Herne Wills Abstracts Part II

( 93 ) HERNE. II.-HERNE WILLS: ABSTRACTS. (Oontinued from Vol. XXVIII., p. 114.) :SY ARTHUR, HUSSEY. 62.-M..uiGa.RET, widow of JonN HYK. (See No. 50, Vol. XXVIII., p. 108.) 18 Octobel' 14-92. To be buried in the churchyard. To son Alexandel', a querne, * and for the same he to give to his brother Thomas, l 2d. Also Alexander have the youngest grey horse, a calf, a brass pot, and a pan, a pan unbounded of brass, pair of sheets, coverlet with birds wrought thereon, diaper towel, borde cloth, and flat bason of laten. 'l'o son George, a querne* in the kitchen, a donne [? dun J liol'.\le, black cow, the best calf, one great pot of brass, great kettle of brass, stopynt of brass, Bat basin, my best coverlet, a pair of sheets of the best hemp, and my best horde cloth. To son Thomas, a baye horse, cow, bull calf, a kettle and my middle pan of brass, pair of sheets, and a borde cloth. To son Richard, a cow called Tyt, a new kettle and the ringell stopyn of brass, pair of sheets, and a borde cloth. Daughter Isabell have two ewes, and to e1•ery of her child1·en two ewes. Sons Alexander and George have my cart with its apparel. 'l'o son Alexander, all my part of the wood of Southwood and a croft with nppurtena11ces before the gate of Richard Pa,·amore. Son George to have the tenement where I live, with five acres of laud, nnd a weir nnnexed unto the weir of Nicholas Hawlott. Son Thomas have tbe tenement with lands lately bought of Wm. Felton, a piece of land called Thornfeld, parcel of wood and land called the Nek, and a. weir late of :ff.em·y Lynches. Son Richard, the laud called the Litt.le . Downe, three acres at the 􀇫ekyn, nnd £our acres called Helbarough land, and the land weir. Sons Alexander and George ex'o1:s. Prob. 18 Dec. 1492 . . (Vol. Ill., fol. 829.) · * A handmill for grinding grain 01· seed . .,.J- t A stuppin or stupen is n stew-pan 01· ,skillet.-Parish and Shaw, Diet. 􀀒e11tisli, .J)i(flect1 · · · · 94 HERNE WILLS. 63.-NICROLA.S ALEYN. 6 March 1494-5. To be buried in the churchyard. Wife Alice have oue great pot, a pan, twelve small dishes, six other dishes, and six saucers de electro. Residue to Simon Graunte and Wm. Aleyn my son, to dispose £or my soul, and they ex'ors, with Thos. Stuard overseer. Wife ·Alice to have for life yearly 13s. 4-d. out 0£ my tenement in Hunte1· Street, with eleven acres of land thereunto annexed, and a little Hamel! at Pollars, with seven rods 0£ land, between the land sometime of Matthe\V Phyllyppe, knight, towards the east aud south, a1ld the lands 0£ Alex. Ewell west. Vincent my son and Agnes his wife have my tenement at Hunter Street, paying yearly to Alice the 13s. 4d.; nud at the deiith of Vincent and Agnes to John their son and his heirs ; if John die without heirs then to \Villfam, anotl1er son of Vincent, and his heirs, etc.; if none, to Simon, son 0£ Vincent, and his heirs; but if none, then to be sold by ex'ors and feoffees, and the money disposed in Herne churrh £or my soul, Alice my wife, my father and mother, etc. Wife A lire to have 18s. 4d. yearly from seven acres nnd a rood of land in Popys [i.e., Poppy] .field, £our acres and a barn with a garden called Calysham, and five acres called Knolle, which Thomas my son shall have, paying the 13s. 4d. Wife A lice to have 6s. a year out of my tenement in Hernstone which is called Cokys, and seven acres of land at Cotheysfield, which son John to have, paying the 6s. Wife Alice to have 13s. 4d. yearly out 0£ my tenement at Chelds, and all lands at Musden in Chislett, which son William to have and pay the 18s. 4d. Soos 'fhomas and John, two acres of wood called. Cothey. Wife to have for life my tenement at Hernystone that I bought of Richard Notte, and after her death to be sold, and with the money a priest to sing in the church for my soul, Alice my wife, etc., for one year. Daughter Cristean, wife 0£ Richard Smale, have ten and half acres called Northwi11ows. Prob. 28 Nov. 1496. (Vol. III., fol. 112.) 64.-RICH.ti.RD P.A.R.A.MORE. 16 April 1495. To be buried in the churchyenrd. '1.'o the Light of Blessed Mary a bushel of barley. To w!fe Joan all the utensils of my living-room, bedroom, and kitchen, also the residue, and Joan. with William Paramore ex'ors. Wife to have and occupy my tenement with all lands, and my weir, during her life, then to be so)d, and from the money my daughters Elyne, Isi1,bell1 Alson, and.. HERNE WILLS. 95 Thomesine to have 20s. each within two years of the death of Joan. Residue of laods among my three sons Vincent, ·wmiam, and Richard. Prob .. .. 1495. (Vol. IV., fol. 42.) 65.-JORN EaSTWELL. 22 March 1495-6. · To be buried iu the churchyard. To the high altar, 3s. 4d. To son Alexander, my best pot, a jake, and a pollear. To Martin my second son, one pot, jake, salett, and a bill. To daughter ,Joan, my best chest, and to daughter Elisabeth, my second chest. Residue after paying debts and legacies to my wife Margaret, together with certain implements belonging to my tenement- the best table, cheese board, and a quern. 'Wife Mru·garet and Robert N otiugham ex' ors. Feo:ffees : Robert Noting ham, Alexander G-offe, Thos. Goffe, and Thos. Salkyn, who shall grant to Robert N otiugbam a piece of ground in the Borough of Hampton, 􀇞ncl a place called Outtyng of 22 acres, and to his heirs and assigns for ever, paying for the same £42, viz., to Margaret my wife £12 within two years aftet· my death, at my month's day £5, and twelvemonth's day £5. To Alexander my sou when twenty, £10, and to l¼artin my sou, £10 when twenty, aud to my daughters Elisabeth and ,Joan, each £5 at their marriage. To my sous Alexander and Martin all my o. ther lands equully. Prob. 19 July 1496. (Vol. IV., fol. 103.) 66.-HAMO AT SEE. 7 September 1496. To be buried in the churchyard, and a priest to celebrate in the Church of Herne for my soul and all the faithful departed for a year, and have five mares (£,3 6s. Sd.). Residue after paying debts,_etc., to Marione u1y wife and Thomas my son, and they ex'ors. Feoft'ees: William a.t See, Thomas Cobb, ,James Cobb, and Thomas at See, who are to allow wife Marioue and son Thomas to occupy my tenements and lands during the life of Marione equally between them, and at her death to Thomas my son and his heirs for ever. Prob. 7 Nov. 1496. (VoL IV., fol. 117.) 61,-:--JOAN CHJ!)Sl'FIELD. (See No. 17 in Vol. xx:Yin., p. 96.) 20- December 149(3; To be buried in the churchyard. 'fo Margerie and Elisabeth my daughters, one cow each. Residue to Ja.mes Church and Vincent Paramore, my ex'ors, to dispose £or my aoul. Prob. 18 Ma,rch 1496-7, (Vol. lV., fol. 129.) 96 RERNE WILLS. 68.-MIOII.A.EL NOTT. 10 January 1497-8. 'fo be buried in the _churchyard. To wife Agnes all my utensils in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen, and wife executrix. To Michael Nott all pertaining to my trade ( rul arta mea). My tenement in the parish of ReculYer and in the Borough of Hoth to be sold, and the money to fulfill my will and pay debts; and Michael Nott have all the movables of the tenement within and without except that is nalefaste (sic). My sons Christopher, Robert, and Gefferay have the residue of the money. Prob. 19 March 1497-8. (Vol. IV., fol. 191.) 69.-GEon.aE HYICS. (See No. 50 in Vol. XXVIII., p. 108.) 30 April 1498. To be buried in the churchyard. Wife .Toan and Alexander Ryks ex'ors. Feoffees: John Ryks, Alex. Hyles, Thos. Ryks, and Wm. Baker, to sell one acre of ground in Bekyn feltbys* at a place called Busshe to pay debts, etc. Wife Joan to have nnd occupy my tenement, with lands, woods, and weirs during her life, excepl! she be with a man-child, then he when sixteen to have 16 acres 0£ ground, seven at the Cliff and nine of Upland. After the death of Joan the tenement, etc., remain to the same man-child and his heirs. I£ a maid-child five mares at her marriage, and the tenement, lands, etc., to Alex. Hyks and Thomas Ryks my brothers equally, they paying to my daughter 10 mares. Prob. 31 July 1498. (Vol. IV., fol. 218.) 70.-RoBERT NoTINGRA.M. (See No. 56 in Vol. XXVIII., p. lll.) 15 Nov. 1498. To be buried in the churchyard. To the high altar, 6s. Sa. That tny great pan, best spit, folding table, with all the apparel of the hall, remain and abide to my tenement. To son Vincent, a feather bed, bolster, pair 0£ blankets, etc., a horse, cow, cart, plough, harrow, and " all the Bakon hanging in the roo:ff," also all the wheat growing at Colwood, and as much corn as will sow his lands. To Nicholas Notingham, a great bra4!ls pot, a pan of two gallons, etc. To Thomas my son, a kettle, bason, ewer, etc. To Jn mes my son, a great pan, mattress, etc. To Anthony my son, a feather bed, etc. 'l'o each son, ten ewes and ten twelvemonthyngs, Daughters Joan and Margery, each to have ten mares (£613s. 4d.) to their marriage. To the wife of my brother William, a pair 0£ coral beads, and to William a piece of silver, and to each son two * .Fold or Fill is u. field. (J)ict. Kentisk .Dialect.) HERNE WILLS. 97 silver spoons, and to each dau. one silver spoon. To the wife 0£ Thomas my brother, my wife's furred gown. To Richard my brother, my russet gown. To eaoh of Robert at Seys' children one ewe. Ex'ors: Wm. Notingham my brother and Vincent my son. Feoffees: J obn Gode, Thos. Cob be, Robert at See, Alexander Goff, Wm. Aleyn. Son Vincent to have my principal tenement with three crofts, and a. grove next the same of !37 acres 0£ ground, paying to Anthony my son yearly, 13s. 4d. Son Nicholas to have all my lands that I have at Thomas Alyns, in the Borough of Hampton, when twenty years of age. Son Thomas the six acres next the pese [foot] wey beside Edington. Son ·James to have the two acres next J obn .A.thallys garden, and two acres next the way at John A.thalls, and three a11d half acres next Wm. at Seeys land. Son Anthony to have three acres a,t Stone and four acres at Chislet. Prob. 13 May 1499. (Vol. V., fol. 19.) 71.-.A.LEli.ND'ER A.LYN. · 10 April 1499. To be buried in the churchyard. To wife Florence, all my utensils and my tenement with garden of two acres, etc., in the Borough of Beltynge at Hunterstreet, and wife to be executrix. · Prob. 24 Feb. 1499-1500. (Vol. Y., £ol. 59.) 72.-WILLI.A.M .i1.. D.A.NE. l3 A.ugust 1499. 'ro be buried in the churchyard. To the high altar, 12d.; Light of St. Mary, 20d. To dtiu. Sara, a querne. Residue to wife Margerie. Ex'ors: John Hamond and John Borley. Feoffees: John Hamond, Thomas Maye, Andrew ·w ebster. Wife to hn.ve my tenement with six acres of ground for her life, then to Sara and her heirs, except one acre to be sold £or 40s., and the money disposed in Herne church for my soul, Margery my wife, and all Christian souls. Prob. 18 May 1500. (Vol. V., fol. 71.) 73.-WrLT,UM A'l'TE SEE. (See No. 8 in Vol. XXVIII., p. 92.) . 11 May 1500. To be buried in the churchyard. To the :five children 0£ my da.u. Elianor, 6s. 8d. each: 'In dirige and mass and other c:haritable deeds t\t my btll'ial, five mares (£3 6s. Sa.), month's inind, lOOs., and twclvemonth's mind, 100.s. 'l'o the Friars-Preachers and Fria.1'8-A.ustiu of Canterbury, to each half a quarter of wheat. Ex'ors: wife Kathel'ine, son William, and Robert atte See. Wife Katherine to have the tenement where I now live and £o1•ty act·es adjoining, and ten acres next the Bekyn fo1· life; then to son William i£ alive and his heira £oi· evei\ bu,t if son William die without TQr,, _ xμ, :tt 98 HERNE WILLS, lawful heirs before he is twenty, then the tenement with lands and appurts., after the death of Katherine, to Elianor my dau., i£ alive, for her life, and at her death to Robert the son of Henry atte See and his heirs for ever. To son William, a piece of land called Oalverthen, three pieces of land beside Howgb wood, another piec:e called Beauefie!d in the Borough of Strode, a messuage and :five acres of land at Stretend, two crofts at Elphyes, a piece of land at Charnefeld, two other pieces of land at Longdyche in the Borough of Thorneden, three ya1·ds [i.e., roods] of land beside the Bekyn, four acres of wood with the ground in Chislet, and t,hree acres of land at Foorde in a field ral!ed Oocherfeld, bought of Lawrence Helar anI I,,;dd, r• 148, liEltNE 'WILLS. lOi his heirs, pa.ying to Isabel my dau. ten mares (£6 13s. 4d.), and to dau. Agnes five mares; and to John Crispe of Thanet, esquire, £6; and to SirThos. Swanue, chaplain, 33s. 4d . ..A£te1· the death of Joan, then sons William and John give to Swalcliff church two torches, price 4s. each. Prob. 8 June 1505. (Vol. VIII., fol. 66.) 82.-JOH.N B.AJ.rnR. 10 October 1502. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or: William Baker. '.l.1hat my son William have a piece of ground called C1·0£te to the Oliff ward in the Borough of Beltinge, containing eight acres of land, and to his heirs for ever; also £our acres of ground next unto the east part of the same Croft. Sons William and James have three acres of land at Cliff, and two acres 0£ wood called Hawe, between them. Prob. 18 June 1505. (Vol. VIII., fol. '75.) 83.-L.A.WUENOE I!Er,.A.R. 22 April 1505. To be buried in the churchya1·d. To the high altar, 3s. 4d. To the Light of St. Mary, two bushels of barley; to the Lights of St. Mary of Pity, St. Martin, and St. Katherine, to each one bushel of barley. To the reparation of one window in the chancel of St. John in the Church of Herne, 20s. To buying one book for the Chapel of Rothe, 6s. 8d. To the reparation of the parish church of Westbere, as much of my land within the same parish as shall sell £or 20s. To John Helar, a monk of St. Augustine's at Canterbury,· when he shall celebrate his first mass, 20s. To John Helai-, tanner, in the Lane ca.lled North Lane, Canterbury,* 4.-0s., and to his son William Helar, 6s. 8d. '.ro Agnes Helar, 6s. Sd. Ex'ors: John Percyvall and John Helar of Chartbam. All my lands, woods, and messuages in Herne, Sturrey, and W estbere, 0£ which the feoffees are Alexander Cobbe, John Oode (sic), Nicholas Litilwood, William Clark, senior, and Bennet Ambrose. All my lands and tenements in the Hundred of Blengate •and Westgate to be sold and with the money a priest to sing in the Church of Herne £or my soul, friends, etc., for half a year; also Beaton my wife have £6 18s. 4d. on condition that Harry at See, with the assent and agreement of Beaton my wife, delivers to my feo:ffees my tenement which he had with thirteen acres of land. Witnesses: Thos. Luton, 'Wm. Hends, Robert Davy. Prob. not entered, Vol. £or years 1503-6. . (Con. Vol. VIII., £01. 110.) * 'fhere was a Willia.m Heler of the parish of Holy Oross, Canterbury, tanner, who was admitted a ]freeman iu 1467. (J. M. Oowper, Fre,e-mo1• of O'!-nterbtW!J,) •HERNE wrtts. 84.-ROBERT DATY. 10 Sept. 1505. To be buried in tbe churchyard. To the high ·altar, 6s. Sd. ; to the Lights of Our Lady and St. Peter to each a bushel of barley. That my daus. Joan, Katherine, and Elys have six ewes each. Reei-t March 1518. To be buried where he dies. My father gave, by his ,vm, to m e certain lands, tenements, reB.ts, meadows, etc., in the parish of Herne. I give and bequeath all the same to Anne my mother and to her heirs, and sbe to be executrix. Witnesses: Master ,T ohu Coleman, Master Thomas Bele, Sir Richard Knepe, parson of All Hallows, Wm. Warlowe. Prob ... . . 1518. (A. Vol. XIV., 5.) 109.-BENET DUBROSE. 22 Nov. 1518. To be buried in the churchyard. Ex'ors: Wi£e Alice and son Thomas, with Thomas Knoller overseer. To son Thomas, the ]ease bought of John Marchaunt; and to wife Alice, the profit of all my lands (except my ]ease) until son Thomas is eighteen, then· he to enjoy all my lands, paying 13s. 4d. yearly to my wife Alice. I£ Thomas die before my wife, then she is to have the same for her life, except one piece in Shelvinge of :five rods, and another piece called Tryckys of five rods, which are to be sold, and from the money fo1• a priest to sing in Herne Church for half a year, £3 6s. Sd.; at the death of Alice all to be sold, and the money for a priest in Herne Church, and to the Light of Our Lady and of St. Katherine, to each 6s. 8d. Witnesses: Sir John Simpson, curate, Thomas Knoller, Micha'el Nott, Richard Church. Pro b. 31 January 1518-19. (Vol. XII., fol. 125.) 110.-RrcB:.rnn EwEtr..t 3 Nov. 1519. To be buried in the churchyard. To the Light 0£ Our Lady, 12d. for seven years ; and to the Roodloft, 20s. Ex'ors: Wife Cecily and Alexander Hykks. To dau. Joan, my tenement at Yong Street with all its lands, paying yearly 4.Os. to her mother. That Richard Hikks, son 0£ my dau. Joan, have after the death of Cecily my tenement at Bromefield with all its lands, and to his heirs, but i£ none, then to John his brother and his heirs. Dau. Joan to have my tenement at Strode, with an acre of land to it, a£te1· the death of Cecily my wife. To Margaret, the dau. of • '.l?he Notiogham family were of Herne, and thel'e was a William Noting· ham of Ohi.slet, who died in 1604, being buried in thnt parish. t There was n. Nicholas Ewell of Re


An Account of a Map of Kent Dated 1596


A Note on some Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Kentish Wills Provision for Widows