General Index

( 317 ) GENERAL A Absolon le Clerk, 75. .A.ckworth, Allen, 12, 17. .A.crise Court, 221. for provision of money to dis• band forces, 3 ; supplemental aots, 6. Acton, Middlesex, 247. Adam the dyer and Mary his wife, 75. Adams (Adames), George, 186; John, 26; Mr., 176, 177. a Dane, Ja.mes, 108, . will of, 99; John, 99 ; Margery, 97, 99 ; Sara, 97 ; Thomas, 99; William, will of, 97; Mr., 176. Adcock, John, !314. ad Donam,' William, 73. Adisham (Edesba.m), Court of, 72; ma.nor of, 77; Priory of Holy Trinity in, 70. 2Eneid of Virgil, translation 􀆳of by · John Boys, 82. for the King's Needs on lands belonging to Hospital of St. Mary, Ospringe, 39, 69. Alcock, Stephen, 13, 29. Aldington, visitation at, 288. Aldridge, William, 12, 28. Aldye, John, 98. .A.lewey, Joan, 128 ; Simon, 128. Alington, George, 16. Allen (Alen, Aleyn, Alyn), Agnes, 94, 109; Alexander, will of, 97 ; Alice, 94 ; Anthony, 105, I J 9 ; Christian, 94, 106; Florence, 97 ; · Harry, 128; Joan, 105,119; ,John, 94, 99, 105, 108, 116, 119 (2); ,Tohn, . jun., 114; Margery, 105 ; Mildred, !313; Nicholas, 105, will of, 94 ; Richard, 11, 27, 153 ; Robert, 24, 313, 314; Simon, 94, 99; Thomas, 25, 94, 97 ; Vincent, 94, 105, 111, · will of, 99; William, 94 (2), 97, 99, 105, 109, Ill, will of, 105. Allerd, Margaret, 2ii. Allison (Ellison), WHliam1 19. INDEX. Alnor (Elnor), Thomas,. 23. Alys, Thomas, 121. a Manne, John, 98 . Ambree, ancient Roll of Manor.of, 12 . Ambrose, Bennet, 101 • Ampton, 66. Andrews, Edward, 19; Mary, 18. .Anfrey, son of Ranulph the bake1·, 75. Angell, C. F., 91. .Ansell, Anne, 23 ; William, 23. Anselm the Smith, 74. .Appulford, William, 259. .Armore, Mn.ry, 20; Robert, 20. .Armstead, Mr., 271. .Arnald, .Ale;,i:ander, 31 ; Margret, 80. .Arnett, Richard, xlviii. Arnold, A. A., on the Poll Tax in Rochester, 1660, l; on the Tex· tus Roffensis in Chancery, 1633, 225 . .Ashby, Thomas, 57, 66. Ashford, 81. .Ashley, Thomas, 32; William, 18. Asq., John, !H. Asshele, wood of, 46. Asshenden, Robert, 156. Assherynden, John, li:!7; Stephen, 137. Assheton, William, 54 . Assig-nment, description of, in relation to land, lxxxiv. .Assiter, Judith, 24. Asston, John, 236. At Church, Alice, 111 ; Harry, 110, 111 (2); James, 109. 110, 111 (2); John, 110(2), 111; Jobn,sen., will of, 111 ; Margaret, 109, no, 111 ; Philip, 110, 111; Richard, 110,111; Thomas, 110, 111, will of, 109 (2); Wm., 110 (2), 111. at Hall, Alice, 98, 111; John, 98, 99, will of, 111. Atkin􀆴, Elizabeth, 19 ; Frances, l 9; James, 28. at See (atte See), Agnes, 123; Alice, .318 GENERAL INDEX. l0S, 114; Christian, 123 ; Cristine, 106; Elin.nor, 97, 98, 108, 109; Elizabeth, 122 ; Hamo, will of, 95 ; Hamon, 106, 114, will of, l 22; Hent'y, 9S, 101, 103; !so.bell, 122 ; Jnmes, 122, 123 ; Jon.n, 12,l ; John, 65, 106, 122 ; Katherine, 07. 98, will of, 108; Mn.rgo.ret, 114; Margery, 10S ; Marione, 9/i; Mawdelyn, 123 ; Michael, 123 ; Robert, 97 (3), 98, 99, 109, 122 ; Thomas, 95 (2), 98, 105, 111, 114, 122, 123, will of, 106; Thomasine, 122; Vincent, 106, 114; William, 95, 97, 98. 102, 106, 108, 109, 123, wills of, !J7 (2), 114, 122. Atha.llys (Athalls), John, 97. .Attaway, Robert, 22. .Attewell, William, 25. Atwater (At Water), Aunfrid, 7$ (2), 75; J:ohn, 32; Mary, 32. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 150, 155. Austen, Elizabeth, 26; Joan, 170; Robe1·t, 172, 178 (2). A.versilver, 72. Awger, Jl3. A wvgare, William, 113. .Ayllinge, Goodward, 165. Ayres, George, 20. B Babington, Rev. J. A., 191. Bachelcr, John, 55, 66. Back, John, 31. Backett, John, 27. Badoocke, Henry, 154 ; James, liif ; Richard, 15-!. Baily, William, 120. Bakeohilt, 72. Baker, Agnes, 120 ; Cecile, 120 ; Dnvid, 26 ; Fn.ith, 32 ; George, 2,i ; James, 101, 119; Jane, 26; John, 120, 157, will of, 101; Sir John, 150, 165, 156; Laurence, 32; Rebeccah, 32 ; 'l'ho., 32 ; William, 96, 101, will of, 119. Balcanquel, Walter, Dean of Rochester, 228, 229 ; note by in 1'e:ct-us R,tflimsis, 228. Baldwin, Anne, 19 ; Richard, 28. Bn.llam, John, 165. Ballard, Elizabeth, 19, 80; William, ]9. Bn.r, Frauncis, 169. Baret, Valentine, 60. Barfreston, 24:l. l1nrker, Elizabeth, 2,; ; Richard, 236. Barlow, Daniel, 19; Margret, 19. Barrell,Fxancis, 11 (2), 18; Hemy, 11. Barrows, Mnry, 27. Bartholomew, Philip, 12, 17; Leonard, 12. Bartlet, Henry, 16. Barton, Thomas, 22. Ba.tun, Alan, 74; Martin, 74. Bassett, Joane, 113; Robert, 12, 22. Bat, George, 24. Bate, FJlizabeth, 1S6 ; William, reference to Smallhythe Chapel in will of, 185. Bates, John, 20. Battely, 801nruw, memorial to Rev. Clement Hardyng from, 238. Batten, Edward,. 12, 24; Ool. Frederick Grreme, 12 ; l.retitia, 12 ; Gen. Sisley John, 12. Battle Abbey Roll, 19 . Batty, John, 19 . Bayley, Richard, 25 ; Susanna, 18. Baynard, Mary, 28; Walter, 28. Bazalgette, Sh- Joseph, xlix. Beale (Bele), J., 187; Marg·ret, 168; Thomas, 112. Beard, John, 21. Beaufort., John, Duke of, 58; Lady Margaret, 58. Beebe, Agnes, ·180; Nicholas, 163; William, .130, 151 (2). Beconfteld, Tang·reton alias, 43. Bedemangore, manor of, 52. Beecher, John, 28. Bee1·e, Robert, 120. Beggyng, John, 76; Walter, 76. Bekynfteld, land in, 119. Belebregge, land at, 102. Bell, Rev. James, 246. Bellowne, Thomas, 10, 81. Beltinge (Beltynge), land and mes• suages in, 97, 99, 101, 105, 116. Benden, John, 165; John, sen., 163. Bennett (Benet), John, 116, 165; Lewis Clifford, 80 ; '.l'homas, 236 ; William, l 8. Bensteed, Joane, 29, 31 ; Thomas, 29. Beryngham, Garrard, 160. Best, Henry, 81. Bestfelde, William, 157. Beswyke, Sir Oliver, 118, 114, 116, 118 (2), 119. Betenham, A.rchbishop' sWood in, 89. Betteshanger, 79, 80. Betts, Eliziibeth, 32 ; Nicholas, 32 ; Samuel, 32 ; William, 26 ; i:iir William, 113. Beverley, Robert, abstract from will, 237. Bevington, Henry, 21. Bidynden, 138. Bierwhite, Joane, 168; John, 168; Mary, 168, GENERAL INDEX. , 319 Bigge, John, 168; Robert, 168. Biggs, Phabin, 19; William, 19. Bilsington, Rector of, 233. Bilton, Rev. Henry, 245. Bircheford, ,Andrew, 66, Birchett, John, l 73. Birchington, 129. Bircholt, 237. Bird, John, 25; Samuel, 26; William, 25. Biron, Rev. Edwin, 246, 247; Rev. Henry Brydges, 248. Bishopsden, Joan, 130; Thomas, 130. Blake, Robert, 29 ; William, 74. Blaksole, close called, 120. Blakysham, land called, 119. Blean, 243. Hode Court, 82. Blengate, lands in Hundred of, 101. Blewett, Henry, 25. Bliburgh, prior and convent of St. Mary, 74. Blossom, Christopher, 150, 161; Juliane, 150 ; Lore, 160 ; Phillip, reference to Smallhythe Chapel in will of, 136; William, 150. Blount, LO/I'/) IJictiMuwy, description of Tenant ai P1•mci:1,10 from, lxx:x. 'Boad, John, 23. Bobbinge, 72. Bockland near Favei:sha.m, land in, 53. Bococke, Matthew, 18. Booton, land in, 7 4. Bocton under the Blean,· land in, 54, 76. Bolcome, Alexander, 31. Bolden, .A.vice, 115; F1-ancis, 115; Joan, 115 (2); Robert, will of,115. Bonehill, land and weirs at, 106. Boniface, Archbishop, 43. Bonnett, Stephen, 31. Bonney, Edmund, 31. Bennington, 79, 80, 186, 241 ; manor of, 220. Booreman, .Agnes, 110; Andrew, will of, 110. Boorne, Edward, 20; Elimbeth, 17; Susanna, 16. Ilorley, John, 97. Boteler, John, 236. Botlesham, W., Bishop of Rochester, 235. Bougeor, Margery, 117. Bounde, Edward, 56. Bourchier, John, 287 (2). Bouthill, weir at, 117. Bowen, l!'rancis, 18 ; Mr., 173 ; Robert 22. Bowhill, weirs in, 123. Bowker, Sir William, 121. Bowle, Marie, .167; William, 167. Bowlen. William, 26. .Boyde, John, 236. Boykin, Elinore, 103 ; Godlefe, 103 ; Isabel, 103; John, 111 (2), 119 (3), will of, 119; John, jun., 111 (2); J obn, sen., 114,118; Margery, 103; Sai·e, 119; William, ll9, will of, 103. Boys (Bois), Edward, 80, 81 (2) ; Sir Edwm·d, 81 ; family of, 79 ; John, 80, 81 (S), 82 (2), 84: (3), 243 ; Sir John, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 ; 'rhomas, 81 (H), 82; William, 81, 82; Sir William, 80. Bracelet of Kimmeridge shale, 310.1 Bmokleshe, John, 28. Brnour, Roger, 72. Bradfeild, John, 2-1-. Bradley, Elizabeth, 28. B1-assett, Anthony, 29. Brathredge, Mary, 17. Brattighe, land in, 72., Anthony, 29. Bremsteede, John, 29. Brenset (Brenzett), 136; Inquisition at, 234. Brett (Bret), Elizabeth, 27; Percival, 163, 164 ; William, 286. Brewer, Clement, 16 (2), 32, 33 (8). Briokeuden (Brekynden, J3rigeuden, Brykenden), Agnes, 147 ; John, 186, 149 (2), 150, 153, 173; Robert, 148, 182, will of, 137; William, 137, extract from will of, 19. Bridges, Old, in England and W a:Jes, by Aymer Vallance, xlvu. Bridgman, Bartholomew, 23; John, 264. Brimton, Edwat·d, 27; John, 27. Bristow, John, 29. Britton, Henry, 27. Briwere, Walter, 72. Broad. William. 21. Broadsheafe, Elizabeth, 168; Wylliam, rns. B1·oadstairs, Late - Celtic discoveries at, by Howard Hurd, 309 ; skulls dug up at, 208. lfrockley, Bury St. Edmunds,, 188. Brockman, Rav. Tatton, part of Hytha Chm·oh xestored by, 270. Brome, John, 20. J3romefield, land and tenements in, 102, 112, 115. Bromston, John, 67. Brooke (Broke), Agnes, 150; Marie, 24; Sut>anna, 2·i; Sir Wm., 318,814. Brooker, Arthur, 20. Brooks, Jo., 26; Mary, 20. 320 GENERAL INDEX. Brown (Browne), Abraham, 31; Adam, 67 ; Anne, 32 ; Bartholomew ·, 26 ; Henry, 31 ; Rev. J., 210; John, 32; Mr., 32, 33; Quarles, 20; Robert, 67 ; Stephen, 66 ; Susanna, 21; Thomas, 23, 27. Bryan, Sir Thomas, 66. Bryant's Diotwnary of Eil{J1'a?:er.i, reference to J. Cole in, 219. Brytey, John, 18; Martha, 18. Buck, Judith, 12; Peter, 12 (2), 18 ; Sir Peter, 12. Buckland, manor of, 122. Bucknall, James, 20. Bull, Eli¾abeth, 19; John, 19. Bullaigne, John, 22. Bullocke, Maria, 318 ; Thomas, 313. Bunce, Elizabeth, 17. Bundock, Thomas, 11, 18. Bunn, Anne, 22. Burgisse, William, 18. Burmarsh, inquisition at, 284. Burmon, Elizabeth, 30. Burrall, Elizabeth, 23 ; Mary, 29; Thomas, 23. Burrows, Anne, 27. Burrows' Oi11,que Ports, reference to Hythe from, 276. Burton, John, 17. Busot, William, 76. Buashe, land called, in Bekyn felthys, 96,116. Busse, Hugh, 28. Butt, Thos., 117. Bysmere Street, land at, 110, 111. C Cade, Arnulf, 74. Cadman, John, 17; Susannah, 21. Cresar, Augustine, 11, 26; Julius, 11. Calais, merchant of Staple of, 66. Calcott, Nicholas, 114. Calfe, Ellen, 21. Callere, John, 48. Cambridge- Olare Hall, 187. Corpus Christi College, 244. Jesus College, 187. St. Catherine College, 185, 188. St. John's College, 24-6 ; foundation of, 58 ; lands conveyed to from Maison Dien, Ospdnge, 77 ; Master of, 78 ; Priest maintained at Ospringe by, !i8. St. Peter's, 187. Trinity College, 186. Cn.mpcm, William, 17. Canterbury, 118, 233, 234, 2:lo ; Allhallows, 112 ; bequest to local charities, 246; Eastbridge Hospiml, 243, 245 ; Friars-Preachers and Friars-Austin of, 97 ; Roly Cross, 101, 288; North Lane, 101; Prior and Convent of Holy Trinity, 75; St. Augustine'.s, 109 ; St. Greg-ory, 82; St. John, 117; St. Mary Breden, 237 ; St. Mildred, 75 ; St. Sepulchre, 237; tenement in Worgate, 75. Canterbury Cathedral, 77, 286; architectural features compared with Hythe Church, 266, 267 ; gifts to Maison Dien, Osprinp;e, by Chapter of, 72 ; history of, by John Boys, 83; Sn.ltwood manor i:?ranted to, 263. Cardon, Thomas, 2:19. Carleton, J' ohn, 65. Carlis, Cecilie, 129; John, 129. Carpenter, Thomas, 129. Carrier, Stephen, 23. Cart, Mr., 32 ; Robt., 31. Carter, Wo.lter, 170. Oapesland, land called, 78. Capon, Luke, 32. Cn.stelton, Anne, 31. Castelyn, George, 159. Caton, Sir John, vica1· of Herne, 103, will of, 109. Chaddocke, Martha.. 21 ; SuSll,nna, 21. Ohadaley, Rev. Dn.niel, 186; Mr., 186. Chamber, heirs of, 115. Chambers, Anne, 21 ; Thomae, 22. Chanler, William, 19. Chapman, Joan, will of, 187. Charlton, House, xlii; St. Luke's Church, :xlii; visit of Sooiety to, xlii. Charlton by Dover, 242. Charnefeld, land at, 98. Charnock, Thomas, 29. Charter Rolls of Henry III., extracts relating to St. Mary, Ospringe, 41, 42, 44-, 69-76. Cbartbam, land in, 76 ; manor of, 77. Oha.tbourne, Anne, 19; Thomae, 21 ; William, 19. Cheesman, Mn.rgret, 20 ; Mary, 18. Chelds, tenement at, 94. Oheshunt, Herta, 237. Cheriton, 210, 245. Cheatfield, Elizabeth, 95 ; Joan, will of, 96 ; Margerie, 95. Chetham, Richard, prior of St, Nicholas Ledes, 77. Cheney (Cheyne), Sir ThomaR, l!iO ; Wm., 64 (2). Ohichele (Ohioheley), Dr., 185 ; Richard, 186 (2) ; Thomas, 6/i, 236 (2), 237 (2). Childrey, Stephen, 25, GENERAL INDEX. 321 Ohislet,1 12; lands in, 94, 97, 98, 105, 122. Ohittende, Mary, 168; Richard, 168. Christopher, Sir, llO. Church, James, 95; Richard, 112, 121. OlL1wck of' lt'atlwrs, by Rocke, reference to Trendle in, 100. Olarke (Clark, Clerke), Olement, 66; John, 108, 104,138; Kateryn, 138; William, 101. Olayse,J ohn, 153. Claxton, Hamon, 66. Cleeve, Dorothy, 23. Clegget (Cleget), Elizabeth, 22 ; Henry, 13, 25; Joane, 16; Wil• liam, 16. Cleveland, Duchess of, 79, 82. Oliff, Catherine, 169; Jeremiah, 169. Oliffe, land and woods at, 96, 101 (2), 115. Oli:ll:ord, Riohard, 236. Clifforth, John, 235. Close, Stephen, 66. Close Rolls, Heni·y III., extracts from relating to Mnison Dieu, Ospringe, 87-63. Olun, John, 27. Coale, John, 20. Coats, Ellir.o.beth, 32 ; Henry, 32. Cobb (Cobbe), Alexander, 101, 106 ; Alice, 116: Bevoton, 117; Cicely, l 18 (2); Edmund, 314 ; Goodlefe, 106 ; }so.belle, Hlli ; James, 95, 98, l!!l. 10;;, 110, will of, 116; Joan, 116, 117 ; Rose, 118 ; 'l'homas, 97, 98, 108, will of, 105 ; Valentine, 103, 100,109,117, will of, 98; William, 95. Cobbey, Mr., 26. Cobham, Elizabeth, 18; John, 29; T,or.:i, 313 ; Richard, 12, 16; Wil• liam, 16. Cock, F. William, 1, 86, 89, 92; on the Oldest Map of Romney Marsh, 219. Cockewell, Xrofer, 28. Cod, Miiry, 30. Oogger, 'l'homs!n, 17. Coke, Richard, 119, Coket (Ookette), Alice, GO; John, 66 (2); Walter, 66. Oolcheater, St. Martin, timber arch in chancel, l97. Coldwell, John, 60, 61 ; Richard, 60, fH ; Robert, 61, Cole's, J., Map of Romney Marsh, 219, copies of impressions known, 222 ; inscription on, 228 ; states of, 221. Oolema.n (Colman), John, 112; Laur- . VOL. XXX, ence, 102; Walter, 102, 103; William. 244. Colgate, Robert, 80. Collington, Mr., J 79; Rev, Nathaniel-, 184. . Colli􀊒s (Collyngs), Anne, 21; John, . 21 , Matthew, 27 ; Thomas, 160. Colly, Anthonie, 82. Colpholt, Thomas, 118. · Colsoll, Thomas. 100. Commissioners appointed to investigate the oarrying out of the Act of Suppression, 1645-6, 11>0. Confirmation, description of in relation to land, lx:xxv. Consaunt (Consant), Alice, 103, 108 ; Cecilie, l lo ; Elynore, IOS, 104 : John, 10S; Jone. 108; Kn.therine; 108 ; Margary, 108 ; Thos., llo, 116; William, 103, 104, 116. Constable, Stephen, 81. Constanteyne, Alice, 5i; William, 57. Conveyances by matter of record, lxxvii. Conveyances in, b:x:s:i, Cook (Cooke), Fmnoes, 24; Mnry, 26 ; Rio hard, 111, 11 S ; Thomns, 16 ; William, 74. Coombes (Combes), Allen, 23; Richard, 23. Cooper, Alice, 20; Anne, 24. Copsey, Thomas, 22. Copton, court of, 72. Copyhold estates, lxxxvi. Cork, Bishop of, 24!i. Corne, Balfe, l!i,i. Comwallls, Frederick, Bishop of Lichfield, 2H1. Cosyn, Thomas, he1·mit of Brodesteyr, 104. Cotbeysfleld, land at, 94. Ooton, Thomas, 78, 74. Cotton, Constant, 19. Couchman, Edward, 28. Oouloher, George Bohnn, 2.t7. Couper, Jonn, 131; Stephen, seu.,1 31. Courtenay, Archbishop, 286. Oourthop, Riohard, 17. Court of Probate Act, lxxvii. Cous·ens, Bat·bury, 21. Cowlls, land called, 107. Cowper, H. S., 170; on a Note on some 15th and 16th Century Kentish Wills, 127, Coventry, Thomas, Lord, 229. Cox, Samuel, 80. Cozens, George, 170 ; Tnnson, 170. Croke, Sir 'l'homas, priest of Smallhythe, 1'19, 150. Crnue,Joan, 17; Joseph, 17. y 322 G.ENERAL INDEX. Oranebourne, Joan, 65. Cranley, Richard, 17. Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, 150 ; Edmund, 239. Cran brook, .An account Qj the lVoalli cif E,mt by Dearn, published at, 134. Oray1i:e, Sir ,John, 182 (2); Thomas, 181 ; Sir Thomas, 182 (2). Oraythorn, inquisition at, 234. Creswell, John, 25; Richard, 25 (2). Cripps, Alice, 13, 29 ; Frances, 13, 29; Francis, IS, 29; Jaae, 13, 29; William, 13, 29. Crispe, John, 101. Croft, Ja.mes, 246, 247. Crom, Thomas, 107. Crooob, Thomas, 27. Crosley, Thomas, 17. Crosse, George, 314. Croswell, Samuel, 165. Crotcbley, Joan, 18; Thomas, 18. Orouchman, Daniel, 168; John, 168. Crowe, Richard, 58. Crowe, land called, 107. OrQwla.nd, religious house at, 68, Croydon, 90. Crump, William, 18. Cullume, Giles, 27; Joane, 27. Cultonyes, land at, 102. Cunningham, David, 26. Curate, position of, 163. Ou1•w11& Dkuralt Glcaninqs, reference to Trendle in, 100. Ourteis, Ed ward, 178 (2); George, ] 78 (3) ; J ereminh, 178 (3) ; John, 178 (8), 191; Nat., 172; Robert Bassett, 178; Samuel, 178; Rev. Thomas, 187 ; Rev. Thomas Sackville, 187 ; Wa.lter,'178; William, 172 (2), 177, 178 (3), 189. Curtice, Mary, 23 ; Hobert, 23 (2). Cusin, Roger, 74. Outtyng, pla.rugh Castle, xlii. Greneham, John, 109. Grenestreet, Agnes, 149. Griffen, Joan; 26; Mary; 2S. Grig, Henry, 19. Gryme, Sir Thomas, 182 (2). Guienne, France, 47. Gq.ldeford, Sir .fuhn, 80, lliO. Guldeford, East, near Rye, 186 ; Marshl 223. · · 1 Gullison, John, 29. Gunstone, Mr., 157. Gunteslese, croft called, 117. Gunton, Anne, 16 ; Edward, 30; George, 30. Gurling, Daniell, 31. Gurrall, Thomas, 80. H Haoewite, 72. Hada, Christopher, 20; Dorothy, 20. Haffenden, Mr., 174, 175, 183, 184, 185 ; Stephen, 183;184 (3); Thomas, . 184. Hailes, Anthony, 21. Haines, Mary, 21. Haithorne, Alice, 31. Haiward, John, 168 (2); Susannah, 168. Ha.ket, Roger, 72; William, 70. Hak inton, lap.din, 100. Ha.Iden, 160 (5). Hale, Thomas, 119. Hales, Sir Ed., 177 (2). Ha.lfdene (Haldene)1 275. llnll, Dr. George, Bishop of Chester, 244; Mr., 177; Peter, 169, 181, 182 (2); Rev. T. J., 267. Halliard, John, 29. Hallum, Robert, 236, 􀌑allwood, wood called, ll7 .. Halsteed, Joane, 20. Ha.ltling, land in, 72. Halwell, Samuel, 30. Ha.mersley, Pnillip, 30. Hamme, Wm., 116. Hammewolde, land in, 70. Hammon (Hamon), Dorothy, 30; Edward, 20. Hammond (Hamond), Rev. Humphrey, 170, 175, 179, 183, 184, 185; John, 97 ; Robert, 185 ; 'l'homas, 24. Hamo of Ospringe Hospital, 45. Hamo the cook a.nd Mabel his wife, 72. Hamon, John, vicar of Ospringe, 5ii. Hampton, Ralph, 68. Hampton, borough of, land in, 9o, !J7, 103, 106, 116, 117, 119, 123. Hampton Brokeside, house at, 105. Hampton Hawe, legacy for mending highway from, to Wevering, 105. Hampton Hill, land and tenements at, 105,119. Hannen, Ron, Ren., 220; an Account of a Ma.p of Kent dated 1596, 85. . . GENERAL INDEX:. E:arba.ldowne1 Hospital of, 117. Harden, Ham., 16; Jane, li; Margret, 3:?. Hardyng, Clement, 238. Hardres, Richard, 241. Hardres, Upper, 2H. Hardy, Rev. Ca.non .A.. 0., 189; Laurence, 26i). Hargate, widow, 170. Haringood, Stephen, 70. Harlakenden, Thomas, 155. Harlington, Middlesex, vicar of, 67. Harman, Mildred, 32; William, 30. Harris(Haris), Edward, 16; Dr.John,. HistE·:t. Histol'y of Fave1·sha1n, Jacobs, reference to Coldwell family from, 61. History of Favorsltam Abbey aml Clt1wclt, Lewis, extract from relating to St. Mary, Ospringe, 76. Hist1.n-y of Gillingham, Hutchins, 244. History of, Harris, reference to Map to Kent in, 89. Historv of Roclwste1·, reference to publisher of, 1. Hixon, William, 28. Hobbs (Hobs), William,172-175,189, Hockley, Rose, 17. Hodge, Tboma.s, 27. Hoffer, Anne, 18. Hogg, John, 17, 26. Hokar, John, will of, 100; Margery, 100 ; Thomas, 100. Hokelinge, 72. Holbeach, Bishop of Rochester, 160. Hollar, W., 89. Hollingworth, Benjamin, 184 (3). Holmes (Holms), Elizabeth, 18; Thomas, 161. Holworthy, F. M. R., 226. Homestall, explanation of, 104. Honynhe.m, Thome.s, 66. Roode, Christopher, 104; Henry, 104; John, 98, will of, 104. Hooper, John, 16. Hoore, John, 147. Hopper, Catherine, 169. Hopton, Mr., 167. Hopwood, Thomas, 23. Horner, Benjamin, 184. Rornesclive, Luca, 42; Roger, 42. Horton, Thomas, 236. Horton Kirkby, example of cruciform enlargement of, with central tower, 2S1. Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 70. Roth (Rothe), 128; chapel of, 101 ; land at, 108. Houlding, Richard, 19. Houses of Yeomen, plan of in 16th century, 127. Hovende'n (Hovynden), Robert, 1, 149. Hoverland, land at, 103: Howdell, William, 245. Howlyn, Thos., 100. Howting, Katherine, 102 ; Richard, 102, 103, 106. Huckmore, Simon, 82. Huckstepp, Goodman, 175; Stephen, 174-. Huggins, John, 24; Mary, 26. Hull, John, 178. ·Humberlond, Richard, 73. Hunt, Richard, 24; Sarah, 170. , Hurd, Howard, on Late-Celtic discoveries at Broad.stairs, 309. Hussey, Arthur, 77, 127, 191; on Herne Wills, 93; Hnsta.mentalia, meaning of, 128, 131. Hustead, Robert, 23. Hutcheson, Richa1·d, 21. Hutchins, Jane, 28; History of 0illingha1n, 244. Hutsone, Martha, 17. Hyde (Hide), Gartrid, · 168; John, 168; William, 152,155. Hyrst, Ja.mes, 242. Hythe, connection with Saltwood, 263, 276 ; date of charter of incorporation, 276 ; early government of the borough, 263 ; early hiBtory of, 276 ; fragments of font dug up, 263; grant of charter, 264; grant of lease for appointment of Baili:ff, 264; Hospital of St. John and St. Bartholomew, 259, 279 ; Maps of, 258, 264, 265, 280 ; old roads in, 279 ; St. Barnard, 268 ; St. Mary's Church, 258,261, 264 ; St. Michael's Church, 268, 264 ; St. Nicholas, 258, 260, 264, Institution of Rector, 258 ; Sites of Ohlll'ches formerly existing at, 257 ; visit of Society to, 1. Hythe, St.Leonard's,Architeotural History of the Church of, by Rev. G. M. Livett, 2'78; by Rev. Herbert D. Dale, 268; altars and their sites, 307 ; ambu-. latory, 282, 284, 289 ; arcades de• stroyed, 282; 11,rches, 278 at Stl{J, ; bones in, 20?., 269 ; buttresses, 289, 291 ; chancel, 292 ; chapel of. St. Edmund, 292; early history, 263, 276; early-Norman Church, 278 ; endowment of new vicarage, 268, first enlargement of, 281 ; fragments of Norman work in ambulatory, 284; Gothic remodelling, 286; Iron chest in, 269; list of lights, 307 ; mason's marks, 298 ; Monu• ment relating to bea,ring the canopy over the king at his coronation, 270 ; nave, 298 ; Notes on, by Rev. Herbert D. Dale, 268; painting of St. Christopher, 307; panels under string-course, 295 ; piscina, 806; stone used in, 277, 281 ; tower, falling of and restora• tion of, 267 1 270, 299; walls, 276, 281. · · 'iiythe Bones, an Explanation of the, by F. G. Parsons, 20s; date of placing, 210. Hythe, West, Church, and the Sites . of Churches formerly existing at Hythe, by Rev. G. l'II. Livett, 251; architectural history of, 261 et seq.; communi• cants in parish of, 156!!:, 240; gable wall, 254:; murder of chaplain at, 284 ; pink mortar used in, 254 ; stone used in, 254, 25'7; Vicars of St. Mary, by Rev. T. Shipdem Frampton, 288. I loklesham, 288. Idley, Robei:t, 181; Sir Robert, 181. Iggulden, Tho., 173. Iles, Francis, 22. Ingham (Yngbn.m), 66. Ingram, John, will of, 136; Thomas, 186 (2) ; William, 136. Insley, Mary, 27. lpswioh, St. Mary le Tower, 248. lsu.o.c of Norwich, 70. J Jacob, Thomas, 28. Jaggard Richard, 243. James (Jacob), Dr., 220; John, 188; Juliane, 138; Kateryn, 138; Thomas, 22. Jamyn, William, 136. Jamys, Richard, 139. . _ Jan, f:!tephen, 136; extract from will of, 136. Jarvis, Edward, 165. Jay, John, 237. Jerkwylle, James, 66. Jermin (Germin), James, 111 (2); James, een., 111. Jervis, Susan, 170; Thomas, 170. Jewys, Joan, 113. J oanea, aoo J onea. Jobson, Eliza.bath, 27. J ode, Elenor, 116 ; . Pleeauce, 115 ; Richard, 115. John, abbot of St. Saviour, Fnve1·• sham, 65. Johncock, Dorothy, 116; Isabel, 116; Joan, 116; John, will of, 116; Martyn, 116; Richard, 116. Johnson (Jhonson), Arthur, 168 ; Dorothy, 22; Frllnoes, 241; George, j 29 ; Joan, 19; John, 22, 123, 168; Margret, 17: Mary, 21; P. U., 217 ; .Rycharde, 2,W; Thomas, 21 ; Will., 174. Jones (Joa.nes), Alice, 2i; Edward, 27; Elizabeth, 16, 27 ; Mary, 24; Rachel, 22 ; Richard S., 220., Thomas, 28. Joyce, Thomas, 32. Joylesse. Mary, 24. Judry, William, 27, Judson, Elizabeth, 170. Juliana, siste1· of Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 39. K Kee, William, 22. Keen, John, 23, 26. Keene, Edmund, Bishop of Chester, 24:6. Keete, Richard, 240. Kempe, John, Bishop of London, 65 ; Robert, 118. Kemsley, John, 29. Kendal, Edward, 20. Kennard, Riohard, 172. Keuna.rdin11:ton, 184. Kennett (Kenett), Elizabeth, 27 ; Bishop Whit􀉴, tH, 24-l ; William, 22, 99,111,242. Kent, Map of, 1696, 86. Kent, Margret, 28 ; Thomas, 20. Kenteyaesbusses, wood in, 47. Kentish Churches built in Norman times, how planned, 265. Kentish Register, by HerbertW. Knocker, lxxvi. Kentish Wills, a Note on some 15th and 16th century, by H. S. Cowper, 12'7. Keylway, Robert, 152. Kilburne, -, ma.i·riage of, 134. K inder, Lawrence, Rector of Swalcliffe, 122. King (Kyng),G eorge, IS9; John, 152; Robert, 162; Simon, 74; Turbert, H. King·esnoth,J ohn,1 18; Valentine,1 18. Kingsley,, 243 (2). Kingsmill, Thoma$, 243. Kingson, John, 30. Kingswoode,􀉵Edwarde, 1513. Kirke, B'ranois, l!l. Kite (Kyte),1'£homas, 170, 173, 174., 175, ItW. Knatohbull, Sir Edward, 186 ; John, :HO. Kncpe, Clristian, 99 ; Iso.bel, 102 ; James, 99 ; J on.n, 99 ; John, wil􀉶 GE'.N° ERAL INDEi:. of, 99; Juliu.n, 99, -102; Sir Riohal'd, p arson of .A.ll Hallows,C anterbury, 112; Thomas, !J9. Knepys Broke, 107. Knocker, Herbert W., on a Kentish Register, lxxvi. Knoller, '1.'hos., 109, 112 (2), 113. Knowles, William, 18. Knyveton, Matthew, 57. L La.cker, Joan, 98; John, will of, 98; Ka.therine, 􀊯8. Ladd, Steven, 􀊰O. 'La. Denne, land called, 7.0. Lake, Kendrick, 24. La.kener, Edmond, 157. Lambe, Robert, iil8 SH. Lambeth. MSS., reference to Sma.11- hythe Chapel in, l i9. Lamport, Elfaa.beth, 27. La.mbsilver, 72. Lane, Sa.rnh, 81. La.nirham, Archbishop, 234. Langley, Richard, 29. Large, Amie, 20. Larkin (La.rken,L orkiu),H ester, 22 ; John, 226, 227, 230, 231. Larking-, Rev. L. B., l'eference to an account of defence of Donnington Castle, SO. La.ably, Thomas, 16. La.tton near Harlow, Essex, bequest to Chantry of, 288. Laud, Dr., Bishop of London, 243. Laughlen,X rofer, 2S. Lawles,T homas, 152. Lawton, William, 24. Lea.fegreen, Elizabeth, 20. Leake, Robert, 20; William, 28. Lease and Release, description of, b::xxiii. le Ba.kere, Christina, 76; Geoffrey,' 76; Rosrer, 76. le Bede!, Ralph, 45. le Blen, land in, 76. le Due, Nicholas, 73. Leeds,, 20. Leeds (Ledes), Kent, Prior of St. Nicholns of, 77 ; lands le􀊱ed to, 69. Leeds, YorRshire, 185. r le l<'lanouer, Agnes, 48 ; Rogor, ,JS. le Gardyner, Walter, 76. le Gulp, Richard, 73. le Hove, Joan, 72; Robert, 72, le Ken. 'l'homas, 50, 51. Leland's It·i1wra1"y, quotations from relating to Hythe, 257. le Lounge of Fletewyk, ltenry, 47. le Massager of.Newenton; Robert, 51. Lentin, Agnes, 102; Richard, 102. Leonard, D1·. Thomas, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231. le Pleiter, Richard, 48. le Salvage, Ga.lfrid, 42. le Sauvage, Geoffrey, 43. Lesnes Abbey, VJsit of Society to, xliii. Lehters Patent, lxxviii, where enrolled, J.xxix, le Wandeys (le Wandeis), John, 38, 42 ; Letitia, 38. le Wayte (la Weyte,l o. Wyete), HlJgh, 73 (2); John, 7il (4), 74; 76 ; Walter, 76. Lewis, Rev. John, 179,180; Richard, 170; William, 31. Lewis, Hi.􀊲toi"'!f of FavfJ'l•sltarn Aoocy, reference to Maison Dieu,Ospringe, in, 36, 76. Liddington, George, 168; John, 168. Light, John, 180. Lights Notinden, manor of, 184. L'lle Dieu, Abbot of St. Mary, 50, 51. Lilley, Rev. Edmund, 188. LindS&y, Chu.des, Bishop of Kildare, 247. Lisle, Samuel, 244. Litlewood (Litilwood),N icholas,1 01; William, 109. Livett, Rev. G. M., 78; analysis of .Poll Tax of Rochester, 9: on the Architectural History of the Church of St. Leonard's, Hythe, 273; on West Hythe Church and Sites of Chur.ches ,formerly eri:3ting at Hythe, 251 ; on Postling Church, 198. Local Districts and Hon. Secretaries, Report on, xii. Lond, Ree Lownde. London, Ellen, 20 ; Susannah, 19. London, 67, 70. Charter House, 58 ; grant of property in, to Maison Dien, Ospringe, 89 ; Fleet Street, 230 ; (hay's Inn, R1:!gisters of, 82 ; St. Helen's, Prioress and (!onvent of, 75; St. Katherine Coleman, Fenohuroh Street, lSli ; St. Mary Axe, Rectory of, iiG; St. Mnry Colechurch, 69; St. Paul's, prebendary of Wildland, 67 ; White Horse, 89. Longdyohe, Thornden, la.nd at,9 8. Longe, Sir Richal·d, 150; Robert, HS. Longewode,, 7 4. !.ongford, W i lliam, Vicar of Ospringe, 67. Longley, Stephen, 169. Love, Gartrid, 168. Lovell, Bartholomew, 56 ; Theodor, 20. Lowes, Thomas, 29. Lownde (Loud), Richard, priest of Smallhythe, 149, 181, 182. Lucket, William, 27. Lucy, John, 160. Luddenham, 122; land in, 75 (2). Luke, son of .Alexander, 74. Luton, Thos., 101. Lydd, 128. Lyfoote, Thomn.s, 26. Lyminge, 275 ; description of by Rev. O. E. Woodruff, lvi; St. Mary and 2Ethelburga Ohurch, lvi; visit of Society to, lvi. Lympne, 285, 289, 240, 241,242,243, 246 ; deanery, 234 ; building of vicarage,247; restorn.tion ofohurch, 247, 248 ; visit of Society to, Iii. Lynches, Henry, 93. Lyngcoll, William, 109. M Mabb, John, 21. MMDongall clan, 60. Mace, H. B., 191. Magge, Oioely, 100, 118; Isabell, 100; Joan, 100, IJ8 ; Katherine, 100, 118; Rose, 100, will of, 118 ; Thoma.a, 99, 118, will of, 99, Maidstone, 90, 91, 24i; St. Michael and All Angels, 248. Maior, Elizabeth, 23; Peter, 23. lfallow, Elizabeth, 29. Malyn, .William, 116 (2). Man, Robert, 17. Manby,M r.,1 84:. Manekin, ,Tohn, 73. Maonard, Isabel, 117. Mannyng, Thomas, 157. .M anor and illa,,uiriaZ Records, Hone,· reference to forty manorial Courts in, lxx.vii. Manayn, A.lice, 119. Mantell, John, 161; Reginald, 178 (2) .. Map of Kent dated 1596, an Account of, by the Hon. Hem·y Hannen, 85. Map of Romney Marsh, oldest, by F. W. Cock, 219; exhibition of a.t Society of Antiqu1wies, 1787, 221; origina.1 map in. Ma.idatone Museum,• 220, 221 ; two copies in Bodleian Library, 221. Ma.plesden (Ma.plisden, i\faplizden), George, 12, 19 ; John, 11, 18 ; Peter, 165, Marchald, Joa.n, 111; John, parish priest, will of, 111; Thomas, 111, :Marchant (Marchaunt), John, U2 ; Richard, 24. Mark, value of, 139. Marlen, Elizabeth, 22 ; William, 22. Marlow, John, 17. Marlton, Samuel, 22. Married women, Jaw a.s to, lxxxvi. Marsh, Nicholas, 121. Marshall, Elizabeth, 215 ; Mary, 19; William, 25. Martin (Marten, Martyn), Anne, 242 ; Henry, 22; John, 16, 25, 55, 109, 176, 189; Sarah, 22; Thomas, 177; William, 28S. Maskall, Joane, 28. Matham (llfotam), John, 22, 28. Mathews, Rebecca., 28 ; Richard, 26. Maud, 11'.fr., 174. May (Maye), Alexander, 123; Nicholas, 2S; Thomas, 17, 97. Maycott, John, 121. Mayney, Sir John, 177, Medcalf, Philip, 67. Mede, James, 184. M ellield, land called, 107. 11fenwrials of fJante1·bt11•y, Stanley, reference to journey of John, King of l!'rance, in, 53. lllemrwials of Cantc1•lft.111•11 Oatlwilrai, purchased by Society, b:ii. Meredew, King's wood in, 1l7. Merewether, Rev. H. R., 1S9. Merrick (Mericke), Anne, 2-!2 ; Elener, 2 42; Elizabeth,2 41 ; Margaret, 2-!l ; Rev. William, 240, 241. Merrit, Francis, 19. Menow, Sur1·ey, lands in, belonging to Maison Dieu, Ospl'inge, SS, 69. Merryman, William, 22. Mersham, Boys Honse, 81. Meraham Hatch, 186 . Miobell, Sir Willia.tu, chn.ntry p1·iest of Horne, 111, 1211 122, will of , 121. Mildmay, Wa., ln2. Milham, land o.t, 104. l\Iiller, Oristian, 109; Daniell, 19; • Mo.ry, 17 ; Ralph, H ; 'l'homo.s, 20. Milles, Phillis, 22; Thomo.s, 187. Milson, Thomas, 29. Milton, Olement,·»14. Minster, Thanet, 120. Minstre, tenement in, 68, '332 GENERAL INl>E:X.1 Min1ites of Feojfees, extract from, relating to borough of Dumborne, 1118. Mitchell, Benjamin, 23 ; Robert, 31 ; Thomas, 30. Moeer, John, vicar of Tenterden, 137, 181. Moore, Henry, 22; John, 32; Mar. gret, 22 ; Richard, 186 ; Robert, 168; Samuel, 2i ; Thomas, 168. .Moorecock, Robert, 31. Monsel, .Adam, 47 ; Goditha, 48 ; John, 47, 48 (2). ;,\fontgomery, Anne, 32; John, 32. Monypenny, J. J., 187. Morefote, Thomas, 163. Morgan, Samuel, 29. Morlyn (Morleyn), John, 151 ; Richard, 161. Morphett (Murphett), Thomas, 177, . 186. Mortgage, description of, lxxxvt Mortimore, William, 20. Morton, Archbishop, grant of 99 · years' lease of the appointment of Bailiff to Hythe by, 264. Moseley,John, 189; 1'homas, 189 (2). Mott, 1'homas, 20. Mottrum, A.dam, 235. Moyle, Sir 'l'homa.s, 150. Moyns, Stephen, 242. Moyse (Moyes), Robert, 2·1; Thomas, rj(j, Mullioger, J. Bass, 78. Munday, Mary, 241; Rev. Nicholas, 241. Murray, Nmv Eng. J)iat., reference to Fee-simple and Fee-tail from, · lxxviii. Myrc,,J ohn, lnBt1·1tcti(lll8, extract from relating to distinction between. Divine Service and Mass, 145. N Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, 249. Nash (Nashe), George, 25; John, 2•.!:, 110. Naylor, Thomas, 28. Needler, Mrs., 19. Nelbowegarden (IJ,lbow-oroft) at . Smallhythe, 137. Nellaby, William, BO. Nellis, John, 2B. Netherland, Elizabeth, 30; Margret, 31., Susanna, 29. Neve, Herbert, 178. Nevell, John, 170. Newcombe, Bishop of_ Llandaff, 246. Newell, Hester, 31. . . , .New Eng. J)ict., refere:nce l;o hust1lments a.nd in, 131. Newenden, 184; rector of, 187. Newenham, land in, 76. Newes, Barthw., 314. Newing, John, 31. Newington next Sittingbourne, 180. Newland, Anne, 147 ; William, 147. Newman, Richard, 25. New Romney, reference to Smallhythe in records of Corporation of, llH. Newton, Richard, 17; William, 244, works of, 244. Nicholas, abbot of Faversham, 73. Nioholas, William Fitz, 42. Nichols, Henry, 21. Nicholson, John, 82; ',,Villfam, 13, 27. Noble, value of, 139. Noel, ]lliza.beth, 47; Wm., 47. Norden, John, 90. Nordish, Anne, 26. Norris, Dorothy, 26; Jane, 21. Northill College, Bedfordshire, master of, 67. Norton, Robert, 20. · Norton, lands in, 122. Norwood, John, 121, 122. Notingham(Nottingham),Anne, 112; Anthony, 96, 97 ; Henry, will of, 112; James, 96, 97, 103 ; Joan, 96, 107 (2), 120; John, 108; Katherine, 108; Margaret, 118; Margery, 96, 107; Nicholas, 96, 97, will of, 103; Richard, 97; Robert, 96, 103, 120, wills of, 96, 120 ; Thomas, 96, 97, 103 (2), 107, 118; 1'homas, sen., 121 ; Vincent, 96, 97, 99, 108, 107, 120; William, 96, 97, 112, will of, 107; family of, 112. Nott, Agnes, 96; Christopher, 96; Gefl:eray, 96 ; Michael, 112, will of, 96 ; Richard, 9'1 ; Robert, 96. Nubs, Anne, 30. Nye, Margaret, 26; Richard, 25. 0 Ode, John, 98 (2). Okeford in diocese of Exeter, 237: . Oldam, Sir James, priest of Smallhythe, 181, 182. Oldmede, land called, 9tl. Olive (Ollive), 'l'homas, ill (2). Oliver (Olyver), My., 26; Thomns, 29 ; William, 26. Ongley, Edward, 29. Oode, John, 101. Order of the H6ly Cross; 36, GENERAt INDEX. 333 Orlestone, Inquisition at, 234 ; reotor of, 234. Ormond, Duke of, 80. Osborne (Osbourne), Elizabeth, 17; Othinell, 170. Osmand, Thomas, 26. Osmore, Jo.mes, 26 (2). Ospringe, 86-78, 122 ; land in, 44 ; King's manor of, 37 ; manor of, 51. Ospringe, Hospital of St. Mary of, commonly called Maison Dien, by Charles H. Drake, 85; advowson, grant in of, 69 ; o.dvowson o.nd patronage aoquired from Henry VIII., 59 ; aids, release from payment of, 50, 52 ; bequest to, 238 ; Chantry priests, list of, 67; chapel in, 37 ; Charters to, 69-75; oho.rtergmnting oho.ttela of condemned pe1·sons to, 44 ; confirmation of l!'rant of properties to, by Edward, 47, 48 ; Edward I., visits to, 44-46 ; en• quiry into improvident governance of, 64, 56 ; Geoffrey, first master of, 37; grant of land, etc., to, 3S, -1:2, 70; grant of liberties to, 41 ; grant of right of sepulture to, 89, 70 ; grant of weekly market and yearly fair at Headcorn manor to, 42 ; Henry III., visit to, 39; Hospital buildings, 61 ; Licences for aliena• tion of mortmain, 76 ; Maste1·s and Wardens of, 62 ; purohase of herrings for, 46; St. John's, Cambridge, maintains o. priest at, 60 ; tallaA'e pardoned by Henry III., •IS ; visitations, 51, 55. Ossory, Bishop of, 246. · Oswell, Georg, 28. Otteford, 235, Oulpett, Thomas, 98. Ovel, John, 24-0. Overton, Jo., S!l, 92. Owsbey, Thomns, 26. O.x:enden (O.x:inden), Elir.abeth, 121 ; Mistress, 121 ; William, 121. Oxford, lil, 283; Magdalen Oollege, 188; St. John Hospital, •18; Worcester College, 188. Oxley, Sir Simond, 68. Oyler, '.I.'. H., 91. p Po.eke, .A.uue, 26. Page, Abigail, 169 ; James, 160; J'oane,·11, Paine, Hemy, IS; Jonas, 24; Ursilla, 30. Pakering, John, 29. Palmer, Daniel, 246; William, 66. Paletre, Geoffrey, 238. Papillon, David, 220-222; Mr., 220, 221. Paramore (Pamour, Paramour), Agnes, 113; Alice, 113 ;• Alson, 94; Eli nor, 113; Elyne, 94 ; Isabell, 94, 117; Ja.mes, 104, will of, 113; Joan, 94 ; John, Ill, 113, 117 ; Margo.ret, US, 117; Margery, 117; Richard, 93, 9/'i, 98, will of, 94 ; Robei·t, 117, 119; Rose, 117; Thomasine, 95; Vincent, 95 (2), 106, Ill (2), 113, will of, 117 ; William, 94,117, 123; William, jun., 111 (2). Parfet, -, 31. Parker, Joane, 23; John, 12; Mathew, 16; Samuel, S9, 244; William, 32 (2). Parmentar, Robert, 72. Parson, Thomas, 76. Partition in relation to laud, lxxxv. Pass, Willio.m, 16. Pnston, Eli1.!\beth, 121; Sir John, 121. Patent Rolls, Henry III., extrn.ots from 1·eln.ting to Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 42-61. Patrioksbourne, 24:5. Paul, Robert, 24:. Rioho.rd, 30., John,. ,n ; Thomas, 31. Pearson, J. L., restoration of Hythe .Church by, 267., John, 165. Peckham, .Arohbishop, 46. Peckham Chapel, Surrey, 1S8. PeJ?ge, Rev. Samuel, collection of Kentish proverbs by, 79; reference to his aooount ,of 1'caJt-us Rtiffensis, 229. Pelland (Pelln.n, Pellond), Bartholomew, 154, loS ; Jolin, 157 ; :Mo.rgn.ret, 149; M08es, 149; Peter, 161, 153; Thomas, 149. Pembroke, Earl of, 61. Pembroke, G. P.A., 92. Pemberton, John, 56, 66. Penny, Henry, 20; John, 20 ; William, Ill. Penyale, John, 129; Margaret, 129. Pepys, Samuel, reference to Rochester in Dio.ry of, 14. Pera111.1mlati1m of Kent, Lamba.rde, extract from .regarding maps of Kent. 87. Peroivall (Peroiln.11, Peroyvall), John, 101 ; will of, 120. Pe1·ldns, Sir John, priest, 107. 334 GENE].tAL INDllJX.. Perne, Thomas, 60. Perry, Rev. Edw., 247, 248. Perse (Persse), Joane. 16S; John, lfi8; Nicholas, 169. Peter, master of Ospringe Hospital, 4i5, 50, 51, 63. Petfelde, lands at, 137, 149. Petty, John, 18. Peynter, John, 48 (2). Peyntwyn, Hugh, 238. Philipot, John, 88 ; Thomas, 83, 8-L Philip le Bel of France, Blanche and Marguerite, daughters of, 46. Phillip (Phelip, Phelippe, Phelipps, Phyllype), Agnes, 101, 102; George, 166; Isabel, 101, 102; Joan, 100, 101, will of, 102; John, 100, 101, ll?7 ; Margery, 102, will of, 103 ; S11: Matthew, 94 ; Robert, 102, will of, 100; William, 100, 101, 102, will of, 102. Phillips, Joseph, 21 ; Robert, 29 ; Susanna, 21 ; Thomas, 21 ; William, 24. 25. Philpott alias Wilcock, Wm., ll8. Phips, George, 28. Pickendon, John. 22. Pickering, Jonathan, 29. · Pickering, Stat11tes at I.,u,r,11e, 1762-3, ·reference to Poll Tax in Rochester in, s. Pickman, Arthur, 29. Pigett, Vincent, 116. Pikelen, John, SO. Firkins, Sir John, parish priest, 1013. Pitt-Rivers, Genera.I, reference to excavations of, 311. Pizey, Rev. Charles Edward, 189 · Rev. Charles Thomas, 188. ' Plague in 1478, 57. Plastow, John, 20. Platt, la.nd called, 110. Pledge, .A.nne, SI. Plummer, John, 172, 178; William SL ' Poclington, Yorks, 68. Poker, Matthew, engriiver of map of Romney Marsh, 219, 220, 221. Poll-money, derivation of, 2. Poll Tax in Rochester, 1660, by A. A. Arnold, 1 ; Number of persons in, 9 ; sums payable by persons of different degree, 4. Pollard, Dorothy, 23 ; James 28 • John, 30 ; Martin, 31 S. ' ' Pollara, land at, 9-L Poltun-unul, land in, 72. T'omfery, John, 22. Ponte, Cristine, IH6; Robert ]iii, extract from will of1 186, Ponthieu, France, 47. Popeley, Robert, 26; William, 25. Post, Anne, SL Postling; John, 53. Postling Church, by Aymer Val· lance, 193 ; Supplemental Notes by Rev. G. M. Livett, 198; chancel, 195 ; dimensions of, 193 ; font, 195 ; gallery remains, 196, 198; incised dedication stone, 196, 201 ; pisciua, 196 ; rood loft breastsummer, 194 ; vicar of, 240 ; walls, J 99 ; wall painting, 198. 200 ; windows, 193. Potter, Archbishop, 245 ; Francis, 17. Powle, John, 236. Pownoll, Barnabas, 242. Prat, Roberts, 22; William, 169. Presbyter, Confessor, 201. Presten, Joan, 129; William, 129. Preston next Faversham, 54', 55. Private Acts, in relation to land, lxxvii. Proceedings of Society, abstracts of, 1911....:..1912,:x:xxix. Puckle, John, 22. Pughe, Rev. John, 188. Purse, William, 16. Purvey, John, 235, Pyers, Thomas, 151. Q Querne, meaning of a, 98. Queesonbury, Mary, 80 ; Sarah, SO. Quilter, Abraham, 243. R Rabbitt, Michaeli, 27. Radcliffe, Houstonne, 245. Radla.m, Robert, 22. Randall, 'rhomas, 32; William, 188. Rassell, Thomas, 173. Raven, Rev. Walter, 189. Raye, Sir RiohMd, priest, 181, 182. ltaymys, Robert, 120. Rayner, Nicholas, 122; Robert, 157, 1811. Rnynold, Sir David, curate, 120; Wm., 116. Raysell, Thomas, 16. Readers, the duties of the Order of 162, I Record of Inquisition at Favers􀁁 bam, by F. F. Giraud, 8l8. GENERAL INDEX. 385 Records of the Cinque Ports : Tlte 0-rcat Wl!itc Booli, 138. Re.ccll'{l,􀎕 of􀎖'1', Fielding, 14. Recoveries, description of, lxx:x. Reculver, 104, 112, 122, 123; Church, 107, 117; lands in, 96, 98, 99, 118. Redgway, Edward, 16; Thomas. 16 (2). Redman, Archdeacon William, 241. Reed (Rede), Anne, 23; Josias. 22; Thomas, 23 : Wm., 68. Reeve, Mary, 27. Reeves, John, 20. Re8'!11ald, son of Beri.Dgar, 73. Register, suggested form of. Jxx:x:viii. Reifeild, Anne, 22. Rende, John, lO!l; Thomns, 109. Reynolds (Raynolds,, Renllll,ls), .Archbishop, 258; Ja.mes, 82; John, 189; Vil-gill, 28; William, 110. Ricbn,rd, son of Nicholas, 75. Richardson, E. P. :Boys, on A seventeenth - century Kentish Proverb, 79; Nathaniel, 30. Richmond, Marg11.ret, Countess of, 56. Rider (Ridar, Rydar), Annes, 121; Francis, 108, 113, will of, 1 lil ; John, 108 : Mildred, 118, 116 ; Nicholas, will of, 108 ; Thomas, 108, 118, 116, 121. mdley, Nicholas, vicar of Herne, 122. Rigden, Francis, 109. Rile, .A rnal, 26. Rime, Elizabeth, 24. Ripiogall, John, 22. Ripon, bones under Ca.thedrnl at, 204 ; "Maiden Due" at, 35. Ripsilver, 72. Ripton (Repton), Richard, 164, 165. Rivers, Mnry, 26; Rawlins, 25. Robert, abbot of St. .A.ugustino's, . C!\nterbury, 37, 39, 70. Robert, abbot of Faversha.m, 55. Robert, Bishop of Chiohester, 184. Robert son of William son of Salamon, 78. Robertson, Canon Soott, reference to his p11,per on Hythe Church, '21·eoincts), 9, 10 ; Enstho:r ongb, 9, 10 ; Eu.stir11,te borough, 9, 10; ,Micldleborough, -!J, 10; 'number of persons and inllabited houses in, 10 ; The Poll Tax in 1660 in, by A. A. Arnold, 1 ; St. Clement's or Clements - borough 9, 10 ; St. 0lement's Rectory, 235 ; St. Nicholas Church, monument to Philip Bartholomew in, 12 ; Southborough, 9, 10. Rocke, Margaret, 16. Rockleife, Mary, 22 ; Thomas, 22. Roger the Pdor, 72. Rog?rs, Frances, 20; Mr., 20, lSS (2). Rogieon, -, 29. Rok􀎗ug Grove, J 09. Rolfe, Edmund, 24 ; Edward, 240 ; Ester, 28; James, 24. Rolling, l'Gnt in, 72. Rolvenden, 18-l, 1$6, 187. Romney Marsh, the oldest ma.p of, by F. William Cock, 219; St. Mary, 128 ; watercourses in, 223. Rooke, John, 120. Rooper, John, 116. Roper, George, 28. Rose, Jma.s, 30. Ross, Stephen, 80. Rothwell, William, 18. Rothwell, Northamptonshire, bones in ohurch at, 204. Roundell, John, 235. Rowell, Ady, 20. Rowland, John, 162. Rowlnndson, Francis, 16. Roxburgh, Rev. Alfred Henry, 187. Royal Grants, lx:xvii. Rumenhu.le, 'l'rehameston i n the marsh of, 4:2. Rumsey, Rev .. J. W., 187. Rushen, Judeth, 18. Rye, Brenchley, 1. Rygge 01· Rydge, Herts, 286. s Sackett (Saokette), Rev. John, 24:3, 244: ; Margaret, 245 ; Rev. St.aphen, :Nil. Saokville, Sil' Richard, 163, 155, 16S ; Ry., 1152. Saora.meuta et Sacrament􀎘lia, definition of, 148. St. Aubyn, J.P., 2•l8. St. John in Thanet, l 18. St. Lawrence.,, 281. St. Lep;er (Seyntleger), Ralph, 67 ; llebecca, 1 S. St. ;'lforgaret nt Oliffo, 28H, 284. St. M1wgaret Ivingho, Alice, prioress of, 38, 336 GENERAL INDEX. St. Michael's Ash, Hythe, 259. St. Nicholas, Thanet, 236. St. Peter's in Tbanet,legacy to repair of, 108. 8t. Stephen's near Canterbury, 242. Salkyn, Isabel, 106 ; Robert, 106; Stephen, 106; Thoma􀈛, 95, 107, will of, 106 ; Willian1, 106. Salisbury, prebendary of Stratton and Beaminster secunda in, 67. Saltwood (Saltwode), 235, 238 ; manor granted to Christ Church, Canterbury, 263, 275 ; manor conveyed to Henry VIII., 26-! ; restoration of Castle, 265. Salviate, Dr., 271. Sanderson, Eliw.beth, 27; ,John, 27. Sandling Park, 265. Sandwa.y, Antony, 111. Sandwich, 81 ; St. Clement, 2'14. Sarbey, Kathnm, 19. Sare, Thomas, 161, 162. Sauvage, Geoffrey, 76. Sawyer, Steven, 113. Saxton, Christopher, maps of, 85, 86. Say, Richard, 28. Sayer, Joan, 118; Stephen, 116, 120. Says (fl' Sees, Henry, 237. Saywell, Richard, 26. Scapeye (? Sheppey), lttnd in Enstohurch in, 4S. Scapey in Leysdoo, 72 (2). Schipdene,Henry, 235. Scott (Scot), Rev. Fl'ederick Thomas, 247; Rev. Gilbert Maxwell, 249 ; John, 23; Joseph, 82. Scott, church, 174; private, 178; town, 178. Sooone, John, 175, 176. Scudder, Thomas, 25. . Searles, .Anne, 24 ; Frances, 28 ; Richard, 23, Seaverne, Elizabeth, 29; Thomas, 29. Seer, Robert., 116. Seers (Seeres), Ann, 17 ; 'l'homas, 23. Sees, 8/JC Says. See Street, land at, 100, 106, 117. Seintclere, J obn, 56. Selling, Mr., 109. Sellinge, inquisition a.t, 284. Selvester, John, 25. Serten, Stephen, 80. Seth, John, 122. Sevenoaks, rnotor of, 187. Sevington, 81, 2·l:l. Sexby, William, 25. Seylia.rd, Rev. Richard, 168 (8), 190. Seynt, Joan, 98; Thoma.s, 98. Shal'p (Sharpe), Hannah, 168 ; James, will of, 113; Margaret, 118; Peter, 168 ; Thomas, 21. Sbeldesfo1·d, land at, 72. Sheldwioh, 184. Shelley, Edward, 32. Shelvinge,, 112. Shepherd (Shepheard), Mr., 177; -, 134. Sbephowse, lnnd called, 115. Sheppey (Soapeye, Shepeye), 42 ; land in, granted to or held by Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 89, 47, 48, 10, 75. Shipwright, Elizabeth, 23; John, 23. Shirbrooke, Isabella, 26. Shorte, Daniel, 1J34; Peter, 172; Saml., 177. Shurbarne, Godeman, 128; Petronille, 128. Silke, Mathew, 30. Simons, Nicholas, 17. Simpson (Simson), Sir John, priest, 112,llS. Sinings, l!Jlizabetb, 169. Sir, use of this title by clerks in Holy Orders, 181. Skeat, Rev. W.W., reference to collec• tion of Kentish proverbs, 79. Skeer, William, 25. okeets (Skeetes), James, 172 (2), 177, 178, 184. Skitter, John, 23; Mary, 23. Sleaden, Cowmenta1·y, 240. Slowma.n, Thomas, 169. Smale, Crist.ean, 94 ; Richard, 94. Smeeth, 24.1. Smersa.1.1, Margaret, 121 ; Nicholas, 121 ; Robert, will of, 121. Smith (Smyth), Abig·ail, 169; J.lice, 28, 128; Anne, 18; Dorothy, 29; Edward, 24; Henry, 18; Rev. H. 1r., 201 ; James, 28; Stephen, sen., 128 ; Thomas, 129 ; Ursil.a, 21; William, 21. Smallhythe, 130. Sma.llhythe, The Chapel of St. John the Baptist, by A.H. Taylor, 188; application to purchase alienated property of from the Crown, 152; Commission appointed by Edwa.rd VI. regarding n.nd the evidence before it, 155-162; be• quests to, 135-139, 147, 148, 1-!9, 150, 190; Chaplains, Readers and Perpetual Curates of, 178; Chap• lain, election of, 180 ; chaplain, ordinance for, 141, 148, 145 ; chaplain's stipend, 151 ; date of erection, 188 ; deed of settlement, 171 ; description of, 190; destroyed by fire, 148, 165; lauds belonging to, 151, 172, 178; licence for divine service, 1404 143 ; light of St. Ba.i;, GENllJRAL I:tfD;EX. bara, 150 ; Petition to tlte Court of Augmentation respecting, 168; rebuilding, 176 ; reference to map of the lands, 177 ;-shipbuilding at, 136 ; Treasurer's Account Book, 171 ; Treasurers of the.chapel lands, !78. Sneade, John, 28. Somer, Thomas, 226, 227, 229. Somner, Wiiliall!, 83, 84. Soomar, Henry, i:!14. Southard, Petsr, 31.. Southwell Cathedral, 294. Sowgate, Edward, 60. Sparkes, Frances, 26. Sparue, William, 42. Spelman, Sir Henry, 225, 226; Glosaa, ry by, 225; Oonailia at IJaoi·eta Eao􀉢1ri@ lJritamiiore by, 225. Spencer, Bonham, 21; Marion, 111. Speron, William, 73. Stacey (Stace), Frances, 241; George, ]60; Mary, 241; :Mr., 177; Robert, 172 ; Thomas, 172, 178 ; William, 241. Stafford, Henry, 167 (2), 169 (8), 182 (2) ; Marie, 169. Stahlsohmidt's O!w.1•olb .Bolls of Ke1tt, 191. Staines (Staynes), Dorothy, 19; Thomas, 21. Stalisfield, 236. Stanton, A.bra.ham, 19. Staple (Stapele), fands in, 72; manor · of, 77. Starkey, George, 169. Stal'len, Sarah, 23. Stn,tute of Uses, 1636, lxx:riii. Steddles (Stedilles), meaning of, 123. Stedman, Elizabeth, 169; John, 169. Stekelys, meaning of, 259. Stelling, chapel of, 241. Stent, P., 88, 89, 92. Stephens (Stevens), Grace, 25; John, 30 ; Richard, 22 ; ZachMias, 27. Steward (Stuard), Elyn9r, 116 ; Joan, 115 ; .Powle, 116 ; Thomas, 94, will of, 115. Stickney (Stykney), Jo;tm, 68 ; Richard, 68, Stookbury near Sittingbourne, 281. Stodmarsh, 244, 247. Stoke Newington, :rectory of, 186. Stone, James, 24:0; Jasper, 30; John, 80, 168; Richard, 168; Thomas, 26, Stone, 97, 122, 184. Stonehouse, Nicholas, 26; William, 21. Stonylands, land at, 106. Stopyn, meaning of a, 93. Stow, Francis, 25; Samuel, 26. vo:r,, :xu. :;itowell, Grace, 18; John, . 26 ; Peter, 13, 26. Straine, Joyce, 26. Strainsham (Streynsham), Frances, 61 ; George, 61 ; Robert, 61. Strange, Ralph, 32. Strangford, Philip, Lord, 6. Stretend, land at, 98. Stratton, Ja., 172; William, 178. Strood (Strode), land and tenements in, 98, 102, 103, ll0, 112, 118. Sti:ood, Upper, la.nd at, 109, 118. Strowde, A.nne, 19. Stuard, Thos., 94. Studde (Stud), Joan, no; Philip, 118; l'homas, 110; Vincent, will of, 110. Studhill, lands in, 106, 114, 117, 119. Sturrey, land and woods, 101, 114, 128. Stu.sbury,Henry, 19. Stutfall Castle, visit of Society to, Iii. Stymson, William, 27. Sumpter, William, 287. Surrender, in relati􀉣n to land, lxxxiv. Surrender and Admittance by the rod of Oopyhclds, lxn:ii. Suthernden, Richard, 168 ; Susan, 168 (2). Sutton Valence, St. Mary, 91. Swan (Swanne), Sir Thomas, 101, 103. Swa.yn, Thos., ·120. Swayton, John, 314. Swaloliff, Baker's way, 111; gift ;o Church, 101; land in, 100. Swhalflete, land in, 104. Swifmgton, Anne, :!5 ; Xopher, 26. Swingfield (Swynfield), 661 121. Swingford, John, 82. Symondson, Wm., 186. Symons, Thomas, 28 ; Wilμa.m, 28. Symonson.(Simonson), Philip, mii.p11 of Kent of, 86, 86, 87, 92.., Syred, Rober􀉤, 66. T Tangreton al-ias Beconfield, manor of, 48. Tanner, Barnet, 22 ; John, 110 ; Peter, 30. · Tanner, J-fo1Ul$t-io􀉥1, reference to Maison Dieu, Ospringe, in, 38. Tanton, Joo.n, 170. Tarr (Tarre), Elizabeth, 168; John 168, 170; :Michael, 168. Tate, Archbishop, 247. Tn.tha.molarke, Roger, 19. GENERAL INDEX. ·Taylor (Tayler), A. H., on the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, Smallhythe, 133; Anne, 82; Barbury, 24; Daniel, 29; Edward, 24; Freeshwith, 32; I-Iemy, 30; John, 26, 30'; Sir John, 68; Margret, 26 ; Nathaniell, 21 : Robert, 21,; Thomas, 21, 81 (2); William, 177. . Tempest, Margaret, 245. Tenham, 122. Tenison, Archbishop, 245. Tennant, Mrs., gift of lych gate to West Hythe by, 249. Tenterden (Tenterdyn, Tent1Varden), 128-191; chapel of ease to, 184; : Church, repair of, 187; ex:trl\Ots from· Registers of, 167 : Grammar School, I 85 ; incorporation of, under Bailiff and Commonalty, and · united to Rye, 162; Mersham Dene . in, 151 ; Mountanrye Garden in, . 151. Tex.tu.a Roffensis in Chancery, : 1633, by A. A. Arnold, 225 ; abstract of Chancery Proceedings a.bout, 229. Thomas, Anne, 26; ·,resse, 12 ; J. Lambly, 12 ; Lcetitio, 12 ; Robert, 17 .. ' Thonias Alyns, place called, 103. Thomson, lwbert, 120. Thoresby, John, 186; John, Archbishop of York, 18li ; Mr., 185, 186; Ralph, 186 (2) ; Richard, 171>, 185 (2), 186. - • - Thornden, lands at, 10G, 110, 116, 119 ; Studde Hill, 123, Thro\vley (Thruleye), 184; land in, H. Thurnham, 241. Thurston, ij:earne, 12, ·16, 32, 38 (3); ... James, 12; Morrell, 12. Tiol􀈐hill, J:Iospit.1,l of Maison Dieu at, 85. Tiffen, W., 222. Tilden, Joan, 169 ; Richard, 32. Tilmanstone, 241; vicar of, 187, Toght, John, 52. Tombs, Richard, 23. Tomlinson, William, 68. Tomson (Tompson), Fmnces, 18 ; · Richard, 28. · Tonge, Nicholas, 23. Topley, 0coZ. of tlw Wcaza, reference to ·stone found in quarries near Lympne and H1i;he, 2ii4. Torkington, Phillip, 21. l'ournay, Thomas, 165, 166; seques• traf;ion of, 165. Tredway, John, 19. Trehameston in the marsh of Rumen. hale. 42. ·Trehanston oi· Triameston in Burma1' Sh, manor of, conferred on j\faison Dieu, Ospringe, 89 ; descent of manor of, in .A1·01l.. Cnnt., Vol. II., 39. Trendle 01· Trindle, meaning of.100., Trianstone, fee in, 43. ' Tribe, John, 170, 175,.189. Trinity House, map of Romney Marsh in, 219. Tripcony, A.nne, 30; Wm., 30. Troward, Thomas, 29. 'l'ryckys, land called, 112. Tudely, 235. Tudor, ]J]dmnnd, Earl of Richmond, 58 ; Lady Margaret, endowment of schools f)f learning at Cambridge by, 58. Tunb1idge Wells, St. John's, 247. Turgis, heirs of, 72. Turner (Turnor), Fmnces, 81 ; Hugh, 137; James, 25; Joan, 181, extract from will of, 187 ; Mr., 185; Thomas, 19. Turyng, James, 239. 'fweedie, Alexander Forbes, 178. Twigg, Robert, 187. 'l'witbam, land in, 70, 72. Twopeny, William, 86. Tyckil, Richard, 285. Tye, John, jun., 313; J ohri, sen., 313, 3H. Tyler (Tiler), John, 188; Wat, 2. Tym, Margret, 10. Tyndale, John, jun., 814; John, sen., · 314. T11pog1·a_pli.ical Antiq1tit'ics, Herbert, 85. u Ugden, John, 314. Underdowne, mnnor of, 122. Underhill, John, 58, 59, 67. Upchurch (Opcbirche, Upechirche), bones in church at, 203 ; land in, •!S, 50, 51. Upstreet, land at, 104. Urre, Thomas, 51. Usher, Ilobert, 29 .. V Vallance, Aymer, on Old Bridges in England and Wales, xlvii; on tympne Caiitle, Iii; Note GENERAL INDEX. 839 on an, old house, West ·street, Faversham, 215; on Postling Chm·ch, 215. Vallence, Thomas, 20. Va.lent, Sir Robert, priest, 234. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, 88, 89. Vavesour, -, reference to _will of, 145. Venman, Christopher, 31; Henry, 31. Vernum, Dorothy, 21; Riohard,.21. Verser, Henry, 170. Vicar, J',fr., 104. Viotuall, .Ann, 22; Richard, 22. ViZlan·e Oantiam1111i, 83, 84. Viney, Jeremiah, 173. Visitatio1i of Ke·nt, Ho.rleian Society, reference to pedigree of Boys in,8 2. Vousden, Margaret, 16. Vyne, Margaret, 168. w · Wa


Register of Deeds Relating to the County of Kent


Front matter, Volume 29