Accounts and Balance Sheet

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET 31ST DECEMBER 1911. xc KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL j0f. Income and Expenditure Account & s. d. & s. d. To Reat of Library and Council Chamber at Maidstone 20 0 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 ., Porter's Wages (5 12 0 „ Fire and Burglary Insurance 3 7 6 „ Printing and Stationery, etc 22 12 6 „ Production of Volume XXIX. Archceologia Cantiana—Mitchell Hughes and Clarke 322 17 9 „ Honorary Secretary's Postage and Stationery 3 0 6 „ ArchiBolog-ical Congress 4 0 0 ,. Accountancy—W. J. King and Son, Pee and Disbursements, 1910 6 4 6 „ Honorary Local Secretaries' Disbursements 1 16 10 ,, Miscellaneous Expenses :— Subscription to Harleian Sooiety, 1911 2 2 0 Subscription to Pipe Roll Sooiety, 1911 7 7 0 Sundries as per Honorary Secretary's Petty Cash 8 0 8 17 9 8 „ Amount written off Consols to reduce the investment to 75 90 2 2 „ Expenses re Annual Meetings 7 9 5 £545 12 10 W. j . KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants) GEAVESEND. \0th September 1912. SOCIETY. &ci for Tear ended 31st December 1911. ©f . £ s. d. £ s. d. By Annual Subscriptions :— Arrears to 1910 78 0 0 491 Members at 10*. (1911) 245 10 0 323 10 0 „ Entrance Pees 22 0 0 „ Life Compositions (to be separately invested) 16 0 0 ,, Illustration Pund 0 10 0 „ Sale of Publications 4 0 0 „ Deposit Interest from Maidstone Bank 5 0 0 „ Dividends on Consols 40 I 10 „ Miscellaneous Receipts :— Subscriptions overpaid 0 7 6 Sale of Large Paper 15 6 1 13 0 „ Balance carried to Accumulated Pund, being Excess of Expenditure over Inoome for the year 132 18 0 £545 12 10 List of Outstanding Dividends. & s. d. Dividend on Consols due :— October, 1910 7 10 11 January, 1911 7 10 11 April, 1911 7 10 11 July, 1911 7 10 11 October, 1911 7 10 11 Ditto 0 16 3 £38 10 10 xcii £EttT ARCHAEOLOGICAL UJy, Account of Receipts and Payments RECEIPTS. £, s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from last Account :— Petty Gash 1 19 4 Maidstone Bank—Current Aocount 250 0 8 Canterbury Bank—Current Account 249 11 2 „ Cash on Deposit at Maidstone Bank as per last Balance Sheet 200 0 0 701 II 2 Annual Subscriptions :— Amount received during the Year on £ *. d. Account of Arrears 1904 0 10 0 1905 1 0 0 1906 1 10 0 1907 4 0 0 1908 4 10 0 1909 18 0 0 1910 48 10 0 78 0 0 Subscriptions for current year (1911) 245 10 0 Subscriptions for year 1912 paid in advance ... 5 10 0 „ Illustration Pund „ Sale of Publications „ Bank Interest on Deposit „ Dividends on Consols „ Life Compositions „ Subscriptions overpaid ... „ Entrance Fees „ Miscellaneous Receipts ... W. J. KING- AND SON, Chartered Accountants^ GRAVESEND. Wth September 1912. - 329 0 0 10 4 0 5 0 9 1 16 0 0 7 22 0 1 5 £1088 16 0 0 0 0 11 0 6 0 6 1 SOCIETY. xciii 1st January to Hist December 1911. (£ t . PAYMENTS. £, s. d. £ s. d. By Honorary Local Secretaries'Disbursements 1 10 10 „ Porter's Wages 6 12 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 „ Printing and Stationery 32 18 6 „ Rent of Rooms 20 0 0 „ Pire and Burglary Insurance 3 7 6 „ Employers'Liability „ 0 10 0 „ Expenses of Annual Meeting 7 9 5 „ Miscellaneous Expenses 8 0 8 „ Subscription to Harleian Society, 1911 2 2 0 „ Archseological Congress 4 0 0 „ Subscription to Pipe Roll Society 7 7 0 „ Accountancy and Disbursements, 1910 6 4 6 „ Purchase of Consols 106 0 0 „ Expenses of production of Publications—Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, Vol. XXIX 322 17 9 „ Balance carried forward :— Petty Cash in hand 5 1 8 Cash at Maidstone Bank 164 9 5 „ „ Canterbury Bank 153 6 4 „ on Deposit at Maidstone Bank 200 0 0 522 17 5 Less Unpresented Cheque 3 7 6 519 <> 11 £1088 16 1 KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL Sit. Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. •£, s. d. £ s. d. Sundry Creditors :— TJnpresented Cheque 3 7 6 Corporation of Maidstone—for rent of Library accrued 15 0 0 Provision for other outstanding Accounts 5 0 0 23 7 6 Research Fund:— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 39 6 9 Annual Subscriptions for 1912 paid in advance 5 10 0 Accumulated Pund :— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 2946 19 6 Less Balance from Income and Expenditure Account, 1911 132 18 0 2814 1 6 £2882 5 9 Prepared by W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GEAVESEND. 10th September 1912. SOCIETY. xcv 31st December 1911. <£f. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d Cash in hands of Honorary Secretary 5 1 8 „ at Maidstone Bank :— £ s. d. Current Account 168 14 1 Less Amount credited in error 4 4 8 164 9 5 Deposit Account 200 0 0 „ at Canterbury Bank :— Current Account 153 6 4 522 17 5 Investment in Consols :— £1756 9J. Bd. taken at 75 1317 0 0 Dividends accrued to October 5th, 1911, not collected 38 10 10 Pire Insurance paid to Christmas, 1912 3 17 6 Library and Collection at Maidstone Museum 1000 0 0


A Kentish Register


The Poll Tax in Rochester, September 1660