Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society

l. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members. 2. The affairs of the Society sliall be conducted by n Council consisting of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Honon11 y Editors, and twenty-four Membel's elected out of the general body of the Subscribers: one-fomth of the hitter shall go ·out annunlly in l'otntion, but shall nevertheless be re-eligible; and such retiring and tl1e new election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting: but any intermediate vacancy, by death or retirement, among the elected Council, shall he filled up either at the Genernl Meeting or at the next Couucil Meeting, whichever shall first happen. Five Members of the Conucil to constitute a qnorum. 3. The Council shnll meet to transact the business of the Society on the second Thursday in the month of March in Maidstone, in the month of June in London, iu the month of Septembe1· in Rochester, and in the month of December in Cm1terl.mry, and at any other time that the Secretary may deem it expedient lo call them together. But the Council shall ham power, if' it shall deem it advisable, at the instance of the President, to hold its Meetings at, othe1· places within the county; and to alter the cloys of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall he found convenient. 4. The Council shall nppoint one of their Members to be the Hon. Treasurer. His duty shall be to keep an nccount of all Subscriptions nncl other Receipts and Payments for the Society, and on the 31 st Decem her in every year to prepare the Halnncc Sheet for the pnst yenr, nnd, nfter it hns been npproved by the Auditors, t.o lny it before the next Q11nrtcrly .Meeting of tlrn Council, accompanil1tl by a Statement of all Subscriptions, etc., in arrem· and due lo the Society, nnd of all moneys due from them. And the Council ni·e further empowered, at any time when they think it desirable, to employ and pay a Chartered Accountant to assist the Hon. Trensul'er in making out such Balance Sheets and Account. 5. At every Meeting of the Society or Council, the President, or, in his absence, the Chnh-man, shall lrnve a casting vote, independently of his vote as a Member. 6. A General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, in July, August, or September, at some place rendered interesting by its antiquities or historical associations, in the eastem and western clivisions of the connty. alternately, unless the Council, for some cause to be hy them assigned, agree to va1·y this arrangement; the clay an _scription, and not to have the right of voting at any Meetmgs of the Society; but to have all the other pi·ivileges of Membel's, ( xvi ) 18. The Council shall have powel' to appoint any Member Honorary Local Secretary for the town 01· dishict wherein he may 1·eside, in order to facilitate the collection of accurate information as to objects and discoveries of local interest, and for the 1·eceipt of subscriptions, and may at any time cancel sncl1 appointment. 19. Meetings for the purpose of reading papers, the exhibition of · antiquities, or the discnssion of subjects connected therewith, shall be held at such times and places as the Council may appoint. 20, The Society shall avoid all subjects of religious or political controversy. 21. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be communicated to the Members at the General Meetings.


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 27


Honorary Local Secretaries