Staplehurst Register
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Nettlestead Church II Extracts from Notes
Bredhurst Paten
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PAo/o.J [W.6.-W.
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( 283 )
AMONGST the documents which throw Ught on parish history
three hundred and fifty years ago not the least important are
the Registers. Especially valuable are the registers which
Cromwell ordered to be kept in 1538, in which the entries
were not as formal as they became later, and remarks and
notes of special events were often added. In most cases
these old paper books were destroyed or allowed to disappear
when an order was issued, in 1597, that a fair copy of them
from the date of Elizabeth's accession should be made on
parchment; and with them vanished not only the entries for
the first twenty years, but also many of the notes and
remarks. But a few of the old books remain, and Staplehurst
is fortunate enough to possess its original register as well
as the parchment copy.
This old book, 13 in. by 9 in., was originally composed
of fifteen sheaves of paper of five sheets each, each sheaf
folded in the middle, and all securely bound together by
string onto three blocks of leather at the back; and has a
cover of strong parchment, the edges folded in at the top
and bottom. The end cover has within it another leaf of
parchment, a page from a Latin book with MS. notes in the
margin. Of the original one hundred and fifty leaves, one
hundred and fourteen (or parts of them) remain; the rest
having been torn or cut out, most of them apparently blank.
Into the end twenty additional leaves of rather smaller size
have been sewn. The entries are continuous from Sept. 26,
1538, to Oct. 30,1596J and are mixed, except from 1555 to
1558, when the baptisms are entered separately in the
regular order, the marriages and burials being entered later
in the book at different places; also in 1587 the baptisms,
burials, and marriages are entered separately on three consecutive
pages. These entries end on the last leaf but one
of the original book. On the last page but one the entries
begin again on April 3, 1622; the next page, the last of the
original book, is written reversely and contains a list of
preachers from the Peast of S. Michael, 1577, to Sept. 21,
1579. The entries are then continued on the additional
leaves to Sept. 21, 1639. They, like the earlier ones, are
copied into the parchment book!
The first page* is headed «1538. 29th of H. viii." in a
later hand, and the first entry is'—
The xxjx day of Septenbre Ther was buried Thomas the
sone of Thomas petyman and Joan Walker which was brought
to be norisshed w* dorithie Smythe of this parishe by benchkyns
wydowe of Cranbrooke.f
On the annual recurrence of the day up to 1547 there is
some such entry as the following—
Seynt mychaell the Archawgell beyng the xxix daye off
September the xxxix yere off the incarnation of or Lord godd
& the xxxi yere off the Raigne of or Soveraine Lorde Kynge
henrye the viii.
Or more fully—
The Regester of alle the Namys as is Afore saide that is
from the feast &c.
The first point that attracts attention as we look through
the register is the early date of burial, usually on the day
of death, and the curious custom of giving the name of
" Creature " to a chUd baptized at home by the midwife as
not likely to live: and we cannot but notice how often a
mother's death followed the birth of a child.
The xxvj daye off July (1542). Ther was baptized the
dowghter of thomas symon whose name was Jone and buryed
the same daye.
The xiiij daye off february (154f). Ther was baptized the
* See the first of three oollotype illustrations made from photographs taken
by the Rev. W. Gardner-Waterman.—ED.
t Italics represent contraction marks throughout this Paper,
sonne off thomas wynewaye whose name was John whyche was
buryed the same daye of the sayed moneth.
The xxvrjte off november (1545) there was christened the
dowther off Symora gu.nu.yng called Johan. The same day. ther
was buryed Margaret gnnnyng mother off the seyd Johaw &
the seyd Johara w* her in one cheste.
The xxv"1 of Apryle (1547). there were borne ii children of
alexawder Beerye the one christned at home and so deceased
called Creature the other christned at churche called Johan.
The vjth daye of June (1548) there was baptized by the
mydwyffe & here buryed the childe of Andrew partridge called
The xiiijth day of the same moneth (March 154f). There
was Christined Marione the dawghter of John Osborne and
that at home by the report of honest women. The same
Marion was also buried the said xiiij"1 day of Marche.
The ixth of the same (Ap. 1550). There was baptised and
that at home by the testimonye of good women Thomas the
sone of Gregorie Rutting & after presented in the temple
Receiving other Ritus accordinglie. And was buried the next
day before none.
The viijth day of november (1564) Ther was borne baptised
and buryed Jhonne the daughter of hew Conce.
The third day of the same (March 156£). Ther was buryed
the sonne of John hopper which dyed imOTediately as he was
borne being named Creature.
The xviUl day of february (156|) There was borne baptised
& buryed Creature the daughter of Steven ffuller.
There are altogether twenty-three instances of the name
" Creature " being given. The little " Creature," however,
did not always die soon after birth, for
The xixth day (July 1579) There was maryed John
haffynden & Creature cheseman yong folke.
Whether it was that servants were numerous or that the
servant's lot was a hard one, there are frequent entries of
their burial.
Prayers for the dead are common in the earlier years,
but there are none after Elizabeth's accession to the throne.
The xiiij daye of Marche (154f). Ther was buried William
buckherst thelder whose sowle Jesu pardon Amen,
The ixth daye off June (1545) There was buryed the sonn
off thomas Roberth the yon gar called henry uppow whose soule
I pray god have mercy.
The xviii of february (154f) there was buryed Richard the
sow off hewry Malym which begon to lerne rede whose soil
Jhu pardow.
The xith daye of September (1548) there was buryed Jamis
Bragelond an honest maw & a goode householder whose soule
Jhu pardow & briwg to eternal rest.
To which is added in a later hand—
Noat yet the popish superstition in those dayes.
The seconde daye of September (1553) Was buryed
Tymothe Stockton the sonne of Robert Stockton mynyster of
Stapleherst per me R. S. In the yeres above sayd.
The sevonth daye of Septembre (do) Was Buryed Kateryn
the daughter of Jamys Buckherst in the yeres above said quce
erat qwatuor annorwm sicut et filius meus thymothews quorum
animabus propitieter deus. Amen. R. S.
The xviith daye of septembre Was Buryed John meryell my
lovinge ffrynd upon whose soule I praye god y° ffather for
christes sake & through hys bloude to be mercyfull in y°
yeres aforesaid per me Robertum Stockton tunc et ibidem
The first mention of the clergy, and one that exemplifies
the use of the title " Sir " as then designating a priest, is in
The xxv'1 ' daye of August Ther was buryyd Sr Robert
Woodkocke pryst.
Who he was and what connexion he had with the parish
it is impossible to say; for Richard Beseley had been rector
from 1535. The first entries in the register are in his handwriting
; and he was resident, as an entry in 154£ shews,
recording his marriage—
Vicesimo quarto die Martii. Mugister Richardws Beseley
sacre Theologie professor, ac serenissimi & illustrissimi
felicis memorie Principis Henrici Octavi nuper Regis strenuiss*'
»n' et metuendissimi sacellanws*; necnow Rector hujus
* A title peculiar to the chaplains of Henry VIII., in place of the ordinary
capellawus. Cf. Migne, Lexicon manuale: "SACELIANUS— Capellanus, sacello
prtefectus; chapelain. (Ch. H. VIII. reg. Angl.)"
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