Honorary Local Secretaries

( xii ) HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. • Ssfjtorli district. J. BROAD, ESQ Ashford. iSIacHIjeatlj autr Hetoisfiam District. W. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ 140 Wardour Street, w. 28tomIej) District. L. M. BIDEN, ESQ Bromley. Canterbury JBistftct. H. MAPLETON CHAPMAN, ESQ Canterbury. Cranbroofc District. DR. T. JOYCE Shepherd's House, Cranbrooh. Darttorfc District. R. HOLT-WHITE, ESQ., M.A Bexley, Kent. JBtal autr Maimer District. THE REV. H. L. BEARDMORE, M.A Ripple. Dotier District. MARTYN MOWLL, ESQ Dover. .•ifabersfiam District. F. F. GIEAUD, ESQ Faversliam. ,-ffoIftestone District. A. H. GARDNER, ESQ Folkestone. ffirabcsenli District. W. J. KING, ESQ Gravesend. jttJUtlje District. A. RANDALL DAVIS, ESQ., M.E.C.S Ilythe. fton&on, VV. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ 140 Wardour Street, w. jMaitistone District. HUBERT BENSTED, ESQ Maidstone. ifttalling District. H. C. H. OLIVEE, ESQ .. . West Mailing. iUflargate District. W. J. MEECER, ESQ 12 Marine Terrace, Margate. Kamsgate District. H. BOULTEE, ESQ Ramsgate. Kocflester District. E. F. COBB, ESQ Rochester. tvomnea District. AETHUR FINN, ESQ Lydd. Santitoicf) District. THE HON. SECRETARY Molash. 3?el>enoaft6 District. GEORGE F. CARNELL, ESQ Sevenoahs. sfcfleiTO District, JOHN COPLAND, ESQ S/ieerness. SOCIE'.l'lES IN UNION. Dn. F. GRAYLING 9>ittingbom:ne ll!li!lh:frt. • . • . • . . . 8ittingbmwn.c. «enlerben il!li!ltrict. J. ELLIS MACE, ESQ. • • • • • • • • 1'enterd


Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society


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