General Index
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Ightham Church - Cawne Window and Monument
Front matter, Volume 27
( 381 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbot, Archbishop, 319, 320. a Becket, Archbishop Thomas, 159. Abraham, Margaret, 90. Act repealing the disfranchisement of sailors, SO. Adam, Joanna, lfi ; Thomas, 10. a Dane. John, 92 ; Nicholas, 113. Adye, Nicholas, 37. Aff'oard, George, 18 ; Stephen, 20. Alday, William, 111. AldinV. Hamo, will of, 94; Joan, 94. 95. Aldifys, land called, 113. Aldington, Vicar of, 314. Aldone. sir de Aldone. Aleyne (Aleyn), Joan, 107, 108 ; John, 15, 107; Margery, 10(1; Nicholas, 97, IDS ; Thomas, senr., will of, 107 ; Thomas, 100 ; William, 91 ; will of, 10(5. Alland Grange, farming tithes of, 78. Allen, Edward, 78 ; Robert, 43 ; Stephen, 19. Allington, Sir Giles of, 312. Allington, derivation of name of, 338; entry of, in Doomsday, 339 ; tradition as to Saxon castle at, 338 ; value of, in Doomsday, 341. Allington Castle, by Sir W. Martin Conway, 337 ; Brent family, owners of, 354; destroyed, 342 ; dovecotes at, 843 ; drainage of, 350; drawbridge at, 351: drawing of, in 1822, in British Museum. 300 ; fire at, 358, 300 ; fireplace, 318. date over, 359 ; foundations, 340, 342 ; garderobe at, 348 ; gatehouse, 344, 347, 350 ; manor house built, 343 ; moat, 34S, 350,351 note ; Penchester additions, 311 ; position of original postern, 302 ; restoration of, 301 ; Solomon's Tower, 348,350, 353, 359; state of, in 1700, 300; tenants of, 300 ; visit of Henry VII. and VIII. to, 357, 302; visit of Queen Catherine Parr to, 357 ; walls of, 341, 343, 345 ; windows in, 344 ; Wyatt family, owners of, 354. Allington Churoh, rebuilding of, 340. Alyn (Alyne), Joanne, 290 ; Riohard, M ; Thomas, 290 ; William, 98, Ambrose, John, 78 ; Peter, 77. Amherst, arms of, in Pembury Church, 330. Amyas. Bartholomew. 34, 37. Andrewes, William (goldsmith), mark of. 122. Anne, Queen of England. 375. Archer, Mary. 297 ; Widow, 297. Argiers, charges for, 53. Armorial glass iu Xettlestead Church window, 177. Armourers' Company, reference to maker's mark on standing salt belonging to, 143. Arms : Amherst, 330 ; at Toune. 200 ; Batisford. 228, 229 ; Beaufort, 180 ; Buckingham, Henry. Duke of, 191 ; Buckland, 211 ; Cheney, 201. 220 ; Cobham, 223, 238 ; Colepeper, 330 ; Dawling, 129 ; de Detling, 209; de Fiennes, 214; de la More, 237; Delsey, 234 ; de Pympe, 174, 190, 232—234; de Saye, 209, 210 ; de Shurland. 202; de Stafford, 179. ISO, 197; Dreylondes, 232; Etchingham. 231 ; Fremingham, 218 ; Hardreshull, 330 ; Harrington, 230 ; Islay, 218, 238 ; Jenkinson, 140; Loverick, 89 note ; Master, 120 ; Neville, 179 ; Parrock, 209 ; Passeles, 170 ; Peckham, 209 ; Pelham, 198 ; Penchester, 238 ; Peplesham, 197, 198, 228 ; Rykhill, 211; Salmans, 220; St. Leger, 221 ; Savage, 232 ; Scott, 190; Septvans, 212 ; Shottisbrooke, 201 ; Sybill. 303, 3(59 ; Ulster, Karl of, 330 ; Warner, 200 ; Woodgato, 330; Woodstock, 179. Arnold, George Matthews, obituary notice of, xcvii; Henry, 77. Arter, John, 107. Ash-by-Sandwich, 213. • Ashford, Annual Meeting at, Ixxvii ; founder of College at, lxxxiv ; land in, lxxxii; manor of, lxxxv ; visitation at, 299. Ashford Church, by Canon A. J. Pearman, lxxviii ; brass in, to Athol family, lxxxiii ; chantry founded in, lxxxii; legaoy to, lxxx, lxxxii; monuments in, lxxxiii— lxxxvii; pulpit and reredos presented to, lxxxvii; auoient stained382 GENEKAL INDEX. glass in, lxxxii ; tilting helmet in, lxxxv ; Vicar of, 319. Aspeden, Herts, Vicar of, 313. Astley, Sir Jacob, 300 ; John, Allington granted to, 357, 358 ; Sir John, 358. Aston, Reyner de, Vicar of Wye, 313 ; Stephen, 290. At, use of as prefix, 207 note. at Chirche (atte Cherche), Alice, 101 ; John. 93 : will of, 101 (2) ; Thomas, 101 ; William, 101. Atdane. Joan, 103 ; John, will of. 103 ; Nicholas, 113. Athackers, Abraham, 18. Atholl, David Strabolgie, Earl of, lxxxiii; Elizabeth, Countess of, lxxxiii. Atkinson, Mr., 42. Atnoke, Matilda, 103. at See (atte See), Cecilie May, 92 ; Elianor, 92 ; Hamo, 107 ; Hamond, 101; Harry, 112; Henry, 92, 99,112; John. 92, 105, 112; will o£, 92; Margaret, 105 ; Nicholas, 105, 111 ; Robert, 92, 112; Thomas, 114; William, 92, 99, 100 ; see also Hykkes. atte Hall, John, junr., 107, 108. atte Well, Henry, 94 ; William, 109 ; will of, 93. at Toune, Benedicta, 207 ; Elizabeth, 208 ; Thomas, 200, 207, 208. Audley, Margaret de, 180. Austen (Austin), Edward, 19 ; Rev. E., donor of church plate, 110; Francis, 17 ; Jeremy, 19 ; John, 10, 17, 20, 290; Joseph, 20 ; Marie, 19 ; Samuell, 17 ; Thomas, 19 ; William, 19, 20 (3) ; - , 17. Austry, Laurence, 291; Steven, 291. Ayine, John, 20. B Back, Humphrey, 370 ; Thomas, 370. Back's House, Milton, 370-8. Bacon, Stephen, 21. Badlesmere, Lord, 327. Baker, Anthony, 20 ; Roger, 20, 77, 78; Sa., 140; Silvester, Vicar of Wye, 313; Widow, 297. Bakere, land at, 101. Balam, Anthony, 139 ; Matilda, 139. Balcombe, Rector of, 313. Baldwin, Richard, 21, Balebregge, land called, 91. Ball, W. E., on the Stainedglass Windows of Nettlestead Church, 157. I Ballard, Richard. 19. j Banes, Robert, 89. j Bannister, Ralph, 171. Baptism at home, curious custom in connection with, 284. Barber. Adam, 20 ; William, 20. Barbett, William, 77. Barfreston St. Mary, Inventory of Church Plate at, 110. Bargrave, Isaac, 140. Barland, Thomas, 18. Barlyng, Thomas, 34. Barming, West, Manor of, 172, 219. Barnard Bros, (goldsmiths), mark of, 120. Barrett, Roger, 81. Barrey, Richard, 35. Barron, Oswald, 309. Bartholomew, atte Hothe, 15 ; of Sandwich, 39. Bartram, Canon, 320. Bashocke, John, 19 ; Richard, 19. Bassocke (Bassok), Wm., 294 ; William, junr., 290. Batchelor, John, farmer of the Rectory of Minster, 70. Bate, Alice, 91, 92 ; John, 92, 104 ; will of, 91 ; William, 92. Bate and Longe, action of, 53. Bateman, P. and W. (goldsmiths), mark of, 130. Bates, Nicholas, 19. Bathhurst (Battherst), Edward, 17 ; Goodwife, 18; John, 29G ; Margaret, 291 ; Richard, 18; Thomas, 10, 290, 290. Batisford, family of, 212, 217 ; Alice, 228 ; Klizabeth, 23. 215, 228 ; Joan, 228, 229 ; Margaret, 199, 215, 228 ; Sir William. 23, 199, 215,228,229, 231,241. Battle, Abbot and Convent of, presentation of Vicarage of Wye and Kingsnorth by, 313, 314. Battle Abbey, monks of, built church at Wye, 311. Battle Church, 9. Bawkham, John, 19. Bayham Abbey, 327. Baylie, George, 18. Bayly, land called, 96. Baynarscastell, land called, 98. Baynes, Jno., 121 ; Rev. M., 115. Beaoham, James (goldsmith), mark of, 145, 148. Beachinge, George, 21. Beaconhill, weir at, 107. Beaconsfield, Lord, visit of, to Ashford, lxxxvii. Beale, Abraham, 18 ; John, senr.. 17 William, 43, 47. GENERAL INDEX. 383 Bean, Deborah, donor of Church Plate, 133. Beauchamp, Guy, Earl of Warwick, 23 ; John, 23 ; Maud de, 23. Beaufort, Edmund, Earl of Somerset, 181 ; Joan, 187 ; John, of Gaunt, 182, 185 note, 187; Margaret. 181, 240 ; see also Somerset. Beaumont, Colonel. 71. Beckett, John. 20 ; Thomas, 20. Beckman, Professor, reference to Mirrors in his History of Inventions and Discoveries, 371. Bedale, John, Chaplain of Heme, 90. Bedford, George, Duke of, 1^)1 note; Jacquetta, Duchess of, lxxxiii. Beerye, Alexander, 285; Creature, 285 ; Johan, 285. Bekesbourne, Sussex, 31, 52. Bekyn, land at, 109. Bekynhill, land at, 97. Bolebregge, land at, 91, 100. Belke, Dr. Thomas, 321 ; William, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321. Bellinge house and land in Borough of, 93, 94, 105. 100, 107, 109. Ben, Robert. 80. Bence, Richard, 18. Benchkyns, Widow, 284. Benden, Agnete, 290 ; Edward, 290. Benenden, 228. Ben field, land called, 98. Bennett, James, 79 ; Stephen, 20. Berry, Widow, 52. Berwick, complaint against, 73. Bery, Isbel, 291 ; Thomas, legacy to Ashford Church, lxxxii. Berye, Agnes, 290 ; Alexander, 290. Besbeech (Besbech, Besbitoh), George, 10, 17; James, 10, 17; John, 43; Richard, 10, 12. Beseley, Benet, 288; Jane, 287 ; Marie, 287 ; Mary, 288 ; Richard, 280—291. Best, family of, resident at Allington, • 359 ; John, 359. Bestiaries, or Book of Beasts, reference to, 303, 304. Betteshanger, manor of, 117; St. Mary, Inventory of Church Plate at, 116 ; presentment of Churchwardens, 118. Bicker, Edmund, 80. Bigg, John, 19, 20. Billing, Robert, perpetual Curate of Wye, 325. Bing, John, 77; Thomas, 78; William, 80. Birch, Elias, 19. Birchington, 52. Birohington Wood, 31, Bishop, Alice, 14 ; John, 14 ; Richard, 14. Bising Street, land at, 99. Bisshop, Catherine, 140; Sir Cecil, 140. Bixe, Thomas, 48. Black Prince, lxxxiii. Blatherwick. Northants, 194, 195. Blickling, Norfolk. 195. Blise (Blyse), Joan. 90 ; Margaret, 95. Blount, Margaret. 231 ; William, 231. Bluett, Elias, 18. Bocton, property in, 234. Bodington. John (goldsmith), mark of, 128. Bodle. A., 4fi. Bodlye, Richard, 19. Bodyll, Anthony, 42. Bohun, Eleanor de, 1S2 ; Humphrey de, 182 ; Mary de, 182. Boleyn, Anne, 194, 195, 350; Sir Geoffrey, 195 ; Sir James, 195 ; Mary, 194, 195, 190; Sir Thomas, 195. Boll or Bolle, Richard, 95 ; Robert, 111. Bonnett, Richard, 20. Books, recent, on Kent Archaeology, xcix ; List of, added to Society's library, ciii ; Notices of, ciii. Bordars, meaning of, 339. Borden, Vicar of, 325. Borne, Humfrey, 290. Bosanquet, C. R., 327. Boston, William, 103. Bouckhurst, Mary, 294 ; see also Buckerst. Boughton Aluph, Curate of, 319; grant of the Church to College of Wye, 316, Boughton Monchelsea, 293. Boulogne, Eustace, Count of, 22; Galfred, Count of, 22 ; Pharamus, Count of, 22 ; William, Count of, 22 ; William, Earl of, 22. Bourchier, Isabel, 180 ; Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 109, 180, 215; Viscount, 186; Sir William, Earl of Eu, 180. Bourman, John, 297 ; Mary, 297. Bowdon, Edward, Provost of Wye College, 317 ; extract from will of, 317. Bowles, Tob., Mayor of Deal, 121. Bownde, John, 80. Boxe, Mr., 51. Boxer, James, 293, 295. Boyoe, Sir John, 40. Boykin, Alice, 94 ; Cristine, 94 ; Elinore, 94; James, 94 ; John. 90, 93, 94, 100, 112; Margaret. 94; Thomas, 94, 101. 384 GENERAL INDEX. Boyton, Wilts, Rector of, 325. Brabourne Church, 199. Bradd, John, 20 ; William, 20. Bragelond, James, 286. Bramber, Sussex, Rector of, 325. Brambiltiam, land called, 109. Brandon, Rev. P., donor of Church Plate, 118. Brasted, 195. Bratillys Hill, 16. Brattle, John, 20 ; Robert, 17 ; Thomas, 18. Bratyll, John, grants of land to, 15. Braydonstone, Shepway Court at, 6S, 71, 72. Brede, Rector of, 314. Bredhurst, Vicar of, 301. Bredhurst Paten, by the Editor, 301 ; date of, 302 ; size of, 303. Bregge, land at, 106. Bremps, John, 112. Brenchley. arms of, 229 ; family of, 212, 217 ; Joan, 228, 229, 231 ; John, 229; Sir William, 199, 228. 229, 230, 231, 241. Brenchley or Brenchesle, 15; estate in, 236 ; grant of lands at, 15 ; house called. Moatlands at, 229. Brent, Joan, 354 ; John, 77, 78, 354 ; Robert, 354 ; William, 230. Brenzett, 231 ; Church granted in mortmain to College of Wye, 316 ; Vicar of, 322. Bresland, Robert, 289. Brett, Alexander, 20; Rich., 128 ; Sir Robert, 4 9. Bridges, Jacob, 18. Bright, Edward, 17 ; Rev. Lawrence, Vicar of Swaylecliffe, 81. Brightlingsea, Essex, 31. Brightridge, John, 20. Brockman, Mr., 322. Brodhull or Brodereild, composition of Court of, 30. Brodpeice, land called, 99. Brodpetehill, land at, 100. Brokare, land called. 95. Bromehill, Sussex, 31. Bromfield, land near, 109. Bromsgrove, All Saints', Vicar of, 326. Bromycroft, land called, 15. Brook, John, 21. Brook Church, reference to ancient step-ladder in, 377. Brooke, Sir William, Constable of Dover Castle, 35. Brooker, Elizabeth, 16 ; John, 16. Broun,Rev. Thomas,Vicar of Wye, 314. Browne or Brown, Eleanor, lxxxv ; Rev. F., reference to Somersetshire Wills by, 374; John, 16; Margerie, 106 ; Mathewe, 19 ; Robert, lxxxv ; Simon, 106 ; Steven, 298 ; William, 298. Bruce, Beatrice, 23 ; Sir Thomas, 23. Bruneford, William de, Vicar of Wye, 312. Bryanston or Brumpston, John, 167, 172, 234, 236 ; Margery, 167, 172, 234, 236. Bucke, William, 65. Buckerst or Buckurst, Jacob, 291 ; James, 286, 294 ; Jeames, 294 ; William, senr., 285; see also Bouckhurst. Buckingham, Earl of, 188 ; Edward, Duke of, 190, 192, 196, 282; Eleanor, Duchess of, 192 ; Henry, Duke of, 170, 190 note ; Humphrey, Duke of, 169; Katherine, Duchess of, 171, 190 ; Ursula, Duchess of, 192. Buckland, arms of, 211 ; Jeames, 18 ; Thomas, 212. Buckler, Mr., 09 ; Walter, site of Wye College granted to, 318. Buddie, Edward, 30, 38. Bull, Miles, 80 ; Stephen, lxxx ; Thomas, 104. Bulling, Geoffrey, 108 ; Isabella, 108 ; William, will of, 108. Bulvarhythe, Sussex, 31. Bunce, James, 10. Bunicke, Nicholas, 19. Bunte, weirs at, 107. Burcote, Bucks, 205. Burgess, Henry, lxxxi i i ; John, lxxxii. Burgh, see de Burgh. Burial, early date of, after death, 284. Burley, field called, 112. Burmarsh, 126. Burnet, Robert, 15. Burre, John, grant of land by, 15. Burredge, G., 57. Burrowes, Thomas, 18. Bust, John, Rector of Penshurst, 320. But, Robert, 96. Butcher, William, 17, 19. Butler, Anne, 222 ; Thomas, Earl of Ormond, 222. Bylles, Eleonere, 290. Bynnemarke, land in, 110. Byshop, Margaret , 291; see also Bishop. Bysmer, Alexander, will of, 97 ; Alice, 95, 97 ; Dionisia, 97 ; Dionisie, 97 ; Joan, 95 ; Robert, 97 ; Thomas, will of, 95. C Cade Rebellion, 22, 203, 213, 353. Caerlaverock, siege of, 352. Calais, assembling of fleet at the siege of, in 1347, 30. GENERAL INDEX. 385 Calendar of Domestic State Papers, 1642, reference to bond in, 21. Callis Court, farming Rectory of, 80. Came, James. 294. Campion, Elizabeth, 17 ; Henry, Kt., 17 ; William. 17 ; Sir William, Kt., 10, 17. Cantelupe, Bishop Walter de, coffinpaten found in tomb of, in Worcester Cathedral, 301, 303. Canterbury, Appendix to Visitations of the Archdeacon of, by Arthur Hussey, 75. Canterbury, Richard, Archbishopelect of, 312. Canterbury, Annual Meeting at, lxxv; dispute with Faversham, 01 ; legacy to Christ Church Monastery, 103 ; Christ Church, Prior and Chapter grant probate, 83 ; Holy Cross, Vicar of, 323 ; Minute Book of Nonconformist Church in Guildhall Street, 140 ; St. Augustine's Abbey,legacy to, 103,310; Monks of, 92, 90 ; St. John's Hospital, inventory of Church Plate of. 153; St. Martin, 325 ; St. Mary Magdalene, Vicar of, 317 ; St. Mildred's. 317 ; St. Nicholas Hospital, inventory of Church Plate of, 149; St. Pancras Chapel, 103; St. Paul's, Vicars of, 313 ; Visitation at, 299. _ Canterbury Cathedral, Sir William Brenchley and wife buried in nave of, 229 ; reference to capitals in, 3 ; Church Plate, supplementary note to, 145 ; Church Plate, order of sale by Dean and Chapter, 145 ; legacy to, 310 ; extract from Register "G" in Library of, 83; St. Mary Chantry, Chaplaincy of, 314 ; Willesborough vicarage in gift of Dean and Chapter of, 321. Carey, Mary, 194 ; Sir William, 194. Oaroe, W. D., 302. Carpenter, Thomas, 20 ; William, will of, 98. Carpet, uses of, in the Middle Ages, 103. Carryer, Anthony, 293. Carter, Elizabeth. 119, 120 ; Nicholas, 119, 120; T. T., 124; William Drayton, perpetual Curate of Wye, 324. Casanbon, Meric, 146. Casineto, see de Casineto and Cheney. Caslock, John, 40, 44, 47. Castelocke, John, 34, 37, 38, 41,42, 44, 46. Castillion, John, farmer of tithes of Alland Grange, 78. Castle adulterine, meaning of, 342. Castleton, Daniel, 19. Catlin, Henry, 78. Cato, Thomas Ensor, perpetual Curate of Wye, 325. Caton, Sir John, Vicar of Heme, 112. Caudal], Joseph, 19. Cauldwell of Canterbury, repairer of windows in Nettlestead Church, 281. Cawne, Lora, 3S0 ; Sir Thomas, 379, 380. Celtic burials near Allington Castle, 337. Cess, laws for levying distress for nonpayment of. 37 ; for new Charter by Faversham, 40 ; for Ships of War and Ammunition by Faversham. 30, 37, 38. 40. 41, 40, 54, 55, 03. Chalkham, land at, 112. Chamberlain, J. S. ff., on Staplehurst Begister, 283. Chapter Act Books missing from Canterbury Cathedral, 145. Charing, land in, lxxxii; Visitation at, 299. Charlton, Dover, Rector of, 321. Charter of protection to a Baron of the Cinque Ports by the Mayor of his town or Limit, reference to article on, 29. Charters, Cinque Ports. 29. 35, 45, 53, 59. Chartham, Septvans estates in. 213 ; ordination of Vicar of Wye in Church at, 312. Chart Sutton, Curate of, 318 ; Ladd's Court at, 356. Chatham, St. Mary's, reference to tower of, 310. Chattbourne, William. 37. Chattenden, Roman interments at, xcv. Chebsey, Staffordshire, seat of the Stafford family, 194. Cheney or de Casineto, arms of. 202, 203, 220, 241 ; family of, 212. 218 ; Agnes, 202, 205,218; Sir Alexander, 202, 205, 206. 218; Alianore, 201, 202, 203, 206 ; Alice, 23 ; Edith, 206 ; Edmund, 200 ; Edward, Dean of Salisbury, 206 ; Eleanor, 172 ; Eliz., 167, 172, 206 (2); Geoffrey, 206; Humphry, 200; Joan, 221 ; John. 23, 221 ; Sir John. 172, 174, 199, 201, 203, 204, 200 (4), 213. 218, 220, 241, 277; Margaret, 206,228; Riohard, 199, 203, 206 ; Sir Richard, 167, 206.220 ; Robert. 205 ; Sir Robert, 202, 203, 200 ; Sir Roger, 206 ; TOI/. XXVIII. u c 386 GENERAL INDEX. Simon, 206; Thomas, Lord, 203, 206 ; Sir Thomas, 203, 206 ; William, 204, 205, 206 ; Sir William, 174, 199, 201, 200. 208, 220 (2), 221, 228, 231,241, 277. Cherleton, Hugh, 92. Cheseman,Creature.285; Thomas,294. Chessher, Sara. 102'; William, 102. Chestfield, Agnes, 100; Alice, i)6 ; Isabel, 100 ; Isabella, 96, 100 ; Joan, 96 (2); John, 93, 96 (2); Juliana, 90 ; Margaret, 96 ; Richard, will of, 96. 100 ; Robergia, 96 ; Robert, 100 ; Stephen, will of, 100 ; Thomas, 100 ; William, 90. Chevening, 210. Chichester, pre-Reformation paten in Cathedral Church of, 303. Chiddingstone, 195. Chilham, patron of, 819 ; Vicar of, 319. Ohillenden, William, 79. Chimhams, 373. Chimney-piece, old, from Back's House, Milton-by-Sittingbourne, 370. Chislet. extracts from the Acta- Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury relating to, 76; farmers of the rectory of, 70 ; woods in, 95. Christian names, unusual, in time of Elizabeth's reign. 295. 299. Church, John at, 98 ; Thomas at, 114 ; see also at Chirche. Church goods during the Commonwealth, fate of, 146. Church Plate in Kent, by Rev. C.E. Woodruff, H5-155. Church way, land at, 112. Cilt, Alnod, holder of Allington at time of Conquest, 338. Cinque Ports, Notes from Minute Books of the Corporation of Faversham, by F. F. Giraud, 28—74. Cinque Ports, Charters. 29 ; Charters and Records kept at Court Hall, New Romney, 73 ; complaint against various towns for levying duties on freemen of, 73 ; formation of Confederacy of, 29; Editorial Note on, 28 ; French fishing within jurisdiction of, 73 ; letters from Privy Council for supply of ships by, 55 ; presentation of plate to Lord Warden of, 44 ; MS. transcription of form and method of holding a Brotherhood or Guestling, 74 ; fee of Muster Master, 51, 52; persons arrested contrary to the liberties of, defended at ex.- pense of town, 65 ; rights and privileges, maintenance of, 06, 67. Cisgoffys, land called, 100. Clare, see De Clare. Clarence, Elizabeth, Duchess of, 336 ; Lionel, Duke of, 336. Clarendon, Anne Hyde, 374 ; Edward, Earl of, 374. Clarina, Lord, 326. Clarke, Joseph, 280 ; Ser., 61 ; Thomas, 19. Clergy, right of, to marry, 287, • Clerk, Rev. Richard, Vicar of Minster, 70 ; Thomas, 15. Cleves, Anne of, 195. Cleybrook, Rev. Thomas, Rector of Swaylecliffe. 81. Cliff, land called, 93, 107. Clinton, Ivonea, 23 : Lord, 23, 215. Clipmill, land at, 99. Clowt, Stephen, grant of land to, 15 ; William, 15. Cob. Godlef, 94 ; Rose, 90. Cobb, Agnes, 99. 113 ; Alice, 97, 100 ; James, 114 ; Joan, 100, 113 : John, 97,107,113,114. wills of, 97, 99,113; Richard, 106; Robert, 95, 90, 97, 99, will of, 106 ; Stephen, 97 ; Thomas, 97, 106, 107 ; Valentine, 106 ; Rev. William Francis, memorial to, in Nettlestead Church, 246 ; Rev. W. F., extraots from notes On Nettlestead Church by, 278. Cobbe, Richard, 92. Cobbysbregge, land at, 95. Cobeletesbrige, land at, 95. Cobham, Anicia, 352 ; Sir Henry, 352 ; Henry Brooke, Lord, 42 ; Henry de, first Baron Rundale, 237 ; Joan, 237, 352 ; John de, 352 ; John, Lord, 223 ; Margaret, 166, 223, 224, 248, 249, 278 ; Matilda, 166, 237; Maude, 353; Reginald de, 352 ; Stephen, 238, 352 ; Thomas de, 352 ; Sir Thomas, Lord Rundale. 100, 237. Cobham Church, brass to Maude de Pympe in, 353 : tomb of Margaret Cobham in, 248, 249. Cobham Family, arms of, 223, 237 ; reference to brass in Sepulchral Memorials of, 353. Cock, Rev. William, Rector of Swaylecliff, 81. Code, Jane, 290. Codd Family, 199. Codicote, Herts, Vicar of, 326. Coifam, William, 77. Colbrand, Nicholas, 76. Colchester, reference to twelfth" century keep of, 343. GENERAL INDEX. 387 Cole, Thomas, 34. Colepeper, John, 328, 332 ; Margaret, 331 ; Richard, 328 ; Thomas, 327, 328, 331 ; SirThomas, 332 ; Walter, 328 ; see also Culpeper. Colepeper, arms of, in Pembury Church, 330. Collins, Isaac, 81. Collinson, Mr., 73. Collonel, 148. Colnett, Rev. William, 121. Colnewood, James, 93. Colpett, Thos., 113. Colpye, Isabella, will of, 108; Thos., 108. Colthurst, Andrew, 374 ; Anne, 374 ; Matthew, 374. Columbers, Osbert, 347 ; Sir Philip de, 352 ; William, 342. Col well and Savage, 47. Colwode, Robt., 109, 111. Colwood, tenement called, 112. Colyar, Dorothy, 296. Combe, land called, 112. Comp, John, 103, Conce, Hew, 285 ; Joane, 285. .. Congresbury, Vicar of, 319. Consant, Thomas, 97. Consaunt, Alice, 111 ; Thos., 109. Constant, Nicholas, 77. Conway, Sir W. Martin, M.A., F.S.A., 337, 302. Conye, Mathewe, 21. Cordelay, John, Vicar of Wye, 313. Cornwallis, Archbishop, 324. Corvesir, meaning of, 102. Cosby, Henry, 78. Cossam, William, 77. Coting or Cotyng, William, 100 ,104. Coulman, Alexander, 17 ; Widow, 18. Counstall, land in, 93. Courtenay, Archbishop, 251, 313. Courthope, Peter, 18. Covert, William, 354. Cowden (Kowden) Cross, 15, Cowland, Thomas, 80. Cowmbe, land called, 109. Cralle, Margaret, 19H, 206, 228 (2); Robert, 199, 206, 228. Cralle, Sussex, 203, 228. Crathorne, William, 80. Craw, land called. 103. Creature, name given in baptism, 284, 285. Cressener, Rev. D. Astley, Vicar of Eastry, donor of Church Plate, 122, Crioll, Alice, lxxxiii. Crockford, Henry, 19. Croft, Archdeacon, 141. Cromwell, registers ordered to be kept by, 283. Crossley, F. H., 371. Crowmer. Margaret. 212; William, 204, 216. Croydon, St. James, Vicar of, 326. Crutchfeilde, Rich., 64. Culpeper, Edmund, 292; Thomas, 230; William, 17 ; see also Colepeper. Culpey, Thomas, 17. Curteysgate, land at, 107. Curtis, T. b\, 263, 281. Cuttisham, John, 101. D Daore, Joan, 217 ; Lord. 217. Dardill, Agnes, 102 ; Richard, 102. Darell's MSS., reference to List of Castles in time of Henry III. in, 340. Daron, John, 16. Dason, Anys, 295 ; Elizabeth, 296, Davy, Richard, 99. Dawling, arms of, 129 ; Rev. John, 129 ; Mary, 129. Day, Rev. H. C, Vicar of Bredhurst, 301. Daye, Goodman, 289. De Aldone, Elizabeth, 23; John, 23. De Averenohes or Abrincis, William, 1, 2. De Beauohamp, see Beauchamp. De Boulogne, see Boulogne. De Burgh, Elizabeth, 336 ; John, 330 ; John, Earl of Kent, 347 ; Margaret, 347. De Casineto, see Cheney. De Clare, Earls of Gloucester, 180; Elizabeth, 330; Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 330 ; Hawise, 22 ; —, 22, 180. De Corbeuil, Archbishop William, 1. De Danmartin, Agnes, 22 ; Raynold, 22 ; Simon, 22. De Dene, Benedicta, 207. De Detling. arms of, 209 ; Benedicta, 207 ; Joan. 207 ; John, 207. De Fynes, Pedigree of the Family of, by W. L. King, 22. De Fynes (Fiennes), arms of, 214, 241 ; family of, 212 ; Agnes, 22 ; Anne, 217; Elizabeth, 23, 228; EVramus, 214 ; Sir Giles, 23 ; Sir Ingelram, 22, 23 ; James, 22, 214 ; Sir James, 214, 241; Joan, 23 (2), 217 ; John, 22, 23, 214 ; John, Baron, 22 ; Sir John, 23 (2) ; Maude, 22 ; Richard, 215, 217 ; Roger, 214 ; Sir Roger, 215, 217, 231 ; Sybyl, 22, 23 ; Sir William. 22, 23 (3), 199, 214, 215, 228, 231. C 0 2 388 GENERAL INDEX. De Grentesmaisnil, Agnes, 22 ; Hugh, 22. De Leybourne, Juliana, lxxxii. De Longo, Avelina, 346. De la More, arms of, 237 ; Sir William, 237. De Orreby, Margaret, 347; Robert, 347. De Penchester, arms of, 238 ; Joan, 237 ; Margaret, owed suit for Allington, 339. De Pympe, arms of, 174, 196, 232— 234 ; note on pedigree of, 248. De Pympe, Alice, 166 ; Anne, 167 (2), 169. 173, 239, 202 ; Edward, 167 ; Elizabeth, 166 (3), 167 (2), 172, 213, 232, 275. 277 ; George, 107 ; Henry, 107,172; Isabella, 166, 169; Joan, 106; John, 166 (2), 167—171, 174, 170, 200, 219, 220, 221, 226, 227, 234, 236, 262 (2), 275, 277, 353; will of, 275; Margaret, 166, 223, 224, 249, 273, 278; Margery, 107, 109. 234; Matilda, 100.237,238; Philip, 106, 213 ; Philippa. 160, 169, 221 ; Reginald, 160 (2), 167, 169, 170 (2), 219, 229, 234, 241, 242. 202, 275, 277, 278 ; Sir Reginald, 167 ; Richard, 100 (2); Rose, 100; Thomas, 166 (3), 219; Sir Thomas. 106; William, 166 (3); Sir William, 100, 107, 223. 224, 229,237,249,273, 275, 278, 353 ; Winifred, 107, 172. De Saye, arms of, 209,210 ; barony of, 215 ; Agnes, 22. 202. 205, 218 ; Alice. 23;Baron,218; Beatrice,22,23; Elizabeth, 23 ; Geoffrey, 22 (2), 23 (3) ; Hawise, 22 ; Idonea, 23 (2), 215 ; Joan. 23, 215; John, 23: Lettioe. 22 ; Mary, 23 ; Maude, 23 ; Sybylj 23; William, 22, 23 ; William, Baron, 215 : William, Lord of Berling and Seale, 23, 202, 204, 205. De Shelving, Benedicta, 207 ; Joan, 207 ; John, 207. De Sodynton, Henry, lxxxii. De Shurland, Sir Robert, 202, 205. De Stafford, see Stafford. De Tyngrie, Sybyl. 22. De Vere, see Oxford, Earl of. Deal, 31, 52, 119 ; St. Andrew, Inventory of Church Plate of, 120 ; St. George, Inventory of Church Plate I of, 118 ; St. George's Chapel, perpetual Curate of, 137 ; St. Leonard, Inventory of Church Plate of, 120; Rector of, 121. Deale, Anthony, Mayor of Faversham, 42, 43, 44. Deane, —, 145. Deen, William, lxxxii. Delce, manor of, 235, i Delmar. W. B., donor of Church Plate, 126. Delsey, arms of, 235 ; family of, 166, 235. Den, James, 130. Dene, meaning of, 340. Dengewolde, land at, 100. Denyngton, Richard de, Vicar of Wye, 313. Derard, Thomas, 103. Derby, Henry, Earl of, 182. Dering on Differences, reference in, to tinctures in Heraldry, 237. Dering, Sir Edward, Kt., 57 ; Henenge, perpetual Curate of Wye, 323 ; —, Dean of Ripon, 323. Dexwell, Sir Basill, Governor of Dover Castle, 71, Deykyn, Thomas, 318. Digges, Sir Dudley, patron of Chilham, 319. Dixson, John Hulke, Vicar of Wye, 325. Doberose, John, 100. Dodson. Jeremy, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321. Doe, Robert, 140, 147. Domesday Book, reference to Allington in, 339 ; reference to Nettlestead Church in, 251 ; reference to Patrixbourne Church in, 305 ; reference to Wye Church in, 311. Doneraile, Viscount, 222; see also St. Leger. Donnett, Margaret, 175 ; Margerie, 221. Donstall, land at, 93. Donstonys, land called, 90. Donstroncefield, land called. 95. Dorset and Middlesex, Cranfeild, Earl of, 72. Doube, John, 18. Dover, 58, 71 ; Admiral Court at, 54 ; Chamberlain's Accounts, reference to an article on, 29 ; Chancery Court, jurisdiction of, 30, 34, 35 ; Constable of Castle, 214 ; Guestling at, 35, 30, 40, 41, 43 ; list of Limbs or Members Corporate of, 31 ; Mamimot Towers, 233 ; meeting at, concerning fines and amerciaments, 40 : Municipal Records of, reference to an article on, 29 ; Muster Master's fee, share of, 52 ; St. James' Church, Chancery Court at, 30, 39, 41, 42, 44, 40, 47, Guestling held in, 35 ; St. Mary's, soundholes in circular belfry of, 310; St. Mary the Virgin, 320. Dowele. Elene, 90 ; Henry. 90; John, .90, will of, 90. GENERAL INDEX. 389 Downegrove, land at. 95, 97. Draner, Alice, 290, 298 : Peter, 298 ; Robert, 290. Draughton, Nicholas, IS. Drewry, Sir Dru, 199. Dreylondes, arms of, 232 ; Constance, 232 ; Elizabeth, 232 ; John, 232 : Richard, 232. Druce, George C, on Sybill Arms at Little Mote, Eynsford, 303. Drury, Elizabeth, 190, 282 ; Sir William, 190, 282. Dubrose, John, 105. Dudley, Lord Guildford, 170 ; Lord Robert, Earl of Leicester, 176. Dudson, Nicholas, 18. Dungeness (Dengemarsh), 31. Dunstonys, land called, 111. Durrans, Mr., 147. Durrant, John, 148. Durtnall, Alice, 290. Duxburie, John, 02. Dyne, William, 103. Dyrtuall, Johannes, 290. E Eadard, Jas., 114. Earle, Thomas, 19. Eastbridge, Rector of, 321. Eastland, Roger, 20 ; William, 20. Eastling. 317. Eastry, St. Mary the Virgin, Inventory of Church Plate of, 122 ; Vicar of,'122. Fastwcll, Rectors of, 323, 324. Eastwell, Alice, 113; William, 90. Easwell, Agnes, 95 ; John, 112. Eddington, reference to rebuilding of, 252. Eddye, Nathanael, 292 ; William, 292. Bdgcombe, Matilda. 139 ; Richard, Lord, 139. Edington, land and messuages at, 96, 106. Editorial Notes, cvii, 9, 33, 74, 75, 278, 336, 351. Edward Ii., King of England, 23. Edward III., King of England, 187, 191. Edward IV., King of England, 162, 190, 191, 222. Edwards, Mr., 49, 57, 61 ; Reginald, 45, 47. Edynham, Hugh de, Vicar of Wye, 313. Elbot, land called. 100. Elinton, William de, 342, 343. Ellett, Richard, 18. Elliott, Robert, pulpit in Ashford Ohuroh presented by, Ixxxvii. Ellis, William Thomas, perpetual Curate of Wye, 324. Elmer, James. 110. Blmstone, Rector of, 128. Elphe, Agnes, 100. Elrington, Sir John, 231 ; Margaret, 231. Elvin, Rev. C.reference to his Records of Walmci\ 141. Elyce. John, 15 ; Thomas, 15. Elys, Robert, 318 ; Thomas, 15, 89. Eslingham or Frindsbury, 211; manor of, 230. Essex, Godfrey, Earl of, 22. Etchingham. arms of, 231 ; family of, 212, 217 ; ' Alice, 228, 231 ; Anne, 217 ; Elizabeth, 231 ; Joan, 228, 229, 230 ; Margaret, 231 ; Sir Thomas. 217, 231 ; Sir William, 199, 228,230, 231. Ethelbert 11., King of Kent, reference to Wye in grant by, 311. Ethelwulf, King, charter of, dated at Wye, 311. Eu, Earl of, see Bourchier. Eustace, Honour of, 22. Everden, Thomas, 20. Ewan or Ewayn, John, Vicar of Wye, 313 ; Richard, master of College of Wye, 315. Ewell. Alex., Ill ; John, 93, 94. 97, 99, 102 ; Richard, 109. Ewhurst, Rector of, 314. Exeter, Anne, Duchess of, 222 ; Holland, Duke of, 222 ; Duchess of, 190. Eynsford, Sybill Arms at Little Mote, by George C. Druce, 303 ,• reference to article by R. H. E. Hill. 363. Eythome, SS. Peter and Paul, Inventory of Church Plate at, 123 ; reference to position of tower of, 310. F Fairford,Gloucester,fifteenth-century glass in Church at, 246 ; rebuilding of part of Church, 258. Falcke, Dudley C, 361. Fallow and Hope, date of paten ascribed by, 115. Fanchon, Farmer, 360. Fane. Henry, 20. Fant. William, 291 (2). Fanting or Fantyng, Edmund, 105 ; John, 108, 111 ; Thos.,97 (2) ; William, 105. Fantyne, Christina, 111; John, 111. 390 GENERAL INDEX. Farningham, estate in, 238 ; manor of, 218, 219, 226; origin of the name. 218. Fasting in Lent, enforcement of, in Elizabeth's reign, 294. Faussett, T. G., 29, 103, 209. Faversham. 31, 52, 234 : Cesses of, 36, 37,38, 40, 41, 46, 54, 55, 63; Charters of, 35, 45, 53. 59 : claim for exemption from jurisdiction of Chancery Court, Dover, 30, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47 ; coronation of James II. solemnized at, 70 ; fifteenth, share of, 38, 39 ; money lent to King. 68 ; monument in Church to Elizabeth Withiot, 232; Notes from Minute Books of the Corporation of, by F. F. Giraud, 28 ; Orders of a Guestling entered in Wardmote Book, 72 ; Plague in, 46 ; sluices and channels, maintenance of, 50 ; Visitation at, 299; Wardmote Book, 28 ; watch kept for discovery of foreign invasion, 55. Faversham, Earl of, 209 ; see also Sondes. Fawer, Richard, 102. Fayreware (Fayrewar, Fayrwar), Agnes, 113 ; Joan, 113, will of, 110; John, 110, will of, 113; Marione, 113; Parnill, 113 ; Petrenille, 110 ; Richard, 109 ; Thomas, 95, 100. Fay re way e, Edward, 20. Kearne, Mr., 65. Feet of Fines relating to Goudhurst district, 16. Furman, Sir Thomas, 114. Fermingar, Vincent, 104. Ferrers, Lord, lxxxiii; Robert, perpetual Curate of Wye, 320; Thomas, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321. Fidge, Thomas, 64. Field names, list of, 88. Fiennes, see De Fynes. Finch Family, 199. Finche, Edward, 296. Fineaux, Elizabeth, lxxxvi; John, lxxxvi. Finn, Hugh, 76. Fishe (Fyshe), John, 60, 01. Fitz-Hugh, Lord, owner of Allington, 342. Fitzwalter, Blanche, 222 ; Lord, 222. Floyd, Mr., 358. Flyssherte. 15. Foard, John, 20. Fogge, Eleanor, lxxxv; Sir John, lxxxiii; Thomas, lxxxv. Folkestone, 31, 52. Folkestone Parish Church, with reference to date of its earliest portion, by W. L. Button, l; Aisles of, 3, 5 ; Arcades, 9 ; Capitals, 3 ; Chancel, 5 ; Charter of Foundation, 1 ; Nave, 3, 4 ; restoration of, 7 ; Sacrarium, 6, 8 ; Tower, 5 ; Windows, 8. Folliot, Sybyl, 23. Fonte, Frances, 294 ; John, 294. Footscray, manor of, 200. Ford, reference to manor of, 101. Fordisfield, land at, 95. Fordwich, 31, 52. Forester, Henry, Vicar of Wye, 313, Fosid, Jone, 295 ; Margaret, 295. Foss's lives of the Judges, references to, 220 ; Brenchley' and Cheney families in, 220 ; reference to Sir William Rykhill, 229. Foster, John, 16. Fountain, Mr. and Mrs., 372. i Frampton, Rev. T. S., on the Vicars, Masters or Provosts, and perpetual Curates of the Church of SS. Gregory and Martin, Wye, 3ii. Francis, Lewknor, 20. Francklyn, James, 66. Fremingham, arms of, 218 ; Alice, 219; Joan, 219, 238; Sir John, 218, 219, 226. 227, 238, 241 ; Sir Ralph, 160 ; —, 107. French, raids of, 7. Freningham, Alice, 109; Isabella, 110; Joan, 109; Vincent, 90, 97, 99, 100, 109 ; will of, 109. Frindsbury, see Eslingham. Fry, George, 121. Fryttenten, 293. Fuller, Creature, 285 ; John, 18, 77 ; Robert, 17 ; Steven. 285 ; Thomas, 291; William, 291. ' Furley, Robert, reredos in Ashford Church presented by, Ixxxvii. Furnese, Sir Henry, 138,139 ; Matilda, 139. Fylle, Richard, 100. Fynche, Christopher, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43. Fynes, see De Fynes. G Gainsford, Joan, 354 ; John, 354 ; Nicholas, 354 ; Robert, 354. Gararde, Katherine, 290. Gardiner, Thomas, Vicar of Seasalter, 80. GENERAL INDEX. 39 l Gardner-Waterman, Rev. W., 301 ; photographs by, 284. Gare, Alice, 10 ; John, 10. Garland, Nicholas, 318. Garrett, John, 19. Gate, Joan, 94. Gattisfield, land at, 94. Gauge, Thomas, master of College of Wye, 315; will of, 315. Gaye, Thomas, 81. Gee, Jane, 70 ; Rev. John, Vicar of Tenterden, 70. Geering, Mr., 378. German, Alyn, 297. Gibbons, Edmund, 20. Gibson, Thomas, 19. Gierson, John, 290. Giffard, Rear-Admiral, xcvi. Giles, Thomas, 77, 79 ; William, 79. Gillingham, discovery of vase containing minimi, xcii. Gipps, George, 322. Giraud, F. F., on Notes from Minute Books of the Corporation of Faversham, 28. Glass, fifteenth-century, 242—247, 255. Gloucester, Richard, Duke of, 230; Thomas Woodstock, Duke of, murder of, 230. Glover, Uaniel, Mayor of Faversham, 71. Goalor, Thomas, 20. Goatly, Reynold, bequeathed silver flagon to Wye Church, 320. Godmersham, vicarage of, 312. Godwin, Earl, 338 ; Ulnoth, 338. Goff, Agnes, 100 ; Alexander, 100 (2) ; Isabel, 100 ; Joan, 99, 100; John, 94 ; wills of, 99,100 ; Thomas, 100 ; William, 100. Goffs. William, 98. Gogh, Alex., 112. Golde, Thomas, 15. Goldfinch, William, 77, 78. Goldstone, Rev. John, Vicar of Ivychurch, lxxxiii. Goliforde, Robert, perpetual Curate of Wye, 319. Gonneston, Edward, Vicar of Seasalter, 80. Goodhewe or Gudheue, John, Provost of College of Wye, 317. Goodwin of Maidstone, builder of organ in Nettlestead Church, 280. Gordon, Edward, 14 ; Sere, 14. Gore, John, 77. Goresend, 31. Gorewood, wood oalled, 112. Goudhurst and Neighbourhood, MSS. relating to, by R. H. Ernest Hill, 10. Goudhurst, briefs from London churches, 13; churchwardens of, 10 ; documents relating to the church tower, 10 ; Feet of Fines, 10 ; Lay Subsidy. 16 ; tower, height of. 11; walls, thickness of, 11 ; wills relating to, 13, 14. Goulding, Roger, 20. Gower, Edward, 19. Goye, Robert, 20. Grafton. Staffs, 194. Grandison, Sir Thomas, 23. Grayham, Robert, 14. Grayling, Dr., summary of report on the two rood-turrets of Horsmonden Church, cv. Gt. Chart, Vicar of, 319, 320. Gt. Yarmouth, fixing the price of herrings brought into, 73. Greeneham, land at, 95. Greenhill, tenement called, 91. Grench, 31. Greneham, Alice, 101 (2) ; Cristine, 101 ; James, 101 ; Joan, 101 ; John, 101 ; Richard, will of, 101 ; Rose, 101. Gronehill, legacy for repair of road at. 112.' Urenham, Benedicta, 90 ; John, 90 ; Thomas, will of, 90 ; William, 90. Grentesmaisnil, sec De Grentesmaisnil. Grey, Lady Jane, 170. Griffin, Matthew, 77. Griffiths, Rev. T, LL., Rector of St. Leonard, Deal, 121. Grombridge, Alexander, 10, 17. Grostote, Bishop, pre - Reformation paten found in grave of, at Lincoln Cathedral, 303. Grovefield, messuage and laud called, 112. Groveley, William, 90. Grumpridy, Humfridi, 290 ; Ilumfridus, 290 ; Riohard, 290. Guestling, Court of, derivation of its name. 32 note. Guildeford, Anne, 107, 170,239; Edward, 174, 170, 277 ; Elizabeth, 170, 239; George, 174, 176 ; Jane, 170 ; Sir John, 160, 176; Philippa, 100; Sir Riohard, 167, 170 (2), 239. Guldeford, —, lxxxiii. Gulliford, Robert, Prebendary of Bristol, 319. Gunnyng, John, 285 ; Margaret, 285 ; Symon, 285, 291. 392 GENERAL INDEX. Gurnard, Richard, farmer of rectory of Salmeston with Deane, 79. Guynes or Guisnes, Abbess of, 317. Gyles, John. 291; Samuel, 291. H Hackards, land called, 109. Hadd, Mr., 45. Haffynden, Creature, 285 ; John, 285. Hagh, messuage in borough of, 94. Haieman, Richard, 19. Hake, Thomas, junr., 17; Thomas,' senr., 17. Halbush, land at, 106. Halday, Hamond, 111. Halere, Robert, 15. Halfield, land at, 96. Hales, Edward, 16 ; Edward, Mayor of Faversham, 51 ; Sir Edward, Kt., 58, 64 ; Mr., 56. Hall, Agnes, 99 ; John, 99 ; Thomas, 99. Hall Bush, land called, 112. Hallance, Frances, 20. Hallett, Hughes, Vicar of Patrixbourne, 300 ; John, 44, 45. Hall wood, land in, 112. Ham, St. George, Inventory of Church Plate of, 124. HametonHill, 101. Hamilton, Rev. Walter, Vicar of Whitfield, donor of Ohurch Plate, 143. Hammon, Andrew, 295 ; Jelyon, 296 ; Mary, 18. Hammond, Godleve, 89 ; John, 106, 108 ; Margarie. 89 ; William, 83, will of, 89. Hamnell, Denys, 294. Hamon, John, 95. Hamond, Alice, 114 ; John, 94, will of, 113 ; Margerie, 113 ; Richard, 14. Hampden, Bartholomew, 23. Hampton, Agnes, 95 ; Christine, 95 ; Cristina. will of, 110 ; Isabell, 110 ; James, 90, 92, 95, 111, will of, 95 ; John, 95; John, junr., 90 ; John, senr., will of, 90 ; Margaret, 110. Hampton, land at, 92, 104, 106. Hampton Hill, messuage at, 95. Harbach, Robert, 21. Harbledown, St. Nicholas Hospital, ancient step-ladders in, 377. Hardes, Elinor, 97, 113 ; Henry, will of, 97 ; John, 97, 113 (2) ; Robert, 97, 113; William, 97, 113. Hardis, land called, 100. Hardman and Powell (goldsmiths), mark of, 124. Hardres, land called, 100. Hardreshull, arms of, 330 ; family of, 328. Hardwick, Alice, 290 ; Earl of, donor of Church Plate, 130. Hargreaves, Ann, 321 ; Christopher, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321. Harl. MS. 3917, Arms and Monuinents in Churches in Kent in, 164 ; MS. 1245, reference to pedigree of Makenades in, 233. Harnden, Alice, 297 ; Andrew, 297. Harnill, barn called at, 100. Harrington, arms of, 236 ; John. 236 ; Sir Robert, 236. Harris, John, 20. Hart, Francis, 73. Hartredge, Alice, 17 ; Elizabeth, 18; John, 17. Hartwell, William, lxxxii. Harvey, Marshall, 376. Hastings, 36, 52 ; Guestling at, 60 ; list of Limbs or Members Corporate of, 31. Hastings, Lord, lxxxiii. Hatton, George Finch, pat ron of Wye, 324. Haugh, Borough of, 109. Haute, Alice, lxxxiii, lxxxv ; Richard, 14; Thomas, 14; Sir William, lxxxiii. Hawkesbury, Baron, arms of, 140. Hawkhurst, Vicar of, 314. Hawkins, Dr., 45. Hayes, Agnete, 290. Hayward, Jo., Mayor of Faversham, 46 ; John, 48 ; Katherine, 281 ; Mary, 19 ; Sir Rowland, 281. Hellys, James, 15. Hemsted in Benenden, 17(5. Henberrie, William, 21. Henden, Ser, 61 ; Thomas, 289, 291. Henden, manor of, 195. Hendley, Sir Thomas, Kt., High Sheriff of Kent, 02 ; William, Mayor of Faversham, 71. Henf orde. legacy to repair road at, 112. Hennan, William, 80. Henry III., initiation of a naval policy by, 29. Henry IV., 182. Heraldry, references to, 237, 364, 365, 366, 370, 371. Heralds' Visitation of Kent, 1663-8, reference to Best Family in, 359. Hereford, Earl of, 188. Heme, 235 ; Chantry of, 109 ; Fish Weirs, 85 ; legacies to the poor, 98 ; legacies for repairs to roads in, 97, 98, 112. Heme Church, brasses in, 9, 89; legacies to, 89—113 : St. Mart in, 89. GENERAL INDEX. 393 Heme Wills, Abstracts from, by Arthur Hussey, 83 ; alphabetical list of land in, 87 ; list of messuages in, 86 ; index of persons making, 88 ; list of place names in, 86. Hever, 195. Hewer, John, Vicar of Marden, 14. Hewinding, land called, 100. Hiewood, George. 19 ; Robert, 20. Higelyn, Alice, 109, 110. Higgins, William, 81. Higgs, Mr., 72. Higham, Anglo-Saxon interment with list of contents at, xci; bronzeworker's hoard discovered at, xc: Roman interment with contents at, xc, xci. Higham Magna or Petit Iham, 31. Hik, James, 106 ; see also Hykk. Hikks, John, senr., 107; see also Hykks. Hil, John, 207. Hilderson, Mar, 148. Hildswell, John, 207. Hill, R. H. Ernest, on MSS. relating to Goudhurst and neighbourhood, 10 ; reference to article on Little Mote, Eynsford, 363 ; on Sybill of Eynesford and Farningham, 373. Hilles, William, 62. Hills, William, 19,61,62. Hoare's History of Wilts, reference to brass in Tesbury Ohurch in. 373. Hoath (Hoth), land in, 110 ; legacy to Chapel of, 90. 93. Hobday, Edward, 121. Hoberland, land in, 92. Hodge, William, 18. Hodgekyn, Thomas. 18. Hodlowis, land at, 91. 97. 102. Hokely. land called, 98. Holbein, portrait of Sir Henry Wyatt by, 355. Holden in Rolvenden, 176. Holman, John, 81. Holmes, James, 10, 11, 13. Holttum, Miss, donor of Church Plate, 144, Home, Rd., lxxxii. Honywood, Robert, 319. Hoo, Thomas, 91. Hook, land at, 101. Hope, Ann, 373 ; Richard, 18 ; W. H. St. John, 301, 349. Hopper, Creature, 285 ; John, 285. Horden, Mathewe, 17. Horder, John, 18. Hore, Josyas, 297. Horewood, Geoffrey de, Vicar of Wye, 312. Horne, Elena, will of, 107 : Margaret, 107 ; Robert, 105, 107 ; Thomas, 107 ; Vincent, 107. Horsmonden, cv, 15, 16. Horsmonden, Alicej 14 ; Anne, 14 ; Dennis, 14 ; Elizabeth, 14 ; Joane, 13, 14; John, 10, 13, 17. will of, 14; John, senr., will of, 13: Mrs., 17 ; Richard, 13, 14 ; Thomas, 14, Horsmonden Church, letter from Mr. Aymer Vallance on the two roodturrets of, with summary of report by Dr. Grayling, cv. Horton Kirby, manor of, 339, 354. Hoth, see Hoath. Hoult, Mrs., 129. Houting, John, 93. Howard Cup, 146. Howell, Thomas, 17. Howting, John, 99, 101, Hudson, Christopher, 42, 43, 45. Hudzole, Thomas, 290. Huffam, Vincent, Vicar of Seasalter. 80. Hunt, John, 21 ; Robert, 107; Stephen, 77. Hunterstreet, land and messuages at, 102, 106, 109. Huntingdon, Juliana, Countess of, lxxxii; William, Earl of, lxxxii. Hurstmonceaux, 23, 214, 217. Hussey, Arthur, Appendix to the Visitation of the Archdeacon of, 75 ; extract from presentments of Churchwardens of St. Mary, Betteshanger, 118; Heme Wills, Abstracts, 83. Hutchens, John, 54. Hutchesson, Rev. Thomas. Vicar of Northbourne, donor of Church Plate, 128. Huttchyns, Richard, 37. Hyde, Anne, 373 ; Henry, 374 ; Lawrence, 373, 374; Mary, 374; Robert, 373. Hydney, 31. Hykk, Hamo, 108; John, 108; see also Hikk. Hykks (Hykkes, Hyks, or at Sale), Alexander. 109 ; Andrew, 109 ; Elinore, 109 ; George. 109 ; Isabell, 109, 111; Isabella, 109; James, 107; Joan, 109 ; John, will of, 109 ; John, senr,, 107, 108, 111, will of, 108; Margaret, 109, 111 ; Margery, 107, 111 ; Richard, 109 ; Thomas, 109; William, will of, 107; see also Hikks. 394 GENERAL INDEX. Hythe, 37,52 ; curacy of, 319 ; guestling at, 34, 39 ; list of Limbs or Members Corporate of. 31. Hythe, West. 31. I Icklesham Ohurch, Sussex, reference to windows iu, 379. Ightham Church, Cawne Window and Monument, by the Editor, 379. Iham Petit or Higham, Sussex, 31. Index of names of Heme Wills, 88. Inventories of Church Plate and other goods at Canterbury Cathedral, 145—148. Isabella, Queen of England, visit to Leeds Castle, 328. Islay, Anne, 210 ; Klizabefch. 176, 239 ; Sir Henry, 170, 210, 239; Isabel, 200, 239; Joan, 219, 238; John. 219 (2), 238, 239 ; Roger, 210, 219, 226, 227, 238 ; Sir Roger. 238, 239 ; Thomas, 170, 239; William. 204; Sir William, 200, 239. Islay, arms of, 218, 238. Islip, Archbishop, 31. Ive. Margaret, 105 ; William, 105, 108, 109. 1 vychurch, Vicar of, lxxxiii, 320. J Jackson, Dr., 145 ; Nicholas, 78 ; Thomas, 140, 319. James II., King of England, coronation of, 70. James, Sir Walter, first Lord Northbourne, donor of Church Plate, 17. Jancock or Johncocke, Geoffrey, 79. Jarvis, Thomas, 19. Jefferay, John, 140. Jenken, William, 77. Jenkin, Thomas, 80 ; William, farmer of the Rectory of Minster, 70. Jenkyn, Robert, 109. Jevvitt, Orlando, 379. John, Harry, 14. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 120; Thomas, 18. Johnstoun, —, 148. Jones, Tnigo, designed Lees Court, 208 ; James, 78 : Matthias, 77 ; Thomas, 77. Jordain, Joane, 23 ; John, 23. Joyeux, Anne, Countess of, lxxxiv. Judde, Sir Andrew, founder of Tonbridge School, lxxxvi. K Kantes, Richard, 110. Kechynfield, croft called, 112. Keith and Co. (goldsmiths), mark of, 118. Kell, Ireland, 326. Kemp, Bodley and Scott, window in Nettlestead Church restored by, 280. Kemp, Beatrice, 314 ; John, Archbishop of York and founder of Wye College, 314; Thomas, 314; Thomas, Bishop of London, 316. Kempe, Eleanor, lxxxv ; Sir William, lxxxv. Kemsing, manor of, 214. Kenepp, wood called. 98. Kenett (Kenet), Alice, 111; Henry, legacy to Ashford Church by, lxxii; Isabell, 100; Nicholas, 100, 111, 112. Kennett. Jo., 02, 04, 65, 70, 71 ; Margerie, 99 ; Thomas. 45, 46, 47, 48, 58 ; William, 99. Kennington, land in. lxxxii; Vicar of, 323. Keyne. Samuell, 19. King, W. L., on Pedigree of the family of De Fynes, 22. Kingsdown, 31, 52; St. John the Evangelist, Inventory of Church Plate of, 125. Kingsford, Jno., 121. Kingsley, William, 146. Kingsmell, George, 19. Kingsnorth, Vicar of, presented by the Abbot and Convent of Battle, 313. Kingswold, 52. Kinsman, Edmund, 10. 11. Kirby Moorside, Yorks, Rector of, 325. Kittelane, land called, 15. Knabbs, Thomas, 19. Kneape (Kneepe), Agnes, 105 ; Joan, 105 ; John, 97 ; will of, 105. Kneapes, messuage at, 105. Knightingale, Ann, 322. Knookner, Edward, reference to article by, 29. Knole, 215. Knole Park, 23. Knowler, Mr., 61. Knowlton, Inventory of Church Plate at, 125. Knype, John, 105 note. Kybbett, Humphrey, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40—44. Kyppyng, Thomas, 16. Kytcrofte, land called, 15. GENERAL INDEX. 395 L La Case, manor of, 229. Lacy, Richard, 99. Laigdiche, land called, 99. Lailare, John. 111. Lake. Hugh, 12, 21. Lambard, Thomas, 20. Lambe, Mr., 35, 30 ; Robert, mayor of Faversham, 43. Lamberhurst, land in, 10. Lambert, G. (goldsmith), mark of, 141 ; James, 52, 53 ; Tho., 52. Lame, Robert, 42. Laminge, Roger, 76. Lampkyn, Thomas, 19. Lamsyn, Agnes, 110 note; Isabella, 110; John, 110 note; Thomas, 110 note ; Vincent, 110 ; William, 110. Lane, Josiah, 119. Lands, list of, mentioned in Heme Wills, 87. Langdon, East, St. Augustine, Inventory of Church Plate of, 126. Langdon, West, St. Mary, Inventory of Church Plate of, 127. Langdon, John, 99. Langford, Mary, 374. Langham, George, 148. Larking, Rev. Lambert, 361. Larkyn, John, 64. Larrance, John, 20. Laurence, Steven, 297 ; Thomas, 297. Laurenson, land called, 95. Lause, William, Curate of Wye, 319. Lavers and Barroud, designers of glass in Nettlestead Church, 280. Lawrence, John, 47. Lay Subsidy of Goudhurst, 16. Leaneham, 293. Lede, James, 291. Lee, John, 147. Leechynges, John, 296. Leedes, Thomas, 12. Leeds Castle, 327. Leeds Court, 208. Le Mote, manor of, 229. Lenarde, Jane, 287. Lenham, visitation at, 299. Lenham, John, 18. Lent, licence to eat meat during, 294, 295. Lesnes, Abbey of, completed by Godfrey de Luci, 312. Levenacres, land at the, 94. Leverick (Loverick), arms of, 89 note ; Anthony, 89, 103 ; Constantia, 89 ; Henry, 103 ; Joan, 103.; John, 103 ; Thomas, 103. Lewes, Jane, 290 ; Owen, 290. Lewitt, William, 19. Ley, Timothy (goldsmith), mark of, 116, 144. Leybourne, Idonea, 23 ; Lord, 23. Linton, 23. Lincoln, pre-Reformation paten in Cathedral Church, 303. Lingfield, Surrey, media?val shop front at, 376. Linstead, 200. Little Farthing, land called, 106. Liverpool, Catherine. Countess of, 140 ; Charles Jenkinson, Earl of, donor of Church Plate, 140. Livett, Rev. G. M., F.S.A., Hon. Editor, lxxii ; on Nettlestead Church, 251 ; on Bredhurst Paten, 301; on Architectural Notes on Patrixbourne Church, 305; on Ightham Church, Cawne Monument, 379. Lock, Nash (goldsmith), mark of, 127. Locke, Edward, 378. Lockwood, 337. Lomepetts, land called, 100. London, St. Alphage, Cripplegate, monuments in, to Cheney Family. 221 ; St. Benet, Paul's Wharf, monuments in, to Sir Wm. Cheney and wife, 221 ; St. Lawrence, Jewry, Rector of, 121 ; St. Mary Magdalene, Old Fish Street, Rector of, 121. Long, Edward, 70. Long . . ., Johan, 296. Longacre, land called, 112. Lose, manor of, 172, 219. Loutheabar, land called, 93. Love, John, 81. Lovelace, Fr., 60. Lower Medway Navigation Co., power to build lock at Allington, 301. Lower, on tinctures in heraldry in Curiosities of Heraldry, 237 ; on derivation of name of Septvans in Patronymica Britanniea, 212. Luci or Lucy, Godfrey de, 312 ; Richard, 312 ; Walter de, Abbot of Battle, 311. Lucke, Richard, 19. Luddesdon, 212. Lukin, Paul, 81. Lunse, Thomas, 80 ; William, 100, 107. Lydd, 31, 52, 53 ; petition of, 73. Lyghe, 352. Lynohe, William, 109. Lyndrioh, Alexander, 20. Lytleoroft, land known as, 15. 396 GENERAL INDEX. M Maidstone, 293 ; All Saints, reference to rebuilding of, 251 ; reference to tower of, 310 ; SS. Michael and All Angels. Vicar of, 320 ; visitations at, 299. Makenade, manor of. 234. Makenade. arms of, 233 : Peter. 234 ; William, 219, 231 (2) ; William de, 234 ; —. 100. Malym, Henry. 280 ; Richard, 280. Malyn, Thos., ill. Malta Inn, 337. Mamimot (Mamingot, Magminot, Maginiot), 233. Maminot, Lettice, 22 ; Wakelyn, 22. Mandale. Blain, Rector of Ripple, 130, 131. Mandeville, Beatrice, 22 ; William, 22. Manne, Alice, 297 ; Mathew, 297. Manners, Sir George, Lord Roos, 222. Manston, Joan, 103 ; John, 103 ; Roger, lxxxiii; William, 103. Maplesden, Katherine, 10. Marchant, Anne, 19; Nicholas. 20; Robert, 20. Marden, 10 ; Vicar of, 11, 293. Marden, East, 14. Margate, 31. Markeweeke, Marie, 18. Markham, Samuel, perpetual Curate of Wye, 322. Marly, George, farmer of the Rectory of Salmeston with Deane, 79. Marshall, John, 23 ; Sybyl, 23. Marsham, Sir Robert, first Lord Romney, exchanged Allington for his estates in Norfolk, 360. Marten, Jeames, 19. Martin, Rev. John, Vicar of St. Clement's, Sandwich, 132. Martinshill, land called, 94, 99. Martock, Somerset, manor of, 22. Martyn, —, 289. Mary, Queen of England, 288, 291, 375. Mascall, Alexander, Vicar of Marden, 293. Maschall, Richard, 17. MascoU. Robert, donor of Church Plate.' 155. Mash, Robert, 18. Maskell collection in British Museum, reference to, 370. Massey, Hon. Adolphus, 320 ; Henry Tuthill. Vicar of Wye, 320. Mastall, John, 72. Master, arms of, 120 ; Streynsham, donor of Church Plate, 126 ; William, 319. I Maud, Queen, 214. | May, Joan, 103 ; John. 89 ; Richard, j 92. 103. I Maycott, Joan. 104; William, 104. i Mayny, Walter, 297 ; Widow, 297. Mayor and Common Council, origin I of, 32. Maxwell. Robert, 318. Mazar bowls, 149, 153. ! Meare, Barnard, 19. Mears, Messrs., bells of Nettlestead j Church recast by, 281. | Medebroke. land at, 93. Medherst, Alice, 290. Medway Marshes, discovery of Roman pottery in, xciv. Meetings, Annual, 1900—8, Ixxiv. Menfeild, Tho., 40, 17, 18. Menville, John, 81. Mereson, Thomas, 18. Mereworth. maker's mark on chalice at, 125. Meriam, Steven, 290. Merioke, Mr., 293. Merrit, Mathewe, 21. Merryam, William, 14. Meryell, John, 280. Messuages and tenements referred to in Heme Wills, list of, 80. Meyny, Agnete, 289. Micklethwaite, Mr., 349. Middleton, Thomas, 119. Milton, Vicar of, 319. Mims, John, 20. Milton - by - Sittingbourne, Old Chimney-piece in Back's House, by Aymer Vallance, F.S.A., 376. Minster, extracts from the Acta Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, relating to, 70 ; cess made for reparation of Church, 77 ; Cheney arms in church at, 203; farmers of the rectory of, 70 ; Vicar of, 70. Moland. near Ash, 214. Monceaux (Monceau), John de, 22 ; Maude de, 22, 214. Mongeham, Gt., St. Martin, Inventory of Church Plate of, 127. Monins, John, 129 ; Rev. John, Rector of Ringwould, donor of Church Plate, 129; Mr., 321; Rev. Richard, Rector of Ringwould, 129. Montagu, Sir Samuel, reference to cup in collection of, 133. Monunwnts and Painted Glass, by Philip Parsons, reference to, 324. Morant, Lora, 210, 380 ; Sir Thomas, 210, 380. Morant's Court, Chevening, 210. Moresby, Joan, 354 ; Reginald, 354. GENERAL INDEX. 397 Moreys, John, 107. Morgan, John, 17, 20 : Thomas, 20. Morland, Miss, on the Nettlestead Church windows, 208, 278. Morrice, Elizabeth, \\1 ; Admiral Salmon, donor of Church Plate, 117 ; William, 117. Morris, John, 20 ; Thomas, 20 ; William, perpetual Curate of Wye, 324. Mosse, John, 107. Moulyns, field called, 112. Moyse, Beatrice, 100; John, 114; William, 100. Murton, Gt., 59. Musden, land at, 100 ; wood at, 96. Musgrave, Henry, 20 ; John, 20 ; Samuell, 18, Musterd, John, 37. N Napleton, Anthony, 47 ; John, 63 ; Thomas, 47, 09. Nash, George, 20. Nelme, Anthony (goldsmith), mark of, 122. Nettlestead. moated building in, 280 ; Moat wood, 280 ; Vicar of, 279. Nettlestead Church, Architectural Notes on, by Rev. G. M. Livett, 251 ; Alters, 275, 270; alterations to, 279 ; arch between belfry and body of, filled, 276 ; bells, 281 ; dates of building, 252, 254,278 ; chancel, 157,252, 254,259, 204, 266, 270, 280; font, 261, 281 ; floor, 275, 270 ; lectern, 281 ; monuments, 240, 249, 278, 281 ; masons' marks on, 253 ; moldings in, 253, 254, 259 ; nave, 157, 252, 250, 258 ; Notes on, by Rev. W. F. Cobb, 278; organ, 280; porch, 261, 202, 275 ; pulpit, 281 ; reredos, 279 ; rood-loft, 276 ; sacristy, 270 ; tower, 157. 258; window-tracery from Teston Church in west door, 259. Nettlestead Church, Stainedglass Windows of, by W. E. Ball, 157 ; armorial glass in, 177 ; date of, 161—165 ; diagram of, 177 ; inscription and legend in east window, 207 ; legend in north window, 200 ; modern glass in, 246, 247. Nettlestead Court, 168. Nettlestead Plaoe, MS. history of, 278 ; masons' marks on, 253 ; moldings in, 253.. ! Nevar, Martinant, perpetual Curate i of Wye, 323 ; William, 323. Neville, arms of, 179; Anne, 181; 1 George, Duke of Bedford, 197 note ; Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, 181. j Newberton, land called, 90. i Newcastle, complaint against, by I Cinque Ports. 73. Newington Church near Hythe, granted in mortmain to Wye College, 316. Newman, Robert, 292. 296 : Thomas, 294. New Romney, see Romney. Newstyd, Court of, 10. Newton, John (goldsmith), mark of, 120; Miss, Holy Communion vessels presented by, to Bredhurst, 301. Noel, Rev. the Hon. F. J., Rector of Nettlestead, 279. Norfleete, John, 10. Northampton, Earl of, 188, 192. Northbourne, Lord, donor of Church Plate, 111. Northbourne, St. Augustine, Inventory of Church Plate of, 127 ; Vicar of, 128. Northeye, Sussex, 31. Northiam, Sussex, Rector of, 314. Northumberland, Dudley, Duke of. 170 ; Jane, Duchess of, 170 ; sec also Percy. Norton, Tho., 357. Nortone, William de, Vicar of Wye, 312. Norwood, George, 78. Notingham or Nottingham, Alice, 111(2); Isabella, 107; Joan. Ill, 112 (2) ; John, 92, 105, 108 ; John, junr., 100 ; will of, 107 ; John, senr., 101, 102; will of, 111 ; Margaret. I l l ; Margery, 111 ; Richard, 111, 112; Robert, 100, 100. 107. 108, 112; Thomas, 100, 112; William, 100, 109, 112. Nott, Lieut., Church Plate given in memory of, 141 ; Richard, 102. Nottingham, Earl of, 230. Nutt, Thomas, 53, 54. Nutt and Wiseman, records between, 53. Nyckols, Josiah, 293. O Ockenden, Richard, 19, 20. Odo, Bishop of Bayeaux, Allington granted to, 339 : rebellion of, 341. Offynton, Hamo, Vicar of Wye, 314. Okell, Andrew, 19. Oldberton, land called, 96. 398 GENERAL Old Court, Sussex, 23. Oliphant, Rev. F. G., note on the date of rebuilding of Teston Church, 157 note. Oliver, Thomas, 80. Olivier, Henry Eden, Vicar of Wye, 326. Ollieff, William, 20. Omer, Roger, 76, 77 ; Widow, 77. Orwaldstone (Orlaweston), 31. Osbert, owner of Allington, 347. Osborn, Thomas, 294. Osborne, John, 285 ; Marion, 285. Overye, Thomas, 19. Owen, Rev. Edward, Curate of Walmer, 140. Ower or Owre, Boys, 51, 58, 60, 61. Oxenbridge, Anne, 217; Elizabeth, 231 ; Sir Goddard, 217, 231. Oxford, Aubrey de Vere, Earl of, 22. Oxford, All Souls' College, legacy to, 316 ; Cardinal College, appropriation of rectory of Pembury to support of, 328; Merton College, legacy to, 314, 310. P Pack, Mr., Paine, Richard, 109. Palmer, Mary, donor of Church Plate, 128 ; William, 77. Palmes, Prebendary, 326. Pamplett, Daniel, 77, 79. Paramor, Alson, 102 ; Richard, 109, 111 ; Walter, 101 ; William, 91, 92, 98, 102, 103, 104. Parke, Margaret, 296 ; Patience, 296. Parker, Joan, 102 ; John, 91 ; William, 80. Parr, Queen Catherine, visit to Allington, 357. Parrie, Thomas, 2. Parris, Ellen, 18; John, 20; Thomas, 18. Parrock, arms of, 209. Parsons. Philip, perpetual Curate of Wye, 324. Partridge, Andrew, 285 ; Creature, 285. Paske, Thomas, 140. Pashley, Eliz., 107, 170. Passeles, arms of, 176. Paston, Sir John, 171. Paten, Bredhurst, article by the Editor, 301. Paten, fifteenth-century, at St. Mary the Virgin, Walmer, 139 ; pre- Reformation, 303. Patrixbourne Church, Architectural Motes on, by Rev, G. M, INDEX. Livett, 305 ; aisles, 306 ; Bifrons Chapel, 305, 306 ; chancei, size of, 305 ; date of, 305, 309 ; doorway, Norman, 306; nave, size of, 305 ; priest's door, date of, 309 ; tower. 305 ; vicars of, 300 ; walls, 308 ; windows. 306, 310. Payne, Rev. D. B., 115 ; Vicar of St. George's, Deal, gift to, 142 ; Humphrey (goldsmith), mark of, 138, 144. Payne, George, F.S.A., on Researches and Discoveries in Kent, lxxxviii. Pearman, Canon A. J., M.A., on Ashford Church, lxxviii. Peche, Elizabeth, 213 ; Sir John, lxxxiii. Peckham or Peccam, arms of, 209 ; Archbishop of Canterbury, 210 ; James, 210 (2); Sir James, 210; John, author of treatise on Optics, 371 ; Lora, 210 ; Reginald, 210. Peckham, West, 210. Peene, Henry, 81. Peerce, William, 297. Peirce, John, 19 ; Nicholas, 39. Peke, Thomas, 296. Pelham, Tho., 41. Pelicans, house in Wateringbury known as, 199. Pembill, William, lxxx. Pembury, Church of St. Peter at, by W. Townsend Storrs, 327 ; armorial bearings on buttresses, 330 ; Chancel, construction of, 329, 330 ; Chantry, size of, 328 ; date of, 327 ; Nave, construction of, 329; Norman work in, 333 ; Rectory appropriated to support of Cardinal College, Oxford, 328; roof, 331; seventeenth-century brass in, 334 ; sketch of in 1840, 334 ; Temtus Roffensis, reference to Church in, 327 ; tomb of Margaret Colepeper in, 331: tower, 330; windows, 329—331. Pemyall, Annys, 298. Penchester or Penshurst, arms of, 238 ; family of, 237 ; Alice, 352 ; Joan, 237, 352; Margaret, 347; Stephen, 346, 347, 351. Penenden Heath, assembly on, 346. Pennington, Rev. Montague, Vicar of Shoulden Church, and donor of Church Plate, 136, 137. Penshurst, 192, 325 ; Church, 352 ; estate known as Salmans at, 226, I _ 227 ; Rector of, 320, GENERAL INDEX. 399 Penstone, William (goldsmith), mark of, 117. Penycoke, Thomas, 318. Pepenbury, Magna and Parva ; gift of manor to Bayham Abbey, 327. Peplesham, arms of, 197, 198, 228; family of, 212 ; Margaret, 199, 206. 215, 228; Simon, 199, 206, 215, 228. Peplesham, Sussex, manor of, 198. Percival (Percevall, Peroivale, Percyvale, Percyvall), Alice, 96 ; Christine, 104 ; James, 104 ; Joan, 96, 104 ; John, 92 ; will of, 96 ; John, junr., 96; John, senr., 94, 104; Marion, 104 ; Rose, 96 ; Valentine, 96, 104, 107 ; William, 96. Percy, Eleanor, 192. Pernelle or Peronelle, meaning of Christian name of, 113. Perren, William, 17. Perryn, Elizabeth, 19; Joyce, 18; Mary, 19 ; Thomas, 18. Perse and Bynge, 48. Petition to Parliament, 64. Pett Street, 311. Petter, Thomas, 19. Petter and Fox, 324. Petyman, Thomas, 184 (2). Pevensey. Sussex, 31, 52, 73. Philipp (Philip, Phillipp), Alice, 90, 104, 106; Cristina, 91; Joan, 98, 105 ; John, 91 ; Juliane, 91 ; Margaret, 90 ; Matthew, 91 ; Sir Matthew, 99,100 ; Nicholas, 91; Robert, 98, 105 ; Thomas, 91, 92, 98, 101, 100 ; William, 90, 91,104, 105, 106 ; wills of. 90, 97. Phillips, Rev. E. G., Vicar of Bredhurst. 301. Philpot, John, 34, 35 ; Robert, 19. Philpott, —, Mayor of Faversham, 51. Picard, John, 77. Pierce, Mercia, 16 ; Robert, 16. Pigitt, Nicholas, 109. Pilgrims' Way, 337. Piper, Elianore, 102,103 ; will of, 113 ; John, 97, 102, 103 ; will of, 102 : Nicholas, 102, 103. Place names, list of, mentioned in Heme wills, 80. Plantagenet, Anne, 181, 182; Isabel, 180 ; Joan, 184 ; Mary, 182 ; Thomas, 181. Pleute, croft called, 112. Ployten, John, 19. Podder, Adam, will of. 106; Dionise, 106; Margeria, 106 ; Nioholas, 106 ; Rose, 106. Polder, John, 91. Poldwelowe, lo.nd at, 96, Pole, Cardinal, 192; injunction of, 289; Ursula, 192. Polehampton, Rev. J., Rector of Ightham. 379. Poley, William, 76. Polhill, —, 212. Polyn, John, 77. Pomer, Rev. Robert, lxxxii. Ponde, land at, 105. Porter, John, 17 ; Mrs., 17 ; Richard, 17; Thomas. 17. Portsmouth Corporation, maker's mark on Watt Briant Cup belonging to, 125. Potell, meaning of, 92. Potten, John, 147. Potter, Samuel, 21. Poulter, Thomas, perpetual Curate of Wye, 319. Powell, Jo., 59. Poyle, Henry, 17. Poynings. Sir Edward, 173 ; Mabel, 173. Pratt, Beatrice, 97. Pratte, William, 90. Preachers at Staplehurst, reference to list of, 284, 293. Prentys, Ancellinus, 313. Presten, Mr., 56. Preston-next-Faversham, estate known as Cooksditch at, 232 ; manor of Makenade at, 233. Proceedings, abstracts of, 1905—8, li. Promhill, Church granted in mortmain to Wye College, 316 ; Vicar of, 316. Purefey, Mrs., 294. Putland, Stephen, 20 ; Thomas, 20. Pyman, Margaret, 111. Pympe, see De Pympe. Pympe Court, manor of, 165. Pytt, Symon, 289 ; William, 289. Q Quaife, Edward, 19. Quakers, meeting-place in Swaylecliff e for. 81. Quilter, John, 79. R Rainsford, Sir J., 167, 172 ; Lady, 262 ; Winifred, 167, 172. Ramsgate, 31 ; share of Muster Master's fee, 52. Randolph, Rev. George, Vicar of Eastry and donor of Ohurch Plate, 1 122. 400 GENERAL INDEX. Reade, Margerie, 98 ; William, will of, 98. Reckett, Stephen, 20. Reculver, 31 ; lands in, 90, 95 ; legacy to Church of, 90. Rede, Henry, 291 ; Thomas, 296. Regeweye, Agnes, 90 ; Alice, 90 ; Isabelle, 90 ; Thomas, will of, 89. Relfe, William, 19. Rendall, Rev. Seymour Henry, Vicar of Wye, 320. Report of Finance Committee, lxv. Reports, Annual, 1906—1908, Ixx. Reve, John, 39 ; Thomas, 14. Reynolds, Walter, 20. Ricard, John, 102 ; Thomas, 102 ; see also Richards. Rice, John Morland, perpetual Curate of Wye, 325. Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, 312. Richard, King of England, 191. Richards, Joan, 102 ; John, 102 ; Thomas, will of, 102 (2) ; see also Ricard. Richman, Ambrose, perpetual Curate of Wye, 320. Ridar, Beatrice, 92 ; Joan, 95 ; John, 99, 100, 102 ; William, 99. Ridley, manor of, 230. Ridlington, Rutland, Rector of, 325. Ringwould, 31; Inventory of Church Plate, 129 ; Vicar of, 129. Ripple, St. Mary the Virgin, account of Church Plate in Register Book, 130 ; Inventory of, 130 ; Vicar of, 130, 131. Rivers, Richard, Earl, lxxxiii. Riverye, land at, 95. Roade, Edward, 18, 20 ; Richard, 17 ; Widow, 18. Robbens, John, 19. Robbins. Andrewe, 21. Robert, Richard, 297 ; Thomas, 10. Roberth, Henry, 286; Thomas the younger, 286. Roberts, Ro., 47 ; William, 18. Robyns, Anthony, 297. Rochester, chapel on old bridge at, 219 ; discoveries at, lxxxviii; wall painting in house at, xcvii. Rochester Castle, William de Saye, governor of, 23 ; reference to twelfth-century keep of, 343. Rochester Cathedral, reference to makers' marks on covered almsbasins in, 133. Rochester, John, Bishop of, 1. Rochford Castle, Essex, 195. Rodes, Alexander, 17 ; Thomas, 17. Rodrnershani, Vicar of, 320. Rogers, Alice, 294 ; John, 91 ; Roger, 21. Rogersdown, land called, 92. Rokkingcove, land at, 95. Romney, 31, 36, 52 ; Brodhull at, 39 ; Cinque Port Charters and Records kept at. 73 ; Guestlings at, 42—44, 46—48, 52—60, 63, 65, 66, 70, 72 ; list of Limbs or Members Corporate of, 31. Romney, Lady, 355. Roman interments near Allington, 337. Roman villa near Allington Castle, 337. Rone, Thomas. 19. Rooke, Richard, 104 ; Thomas, 101. Rooke, bam at, 101. Roolfe, —, 148. Roos, Anschitil de, 339 ; John, 352 ; Sir George Manners, Lord, 222. Roper, John, 91, 104. Rose, Ambrose, junr., 76 ; Ambrose, senr., 76 ; John, 318. Rountree, Richard, 20. Rowe, family of, 227 ; Thomas, 19. Rucke, Hamon, 80. Rudd, Rev. Sayer, Vioar of St. Mary the Vi rgin, Walmer, donor of Church Plate, 140. Rumney, Agnes, 289 ; John, 289; I Robert, 2S9. I Rundale, Baron, see Cobham. I Rush, Thomas (goldsmith), mark of, 134. Russell, Nicholas, 19. Russell's History of Maidstone, reference to mantel-piece in Allington in, 359. Rutland, Dukes of, 222. Rutting, Gregory, 285 ; Thomas, 285. Rutton, W. L., on Folkestone Parish Church, l. Rycils, John, 212 (2) ; Margaret, 212. Rye, 31, 36, 52 ; Guestling at, 35, 41. Rykhill, arms of, 211,229 ; Joan. 228, 229; John, 211,212, 229,241 ; Thomas, 212; William, 211 ; Sir Wil- ! liam, 211, 219, 228—231, 241. | Rymington, Alexander, 18 ; Anne, | 18 ; John, 19, 20. S Sabb, Symon, 17. Saddler, Agnes, 110: Simon, 110. St. John' s in Thanet, 31, 52 ; extracts from the Acta Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury relating to, 79, GENERAL INDEX. 401 St. Lawrence in Thanet, legacy to Church at, 103. St. Leger, arms of, 221 ; Anne, 222 (2) ; Sir Aubrey, 222; Bartholomew, 174, 222, 277 ; Blanche, 222 ; James, 174, 277; Sir James, 222; Sir John, 214, 221 ; Margaret, 175 ; Margerie, 221 ; Philippa. 166, 169, 221 ; Ralph, 221, 222 ; Sir Ralph, 175 ; Sir Robert, 221 ; Sir Thomas, 170, 174, 222,277 ; Sir Warham, 222. St. Martyne's Sanctuary, 171. St. Mary's gelf, weir at, 106. St. Pancras, Prebend of, 310. St. Peter's in Thanet, 31, 52 ; extract from the Acta Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury relating to, 80 ; farming rectory of, 80. Saker, Henry, 40,41, 42,43. Salkyn, Alice, 101 ; Augustine, 97 ; John, 102, 114 ; Thomas, 112 ; William, will of, 101. Salmans, arms of, 226 ; Ralph, 219, 226, 227; Roger, 226 ; Thomas, 219, 226, 227; Sir Thomas, 219, 226 ; William, 226, 227. Salmans or Saleman, Surrey, manor of, 226. Salmeston with Deane, farming rectory of, 79. Salmon, Isabella, 93, 94 ; Margareta, 94; Richard, will of, 93; Thomas, 93. Sancroft, Archbishop, 322, Sandhurst, Rector of, 292. Sandidowne, land in, 95. Sands, Edith, 206 ; Lord, 206 ; Sir W., 206. Sandwich, 37, 58 ; Guestling at, 07 ; list of Limbs and Members Corporate of, 31 ; share of Muster Master's fee, 52. Sandwich, Church Plate of Deanery of, by Rev. C. E. Woodruff, 115 ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 131; St. Clement's, 132; St. Mary the Virgin, 133; St. Peter, 135; Vicar of, 132. Sare, Joanne, 290. Sargent, Rev. S. G. II., 115. Sarre, 31 ; share of Muster Master's fee, 52. Savage, John, 16. Savage, arms of family of, 232. Saven, John, 67. Sawyer, John, 106; Margerie, 105, 106; Nicholas, 106; Richard, will of, 105 ; William, 105, 106. Saye, see De Saye. Scales, Lord, lxxxiii. Scotfford, Ser., 62. Scott or Scot, Adrian, 263; Anne, 167, 173, 262; Edward. 19, 21; Elizabeth, 167, 174, 192,196,282; Sir Gilbert. 263, 307, 310 ; J., 167 ; Sir John, 167, 173 (2), 174 (2), 192, 196, 262 (2), 281, 282 ; Katharine, 281, 289 ; Mabel, 173 ; Sir Thomas, 167, 262. Scott-Robertson, Canon, references to articles by, 116, 131, 305—307, 310, 370. Scotts, land called, 98, 100. Scottys, land at, 107. Seaford, Sussex, 31, 52, 73. Seal or Sele, manor of, 214. Searyndenstreete, 15. Seasalter, extracts from the Acta Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury relating to, 80 ; farming rectory of, 80 ; Vicars of, 80. Seastreete, land and messuages at. .96, 108. Seeker, Archbishop, 323. Selby Abbey, reference to fire at, 252. Select Bands, composition, equipment, and training of, 28. Selling, house known as Oven's Court, 232 ; property in, 234. Sens, William of, 3. Sents, land called, 100, 113. Sentys, land at, 97. Septvans, arms of, 212 ; Elizabeth, 100, 213 (2) ; John, 213 ; William, 213 ; Sir William, 166, 213 (2). Seton, John, 20. Sevenoaks Grammar School, 217 ; maker's mark on chalice at, 125. Seynt, Vincent, 95. Seynts, land at, 108. Shadoxhurst, reference to maker's mark on chalice at, 143. Sharpe, John, 296, Sheldon, Archbishop, 321. Shenfeld, Richard, 15. Sheppard, Richard, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321. Sherman, Capt., 148. Sherren, John, 66. Shipman, Cristine, 93, will of, 94 ; Elinor, 93 ; James, 94 (2), 109 ; will of, 92 ; Joan, 94 ; John, 93, 94. Shipmoney, levying of, by Charles I., 30 ; order to repay, 63. Shipway (Shepway), Court of, at Bekesboume, 42, 56; at Braydonstone, 68, 71, 72. Shocklidge, Rev. George, Vicar of Northbourne, 128. Shorne Church, 352. Shottisbrooke, Alianore, 201, 206; yo&, xxviir. D D 402 GENERAL INDEX. Eleanor, 172 ; Sir Robert, 201, 205, 206. Shottisbrooke, Berks, 205. Shoulden. St. Nicholas, Inventory of Church' Plate, 136. Shurland, see De Shurland. Sibley, Thomas, 18. Sittingbourne, visitation at, 299. Skynner, John, 20. Sladen, John Baker, donor of Church Plate, 130, 131. Slede, land called, 98. Sleford, Lincolnshire, Prebend of, 316. Sligo. Louisa, Marchioness, Ixxxvii. Smetham, Miss, drawing by, xcvii. Smith, Benj. (goldsmith), mark of, 129 ; Colonel, 71 ; John, 12, 13, 17, 18 ; Katharine, 281 ; Margerie, 18 ; Samuel, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321 ; Thomas, 281. Smythe, Alice, lxxxv ; Dorothy, 284 ; Elizabeth, lxxxvi, 295 ; George, Viscount Strangford, Ixxxvii ; Jamys, 295 ; Sir John, lxxxvi ; John Nepeker, 288 ; Kateryn, 289 ; Louisa, Ixxxvii ; Percy, Viscount Strangford, Ixxxvii ; Philippa, Ixxxvii; Sir Richard, lxxxvi; Sir Sidney S., lxxxvi; Thomas, lxxx. Smythe family, monuments in Ashford Church of, lxxxv. Snave, Rector of, 324. Snoode, Abraham, 30, 37, 38. Solin, meaning of, 339. Somerset, Edmund, Earl of, 190; John Beaufort, Duke of, 203 ; Margaret, Duchess of, 203. Somner, Major George, 321; William, 321. Sondes', Earl, 209; Elizabeth, 206, 208 ; Freeman, 208 ; George, 208 ; Sir George, 208 ; Lewis, Lord, 324 : William, 206, 208, 220. Sondhill, land at, 106. Sorellhill, land called, 109. Southall, Mr., 02. Southby, Thomas, perpetual Curate of Wye, 318. Southell, land at, 95. Southfield, land called, 90. Southfleet Church destroyed by fire, 252. Southfrith, 336. Southt, manor of, 195. Southwak, wood called. 95. Southwell, Walter, 61, 62. Southwood, wood called, 109. Souxhill, William, 170, 267—9. Sowrley, William, 318. Sparrowe, William, 20. Spencer, Robert, Sperlyng,—, 289. Spracklinge, Esau, 43, 44. Sprewers (Sprewerys), 16. Springatt, John, 17, 19. Stacy (Stacey), Alice, 290 ; Richard, 290 ; Thomas, 290. Stafford, arms of, 240 ; badge of, 169 ; list of the shields of, 179. Stafford, Anne, 181 (2), 182, 187; Lady Anne, 183, 184 ; Dorothy 194, 190, 202; Earl of, 188; Edmund, Earl of, 180, 183, 184 ; Elizabeth, 107, 174, 192, 195. 190, 202 ; Henry, 192; Henry, Baron, 192, 193; Henry, Duke of Buckingham, 222 ; Henry, Lord, 190, 202 : Humphrey, 240 : Humphrey, Earl of, 181 (2), 184, 180, 187 ; Sir Humphrey, 194 ; Margaret, 180, 181, 187.240 ; Mary, 194; Ralph, Baron, 180; Roger, 197; Thomas, 193; Thomas, Earl of, 183 ; William, Earl of, 183 ; Sir William, 194, 195, 196, 262; see also Buckingham. Stained-glass Windows of Nettlestead Church, by W. E. Ball, 157. Standen, 19. Standen, Morgan, 18. Stander, Nicholas, 77. Staplehurst, rectory of, 310, 317. Staplehurst Register, by J. S. ff. Chamberlain, 283 ; burial in church, 294 ; reference to census 1032, 299 ; reference to churchings, 289 ; date of, 283 ; curious expression in, 297 ; original paper Register, 283 ; reference to Queen Mary's accession, 288 ; persons buried, description of, 298. Statham, Rev. S. P. H., reference to an article by, 29. Stede, Margery, Stedman, Richard, 21. Stephen, Anne, 292; Faith, 292; John, Curate in charge, Staplehurst, 292 ; Marion, 292 ; Martha, 292 ; Mary, 292 ; Repentance, 292. Stephen, King of England, 22, 214. Stephens, Alexander, 17 ; Ann, 294 ; John. 294. Stock, John, of Wye College, 31S. Stockgrove, land at, 95. Stockton, Robert, 280, 288, 289 ; Susana, 288 ; Timothy, 286 ; —, 289. Stodmarsh, 126. Stokesfield, 100. Stonar, 31. Stone, John, 318 ; Peter, mayor qf Deal, 119, GENERAL INDEX. 403 Stone, croft called, 112. Stonebridge, Roger, 20. Stonyland, land called. 101. Storer, Mr., 293. Storrs, W. Townsend, on the Church of St. Peter at Pembury, 327. Stourton, Margaret, Stowes or Tooes, Augustine, 79. Stowting, Rector of, 313, 316. Strangford, see Smythe. Streater, George, 19, 20 ; John, 17, 20. Streatfeild, on Nettlestead, in his MS. notes to Hasted, 164 note. Streetend, land at, 93, 104. Strete, John, 91. Stretefield, land called, 102, 105. Stretfeilde, George, 19. Stringer, Edward, 17 ; George, donor of Church Plate, 142 ; John, 10, 13, 17 ; Stephen, 17 ; Thomas, 18. Strode, croft at, 112 ; legacy to repair road at, 108. Studd (Stud, Studde), Alice, 93, 104 ; George, 99, 101 ; John, 98 ; will of, 104 ; Margaret, 104 ; Vincent, 105 ; William, 92, 94, 99. Stude, Godleva, 99. Studhill, land at, 101, 107. Sturrey, legacy to Church at, 102. Sudbury, Archbishop, 313. Suffolk, Duke of, 216; Earl of, 56 ; Theophilus, 56. Sundridge, brass in Church, 239 ; estate in, 238 ; manor of, 218, 219, 226. Sutton, William (goldsmith), mark of, 127. Sutton, Inventory of Church Plate of, 137. Sutton, East, reference to glass in Church, 274. Swan, Rev. R., rendering of legend by, 266, 269 ; Rev. Thomas, perpetual Curate of Wye, 320. Swanton, James, 80 ; Stephen, 80. Swaylecliffe, 101 ; extracts from the Ada Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury relating to, 81 ; land in, 91, 95 ; legacies to Church, 90, 95, 103; legacy to Rector, 112; application for meeting-place for Quakers in, 81. Swift, John (goldsmith), mark of, 135. Swineston, Ann, 395. Swinfield, William, 76. Swyllinge, oroft called, 106. Sybill of Eynsford and Farningham, by R. H. Ernest Hill, 373. Sybill Arms at Little Mote, Eynsford, by George C. Druce, 363. Sybill, Anne, 373, 374 ; Edward, 373 (2), 374; Hamonet, 373; Lucy, 374 ; Nicholas, 373, 374. Sydney, Lady Dorothy, lxxxvi. Sylly, John, 14. Symon, Jone, 284 ; Thomas, 284, 293 ; William, 293 (2). Syve, Thomas, 14. T Talbot, Lord, 184. Tamplyn, Thomas, 19. Tanget, Mr., 76. Tangett, Polycarp, 76. Tanner, Alice, 108 ; William, 97 ; will of, 108. Tate, Alexander, 18 ; John, 18 ; Thomas, 18. Taylor, Joanna, 291; William, 103, 104 ; —, 42. Temple, Archbishop, 326. Tenterden, 10, 31, 52, 73 ; Vicar of, 76. Terry, Adam, 77 ; Isaac, 77 ; Richard, 77. Teston Church, date of rebuilding, 157,259 ; decorated window-tracery from, 259. Tetetm Roffensis, reference to Pembury Church in, 327. Thatcher, James, 20. Thonder, James, 295. Thondyr, Robt., 112. Thorden, land at, 114. Thornden, land and messuage in, 92, 103. Thornfield, land called, 109. Thornhill, Francis, 47. Throwley, Baron, 209 ; Viscount, 209 ; see also Sondes. Throwley, owners of manor of, 207. Thurston,' Mr., 56 ; William, 47. Ticknor, John, 17. Tilden, Thomas, 17. Till, Mr. E. D., of Eynsford, 372. Tilmanston, St. Andrew's, Inventory of Church Plate, 137. Tilson, Widow, 78. Tirke, Samuell, 18. Tisbury Church, Wilts, brass in, to Hyde Family, 373. Tockerington, York, Prebend of, 316. Tomlin, John, 79. Tomlyn, William, 41. Tonbridge, Annual Meeting at, lxxvi; black canons at, 280 ; Castie, 181 j 404 GENERAL INDEX. School, founder of, lxxxvi, master of, 323. Torre, William, 106. Toune Place, 207, 208. Tourt, Jeames, 19. Towers, Rev. Johnson, perpetual Curate of Wye. 323. Troke, Richard, 91. Trottescliffe Church. post-Norman tower of, 310. Troward, William, 76. Trowts, John, 62 ; mayor of Faversham, 58. Tunstal Church, monument to Margaret Crowmer in, 212. Turner, John, 19 ; Robert, 77 ; William, 73, 295. Tuke, Francis Edward, perpetual Curate of Wye, 325. Twisden (Twysden). Robert, 292,294, 295 ; Samuel, 292 ; Sara, 292 ; Susanna, 292 ; Thomas, 319 ; William, 292. Tye, A., 57. Tyllman, Richard, 42 ; William, 39. U Ulcombe, 221. Ulster, arms of. 330 ; Earl of, 336 ; Elizabeth, 336. Uluric held Allington of Alnod Gilt, 338. Underdowne, land at, 112; legacy for repair of road at, 108. Upton, John, 42, 43 ; Nicholas, 34— 37, 39, 40. Uske, Rev. Philip, Vicar of Wye, 314. Vallance, Aymer, Photographs of Cawne Window and Monument, Ightham Church, 379 ; on Old Chimney-piece in Back's House, Milton-by-Sittingbourne, 376 ; on the two rood-turrets in Horsmonden Church, cv. Vaughan, Alianore, 200. Vennegate, land called, 15. Vernam, Thomas, 78. Vernon, Matilda, donor of Church Plate, 139 : Sir Thomas, 139. Vill of Wood, 52. Villains, meaning of, 339. Villainage in England (Vinogradoff), i-eference to agricultural terms in, 339. Virgate. meaning of, 93. Vyny, Agnete, 290 ; Katherine, 290 ; Christopher, 294. W Wakelin and Garrard (goldsmiths), mark of, 141. Wakelin and Taylor (goldsmiths), 140. Walcare or Walker, Richard, provost of Rye College, 317 ; extract from will of, 317. Waldershare, All Saints, inventory of Church Plate, 138; Vicar of, 143. Walker, Joan, 284 ; Thomas, 284. Wahull, Simon de, gift to Bayham Abbey by, 327. Walmer, 31, 52, 140 ; St. Mary the Virgin, inventory of Church Plato of, 139; fifteenth century paten in, 139 ; St. Saviour's, inventory of Church Plate in, 141. Walmsley, Justice, 47. Walsingham, Constance, 232; Sir Thomas, Kt.. 58, 232. Walsoll, Mr., 293. Walter, Abraham, 18; Christeon, will of, 111 ; Cristine, 105 ; Denys, 111; Edward, 18; Ellenor, 19; John, 19 ; Margaret, 105 ; Marget, 105 ; Nicholas, will of, 105; Solomon, 19. Warenne, William, Earl, Allington granted to, 341, 342. Warly, John, perpetual Curate of Wye, 321. Ward and Hughes, restorers of window in Nettlestead Ohurch, 281. Warham, Archbishop, 222, 317. Wame, John, 297. Warner, Alianore, 200 ; Isabel, 200, 239 ; John, 200. Warthill, York Minster, Prebendary of, 314. Warwick, Guy, Earl of, 23. Watenowe, Rev. Oliver, Vicar of Wye, 313. Water, William, 18. Water Eaton, 18. Wateringbury, 199. Waters, Jeames, 20 ; William, 21. Watkins, Mr., 00. Watte, Richard, 19 ; Samuel, 46, 47. Wavershed, John, 204. Webb, Arthur, xciv ; Mathewe, 19; William, 324. Weddroffe, John, 14. Weirs, 92, 93, 97, 101, 106, 107, 109. GENERAL INDEX. 405 Weldon, Thomas, 10. Wellard, Robert, 72. Welton. Valentine, 318. Wen, Henry, 18. Wendover, Bucks, manor of, 22. Were, Salomon, 14. West, Benjamin (goldsmith), mark of, 133; William. 20. Westbere, Deanery of, extracts from the Acta Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, relating to, 75. Westbrook, land at, 80, 95, 96. 100, 101, 108. Westcliff Church, capitals in, 1, 9; tower, 310. Weste, Peter, 18. Westenhanger, visit of Queen Elizabeth to, lxxxvi. Westminster Abbey, reference to windows in Chapter House at, 379. Westmoreland, Ralph, Earl of, 181. Weston. Widow, 17. Westwell, ancient step-ladder in, 377 ; Vicar and donor of Church Plate, 141 ; vicarage of, 312. Wharrell, Edward, 60. Whipham, Thos. (goldsmith), mark of, 135. Whitaker, Rev. John, Vicar of Pembury. 335. Whitby, complaint against by the Cinque Ports, 73. Whitehill, Elizabeth, 275 ; Richard, 275. Whitfield, Andrew, 77. Whitfield, St. Peter, Inventory of Church Plate of, 142 ; Vicar of, 143. Whithill, Eliz., 166. Whitmell, William, perpetual Curate of Wye, 323. Whitstable, extracts from the Acta Curia of the Archdeacon of Canterbury relating to, 81 ; land at, 91, 94 ; legacy to Ohurch, 90. Whittlesey, Archbishop, Register of, 313. Whitton, Edward, 20 ; Thomas, 21. Whyte, William, legacy to Ashford Church, lxxx. Wickhambreux, Rector of, 321. Wilcocke, Jeames, 17 ; John, 21. Wildbore, Edmund, 78 ; Edward, 77 ; Rev. John, Vicar of Minster, 76. Wilde, George, 19. Wildish, George, 19. Wilford, Sir Thomas, 58. Wilkinson, Capt., 65 ; Rev. John, perpetual Curate of Wye, 323. Willard, Hugh, 15 ; Thomas, 21. Willerd. Robt., 291. Willes, William, 297. Willesborough,land in,lxxxii; Vicars of. 321, 322. William, Vicar of Wye, 311. Williams, John, 18. Willis, Henry, 280. Wills.—Aldiffe, Hamo. 94. Aleyn, Thomas, senr., 107; William, 100. at Ohirche, John, 101. Atdane, John, 103. a t t e See, John, 92. a t t e Well, William, 93. Bate, John, 91. Bowdon, Kdward, 317. Bulling, William, 108. Bysmer, Alexander, 97 ; Thomas, 95. Carpenter, William, 98. Chestfield, Richard, 95 ; Stephen, 100. Cobb, 97, 99, 113 ; Robert, 100. Colpye, Isabella. 108. Dowele, John, 90. Fayreware, Joan, 110 ; John, 113. Freningham, Vincent, 109. Gauge, Thomas, 315. Grenham, Richard, 101 ; Thomas, 90. Hammond, John, 113; William, 89. Hampton, Cristine, 110; James, 95 ; John, senr., 90. Hardes, Henry, 97. Home, Elena, 107. Hykks, John, 199 ; John, senr., 108 ; William. 107. Kneepe, John, 105. Manston, Joan, 103. Notingham, John, junr., 107; John, senr., 111. Perevale, John, 90; Valentino, 104. Philipp, William, 90, 97. Piper, Elianore, 113 ; John, 102. Podder, Adam, 100. Pympe, John, 275. Reade, William, 98. Regeweye, Thomas, 89. Richards, Thomas, 102. Salkyn, William, 101. Salmon, Richard, 93. Sawyer, Richard, 105. Shipman, Oristena, 94; James. 92. Studde, John, 104. Tanner, William, 108. Walcare or Walker, Richard, 317. Walter, Christeon, 111 ; Nicholas, 105. Wright, Nicholas, 315. Yonge, Richard, 104; William, 112. 406 GENERAL INDEX. Willson, John, 21. Wilson, William, 20. Wiltshire, Earl, 194, 195. Wimpole, Cambridge, patina from Ripple Church at, 130. Winchelsea, 31, 36. 52, 73 ; Guestling at, 42. Winchelsea, Earls of, 72, 200, 318, 323. Windsor, 23, 222. Wingham, Prebend of, 314. Winston, Charles, on Nettlestead stained-glass windows in Ancient Glass Paintings, 159—105, 188, 244—246, 253. 255. Withiot, Elizabeth, 166, 232 ; —, 166. Wiwarawies or Wye-people-dwellings, 311. Wodier, Adam, 290. Wolsey, Cardinal, 280, 328. Wonsden, John, 20. Wood, Abraham, 77; Richard, 17; Thomas, Curate of Wye, 319 ; William, 19; —, 293. Wood, Vill of, 52. Woodd, John, mayor of Faversham, 48. Woodden, Edward, 19. Woodgate, Mrs., a sketch of Pembury Church in possession of, 334. Woodgate, arms of, in Pembury Church, 330. Woodkocke, Sir Robert, 280. Woodnesborough, St. Mary the Virgin, Inventory of Church Plate at, 143. Woodruff, Eev. C. E., on Church Plate of the Deanery of Sandwich and Canterbury, 115 ; resignation as Hon. Editor, lviii. Woods, list of. mentioned in Heme Wills, 88. Woodville, Elizabeth, 170,171; Katherine, 171, 190. Woodward, Edward, lxxxii; Richard, 17 ; donor of Church Plate, lxxxii; Canon Matthew, 0. Wool of Kent, 353. Wootton, Vicar of, 321. Worcester Cathedral, coffin paten found in, 301, 303. Worley alias Worlell, Edward, 01. Worth, SS. Peter and Paul, Inventory of Church Plate of, 144. Wousden, Edward, 20. Wowlet, tenement called, 91. Wreight, H., 58. Wright, Charles (goldsmith), mark of, 128, 144 ; Elizabeth, 117 ; Nicholas, Provost of Wye College, 310; William, 117. Wrotham, monumental brass to Thomas Gauge in Church, 310 ; Rector of, 317. Wyatt, Sir Henry, 354, 355, 350, 358 ; Sir Thomas, 239, 355, 350, 300 ; Sir Thomas the younger, 357. Wybern, William, 148. Wyborn. H. W., donor of Church Plate, 128. Wye, charter of King Ethelwulf dated at, 311 ; communicants, 319 ; Grammar School, Masters of, 323, 324, 325 ; houses in parish of, 319 ; mentioned in grant of Ethelbert 11., King of Kent, 311 ; skirmish between Royalist and Parliamentary troops at, 320. Wye, Vicars, Masters or Provosts and Perpetual Curates of the Church of SS. Gregory and Martin, by Rev. T. S. Frampton, 311 ; Bell, Morowe Masse at, 318 ; flagon bequeathed to, 320; Inventory of goods of, reference to, 318 ; legacy to, 318 ; parsonage, value of, 320 ; patronage of, 318 ; steeple fired by lightning, 319 ; collapse of, 322; stipend of minister, 320. Wye College, list of Curates and Chaplains, 1454—1540,318 ; founding of, 314 ; grant of the Churches of Boughton Aluph, Bremzett, Promhili, and Newington to, 310 ; site of, granted to Walter Buckler, 318. Wylgoffsgate, 100. Wylmot, Rev. Thomas, Vicar of Ashford, lxxxii. Wymeswold Church, Leicestershire, reference to cup at, 133. Wympshurst, Thomas, 18. Wynborne, Stephen, 291. Wynsor, Andrew, 294 ; Mary, 294. Wynewaye, John, 285 ; Thomas, 285. Wytt, Raulf, 289. Y Yaldham, 210 ; manor of, 171. Yaldham House, armorial glass in, 210. Yonge, Agnes, 112; Isabelle, 104; John, 101; Richard, 112; will of, 104 ; William, will of, 112. GENERAL INDEX. 407 Yongestreet, houses and land at, 92, 93, 95. York, Anne, Duchess of, 374, 375 ; Cicely, Duchess of. 316 ; Duke of, 190 ; James, Duke of, 68, 374, 375. York, pre-Keformation paten in the minster of, 303. Yorke, Elizabeth, donor of Church Plate, 130. Young, John, 10, 11. Younge, John, 18 ; Samuel, 18 ; William, 15. Z Zouche, Edward, Lord, gift of cup to, 50. —, Nicholas, 290. —, William, 290. Cpftdon: Jlitolfell Huglies nnd Clarke, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W.