Staplehurst Register

1 J /J'SP 3fymu, o* «iu»» ' * * * * * * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f HE PAo/o.J [W.6.-W. STAPLEHURST REGISTER. I . ( 283 ) STAPLEHTJRST REGISTER. BY J. S. F¥. CHAMBERLAIN, M.A. AMONGST the documents which throw Ught on parish history three hundred and fifty years ago not the least important are the Registers. Especially valuable are the registers which Cromwell ordered to be kept in 1538, in which the entries were not as formal as they became later, and remarks and notes of special events were often added. In most cases these old paper books were destroyed or allowed to disappear when an order was issued, in 1597, that a fair copy of them from the date of Elizabeth's accession should be made on parchment; and with them vanished not only the entries for the first twenty years, but also many of the notes and remarks. But a few of the old books remain, and Staplehurst is fortunate enough to possess its original register as well as the parchment copy. This old book, 13 in. by 9 in., was originally composed of fifteen sheaves of paper of five sheets each, each sheaf folded in the middle, and all securely bound together by string onto three blocks of leather at the back; and has a cover of strong parchment, the edges folded in at the top and bottom. The end cover has within it another leaf of parchment, a page from a Latin book with MS. notes in the margin. Of the original one hundred and fifty leaves, one hundred and fourteen (or parts of them) remain; the rest having been torn or cut out, most of them apparently blank. Into the end twenty additional leaves of rather smaller size have been sewn. The entries are continuous from Sept. 26, 1538, to Oct. 30,1596J and are mixed, except from 1555 to 1558, when the baptisms are entered separately in the regular order, the marriages and burials being entered later 284 STAELEHURST REGISTER. in the book at different places; also in 1587 the baptisms, burials, and marriages are entered separately on three consecutive pages. These entries end on the last leaf but one of the original book. On the last page but one the entries begin again on April 3, 1622; the next page, the last of the original book, is written reversely and contains a list of preachers from the Peast of S. Michael, 1577, to Sept. 21, 1579. The entries are then continued on the additional leaves to Sept. 21, 1639. They, like the earlier ones, are copied into the parchment book! The first page* is headed «1538. 29th of H. viii." in a later hand, and the first entry is'— The xxjx day of Septenbre Ther was buried Thomas the sone of Thomas petyman and Joan Walker which was brought to be norisshed w* dorithie Smythe of this parishe by benchkyns wydowe of Cranbrooke.f On the annual recurrence of the day up to 1547 there is some such entry as the following— Seynt mychaell the Archawgell beyng the xxix daye off September the xxxix yere off the incarnation of or Lord godd & the xxxi yere off the Raigne of or Soveraine Lorde Kynge henrye the viii. Or more fully— The Regester of alle the Namys as is Afore saide that is from the feast &c. The first point that attracts attention as we look through the register is the early date of burial, usually on the day of death, and the curious custom of giving the name of " Creature " to a chUd baptized at home by the midwife as not likely to live: and we cannot but notice how often a mother's death followed the birth of a child. The xxvj daye off July (1542). Ther was baptized the dowghter of thomas symon whose name was Jone and buryed the same daye. The xiiij daye off february (154f). Ther was baptized the * See the first of three oollotype illustrations made from photographs taken by the Rev. W. Gardner-Waterman.—ED. t Italics represent contraction marks throughout this Paper, STAPLEHURST REGISTER. 285 sonne off thomas wynewaye whose name was John whyche was buryed the same daye of the sayed moneth. The xxvrjte off november (1545) there was christened the dowther off Symora called Johan. The same day. ther was buryed Margaret gnnnyng mother off the seyd Johaw & the seyd Johara w* her in one cheste. The xxv"1 of Apryle (1547). there were borne ii children of alexawder Beerye the one christned at home and so deceased called Creature the other christned at churche called Johan. The vjth daye of June (1548) there was baptized by the mydwyffe & here buryed the childe of Andrew partridge called creature. The xiiijth day of the same moneth (March 154f). There was Christined Marione the dawghter of John Osborne and that at home by the report of honest women. The same Marion was also buried the said xiiij"1 day of Marche. The ixth of the same (Ap. 1550). There was baptised and that at home by the testimonye of good women Thomas the sone of Gregorie Rutting & after presented in the temple Receiving other Ritus accordinglie. And was buried the next day before none. The viijth day of november (1564) Ther was borne baptised and buryed Jhonne the daughter of hew Conce. The third day of the same (March 156£). Ther was buryed the sonne of John hopper which dyed imOTediately as he was borne being named Creature. The xviUl day of february (156|) There was borne baptised & buryed Creature the daughter of Steven ffuller. There are altogether twenty-three instances of the name " Creature " being given. The little " Creature," however, did not always die soon after birth, for The xixth day (July 1579) There was maryed John haffynden & Creature cheseman yong folke. Whether it was that servants were numerous or that the servant's lot was a hard one, there are frequent entries of their burial. Prayers for the dead are common in the earlier years, but there are none after Elizabeth's accession to the throne. The xiiij daye of Marche (154f). Ther was buried William buckherst thelder whose sowle Jesu pardon Amen, 286 STAPLEHURST REGISTER. The ixth daye off June (1545) There was buryed the sonn off thomas Roberth the yon gar called henry uppow whose soule I pray god have mercy. The xviii of february (154f) there was buryed Richard the sow off hewry Malym which begon to lerne rede whose soil Jhu pardow. The xith daye of September (1548) there was buryed Jamis Bragelond an honest maw & a goode householder whose soule Jhu pardow & briwg to eternal rest. To which is added in a later hand— Noat yet the popish superstition in those dayes. The seconde daye of September (1553) Was buryed Tymothe Stockton the sonne of Robert Stockton mynyster of Stapleherst per me R. S. In the yeres above sayd. The sevonth daye of Septembre (do) Was Buryed Kateryn the daughter of Jamys Buckherst in the yeres above said quce erat qwatuor annorwm sicut et filius meus thymothews quorum animabus propitieter deus. Amen. R. S. The xviith daye of septembre Was Buryed John meryell my lovinge ffrynd upon whose soule I praye god y° ffather for christes sake & through hys bloude to be mercyfull in y° yeres aforesaid per me Robertum Stockton tunc et ibidem pastorem. The first mention of the clergy, and one that exemplifies the use of the title " Sir " as then designating a priest, is in 1544. The xxv'1 ' daye of August Ther was buryyd Sr Robert Woodkocke pryst. Who he was and what connexion he had with the parish it is impossible to say; for Richard Beseley had been rector from 1535. The first entries in the register are in his handwriting ; and he was resident, as an entry in 154£ shews, recording his marriage— Vicesimo quarto die Martii. Mugister Richardws Beseley sacre Theologie professor, ac serenissimi & illustrissimi felicis memorie Principis Henrici Octavi nuper Regis strenuiss*' »n' et metuendissimi sacellanws*; necnow Rector hujus * A title peculiar to the chaplains of Henry VIII., in place of the ordinary capellawus. Cf. Migne, Lexicon manuale: "SACELIANUS— Capellanus, sacello prtefectus; chapelain. (Ch. H. VIII. reg. Angl.)" V JJf*pW §& /~™e <$* fit* *r ^'^ '17W w^0* ^^^ A r ^ , / v r '*"'' { vv IN*»'• <••«"' C ,-»«•'• a — « .,* | fta \ v r . ', .' v ' v i ater noluit eum in eeclesiaw? introduci. 20° obiit Robt willerd shomaker sine crucis nihil. eodem obiit Isbell Bery sine crucis signo. eadem obiit Stevyn Austrye nihil soluto ne denario quidem missali sepultus est hora prima in qua hora minister expectabat. ultimo febr. obiit Margaret By shop obstetrix nihil soluto. They were troublous times indeed, and one is not surprised to read— The vijth day of Aprell (1560) There was baptised Willm sone of William fant whiche childe was borne in troublous days & therfore not christined tyll it was a yere old. Thomas Henden seems to have left the parish soon after the previous entries were made and Richard Beseley to have recovered his benefice, though he did not again become v 2 292 STAPLEHURST REGISTER. resident, living either at his other benefice of Sandhurst or at Canterbury, where he was a Six-preacher at the cathedral. In 1562 John Stephen was curate-in-charge and continued to be so to the end of 1579— The same day (May 3,1562) ther was baptysed Anne the daughter of John Stephyn clarke who baptised his owne childe. In other entries he styles himself " curate," and records the baptism of his children, Mary, Martha, Repentaunce, and Paith; and The last day of ye same (March, 1576) There was buryed Marion the wife of John Stephen (Curate of this paryshe) who was a very honest & quiet Woman, Sober, Virtuous & muche geeven to Almes Deedes, & mercyfulnes towardes the poore & needy. The following is interesting as shewing how these curates got their stipend, viz., by farming the tithe, paying no doubt a certain proportion or a fixed sum to the rector— Memorandum y* y° xixth Day of October A0 dni 1579 the nether barne of the parsonage adioyning to ye Streat was Erected by John Stephen ffarmer of y° same parsonage. He was succeeded by Robert Twisden, 1580 to 1586: Octobris 16 (1580) Baptizatus erat Guilielmus filius Roberti Twisdeni ministri istius ecclesiae. Other children of his were Samuel, Sara, and Susanna, their baptism being entered in Latin, all other entries being in English. Richard Beseley died in 1585, and Edmund Culpeper became rector, resigning in 1591; but his name does not occur in the register and it does not appear that he was resident, William Eddye being the curate-in-charge. The xxx day (March, 1589) was baptysed nathanaell ye sonne of Wyllyam Eddye mynyster & preacher of ye gospell of or lord Jesus cryst. Robert Newman was appointed to the benefice in 1591, and records his induction and reading himself in j but parts STAPLEHURST REGISTER. 293 of the entries are lost through the edges of the pages being worn— . . . . march 1591 Mr Robert Newman parson of this parish was Inducted by . . . . The ixth day (May, 1591) being sonday Mr Rt. Newman parson redd in the churche . . . . of faith appointed. Prom May 4, 1592, to Sept. 8 the entries are in his small neat handwriting: as are the copies in the parchment book from Nov. 22, 1558, to Sept. 11,1569. In 1595 James Boxer was curate—as an entry quoted later shews. Ou the reverse of the last page of the original register are a list of preachers from the Peast "of Saynt mychaeU tharchangell," 1577, to Sept. 21, 1579— The fyrst that preached in our church was Robert Spencer the . . . . of ffryttenten who was w4 us the first day of December . . . . preached one sermon. He preached again July 13, 1579. Josias nyckols somtym . . . . of leaneham preached too sermons Dec. 16. Mr anthony Carryer the vicar of bocton monchellsee preached once March 16, 1578; and again Dec. 14, and May 17, 1579.. Mr. Storer the precher of the Towne of Maydestone preached April 20 & Aug. 31, 1578. Mr. Alexander mascall vicar of marden preached Aug. 4, 1578, and May 15 and 16, 1579. The others were Mr. Walsoll, July 5, 1579; — Wood, July 13 and Sept. 21; Mr. Mericke, July 26. The following are the only references to church services and discipline in Elizabeth's reign— The viij day of the same (Eeb. 156|) Ther were borne too twynnes being menchyldren (y° sonnes of Wyllm symon) wh chyldren beyng wekke were named (& baptised by y° mydwif) thomas & wyllm the which thomas was buryed ye xirj41' day of y° same moneth beyng sonday the other childe was brott to yc church that day & receyved into the congregation accordyng to the order apoynted in Baptisme and was buried the xvi4'1 day of the month abovesayd. / 294 STAPLEHURST REGISTER. Octobris 30 (1582) Thomas Cheseman drowned himself & was buryed in ye churchyard out of Xpiaw buryall. Septembris 28 (1583) Weare maryed by lycence graunted from the deane & chapter of Canterbury John Stephens & An Swineston widow both of the porishe of marden ther licence bearing date the xx4]l of September 1583. Baptised the same day (April 23, 1587) at afternoone Prauncis ye daughter of John Fonte—eodem die post merid. Baptism apparently was administered as a rule in the morning. The iiij day (April, 1592) was buried a womaw childe of James Came unchristened notw4sta«di?»g she gave thanks. The xxviii day of Januarye (159|) was baptysed at spyllsell Mystres marye wynsor dowghter of master Androwe wynsor. There are two instances of burial in the church— The xvij day of Julye was buryed yn or churche Jamys bucherst an awncyent yeman of stapleherst. The same day (May 31, 1592) was buried Mri3 Alice Rogers widdowe & lyeth somewhat beneath ye chawcel. In Elizabeth's reign several dispensations bear witness to the strict enforcement of fasting in Lent. But it must be remembered that the civil law enforced it with a view to encouraging sailors and fishermen. It was apparently in recognition of this that these dispensations were granted. (157|). Memorandum that Xpopher vynye mary Bouckherst Thomas newman & his wyf & Denys hamnell beinge Sycke theys lenten season are lycensed duryng the tyme of theyre sicknes to Eate & feede upon suche fleshe as they best lyke for the Recoveringe of ther healthe accordinge to the Statute in that case made & provided. By me John Stephen. eodem die (March 3, 158i) Wm Bassocke beinge very sycke is lycenced this tyme of lent by the space' of xiiii days to eate flesh for the restorynge of his healthe. per me Robertuw Twisden ministrum. eodem die (Peb. 17, 158&) Thomas Osborn the elder M1S Purefey & the wyfe of Jeames Buchurst are licenced by me to eate fleshe for the recouery of their health this lent by STAPLEHURST REGISTER. 295 the space of eyght days & yf they shall not be recouered by the same then duringe the whole time of lent. per me Robertum Twisden ministruwj istius eccle de Staplehurst. Beyt knowen unto all men by thes presents That I James Boxer clarke & curat of ye parishe churche of Stapleherst in the county of Kent Have licensed & by thes P (resents) doe license Wm Turner of Stapleherst aforesayd yoman beinge at this tyme . . . . & visited by ye mighty hande of God To eate fleshe & to use suche meates as shall seem best to him for ye recoveringe of his health & untyll yt shall please God to restore him to his former health againe: Accordinge to y° Lawe yn y4 case made & provyded (yn) Wytnesse wherof I have herewith sett my hande Dated the 23th day of (Marche) in the 37t h yere of the reigne of or sovereigne Lady Elizabeth by y° . . . . God, of Englande, ffraunce & Irelande Queen defender . . . . Per me Ja9 B(oxer), Curat de . . . . Towards the end of Elizabeth's reign there was evidently a growing carelessness about the rites of religion, and there are frequent entries of children buried unbaptized; whether with or without a service is not stated, e.g.:— The second day of maye (1590) was buryed hi dowghters unbaptysed borne of yc wyffe of Androwe hammon. There was also growing immorality, if one may judge by the number of illegitimate children buried, e.g.:— The xv day of november (1587) was buryed a base borne chylde named Jone y4 margaret fosid the hoare brought from London as shee dyd saye. The ix day of Awegost (1590) was baptised Jamys a basse borne chyld: y° mother's name ys Elyzabarthe smythe & she saythe y4 Jamys thonder ys father to yt. And even— The vi of Apryll (1591) was baptysed Anys ye dowghter of an harlott whose name is Elyzabeathe dason & her father to be y° father of y° chylde. The Christian names during this period seem to indicate an advancing tide of Puritanism, e.g., Israeli, Tymothe, Melchisedeche, Tobias, Calebbe, Adam, Josyas, Jonas, 296 STAPLEHURST REGISTER. Elisha, Sylas, Elyas, Moyses; Rlioda, Tabi tha, Repentaunce, Clemance—none of which are found in the earlier years. I n 1592 there are three entries of the burial of " a poore solldyer." Some light is thrown on the provision made for the poor by the following:— The xviil h day of the same (Dec. 1578) Ther was comwytted to the earth the body of one Johan long . . . . who died in the highway as she was carryed on horsback to have been conveyed from officer to officer tyll she should have com to the parishe of Rayershe. The 22t h daye of June (1592) Edward Pinche gent, did seale a bonde of 1211 to the use of the parishe and namelie to Robt. Newmaw Parson and to Thomas Batherst gent, and John Batherst thelder clothier w4 condicon if he cheerelye acquit and discharge for ever the said parrish for ani further charge or bringing up of one Patience daughter to Margeret Parke deceased. The 25 daye of June (1592) John Sharpe of the parish brodeweaver g(ave) worde to the parish to keepe and bring up one godlye beeching xii yeeres olde & for the space of ten yeeres next foliow(ing). the marke of John Sharpe -f-. The xv day (April 1594) was buryed Wyllyam a poore chylde kept by ye paryshe of John leechynges. Memorandum there was given awaye to the poore people of . . . . wch the sayd nicolas did in his will bequeath to be distributed . . . . executor William bassok the younger in the pr . . . . of the . . . . The second day (Peb. 159f) was buryed Jelyon hammon a poore olde maid paid bye parishe. I n cases of accidental or sudden death particulars are given:— The xxxi40 daye of Julye (1545) Ther was buriedd dorethe colyar servant w4 thomas Rede which by misfortune was suffocate in the water. The xih of Julye (1548) there dyed one nicholas a childe suffocate in watf by misfortune who dwellid w4 Thomas peke. The x4h of June (1551) was buryd . . . . whiche was kyllid w4 a tymbrelogg in A sawpyt. STAPLEHURST REGISTER. 297 The third of October There was buried Anthonie Robyns of Canterbury that dyed by the highway. The xvii4h of the same (May 1567) There was buryed Willyam willes a housholder who was by misfortune kylled withe the whyle of his owne weyne. The xiiit h day of the same (Peb. 157f) There was buryed Willyam peerce servaunt to Josyas hore who was killed w4 the fall from a horse nygh unto his masters gate. Aprilis 14 (1582) was buryed Walter mayny a boy that was drowned sonn of widowe maynye. Januarii 6 (158§) was buryed mary the daughter of widow Archer an infante of three quarters old that was scolded & wh in x owres dyed. The vj day of Apryll (1590) was buryed Ales ye wyffe of Androw harnden & a chylde y* was Ripped owt of her wombe a dowghter buryed w4 her. The fyrst day (Feb. 159£) was buryed, Alyn german a strawnger whyche was kylled yn a sawepett w4 a tymberlogge whyche fell uppon hym. The vi4 day (Nov. 1595) was buryed John warne (?) a younge man y4 dyed of the ffiallinge sicknes in the ffeyldes. The following are instances of curious expression or information:— The ix daye of marche (154|) Ther was buryed thomas as yo voyce goyth the sone of stevyn laurence. The xiii41' day of Apriell (1561) There was baptised Marye the daughter of John Bourman Friend of my foe. The xrj4h day of the same (Nov. 1562) There was Buryed Rychard Robert w4 the sfcyfe leg. The vj411 day of december (1565) There was buryed Alyce the wiff (of A naughtie felow whose name is) mathew manne. Note that from the feast of the purification of S4 mary the virgen tyll this present day (Nov. 20, 1575) there was not one Corpse buried in this parishe. notatu dignum (in a later hand.) The xxiij day of Julye (1587) was buryed olde mother baker wydowe. 298 •STAPLEHURST REGISTER. There are occasional notes of character, e.g.:— The eleventh daye off novembre (1545) There was buryed the honest wyffe off peter draner full of almes & good workes whose name was alyce. The xxij daye of ye same (Sept. 1587) was buryed Annys pemyall (?) an old woman & of a good conversacyone. Briefer notes of character are frequent, such as "an honest matrone," " a good howsekeper," " a verry honest & godlie man," " an honest householder," " a virtuous old matrone." A word by way of description of a person buried is often added, such as " virgyn" or " mayden," " an olde man," " householder," " wydowe " (man or woman), " beinge but a childe," " synglewoman," " an olde poore mayden," " beyng but a ladde," " a lustie yong man," " a symple wench," " a very auncyent old woman," " a poore man," " a poore lame mayden," " an owlde bacheller," " an oulde blyndeman," " a poore Innocently boye of xvj yeare," " a poor housholder," " a poore lame oulde man," " a basterde," "base," "an honest & substantiall housholder," " a poore olde wenche," "an old innocent man," " a pore lame felow," " a nurse chylde," " a deade borne chylde," " goodman." Those married were often "yonge folkes," or "poor folkes," or "syngle folkes." In one case it is "yonge fooles." The trade or profession or rank is occasionally stated, e.g., "The repyar" or "repere," "carpenter," "tiler," "esquyer," "draper," "shereman," "odesetter," "turner," " hosbondman," " drover," " clothemaker," " sourgener," " tynker," " wever," " farmer," " smythe," " laborer," " below maker," " gentyUman," " phidiciria," " sawyer," " prentice w4 ....," " netmaker," " servaunt unto ....," " soldyer," " brode weaver," " mercer," " paynter," " whyler," " trendell maker," " colyer," " scoolemaster," " wheele wrighte," "tanner," "clothier," "mason," "tay- •lor," "shoomaker." At the end of one entry the word " tynben " is added. The xiij411 day of the same (Dec. 3,573) There was buryed Steven the Sonne of willyam Browne tyubem STAPLEHURST REGISTER. 299 There are several unusual Christian names, e.g., Poenall, Dunstan, Alane, Osbert, TJdeley, Gervase, Egidius, Jillyon, Augustyne, Jasper, Harmon, Armell, Jervys, Reinold; Johan, Tden, Thonnsyn (Tomsen, Tomosyn), Julyan, Godleve (Godliffe), Thosen, Anys, Benett, Deonyce (Denys, Dynes), Ricardine, Bigitta, Lore, Juda, Pernell, Urselawe, Joyce, Hester, Avise, Wynnefryth, Robena, Audry, Persis, Tearsie. In several places there is an entry " a Censws made," but they are all in the same hand, and all apparently refer to " a Censws made the 22th Day of December 1632," which for some reason is entered in various parts of this register. Prom 1564 there is a yearly record of the " exhibition " of the register at the annual visitation, except in 1570 and 1587. Up to the year 1587 the visitation was held from February to July; after that date it was held in September or October, in which case there had probably been a previous one earlier in the year— The copie of this Regester untyll this present day was exibited at lenham the syxt day of the monethe of June 1564. The copye of this regester untyll this present was exhiby ted at Ashford 3 of Maye (1580) beinge then ye generall. The Bill of this yeare was exhibited at the visitation holden at Ashforde the 6 of Octobar 1590. The places at which the visitations were held, and years, are as follows— Lenham—1564, 1566, 1569, 1578. Maidstone—1565, 1568. Charing—1567. Ashford—1571, 1573, 1574, 1575, 1576, 1577, 1580, 1581, 1582, 1583, 1585, 1586, 1588, 1589, 1590. Sittingbourne—1572, 1579, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1596. Canterbury—158|. Faversham—1591, 1592. P.S.—In the early pages of the register the name John is always written with a contraction-mark, as though the transformation from Johannes was not yet complete. In one case it is written Johan. Was the name then so pronounced ?


Nettlestead Church II Extracts from Notes


Bredhurst Paten