Record of Inquisition at Faversham dated 19 September 29 Elizabeth

( 313 ) RECORD OE INQUISITION AT EAVERSHAM, DATED 19TH SEPTEMBER 29TH ELIZABETH. BY E. E. GIRAUD. THE foUowing is a copy of an Inquisition taken by virtue of a Mandate from the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports to the Mayor of Faversham respecting the value and disposal of hatters' goods specified in Latin and English therein. The original is amongst the documents in the custody of the Town Clerk of Faversham, and is engrossed on parchment 17 inches broad, 10 inches long, with the seal of mayoralty. There are a few spaces marked . . . . where words have been obliterated by damp. The writer appears in some cases, such as Galivus, a hat, to have guessed at a Latin equivalent for what he intended to express—the usual rendering was Qalerus. The end of each line in the MS. is marked thus | in the copy. The persons named therein are:— Sir Wm. Broolce, of the M.N.O. of the Garter, Knt., Lord Cobham, Constable of Dover Castle, Keeper of the Caravels (ships), Admiral of the Cinque Ports. Robert Lambe, of the Common CouncU 1565' to 1574, Jurat 1574 to 1598, Mayor 1586 and 1599. Martin Pollard, Thomas Bullocke, Citizen and Vintner of London, and Maria his wife. And the following Jurors:— Robert Allyn (Allen), of the Common Council from 1584 to 1595, Jurat 1595 to 1613, Mayor 1601 (acknowledgment in Portmote Court 1592 by Robert Allen and Mildred his wife). Jolvn Tye, sen. (his son John Tye was of the Common Council from 1603 to 1622, Jurat 1622 to 1627, Mayor 1622). 31.4 RECORD OE INQUISITION AT EAtERSHAii. John Sway ton, was of the Common Council from 1587 to 1602. Hdmund Cobbe, was of the Common Council 1590 and from 1597 to 1600. The Cobb family continued to reside in Faversham during most of the first quarter of the nineteenth century. George Crosse, was of the Common CouncU from 1613 to 1626. His family continued in Faversham until 1625. John Hendry eke and Emma his wife, levied a Fine in the Faversham Portmote Court in 1597. John Tyndale, jun. (John Tyndale, probably senior, was Chamberlain 1572, Churchwarden 1579, Common Council 1576 to 1586). Barthw. Newes, Thomas Mlett, Henry Soomar, Clement Milton, John Adcoch, Jolm Ugden, John fflverye, Christopher Harte. iOopy-1 EAVERSHAM. Inquisitio Indentat' capt' ibfn coram Roberto Lambe Maiore ville p'dce et Jurat eisdem ville Decimo nono die Septembris Anno Regni Dhe nre Elizabethe Dei gra' Anglie Erancie et Hibn' Regina fidei | defen' &c. vicesimo nono virtute euiusdern Maudati Dni Willi Brooke p'clari ordinis G-arterii Milit. Dni Cobham Consihar' Dne Regine Constabular' Castri sui Dovr' ac' Custod' Carivellar' | Admirall Quinq'' Portuu suor' et Membror' eor'dem p'fat Maiori et Jurat' direct sup' BrS ipsius Diie Regine ex Cancellar' sua eidem Constabular' Castri sui Dovor' ac Custod' Quinq' portuu pdcor' | vel eius Locutenen' ibm direct et hine Inquisiconi consut' p Sacrm Roberti Allyn, Johis Tye, sen', Bartbi' Newes', Johis Swayton, Edmundi Cobbe, G-eorgii Crosse, Tho. Ellett, Henrici Soomar, Clement [ Milton, Johis Kenderycke, Johis Tyndale, Jun', Johis Adcocke, Johis Ugden, Johis Elverye, et Xrofer Harte, Qui dicunt sup' sacrm sum qd Martiuus Pollard in Bfm prnomt possession at' est de Tribus | G-alivis Anglice voc Three Coloured Hattes valoris s. xvs . Decem G-alivis Sereca subtect, Anglice voc Tenne Hattes wythe narrowe Brymmes lyned wythe vehett val. s. xxxiij8 iiijd. Duobus | G-alivis Sirton subfcect Anglice RECORD OP INQUISITION AT EAVERSHAM. 31& voc. Twoe broade Brymmed Hattes lyned wythe velvett, val s. xs. Sex Galivis cum Ligaminib3 Anglice voc. Syxe Highe Crowned Hattes with Bondes val s. xvij8. | Novem Galivis Basse subtect Anglice voc' Nyne Broade Brymmed Hattes with lowe Orownes lined thorowghe wythe Taffeta, val' s. xxxvjs. Sex Galivis cum . . . . Anglice vocat' | Syxe lowe Crowned Hattes somewhat narrower Brymmed, not lyned thoroiughte toytlie Bondes to theym, val s. xx8. Novem Galivis Bisso subtect cumligam . . . . Anglice voc' Nyne Hattes \ wythe narrowe Brymmes lyned thorowghe wythe SylJee, Sf wythe Bondes to theym, val s. xxxvj8 . Duob3 Galivis Anglice voc' Twoe unlyned highe crowned Hattes val s. iij3 viijd. Digit' . . . . | Anglice voc Twoe highe crowned hattes val s. vs. Septem Galivis Anglice voc vij Hattes val s. xviij8 viija Trib3 Galivis val s. ix8. Quatuor Galivis val. s. vjs viijd. Galivis val Duobus Galivis val. vs. Quatuor Galivis . val. s. iij8 iiij3. Undecim Galivis p pueris val viij3 iijd. Trib3 Piliis Anglice voc. Three Oappes val s. xijd. Uno Galivo de BufEe cum Ames . . . . Anglice | voc A Taffeta Hatte ivythe a Colde Bande val s. xx3. Uno Galivo cum Bisse consut' Anglice voc A Taffeta Hatt stitched val viij8. Uno Galivo Cereca circumligat. Anglice voc. A Taffeta Hatte, lyned wythe' \ velvett val s. xij8 . Sex G-alivis Anglice voc Syxe Coloured Hattes wythe Highe Orownes val s. xviij8. Decem Galivis Anglice voc Tenne Coloured Hattes wythe hyghe Orownes . . . . | Uno Galivo cum Pluma Anglice voc one Hatt wythe a Feather val s. iij8. Ducb3 Galivis Anglice voc Twoe Bussett Hattes val s. vj8 viija. Quatuor Galivis colornt Anglice voc Fower colered \ Hattes val s. x3. Undecim Galivis Anglice voc xj Snood Coloured Hattes for Children val s. xxvij8 vjd. Quatuor decim Galivis Anglice vocat xiiij Qoursse Hattes coloured val xxiij3 iiijd. | Octo Galivis Anglice voc viij coloured Hattes val s. xvjs . Duodeeim Galivis Anglice voc xij Chylderens Hattes val s. xvj8 . Duob3 Galivis Anglice voc Twoe Coloured Hattes of Coorse JEurre \ val s. vj8. Duodeeim Galivi Anglice voc xij coloured Hattes for childeren val s. xs. Octo Galivis Bisso subtect Anglice voc viij woemens Hattes lyned thowroghe wythe Taffeta Sf lynd aboiote the Brymms | val s. xxx xvij3 iiijd. Octo Galivis Anglice voc' viij Hattes of the same JFashgon not lyned in the Orownes val' xxxij3. Novem Galivis Anglice voc' ix woemens Hattes lyned thorowghe val' s. xiij8. Octo Galivis Bisso I subtect Auglice voc' viij woemens Hattes faced wythe Taffeta val' xxjB iiijd. Septem Galivis de Bisso Anglice voc' Seaven Taffeta Hattes for woemen val s. xlvj8 viijd . Uno Galivo . . . . subtect' | Anglice voc' One Woemarfs Hatt lyned wythe velvett 316 RECORD OE INQUISITION AT EAVERSHAM. val s. x3. Tresdecim Galivis colorat' Bisse subtect' Anglice voc' xiij woemens' Hattes lyned on the Brymmes wyth colouryd Taffeta val' | iij11 vs. Sex Galivis Anglice voc' Syxe Ooursse Hattes for woemen or Mayedes val' s. xiiij8 . Quatuor Galivis Anglice voc' Fower Maydens' Hattes val' s. vj8 viijd. Sex Duodenis Sprior' Carbason Anglice | voc Syxe JDossen Cypres Bandes' val s. xxiiij8 . Duodeeim Cyp'ris Carbosar' Anglice voc' xij Hatte Bands of Oipres val s. xijs. Sex Spiris Anglice voc' vj Latchbondes val' s. xs. Quinq' Cypiris Anglice | voc' Five Hattebonds val' s. xijs vjd. Novemdecim Spiris Anglice voc' xix Hattebonds, val' iiij8 ixd. Duodeeim Spiris Cerice Anglice voc' xij velvett Bonds val' vj8 . Vigint et quatuor Ceiris Anglice | voaxxiiij Hattebonds val' s. iiij8. Octodecim Spiris, Anglice voc' xviij smalle Hattebonds val' iiij8 vjd. Trigint' Spiris Anglice voc' xxxtif Ooursse Hattebonds val' s. ij3 vjd. Uno Speculo Anglice voc' A Loolcinge Glasse. | Uno Penecuto Anglice A Brusshe. Dnob3 Corbib3 Anglice voc' Twoe Hampers cum uno Absey et pannis in p'd Corbib3 xisten' val s. vs. Que quidem catt' volent in tot' ad vendend' Trigint' Novem | libras et decem solid'. Que quidem omnia et sing'la sup'dca sepul' catt' Nos p'fat Maior et Jurat ville p'dce in mannio dee Dne Regine Sciri fecimus, ut ea. Maria Bulloeke Administrat' bonor' e catt | que fuer' Thom' Bullocke civis et vintar' London nuper Mariti sui in Br'i illo noiat lihari fac. quousq' sibi de debit (lucent et vigint' Librar' in eodem Bri' menconat solut fuit pnt p Bir' p'd p'ceptu' est [ Et ulterius Jurat pd'ci dicunt sup' sac'am si'm pdem. Quod pdcus Martiuus Pollard non huit nee het, aliqua alia sive plura catt' sive tena infra libtat ville p'dce unde ultet-iorem exeeurionem p' | virtute . . . . p'dce facere potuimus In cuius rei testimoniu' tam p'dcus Robertus Lambe Maior' et Jurat ville p'dce SigilF Officii Maiorat' ville p'dce Q'm Juratores p'dce, Sigilla sin uterq' p'ti huius | Inquisitionis Indentat' sepa'tim. Apposuer' Dat apud Eau'shm. p'd die et anno sup'dico. [Mayoralty Seal]


Late-Celtic Discoveries at Broadstairs


Register of Deeds Relating to the County of Kent