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Register of Deeds Relating to the County of Kent
Front matter, Volume 29
( 317 )
Absolon le Clerk, 75.
.A.ckworth, Allen, 12, 17.
.A.crise Court, 221.
.A.et for provision of money to dis•
band forces, 3 ; supplemental aots,
Acton, Middlesex, 247.
Adam the dyer and Mary his wife, 75.
Adams (Adames), George, 186; John,
26; Mr., 176, 177.
a Dane, Ja.mes, 108, . will of, 99;
John, 99 ; Margery, 97, 99 ; Sara,
97 ; Thomas, 99; William, will of,
97; Mr., 176.
Adcock, John, !314.
ad Donam,' William, 73.
Adisham (Edesba.m), Court of, 72;
ma.nor of, 77; Priory of Holy
Trinity in, 70.
2Eneid of Virgil, translation of by ·
John Boys, 82.
.A.id for the King's Needs on lands
belonging to Hospital of St. Mary,
Ospringe, 39, 69.
Alcock, Stephen, 13, 29.
Aldington, visitation at, 288.
Aldridge, William, 12, 28.
Aldye, John, 98.
.A.lewey, Joan, 128 ; Simon, 128.
Alington, George, 16.
Allen (Alen, Aleyn, Alyn), Agnes,
94, 109; Alexander, will of, 97 ;
Alice, 94 ; Anthony, 105, I J 9 ;
Christian, 94, 106; Florence, 97 ; ·
Harry, 128; Joan, 105,119; ,John,
94, 99, 105, 108, 116, 119 (2); ,Tohn, .
jun., 114; Margery, 105 ; Mildred,
!313; Nicholas, 105, will of, 94 ;
Richard, 11, 27, 153 ; Robert, 24,
313, 314; Simon, 94, 99; Thomas,
25, 94, 97 ; Vincent, 94, 105, 111, ·
will of, 99; William, 94 (2), 97, 99,
105, 109, Ill, will of, 105.
Allerd, Margaret, 2ii.
Allison (Ellison), WHliam1 19.
Alnor (Elnor), Thomas,. 23.
Alys, Thomas, 121.
a Manne, John, 98 .
Ambree, ancient Roll of Manor.of, 12 .
Ambrose, Bennet, 101 •
Ampton, 66.
Andrews, Edward, 19; Mary, 18.
.Anfrey, son of Ranulph the bake1·,
Angell, C. F., 91.
.Ansell, Anne, 23 ; William, 23.
Anselm the Smith, 74.
.Appulford, William, 259.
.Armore, Mn.ry, 20; Robert, 20.
.Armstead, Mr., 271.
.Arnald, .Ale;,i:ander, 31 ; Margret, 80.
.Arnett, Richard, xlviii.
Arnold, A. A., on the Poll Tax in
Rochester, 1660, l; on the Tex·
tus Roffensis in Chancery, 1633,
225 .
.Ashby, Thomas, 57, 66.
Ashford, 81.
.Ashley, Thomas, 32; William, 18.
Asq., John, !H.
Asshele, wood of, 46.
Asshenden, Robert, 156.
Assherynden, John, li:!7; Stephen,
Assheton, William, 54 .
Assig-nment, description of, in relation
to land, lxxxiv.
.Assiter, Judith, 24.
Asston, John, 236.
At Church, Alice, 111 ; Harry, 110,
111 (2); James, 109. 110, 111 (2);
John, 110(2), 111; Jobn,sen., will
of, 111 ; Margaret, 109, no, 111 ;
Philip, 110, 111; Richard, 110,111;
Thomas, 110, 111, will of, 109 (2);
Wm., 110 (2), 111.
at Hall, Alice, 98, 111; John, 98, 99,
will of, 111.
Atkin, Elizabeth, 19 ; Frances, l 9;
James, 28.
at See (atte See), Agnes, 123; Alice,
l0S, 114; Christian, 123 ; Cristine,
106; Elin.nor, 97, 98, 108, 109;
Elizabeth, 122 ; Hamo, will of, 95 ;
Hamon, 106, 114, will of, l 22;
Hent'y, 9S, 101, 103; !so.bell, 122 ;
Jnmes, 122, 123 ; Jon.n, 12,l ; John,
65, 106, 122 ; Katherine, 07. 98,
will of, 108; Mn.rgo.ret, 114; Margery,
10S ; Marione, 9/i; Mawdelyn,
123 ; Michael, 123 ; Robert, 97 (3),
98, 99, 109, 122 ; Thomas, 95 (2),
98, 105, 111, 114, 122, 123, will of,
106; Thomasine, 122; Vincent,
106, 114; William, 95, 97, 98. 102,
106, 108, 109, 123, wills of, !J7 (2),
114, 122.
Atha.llys (Athalls), John, 97.
.Attaway, Robert, 22.
.Attewell, William, 25.
Atwater (At Water), Aunfrid, 7$ (2),
75; J:ohn, 32; Mary, 32.
Aucher, Sir Anthony, 150, 155.
Austen, Elizabeth, 26; Joan, 170;
Robe1·t, 172, 178 (2).
A.versilver, 72.
Awger, Jl3.
A wvgare, William, 113.
.Ayllinge, Goodward, 165.
Ayres, George, 20.
Babington, Rev. J. A., 191.
Bachelcr, John, 55, 66.
Back, John, 31.
Backett, John, 27.
Badoocke, Henry, 154 ; James, liif ;
Richard, 15-!.
Baily, William, 120.
Bakeohilt, 72.
Baker, Agnes, 120 ; Cecile, 120 ;
Dnvid, 26 ; Fn.ith, 32 ; George, 2,i ;
James, 101, 119; Jane, 26; John,
120, 157, will of, 101; Sir John,
150, 165, 156; Laurence, 32; Rebeccah,
32 ; 'l'ho., 32 ; William, 96,
101, will of, 119.
Balcanquel, Walter, Dean of Rochester,
228, 229 ; note by in 1'e:ct-us
R,tflimsis, 228.
Baldwin, Anne, 19 ; Richard, 28.
Bn.llam, John, 165.
Ballard, Elizabeth, 19, 80; William,
Bn.r, Frauncis, 169.
Baret, Valentine, 60.
Barfreston, 24:l.
l1nrker, Elizabeth, 2,; ; Richard, 236.
Barlow, Daniel, 19; Margret, 19.
Barrell,Fxancis, 11 (2), 18; Hemy, 11.
Barrows, Mnry, 27.
Bartholomew, Philip, 12, 17; Leonard,
Bartlet, Henry, 16.
Barton, Thomas, 22.
Ba.tun, Alan, 74; Martin, 74.
Bassett, Joane, 113; Robert, 12, 22.
Bat, George, 24.
Bate, FJlizabeth, 1S6 ; William, reference
to Smallhythe Chapel in will
of, 185.
Bates, John, 20.
Battely, 801nruw, memorial to Rev.
Clement Hardyng from, 238.
Batten, Edward,. 12, 24; Ool. Frederick
Grreme, 12 ; l.retitia, 12 ; Gen.
Sisley John, 12.
Battle Abbey Roll, 19 .
Batty, John, 19 .
Bayley, Richard, 25 ; Susanna, 18.
Baynard, Mary, 28; Walter, 28.
Bazalgette, Sh- Joseph, xlix.
Beale (Bele), J., 187; Marg·ret, 168;
Thomas, 112.
Beard, John, 21.
Beaufort., John, Duke of, 58; Lady
Margaret, 58.
Beebe, Agnes, ·180; Nicholas, 163;
William, .130, 151 (2).
Beconfteld, Tang·reton alias, 43.
Bedemangore, manor of, 52.
Beecher, John, 28.
Bee1·e, Robert, 120.
Beggyng, John, 76; Walter, 76.
Bekynfteld, land in, 119.
Belebregge, land at, 102.
Bell, Rev. James, 246.
Bellowne, Thomas, 10, 81.
Beltinge (Beltynge), land and mes•
suages in, 97, 99, 101, 105, 116.
Benden, John, 165; John, sen., 163.
Bennett (Benet), John, 116, 165;
Lewis Clifford, 80 ; '.l'homas, 236 ;
William, l 8.
Bensteed, Joane, 29, 31 ; Thomas, 29.
Beryngham, Garrard, 160.
Best, Henry, 81.
Bestfelde, William, 157.
Beswyke, Sir Oliver, 118, 114, 116,
118 (2), 119.
Betenham, A.rchbishop' sWood in, 89.
Betteshanger, 79, 80.
Betts, Eliziibeth, 32 ; Nicholas, 32 ;
Samuel, 32 ; William, 26 ; i:iir William,
Beverley, Robert, abstract from will,
Bevington, Henry, 21.
Bidynden, 138.
Bierwhite, Joane, 168; John, 168;
Mary, 168,
Bigge, John, 168; Robert, 168.
Biggs, Phabin, 19; William, 19.
Bilsington, Rector of, 233.
Bilton, Rev. Henry, 245.
Bircheford, ,Andrew, 66,
Birchett, John, l 73.
Birchington, 129.
Bircholt, 237.
Bird, John, 25; Samuel, 26; William,
Biron, Rev. Edwin, 246, 247; Rev.
Henry Brydges, 248.
Bishopsden, Joan, 130; Thomas, 130.
Blake, Robert, 29 ; William, 74.
Blaksole, close called, 120.
Blakysham, land called, 119.
Blean, 243.
Hode Court, 82.
Blengate, lands in Hundred of, 101.
Blewett, Henry, 25.
Bliburgh, prior and convent of St.
Mary, 74.
Blossom, Christopher, 150, 161; Juliane,
150 ; Lore, 160 ; Phillip, reference
to Smallhythe Chapel in will
of, 136; William, 150.
Blount, LO/I'/) IJictiMuwy, description
of Tenant ai P1•mci:1,10 from, lxx:x.
'Boad, John, 23.
Bobbinge, 72.
Bockland near Favei:sha.m, land in, 53.
Bococke, Matthew, 18.
Booton, land in, 7 4.
Bocton under the Blean,· land in, 54,
Bolcome, Alexander, 31.
Bolden, .A.vice, 115; F1-ancis, 115;
Joan, 115 (2); Robert, will of,115.
Bonehill, land and weirs at, 106.
Boniface, Archbishop, 43.
Bonnett, Stephen, 31.
Bonney, Edmund, 31.
Bennington, 79, 80, 186, 241 ; manor
of, 220.
Booreman, .Agnes, 110; Andrew, will
of, 110.
Boorne, Edward, 20; Elimbeth, 17;
Susanna, 16.
Ilorley, John, 97.
Boteler, John, 236.
Botlesham, W., Bishop of Rochester,
Bougeor, Margery, 117.
Bounde, Edward, 56.
Bourchier, John, 287 (2).
Bouthill, weir at, 117.
Bowen, l!'rancis, 18 ; Mr., 173 ; Robert
Bowhill, weirs in, 123.
Bowker, Sir William, 121.
Bowle, Marie, .167; William, 167.
Bowlen. William, 26.
.Boyde, John, 236.
Boykin, Elinore, 103 ; Godlefe, 103 ;
Isabel, 103; John, 111 (2), 119 (3),
will of, 119; John, jun., 111 (2);
J obn, sen., 114,118; Margery, 103;
Sai·e, 119; William, ll9, will of,
Boys (Bois), Edward, 80, 81 (2) ; Sir
Edwm·d, 81 ; family of, 79 ; John,
80, 81 (S), 82 (2), 84: (3), 243 ; Sir
John, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 ; 'rhomas,
81 (H), 82; William, 81, 82; Sir
William, 80.
Bracelet of Kimmeridge shale, 310.1
Bmokleshe, John, 28.
Brnour, Roger, 72.
Bradfeild, John, 2-1-.
Bradley, Elizabeth, 28.
B1-assett, Anthony, 29.
Brathredge, Mary, 17.
Brattighe, land in, 72.
Bra.vet, Anthony, 29.
Bremsteede, John, 29.
Brenset (Brenzett), 136; Inquisition
at, 234.
Brett (Bret), Elizabeth, 27; Percival,
163, 164 ; William, 286.
Brewer, Clement, 16 (2), 32, 33 (8).
Briokeuden (Brekynden, J3rigeuden,
Brykenden), Agnes, 147 ; John,
186, 149 (2), 150, 153, 173; Robert,
148, 182, will of, 137; William, 137,
extract from will of, 19.
Bridges, Old, in England and
W a:Jes, by Aymer Vallance,
Bridgman, Bartholomew, 23; John,
Brimton, Edwat·d, 27; John, 27.
Bristow, John, 29.
Britton, Henry, 27.
Briwere, Walter, 72.
Broad. William. 21.
Broadsheafe, Elizabeth, 168; Wylliam,
B1·oadstairs, Late - Celtic discoveries
at, by Howard Hurd,
309 ; skulls dug up at, 208.
lfrockley, Bury St. Edmunds,, 188.
Brockman, Rav. Tatton, part of Hytha
Chm·oh xestored by, 270.
Brome, John, 20.
J3romefield, land and tenements in,
102, 112, 115.
Bromston, John, 67.
Brooke (Broke), Agnes, 150; Marie,
24; Sut>anna, 2·i; Sir Wm., 318,814.
Brooker, Arthur, 20.
Brooks, Jo., 26; Mary, 20.
Brown (Browne), Abraham, 31;
Adam, 67 ; Anne, 32 ; Bartholomew
·, 26 ; Henry, 31 ; Rev. J., 210;
John, 32; Mr., 32, 33; Quarles, 20;
Robert, 67 ; Stephen, 66 ; Susanna,
21; Thomas, 23, 27.
Bryan, Sir Thomas, 66.
Bryant's Diotwnary of Eil{J1'a?:er.i,
reference to J. Cole in, 219.
Brytey, John, 18; Martha, 18.
Buck, Judith, 12; Peter, 12 (2), 18 ;
Sir Peter, 12.
Buckland, manor of, 122.
Bucknall, James, 20.
Bull, Eli¾abeth, 19; John, 19.
Bullaigne, John, 22.
Bullocke, Maria, 318 ; Thomas, 313.
Bunce, Elizabeth, 17.
Bundock, Thomas, 11, 18.
Bunn, Anne, 22.
Burgisse, William, 18.
Burmarsh, inquisition at, 284.
Burmon, Elizabeth, 30.
Burrall, Elizabeth, 23 ; Mary, 29;
Thomas, 23.
Burrows, Anne, 27.
Burrows' Oi11,que Ports, reference to
Hythe from, 276.
Burton, John, 17.
Busot, William, 76.
Buashe, land called, in Bekyn felthys,
Busse, Hugh, 28.
Butt, Thos., 117.
Bysmere Street, land at, 110, 111.
Cade, Arnulf, 74.
Cadman, John, 17; Susannah, 21.
Cresar, Augustine, 11, 26; Julius, 11.
Calais, merchant of Staple of, 66.
Calcott, Nicholas, 114.
Calfe, Ellen, 21.
Callere, John, 48.
Olare Hall, 187.
Corpus Christi College, 244.
Jesus College, 187.
St. Catherine College, 185, 188.
St. John's College, 24-6 ; foundation
of, 58 ; lands conveyed to
from Maison Dien, Ospdnge,
77 ; Master of, 78 ; Priest maintained
at Ospringe by, !i8.
St. Peter's, 187.
Trinity College, 186.
Cn.mpcm, William, 17.
Canterbury, 118, 233, 234, 2:lo ; Allhallows,
112 ; bequest to local
charities, 246; Eastbridge Hospiml,
243, 245 ; Friars-Preachers and
Friars-Austin of, 97 ; Roly Cross,
101, 288; North Lane, 101; Prior
and Convent of Holy Trinity, 75;
St. Augustine'.s, 109 ; St. Greg-ory,
82; St. John, 117; St. Mary Breden,
237 ; St. Mildred, 75 ; St.
Sepulchre, 237; tenement in Worgate,
Canterbury Cathedral, 77, 286; architectural
features compared with
Hythe Church, 266, 267 ; gifts to
Maison Dien, Osprinp;e, by Chapter
of, 72 ; history of, by John Boys, 83;
Sn.ltwood manor i:?ranted to, 263.
Cardon, Thomas, 2:19.
Carleton, J' ohn, 65.
Carlis, Cecilie, 129; John, 129.
Carpenter, Thomas, 129.
Carrier, Stephen, 23.
Cart, Mr., 32 ; Robt., 31.
Carter, Wo.lter, 170.
Oapesland, land called, 78.
Capon, Luke, 32.
Cn.stelton, Anne, 31.
Castelyn, George, 159.
Caton, Sir John, vica1· of Herne, 103,
will of, 109.
Chaddocke, Martha.. 21 ; SuSll,nna, 21.
Ohadaley, Rev. Dn.niel, 186; Mr., 186.
Chamber, heirs of, 115.
Chambers, Anne, 21 ; Thomae, 22.
Chanler, William, 19.
Chapman, Joan, will of, 187.
Charlton, House, xlii; St. Luke's
Church, :xlii; visit of Sooiety to,
Charlton by Dover, 242.
Charnefeld, land at, 98.
Charnock, Thomas, 29.
Charter Rolls of Henry III., extracts
relating to St. Mary, Ospringe, 41,
42, 44-, 69-76.
Cbartbam, land in, 76 ; manor of, 77.
Oha.tbourne, Anne, 19; Thomae, 21 ;
William, 19.
Cheesman, Mn.rgret, 20 ; Mary, 18.
Chelds, tenement at, 94.
Oheshunt, Herta, 237.
Cheriton, 210, 245.
Cheatfield, Elizabeth, 95 ; Joan, will
of, 96 ; Margerie, 95.
Chetham, Richard, prior of St, Nicholas
Ledes, 77.
Cheney (Cheyne), Sir ThomaR, l!iO ;
Wm., 64 (2).
Ohichele (Ohioheley), Dr., 185 ; Richard,
186 (2) ; Thomas, 6/i, 236 (2),
237 (2).
Childrey, Stephen, 25,
Ohislet,1 12; lands in, 94, 97, 98, 105,
Ohittende, Mary, 168; Richard, 168.
Christopher, Sir, llO.
Church, James, 95; Richard, 112, 121.
OlL1wck of 01.tl' lt'atlwrs, by Rocke,
reference to Trendle in, 100.
Olarke (Clark, Clerke), Olement, 66;
John, 108, 104,138; Kateryn, 138;
William, 101.
Olayse,J ohn, 153.
Claxton, Hamon, 66.
Cleeve, Dorothy, 23.
Clegget (Cleget), Elizabeth, 22 ;
Henry, 13, 25; Joane, 16; Wil•
liam, 16.
Cleveland, Duchess of, 79, 82.
Oliff, Catherine, 169; Jeremiah, 169.
Oliffe, land and woods at, 96, 101 (2),
Oli:ll:ord, Riohard, 236.
Clifforth, John, 235.
Close, Stephen, 66.
Close Rolls, Heni·y III., extracts from
relating to Mnison Dieu, Ospringe,
Olun, John, 27.
Coale, John, 20.
Coats, Ellir.o.beth, 32 ; Henry, 32.
Cobb (Cobbe), Alexander, 101, 106 ;
Alice, 116: Bevoton, 117; Cicely,
l 18 (2); Edmund, 314 ; Goodlefe,
106 ; }so.belle, Hlli ; James, 95, 98,
l!!l. 10;;, 110, will of, 116; Joan, 116,
117 ; Rose, 118 ; 'l'homas, 97, 98,
108, will of, 105 ; Valentine, 103,
100,109,117, will of, 98; William,
Cobbey, Mr., 26.
Cobham, Elizabeth, 18; John, 29;
T,or.:i, 313 ; Richard, 12, 16; Wil•
liam, 16.
Cock, F. William, 1, 86, 89, 92; on
the Oldest Map of Romney
Marsh, 219.
Cockewell, Xrofer, 28.
Cod, Miiry, 30.
Oogger, 'l'homs!n, 17.
Coke, Richard, 119,
Coket (Ookette), Alice, GO; John, 66
(2); Walter, 66.
Oolcheater, St. Martin, timber arch in
chancel, l97.
Coldwell, John, 60, 61 ; Richard, 60,
fH ; Robert, 61,
Cole's, J., Map of Romney Marsh,
219, copies of impressions known,
222 ; inscription on, 228 ; states of,
Oolema.n (Colman), John, 112; Laur-
ence, 102; Walter, 102, 103; William.
Colgate, Robert, 80.
Collington, Mr., J 79; Rev, Nathaniel-,
. Collis (Collyngs), Anne, 21; John,
. 21 , Matthew, 27 ; Thomas, 160.
Colly, Anthonie, 82.
Colpholt, Thomas, 118.
· Colsoll, Thomas. 100.
Commissioners appointed to investigate
the oarrying out of the Act of
Suppression, 1645-6, 11>0.
Confirmation, description of in relation
to land, lx:xxv.
Consaunt (Consant), Alice, 103, 108 ;
Cecilie, l lo ; Elynore, IOS, 104 :
John, 10S; Jone. 108; Kn.therine;
108 ; Margary, 108 ; Thos., llo,
116; William, 103, 104, 116.
Constable, Stephen, 81.
Constanteyne, Alice, 5i; William, 57.
Conveyances by matter of record,
Conveyances in po.is, b:x:s:i,
Cook (Cooke), Fmnoes, 24; Mnry, 26 ;
Rio hard, 111, 11 S ; Thomns, 16 ;
William, 74.
Coombes (Combes), Allen, 23; Richard,
Cooper, Alice, 20; Anne, 24.
Copsey, Thomas, 22.
Copton, court of, 72.
Copyhold estates, lxxxvi.
Cork, Bishop of, 24!i.
Corne, Balfe, l!i,i.
Comwallls, Frederick, Bishop of
Lichfield, 2H1.
Cosyn, Thomas, he1·mit of Brodesteyr,
Cotbeysfleld, land at, 94.
Ooton, Thomas, 78, 74.
Cotton, Constant, 19.
Couchman, Edward, 28.
Oouloher, George Bohnn, 2.t7.
Couper, Jonn, 131; Stephen, seu.,1 31.
Courtenay, Archbishop, 286.
Oourthop, Riohard, 17.
Court of Probate Act, lxxvii.
Cous·ens, Bat·bury, 21.
Cowlls, land called, 107.
Cowper, H. S., 170; on a Note on
some 15th and 16th Century
Kentish Wills, 127,
Coventry, Thomas, Lord, 229.
Cox, Samuel, 80.
Cozens, George, 170 ; Tnnson, 170.
Croke, Sir 'l'homas, priest of Smallhythe,
1'19, 150.
Crnue,Joan, 17; Joseph, 17.
Oranebourne, Joan, 65.
Cranley, Richard, 17.
Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury,
150 ; Edmund, 239.
Cran brook, .An account Qj the lVoalli
cif E,mt by Dearn, published at, 134.
Oray1i:e, Sir ,John, 182 (2); Thomas,
181 ; Sir Thomas, 182 (2).
Oraythorn, inquisition at, 234.
Creswell, John, 25; Richard, 25 (2).
Cripps, Alice, 13, 29 ; Frances, 13,
29; Francis, IS, 29; Jaae, 13, 29;
William, 13, 29.
Crispe, John, 101.
Croft, Ja.mes, 246, 247.
Crom, Thomas, 107.
Crooob, Thomas, 27.
Crosley, Thomas, 17.
Crosse, George, 314.
Croswell, Samuel, 165.
Crotcbley, Joan, 18; Thomas, 18.
Orouchman, Daniel, 168; John, 168.
Crowe, Richard, 58.
Crowe, land called, 107.
OrQwla.nd, religious house at, 68,
Croydon, 90.
Crump, William, 18.
Cullume, Giles, 27; Joane, 27.
Cultonyes, land at, 102.
Cunningham, David, 26.
Curate, position of, 163.
Ou1•w11& Dkuralt Glcaninqs, reference
to Trendle in, 100.
Ourteis, Ed ward, 178 (2); George, ] 78
(3) ; J ereminh, 178 (3) ; John, 178
(8), 191; Nat., 172; Robert Bassett,
178; Samuel, 178; Rev. Thomas,
187 ; Rev. Thomas Sackville, 187 ;
Wa.lter,'178; William, 172 (2), 177,
178 (3), 189.
Curtice, Mary, 23 ; Hobert, 23 (2).
Cusin, Roger, 74.
Outtyng, pla.rugh
Castle, xlii.
Greneham, John, 109.
Grenestreet, Agnes, 149.
Griffen, Joan; 26; Mary; 2S.
Grig, Henry, 19.
Gryme, Sir Thomas, 182 (2).
Guienne, France, 47.
Gq.ldeford, Sir .fuhn, 80, lliO.
Guldeford, East, near Rye, 186 ;
Marshl 223. · · 1
Gullison, John, 29.
Gunstone, Mr., 157.
Gunteslese, croft called, 117.
Gunton, Anne, 16 ; Edward, 30;
George, 30.
Gurling, Daniell, 31.
Gurrall, Thomas, 80.
Haoewite, 72.
Hada, Christopher, 20; Dorothy, 20.
Haffenden, Mr., 174, 175, 183, 184,
185 ; Stephen, 183;184 (3); Thomas,
. 184.
Hailes, Anthony, 21.
Haines, Mary, 21.
Haithorne, Alice, 31.
Haiward, John, 168 (2); Susannah,
Ha.ket, Roger, 72; William, 70.
Hak inton, lap.din, 100.
Ha.Iden, 160 (5).
Hale, Thomas, 119.
Hales, Sir Ed., 177 (2).
Ha.lfdene (Haldene)1 275.
llnll, Dr. George, Bishop of Chester,
244; Mr., 177; Peter, 169, 181, 182
(2); Rev. T. J., 267.
Halliard, John, 29.
Hallum, Robert, 236,
allwood, wood called, ll7 ..
Halsteed, Joane, 20.
Ha.ltling, land in, 72.
Halwell, Samuel, 30.
Ha.mersley, Pnillip, 30.
Hamme, Wm., 116.
Hammewolde, land in, 70.
Hammon (Hamon), Dorothy, 30;
Edward, 20.
Hammond (Hamond), Rev. Humphrey,
170, 175, 179, 183, 184, 185;
John, 97 ; Robert, 185 ; 'l'homas,
Hamo of Ospringe Hospital, 45.
Hamo the cook a.nd Mabel his wife,
Hamon, John, vicar of Ospringe, 5ii.
Hampton, Ralph, 68.
Hampton, borough of, land in, 9o, !J7,
103, 106, 116, 117, 119, 123.
Hampton Brokeside, house at, 105.
Hampton Hawe, legacy for mending
highway from, to Wevering, 105.
Hampton Hill, land and tenements
at, 105,119.
Hannen, Ron, Ren., 220; an Account
of a Ma.p of Kent dated
1596, 85. . .
E:arba.ldowne1 Hospital of, 117.
Harden, Ham., 16; Jane, li; Margret,
Hardyng, Clement, 238.
Hardres, Richard, 241.
Hardres, Upper, 2H.
Hardy, Rev. Ca.non .A.. 0., 189; Laurence,
Hargate, widow, 170.
Haringood, Stephen, 70.
Harlakenden, Thomas, 155.
Harlington, Middlesex, vicar of, 67.
Harman, Mildred, 32; William, 30.
Harris(Haris), Edward, 16; Dr.John,.