkins, Canon, on Guldeford Family, | 51. Jermyn, Henry. 129 ; John, 129 ; William, 129. ' Jeskins Court, Cobham, 111, 112, 122. Jeskyns, see Jeskins. Jetter, Henry, 130 ; John, 129 ; Thomas, 129 ; William, 129. Jooe, John, 174. Johnson, J. A., 245 ; John, 222 ; Mr., 155, 156 ; Thomas, Vicar of St. Margaret's, Canterbury, 282, 283 ; William, 107. Jones, Lucy, 243. Joskyn, John, 122, 132 ; Richard, 122. Joye, Richard, 176. K Keeler, William, 230. Kelly. Margaret, 32. Kemp, Mr., 220 ; Sir Thomas, 239. Kenardington, 50. Kenett, Robert. 250 ; William, 250. Kenne, Robert, 221. Kennett, John, 250, 254 ; Robert, 254. Kenningstone, John, 106. Kensington Palace Chapel, marks on plate in, 271. Kenrick, John, Rector of Ri]3ple, 243. Kent, Henry, Vicar of Bethersden, 206; Robert Furnese, Knight of the Shire for, 57 ; Sir Peter Manwood, Sheriff of, 53 ; Thomas, 170. Keyser, Thomas, Mary his daughter, .318 GENER. King, Mr., 158 ; Walter, 169—172. Knatchbull, Dr. Wadham, Catherine his daughter, 58 ; John. M.P. for Romney, 55 ; M.P. for Hythe, 54; Sir Norton, M.P. for Romney, 54, 55 ; Thomas, 54. Knight, Thomas, M.P. for Romney, 58 ; Catherine his wife, 58. Knocker, Mr. Edward, 303 note. Kyng, Laurence, 172, 173; Thomas, 174 ; William, 134. L Lake, Thomas, M.P. for Romney, Hastings, 53. Lambarde, Margaret, 55 ; Mr., 79, 83, 85 ; Riohard, 50; William, 79, 84, 86, 92 ; letter of, 79, 80, 81; his account of St. William of Perth, 97 note. Lambart, Edward, 132. Lamberden, Great, 207. Lamparde, Robert, 96. Lancashire and Cheshire, Old Halls of, by Henry Taylor, 5 note. " Lancashire,'' ship named the, 304. Langdon, John, Bishop of Rochester, 77 ; West, Abbey of, xlix, 1. Langley, 173 ; John, 128. Lathbury, Isaao, 127. Laud, Arohbishop, 215. Laurence, John, 170. Lawson, Rev. A. W., on West Mailing Church, 301. Le Geyt, Robert, 278 ; Philip, 278. Lea vett, Tbomas, 213. Leohe, Thomas, Vicar of Bethersden, 205. Ledale, Henry, 172. Lede, Nioholas, 176. Lee, Richard, 96, 97. Lee Warner, Rev. G. B., Vioar of St. Mary Bredin, Donor of Church Plate, 285 ; Daniel Henry, 285. Leeds, Priory of, li, 111, 168, 171. Legg, Dr. Wickham, Inventory of Christ Church, Canterbury, 262. Lemas, Richard, 223. Lenefoth, Robert, 170. Lentall, Edmund, 175. Lesness, Priory of Black Canons at, li. Lettere, Robert, 169. Letters of Edward Hasted to Thomas Astle, 136. Levenode, Peter, 175. Leveson, Sir John, 79, 80, 82 ; President of Cobham College, 84_, 86,87 ; letter of, 85; Christian his wife, 86; Sir Richard, 87, INDEX. Levey, Peter, 134. Lewes, Henry, M.P. for Romney, 45 ; Thomas, 224. Leybourne, 93. Liminge, Manor of, 160 ; Nunnery of, 160. Lincoln, Bishop of, 238. Lingfield (Surrey), College of, 64. Lister, Ralph, 66. Littlebourne, Vicar of, 155. Livett, Rev. G. M., on the Leaden Font at Brookland, 255; on St. Nicholas Churoh, New Romney, and All Saints, Lydd, xlvii; St. Augustine's, Brookland, St. Clement's, Old Romney, on leaden fonts, xlviii. Lloyd, Barbara, 246 ; David, 246 ; Edward, Rector of Ripple, 241,242, 246 ; Henry, Rector of Ripple, 243 ; Lewis, 246 ; Luoy, 246 ; Margaret. 246. Lokkeleye, Richard de, Reotor of Ripple, 237. London, John, 89. Long, Clement, 227 ; Daniel, 249,250; John, 69 ; William, 215. Loosemore, Rev. P. W., Rector of St. Peter's, Canterbury, 291. Lopes, Manasseh, M.P. for Romney, 59. Lord, Thomas, 130. Lotteby, James, M.P. for Romney, 49. Lounceforde (Lunsford), John, M.P. for Romney, 47. Lovelace, Chantry in Bethersden, Endowment of, 206 ; Sir William, 203. Lovejoy, George, Elizabeth, Donor of Church Plate, 279. Lovett, Nicholas, 221. Lowe, Bishop of Rochester, 75, 77. Lowes, James, M.P. for Romney, 49. Lowne, Thomas, 218. Lowys, James, M.P. for Romney, 48, 49. Loyd, Rev. Hugh, 242. Luard. Major-General C. E., on Ightham Mote, 2, 14, 15, 16. Luddesdon, 67, 69, 94, 102, 103, 105, 132,133. Ludelowe, Sir Thomas de, Knt., 93. Lukis, Mr., 68. Lunceford, John, 47. Lunsford (Lonseford), Simon, M.P. for Romney, Mayor of Rye, 46. Luton Ohurch, Beds, 239. Lydd, 46, 48; family, 47; Thomas Godfrey of, 53. 54, 55 ; Church of, 48. Lymsey, Mr., 102. GENERAL INDEX. 319 Lynch, Mr., 213. Lyndraper, John, 169 ; Nicholas, 168. Lyndregge, Nioholas, 168. Lynpitt, Edward, Joan, 174. Lytylhare, Henry, John, and Nicholas, 173 ; Richard, 170. M Mackney, John, 249 ; Richard, 247, 249, 250, 254 ; Thomas, 249, 250, 254; Francis, 250, 254 ; Sidrach, 254. Maclear, Dr. G., of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, 292. Maffey, Andrew, M.P. for Lewes, 48 ; John, M.P. for Romney, 48. Magna Charter, copy of, for Romney, 46. Maidstone, 167—176 (passim) ; Mayor of, 156 ; M.P. for, 58. Malemayes, John de, 207. Malling, Abbess of, 97 ; West, History of Parish Church of, 301 ; Elizabethan Flagon, 301. Malvern Abbey, representations of month labours at, 257. Mandale, Blain, Rector of Ripple, 241, 244, 245. Mann, Gother, letter of, concerning Roohester Castle, 191 ; William, Rector of Ripple, 239. Mansell, John, Provost of Beverley, founder of Bilsington Priory, xlviii. Mansfield, William, 114. Manton, Ralph, 228. Manwood, Sir Peter, M.P. for Romney, Saltash, 53; President of Cobham College, 84; Donor of Ohurch Plate, 293. Marchall, John, 132. Marchant, Charles, Ancient Deeds presented to the Sooiety by, 167. Marler, Laurence, 170. Marlow, George, 228, 229. Marsh, Jacob (goldsmith), mark of, 289. Marshall, John. 134. Martyn, W., 96.' Mascal, Samson, 167. Mason, William, 131, 132, 224. Master, Edward, 230. May Hall, Liverpool, 244. Maydestan, see Maidstone. Maylam, John, Thomas, 168. Maylam's Corner, 202. Mayor, Mr. Joseph. 137. Mayster, William, 169. Mazers, Mediseval use of in Churches. 263. Mears and Stainbank (bell founders), 204. Meares, William, 88. Mebourne, Robert de, Rector of Ripple, 237. Melhale, Robert, 170. Melsham, John, 101, 106. Mendfield, Thomas, 230, 231. Menvil, John, William, 216, 217. Mepham, 93, 105, 123, 164. Mercott, John, 66. Merly (Dorset), John Willett of, 59. Merovingian Triens, lxxi. Merriam family of Boughton Monchelsea, Alexander, 173; Bartholomew, 173; Charles Pierce, 167; Henry. 168, 173 ; Isaac, 170 ; John, 169, 170, 174; Joan, 170, 171 ; Robert, 168, 169, 170; Stephen, 170—174 ; William, 169, 170, 174. Mersham Hatch, Sir Norton Knatchbull, Knight of, 54. Merton, Walter de, Bishop of Rochester, 115. Meryham, see Merriam. Meryhell in Boughton Monchelsey, 169. Meryhome, Robert, see Merriam. Mesham, Col. Arthur, Patron of Ripple, 245, 246, 247 ; Rev. A. B., 245, 246 ; Robert, Rector of Ripple, 244, 246 ; Lucy his wife, 247 ; Thomas, 243, 246, 247 ; Ellen, 243, 246, 247. Mewpeham, see Mepham. Micklethwaite, Mr. J. T., 302. Middleton, John, 130. Mildnell, John, 218. Miles, William, M.P. for Romney, 61. Milhale, Henry, 171, 172; Robert, Joan his wife, 172. Milksted, John, 217. Miller, John, 96; Rev. J. A., on St. George's, Ivychurch, xlviii. Milton next Canterbury, St. Nicholas, Inventory of Church Plate, 296; Vioar of, 155. Minge, John, M.P. for Romney, 52 ; Mayor of Romney, 53. Mitford, Sir John, 60; William, M.P. for Romney, 60. Mold, W. H., 202, 204. Money, Robert aud Selina, Donors of Church Plate, 293. Mongeham, Great, 231, 239, 240, 242. Monke, Thomas, 115. Month labours, representations of, iu mediaeval art, 257. Moreland, Austin, Christopher, 127. Morris, Bartholomew, 215 ; William, 249. Morrys, Sir Christopher, Elizabeth 320 GENERAL INDEX. his wife, 112, 126; Lady, Bill of Complaint concerning land in Henhurst by, 126. Mortem, see Morton. Mortimer, Riohard, Earl of March, Constable of Dover Castle, 303. Morton, John, M.P. for Romney, 59 ; Rector of Ripple, 238. Morys, John, 134 ; Thomas, 134. Moojen, H. E., 103. Moore, Archbishop, 155. Mot, John, 167. Mount House, Cobham, 110,113, 115. Moyle, John, 53. Moys, John, 66. Moyse, John (alias Tenterden), last Prior of Bilsington, xlix. Mudde, Rev., Minister of Cobham, 88. Munne. Thomas, 107. Myles. Thomas, 167. N Nackington, St. Mary, Inventory of Church Plate of, 297. Nash, 203, 204. Neele, Robert, Vicar of Romney, 54 ; William, M.P. for Romney, 54. Nesbitt, Mr. A., on the leaden font at Brookland, 256. Netheravon, Wilts, Thomas Scott, Prebendary of, 238. Newport, M.P. for, 60. Newstreet, John, 225. Newton, William de, Chaplain of Chantry in Cobham Church, 77. Nicholas, Chaplain of Shorne, 198. NichoUs, Henry, 87. Nikke, Richard, 116. Nin-house (Great Chart), 204. Nookes, John, 242. Norbetone, Emma, 169. Norman leaden fonts, 255 ; French titles of the months on, 257. Norman, Sir John, 70. Norrington, Miles, 203. North Court in Cobham, 68, 100. Northall. John. 132. Northcot, see North Court. | Northbourne, Lord, elected President | of the Society, lvii. Northfleet, 69, 93; Old Rectory at, 193. 195. Northgate, Canterbury, Inventory of Plate in St. Mary's Churoh. 287. Northgate, see- North Court. Northiam Well, House near, 194. Norton, 224 ; Edward, 174 ; John, 94 ; Robert, 168; Stephen, 170—173; Bobert and William his sons, 170. Northwode, Sir Roger de, Agnes his wife, 93. Noure, William, 250. Nunhelmeston, Manor of, 160. Nursted, 68, 69, 100, 102. Nutstead. Manor of, 96. Nuwene, John, M.P.for Romney, 45 ; Peter, M.P. for Romney, 48. O Oakhurst in Bethersden, 201, 202. Oakingham, 244. Offa, Coin of, lxxi. Oliver, Alexander, 220. Olyve, Thomas, 168. Onslow Barrett, Dr., 246. Orford, Coppyn family, M.Ps. for, 53. Oriel Room, or Solar, at Ightham Mote, 14. Orientation of Churohes, 5 and note. Osborn, Mr., 80. Ospringe, 140, 146. Otteford, Manor of, 67. Otterhampton, Manor of, 211. Outelmestone, Manor of, 160. Overton, Clement, M.P. for Romney, 49. Ower, Thomas, 217. Oxenden, Sir Henry, 160; William, M.P. for Eomney, 51. P Padua, Giotto's painting of the months at, 257. Padyan (Pattison), John, 51; Stephen, M.P. for Winchelsea, 51 ; Symon, M.P. for Romney. 51. Page, Edmund, 95 ; John, 169—172. Pakynton, John de, Rector of Eipple, 237. Palmer, Charles Fysshe, 243, 244, 246 ; Lucy, 243, 244, 246 ; Mr., 191, 192. Papillon, David, M.P. for Eomney, 57, 58 ; Philip, 57. Paramore, John, 241, 246. Parker, on 17th century buildings in Oxford in A. B. C. of Qothie Architects c, 17; Domestic Architecture, illustrations of the doors of Ightham Mote in, 18 ; Archbishop, Visitation of, 213, 219,221,223 ; Eiohard, 129, 130 ; Robert, 129 ; Thomas. 96, 168. Partridge, Margaret, 231. Pate, William_, 114. Pattemelle, Richard de, 168. Pawson Riohard, 227. GENERAL INDEX. 321 Payne, George, on Reparation of Rochester Castle, by, 177; Researches and Discoveries in Kent, lxv—lxxii; resignation of the Hon. Secretaryship, xl i i ; John. 107; William, 119. Payne Smith, Dean of Canterbury, Donor of Church Plate, 269, 270. Peacock, Edward (goldsmith), mark of, 289. Pearman, Rev. A. J., Notes on Bethersden, 201. Pearson, Riohard, 214 ; William, Vicar of Thanington, Donor of Church Plate, 300. Peckham, East, Sir William Twisden, Bart., of, 56; Little, 67, 69, 93; Reginald, 31. Peerce, Agnes, 230 ; Joan, 236. Pegge, S., on Font at Burnham Deepdale, 258. Peion, William, 131—135. Pekham, James de, 94. Pembury, Extracts from Parish Registers of, relating to family of Selby, 36. Peniston, John, 127. Penn, Samuel, 254. Pennant, M.P. for Romney, 60. Penshurst (place), doors in Great Hall at, 6. Penson, Mr., 216 ; Richard, 216. Peper, William, Vicar of Shorne, 199. Percier, William, Rector of Ripple, 238. Peris, Margery, 170. Perkins, Christopher, 250, 254. Perring, John, M.P. for Hythe, 60. Perth, St. William of, 97 note. Peterborough, Henry, 2nd Earl of, 205. Pessake, Thomas, 128. Pette, William, 276. Pettit, Andrew, 216. Pevensey, 303. Philcooks, George, Hugh, 107. Philpot, Charles, Rector of Ripple, 244 ; Rebecca, 236. Picard, V., 285. Pickwick Marshes (near Cobham). 123. Piers, Robert, 203 ; Thomas, 203 ; William, M.P. for Romney, 49. Plomer, John, M.P. for Romney, 53. Plot, Dr., 140. Pluckley Ohurch, inscription to Rebecca Moone in, 205. Pokelington, 144. VOL. XXVII. Pole, Cardinal, Donor of Church Plate to Christ Church, 265. Poleyn, Henry, 168, 169 ; John, 169. Poore, John, 103. Porter, John, 134 ; William, 45. Portsmouth, Governor of, 55. Potayn, William, 172. Pothed, John, 95. Potteme (Wilts), 206. Pottery, Prehistoric, from the Maidstone District, lxxvi—Ixxviii. Powell, Mr. C. W., J.P., elected Hon. Treasurer, xliii. Prebbill, Stephen, William, 171—173 ; Mrs., 124—126. Predham, Andrew, 129. Prentis, Walter, Roman Coin from the Collection of, lxxi. Preste, Walter, 134. Priest, John, Vicar of Cobham. 72. Proceedings, Abstract of, K. A. S., 1904-5, xii. Propecham, Richard, 169. Prynse, John, 169. Pullman, John, 216. Purs, John, 168. Purse, Thomas, 170. Pykeworth Marsh (Pickwick), 93, 95, 123. R Radnor, Earl of, 60. Radwell, Beds, 206. Rail, Richard, Vicar of Cobham, 77. Rainey, Susanna, 31. Rainham (Kent), 93, 94 ; (Essex), 92. Earn, Eobert le, 93. Eamsay, Thomas, 231. Ramsgate, 247. Rand, Nordash, Patron of Eipple, 241, 246 ; Ursula, 241, 246. Randall, Thomas, M.P. for Eomney, 51. Randolfe, Mr., 87. Randolph, William, Jane, 203. Eauds, Richard, Vicar of Bethersden, 205. Rawlins and Sumner (goldsmiths), mark of, 272. Rawlinson, Oanon George, Donor of Church Plate, 272. Ray, Matthew, 249, 250, 254. Reatt, Elizabeth, 201. Rectors of Ripple, List of, by Rev. H. L. Beardmore, M.A., 237. Rede, William, 172. Redesdale, William Mitford, Baron, 60. 322 GENERAL INDEX. Redlyngg, Sir William de, Rector of Pluckley, 207. Redyn. 132. Remyngton, Sir Robert, M.P. for Romney, 53. Renham, see Rainham. Rennolls, John, 250. Report, Annual, 1904, xlv. Eeynold, Robert, 134. Reve, Edward, 175. Richardson, Walter, 115. Riley, Mr., 45. . Ripple Church, 239—246 ; ChaUce, 239 ; Court, 240, 241, 244, 247 ; List of the Rectors of, by Rev. H. L. Beardmore, M.A., 237— 254 ; Rectory, 242, 244, 245. Roalf, Robert, 168. Roberts, A. E., 206. Robertsbridge, 194. Robyn, John, 132. Roohester, 69, 84, 90, 98, 99, 101 ; William Whittlesea, Bishop of, 64, 65 ; Bishops of, 65, 66, 70, 73, 102, 104, 105, 106, 132, 238; Bridge, 52, 81, 97, 110, 114; Wardens of, 79, 82, 87; Castle, Reparation of, by George Payne, 177, 192; Cathedral, 97, 116, 117; Dean and Chapter of, 124, 199; Discoveries at, by Mr. G. Payne, lxvi—lxx ; King's College of, 128 ; M.P. for, 46; Scott Family, M.Ps. for, 52; St. William's Chapel and Hospital at, 97 ; Walter de Merton, Bishop of, 115, 198. Rockingham, Earl of, 57. Rockwell, John, 90. Roger, John, M.P. for Romney, 47. Rogers, David, 95 ; Dr. Richard, Dean of Canterbury. 265 ; John, 102; William. Reotor of Ripple, 243. Roggyer, Hugh, M.P. for Romney, 45. Rokyslee, Thomas, M.P. for Romney, Master of St. John's House, 47. Rolf, Robert, 170. Rolvenden, 66, 69, 204 ; Church, 65 ; Parsonage of, 68, 95. Romney, 48, 51, 52, 206; Bailiff of, 47,49; Barons of, in Parliament, by John Stokes, 44; Marsh, 50, 58, 67; Old, 46 ; Passion Play at, 51 ; Old Church of, xlviii; Annual Meeting at (1904), xliv—li; Temporary Museum at (1904), xlvii ; Church of St. Nicholas, xlvii; Richard Ingram, Vicar of, 53; Robert Neele, Vioar of, 64; St. John's House in, 47 ; St. Nicholas Church, Parsonage, and Lepers' Hospital in, 45. Rose Hill, 58. Rotheram alias Soott, Rector of Rip pie, 239. Roundal Manor in Shorne, 199. Roundstreet, Cobham, 130. Routledge, Eev. Canon, Obituary Notice of, lxiii. Row, Sir John, Knt., 228. Rowe, Roger, 132. Rowgh, John, 135. Rowley, 202. Rowmarsh in Hoo, 94. Ruffe, William, 130. Rufford Hall (Lanes), Louvre at, 11 ; fireplace at, 11. Rugge, Thomas, 132. Rushbourne, 222. Russe, William, 96, 101, 104. Russell, Richard, 90. Rutland, Thomas, 130. Ryche, Nicholas, 174,175. Rye, John Atwood, M.P. for, 45 ; Mayor of, 46. S St. Alban's Abbey, representations of month labours at, 257. St. Alphege, Canterbury, Inventory of Ohurch Plate, 274. St. Andrew's, Canterbury, Inventory of Church Plate, 275. St. Andrew's, Holborn, Extracts from Parish Registers of, relating to family of Selby, 36. St. Andrew's, Rochester, Prior and community of, 199. St. Asaph, Bishop of, 98. St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, K. A. S. grant for excavations at, xlvi. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, W. Coppy, Annuitant of, 53 ; Canons of the Order of, xlviii—li. St. Bride's, Fleet Street, Extracts from Parish Registers of, relating to family of Selby, 36. SS. Cosmus and Damian, Blean, Inventory of Church Plate, 294. St. George the Martyr, Canterbury, Inventory of Church Plate, 278. St. Gregory, Canterbury, Inventory of Church Plate, 279, 280. St. James's Palace Chapel (London), marks on plate in, 271. St. John's House in Romney, 47. St. John's in Thanet, 216. GENERAL INDEX. 323 St. Katherine's Chapel, Shorne, 198, 200. St. Laurence Churoh, Romney, 49, 51. St. Leger, Anthony of Ulcombe, lessee of the site of Bilsington Priory, xlix ; John, M.P. for Romney, 49. St. Margaret-at-Cliffe, 244. St. Margaret's, Canterbury, Inventory of Ohurch Plate, 283, 284. St. Margaret's, Roohester, lands in, 96, 97 note; St. William's Chapel in, 97 note. St. Martin's, Canterbury, Inventory of Ohurch Plate, 283, 284. St. Martin's Churoh, Romney, 51. St. Mary-at-Hill (London), Extracts from Parish Registers of, relating to family of Selby, 35. St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury, Inventory of Ohurch Plate, 284, 285. St. Mary Bredman, Canterbury, 55 ; Inventory of Churoh Plate, 285,286. St. Mary. Fordwich, Inventory of Church' Plate, 295, St. Mary Grace (London), Abbey of, 112. St. Mary's, Hoo, 69. St. Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, Inventory of Church Plate, 286,287. St. Mary Magdalene, Cobham, 78. St, Mary, Nackington, Inventory of Churoh Plate of, 297. St. Mary, Northgate, Inventory of Church Plate of, 287. St. Mary's Oollege, Cobham, 71. St. Michael, Ohapel of, in Canterbury Cathedral, Ohurch Plate, 263. St. Michael, Harbledown, Inventory of Church Plate, 293. St. Mildred's, Canterbury, Inventory of Churoh Plate of, 288, 289. St. Nicholas' Ohapel in Westminster, 210. St. Nicholas' Church, Romney, 50—52; Presentations to, 55,56 ; Repairs of, 57. St. Nioholas, Milton, next Canterbury, Inventory of Ohurch Plate of, 297. St. Nicholas, Sturry, Inventory of Church Plate of, 299, St. Paul's, Canterbury, Inventory of Church Plate of, 290. St. Peter's, Canterbury, Inventory of Churoh Plate of, 291. St. Saviour's, Bermondsey, Prior and Convent of, 64, 73, 77, 99, 198. St. Stephen's, Canterbury. Inventory of Church Plate, 298. St. Vedast, London, Thomas Soott, Rector of, 238. St. Werburgh, Hoo, 67. St. William of Perth, Chapel of, in Rochester, 97 note. Salerne. John, M.P. for Romney, Hastings, Rye, Winchelsea, 46, 47. Salman, John, 169—172. Salmon, John, 89. Salmonsdeane, 128. Sandell, Thomas, 175. Sandwich, 51,213; gates of, by Rev. B. Austen, lv; M.P. for, 46, 53 ; Mayor of, 304. Sant, John, 220. Sarum, Old, Sir Thomas Brette, M.P. for, 54. Savage, Bishop Thomas, 116; Colonel, 192 ; Riohard, 72. Sawer, John, 224. Sawyer, Robert, 214. Sayer, Robert, 216 ; Stephen, 217. Scaler's Hill, see Skarlettes. Scalers, see Skarlettes. Schultz, Robert Weir, 193. Scoales, Henry, 129 ; William, 129. Scott, Family, M.P.'s for Hythe, Hastings, Maids tone. Canterbury .Rochester, 52 ; Mr. J. Oldrid, F.S.A., on Brookland Church, xlviii; Ightham Mote, 2, 14, 15, 16 ; Reginald, M.P. for Romney, 52 ; Sir John, Warden of Cinque Ports, 52 ; Thomas, M.P. for Romney, 60 ; Rector of Ripple, 238 ; Provost of Wingham, 238. Scott Robertson, Canon W. A., on leaden font at Brookland, 256. Scranton, Elizabeth, Donor of Church Plate, 277. Soras (Scrase), Robert, M.P. for Romney, 49, 50. Soratton, John, 103. Seaford, M.P. for, 59. Seasalter, 218 ; M.P. for, 59 ; Churoh of, 213, 215, 216, 226, 227; Communion Cup, 214 ; Presentments in the Archdeacon's Court, 213. Sedley, Sir Charles, M.P. for Romney, 55, 56. Sefrod, William, M.P. for Romney, 46. Selby, of Ightham Mote, Pedigree of, by T. C. Colyer-Fergusson, 30; arms of, 18, 19; Major- General C. E. Luard, on Ightham Mote, 2 (2), 17 (2), 19, 20, 28 ; Mr. Prideaux John, 32 ; Rev. Charles Bridge, 32 ; Sir Henry, 32 ; Sir- John, 30 ; Sir William, 30; Ann. 31 j Dorothy, 31, 32 ; Elizabeth, 7, 32 ; Franois, 31 ; George. 30, 31, 32 ; Henry, 30, 31; Jane, 31 ; John, 324 GENERAL INDEX. 30, 31, 32; Katherine, 31; Mary, 31 ; Ralph, 30, 31 ; Susanna, 31 ; Thomas, 31, 32 ; William, 30, 31. Selhurst, Humphrey, 223. SeUing, 216, 237. Sellynger (St. Leger), John, M.P. for Romney, 49. Septwaunz (Septvans), William de, Sheriff of Kent, 94. Sevenoaks' Churoh, Extracts from Parish Registers relating to family of Selby, 36. Sharpe, James, 203 ; John, 202, 204 ; Mr. Barling, 204 ; Stephen, 203 ; Thomas, 176 ; William, 201—204. Shaw, Mr. Norman, Alterations at Ightham Mote by, 6. Sheafe, Riohard, 254 ; Thomas, 254. Sheather, John, 176. Sheldwich Church, monument to Lord Sondes in, 57. Shelley, Sir John, Keeper of the Public Records in the Tower, 137 ; William, 174. Shepey, Bishop John de, 116. Sherloud Marsh, 95. Sherte, Brice, M.P. for Romney, 47. Shipway Court, Proceedings of, 303 and note. Shorne, 67, 69, 82, 84, 85, 93; Ancient Timber-framed House at, by George M. Arnold, 193; Church, 198, 199 ; Heriotsmarsh in, 95 ; Manor of, 67 ; Old Vicarage at, 197 ; Rectory of, 199 ; Vicar of, 88. Shreiber, Mr., of Woodchurch, 204. Shrewsbury, Gilbert, Earl of, 268. Shuldham (Chuldham), William, 66 ; Master of Cobham College, 75. Shymyng, Thomas, 96, 97. Sinclair, Admiral Sir John Gordon, 247 ; Hon. Mrs. Pelham, 247 ; Sir Robert, Bart., 245. 246 ; Madeline, 246. Simon of Dover (Deeamis), 305. Simons, Mr., 219, 220. Skarlettes in Cobham, 100, 101. Skeper, William, 133. Skoles, Ralph, 130. Skone, Edward, Thomas, 175 ; Grace, Joan, Mary, 176. Skynner, David, 85. Sleper, William, 134. Small, Sophia, Donor of Church Plate, 269. Smallman, Mr., 199. Smedley, George, 107, 130; William, 100. Smeeth, Scott's Hall in, 52. Smith, Andrew. 223; John, 59, 223, 224 ; Mr. H. L., on Leaden font at Brookland, 256, 257 ; Rev. A. F., Vicar of Bethersden, 204 ; Richard, 254 ; Street, Shorne, Ancient timbered house at, 197 ; William, 223. Smitherland in Snave, 203. Smithsby, James, 289. Smyth, Henry, 134 ; Joan, 172 ; John, 128 ; Richard, 250 ; Thomas, 134 ; M.P. for Romney, 49. Snedell, Nicholas, 127. Soar, Old Domestic Chapel at, 5 note. Sole, Henry, 170. 171 ; William, 170, 171; Street, Cobham, 102, 103, 104, 129, 130, 194. Somer, Thomas, 175. Somers, John, 127. Sondes, Lord, M.P. for Canterbury, 57. Soole, Henry, William, 170. Southerne, Hugh, of Roohester, 84. Southfleet, Manor of, 199. Southland, William, gent., of Hope near Romney, 52. Sowth, Eichard, Prebendary of Cobham, 117. Speke Hall, Lane, Ladies' bower at, 11. Spererooffe, John, 223. Sperwe (Spurway), Thomas, M.P. for Eomney, 48. Spicer, John, 167, 168. Spinola, Benedict, 80. Spraoklinge, Esaie, 230—232 ; Mary (will of), Millicent, 231. Sprever, Richard, 121; Robert, 129, 131, 134; William, 121, 131, 132, 134. Sprevers, 122, Sprott, John, Chaplain of Chantry in Cobham Church, 78. Sprotte, see Sprottle. Sprottle, John, Master of Cobham College, 76. Spryver, Eobert, 101, 104, 105, 107. Stace, Christopher, 88 ; Henry, 131, 132 ; John, 96, 134 ; Reginald, 134 ; Robert, 134 ; Walter, 104. Stacey, Riohard, 104. Strahan, Andrew, M.P. for Romney, 60. Standley (Stanley), Valentine, 247, 248; William, 114. Staneyweye, John de, Eeotor of Ripple, 237. Stanhope, Earl, Obituary Notice of, lxi. Stanlake, Edward de, Vicar of Cobham, 77. GENERAL INDEX. 325 Stanley, Elizabeth, 241 ; John, 249, 250, 254 ; Stephen, 241, 249 ; William, Rector of Ripple, 240. Stanpete (Sheppey), Manor of, 93. Stanwigg, J ohn de, Vicar of Cobham, 76. Staplehurst, 173. Staples, Edward, 249; James, of Henhurst, 112; John, 111 ; Mr., 124. Statham, Rev. S. P. H., on Dover Charters, 303. Stede Hill, 208. Stede, Robert, Joan his wife, 203. Sterborough, Lord Cobham of, 64. Stevens, Misses, 72, 75, 111, 112. Stevenson, N. B., 245. Stither, Nioholas, 202. Stookes, Martin, 227. Stookley, Col. G. W., of West Malling, 301. Stodham, Richard, 168. Stoggard's land, Bethersden, 202. Stoke, 69. Stokepenny (see Stuppenny), 50. Stokes, John, Paper on Barons of New Romney in Parliament, 44, 107 ; Rev., Vicar of Cobham, 72. Stone, Thomas, 175. Stone, near Dartford, Discovery of Romano - British interments at, lxxix, lxxx. Stonemarsh in Hoo, 94. Stothard, Riohard, M.P. for Eomney, 49. Stouting, Manor of, 212. Strode (Strood), 93, 128; Margaret, 32. Strood, 69, 82, 133. Stupenny, Clement, 50 ; Riohard, M.P. for Romney, 50, 51. Sturry, St. Nioholas, Inventory of Churoh Plate, 299. Sudbury, M.P. for, 59. Sulivan, Eichard Joseph, M.P. for Romney, 59. Surrenden, 140, 146 ; Library at, 140, 303 ; Sir Edward Dering of, 58, 60, 61; John de, 207. Sussex. M.P. for, 58. Sutton, 140,142,144,148,150 ; Simon of, Riohard his son, 116; Sir Robert Austen of, 57. Sutton Vallence, 111. Swalecliffe, 223; Ohuroh, 218, 219, 220; Communion Cup, 219; Presentments in the Arohdeaoon's Court, 218. Swann, William, 131,132. Swanpole Marsh in Shorne, 93, 95. I Swarton, Simon, 213. Swayne, Alicia, of Horton Kirby, 77 ; William, 85. Sweetes Orosse in Cobhambury Manor, 130. Swinbourne, Thomas, 211. Sydley, John, 102. Symon, William, 221. Symson, Andrew, Vioar of Bethersden, 207. T Tadlowe, George, M.P. for Guildford, 51 ; Sir William, M.P. for Romney, 51. Talbot, John, M.P. for Romney, 47; Lady Alethea, 268. Tanbridge, Richard, 129. Tancock, Rev. Dr., Member of Council, xii. Tanner, Bishop, 76 ; Matthew, 221 ; William. 66; Master of Cobham Oollege, 75, 77 ; Chaplain of Chantry in Cobham Church, 77. Tapps, George William, M.P. for Romney, 61. Tawstook, Devon, 202. Taylor, Henry, F.S.A., on Ightham Mote House, l—so. Teboldeshall, 170. Temple Churoh, Extracts from Parish Registers of, relating to family of Selby, 36. Templers Land, 131. Tennard, Stephen, 70. Tenterden, 57, 194 ; Taywell in, 53. Terry, William, 112. Thanet, St. John's Churoh in, 216; St. Peter's in, 52. Thanington, St. Nioholas, Inventory of Church Plate, 299. Thirsk, J. Gibson, M.P. for, 51. Thompson, Nicholas, 172. Thomas, Mr., 221; William, Vicar of Bethersden, 205. Thonge, 100, 101, 104 ; Manor in Shorne, 199. Thorneham (Thurnham), 67, 68. Thorpe, Dr., President of Cobham College, 82, 92; on Cobham College, 74, 82 ; William, 128. Throwley, 139, 140. Thurbame, James, M.P. for Romney, 53 ; John, M.P. for Sandwich, 53 ; Robert, M.P. for Romney, 52. Thurrook, 87 ; West, 87. Thurston, John, 66 ; Sir John, 77. Tieoe, James, M.P. for Romney, 46— 48 ; John, M.P. for Eomney, 45. 326 GENERAL INDEX. Tilbury (Essex), Church of, appropriated to Cobham College of, 77 ; East, Eectory of, 95. Timbury, Sir Philip, 211. Tillard, J., Donor of Church Plate, 295. Tilman, Christopher, 216, Tilmanstone, 239. Toffel, Peter, 168 ; William, 167. Toffelde, see Tovil. Toke, Nioholas Eoundell, Ellen Maria, 202. Tollyngtrowgh, 132. Tonman, William, Rector of Eipple, 238. To vill, 167. Trefnant, 245. Trespyn, Laurence, 134. Trevor, Arthur, M.P. for Eomney, 61. Trigge, Eev.. Minister of Cobham, 90. Trindell Hill, 115. Tristram, Dr., on the West Mailing Flagon, 301. Trottescliffe, 66. Trottesham, 130. Tryvet, Dame Elizabeth, tomb of, in Canterbury Cathedral, 210—212; Sir Thomas, 210, 211. Tuder (Tudor), John, M.P. for Romney, 50. Tufton, Lady Catherine, 57. Tunbridge, Priory of Black Canons at, l i ; Richard, 130. Tunbridge Wells, 206. Tunnoke, Richard, 134. Turnar, Riohard, 169. Turner, Mr., 226 ; Mrs., 202. Turvey (Beds), Richard Rands, Reotor of, 205. Twendle Hill, 127. Twisden, Sir Roger, 54, 56 ; Sir William, M.P. for Romney, 56. Twizdale, 127. Tyeoe. James, M.P. for Romney, 47 ; William, 46. Tylthe, John, 168, 170. U Ulcombe, 49. Ufford, F. C. Brooke of, 74. Underdown, Edward, Master of Cobham Oollege, 76. Underworde, see Underdown. Upchurch, 69, 93, 94. Upchurch Marshes, Roman and Mediaeval Pottery from, lxx. Usher, Jacob, 202; Robert, Warden of Cobham College, 123. Ussher, Thomas, 122. V Varney (Verney), Sir Edmund, M.P. for Romney, 53. Venice, Sculptured signs of the months in the Ducal Palace at, 257. Vidgeon, John, 90. Vine Hall Farm, Bethersden, 202, 204. Vinoll, Robert, 202. Visitations of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, by Arthur Hussey, _ 1 O ilJlV. Vyance (or Vian.ee) farm, 120. Vyandes. Manor of, in Cobham, 110, 118, 119, 122; Robert, 120. Vyaund, Robert, 120. Vyaundys, see Vyandes. Vyneter, Robert, 167. W Wade, Robert, 95. Wadden, Great, Little, 202. Waight, Richard, 227. Wake, Archbishop, 241. Wakefeld, Richard, 135. Wakkeleyn, Roger, 131. Walden, Lady, 68. Waldershare, Robert Furnese of, 57. Walford, Elizabeth. 32. Walkeler, Henry, Roger, 134. Walkeley, Roger, 132. Walker, J., 285 ; Thomas, 134. Waller, Mr. J. G., 66 ; on brasses in Cobham Church, 74 ; on Restoration of Cobham Church, 75. Walmer, 239, 240, 241,247. Walter, John, 133. Warburton, Somerset Herald, 140. Wareham, M.P. for, 60. Warham, Archbishop, Church Plate in Chantry of, 263. Warmestone, Thomas, of Romney, 49. Warner, William, 128. Warren, Mr. William, 247. Warwick, Philip, M.P. for Romney, 54. Waryn, John, 134. Waterman, John, 207. Watling Street, 100. Watson, Edward, M.P. for Romney, 57. Watton, William, 127 ; Thomas, 128. Wauchope, Robert, 74. Weaver, Rev. F. W., 211, 212. GENERAL INDEX. 327 Webb, Thomas, M.P. for Romney, 54. Webbe, Roger, 170. Webster, Thomas, 70. Welby, Robert, 291. Wellard, John, 92. Wells, Thomas, 121; Lay Rector of Cobham, 75. Wenlock Chapel in Luton Churoh. 239. Wermyston (Warmestone), William, M.P. for Romney, 49. Werry or Berry, John, Vicar of Cobham. 76. Westbere, Church, 221, 222; Communion Cup, 222 ; Rectory, 221, 222; Presentments in the Archdeacon's Court, 221, 222. Westmoreland, Earl of, 58, 87 ; see also Dashwood. Weston, Elizabeth, 31 ; Peter de, 205 ; Philip, Donor of Church Plate. 270. Westwell, 202—204 ; Church, inscription to John Sharpe in, 204. Westwood in Lesnes, Priory of Black Canons at, li. Wetenhall, Charles, Donor of Church Plate, 275. Wey bridge, 245. Weymouth, M.P. for, 59. Wexford, M.P. for, 61. Wharfe, William, 70. Whigley, James, 92. Whigton, John, 227. Whiston, Jonathan, Vicar of Bethersden, 206: Rev. Robert, of Rochester, 70; Aphra, 206. White, Zelous, 88. Whitehall, London, kitchen at, 239 ; Treasury, 148—150. Whiter, John, 227. Whitfield, Walter, M.P. for Romney, 57. Whitlok, John, Rector of Ripple, 237, 238. Whitstable,214,215,216,219; Church, 213,215,223—229 ; Parsonage, 223, 228, 229. Whittlebury House, Arthur Trevor of, 61. Whittlesea, William de, Bishop of Rochester, 64. Whytlok, Joan, 170. Wichling, Leaden Font at, 255. Wiokham, 147. Wikham, John, 134. Wilcocks, Edward, M.P. for Romney, 52 ; Eobert, M.P. for Romney, 53 ; William, M.P. for Romney, 52. Wilkes, Finch, 249, 250, 254 ; Walter, 250, 254. Wilkie, Rev. C. H., elected Member of Council, xlvi. Wilkins, John, 223, 226. Wilkyns, Henry, 134. Willesborough, 201. Willet, John, 95. William, Master of Cobham College, 75 ; Peter, 167. Williams, James, 106; John, Rector of Ripple, 243. Williamson, Sir Joseph, of Cobham Hall, 88, 91. 113 ; Arms of, 75. Willoughby, Sir John, 229. Wilmington, 52. Wimpole Church, 241. Winchelsea, Bailiff of, 304; M.Ps. for, 46, 53, 54, 57, 58 ; Archbishop, Chalice of, at Canterbury, 263. Winoett Hill, 124. Winchester, John, Deborah his daughter, 58. Windham, William, M.P. for Romney. 59. Windegate Hill, 127. Wingham, 239; Provost of, 238; Church, Chalice left to, 239. Witherden, George, 208. Wlword, Clerk, 120. Wlykhous, Henry, 112. Wodde, Laurence, 134. Wodeare, Edward, John, 96. Woldeham, Dionisia, 170; John, 168, 169. • Wombwell, Tbomas, 130. Womble, Samson, 131. Woodchurch, 202—204. Woodruff, Rev. ft E., Acting Hon. Secretary, x l i i ; on St. Mary's in the Marsh, xlviii; on Church Plate of the Cathedral and Rural Deanery of Canterbury, 260—300. Woodruff, Mr. C. H., on Bilsington Priory, xlviii—li; Obituary Notice of, lxii. Woolrioh, Thomas, Vicar of Whitstable, 229. Wootton, Kent, 246 ; Mr., 213 ; William, 288. Worcester, William de Whittlesea, Bishop of, 64. Worcestershire, 237. Wouldham, 127. Wraye, John, 223. Wreght, Thomas, 131. Wren, Robert, Ann, 227. Wrey, Bourchier, Rev. Henry, of Tawstock, Devon, 202. Wright, George, 102 ; John, 134 ; Nioholas, 134 ; Thomas, 111, 129. Wriothesley, Thomas, 144. Wrotham, 85. -328 GENERAL - INDEX. Wyande, Robert, 320. Wyllyams, Richard, M.P. for Romney, 52. Wylmyngton, Bertrande, 207. Wyng, Rutland, Rectory, 238. Wyt, Henry, Rector of Ripple, 238. Wynne, Thomas, 285. Wytsand, 305. T Tantlet (see Tenlade), 120. Yarmouth, Great, Bailiff of, 46, Yarmouth, Commissioner to, 53 ; M.P. for, 46. Yenlade (Yantlet) Creek, 120. Yeresley, John, 132, 134. Yon, John, M.P. for Romney, 47. Yonge, Gylberte, 101. York, Henry, Eector of Eipple, Elizabeth, 241 ; Philip, 242 ; Minster, tomb of Thomas Scott at, 239. Youens, Mr. E. C, Notes on Roman Kiln at Galley Hill, Swanscombe, lxxiii, lxxiv; on Romano-British interments at Stone, lxxix, lxxx. Young, Bartholomew, 175 ; Gilbert, 107, 120 ; Guy, 175 ; Richard, 174, 175 ; Solomon, 175 ; Thomas, 173, 175. Ypres, Eoof of Cloth Hall at, 9 note. Z Zodiac, signs of, on the Brookland Font, 257, 260. Zole, Henry Atte, 170. London: Mitohell Hughes and Clarke, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W,